Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia, 8.21.17 - 8.23.17: Welcome to the Family

Hey, all and welcome to Mi Marido Tiene Familia!

As of right now, we don’t have daily recappers but just so you can have a space to discuss, here it is.

I will put up a discussion page every Monday and Thursday at 10 pm (this may change depending on how many comments).

If you would like to post some highlights or a recap in the comments, you are encouraged and welcome to do so.

Enjoy! 😊


Afredo, thank you! You are always coming to the rescue.

Although I was infinitely intrigued by Diana Bracho playing a non villain, I decided to watch something else as I think only one or two people seemed to express interest in watching.

That said, I love Zuria and Rene as well. I saw a few minutes and things looked kind of chaotic.

If anyone who saw this and liked this, please post. I think it will be a bit too frenetic for me (especially as I always have issues learning who all the characters are and this seems to have a cast of thousands)! :)


Hi there.
I've not posted in ages, but this is going to be a very fun and entertaining show, which is a nice thing after a long day. I used to watch shows like “Una Familia Con Suerte”, “Porque El Amor Manda” and “Mi Corazon Es Tuyo”, which were from the same producer. Learning the characters is going to be easier than I thought once I figured out how everyone is related in the Corsega family. This is a big hit in Mexico, and I hope it will be a big hit here as well if folks get into it. Besides, who doesn't like Zuria?!
Brief recap of the family so far.
Silvia Pinal's character, Imelda, is the matriarch of the family. She has three sons. Rene Casados's character Audifas is one of the sons, married to Polita (Gabi Platas) and has a son who is played by Emilio Osorio.
Tulio is played by Marco Munoz and his wife Ana is played by Lola Merino. She's actually going to be a villain.
Of course, the main family is going to consist of Eugenio and Blanca (Rafael Inclan and Diana Bracho). Their four kids are Marisol, Juan Pablo (AKA Robert), Linda and Daniela. Marisol is married to Ignacio and has a daughter named Frida.

On Julieta's end, we have her mother named Catalina, her brothers Hugo and Bruno, and sister-in-law Diana.
Later on, Eric Del Castillo will join the cast as Julieta's dad.
We also briefly met Tavo, who is Juan Pablo's (Robert's) friend.

If someone can tell me how to watch the Mexican episodes that aren't cut or edited, I'd appreciated.


Alfredo, thanks for posting a discussion page. Diana said it well, "you are always coming to the rescue."

JPcruzer, thanks for explaining who's who. I'm trying out Mi marido but caught only about the last half of the premiere. At first I thought "where's the comedy?" but it got funny when the yuppie wife and her (unknown to her) mother-in-law instantly annoyed each other, with the wife taking a call on her cellphone and the mother-in-law interrupting to talk her into renting the apartment.

I liked the food scenes, the pasta at the party and the bread at the bakery. Sorry, I can't add much, but it seems the yuppie couple will rent the apartment atop the bakery that his (unknown to him) family operates. The long-lost yuppie son (a doctor) and his mom had a "call of the blood" moment when they crossed on the street.

JP, thank you so much! I certainly can't think of anyone who doesn't like Zuria :)

I will cut and paste your explanation of who's who for future reference.

I did see Zuria dropping her bag in a dumpster by mistake (I didn't see how it ended, she looked like she was teetering on her stomach, did she fall in)?

Niecie, yes, ahhh, the food.

I will try and watch tonight...Again, it looks like tons of folks but I am happy to see Eric Del Castillo is coming!


Thank you Alfredo for posting a discussion page. I watched this episode right after "Ramon" last night and enjoyed it. I love Diana Bracho and have not seen her since El Hotel de los Secretos. I also enjoy Daniel Arenas; last time I saw him was in "Despertar Contigo".

I think I am going to enjoy this show!

I have seen most of the 56 chapters already shown in Mexico, and I can tell you this is an excelent telenovela. Is almost perfect: comedy, drama, tenderness, etc.

Maybe the first and second chapters are still introductory, but after that the rhytm is quite good. Directed by Héctor Bonilla, he gets the better of every character.

Yes, in México is the most view and commented.

I have never be fond of Juan Osorio telenovelas, but this is so much better... the best part is: short novela, no extensions.

