Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia #55, 11/7/2017: So Close…Yet So Far

At RobPablo’s dinner with family and friends, RobPablo announces that they’ll be a little tight around the table, but they will manage. He then acknowledges Xavi who everyone should know, then introduces his friend and colleague, Octavio. Imelda, who is batting her eyes and is at the forefront, wonders if Octavio knows that she is the owner of the building and asks if he is single. RobPablo leads everyone to the table when Audifaz starts to comment that now that RobPablo broke up with Julieta, he and Polita were wondering…but Imelda then interrupts to try to keep him from continuing and tells Audifaz to be prudent. RobPablo clarifies that he and Julieta have not broken up; Juls just needs time to think about things and organize her thoughts. Linda then wonders if Rob thinks she will return since it seemed as if she fled from there. Eugenio quiets Linda and Blanca reminds RobPablo they are there to support him as his family. Ana then adds they aren’t there to make him feel uncomfortable with inappropriate comments. Dani quickly changes the subject and asks Tavo what he (‘usted’: formal form of “you”) does for a living, but Tavo tells them that if they call him by “usted”, they will make him feel old, though Imelda thinks he is young and handsome...and throws him a kiss. When Tavo tells Imelda he is a psychologist, RobPablo shares that Tavo has helped him remember many things from his past…today he remembered more with the pictures Blanca gave him…which gets Ana nervous. Frida then asks Tavo why people leave when they say they won’t. When Tavo replies that some don’t love each other they just live together, Frida thinks her father left because he didn’t love them. Xavi quickly changes the subject and suggests he sing a song for the family. Blanca tries to dissuade him, but Mari convinces her otherwise. As Xavi sings, the girls wiggle dance while Blanca has a big smile.

A few moments later, RobPablo walks away and Ana follows him. She asks if he is okay and wonders how he wants to be addressed. He tells her he is fine; he just needed to get away from everyone for a few minutes. Ana then tells him she is very sorry Juls left. When Julieta told her they weren’t leaving to New York, she warned Juls that this would happen. The family is not bad, but to live so close to them is difficult. After RobPablo tells her this is the family he searched for, Ana continues that it’s paradoxical…they want the best for him, but sometimes they end up ruining everything. RobPablo keeps looking at her so Ana wonders if something is wrong. He tells her he would like to talk to her someday because he has many questions. She agrees, then excuses herself and apologizes; she didn’t want to be intrusive. As she leaves, Blanca comes and tells RobPablo to go spend time with them, but when she notices he is forlorn and asks what’s wrong, he replies he needs Julieta.

Later after the meal, RobPablo is cleaning up as Imelda tells him that although she thinks it’s odd that a man cooks, he did it very well. He explains that his adoptive parents taught him; he thinks they will get along well with them. Imelda tries to lift his spirits, but he tells her he misses Juls very much; everything reminds him of her. Blanca volunteers to stay for a while or sleep there with him, but he would rather be alone since he has much to think about; so they give him a consolation hug.

In the bathroom, Dani looks at a picture of Gabriel on her phone. She freaks out with herself and wonders why she is looking at him so she rushes out and bumps into Linda who kids her about why she is so distressed. Dani confides that she doesn’t know why she can’t stop thinking about Gabriel; so Linda wonders if she might want to go out with Gabriel, but Dani doesn’t know. All she knows is that she keeps wondering what he is doing right now so Linda urges her to call him just to say hello.

In the sauna (with just a towel, ooo-la-la!), Gabriel answers the call and asks her why the bear is calling him. Dani just wanted to know how he is because of the new knock he had. He replies that he is a handsome as ever, no knocks can change that. Dani gets aggravated and asks if there is anyone more presumptuous than he, so he replies that maybe someone in Hollywood. Dani then tells him she just wanted to know if he is still angry, but he suggests she do something that would help him forgive her for everything she has done. This aggravates Dani even more so she tells him he is being pompous and hangs up. She turns off the phone so he won’t call her back.

In the kitchen at Cat’s house, Juls is alone working on her laptop. She looks out the window in her blue pajamas as RobPablo sits, in his matching pajamas, alone in their apartment looking at his childhood pictures. He remembers the conversation with the director then remembers how he yelled for his mother as the lady took him. He then has a new memory and hears Ana tell him to go with her; she will take him with his mother. RobPablo mumbles, “Ana, it was you.”

