Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Monday 11/20/17 Capítulo 63: A Punch Produces a Deadline

Julieta spends some time in her nursery writing in her baby journal to her now lost child. She writes that the love between her and Robert will never end so the baby will live through them forever.

Aristóteles and his family celebrate his perfect score on the academic olympics test. Later Aristóteles, feeling guilty, calls Romina who was just scolded by her parents for not getting the highest grade. They want her to be the best in everything. She tells him to enjoy his perfect score and hangs up. Aristóteles feels bad.

Catalina and the family talk over dinner. Hugo will be paid much better than at the aquarium. Hugo remarks that he knows nothing about clothing. Diana tells him he will be okay. Catalina says that is the problem with Diana: she will put up with anything. Bruno adds “even Hugo” which makes Hugo wonder what kind of plans Julieta has for Bruno. Hugo doesn’t think Bruno will be able to make it for even three hours at Julieta's place. Diana smiles.

Daniela returns with her plank to her room. Marisol brings her up to date on their father in the hospital. Marisol wants to know why Daniela has a little smile and her eyes are so sparkly. Daniela shows her the plank and the message. Marisol wants to know if it is an engagement ring. No, it is a promise ring.

At the Musi House, Gabriel comes by to visit in all of his filth from the graveyard. He tells his father that he is just coming from a get together at a campsite with all of his employees and how happy they are with the restaurant’s new location. Clarissa finds that really disgustingly low class for him to be socializing with his employees. Their father sees it as just a method that businessmen use. Gabriel agrees that being included is part of being a good leader. Gabriel explains he is so dirty because he tripped and fell. All Clarissa wants to know is if the fuzzy waiter or waitress or whatever it was was fired for spilling the soup all over her. Gabriel defends Daniela saying it was an accident. Clarissa insists it was no accident. She explains that he has a waitress that looks like a man. Gabriel disagrees. Clarissa says all she needs is a moustache and a beard. Gabriel explains she is his best and most responsible employee. His father tells him to fire her if she makes another mistake. Cassandra, another sister joins them. She is all excited that she bought a handbag and they are donating ten percent of what she paid to a charity. Gabriel starts to mock her and tells them both that they act like thirteen year olds. Clarissa announces that her birthday is coming up and that there will be a party. Their father says yes and all of their friends and acquaintances are coming. He tells Gabriel to invite his girlfriend. His sisters are shocked. Clarissa says they are going to use a loupe to check her out. She has to have excellent genes. They ask Gabriel if he gets it. Their dad parrots their question and asks Gabriel if he gets it again.

The next day early in the morning, Xavi is eager to help knead bread but Blanca puts him to work sweeping instead. She tells him one of the rules of the bakery is not to talk a lot or ask a lot of questions. Blanca looks sad as she works and we see that she really misses Eugenio. Xavi dances and sings throughout the bakery as he sweeps. The customers applaud but Blanca just glares at him. Marisol stops by Xavi and is surprised to see him working at the bakery. What about his career? He has no problem working in the bakery and becoming a successful baker and working on his career at the same time. Marisol tells him she is arranging an autograph signing for him. She tells him to have confidence in her. She is going to see about her dad at the hospital. He is left thinking about their kiss.

Amalia is busy putting on her makeup to put the moves on Hugo. Belén reminds her that Hugo is their bosses’ brother and Amalia did say that she was going to be loyal to her dance teacher Enzo. Amalia doesn’t want to hear and turns her back on Belén. Hugo finally arrives. Amalia calls him on being late. Belén tells him where he can put his stuff as Amalia growls at him playfully. Belén is sure Amalia will make him quit. Amalia insists she just wants him to know the rules from the start. And on it goes. . .

Catalina pins an evil eye charm on Hugo to keep the bad vibes away on his new job. He just hopes that somebody sees himand hires him as a model. She tells him to watch himself with the two spinsters. She does not trust them at all.