I liked "Mi corazón es tuyo" a lot, "Porque el amor manda" was okay but "Sueño de amor" almost did me in as a recapper. So, I find it interesting that this has gotten such good reviews. I may have to give it a look. If only Uni kept its OnDemand up to date.

Thanks, JP for the list of characters.


I did see Zuria dropping her bag in a dumpster by mistake (I didn't see how it ended, she looked like she was teetering on her stomach, did she fall in)? --> July did not fall in the dumpster, but the dumpster fell with a whop in it with July. :D :D

I hated the old matriarch Dona Imelda when she ruined Daniela's birthday party. It's not Daniela's fault she was born when his brother, Juan Pablo lost.

In the "call of the blood" scene Arenas and Bracho were fantastic and I say it, though I am not their fan, especially Arenas. Hector Bonilla did miracle, he was a good choice for director.

Alfredo: thanks for this topic.

July's brother Hugo (Ignacio Casano) is not a mastermind. If I got it right he invested all their (July and Robert) savings in an earthworm business. Oh my god. xD xD

July's mother, Catalina (Olivia Bucio) is insupportable character. Poor daugther in law, Diana (Barbara Islas), who lives with her.

I didn't get to see this one last night but on dvr so hoping to catch up and keep up. Add me to the patio!

I just figured out where I had seen Olivia Bucio. She was Fedra, Aaron's mother, in Destilando Amor.

Alfredo I really enjoyed the recap. Thank you. Now, I really can't stand that Francisco guy,isn't he the same guy that played Joe on DV playing him too? He's doing a really good job of being annoying. I would love for Ramon to walk into the hospital one day and find him in one of the emergency room cubicles dirtying up the gurney with that slutty nurse. And take a picture of it and don't show it to anybody just hold on to it. What would be even better if he would walk in there with Fabiola and they both catch them there dirtying up the gurney in the emergency cubicle.

And why doesn't jorge tell that Sara girl that he is not interested in her as a girlfriend? that he's interested in somebody else (I think his name is jorge) anyway she has a motor mouth and she's kind of annoying maybe when he gets sick of it enough he will tell her.
Ok the end. For now

Why is univision not doing the new novellas in closed caption english now

Why is univision not doing the new novellas in closed caption english now

Nina..no, Francisco is not the actor who played Joe in DV. I think that Ramon has SanFrancisco's number. I think the actor played a good guy in LA Maquerida.

Wow! This was really good! It finally was OnDemand this evening.

Capítulo 1 Monday 8/22/17

We meet Julieta (Zuria Vega) and Robert ( Daniel Arenas). She works at an ad agency (?) and he is a doctor. They are both happy with each other and the relationship they have. They are not into traditional gender roles. What Julieta really loves is that Robert was raised by adoptive parents in New York so she has no family of his to deal with. He is not intimidated by a successful career woman. He has no memories of his life before he was adopted. He figures his parents just abandoned him because he wasn't important enough to them. They run into a problem: Their rent is being raised by 40 % and so they agree it is time to buy something. They only problem is that they made a loan to Julieta's mother Catalina who in turn gave the money to Hugo (Juieta's brother) who invested it in an earthworm nursery that failed. Catalina has no idea of when or how she can pay them back. So Robert decides if Catalina does not have the money, he can go see Hugo. Then there is the matter of interest. Catalina needs a little more time.

Blanca (Diana Bracho) (she owns a bakery with her husband Eugenio)is still suffering from the loss of her son many years ago. The fact is she went into labor with her daughter Daniela at the market place and somehow her four year old son Juan Pablo in his hand knit red sweater got lost in the shuffle. She still dreams of him and he is always on her mind. She wonders if he is okay, alive. She wishes a traditional kind of wife for him. They have two other daughters: Linda who is still at home with Daniela and Marisol who is married with a daughter Frida.

Blanca and family plan a wonderful birthday party for Daniela (she is a carpenter). This is a failure when granny Imelda ( Silvia Pinal) appears and makes sure everyone along with Daniela remembers that her grandson disappeared on this terrible day when he was only four years old. No occasion for celebrating Daniela's birthday when it was the day she lost her only brother. She is especially critical of Blanca for not spending every single second of her life looking for her missing son. Blanca tells her friends she feels her dreams about her son are telling her that her son is near. She is not happy that her husband never stands up for her in face of her mother in law. Her son disappeared 34 years ago, she was in labor. It was not her fault that her son disappeared. She feels that he blames her even though he never says it out right. The fact of the matter is the building and the business belong to his mother Imelda.

