Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Friday 11/24/17 Capítulo 66: Endless Repercussions of Ana's Truth Continue--OR--Imelda's Turn

The confrontation between Gabriel and his father Augusto continue with his father informing him he is going to end up losing everything. Gabriel reminds him they are no longer in the 1950’s but in 2017. His father goes on to tell him that social classes still exist today and Daniela is not up to theirs. Gabriel refuses to be the fool any longer fixed on material goods or brands. Augusto finds his “tale of a united proletariate” blah, blah, blah very cute. Gabriel will go out to play in the “mud” and will return to his Jacuzzi to bathe with toiletries that cost more than what his “girlfriend” is wearing. Gabriel adjusts his tuxedo jacket and seems to have found a new source of energy. He goes to leave as his father asks if he understood. Gabriel answers smiling and with a bounce in his step; he says that, of course, he understood.

Daniela is still with the crowd of jackals led by Clarissa telling them one more time that she is not leaving until her boyfriend returns. Gabriel’s other sister Cassandra mocks her and asks what her parents do for a living. When Daniela answers that they are bakers, the sisters have a good laugh as Daniela defends her parents saying how proud she is of them. As Clarissa start to mock her parents, Daniela gives her a good shove. Thankfully Gabriel has come to the rescue and tells the group to make sure they keep their same expressions on their faces as he starts to air out the dirty laundry about each of them and their families. Clarissa and her group suddenly become somber and take a step back. Gabriel grabs a yellow rose from a display and gives it to Daniela. For airing the dirty laundry, Gabriel decides to go alphabetically. He points at a member of Cassandra’s posse. There is Sra. Aldana’s family who changed their last name only so they could appear in magazines. The posse looks mortified. Just in case it wasn’t clear, Gabriel announces one more time that Daniela Córcega is his girlfriend and she is different from all other girls. Clarissa pipes up with that being obvious. Gabriel says it is “mega”obvious because she does not have to follow stereotypes and be like everyone else just to feel secure in herself. She is not dependent on “likes” or Instagram. He is not 100% but 1000% in love with Daniela. With that, he kisses her as Clarissa covers her face with her fan in horror and the whole crowd shrieks and shirks away from the scene. A photographer from the press is there to take a photo of Gabriel and Daniela smiling. Clarissa complains that her birthday has turned into the most “hyper horrible” show in the world. All Gabriel can say is “oops!” and smile. The criticized and chastened Sra. Aldana approaches Daniela and tells her she is glad that Daniela is “authentic”. Gabriel tells the group to learn from Sra. Aldana and to grow up.

Blanca and Catalina are in the bakery enjoying some sweet bread. Blanca asks her if she fought with Julieta. No, she fought with allthree of her children. Their father showed up and now they are the best of friends. Blanca asks if she is jealous. No, she is angry because their father left when they were babies so why do they need to see him now? Blanca tries to get her to understand that by realizing that children have their own “wings” helps not to be affected by things like this. The mistake is to think that they are always going to be their little kids. Blanca asks if Catalina likes the “elephant ear” she is eating. Yes, she is.

Clarissa and her father Augusto are discussing Gabriel in another room away from the party. Clarissa is wildly fluttering about fanning herself and Augusto’s bald head. Augusto knows his son has always been crazy but he really crossed the line today. He is going to put him out on the street and then see if he continues being the defender of the poor. He does not understand how Gabriel does not get the huge genealogical responsibility he has is carrying on the Musi name. Clarissa is now massaging her father’s temples. Augusto cannot even begin to imagine him marrying “that person” as Clarissa calls Daniela. Clarissa says they are going to have to be super smart in dealing with the situation because if they aren’t, Gabriel will stay with Daniela just to go against them. Yes, they are going to have to be very careful with how they handle the situation. Augusto turns around and with a look of horror on his face, he asks Clarissa if it is true that Daniela said that her parents were “bakers”. Clarissa affirms that that is the truth.