Aristóteles finds out from Diana that Romina is not going to be at school today. Her parents informed them that she would not be coming because she is depressed. Diana is worried because of all of the pressure that her parents put on her.

At the hospital, Blanca and her daughters are all holding hands and praying for Eugenio.

Julieta is talking to Robert in Eugenio’s room. Yes, Eugenio has osteoarthritis and they are going to start his therapy immediately. At that very moment, Ana texts Robert asking how Eugenio is doing. He doesn’t answer it. Julieta says that it sounds like Ana is fishing to see if he told Eugenio the truth. Robert plans to make it really clear to Tulio that he won’t be telling the truth. Eugenio wants to know what truth. Eugenio overheard them because he is not sleeping. He wants to know how long they are planning on deceiving him. Ana has something to do with it, right? He wants to know if the secret has something to with Juan Pablo’s disappearance.

Ana appears at the hospital asking how Eugenio is doing. When they all just stare at her, she tells them not to look at her like that. Ana does or want to feel strange with her own family. Linda jumps up and starts chewing her out about after what happened yesterday. After that, how could they consider her “family”. Blanca tells Linda that they are not going to argue. Ana says that her intention is to help them and assist them. Daniela states that if that is indeed true then why would Ana and Tulio collect money from her family that it does not have. Blanca gets them all back to praying while Ana sits by herself.

Eugenio is aggravated that Robert and Julieta are not telling him the truth and says he will be getting worse unless they do. What do they not understand is that it is about HIS family and HIS son. Julieta suggests maybe they can talk more when he leaves. Well, Eugenio is ready to leave. Eugenio reminds them he has been waiting for an explanation for thirty four years. If it has to do with Juan Pablo, he has a right to know. He is the head of the family. Julieta leaves the room so Robert and Eugenio is can talk. Eugenio remembers a few days back telling Julieta that if telling a secret would hurt other people, it was best to keep it but now he knows that Robert knows the secret. He does not want Robert bearing the burden of that secret on his own. He wants to know what they did to Juan Pablo so many years ago. Eugenio promises not to tell anything to Blanca or Imelda. Eugenio asks Robert if he remembers that Juan Pablo always said he was his hero. He is asking that Robert let him be that today for him. Robert needs to trust him and tell him. Robert asks if Eugenio remembers that he always said that a woman abandoned him at the orphanage. Eugenio asks if that woman was Ana. Robert nods.

As Julieta is leaving, she almost bumps into Ana. In trying to avoid Ana, she runs into Dafne who asks her why she is looking at her like that. Julieta thinks that Dafne shouldn’t be kissing another woman’s boyfriend. Julieta expects no explanations. She just thinks that women should respect each other. Julieta walks on.

Eugenio cannot believe that Ana had deceived them all of these years. He remembers all of the tears his mother and his wife shed. Eugenio wants to know if Tulio knew all of this time. Robert has to admit that Tulio did know. Eugenio starts to lose it and Robert tells him he has to keep it together because Blanca and all of his daughters are just outside in the waiting room and they cannot find out. Eugenio calls Tulio an imbecile and adds that Tulio knew that Eugenio blamed Blanca for losing Juan Pablo. Eugenio looked for Juan Pablo like a mad man. Tulio know that he could not sleep because of the pain. He begged for anyone to tell him where Juan Pablo was and they were silent. Robert tells Eugenio they have to be strong now. He also tells Eugenio that Ana and Tulio tried to blackmail him using Imelda’s debt. Eugenio is surprised that they dared to do that. Robert says they did and he does not want them to hurt the family anymore. Eugenio insists he is not afraid of them because that they already have hurt him in the very worst that they could ever. Robert disagrees. He wants Eugenio to calm down. He has no plans on ever leaving Eugenio alone again. Blanca and Imelda cannot take this news. Robert tells him that the two of them alone will defend the family. Julieta returns to the room. She announces that Ana is there. Robert tells Eugenio to get dressed to go home. Julieta tells Eugenio that they will be by his side as long as he needs them. Robert grabs his father and hugs him to try to calm him down.