Imelda's son Audifaz takes care of them at the rental agency. As luck would have it Blanca's family has an apartment (#202) for rent. When they go to see it, Blanca is immediately drawn to Robert and he to her.


Capítulo 2 Tuesday 8/22/17

Audifaz ends up renting the apartment to Robert and Julieta with the understanding that the can paint and make improvements at the owner's expense. The only problem is that he never told Blanca and she is outraged at that idea. She and Julieta get into it. Robert is the peacemaker with Audifaz and agrees to pay half. Robert gets a call from home and learns that his brother Omar found his biological mother. Maybe he should look for his biological parents. Blanca brings a huge tray of bread to Julieta and Robert as a peace offering. When she hears that Julieta is going to have take-out tacos, she invites her and Roberto to supper with the family. Julieta is clearly not interested. Julieta ends up thinking Blanca is intense. Blanca thinks Julieta is annoying. When Robert hears about it, he tells Julieta they should be more friendly. Marisol discovers that her husband is cheating o her when she is out for the evening with her sisters. Later that night, Blanca is sure she would recognize he long lost son if she ever were to see him. Robert decides he really does need to find his biological parents.The next morning, Catalina asks how Julieta would feel if Robert were to end up having a family and she in-laws. Julieta does not say much. Roberto receives information that could lead to his long lost family and Blanca receives info that could lead to her long lost son.

I had some extra time so these are some more of the basic facts for the first two episodes. Nothing fancy. The date on Monday's is wrong but I cannot do corrections in comments.

I have never seen Diana Bracho in something where she could show some humor. I have only seen her in "Cuna de lobos" and "Hoel de secretos". I like her in this role.

So far, so good. I would say "charming" so far.

Thanks, Jarifa!! Glad u had the extra time...your summaries hit all the main points. I started watching this TN too and am liking it so far. What was interesting to me was that Blanca started having dreams about Juan Pablo so she feels he is near...if she only knew how near he really is.

The other thing that caught my attention was that Blanca criticizes Julieta for being obnoxious, but she doesn't see that she is also somwhat abrasive (i.e., interrupting when Julieta was on the phone and insisting a little too much that they go have dinner with them.

I just knew Ignacio was up to no good, but to have Marisol find out about his affair because he didn't turn off his phone was really careless of him...although it was good that she knows now.

Rgv Chick, I wonder how long we will go before mother and son are reunited. The irony could be corny, but it hasn't come across negatively. You sure made a good point about Blanca criticizing Julieta for acting much like she does. They like two peas in a pod. Now that could be an interesting relationship knowing that Julieta is happy not having to share Robert with a family.

One other thing about two of the characters. The two women Blanca was with and talking to were her sisters Belen and Amalia. Belen is Luz Maria Gerez and Amalia is Regina Orozco. I loved it when Amalia began poking fun at Blanca last night after Belen told Blanca to keep on waiting for her son to appear. Amalia began singing that song by Jose Jose, "Espera un poco..." Funny.

Thanks Jarifa! I think you covered it all very well. I am wondering when Robert is going to start remembering something or if something about the place he is now at will bring back some sort of flashback memories.

Hahaha! I love it that the lovebirds wear matching PJs every night. At least, we've seen them at night twice and each time, their pajamas match. I noticed it the first night when they wore some kind of cheesy printed PJs and thought they would reappear periodically, but tonight (second night) they wore matching navy with white piping. Can't wait to see their next night!

Funny moment: Blanca to July: living together without marriage? (and Blanca's face :D )

Arenas and Bracho have a pretty chemistry as mother and her son.

She works at an ad agency (?) --> July works at Cklass. Cklass is a Mexican company with more than 25 years of experience, focused on the sale of clothing, footwear and bags by catalog,

At first sight Audifaz seems to be a wide boy and he dresses like a gypsy: leather jacket, hat, multicolored shirts.