On her way home, Ana asks Lazaro if Tulio has called. Lazaro tells her he did and that he also gave him their location at Imelda’s house. Ana is satisfied with the answer and tells him to take her to Julian.

At the Córsega’s, Imelda complains about Polita having a baby, but Blanca thinks they should see things more optimistically. Imelda has been praying for a great grandchild from RobPablo, but now needs to pray about Polita having a baby because Audifaz can’t even do for himself. Blanca defends Audifaz saying he has done well bringing up Aris, but Imelda feels sorry for Aris who is thinking of quitting school to get a job. She doesn’t think Audifaz has the energy or the money to raise another child. Blanca, however, thinks Polita is still young; they have a roof over their heads and food on the table. Imelda still worries about the baby’s future, so Blanca tells her the baby might be turn out to be a great man, just like RobPablo and thinks Imelda shouldn’t worry so much.

In his bedroom, RobPablo lies in his bed thinking. He texts Juls wishing her a good night to which she responds, “You, too.” He then texts that he misses her very much as she hugs her phone.

At Cat’s house, Cat is walking around the house making a “shoo-shoo” sound and ringing a bell to ward off bad vibes. Juls has been thinking about something Cat would always tell her and that became engraved in her mind—that she would never find a man that would love her. Cat doesn’t want to remember that, but Juls needs to confront all those memories; she wonders if Cat still thinks that way.

Still in bed, RobPablo recalls Ana running away as he closed the door of the orphanage. Just then Blanca comes by with some lime blossom tea for his nerves so he can sleep better. She wonders if he has talked to Juls so he tells her “no” and adds that Juls is staying at her mother’s house. When Blanca hopes that woman doesn’t give her bad ideas, RobPablo calls it to her attention her, but Blanca knows she shouldn’t meddle. She confides that all those years he was lost, every night she would ask God that she see him only once; and God has granted her that. Now she just prays that he be happy. Despite all her ideas and wishes, she is going to be happy if he is happy; he doesn’t have to do anything else to make her happy. He knows where to find her…behind that door that he searched for so long. RobPablo nods, but then asks that she talk to him about Ana. This surprises Blanca.

At Julián’s, Ana tells him she wants to leave to Mexico City for a while. She needs to get away from Oaxaca and the family Córsega; RobPablos has suspicions about her. Julián wonders if they could get lost together; he will pay his own way.

At RobPablo’s, Blanca tells RobPablo that Ana was always very cold and the loss of her babies put her in a deep depression. No one could tolerate her and she didn’t get along with Tulio. All of a sudden she became his grandmother’s nanny and led a very sad life. Blanca wonders why he asks about Ana.

At Cat’s house, Juls explains that she doesn’t want to judge Cat; she wants to improve their relationship, but she just can’t go through life wondering if she told her or didn’t tell her… Cat asks her to forgive her, so Juls is going to bed because she has to go to an early class. Cat then tells her she never wanted to hurt her, she wants to help her. One never thinks about what they do or say…parents never know how words will affect their children and that children grow up with traumas caused by them.

Next day—

At the Córsega kitchen, Blanca wonders if she should talk to Juls to try to get her to return. Eugenio reminds her that every time she and his mother meddle, things just get worse. RobPablo and Juls have a right to resolve their problems on their own. Blanca chides him for criticizing her and tells Eugenio he’ll see what happens when he loses her. She thinks that he is so tired of her, but the day will come when she won’t be with him…so he won’t have to put up with what she says or does.

At the hospital, RobPablo tells Tavo that he is sure Ana is the one who took him to the orphanage. Tavo advises him to take it easy, but RobPablo is sure it was Ana; he saw her in his memories twice. Tavo still thinks that mind is powerful; and he is so desperate he might just accuse the wrong person, but RobPablo insists it was Ana. Tavo then warns him if he accuses her, he will cause the family a huge problem and suggests RobPablo confront her instead. Tavo advises that RobPablo should pressure Ana to tell the truth; if she is guilty, the truth will come out.

As the Córsegas have breakfast, Audi announces that destiny has decided to add a member to the family, his beloved Polita is expecting a baby. When Eugenio brings up their (financial) situation. Imelda agrees that they first have to fix their situation. The girls chime in—Linda thinks they have 8-9 months to fix it; Dani will be a godmother and make a crib; and Mari has a job so she will be a godmother too. Blanca also points out there will be plenty of food. Polita cries as she acknowledges that they have been so good to them. Audi cites one of his quotes, “It’s not the flesh, but the heart that makes a man and his sons.” Aris then thanks them for supporting his parents, but Imelda thinks they need to make an effort to control those “urges”…at a certain age, they should just stop.