Julieta goes out to tell Blanca and family that Eugenio is ready to go home. Ana decides to leave now that she knows Eugenio will be okay. She and Blanca give each other a peck goodbye while Linda applauds Ana leaving. As they are waiting, Daniela shows Julieta her ring. Daniela is happy but confused. She is still going to need Julieta’s advice. Julieta will help her. She asks Julieta for information on how to be a girlfriend. Julieta tells her there are no manuals for how to be a girlfriend. Julieta reminds her that Gabriel is the Cinderfella and she is the brave one. She has been so from birth. She cannot stop being herself. As they are talking, Daniela has a fantasy where she arrives with a sword trying to rescue Cinderfella from his sisters and father. Damiela cannot believe she is going to have to fight all sorts of obstacles to be with Gabriel. Julieta reminds her of Gabriel’s personality and lets her know that his family is rather complicated. Julieta tells Daniela to concentrate on the beginning of her relationship and not to put any rules she has to follow in her head. She deserves to be happy. Daniela looks happy.

Eugenio comes out into the waiting area with Robert. He hugs Blanca and kisses her. On the verge of tears, he tells her that he loves her.

Catalina is upset as she sees Bruno packing up to go to Julieta’s. He is going to leave her in that Diana’s hands? Bruno thinks that maybe Julieta will help him with his robotics. Catalina sees it as Julieta’s revenge on her because of what her dad told her. He thinks Catalina is exaggerating. As Catalina whines, Bruno leaves.

At home in their room, Linda is upset with Daniela that she is all friendly with Julieta. Linda tells her that they cannot be allied with Julieta. Daniela does not know why not. Daniela calls Julieta a lovely (linda) person which sets off Lindab ecause she is using her name in reference to Julieta. The real problem is that Daniela told Julieta first that she and Gabriel were now novios. Daniela explains that she told her because Julieta and Gabriel are friends. What really burns Linda more is that Daniela has a boyfriend (who is good looking and rich) and a ring and she Linda has nothing. Daniela reminds her that that is what Linda wished her on her birthday.

Robert and Julieta drop off Eugenio and Blanca at home. Later, Robert will fill them all in on Eugenio’s medical condition. Eugenio shouldn’t work so much. Eugenio states that if he doesn’t work he will die. Now, he wants to see how Xavi is doing. Blanca knows That Eugenio is just trying to avoid facing his illness. Blanca will be there when Robert explains to them what is going on with Eugenio.

In the bakery, Xavi smells something burning. It is a tray of bread. Eugenio sees it as Xavi just learning. Blanca just wants to save money. Blanca wants Eugenio to rest. Eugenio sees the bakery as needing him. He is in pain but pushes ahead.

Julieta invites Polita over to offer her the baby items she had accumulated. Polita starts choosing what she wants. The crib Daniela made will be kept in the family. She shows it all to Audifaz and he feels like they won the lottery. Polita has an idea. They can sell everything except for the crib. Audifaz agrees but nobody can know.

It is the second round of the academic olympics and Aristóteles tells Diana that he does not want to continue. He leaves and is sitting outside of the school with Frida. A student comes up and asks him why he is not happy because he is the most famous kid that the school. Aristóteles explains to Frida that it is because sometimes the best students are not on the honor roll and those who do deserve it are not there. Frida does not get it and asks if somebody lied.

Aurelio is having another ice cream soda date with Belén. He wants to know when she is going to tell him if she will accept giving their relationship another chance. It all comes down to Amalia. She lives with her and does not want to leave her alone. Aurelio understands. He also knows that Amalia can’t stand him but Belén has to remember that she is not Amalia’s mother. She has to stop treating her as if she were a little girl.

