Thoughts in italics.
[Previously: At Ana’s
house, Tulio tells Blanca that Ana’s salvation depends on Blanca…that she
forgive Ana. Blanca doesn’t understand what she has to forgive and tells Tulio
he is making her nervous. When Tulio confesses that it was Ana who kidnapped her
son,] Blanca can’t believe it, “Ana took him from the market? No, no…it’s not real...”
Tulio then tells her Ana was under the care of a psychiatrist that had her
under medication. When he starts to tell her about that day, Blanca shouts,
“Shut up! Say no more!” but Tulio continues that day Ana had her third
miscarriage and she was obsessed with having a child. Blanca cries, “And that
is why she took mine?” When Tulio continues that his mother wanted him to look
for another woman who could give him children, Blanca cries, “Why was I at
fault for that? What fault did my 4 year old son have…Oh, God! I gave her my
love and my trust all those years. She was like another sister to me!
How...could she abandon my son? She knew I couldn’t sleep because of the guilt
and the pain. It was years that I asked that my son return.”
At the Córsega’s, Robert
tells Imelda and Eugenio that Tulio won’t be able to pressure them anymore; his
loan was approved. Imelda insists that it’s not right that he pay all that
money, but Robert points out that Tulio will not stop threatening them. He can
sue them and take the only thing they have…and he will not allow it.
At a restaurant, Hugo Sr.
tells his children that not all children are raised under the same roof. From
that day forward, they not only have a father, they have a friend. Juls
responds that the last few days have been complicated and appreciates what he
is trying to do, but they have been able to make it on their own...and with
their mother. Hugo interjects that if their father wants to collaborate and
give them some money…but Hugo Sr. interrupts and tells him that, as for him, he
can get him a better job. Hugo explains that he doesn’t need a better job, he
needs some money. Hugo Sr. ignores him and tells Bruno he can support him with
the robotics, but Bruno agrees with Julie; just having him with them is enough…his
sister has been like their father. Hugo understands and thank Juls for all she
has done for her brothers…and for being with her mother. When he also thanks
her for being the head of the family, Julie replies she did it with much love,
but Bruno thinks sometimes she is tough. Hugo Sr. asks them to if they could
have gotten as far as they have if Juls didn’t have the character she has and
acknowledges that Julie took on the role of the father he did not fulfill. When
he tells Juls he is very proud of her, but acknowledges that when she was born
he was disappointed because he was expecting another boy, Julie looks anxious.
He then tells her that now he realizes he was a fool; she has always been an
excellent woman. When he asks her to forgive him, Juls thanks him for admitting
his mistake and thinks that they can start a new, more unified and happy life.
At Ana’s, Blanca
continues to cry and reproach that Ana would console her and hug her. She
wonders how Ana could abandon a defenseless child. She continues, “He was my
child, Tulio! A child who just wanted to return to his mother. When Tulio tries
to justify that Ana was going crazy, Blanca shouts, “No! And why didn’t she
speak up when she realized it? I never had one second of peace! How could her
conscience not be moved…when she saw me kneeling, begging God for Juan Pablo?
There is no explanation, none! I feel like you are tearing out my soul with
your own hands!” As Tulio can’t look Blanca in the eyes, she continues, “She
was near us all the time…and she took my son! She stole what I loved most! She
stole my life! Thirty-four years that Ana allowed them to cheat us! And she
herself…how can it be, how could she tell me...that my son was dead?”
At the bakery, Xavi wants
to pay Mari commission for being his manager. When he mentions that he can pay
with what he makes at the bakery too, Mari is not in agreement, but Xavi points
out that he can also keep tabs on her father…and that what she makes as fashion
consultant only pays for Freda’s costs. When he asks what she thinks about
Frida saying they make a nice couple, Mari tells him it’s just things kids say,
but Xavi wonders if it’s true. Mari thinks they make a good team as manager and
artist, then mentions she still has to take Frida to her appointment with
Daphne. Xavi wants to go with them because he cares what happens to them. As he
gets closer to kiss her, Mari moves back and gives him his money.