At her work, Luz points out to Juls that maybe Daphne’s comment may have had some merit and RobPablo is having issues with abandonment. Luz wonders if the same thing may be happening with Juls. Luz recalls Juls telling her about how Juls’s father left them because of problems he had with his mother-in-law and wonders if Juls is doing the same as her father...in trying to avoid the conflict with the in-laws and the person she loves, she has decided to leave. Juls thinks Luz may be right…she had never thought about it that way.

From her office, Juls calls RobPablo who asks how she is. Juls tells him she is fine and just wanted to know how he is. RobPablo replies that he just misses her and asks how things are going with her. As Daphne walks in, RobPablo asks Juls if she more calm. She tells him “no.” She talked to her mother last night and there are still things messed up in her head. She thanks him for his time and he tells her to take care.

Daphne brought coffee to RobPablo. She is only doing what Juls asked her to do...to take care of him, support him and advise him. He questions that Juls talked to her, but Daphne assures him she did. He tells her Juls left him because she needed some time to thinks things through, but now he wonders if it was an impulsive act or if Juls already had everything planned to leave him… since Juls talked to Daphne.

In front of the Córsega building, Gabriel drives up and hits his brakes in front of Dani as she covers her ears and yells. He asks her to get in the car and go with him because he needs to talk to her... no questions asked. When she refuses, he tells her it’s a matter of life and death and urges her to get in the car, so she concedes. When they are both in the car, he hides a small pouch and says. “The day has come.”

Marisol is with Xavi advising of what he needs to do, but he is hesitant. When she wonders what’s going on with him, he confesses he is nervous. When she suggests they post his picture on the web and announce his presentation, Xavi would prefer to first post a photo of them together. Since she is his manager, he wants people to know her. After they post, some ladies see the posted photo and are envious.

At the office of Begonia’s restaurant, Begonia talks to Xavi’s manager and tells him she does not want Marisol there, but he tells her that Xavi and he have a pending debt. Icky then comes in but she sneers that she is in a meeting…so he needs to leave them alone.

At Ana’s house, Tulio wants to know what Ana plans to do in Mexico City; so she explains she just wants to get away and do some shopping. He tells her he isn’t stupid; if he discovers she’s lying, her life will end. She chides him for saying he loved her not too long ago and now threatening her. Tulio then tells her that he doesn't like to be made a fool of, but if it’ll make her feel better to leave, then she should go…and get away from the temptations she has here.

At a park, Dani wants to know what they are doing there; he scares her. When she wants to leave, he thinks it’s time they stop running away. She asks running from what? He raises his arms and yells out, “Now!” so she wonders what the heck he is doing. Soon after, Pau, Davo and Diego (singers) come out and sing their song as Gabriel moves about looking at Dani. Gabriel then goes and brings out a bunch of balloons with the message, “I Like You,” in big letters. As he tells her that all this is for her, she looks at the “I Like You” and falls like a noodle fainting so he catches her to break her fall. Unknowingly, Gabriel releases the string on the balloons; and as the balloons drift off, Gabriel tries to reach for them and yells out, “No! The ring!” He goes back to Dani and tells her to wake up…it has cost him too much trouble to tell her what he wants to say. He then picks her up and yells out for “HEEEELP! This is not done to Gabriel Musi.” When some girls clap for the singers, the trio turns away, but then realize Gabriel has left without paying.

At Juls’s office, RobPablo arrives demanding to know if she had previously planned to leave. When Juls has no idea what he is talking about, RobPablo tells her she hasn’t been sincere with him while he has been totally honest. Juls insists she has been totally direct and asks him to calm down. When he snaps that she should have told him she wasn’t and should have allowed him to have hopes with her, she points out that it was life that changed their expectations. RobPablo chides her for thinking it‘s easier to abandon things rather than fight for them. As RobPablo leaves, Luz walks in and wonders what happened. Juls doesn’t know…he came out of the blue and has no idea what could have happened.

At the hospital, Gabriel carries Dani and yells for a doctor...the woman he fell in love with unexpectedly is dying.

At Juls’s Office, Luz explains she was just about to come talk to her about her wedding plans, but Juls tells her she thinks there won’t be a wedding.