Blanca is now visiting Imelda in her room. Blanca knows that something is bothering Imelda and she asks her to tell her what it is. They are friends after all. Imelda does not want her to be worrying about her. She does not want Blanca to get upset. Imelda says she just is not hungry. Blanca keeps asking questions. Does Imelda feel bad? Did she fight with somebody? No, Imelda is worried about money and Eugenio’s illness. Problems always come in a bunch. Blanca nods in agreement and reminds her that she does have to eat and that Eugenio will be fine. Imelda picks up her rosary and musters up a smile and says she will eat in a little while. She blesses Blanca and tells to go and rest. She chuckles and tells her to behave herself.

Back at the party, Daniela is actually talking to Cassandra and Sra. Aldana about starting her own carpentry workshop. They don’t get it. Gabriel describes woodworking as an art. Cassandra just has to remark that they call a lot of things art these days . . . Daniela passionately speaks about what it is to work with wood, get to know its properties and sculpt it so people can better their lives. Daniela asks Cassandra what her work is. Cassandra says she does some things at her father’s business. Gabriel laughs out loud and calls everyone’s attention to his sister Cassandra who has a diploma in husband hunting. Cassandra ties to turn the topic back to the horrible working conditions that Daniela must face because of all of the men. Daniela says they may be coarse but they are also professional and kind. She adds that they would not be the kind of men that Cassandra would want to marry.

At Julieta’s apartment, Robert is ironing shirts and she is folding clothes. She is telling him about how sorry she is that her mother thinks that she betrayed her by talking to her father. All Julieta wanted was to find out that he did not abandon her for the reasons her mother had told her. Robert tells her not to be bothered by it because she did the right thing. Whatever is between her mother and father is between them and they will have to solve that themselves. Robert is worried about his father’s condition worsening and his father experiencing despair. His therapy needs to start ASAP. As they kiss, the doorbell rings and it is Imelda. In tears, she confesses that she knows what Ana did to him. She hugs Robert and tells him that she loves him.

At Belén and Amalia’s, Amalia is making a scene about moving out. Amalia in tears says she always chose Belén and now Belén has ended up choosing this thing. She motions to Aurelio who is standing there eating an ice cream bar. Belén begs her not to leave like this. Amalia leaves. Belén is left with Aurelio and his ice cream bar.

Back at the party, Clarissa runs into Daniela coming out of the washroom and is so glad to see her alone. Daniela thinks that all has already been said but Clarissa has more. She wants to know how much she loves her brother and if she is aware of all of the damage she can cause him because they belong to different worlds like Venus and Mars. Daniela tries to explain that for her, people are all the same. She is not with Gabriel for his money or social class. They simply like each other and she has learned to love him. It did not happen overnight. Clarissa is still angry. She goes to use the washroom but remembering that Daniela just came out of it, she declares it as “disgusting” and moves on her way.

Daniela asks Gabriel to leave having spent enough time in his “palace”. She tells him to just call her a cab. No, he agrees to leave with her. Gabriel whistles to get everyone’s attention and to announce they are leaving.

Blanca is in her bedroom talking to Belén who is worried about Amalia. She promises to call her as soon as she arrives at the apartment. Eugenio is taking pills in the background. He asks what is up. Nobody can get in contact with Amalia. At that very moment, Amalia is on the street talking to herself saying that Belén will be begging her to come back. She will never be able to forgive Belén for this one.

Gabriel and Daniela are in his car. He is telling her not to pay his family any attention. She is not so sure since his father hated her, too. Gabriel says that is his sisters‘ and his father‘s problem. She will never have to live across the hall from them like Julieta has to with her in laws. Daniela thanks him for all of the effort he is putting out with dealing with his family because it shows her that he does love her. She values that a lot. Gabriel says she has nothing to thank him for because it really hurt him but it is a part of them going steady. Gabriel decides it is early and he decides to take her dancing to a nightclub. She is hesitant at first but will go to try something new. They stop the car when they see Amalia in tears with her luggage wandering on the street. They pick her up and end up taking her to the night club with them.

Back at the Córcega’s, Eugenio knocks on his mother’s apartment door to see how she is. When he gets no answer, he goes in and finds her unconscious on her sofa with her rosary having fallen to the floor. He goes out into the hall shouting for everyone to come because Imelda has fallen ill. Imelda starts to come to.

In their apartment, Julieta and Robert are talking about Ana having told Imelda the truth about Juan Pablo. That was the last thing that Robert wanted to happen. Julieta has also been thinking of Dave. She just cannot stop thinking of him. She just wants to help him find a good home. The doorbell rings and it is Linda in tears asking Robert to come and see Imelda. Robert goes.

