Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Enamorandome De Ramon, #32, 9/26/17: Juana finally gets the money, and let's the little piggies breath.

Repeated scene:

Ramon and Fabi are having lunch after having made up. Ramon is talking about going out on a date and Fabi does not answer very enthusiastically. Ramon catches on and asks Fabi if something is wrong.  Fabiola tells him she’s upset because Ramon hides things from her.

New Scene:

Fabiola tells Ramon that she found out that he was Dalia’s super hero when he went to save her from Rulo. And he even broke Rulo’s nose. “Why do you hide that from me?” “I did not hide it from you; I just did not think it was important”. “Well Dalia thought it was very important and the truth is that it made me jealous”. Fabi then tells Ramon that she does not want him to see Dalia anymore, "capiche".  Well “morrita” (pretty girl - urban dictionary) he tells her, that’s kind of impossible since he lives with her, and they work together, but don’t you worry your pretty head Monchi has got this under control. She is just like family to Ramon; they have known each other since they were kids, and Dalia is just that like family. Then Ramon tells Fabi “I have no eyes for anyone but you”. Well Fabi was jealous, but Ramon understands because he was jealous too and that made him act like an idiot, so please forgive me he says.

Roxy drops off Diego for Antonio to take to the museum because she is not feeling well. So Antonio has to cancel on Margarita. Maggie receives his text and becomes upset because of course she hates to be stood up.

At museum we see that Roxy had a miraculous recovery and accompanies Diego and Tony to the museum after all. Porfirio and Vero just happen to be there and they spot Tony with his “family”. They say hi to Tony and the Fam Bam.  Porfirio and Vero go into the museum and Vero comments, isn’t that supposed to be the man that Maggie is going out with? Yes he is supposed to be separated from his wife, but it appears that they are not. Vero smirks her very annoying smirk and they walk away.

Dalia visits Ms. Fredesvina; she is not too pleased because she is about to pray for her recently deceased cousin.  Dalia needs her services though; she wants something to be able to attract Ramon. Fredes tells her she is smart because Ramon sure is good looking. Fredesvina starts pouring flour on the table and starts summoning the spirits to help her to see how Ramon Lopez Ortiz can be made to send his love to Dalia Flores Navarro.  Last names are very important so that there are no confusions she tells Dalia. “I need you to bring me a current picture of Ramon, has to be passport size, a piece of hair, and a piece of intimate clothing.” Dalia asks her the most important question, “How much are you going to charge me” “for you $2,000 pesos” Dalia is shocked at the price but it’s worth it, she will bring everything to her.

Porfirio and Vero get to the office and they are joking about something not too funny, but Vero of course laughs. Maggie comes out of her office and Porfi tells Maggie that they saw Antonio at the museum, and Vero makes sure to mention that Antonio was with his very beautiful family.  She smirks again (witch).  Maggie says to herself that now she understands.

Roxy gets home with Diego, and Agustin is still there. She is very rude to him. Tells him he can’t stay, he wants to stay a couple of days but it won’t be possible, so he better leave. He is upset that she won’t let him stay, and leaves upset.

Don Pedro gets to Luisa’s and lets Juana know that they have an appointment at the insurance agency to collect the million dollars tomorrow. She gets nervous and tells Don Pedro that she already went to bank to get info about the account. Pedro is glad she is being proactive.

Juana calls Fabi, and tells her to come by because she wants to talk to her. Fabi says she will.
 Antonio gets to Margarita’s place with wine, rings bell. Maggie is not there, she is with Andrea she is intentionally avoiding him (going to teach him a lesson) she says she is with Porfirio, Antonio wants to explain, but Maggie says there is nothing to explain.  She tells him that making Diego his priority is understandable, but not his ex. She tells him that she has to go and hangs up on Tony. Andrea asks Maggie what Tio Tony did to you. Well Andrea where to begin, you know he is just not taking me seriously, and I am tired of this so I am going to teach him a lesson. But Tia aren’t you hurting too? Well of course darling but for now Tony needs to learn his lesson. Andrea asks if she loves him, well no duh, otherwise she would not be so upset.