July won't have an easy life with these neighbours. Their relationship doesn't start well.

Another funny moment: Blanca got outraged at the sight of July and Robert who kissed passionately on the street. They are immorals. Result: Blanca fell and hit her knee. :D

Marisol's husband, Ignacio is Marcos Montero from La doble vida de Estela Carrillo, he played there Horacio.


Alfredo: Nice to have Zuria Vega back!

Alejo, thanks for the info on Cklass. So we basically have a commercial for Cklass sort if like Avon in "Porque el amor manda" and La costeña in "Mi corazón es tuyo" who were the employers. It sort of goes beyond product placement. LOL

Ahh Jarifa, I was wondering if you were going to watch this!!

And lo and behold, you not only watched but took time to create two marvelous summaries!

Because everything seems rapid paced (to me at least) and there are so many people, I am finding it very hard to follow along. Your words crystallized so much! Thank you, thank you.

"Julieta ends up thinking Blanca is intense. Blanca thinks Julieta is annoying." So, are either of them wrong??

I think Zuria is knocking it out of the park here. She is a real, strong, caring woman. She may be a tiny bit brusque (I can understand her not wanting to eat with Julieta but I would likely have done so at least once). Her facial expressions are priceless.

And Rene! Watching him play his character as though he is on steroids was great fun.

AlejoP, thank you for answering my question as to whether or not Zuria fell in the dumpster! Thanks to you and to JP, for all the extra added information!

I'm still trying to fill in the blanks as to who most of the characters are (jeez, there are so many), but this is off to a good start.

I am looking forward to the family being reunited. Nothing like a happy ending, but I hope it is sooner rather than later.

Jarifa, you are the best!


Yay! Glad to see you on the patio, Diana!

Jarifa, I don't think it'll be too long before Blanca and Robert discover their relationship. Based on the title, I am assuming this TN will be mainly about the struggles Julieta will have with her in-laws (that she was so happy to NOT have before).

Cynthia, it seems Robert is already having some hints of remembering some things--the building, the tree, the taste of the bread...maybe that is what reignited his desire to find out who hs bio parents are.

Anon 3:08 I noticed the pj's too...too cute! The first one looked like they had multi-colored little cars.

JPcruzer, thanks for the info on Blanca's sisters..I would have never guessed since they don't really resemble each other.

I was kind of planning to start watching this tn when either La candidata or El bienamado ends, but it sounds so appealing I may take in a few episodes before that. The summaries should really help.

Jarifa..thank you so much for the summaries. They were a BIG help to me in understanding what is happening. So now, if I can just keep these characters straight from the many characters in Ramon !!! This show looks interesting , and the premise is one that I have not seen before .

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DIana, SpanProf, Susanlynn, I am glad that the summaries were useful but I need to reiterate that there are no scheduled recaps or summaries for this novela. There simply are not enough recappers. That being said, there could be more "unscheduled" summaries from me if I have the time. : )

Rgv Chick, yes, Robert did seem to be recalling the past, especially his initials carved in the tree. A very painful memory for his father (I feel so badly for him!).

Jarifa, your summaries were a gift. And a delightful one. Many of the commenters seem to have clear understanding of the events that transpired. Needless to say, I'm not one of them. :)

I understand everyone is busy but when and if you and/or other folks are able to post some of the highlights, it would greatly be appreciated. I think at least things will be clear between our main couple and Zuria's soon to be MIL so hopefully, I can follow that.

And a big thank you to whomever pointed out the matching pj's. Now normally, I would roll my eyes as that isn't my thing. That said, if spunky, no nonsense Julieta likes 'em, I do too.


Diana, were you on the patio for "Sueño de amor" ?

Jarifa: Who are the antagonists in this TN ?

Jarifa, Thanks so much for the recaps! I saw episode one last night and will watch 2 tonight. I think I'm always going to be a day behind on this one.

I'm really liking it so far-one episode! lol but good vibes. I hope the whole thing isn't about the mother and daughter-in-law fighting. Diana seems really interesting and they have some great actors in the other roles so I hope they really use them.

Any chance Catalina is lying about Hugo taking the money? Could she have wasted it away herself? I thought she looked more guilty for herself.