Linda runs into Bruno in the hall. She is so afraid that her grandmother is going to die. Bruno tries to comfort her.

The whole family is with Imelda as Robert checks her out. He asks Julieta to go down to meet the ambulance. He wants the paramedics there ASAP. He goes to give Imelda some oxygen as Julieta leaves and tells Bruno to meet the ambulance as she goes to get Robert’s car keys.

Clarissa is still telling her father Augusto that they have to deal with the Daniela/Ganriel situation very carefully. He is in love with him, uh, her. He agrees. He also tells Clarissa and Cassandra that Gabriel challenged him. The daughters cannot believe it. Cassandra sees that as all the more reason to think very carefully about how to separate Daniela and Gabriel. Augusto thinks it will have to be little by little.

At the night club, Gabriel and Daniela are having fun dancing. Amalia is sitting alone and drowning her sorrows in a drink. Gabriel gets her to come out and dance. Gabriel tells Daniela that what he learned today is that for Daniela, he is ready to do anything. Daniela just smiles and they kiss. They dance some more. Amalia runs into Enzo her voice teacher. She says she is one happy girl there for a good time. He had a taste for mezcal amd it was such a bad day he does not even want to talk about it. Her day was not so great either. She asks if she can share some mezcal with him and they drink together. Daniela tells Amalia they are leaving. Her cellphone battery is dead. If she does not get home, Eugenio will go crazy. Amalia says she will not be coming, she is with somebody who is very important to her: the love of her life, her voice teacher. He is a trustworthy man. The dangerous one is her. They all laugh. Amalia and Enzo end up falling asleep drunk as skunks on a park bench that night. The next morning they are awakened by a police officer. They are both hungover. Enzo cannot even remember why they are there.

The ambulance arrives. Nobody can get in contact with Daniela. Imelda is transported to the hospital. In the waiting room, Julieta asks Blanca if she wants some tea or coffee. Blanca just wants her to help scare away the bad thoughts she is having. Blanca asks if Catalina had told Julieta that they had spoken. Catalina was very sad. She was crying. Julieta says it must have been about her father's visit. Blanca just wants her to know that her mother loves her a lot. Julieta thanks her for telling her. Blanca is just so afraid for Imelda. Imelda was so strange. She didn’t want oxygen amd she has heart problems. Julieta says if Blanca can calm herself, Julieta will pray with her. Blanca smiles. She then goes onto tell Julieta that eve though she and Imelda didn’t get along well at the start, Imelda turned into her mother. She loves her so much. She is so terribly afraid of losing her.

That same night, Catalina’s door bell rings. She is peeved somebody could be coming by at this time of night. It turns out to be Hugo Sr. He thinks it is important for them to talk without their children present. Catalina insists he will not be brainwashing her. Hugo says she doesn’t have to defend herself from anything. He is their to propose something: that they try to be two strangers, two people who have no past together for the sake of their children. They cannot spend the rest of their lives blaming each other. Catalina insists that somebody has to be responsible for what happened. Hugo Sr. can see no purpose in that. Catalina cannot understand why he did what he did. Hugo Sr. says that is because Catalina never put herself in his shoes. If she would just put herself in somebody else’s shoes, she would understand tneir decisions. She asks if he really had that bad of a time married to her. No, not at all. She was the woman who he fell in love with and had three children with but unfortunately that woman disappeared into some other woman who tried to control him and displace his mother. Catalina wants to know if they cannot at least agree that it was his family was responsible for what happened in between them. Diplomat that he is, Hugo Sr. does not want to waste the present talking about the past. He has no desire to take their children away from her. Cannot they live in peace for the well being of their children?

Xavi is going to take care of Frida so Marisol can go to the hospital. Daniela dances into the apartment with Amalia’s luggage that she has brought with her. Daniela sees them and asks what is up. Marisol asks if she didn’t get a call. No, her cellphone battery is dead. Marisol tells her Imelda is in the hospital.