At Enzo’s studio, Enzo
tells Amalia that she is ready for the contest. Amalia is elated, but very
nervous. As she tells him she is also very prepared, Belén arrives and needs to
talk to her. She rented the cabin in the woods where they used to go as
children. She wants to go think about things. When Amalia asks about Aurelio,
Belén confides that she is not sure about her future with him. When Belén tells
her she misses her very much, Amalia misses her too; and they cry as they hug.
[Mexican Version: At the
Mussi mansion, Augusto tells the Hermonsters he doesn’t want them going to the
restaurant today…or to bother Gabriel. When they start to argue he tells them
it’s an order and explains they have to cut the problem at the root; they
shouldn’t pressure Gabriel. He then gets a better idea; he wants to know more
about that girl—where she lives, who her family is—so they need to find out.]
At Ana’s, Blanca demands
that Ana explain. As she grabs Tulio by his shirt, she demands, “I want her to
tell me why she hurt me so! I want her to look me in the eye!”

Tulio reminds her that
she has seen Ana; she is sedated and won’t be able to respond. She took very
strong pills. When Tulio mentions that Ana always wanted to compensate for
their pain with gifts…and help them however she could, Blanca responds, “Sure,
and with gifts she was going to substitute my son…my poor son who suffered for
years thinking I had abandoned him!” When she asks how long he has known what
his wife did, Tulio looks down, but Blanca demands he look at her. When he
finally does and admits he knew since the beginning, Blanca retorts, “You kept
quiet…you became an accomplice of her crime! You are worse than she is! You are
evil! You didn’t care about your mother and your own brother!” He then suggests
she shouldn’t defend them so much because they, too, have kept the truth from
her. This secret is known by Eugenio, Imelda, Juan Pablo, Julieta…and Audifaz.
Blanca is speechless as she turns, grabs her purse and walks slowly away…beaten
and devastated.
At the hospital, Mari and
Xavi take Frida to meet with Daphne, but Daphne needs to talk to Frida alone.
At the Mussi mansion, the
Hermonsters hand Augusto the information he requested. Cassandra hopes his plan
works because Gabriel is crazy about that woman. When Clarissa mentions that
Gabriel and Dani didn’t work at the restaurant and suggests they went on a
vacation…probably a honeymoon, Augusto stands and is angry.
As they drive to Mexico
City, Gabriel and Dani sing their song. When they get there and Dani comments
that she has always wanted to see the city…and now she sees it holding his hand,
Gabriel likes that romantic side of her. When she is unsure if she is doing (romantic)
things correctly, Gabriel assures her she is doing very well...and he is
prepared to see the world holding her hand. They then tell each other, “I love
At the hospital, Frida
complains that she is treated like a child; they cover her eyes. She then
continues to tell how her mother took her out of their home; her father left;
they were getting a divorce but kept changing their minds. When Daphne asks
about her father, Frida responds that he went to see her once and told her he
would be seeing her, but he didn’t come back… he doesn’t love her. When she
thinks her father wouldn’t have left if he loved her, Daphne explains that what
other people do sometimes has nothing to do with us. Just as she goes to school
and does her work; adults also have to solve their problems. When Daphne
mentions that parents don’t always pay attention to their children, Frida
complains that at home, they don’t know anything about what is happening with
her. She thinks her father has forgotten her. Daphne assures her that she won’t
forget about her.
At the Córsega’s, Robert,
Juls, Eugenio, and Imelda sit and talk in the living room. Robert tells them
that whatever happens to them happens to him. Juls also shows her support and
wants to help with the debt. Imelda realizes she works hard for her money,
so Juls should spend her money on her own needs. Eugenio is grateful, but agrees with
Imelda. Juls thinks they can come up with solutions together and reminds them
she is now part of the family. Robert thanks her and tells Eugenio and Imelda
not to worry; he has already set up a payment plan with the bank. Eugenio
offers to pay back whatever they can, but Robert refuses; he prefers to owe the
bank than Tulio. He is going to talk to Tulio so they can have everything in
writing and signed.