Benito and Luisa are outside his house, she is pushing him to go in and tell his mother that they are together. He keeps trying to think of how he is going to break the news to her, well Luisa does not care how he does it he just better do it quickly, because she is done waiting for him. He comes up with different excuses why he shouldn’t go in, and she says he better, then Fredesvina comes out and is glad to see Luisa because they are doing the Rosary for her cousin, and wants Luisa and Benito to come in and pray with them. They have no choice but to go in and pray. Benito gets a brief reprieve.

 Andrea asks Maggie if she is jealous. Yes she is super jealous. Andrea reasons that Tony acts the way he is acting because of Diego, Maggie gets it. So forgive him says Andrea, nope not today. He has to suffer a little. Maggie gets up to go make herself some coffee, Andrea texts Tio Antonio to come to the house because Maggie is not with Porfirio she is here with Andrea. Andrea then gets a text from Juana telling her to get Jorge to give her a ride to Luisa’s she has to talk to her.

Andrea tells Maggie that she has to leave, so Maggie says she will leave too. Andrea texts Antonio to hurry, he is doing his best but he is stuck in traffic.

At Benito’s Fredesvina, Luisa, Benito and other neighbors are doing the Rosary for her cousin. Luisa keeps giving Benito the evil eye.

Jorge gets there, to take Andrea, Maggie will leave too, but can’t find her keys (Andrea has hidden them from her so she won’t leave) Andrea tells Maggie just lock door when she leaves. Jorge and Andrea leave with keys. Maggie stays behind looking for them.

Agustin shows up to Franks looking for a place to stay since he has no job, no apartment and now no girlfriend. Frank tells him he can stay as long as he needs to.

Dalia begins collecting the items that are necessary for the enchantment to work; he goes to a photo shop to print a picture of Ramon.

Back at Benito’s the prayers continue Luisa texts Benito and says pray for yourself because you are dead to me. “Changita you have to understand, I can’t do it right now, in the middle of the Rosary” “well are you going to talk to her after the prayer?”  Benito agrees that he will (but we all know he probably won’t).

Maggie keeps looking for keys, doorbell rings, it’s Antonio. Well I'll be darned what are you doing here? Antonio wants to talk, he explains what happened, and Maggie tells him that she hopes he realizes that Roxy is just playing games. Well yes she is he agrees. And says that Maggie made him feel bad because she had said that she was with Porfirio.  They agree that they are both being silly, and Antonio invites her to his apartment, and of course she will go. She leaves Andrea a note thanking her for her little trick, because it worked. Please leave keys for her she will pick up tomorrow.

Everyone gets to Luisa’s, Juana plays with them a little and stalls offers them coffee but everyone is anxious. She tells them money will be given to them tomorrow, everyone is happy.  Andrea suggests that she can go back to live with them, or buy another house.

Juana remembers she has not let Julio know, so calls his cell. No answer. She calls him at home and Virginia answers, not glad to hear Juana. Juana leaves her a message for Juan about money. Virginia takes message but she is not sure if she will let Julio know.

The rosary is over, Luisa leaves. Fredesvina pleased with the turnout. Benito tells her your friends really love you, speaking of love I have something to tell you. Well not know I’m too tired. Tomorrow

Jorge noticed that when Juana called Julio Andrea was not too pleased at that move by Juana. Jorge defends his dad saying that the incident with Ozzie’s car was a fluke only because he was in a desperate situation, and he is really sorry. But if you want to tell Juana and Fabi you can tell them. No I trust you.

Julio gets home and Virginia tells him Juana’s message, but she wants Julio to go tell Juana tomorrow that he will not be helping her anymore.

Dalia goes into Ramon’s room to cut a piece of his hair. He sits up and she panics but no worries he is just sleep walking. (Lol)

Maggie goes to pick up her keys from Andrea and thanks her because she had a wonderful night with tony. Thank you very much.

Juana is getting ready to go collect the million but Luisa thinks she needs to fix herself up a little better, because today is a very special day. Luisa brings her a dress she had bought for herself for the day when Benito would ask her for her hand in marriage,  but that may not happen any time soon so have at it.