At the hospital, Robert comes out to give the family the news on Imelda. She had a heart attack. Imelda’s heart is failing. She is not out of danger. They are taking her into surgery. Eugenio asks if Imelda is going to die. Robert says they need to operate on her right away. Yes, it is that serious. Blanca breaks down thinking about talking with Imelda as the whole family remembers experiences with her.

The next morning, Julieta tells Robert how worried the family is about how they are going to pay for the surgery. Julieta offers to take a loan out at work and says they can sell their other car. No, Robert will solve the problem. He has been thinking that the hospital can deduct the cost of the surgery in scheduled payments from his salary. He tells Julieta to go home and take care of herself because the surgery is going to take a long time. Julieta wonders when exactly this happened to Imelda. Robert says it was when she found out what Ana had done to them.

Clarissa shows up at the restaurant to talk to Gabriel. She couldn’t sleep all night long counting even 300,000 Musi sheep. He explains that Daniela’s grandmother is in the hospital. He was there last night and he is bringing Daniela’s family food. As she refers to Daniela as the boy/girl, Gabriel corrects her and says Daniel"A." If Clarissa is going to bad mouth Daniela, it is better that she return from where she came. Clarissa insists she came in peace. She dressed in white rather than waving a white flag.He does not believe her. Clarissa goes on to say he might like Daniela, feel compassion for her, see his relationship with her as a “social service” and all that, but he cannot be in love with somebody like her. Gabriel is yawning and wants to go. Clarissa reminds him he is worried about a nobody’s grandmother. He is going to kill their father with all of this. Gabriel suspects that her father sent her. She insists not. He will get sick of Daniela because she does not fit into his life. Their relationship is doomed to failure. Gabriel escorts her out of the restaurant as he leaves.

At the apartment building, Amalia has arrived with Enzo and there is nobody to let her in. She is all pathetic saying nobody cared she did not arrive last night and there is nobody waiting for her. Enzo does not know why she does not call somebody. Her cellphone is in her luggage. Bruno comes out of Julieta’s apartment amd tells Amalia about Imelda. She had a heart attack.

Marisol, Daniela and Linda chat at the hospital. They want to get their minds off of Imelda so they ask Daniela about her time at the “in laws”. She tells them about how badly she was treated but that Gabriel defended her. Daniela smiles as they all do. Daniela asks about Bruno. Linda is not sure what is going on with him. It is complicated. Julieta can never find out that she and Bruno had something going on. So her lips are sealed. Gabriel arrives with food for everybody. He gives Daniela a big hug. It is no bother to support his girlfriend. He says it loud enough so they all can hear. Blanca is so happy that Daniele is so happy. Gabriel gets a phone call from his dad saying he wants to talk to him about his future.

Robert comes out to talk to the family. No, the surgery is not over. It is complicated. Eugenio remarks about how expensive the surgery bill is going to be. They all start talking about how to pay for it. Audifaz thinks they might be able to ask Tulio for a loan. Eugenio says they will never do that not even for one red cent. Robert tells his parents not to worry about the money. He is going to talk to the head of the hospital and they will set the payment. He wants them to be strong. He needs them to be stronger than ever.

Blanca calls Ana to let her and Tulio know about Imelda’s heart attack. Ana is upset and will be right over. She loves Imelda and they are to know that they can count on her for whatever is needed. Tulio walks in and Ana tells him about the heart attack. He tells her to wait a few minutes. He needs to get some papers and he will go with her.

Eugenio wants to know why Blanca told Ana. Imelda is going to see her and just get worse. Blanca does not understand what he is talking about or his resentment toward Ana. Ana has always taken care of his mother. Tulio is the one who caused the problems.

Julieta pays Catalina a visit. Catalina is sorry to hear about Imelda. Julieta says that the Córcega’s are good people who have suffered a great deal. Catalina reminds her we all have our own painful issues to deal with. Catalina tells her about Hugo Sr. coming on by. No, they did not fight as Julieta suspects. Although it is going to take a great deal of effort on her part, Catalina and Hugo Sr. are going to be at peace for the children’s sake. Catalina confesses that she always wondered what their lives would have been like if her father had never left. That devil is still as good looking as he has ever been, so in control of himself. He even seems at peace. He survived without her. That is what angers her. Julieta tells Catalina what she needs to hear: Catalina was the one who was always there for them and she knows it. Catalina loves her daughter.