At Ana’s house, RobPablo arrives to see Ana and tells her they need to talk.

At the hospital waiting area, Gabriel asks God not to let Dani die because she has told him if she likes him. He needs to make Dani wake up because she has to give him a response…after that whatever happens can happen. Gabriel then asks the nurse about Dani since he brought her in and hasn’t heard a thing about her. When the nurse asks how he is related, he says he is a friend…and her boss…but that’s irrelevant; he needs to know what’s happening with Dani. Meanwhile, as the doctor checks Dani and tells her he needs to run some tests, Dani quickly sits up and tells the doctor she is just fine; she was just shocked with something she heard. The doctor insists in doing some tests, but she refuses; she doesn’t do well with needles.

At Ana’s house, RobPablo needs her to tell the truth. Ever since he arrived at the Córsega building, he started remembering things about his childhood…blocked memories; he remembers a woman grabbing his hand…that woman was her. When he asks Ana why she did it, Ana chides him for accusing her, but RobPablo argues that he knows it was her; he saw her face…and has seen her pictures from that time. Feeling antagonized, Ana cries that she helped look for him everywhere. It’s awful that he accuse someone who has only been close to his mother and grandmother, but RobPablo insists he needs to know what happened. Ana then suggests that he find out with real memories, not just suppositions and old memories from a 4 year old. She then asks if he has any proof to confirm his accusation. When he doesn’t reply, Anan tells him what a great disappointment he has caused and leaves.

On RobPablo’s way out, Tulio wonders what he does there, so Rob tells him he went to see Ana. He wanted to ask her some questions because he is trying to reconstruct is past. After RobPablo leaves, Tulio finds Ana rocking in her bed and looking distressed because Rob knows everything…and that it was her. When Tulio tells her she shouldn’t stress over it, she thinks RobPablo might tell the family and even go to the police; though Tulio isn’t worried because it would be the word of a 4 year old against a grown woman who has a husband that will support her. As Ana wonders if RobPablo has proof, Tulio assures her that the only proof RobPablo would have would be him (Tulio); and he won’t say anything…as long as she remains with him. He then assures her that he will not allow her to leave or get involved with anyone else. Just as he has stayed with her, she will stay with him…is that clear?

At the hospital waiting area, Gabriel gets a call from Dani who is practically running out and leaving since they released her. He wonders where she is so she tells him she is far away…and he can deduct the doctor visit from her check. Gabriel chides himself, “It’s my own fault for setting my sights on such a strange woman.”

Dani goes to Linda at her office; she never thought this would happen to her and can’t believe Gabriel likes her. Linda thinks she has always sold herself short, but Dani never thought anyone would like her…and now Benjamin has returned to fight for her and Gabriel is telling her he likes her. Linda is stunned and thinks it ironic that the woman who never thought she would get involved with a man, now has two men at her feet; and she has no one. Dani doesn’t know what to do. Linda thinks she is acting like a prepubescent. When Dani is still dismayed and is going to go hide under her bed and stay there, Linda suggests she needs to take advantage of that time under her bed and think about which man she will pick.

Gabriel goes to Juls and tells her he needs to know what to do…he is in love with the strangest and most complex being on the face of the earth. Juls thinks she is not the best person to be giving advice since she can’t resolve her own problems. She did, however, warn him Dani was very different. Gabriel agrees that Dani is different, but Dani exceeds all parameters…she is unique.

As she lies in her bed, Benjamin calls Dani, but she doesn’t answer. He leaves message to return his call

Gabriel arrives at the restaurant and is told Dani called in sick. He sits in his office as Dani lays covered up in her bed. Imelda goes in to Dani’s bedroom and wonders why she is still in bed…she must either be sick or doesn’t want to go out. When Imelda urges Dani to tell her about her troubles, Dani says her life is changing. She used to be invisible to everyone; she was comfortable with that because she could hide. Imelda guesses it has to do with love, but when she sees Dani distressed, she asks Dani to forgive her if she made her feel that her birth was unfortunate. If Dani hadn’t been born, Imelda would have gone crazy. Dani arrived to console the family; and throughout the years they knew Dani tried to overcome her brother; Imelda is very proud of her for trying. When Imelda tells Dani she loves her, Dani cries and hugs her telling Imelda she loves her too…and thanks her for telling her what she said.