Jarifa, thanks for the summaries. So helpful, as I'm still learning names and figuring out how everybody fits together.

Susanlynn, I have not seen this plot anywhere either.

Steve, at this point your guess is as good as mine.

Carvivle, ITA Catalina definitely looked sheepish.

Niecie, I made a chart with names . I am not good with names in life or in fiction. It is not helping that I am watching a few novela with mostly actors I have not seen before.

Good to see so many friends on the patio!

Thanks to JPcruzer for identifying the family members, here is the list I came up with for myself...just wanted to share:

Main Protags: Juan Pablo/Robert & Julieta

Juan Pablo’s/Robert’s (JP) Family...
Imelda Corsega (JP’s grandmother): 3 sons-> Eugenio, Audifaz, Tulio
Eugenio & Blanca (JP’s parents): 4 children -> Marisol, Juan Pablo/Robert, Daniela, Linda
Audifaz (JP’s uncle) & Amapola (Polita): 1 son -> Aristóteles
Tulio (JP’s uncle) & Ana: no children
Marisol (JP’s sister) & Ignacio Meneses: 1 daughter -> Frida
Blanca’s Sisters (JP’s aunts): Belén and Amalia Gomez

Julieta’s Family:
[Eric del Castillo] & Catalina Rivera (J’s mother): 3 children-> Julieta, Hugo, Bruno
Hugo (J’s Brother) & Diana Rivera


IMO, the 'antagonists' or people that are giving other's headaches right now are

Imelda (the grandma)
Ana (Tulio's blonde wife)
Catalina (Julieta's mom)
Hugo (Julieta's brother)
Ignacio (Marisol's husband)
Ignacio's mistress

Thanks, Rgv Chick. This is very helpful.

Jarifa, I was on the Sueno patio. I really enjoyed the actors, especially Betty Monroe . Julian Gil wowed me there.

However, I was so upset with the way the ending was going, I refused to watch the finale. I'm glad I didn't.

Thank you for the lists Rgv Chick. I'm going to have to make a "master" I can refer to. I am very bad with names especially at the beginning of any TN.


Thank you , Chickie. Your list will help me remember who is who.

Diana, I hope Osorio does not disappoint again with this one especially when I swore repeatedly to never watch another Osorio production but here I am. : 0

Here are some highlights from episode 3...I was going in and out so I may have missed some important details:

Part 1
Blanca has hopes of finding her son so she goes to the orphanage where someone has shown up and has many of Juan Pablo’s characteristics. She asks Imelda not to mention anything to Eugenio so he won’t get his hopes up…in case nothing comes of it. Imelda warns her not to get her hopes up too much...she may fall back into a depression.

Marisol finds out that “the other woman” is Ignacio’s boss.

Robert looks into organizations dedicated to finding missing persons, while Amalia and Belen go with Blanca to see if the man that showed up at the orphanage is really Juan Pablo. They meet the young man and Amalia (I think) thinks the young man, Julián, looks a lot like one of their uncles. Before anything is resolved, they must wait for DNA results to confirm that he is Juan Pablo. Afterwards, Blanca feels like going to the dance class, but when they are there she breaks down crying.

Julieta thinks she is already being affected by Robert’s search for his family, but he won’t stop until he knows that someone cared for him as a child…even if was just a little. He tells her he has never really given up on the idea of finding his bio parents. He even used to fantasize that his father was one of the 10 richest men in the world.

Back home, Imelda warns Blanca to control her feelings of hope in front of Eugenio, but Blanca can’t stop thinking about the young man that could be her son. Eugenio comes in and asks what they’re talking about and Imelda makes up excuse after excuse.

Robert bumps into Eugenio at the gym, but doesn’t have a chance to talk to him much despite his efforts. After being in the sauna, Robert gets up to leave and Eugenio recalls a time when he was in the same sauna with Juan Pablo.

Robert arrives at the orphanage where he was adopted from. The manager remembers him and how he wouldn’t stop crying. He looks through Robert's file and finds that an unnamed woman left him there saying that he was lost.

Julián goes to see Blanca at the bakery and says he seems to remember it. Meanwhile, Audifaz looks on and gets closer to listen. After, Julián leaves, Audifaz warns Blanca that Julián may be an imposter trying to get whatever he can just like some have already done in the past.