Ana is at the hospital telling Blanca and Eugenio that it doesn’t not matter how much the surgery costs, she will pay the hospital directly. Eugenio turns down her offer saying that Juan Pablo is going to help them. Robert arrives to tell them that Imelda is out of surgery but there was a complication. Imelda has congestive heart failure. They cannot see her now because she is in intensive care. They will be able to see her later. Robert tells his parents and Ana that the surgeons are doing him a favor and not charging for their services. He will be able to pay off the hospital in a couple of months. Eugenio tells Ana that they do not want any more debts with her or Tulio.

Imelda is in intensive care. She sort of regains consciousness and does not know where she is. Tulio has come by for a visit. He tells her everything is going to be just fine. He tells her he is going to pay for everything. He just needs her signature on these papers to authorize it. This way Eugenio will not have to pay anything. She signs. We see that Tulio is listed as the “creditor” on the form and she as the “debtor”.


Wow Jarifa thanks so much!

Tulio is truly the villain in this story. Oh how I hope he dies soon! His mother on her death bed and he cares not one iota for her but only to kick Eugenio out. Imelda must live now to undo What she signed!

What will happen to Gabi if his dad fires him from the restaurant and takes away his apartment and money? I'm assuming he is getting an allowance on top of running the restaurant.


Jarifa, thanks a million! I love these telenovelas and enjoy them immensely, but my Spanish is limited at best. These recaps clear up things for me and often show me something that I had completely missed. Next time we are both in Oaxaca I'll buy you a hot chocolate and some cookies at Panadería Córcega :-)

And, wow, is Tulio ever evil! Ana is more crazy than evil, but Tulio has really gone over to the Dark Side.

Gabriel and Dani are both coming out of their shells and developing into confident people able to cope with things. I would not be surprised if Gabriel even becomes less clumsy.



Another superb recap, Jarifa! Definitely worth waiting for. Gabi's family is almost a bit too stereotypical. But he was so cool standing up to them. I love it that Robert irons shirts! That was a hilarious scene of Amalia and Enzo asleep (or passed out) on the park bench. Would it be too much to hope that the recovery room had cameras to show that Imelda was too out of it to know what she was signing? Totally agree that Tuliio is beyond evil.

Jarifa: Karma will catch up Clarissa & the Buji idiots.

SpanProf: Tulio is so EVIL, he makes Daddy Casilas blush.

I do t get any sense that Enzo is interested in Amalia beyond friendship. I actually think he is gay.

Dani keeps talking about opening up her own shop. I'm thinking that Gabi and she could be great partners. He runs the business and gets the clients while she designs and makes the furniture.


You're welcome and thanks, everyone.

Carvivlie, I, also,am wondering exactly what is at risk for Gabriel with reference to his job and monetary support. His father wanting to talk about his “future does not sound good.

Andy, welcome! It is so good to read your comments. Great take on Gabriel and Daniela “coming out of their shells”. It sure looks like their relationship will be put to the test.

SpanProf, yes!!! Robert irons! That was the best!

Steve, I am counting on karma to do quite a few of theses nasty people in.

Carvivlie, whatever his sexual orientation, I do not see Enzo leaving the “friend” zone anytime soon with Amalia. Amalia grates on me.

Jarifa, what a great recap....As SpanProf indicated, it was well worth the wait! Among my favorites were: "Daniela is still with the crowd of jackals..." and "Clarissa is wildly fluttering about fanning herself and Augusto’s bald head." superb!!

I agree with everyone's opinion of Tulio...despicable evil man. I hope the evil goonies come and take him in "Ghost." Steve, can't wait for that KARMA to hit!

Carvivlie, "Gabi and she could be great partners. He runs the business and gets the clients while she designs and makes the furniture." I was thinking along the same lines. In a way, I do hope Gabi's father "releases him of his duties." I don't think he would ever think of getting into business with Dani if he still had his father to count on.

Andy, nice to see you on this patio too! Great insight on Gabi and Dani...both are helping each other out of those thick shelled pods they put themselves in to protect themselves against their families lack of support.

Enzo really surprised me when he actually allowed Amalia to join him...was it the alcohol or is he actually changing his attitude after being so curt with her?

Bruno has been a real gentleman...nice change!