Gabriel meets with the staff at their new restaurant. He gives the group a pep talk. Daniela can only giggle and laugh because she keeps imagining him in his Cinderfella get up. Gabriel keeps asking her what is going on. He takes her to the side. He reminds her that at work he is her boss.Later, he explains to Daniela that he got upset because he thought that she was laughing at him. He wants her to tell him what she was laughing at. he is talking to her as her boyfriend now and not her boss. She will only say she is sorry. That is not quite enough for him. He wants something in return. He starts to kiss her. She starts to giggle. He wants to know why she is laughing. Her answer is that it just was some silly thing. He asks her if she is ready to take their relationship seriously. She admits she is not the best in relationships but she is going to try her best. That is good enough for him. He tries to explain that if she makes fun of him, the other employees will lose respect for him. Then, Gabriel invites her to his sister Clarissa’s birthday party with his whole family. Daniela says she isn’t going. He says she has to go. It is an order. She reminds him he wasn’t talking to her as her boss now.

Belén calls up Blanca who is making hot chocolate. She doesn’t know if she should accept Aurelio’s proposal or no. Blanca wants to know why not. Belén says it is Amalia. She knows that Amalia will not survive without her. Blanca tells her that Amalia could always come and stay in their building or with them. She is Blanca’s sister. Blanca has no more to say other than that Amalia is her sister.

Robert tells Julieta that he is going to Ana’s because Eugenio left the house and nobody knows where he went. Robert knows he went: to Tulio’s. Robert is on his way to Tulio’s. Julieta understands Eugenio because she would do the same thing.

Eugenio has arrived at Tulio’s and tells him to go get Ana. Eugenio asks Ana why she did that to his son. Ana drops to her knees sobbing and begging him to forgive her. He cannot believe that she abandoned their son. They opened their home to her. He does not know what kind of punishment she deserves or what to even call her crime. Tulio tries to get him to just shut up. Eugenio will not be silenced. As for Tulio, he was capable of being a traitor to his own blood and his own mother. Juan Pablo was his brother’s son, his nephew. Tulio tells him to be a man and face the truth. Ana abandoned their son but she really did them them a favor because he and Blanca were incapable of doing a good job raising him. Juan Pablo grew up better without them. That is the final straw for Eugenio. Eugenio punches Tulio in the jaw.

Daniela is still chatting with Gabriel. The flirting continues. He also would love for her to give him the gift of inviting him to her house for dinner to get to know her family. She says “Okay, Cinderfella.” He gets a real kick out of it and hugs her. He accuses her of being a blackmailer, and playing dirty. She is evading him. She finally agrees she will put on her armor to tell her whole family that they are novios. He asks her for a peck and soon they are kissing again.

Tulio is not cowered. He accuses Eugenio of being afraid and not handling things like a man. Ana begs Tulio to just leave Eugenio alone. Tulio invites him to dare to hit him again. Eugenio does not want to see either of them in his life. Tulio tells them that will be very difficult because they owe them a great deal of money. Eugenio tells him he will never mess with his family again. He will not blackmail them anymore. Tulio tells him how naive he is. That is how Ana was able to deceive them for so many years. Eugenio asks him to at least have some respect for his mother. Tulio asks if Eugenio is really going to blackmail him using his mother. That will not work. Eugenio calls him a poor devil and Tulio calls him a failed old man. Tulio is going to make Eugenio sorry for what he did. Eugenio concludes that he wants to take everything away from them. He can go ahead and just try. Eugenio is not afraid. That is exactly what Tulio is going to do. He is giving Eugenio one week to make up a payment schedule with the interest inclided, of course. The doorbell rings. Tulio tells Eugenio he can go. Robert rushes in to support his father. Ana screams at Robert telling him he is responsible for all of this. Eugenio reminds her that she is the one responsible for starting all of this in the first place. Tulio reiterates to Robert that his father needs to send him a payment plan for the money he owes. Tulio’s advice to Eugenio is to stop wasting time crying and go get the money because time flies. Ana pleads for them not to tell Blanca amd Imelda because they will never survive this. Eugenio remarks that whenever he thought of Ana and Tulio he used to feel sorry for them because he knew that they were so very unhappy, but now he knows that they deserve it. Robert and Eugenio leave.