Part 2--

Blanca sees Julieta in her small nightie and asks if she isn’t cold; Julieta flippantly says “no.” Blanca goes back into her apartment and thinks Julieta is a flasher and feels sorry for Julieta’s “mother-in-law” while Julieta is in her apartment complaining to herself about Blanca and her question if she was cold.

At the hospital, the mother of the child who got burned doesn’t have money to pay the costs, but Robert tells her not to worry because he knows a foundation that he partners with that can help her.

Julieta goes to meet with some client that they are trying to bring in at her job, but he stands her up. She waits into the night only to have him call her and say that he stopped by his home and fell asleep. All the while, they show his sexy lips as he talks and sits at a nice bar having a drink. At the end they finally show his very handsome face.

Marisol confronts Ignacio and asks him why he stays with her if he’s tired. He lies and tells her he loves her, but Marisol knows very well he doesn’t. She feels she can’t take it anymore but is afraid to confront Ignacio by herself, so Amalia and Belen offer to help…they won’t leave her alone. They all go together and catch Ignacio with the other woman. Belen and Amalia approach first, kick Ignacio and start yelling at the woman. The woman then wonders why Marisol isn’t saying anything, so Marisol confronts her. Apparently Marisol has cooked and done some sewing for the woman and asks if Ignacio benefited from those things.

Julieta, who is parked in front of their apartment building, calls Robert who is at a meeting at the foundation to tell him she has had a bad day. He tells her she can tell him all about it when he gets home.

Marisol goes drinking with Daniela and Linda. She asks Linda to help her get pretty…she wants bigger breasts and a nicer derriere…just like the other woman. When they finally stand and start walking, Marisol get nauseated and throws up all over Julieta's car.

Just remembered...when Marisol was confronting the "other woman," she told Marisol that she had paid for the apartment she and her kid are living in because she didn't want Ignacio living in a scanty apartment.

I definitely want to watch this not only because I need some comedy but also because this is a very amazing cast!! However as I am about to watch tonight's episode (24th) I would be soooooooo appreciative if someone could make a photo summary of these characters putting each family grouping together. I remember someone doing that a few years back and it was wonderful to refer back to it in first few weeks! I love seeing the photos with the blurb attached!! It's so hard at beginning to get everyone straight -- who belong to whom etc.

We'll meet some antagonists soon. Julian is sort of one. If I recall, he will try and pass himself off as Juan Pablo. Julian is played by Juan Vidal, who played Brian on "Vino El Amor."
Ana will be a villain as well; although, it will take time for the family to see that.
There's supposed to be another one named Xavi Galan, played by Yahir, who is a singer. I know his character will change throughout the show.
Now, keep in mind that I've not seen this show, but I've heard some interviews from some of the cast members.
I will also try and do some recaps or summaries, but I need to get my schedule fixed before committing to something more regular.
By the way, does anyone know where I can watch the actual Mexican episodes? Someone was watching the ones for Estela Carrillo, and I'd like to do the same because they don't get edited the way they do on Univision. If you want, contact me privately on this.
It's good to be back here. And, if some folks don't get some of the slang or whatever, I can help with that. I'm fluent, growing up speaking Spanish and watching Spanish programs.


Thanks Jarifa! I had plans to do some recaps but unfortunately I'm too tied in my own projects.

I got to say I like this telenovela very much. It is fun, fast paced and the cast has great chemistry. Usually Juan Osorio novelas are pure garbage but this is an exception. It must be the director's charm. My favorite characters are Blanca(Diana Bracho steals all of the scenes IMO), Eugenio and Ana. And the intro is just fantastic.

Lovely Rgv Chick.

I had to miss some of this so thank you for filling in the action so perfectly.

"The manager remembers him and how he wouldn’t stop crying" just tore at my heartstrings. Blanca's face, looking at Julien, beseechingly, thinking this might very well be her son made me tear up. Robert and Blanca are going through their separate torments convincingly. Count, Eugenio is marvelous I agree, but Diana is superb.