Oh and I really enjoyed seeing Hugo Sr. go make peace with "Catita." He's a smart man; if he has any chance of getting close to his children, it'll have to be without any drama from Catita. The way she was swayed by him and then mentioned his good looks...maybe they will end up together?

Hi Jarifa. Another detailed, grand summary. "Endless Repercussions" was perfect.

"He is in love with him, uh, her". Uh, blech.

The Gabi we now know and love has come a long way. Initially Gabi did exude a bit of an air of superiority. But, he fell in love with a smart woman who functioned in the real world, rather than the world of privilege that he was born into. I have to say that while Augusto and Clarissa are way over the top, it does not take too much of a stretch to see that Gabi is indeed part of the family. While lacking their overt snobbery (and very bad manners), he must find a way to meld and merge the two worlds together. But will they give him even an inch?

This is a very sober reminder what happens without health insurance. Things were bad enough with Tulio's "loan" and now the surgery expenses. I guess Tulio will be satisfied only when he has total control of his family by ensuring they are indebted to him. For life.

"Belén is left with Aurelio and his ice cream bar". I am very unimpressed with Aurelio. Anyone else?! I don't see the attraction. At all.

Carvivlie and Andy, Tulio is reprehensible. While I agree Ana is mentally ill, I also feel there is a fair amount of evil in the mix which is why I have not an iota of sympathy for her.

SpanProf, I get a kick out of Amalia and Enzo. He balances her out a bit and calms her down somewhat.

I was glad to see Julieta thinking about Super Dave. She was (and always is) very kind to her mother. I would like to see more of the calm, collected Cat who consoled her daughter after the miscarriage. I don't like the shrewish Cat at her exes throat continually.

Jarifa, this was great. Thank you!


Our comments crossed Rgv Chick.

Enjoyed "...if he has any chance of getting close to his children, it'll have to be without any drama from Catita" - so true!

Cat and Hugo could indeed end up together. To be honest though, I'm still a bit put out that he stayed away from his children all these years. Now that they are independent adults (well at least Julieta is!), it is easy for him to step in. Cat did do all the work...


Diana, I too am utterly unimpressed with Aurelio. He was nonplussed with the heartache of Amalias leaving. I fear Belen is in for more heartbreak. I just don't trust him.

Is there no such thing as Medicare or Medicaid in Mexico?

If Tulio has his way he will kick all of them out into the street and sell the build and keep the profits.

Diana and Carvivlie, "I am very unimpressed with Aurelio. " Raising my too! The man looks like slime...what Belen sees in him and why she would want him back is mind boggling.

Thanks, RgvChick and Diana!

ITA with everyone about Aurelio. He is like a wet rag so far. Too bad Belén can’t find a nice guy. I think it will do Amalia good though to maybe finally be on her own eventually . . .

More mañana.

Thanks, Jarifa. Fab job.

Clarissa is wildly fluttering about fanning herself and Augusto’s bald head.

Hilarious. I like the actor that's playing Augusto.

Daniela and Gabriel are the most romantic couple I've seen in a while. Lots of chemistry together on the dance floor.

No way should Imelda's signing be legal since she's incapacitated, but this is a TN and there doesn't seem to be a lawyer in this TN.

Thanks, Niecie.

I like Manuel Landeta, too. Last time I saw him was in ”Corazón indomable” (not one of my faves) . Come to think of it, Daniel Arenas was also in that one.


Jarifa - Thank you for the recap!!

I could not believe my eyes when I saw CatDQ and Blanca sitting together, breaking bread.

Gabriel's sisters at the party, standing there posing, looked like an Evil Twins parody version of The Kardashians.

Diana - Not only am I unimpressed, Aurelio gives me the creeps. I don't trust him.

Amalia is no more mature than a thirrteen-year old. (No disrespect to thirteen-year olds because most of them are more mature than Amalia!!!.)

Tulio is the absolute worst.

doris, you are welcome.

That was a surprise that Blanca and Catalina could actually sit and talk. I was a nice scene.

"It" wasa nice scene.

Jarifa, Manuel Landeta creeped me out in CI. So far I am liking him in this. I do hope his character isn't as shallow as he appears to be.

He definitely had a different vibe going on in CI. I felt sorry for his character in that one.

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