Jarifa, your wise choice of words, your ability to illuminate and enlighten was masterful.

"Gabriel comes by to visit in all of his filth from the graveyard" had me smiling away.

I was afraid Eugenio was going to suffer a heart attack. A small glimpse into the living hell he has experienced "Tulio know that he could not sleep because of the pain. He begged for anyone to tell him where Juan Pablo was and they were silent". And the terrible admission that he did blame Blanca. She had to live with that additional pain every single day.

While Tulio is indeed monstrous, I cannot lose sight of the fact that Ana stands with him. It was her evil choice to abduct Robert. Aside from a few fleeting moments, I have seen nothing to indicate she is truly sorry. Her biggest fear was being revealed.

I don't know how the family is going to be able to pay Tulio back. I believe someone had mentioned the fact Ana is wealthy in her own right. That said, I don't think she can convince Tulio to forgive the debt.

Onto happier matters...

"Daniela returns with her plank to her room". Just the thought makes me smile.

"Clarissa says they are going to use a loupe to check her out". And we thought Julieta's introduction to Robert's family was tough?? This is going to be brutal. Just brutal. I was happy to see Clarissa is the actress playing Dalia over on Ramon. Is there anything more painful than to be led to believe you are worthless and not at all "fit" for family? Ack.

"Julieta tells Daniela to concentrate on the beginning of her relationship and not to put any rules she has to follow in her head. She deserves to be happy. Daniela looks happy". Hold onto those thoughts Dani. You will need them.

"They can sell everything except for the crib. Audifaz agrees but nobody can know". Oh Polita!! Why, why? Julieta gave you such a gift. I know you need money but this is just wrong.

My head tells me Blanca should know the truth. My heart says now isn't the time.

Jarifa, just wonderful. Thank you so very much!


Jarifa: I'm hoping Julieta gets a Happy Ending with kids.

Thanks, Diana. ITA with your feelings about Ana and Tulio. Thinking back on the abduction itself and all of the harm done to JuanPablo and all of the family ( including their relationships to each other) and pain which still reverberates today, there is no forgiveness for Ana or Tulio. Is there a statute of limitations on kidnapping in Mexico? They should get a lawyer and if not able to criminally prosecute this pair of criminals, then take them to civil court (if this option is available) and sue them for all the damages possible. The kidnapping and the culpability of Ana and Tulio would also become public and most likely a front page tale which would probably ruin Tulio. This being a novela, they probably won’t go there, but I wish they would. Now it is just a matter of time until everyone finds out the truth and about Tulio having blackmailed the Córcega’s over Ana’s money.

The money was Ana’s, so how does Tulio get to decide to demand its repayment?

I was happy that Eugenio landed a good punch. It was the highlight of the episode.

It was a delight seeing Daniela becoming more relaxed and so happy in her relationship with Gabriel. I loved her carrying her plank home to keep.


Jarifa, actually, I had been thinking of jail time and hadn't really considered the possibility of suing. It's an excellent idea and sound (and good) advice.

The hurt would be to their reputations (in taters to us already but not the unsuspecting rest of the "world"). And of course, it would get them where it hurts the most (their wallets) (phrase a favorite of Mr. Diana).

Gene has a great right hook!


Diana, if the case made the papers, just think if the “free”advertising their bakery would get.

Jarifa, thank you for such an vividly detailed recap. You captures all the event sperfectly!

I think the Mussi family is going to bring us many chuckles, And Dina, yes, I recognized "Dalia!"

And I too really thought Eugenio was going to have a heart attack. The emotion portrayed by both acotrs during that scene was excellent...so heartfelt.