My favorite scene was Julieta and Blanca going to get their papers simultaneously. I was a bit confused why Julieta just didn't go out in the hall and pick the thing up (rather than sliding it with her foot), but Blanca's face was priceless. And I loved Rene (can't remember his character's name) hiding behind the small tree (in plain sight) watching Blanca and Julien.

JP, I wish I could help with where you might watch the episodes, but I can't.

It's a good feeling to know the truth is going to be revealed.

Rgv Chick, thank you for supplying yet another fine recap!


Thanks, Rgv Chick. This is great!

Countx, the recap for today was provided by Rgv Chick. Good to see you on the patio!

I sure enjoyed Marisol's aunties confronting Ignacio and Begoña. My least favorite part was Marisol wanting to get plastic surgery to get Ignacio back. It looks like Linda works for a plastic surgeon.

Diana, that was my favorite scene, too, with Julieta in her nightgown extending her leg in the hall to get the newspaper and getting caught by Blanca. (At least she wasn't out in the hallway in her nightgown which I think would be a major no-no in that building) Of course, Blanca did not miss the opportunity to ask if she was cold. Then talking to herself in her own apartment Blanca calls Julieta an exhibitionist. Her poor mother and mother in law!

Cute but another heart aching scene with Eugenio and Robert in the sauna.

The irony has not gotten old yet.


Thanks , Chickie

I thought that was our Brian from Vino , but I wasn't sure because of the baseball cap!!!

From what I watched Juan Vidal stars as a revolting piece of crap in this show.You will have to see it to believe it.

Count..I love your Elf avatar. Juan played a good?bad? Confusing character in Vino.

Count, thank you. Juan Vidal pretty much played a piece of crap in Vino too.

Elf is one of my favorite movies. Best line was him bursting into a coffee shop, congratulating them for their sign "world's best coffee". The look on the worker and customer faces was priceless. He later brought his girl friend there (blindfolded) just to have her taste it. She (understandably) did not share his enthusiasm, asking why he brought her there for a crappy cup of coffee?! Great memory.


"Cute but another heart aching scene with Eugenio and Robert in the sauna".

Totally agree Jarifa.

I kept thinking last night at the small things in life we complain about. Real tragedy is a missing child. I couldn't fathom how one gets through a day, let alone a lifetime of grief - wondering if your missing child is dead or alive and what they might have endured.

If Blanca is bit cranky and Eugenio is somewhat closed off, I forgive them. And much, much more. Seeing Blanca despairingly but lovingly finger Robert's picture in her locket, we saw true heartbreak and unbearable longing.

The truth is not only out there - it's right here. And it needs to be revealed quickly.


Your very welcome to all! Like I said I was in and out of the house so I may have missed some details.

I agree that the scene where Julieta was reaching for the newspaper was a favorite. And Blanca's and Eugenio's scenes were very moving and well portrayed...kudos to the actors.

Rgv Chick, gracias for the rundown of last night.

So the two women with Marisol were her aunts, Blanca's sisters. So funny when all three screamed in the same style when Marisol's husband kissed the other women. Loved the kicks in the butt too.

Juan Vidal does smarmy well as a scam artist. Surely he will need to bilk money off Blanca fast before the DNA results arrive. Is his leg injury real? I think not. We need that mean triplet from Tres veces Ana to spill hot coffee on him and see how he hops.

"All the while, they show his sexy lips as he talks and sits at a nice bar having a drink. At the end they finally show his very handsome face."

I didn't understand why the big deal made of revealing his face. From the buildup, I was thinking he'd be a big star doing a cameo appearance. Oh well, guess we'll find out.

Susallyn, that is Elf although this pictured was modified for Yago however instead of Will Farrels face it has Flavio Medina's! He too played a creepy scumbag,Lucio in Yago.

Diana...my older daughter loves "Elf". She gave me a bunch of Elf magnets for the frig a few years ago. We have to watch it every Christmas.

Speaking of Flavio I'm still struggling to find Flavio's latest movie, Estar O no Estar. It is on Netflix although my subscription ran out. I suppose I will have to wait for September as no other website actually has it:(

Niecie, you and me both wondering about the very rude "mystery" man.

Niecie, thanks for mentioning the big build up but relatively fell flat "reveal" of the character who stood up Julieta (on purpose).

The actor was in PyP and was good but...the hype just seemed completely misplaced.