In Mexico City, Gabriel
and Dani continue their sightseeing. Dani wishes she could freeze time to conserve
that moment. They profess how happy they make each other.
At the hospital, Daphne
continues her session with Frida. She advises that whether or not her father
returns, Frida needs to be alright...and she will help her. Frida doesn’t think
Daphne understands because Daphne wasn’t abandoned, nor does she feel all
alone. Daphne replies that everyone feels alone at one time or another. Daphne
gives her a strategy to use when she feels alone—to hug herself and say “My
happiness does not depend on others, it depends on me.”
At the market, Blanca
stands and visualizes herself with little
Juan Pablo and telling him she will prepare him something special to eat. She
then sees Eugenio who asks her how she could lose their son. When she looks
down, Juan Pablo disappears and Blanca remembers Imelda telling her she should
never have let go of her grandson; and that she ruined their lives. She then
sees herself sitting and crying. Blanca turns to look around the market as
she sobs.
[Mexican Version: In the
cabin in the woods, Amalia and Belén sit outside on a bench and recall the
times they spent there as children. When Amalia mentions they were happier
then, Belén thinks it’s because they enjoyed what they had back then. Now they
only suffer for what they don’t have. When Amalia asks what happened with
Aurelio, Belén confides that he is trying very hard to make things work, but
what they had is gone. Amalia thinks they should have never stopped being
At the Córsega’s, Blanca
enters and looks at the four—Robert, Juls, Imelda and Eugenio. When they ask if she is well since she looks pale, she remains quiet and walks away to her
bedroom. As Eugenio and Imelda go see her, Juls wonders why Blanca looked at
them in such a way. In her bedroom, Blanca takes out Juan Pablo’s little red
sweater and holds it close. As she cries, Eugenio enters and asks what is
wrong…why she cries so, but Blanca turns in a rage and tells him she doesn’t
want him to speak to her again. She reproaches, “How could you keep quiet after
you and you mother made me feel so guilty for so many years. I didn’t lose our
son! You knew it and didn’t tell me! You didn’t tell me the truth that I waited
for so many years! Of course, because in this house, I am nothing…I am the cook
of the house…nothing else! I’m not your wife!” As Imelda, Robert and Juls
approach the bedroom, they hear Blanca say, “I have no right to know anything;
not even the truth! Don’t you think I deserved to know what Ana did to my son?
Tulio ended up telling me.” Eugenio explains that they didn’t tell her because
they didn’t want to cause her pain; Blanca responds, “Oh sure, remember when I
was pregnant with Marisol? I had cravings for strawberries…and you told me "no" because I didn’t deserve it since I lost our son.” As Imelda, Robert and
Juls are listening outside, Blanca continues, “Do you think you can cause me
more pain? Why deny it? You always blamed me! You were going to allow me to
carry that burden!” Imelda enters and justifies that they didn’t want her to
suffer more, but Blanca retorts, “More suffering than I already experienced?
You saw my pain more than anyone!” As she addresses both of them, she shouts,
“How could you have remained quiet? How could you hide something like this from
me?” Robert then enters and tells his mother she doesn’t deserve this
suffering...she doesn’t deserve to have this great pain. Blanca cries, “For
thirty-four years, I felt like trash for losing you.” As she looks at Eugenio
and Imelda, she shouts, “I deserve that you would have the courage to tell acknowledge that you unjustly accused me!” She points to Imelda and
cries, “You said that my carelessness ruined everyone’s lives!” Robert
interjects that they should speak calmly and takes responsibility for also not
telling her.

Blanca cries, “Son, I
don’t want to listen to any of you any more, I don’t want to listen. Today, I
confirmed that in this house…I am nothing! The bottom line is that you all said
nothing …and preferred to live with my sadness, my questions, my intrusiveness!
Please, I am asking you to leave me alone.” When Eugenio tells her she needs to
calm down and should understand them, Blanca chides him for insisting what she
should do. She has spent years doing what she “should” do…what he orders her to
do! She reiterates, “You all should have told me everything! Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!” Robert guides Eugenio and Imelda out and, as Juls hugs Robert,
Blanca sobs inconsolably.