Poor Gabriel, can't get a break...and he really went all out to finally tell Dani how he feels. I wonder what kind of ring he was going to give her...a promise ring maybe?

RgvChick, thank you! The recap is outstanding. You didn't miss a thing. I especially liked Daniela falling "like a noodle." I was wondering about the ring, too. At this point, any kind of ring might make Daniela run (of course if she weren't unconscious first.) : )

Btw, what kind of birds are those? They are so cute.

Linda was her usual bitchy self at the dinner.

It sure didn't take Daphne long to sniff things out. We know where this is going. Robert better put his thinking cap on. . .

Julieta and Robert wear the same matching pj's even when they are apart.

Blanca will be happy if Juan Pablo is happy. She wants nothing else. Now, let's see her put that noble thought into practice.

My favorite scene was, of course, Gabriel's "love declaration." Great fun.


Thanks, Jarifa!

I didn't like Robert's reaction to Daphne little trap, he fell right into it and Julieta suffered the consequences. She had no idea where he was coming from, he should have at least explained.

I absolutely loved Gabriel's proclamation of "like." It took a lot of planning and money, to have everything literally "fall" apart.

BTW, Jarifa, I raise chickens and those chicks are mixed breed, so i couldn't really say what breed they are :-)

Your summary recaptured the few highs and many lows perfectly RgvChick. You used heart, imagination with a much needed strong dose of reality to craft a sensational summary.

"When he snaps that she should have told him she wasn’t and should have allowed him to have hopes with her, she points out that it was life that changed their expectations". Robert is feeling alone (not that Julieta isn't) and on top of everything, he has now realized Ana is the one who spirited him away.

"In the sauna (with just a towel, ooo-la-la!), Gabriel" made me smile. I loved his rather bold courting method although it was pretty evident he all but scared Dani to death! :) Damn. I really want to know what type of ring was in that pouch too! I initially thought it might be a match to what he wears on his ear...

"when she notices he is forlorn and asks what’s wrong, he replies he needs Julieta". Sigh.

“She doesn’t think Audifaz has the energy or the money to raise another child”. Shut. Up. Imelda. He didn’t have the energy or money to raise Ari, and he turned out just fine. Why is the family turning a blind eye to the fact Audi, Polita and Ari are living below the poverty line?” Imelda thinks they need to make an effort to control those “urges”…at a certain age, they should just stop”. Color me horrified. Truly horrified.

And yet…”If Dani hadn’t been born, Imelda would have gone crazy”…a bit of atonement from her past mistreatment of her grand daughter.

“He tells her he isn’t stupid; if he discovers she’s lying, her life will end.” Charming Tulio.

And we had a first last night (I think). Marisol was shrugless...

"Julieta and Robert wear the same matching pj's even when they are apart". Yes, that gave hope Jarifa, didn't it? They are bonded, head and heart.

I loved the little birds RgvChick. This was great - thank you!


Wow! You have your hands full. I remember that I saw some beautiful goat photos once upon a time that you had taken and now these. You are one talented chica!

Yes, Gabriel's "like" declaration was far beyond "liking".

I continue saying that I never expected much from this novela and it continues to be a real gem.

Diana, you had the eagle eye last night noticing that Marisol was shrugless. : )

OMG I feel so sorry for Gabi. He looked so beaten down when he arrived back to his office after everything went wrong. He does go over the top! It was so sweet. I hope Dani is really nice to him if she decides to pick Ben over him.

Dafne outright lied to Rob! I don't think I can handle Rob and Juli being apart too long.

All of Blanca's pretty words to Rob don't mean a thing because she and Imelda are the reason for the separation. Drives me crazy how blind they are and how blind Rob is to what they said and did.


I gotta say I laughed so much during this episode. I love the way Gabriel so desperately ran through the hospital hallway yelling the woman he unexpectedly fell in love with was dying. ” And the way the singers continued to sing even after Dani “fell like a noodle” (haha thanks Rgv Chick) and then ran after him because he didn’t pay them.

I gasped when Robert remembered I knew it was going to happen soon enough but it was subtle how everything clicked into place. I just can’t believe Ana had the audacity to lie to the man who’s life she ruined after being asked. Actually I can believe. She’s a terrible woman and the guilt hasn’t changed her at all....it’s possibly made her worse. Speaking of terrible woman......Daphne needs to go. She’s messing everything up as we suspected.