Diana, "While Tulio is indeed monstrous, I cannot lose sight of the fact that Ana stands with him. It was her evil choice to abduct Robert. Aside from a few fleeting moments, I have seen nothing to indicate she is truly sorry. Her biggest fear was being revealed." My thoughts exactly! She shows no remorse about the actual abduction; all she cares about is keeping her teh "family" she so relentlessly tortures for so many years.

Jarifa, "It was a delight seeing Daniela becoming more relaxed and so happy in her relationship with Gabriel. I loved her carrying her plank home to keep." It truly was delightful! and I loved that seh went to Julieta right away to tell her..even before Linda! But I dread her first encounter with the Mussi girls.

Xavi was really sweet helping out at the bakery, I wish Blanca would give him a break.

I forgot to mention,but I absolutely love that dark blue blouse Julieta was wearing and Mari's dress last night was gorgeous! I wonder if Linda is going to hit her for clothes too...but the dresses may be too long..Ha!


Oh, and I loved that right hook too! But I was really afraid Tulio was going to strike back..with Eugenio already experiencing health problems, it scould have made things so much worse.

And Diana, " And the terrible admission that he did blame Blanca. She had to live with that additional pain every single day." He also stated Imelda blamed her too, but we already knew that. What a horrendous life Blanca must have had to have suffered such verbal and emotional abuse from her husband and mother-in-law. It's mind boggling how she was able to stay with them and survive as she has. Though she hasn't been the best mother-in-law, I can see good changes coming for her and from her already.


Thanks Jarifa!!!!

OMG Tulio is a heartless, vengeful, bitter monster! Why does he hate his family so much? What did Eugenio ever do to him?! I don't think Ana wants to stand by him but I think she feels trapped. I actually think Ana cares more about the family than Tulio. I'm still crossing my fingers Ana sides with the family and releases the debt behind Tulio's back.

Amalia living in the same building or apartment? Heavens no. I can't stand her.

Dani and Gabi are so cute. I do wish they had more time together as a couple before Dani met his family. I don't think Gabi fully understands the wolves den he is leading Dani into. And Dani isn't good in social situations ---and she is more relaxed around guys than girls. Any hope Gabi's father will see Dani's value?

Polita seemed a little too happy to take Julieta's baby things. I don't think I would show so much excitement, knowing what Juli went through.

Oh I hope Eugenio and Rob come up with a plan to pay back the money. I still fear a heart attack for Eugenio. I just wish we had more answers for why Tulio is so awful.

I won't be able to see tonight's episode because I'll be on the road. I'm hoping I can catch up and watch this week's episodes online but that all depends on whether my uncle has remembered his wifi password!

RgvChick, weren't Mari and Julieta's clothes wonderful??

Julieta has such panache and style.

Mari looks lovely - no wonder Xavi is smitten! And yes, I wish Blanca would give him a bit of a break. Have we ever heard him mention any family? I get the sense he is alone in the world. Well, at least for now :)


Excellent recap, Jarifa! I guess Ari chose not to take the second round test, but at least it was written. An oral follow-up would have been humiliating! Gabi has truly creepy sisters. Xavi's singing and dancing may revive the Córcega bakery. The Robert-Eugenio scene was moving and sweet. I also loved those Cinderfella scenes! Exactly, Jarifa!. Tulio is pretty stupid in threatening Eugenio. Everything you said about statutes of limitations on kidnappings and about civil suits was absolutely right on!

In fact, it would be wonderful if Xavi's bakery performances revived both the bakery and his career. Watching him perform at the bakery could become a popular thing to do in Oaxaca.

Thanks, Jarifa.

Loved Linda dissing Ana. She is good when she's sticking up for her family members against others.

So glad Robert told Eugenio. I was scared Eugenio might relapse too, but he's got a right to know. Blanca too, but she's so weepy, I'm fine with them not telling her.

Hmmm, imagining your he-man love dressed as a woman is novel. I don't see how the actors keep a straight face when Gabriel is in the Snow White getup.