Julio calls Juana in front of Virginia asks her what time the meeting with insurance company is, he says it coldly, but says he will be there. “Was that cold enough?”

Antonio shows up to pick up Fabi to go to work, but guess what Tio can’t make it to work today because they are going to go pcik up the cash. She invites him but he says no enough people are going. Andrea gets there and tony thanks her for what she did for him last night.

At the insurance company everyone is there when Juana walks in without her little pig tails, and looking very sharp. Julio tells her she looks good, and everyone agrees. The insurance agent comes in gets Juana’s ID and gives Juana a check for $1 Million.  They see the check and are very happy and hug. Julio more than anyone else.

Luisa comes to talk to Benito to find out if he told his mom. Well I was about to but she was too tired. Well no worries, take your time, since I’m a single lady I can go out with Finito the Tortero (sandwich maker), he wants to take me out anyway. What are you talking about Benito says. Well I’m free; this pushes him to call his mom. He tells her he has something very important to tell her and to meet him at lunch time.

Frank and Hortensia (I sure didn’t miss this witch the past few episodes) discussing her blood tests, nothing wrong everything normal. Ok good just give her some pills for her headaches, and she will be on her way. Frank asks her about her granddaughters, she has not heard from them, he suggests that he call them. Nope will not lower herself to do that.

After insurance office Juana, the girls and Julio go for lunch. They ask Julio to talk to Hortensia to let Juana move back with the girls, or else they will leave. No need to leave Julio will talk to Hortensia today. At that moment Fabi gets a call from Ramon to see how everything went. Well everything was honky dory my love, I love you my love. She hangs up and says Ramon sends all of you his love. Julio not sure he heard right, and says “Ramon, Ramon your son?” yup Ramon. He thinks to himself “that damn opportunistic bastard” (talk about the pot calling the kettle black)



Thanks Bunches Sandie. They were all too dam fast for me last night. Your excellent recap made sense of it all.

My fav: Benny and Lu texting (noisily) during the Holy Rosary.
Least favorite: Rocks(inherhead) and Margaritaville fighting over Tony via Diego. Antonio needs to tell both these whores to pound sand and go find someone maybe normal. Hey, horny grownups, here's news: Kids are smart, they miss nothing. They are on everything you do and say like a sponge on a drop of water.

Sandie, you are right about Vero's smirk, though (WOOF) I find it attractive, in that I see it as a "I'm above all this 90210 foolishness" smirk of a gal who has her sheet together. She has even managed to keep it wholesome and platonic with Poorfi, rather than using the panties on the floor card to get her way.

Mute or not, little Miss Andrea is quite enterprising. She was cool with texting and the keys.

What the hell? Is this show set in some little 'One Donkey Town' out in the boonies? How on God's Green Earth does Agustin know Frankenfarter well enough to ask for bunk space?

Splendid Sandy. Fabulous title and the pot/kettle shot made me smile.
“morrita” (pretty girl - urban dictionary)" was great.

"Juana walks in without her little pig tails, and looking very sharp". She certainly did! I wish she hadn't covered up the pretty dress with the black cardigan though. That was very generous of Luisa!

Benito hedging to tell his mother was funny. At first. Now he needs to spill the beans. If mama doesn't like it, he needs to move out.

"Ramon understands because he was jealous too and that made him act like an idiot, so please forgive me he says". At least he realizes what a horses ass he was.

"Vero smirks her very annoying smirk". Yes, I saw that too. I'm not sure what her game is. What does she want? She seemed glad Antonio was with Roxy, was it simply to rub Marg's face in it? If she really wants Prof, it would be best to get Marg out of the way and keep her with Antonio. Kirby, I really liked what you said in that she is keeping it real regarding Porf. She sees clearly she is in his friend zone only. Rather than pushing it (as Marg did with Antonio), she is letting things develop (or not), naturally.