I love “Gabriel agrees that Dani is different, but Dani exceeds all parameters…she is unique.” One little sentence that said a whole lot in my opinion. Different: that’s a words Dani has always heard being used against her but here Gabriel sees beyond that different person. He sees her uniqueness, her true beauty, and what makes her special. Which is amazing because that’s what Dani deserves. Someone who accepts her as she is and sees the beauty in the different.

Now we just have to see with how Dani deals with choosing. She seems completely freaked out and I don’t blame her. But she has been thinking about Gabriel the most so I hope she realizes that.

I have to admit I did like that scene at the end with Imelda and Daniela. Based on the way Dani reacted I feel like we can tell that Imelda's words were 34 years late. I’m sure Dani knew there was love for her but that doesn’t changed the fact that she still felt like it was her fault and no one told her otherwise. All her life she thought she had to make up for something and she never had to. Of course the real person to blame here is Ana. Ughhh.

One little thing I also liked is that even though they’re far from each other they still wear matching pajamas. Nice touch from the directors in my opinion. Even apart they’re still connected.

Thanks for the awesome recap Rgv Chick!


Thank you, Diana!

Robert does seem quite alone, doesn't he? It seems to me that he is more at ease with Xavi and Tavo than he is with any of the family...probably because of the pressure placed on him by those who want to make up for all the years lost (which I can understand, but they really need to tone it down a bit). I it me or is anyone else bothered when Blanca and Imelda hug Robert? It just bugs me that they are so selfishly happy when Robert and Julieta have been torn apart and are suffering.

Carvivlie, "All of Blanca's pretty words to Rob don't mean a thing because she and Imelda are the reason for the separation." DITTO!! And I felt the same when Imelda was talking to Dani. She is one of the main reasons, Dani feels invisible and unloved.


Jackie, you're welcome; our comments crossed. "Gabriel sees beyond that different person. He sees her uniqueness, her true beauty, and what makes her special. Which is amazing because that’s what Dani deserves. Someone who accepts her as she is and sees the beauty in the different." What wonderful insight you have.

And yes, Imelda is 34 years too late! Dani accepted her apology; I don't think I would have been that generous...I still remember how Imelda stormed in and ruined Dani's first birthday party.

RGV I forgot to thank you for the most excellent recap!!

I also liked when Dani told Linda about Gabi and that "it was to good to be real".

You're welcome, Carvivlie :-)

Gabriel really stated it best, "the day has come." He was talking about finally telling Dani how he felt, but "the day has come" when Dani realizes that she is not invisible...she is worthy of love and is a desired, beautiful woman, inside and out.

I was just thinking...wouldn't it be nice if the second season was about Dani's in-laws...especially if she ends up with Gabi?

Jarifa. "I continue saying that I never expected much from this novela and it continues to be a real gem." I had heard horrors about Juan Osorio's TNs, but I took a chance and started watching this one any way...I'm SO glad I did. This is definitely going to be one of my favorites...I do enjoy the protags, but Dani and Gabi have captured my heart through and through.

Agree RGV. I'm so glad I am watching this one. It has quickly become my favorite and Dani and Gabi are who I can't wait to see each night. I love your idea surrounding the 2nd season being about Dani's in-laws.

Excellent recap, Rgv Chick. I particularly liked "consolation hug." And so true!: As Cat notes, Imelda confirms and several of you remarked on: We don't realize what a serious effect the words we say to small children have on them. It seems to be one of the themes of this novela. I'm glad that Cat apologizes for telling Juls that no man could love her and that Imelda apologizes for blaming Dani for RobPablo's disappearance. That does explain why Dani has always tried to be the "man of the family." Yep, so cute! Rob and Juls matching pajamas though in different buildings. Blanca is actually sweet to RobPablo, as is Imelda to Dani--surprising. Daphne is as evil and interfering as ever--sowing discontent. In other news, I was catching up on the new season of Major Crimes and was surprised to see Carlos Ponce, of Silvana sin Lana and many another tn, playing the father of one of the 3 teen-age boys who have disappeared.

I'm thinking one of the reasons I'm enjoying this Osorio tn (I, too, had sworn off his productions and caught this one by accident) is that he has refrained from using his go-to ridiculous sound effects this time. And, boy, does this one have places he could put them! Another reason is that, thankfully, he hasn't made his son come front and center with his singing and dancing "skills."

I love the idea about Dani’s story with the inlaws being in season 2! I can’t already imagine the hilarious moments we would get.