Polita seemed a little too happy to take Julieta's baby things. I don't think I would show so much excitement, knowing what Juli went through.

Carvivlie, I found Polita so annoying here. She has a good heart, but when it comes to getting freebies she's like a little kid.

Does Belen seem to be moving too fast with her ex? I mean he has come back after leaving her all of those years ago and she's ready to shack back up? Why not start slowly by dating and see if you want him back? Maybe he has changed. Maybe you have changed. Seems rushed.

Yes, Polita's manner was very grating, but her general idea makes sense. She told Audi that the things were high quality, expensive (probably designer) things and that they still had a long time before the baby comes, so they should sell the stuff and use the money to pay off some of their bills as well as replace the baby things (except the crib) with "simpler" items. It makes sense. They don't need designer baby clothes and toys (no one does, actually, babies outgrow everything at an alarming rate). However, she should be up front with Julieta and tell her what she wants to do. Juls is so kind and understanding, she would probably even help her sell them, like on EBay or something.

Carvivlie, I agree that Belen is rushing it. She seemed the most level-headed of the three sisters yet she is going into this blindly. That I can remember, there hasn't even been an apology from her ex for dumping her...too much, too soon for her... too little from him.

RgvChick and Jarifa - I'm back in town and have just now gotten caught up reading your recaps and thank you!!!

I won't ever have time to watch these episodes, but I will definitely FFWD thru Friday's to see Marisol's makeover "big reveal" (and includes a shrug).

I continue to be amazed over how evil, cruel, and just plain sick-in-the-head both Tulio and Ana are.
They cannot demand repayment of said "loan" unless there was a written agreement, or even a verbal one. And I'm not getting the idea that there was even a verbal agreement. Oh, wait! This is telenovelaland and I need to find my beanie hat!

If Eugenio has osteoarthritis in his shoulder, I guess that is not the one he used to punch Tulio.

Dani + Gab = Yayyy!!!

Amalia = take a hike

Ben = you've been voted off the island

Imelda = never going to win Mother Of The Year

Ana = "I've been unhappy for 30+ years, and now its your turn ... even though you've done nothing to deserve it"

You are welcome and Thanks, everyone!

RgvChick, yes, it is much easier for me to understand and forgive Blanca because of the hell of a life she has had. Seriously, what could be worse than what she has been through then with their recriminations on top of her own guillt?

Carvivlie, good luck on the road and with the password! I am not looking forward to more of Ana living at the apartment, Maybe she can runaway and join the circus with Linda and Bruno. I actually think there is hope for Hugo.

SpanProf, I really have to make sure my beanie is on tight when clearly situations that clearly merit a legal outcome are not taken in that direction. Nobody ever seems to want to file charges or even call a lawyer when “family’”, “friends” or the powerful are involved.

Anon 2:11, ITA that Polita should be upfront with Julieta. That is what is missing for me. Julieta gave it to her for her baby. Would Julieta be okay with her selling the items?

Niecie, Polita’s attitude bothered me, too. Her idea to sell the baby items a little too quick for my taste but I don’t know how dire her situation is either. I wonder if Julieta will find out and what her reaction might be.

doris, welcome back! Yes, the whole “loan” thing has me tightening my beanie, too. I couldn’t believe Tulio was telling Eugenio to make up a payment schedule without having seen what the bottom line was like Tulio doesn’t know it already to the last centavo. Tulio told Robert he would send it to him earlier. ????

I may be by myself here but i have to say one thing. I think Ana is truly sorry for what she did. I know that nothing justifies it but she now regrets it. I agree with Carvivlie about feeling trapped with Tulio and i think what she should do is forgive the debt to the family and then move far away where she can start over on her own. I doubt the family would forgive her but atleat she can forgive the debt as a peace offering and i think everyone is being to hard on her i actually feel sorry for her.

Ana, thanks for stopping by and sharing your opinion! I agree that Ana starting over on her own would be the best for everyone including herself.

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