"Agustin shows up to Franks looking for a place to stay since he has no job, no apartment and now no girlfriend". We don't know how Augustin knows BadFran, that's never been explained. Well, apparently friendship mirrors some romantic relationships. Losers always seem to find each other, don't they? Bad bachelor pad.

Have any of Ms. Fredesvina's spells worked? Rulo's was a flop. Let's see what happens with Ramon. I say forget the spell - bring back Sophia so things can start heating up!

What a majestic shot Kirby!

Thanks so much Sandie!


Kirby: The villains still upping the ante ?

Steve: I'm not sure. Do you watch this one?

Thank you ,Sandie.

I am glad that Luisa gave Juana that mini makeover before her meeting.

Julio is looking more and more dastardly. Snidely Whiplash style.bawahaha


"Snidely Whiplash style.bawahaha".

I just laughed out loud Susanlynn. Perfect!


As adorable as Fab-I-Lous is, I am still team Sofa. Bring it Girl.

Snidely Whiplash: OMG perfect Susy.

Now Juana? can get with Snidely and tell herself that it is simply because she let them piggies breathe and got a sexy new look. He wouldn't in a million years want to give her money to some stinking casino. It should be fun to see how stoooopid/delusional she really is. She sure doesn't make Maiddom look much brighter than a gopher match.

Awesome Sandie!!

I thought the exact same thing at the end "pot calling the kettle black"!

Juana looked really nice. Maybe she will keep it up.

I think Vero wants Marg's job so anything that makes life more difficult for her, that may pull her away from her work and make her look bad, which has already happened, is good for her.

Carvivlie, I hadn't thought that Vero might be angling for a higher position in the firm (can you call it that with only 3 staff?) :)

Makes perfect sense especially as she seems to want to befriend Por rather than bed him. And Marg is paving the way...



Thank you so much, Sandie! Cynthia and RGV as well for your recaps! Finally caught up and glad to see the million dollars was (finally!) claimed. Now the real fun begins.

I find it hilarious that Julio and Virginia are running around, distrusting each other, while Juana is none the wiser. If anything, Virginia should pick up on the fact that Juana doesn't even react when Julio's around and see there is nothing going on.

I don't know if something was cut but I didn't realize that Osvaldo and Emilia had slept together...while Susana was in the very same house. Blehhhh!

Fredesvinda continues to be hilarious as do Benito and Luisa. I live for their scenes, especially after all the lover's drama from Fabiola and Ramon lately. Ramon sleepwalks now???

Juana is right that the clothes she wore to the bank is not the most practical for cleaning and cooking but how about you let your hair down first and go from there? ;)

Dalia is such a little harpy. I hope Sofia doesn't come back soon, she and Dalia are likely to come to together with Francisco (as it always happens) and we don't need any more villains in this thing.

What a wonderful recap, didn't miss a thing! Thank you!!

OMGoodnees, all the comments were pretty much what I wanted to say.

Kirby, I definitely agree with your liked/disliked scenes. Lu and Beni are really stealing the show, IMO. And now Beni has competition, so he'd better run and tell all to his mommy.

Diana, that cardigan really hid that dress, but it could be that being as humble as Juana is supposed to be, she was uncomfortable wearing a sleeveless dress.

Susy, "Snidely Whiplash..." wow, good one!

Carvivlie. "I think Vero wants Marg's job so anything that makes life more difficult for her" great observation...I think Veronica is hiding her true intentions and will turn out to be a tigress.

Alfredooo!! Glad you're caught up. Ramon sleepwalking took me for a loop..I was actually hoping he was pretending so he could figure out what Dalia was actually up to.


Alfredo..It is good to see you back here. I think that Juana wears braids to keep hair out of the food she is preparing ..the same way lunch ladies used to wear hairnets.#ahairinmypuddingyikes

I had a friend in high school who liked to waggle his eyebrows at you and call himself Snidley. I always think of KIppy when I think of Snidley Whiplash.

That scene of Ramon popping up suddenly out of bed after Dalia snipped a lock of his hair was funny. So, she is going to try to cast a love spell on the guy now .