I’m not a very big TN person and I haven’t followed many but I am curious. Why are Osorios productions so bad? Any specific examples? Haha for the sound effects. What sort of ridiculous sound effects?

I agree with you both RGV Chick & Carvivlie I’m always happy to see Dani and Gab, I could spend so much time just analyzing their relationship as you can see in my comments :)

Spanprof: Good point. Yes that would explain why she acts like the “man of the family” and immerses herself in work. I really appreciate Dani’s character so much. Such a tragic story-I can’t wait for her happy ending.


"All her life she thought she had to make up for something and she never had to" (Jackie) and

"He was talking about finally telling Dani how he felt, but "the day has come" when Dani realizes that she is not invisible...she is worthy of love and is a desired, beautiful woman, inside and out" (RgvChick)

Both made me tear up.

Why do we fear Osorio's TNs? Sueño de amor. Sigh. I don't think that mess was never quite picked up.

I almost didn't watch this. The previews did not do it justice. When Jarifa wrote she was watching, that was good enough for me. Am I glad I didn't miss this!


Diana, you said it all: Sueño de amor. Before that I thought Porque el amor manda was okay and really enjoyed Mi corazón es tuyo. Unlike many, I never minded the sound effects, slapstick or brooooad comedy Osorio used. My criticism of Sueño de amor was it did not know what is was.It started off as a comedy with musical numbers and ended up as a heavy drama. Mi marido tiene familia is the best I have seen of Osorio and heads above many others I have seen in the last five years. As for his son, I have always enjoyed the young Osorio no matter what his role musical or not. He is just a cute kid and is really proving his acting skills in this one, Diana, I am so glad you took a chance and decided to watch with us. I better watch it becase you are going to give me a big head. : )

I couldn't agree with you more about Emilio, Jarifa! I have to sheepishly admit, I kind of enjoyed the dancing! :)

He is definitely maturing and he is perfectly cast here.

Jarifa, I am so grateful you (once again) steered me in the right direction! Having as much fun with the recaps and comments as with the show.


PEAM went from comedy to crazy drama at the end. I loved MCET even when it started to go a bit over the top or I had groaning moments. Sueno was a true disaster. I like the Osorio kid. I mean I hated his character in PEAM but he was great in MCET. I didn't mind his dancing in that one and it was such a small part of the show. So far, they are keeping a good balance of comedy and drama but mostly, keeping it real, which is hard for TN's to do. I know we are only half way through but I hope they keep the same writers for Season 2.

Rgv Chick - Thank you for the recap!!!

I've go limited time so this will be short.

I can't recall who thought Mari was shrug-less last night, so I looked when I watched at lunchtime, and she wore a navy blue shrug thru the whole episode.

OMG, the scene in the park when Dani fainted and the singers just kept singing while Gab is screaming for help just had me laughing out loud. Great comedy.

The steam room scene was nice, but they could take lessons from FELS and los hermanos Reyes.

Sueño de Amor = Sueño de Horror I tried to watch it and . . . and after a few weeks, I. just. could. not. take. it. anymore, no matter how tight my telenovela beanie hat was.

I hope to see Osorio's Una familia con suerte one of these days. It had come and gone before I started watching novelas.

Doris, you're very welcome! Yes, the scene in the park was hilarious...never did I expect Dani would faint, but it was quite smart move on the writer's part...whoever selected Laura and Juan Pablo Minor for the parts is sheer genius.

Thanks, Jarifa.

…but when she notices he is forlorn and asks what’s wrong

That scene made me so mad. Blanca, of course Rob is forlorn. He may have lost Julieta, you ninny!

But then Rob seems to believe whatever Daphne tells him, so I'm mad at him too.

Gabriel chides himself, “It’s my own fault for setting my sights on such a strange woman.” – lol!

Thanks RGV Chick! That was great as usual. You know what I found funny? "Later after the meal, RobPablo is cleaning up as Imelda tells him that although she thinks it’s odd that a man cooks, he did it very well." I guess Imelda has never been to a lot of fine dining restaurants where the chef is a man. In the restaurant world, male chefs outnumber women in the field.

So what's with Dani fainting? And why could Gabriel not find the ER? Was it necessary for him to run through the hospital's hallway screeming for help? That part made no sense! I do love them together as a couple because they really are fun to watch.

Thanks again Chickie! Great job. :)

Oops! RGV Chick, thanks for the recap.

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