Thanks RVG for the recap!!!

I definitely think Julian is playing Blanca. He is trying to bilk her out of money. I wonder if he does this often. Maybe he has a friend that gives him insider info about the parents looking for their child--so he has the right props, i.e. red sweater.

Loved the Aunts going off on that loser! Poor Marisol. My heart broke when she begged Linda to help her get pretty. I was thinking that she just needs to get rid of that awful side ponytail. I wonder if she will have to move back home. Is her daughter the actress that played Luz in MCET? I think it is. Boy has she grown. Of course so has the Osorio boy.

I think the actor playing the work guy who stood Julie up is suppose to be the next big thing. He was in PyP and then something else. I wonder if he will end up getting between Robert and Julie.

On MCET we had to wait a long time until Ana found her mom. I hope that isn't the case here.

Maybe I saw it wrong--and I don't know if it was in the previews or right at then end of the episode---but was it the wife of the third brother--the blond that is always with the grandmother--that dropped JP off at the orphanage? Or am I imagining things?

Jose Pablo Minor(the one who held up Julieta) is a pretty popular model and an ex Tv Host of some obscure show in 2014, "Zona Trendy". He started modeling at 13. Around 2010 JPM graduated from Televisa's acting school altough his first role was in Muchachitas which featured several popular stars such as Alejandro Kamacho, Sergio Sendel, Kate Del Kastillo and Anahi. Years after graduating he receives several roles in PYP, Gossip Girl Acapulco, La Tempestad, Como Dice El Dicho, Muchacha Italiana, Que Pobres Tan Ricos, Sin Rastro De Ti, Enamorandome de Amor and currently Mi Marido Tiene Familia.

So he's quite big although I just couldn't stand him in PYP..

Enamorandome de Ramon not Enamorandome de Amor oops xD.

Every time I've seen Jessica Coch (Marisol) playing the antagonist I've wondered what she would be like as a "goog guy" and here she is ... but they she's doing a complete 180 in this role of the mousy, downtrodden, cheated-on wife! She usually plays the beautiful, conniving baddie. Liking this TN, although warily, as I, too, am a "never again, Osorio!" swearer!

Strangely I always tend to confuse Jessica Coch with Laisha Wilkins LOL. They just appear so alike to me or is it just me? They're like twins to my eyes.

Diana, what part did the guy on the phone play in PyP?

Susanlynn, he was the main protagonist alongside Michelle Renaud.

Sorry Alfredo! I wasn't sure though if what I saw was in the previews. Hopefully it wasn't and I don't know if what I saw is what I saw. So everyone disregard my comment!

Susanlynn, he was Susana and Fernando's son, although Fernando treated him poorly. He was devoted to Susana (his mother). He was very likeable there.

Anon, I think Jessica is doing a good job. She is however, very noticeably pretty (and I think far prettier than the girlfriend) and the only thing not attractive is that pony tail (as others have noted).


I wonder if this telenovela was at all inspired by that movie based on the real case of the Indian? child accidentally separated from his family and raised by the Australian couple. As an educated adult he sets out to find his birth mother. Without that precedent, the premise of this tn would seem a bit far-fetched, but evidently something similar really happened! Otoh, the coincidence of the birth parents just happening to have an apartment to rent and the couple just happening to see the announcement....Hmm. But well enough done, who cares? :)

Diana, thanks. Now, I know who you mean. He dilly-dallied with the evil sister (the actress who played Lu in Vino).

SpanProf, this is supposedly a remake of a Korean novels but who know where they got that idea? So far, this looks like fun. It certainly is not the valle de lágrimas of "La candidata" eventhough I am really enjoying that one in spite of its downward spiral.

I would love to be watching it, but the semester begins on Monday and I don't see how I can watch 3 telenovelas and get compositions corrected. :) As I've said before, when 1 of the other 2 ends I will try to pick up this one.

I have had to switch El Bienamado over to OnDemand but that works well because there are no commercials!

Hmm. That might involve looking up my Direct TV serial number. :)


I'm more than happy to do a quick recap of tonight's episode and tomorrows, I finally have a computer and internet at home!

Ellie, that would be wonderful! Thank you so much...


I'll have a recap up tonight around 11

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