Alfredo, thank goodness we didn't see the Emilia Ossie night scene. I wouldn't have been able to sleep with the nightmares. Apparently, she eluded to it at breakfast the next morning--something about what a wonderful night she had.

I cannot figure out what game Vero is playing. I do not care for Marg . she is a little too desperate to rope and hogtie ANt. I also do not care for cannotmakemymindup wantmycakeandeatittoo Roxy. in fact, I also do not like Ant . Someone should tell him that he should be buying 17-17 1\2 shirts not 16-16 1\2 ..just saying. I am tired of looking at those tight, shortsleeved shirts. Yeah, ANt, you have big muscles..we know. Buy bigger shirts for your comfort...and ours.

Also, while I am venting, I am getting a little annoyed watching Andrea scribble for two seconds and put out a long message. Really?

"Buy bigger shirts for your comfort...and ours".

Woolfing down a salad and almost choked! I love this blog.

Susanlynn, remembering back to Cuidado (the first time I saw this actor), he had bulging biceps even then. I think it's his trademark.

And the actress playing Andrea has a lovely voice. It's a shame we aren't getting to hear it! And yes, the two second scribbling conveys much dialog (all of which needs to be repeated).

So enjoying everyone's comments today.


Yeah, Arturo Carmona has always been, for lack of a better word, bulging. The problem is definitely the clothes he wears, not necessarily that he works out or keeps in shape. What's funny is when they add glasses to make him look "smart" as they did in Un Camino and La Verdad Oculta.

I am disappointed at how Margarita is reacting to the Diego situation. I thought she was more level headed than that and more understanding that Roxana will always be in Antonio's life because they have a child together.

As for Veronica, she is definitely trying to get ahead, as I think everyone would be at a new job, but I think she also cares for Porfirio. She also realizes that he needs to bust out of his shell and I'm glad she's helping him do just that.

Juana's pigtails are convenient but I just want her to bust out of her shell a little too. She's a beautiful woman and deserves it.

Okay, so the Emilia and Osvaldo lovemaking sesh was blurred out completely. This was an edit (if it was that) that everyone appreciated lol

Diana..still rushing around? Any more looking meetings scheduled for today? I have a hard time paying attention in meetings. I often doodle on any sheet of paper that has been passed out! I especially hate when people do a PowerPoint presentation and hand you a paper with exactly the same information on it. I often wonder how my students can sit through three straight hours of me lecturing!

Not looking...long !!!

" students can sit through three straight hours of me lecturing! "

Maybe they are into Outlander too ! :-)

Autocorrect, Autocorrect, How do I hate thee,
Let me count the ways
You have made me look foolish
When I could least afford to
And was in a hurry to boot.

If you are so Dam smart,
Figure out what I meant
Not what will be the funniest
After I can't take it back.

Susy, have you had your Hopeos today? j/k I noticed those tight shirts during the very first episode...and now I look at his shirts every time Ant comes out. Actually, there hasbeen a little improvement since back then when his button were almost popping off.

Kirby, Mr. Poet, love your if only Autocorrect would take if to heart :-) ...and, btw, I've been meaning to compliment your avatar...what a magnificent bird and ...well, you know how I feel about such blue skies!!

Susanlynn, actually I recently attended a class that basically said slides for any presentation should basically be eliminated. The exceptions are graphs or any additional information above and beyond what is being discussed. It's a great idea for the audience but for the presenters? Not so much. They have to commit so much more to memory! I used to be able to give speeches with little or no notes, but not now. I basically have to read everything.

That said, I am sure your lectures are fascinating! I am confident you incorporate your fun, breezy style into your "conversations" with your students. I always enjoying reading you, I know I would listening as well.

Alfredo, Marg has been a bit disappointing. Period. When someone has a child, no one else has that person "all to themselves". Their priority first and always will be their child(ren). I think Marg truly cares for Diego but Roxy is fanning her jealous possessiveness. Too bad. If she can't accept Roxy, like her or not, she likely should move on. No one should be forced into spending time or lavishing attention on their significant others. They have to accept they will always come second.

Ah Autocorrect. Excellent lament Kirby! :)


Thanks for all your comments. I thought this episode was a bit boring to be perfectly honest. Even the whole insurance company scene, when they finally get their money was blah. The funniest to me was Ramon sleep walking, that was way out in left field, but funny.

I am probably alone here but I do like Tio Tony, he is a moral, respectable man. He stood up to the witch, and defended Ramon, that in my book weighs a lot more than his tight To top it all off he puts his son above all else.

The other part where I am probably alone is the whole Vero and Porfirio plot, I'm not interested in Vero or her reasons for being a b%$&h, she enjoyed sticking it to Maggie and that is simply mean. I do like Porfirio, he is a kind man and Maggie is missing out on a good guy, but so is Tony IMO.

Where I do tend to agree with everyone in this patio is with the Benni and Lu show with a side of it!!! The whole insinuation that the "sandwich man" is after Luisa's bones had me laughing. Outlander when I lecture. I might mention Uni which some of my students watch. It usually tickles them that I watch telenovelas. Sometimes, though, they try to talk me out of watching "those awful shows!" However, sometimes my mind does drift as I am lecturing......where was I???. Yes, modal auxiliaries. P.s. Do not get me started . I have been trying to avoid detention hall, but the new season has started, and it is so good. SPOILER................ #thisweekjamiegetstodeflowersomeone

That was great Sandie, I missed part of it because I came home late from work so thank you for filling in the blanks.

I must have missed the part of Dalia going to see Fredesvina and asking for something to make Ramon love her. I am watching Outlander (I binged watched the first 2 seasons, staying up till midnight every night for a week) and was reminded of how (can't remember her name), Mrs. Fitz granddaughter came to Claire for a potion to make Jamie "love" her. Anyway, so Fredesvina must be into some sort of curanderia or something. Then she has a rosary at her place.

#;lmcva;sdjg'lajd?Fkdf.;gjsdfkg;wjl'g has Doritos written all over it. Shucks it even SMELLS like Doritos. :-)

Here we go..................

Cynthia. ..yes, love potions. I think Claire used Horse manure in the potion she made for Laoghaire. Remember the movie "Love Potion #9?" #see you in detention hall. Bring Doritos

Kirby..I think that I have found a new bff. Hi, Cynthia? How are the oranges?

Susanlynn: You mean my orange tree? The oranges are there, but still green. They need to grow and ripen.

Oh yeah, that's right, the horse manure, LOL! Everyone wishes they could have a love potion.

Cynthia..I remember you telling us that you get so many oranges from your tree that you give them away and still have some left on the ground. I guess I remember because I had just paid $1.00 for two oranges !!! P.s. check out CompuServe Outlander and also Outlandish Observations and also Diana Gabaldon Facebook for great discussions #reportingtodetentionhall

Ms Sandie, lovely recap.The charaters
We're very civil to each other. Julio
Is whale vomit.He's callin rammy dirty
Opportunist? Who stole his sons car to pay off gambling debts and money he stole from his dumb wife's business? The Double dealin,lo-down,money hoggin
Lying parasite of a sorry husband. I wonder whose bright idea it was to keep little benito's birth defect a secret? And to hide the fact that they had a baby that wasn't perfect(to hear
Them say it)? Him and virgy deserve other.I wish jorge's bio parents or
Parent would make an appearance.

Frankfarter tells auggy he can stay for as long as he wants. Let me finish
That for him.."cuz the both of us will
Soon be homeless if I can't sweet talk
Fabiola out of some big bucks".

Dalai is deslerate, she's turnin to the dark side for help.And why is ramy
Sleepwalking? Is he troubled about stuff?
Bennyboo better get a move on or he might loose lulu. Not! If she's been waiting on him for 5yrs, why should she stop now? She should have put her foot down.....3 1/2 years ago. These people.

Roxy is full of it.Got over her mornin
Sickness fast enough. If Maggie wants
Tony she better have more than sleep overs. Cuz Roxy could quite possibly
Have an offspring coomin in the oven.
Baby trump sleep overs. If thats his.

Her susyQ,Im thinkin it was the 3rd episode if I'm remembering correctly,
Did jamie's sister turn him in? On out

Jauana better watch out, here come the
Shacks. And they're lead by an Ol lady
From middle earth. Thank you Sandie.


Ms Sandie, lovely recap.The charaters
We're very civil to each other. Julio
Is whale vomit.He's callin rammy dirty
Opportunist? Who stole his sons car to pay off gambling debts and money he stole from his dumb wife's business? The Double dealin,lo-down,money hoggin
Lying parasite of a sorry husband. I wonder whose bright idea it was to keep little benito's birth defect a secret? And to hide the fact that they had a baby that wasn't perfect(to hear
Them say it)? Him and virgy deserve other.I wish jorge's bio parents or
Parent would make an appearance.

Frankfarter tells auggy he can stay for as long as he wants. Let me finish
That for him.."cuz the both of us will
Soon be homeless if I can't sweet talk
Fabiola out of some big bucks".

Dalai is deslerate, she's turnin to the dark side for help.And why is ramy
Sleepwalking? Is he troubled about stuff?
Bennyboo better get a move on or he might loose lulu. Not! If she's been waiting on him for 5yrs, why should she stop now? She should have put her foot down.....3 1/2 years ago. These people.

Roxy is full of it.Got over her mornin
Sickness fast enough. If Maggie wants
Tony she better have more than sleep overs. Cuz Roxy could quite possibly
Have an offspring coomin in the oven.
Baby trump sleep overs. If thats his.

Her susyQ,Im thinkin it was the 3rd episode if I'm remembering correctly,
Did jamie's sister turn him in? On out

Jauana better watch out, here come the
Shacks. And they're lead by an Ol lady
From middle earth. Thank you Sandie.


I think Marg is extremely insecure in her relationship with Tony. She doesn't know if she is just the rebound, the friend with benefits or what. Also, I think she feels that if Roxy wanted, she could have Tony back. I'm not sure if that is completely true but I do think it is a very viable possibility. He was just sleeping with her 6 weeks ago. Marg pushed for a "no commitment" relationship with him because she wanted him so much. Now she is paying the price for going after a man not in a position to be free and move on.

carvivle..I think that you are reading the Marg-Ant-Rox situation correctly. I have no idea who Ant is going to end up with, and unlike him, I do not like either option. Is he with anyone in the opening photo vignettes?

Auggie and Badfran knowing each other can't be a good thing because two wrongs make...well.....lots of wrong.

I am waiting for Sofia to land and start rocking Fab and Dal' s boats. Hey, everybody lurves Rayman.

OT..Hi, NIna!! How was the pie ?;-) Yes, the sister turned Jamie in at his request so that the family would get the reward money. Sunday is episode 4. if you Google OUtlander episode 304 trailers YouTube you can get the previews. It looks like a good episode ...#squeeee

This comment has been removed by the author.

Food Pyramid


CHickie..I am out of HOpeos, so I had an egg and a cranberry English muffin.However, my breakfast choice usually has no effect on my daily weirdness. Are you missing Danho yet? He would be shooting the people in this show !eft and right and putting the moves on...or drugging...all the fine young women. ...and Emilia.

OT..Kirby..what can I say. I

I'm ready for some more DaniHo, FakeStella BigBumperStela and Palomita.

Instead of "Ohhh Julio left a note on Wanna?'s locker but didn't sign it but Dahlia saw him and then told Fabi but told her it was Rulio instead and then Wanna? told Raymond and so Raymond farted in gym class and told everybody it was Rulio."

Aye yie Yie....

Susy. I actually do miss Danilow and especially Palomita. That TN, despite all teh stupid "messages" had me on my toes with trying to figure out "what's next?" or the character's motives. This TN is good, but very predictable. There is no way we will hit the 200+ comment mark as we did with Doble Vida.

O SusyQ that birthday pie is for next month On my birthday. I think I'll add pecans or as some folks call them pe-cons with A British accent.

O SusyQ that birthday pie is for next month On my birthday. I think I'll add pecans or as some folks call them pe-cons with A British accent.

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