In Mexico City, Gabriel
and Dani continue their fun at an amusement park. Once off the rides, Gabriel tells
Dani the surprises haven’t ended; there is something for her in this park that
she has to find. He stands Dani against a column and tells her to close her
eyes and count to 10, then open her eyes and look toward the left. After Dani
obliges, she finds a sign that tells her story as a warrior princess and gives
clues as to where she should go next.
At the Córsega’s, Juls
tells Eugenio and Imelda that they need to understand Blanca who feels betrayed
by the people she loves most. Imelda can’t believe Tulio told Blanca; and
Eugenio comments that they did what was done to them and caused them so much
pain…lie. Robert reminds them that Blanca asked to be alone and thinks the best
thing would be to give her time.
At the park, Dani finds
her next clue which leads her to a castle of mirrors. As Prince Charming watches from above, she enters going every
which way looking for her treasure. As she gets frustrated, Dani yells that the
treasure had better be worth it, so, from afar, Gabriel urges her to continue
with the game.
At the
Córsega’s. Blanca continues to cry as she gets a suitcase and packs while
Imelda listens at the door trying hard not to go in. Meanwhile, Eugenio calls
Tulio from the bakery and chides him for telling Blanca, but Tulio retorts that
revealing the truth was best for everyone, especially Ana. After he tells
Eugenio that Juan Pablo should just pay him and it’s done with, he hangs up.
Eugenio curses Tulio and gets a pain in his hip. When Xavi asks about the pain,
Eugenio replies that today, his soul hurts more…he let down the most important
person in his life. In her bedroom, Blanca writes a letter to her daughters as
they continue working and having fun: Daughters,
you are the reason I remained afoot, but today I need to continue alone. This has
nothing to do with any of the three of you, much less my granddaughter. I need
time because, for the first time, I need to decide what I will do with my life.
I always felt I was a nobody; and I don’t want to die like this. I know I am
old, but I need to find myself and heal many years of pain. Forgive me for
leaving, but I must do this. I only ask that you don’t doubt for even a second
that I love you. She places the letter on her nightstand and finishes
packing by putting Juan Pablo’s little red sweater in her suitcase.
In their
apartment, Robert confides to Tavo that he never imagined this would end like
this. Tavo replies that it had to happen sooner or later and Juls agrees and
suggests they need to let Blanca live her pain. She reminds him of the many years
Blanca spent thinking she was at fault. Meanwhile, at the Córsega’s, Imelda spends time with Frida as Blanca comes out with her suitcase. When Imelda asks
where she is going, Blanca replies that she is leaving…she doesn’t know where,
but far away; and she asks Imelda not to follow her. She at least deserves that
her decision be respected. When Frida cries and asks why she is leaving, Blanca
hugs her and assures her she will see her soon. Despite Frida’s pleading,
Blanca cries and slowly walks out, not only pulling her suitcase, but the
weight of years of agony and torment.

As Blanca trudges down
the hallway, she recalls the happier times with her family. As she gets into
the bakery van, she gives the building one last look…then gets in and tells
herself she can do this. After Frida watches her drive off, she runs into the
bakery and tells Eugenio her grandmother left the house and took the car.
Meanwhile, Imelda tells Robert that Blanca left…she was set on leaving, but has
never lived outside this building. Robert and Juls run out as Tavo stays to
care for Imelda.
At the park, Dani finally
finds her prince who has escaped the house of the evil stepsisters. When she
asks about the costume, he tells her some Mussi mice gave it to him, but she
wonders if it will disappear at midnight. He tells her it just might so she’d
better hurry. He continues that in the midst of all the oppression and sadness,
the young prince found happiness with a warrior princess. They start dancing,
but the bell tolls and Gabriel fears that his stepsisters might come for him
and she has not rescued him. He runs off leaving a “slipper” behind, so the
warrior princess runs after him.
At Belén’s shop, Blanca
arrives looking for her sisters, so Hugo tells her they went on a trip. As she
leaves, Robert calls her, but she refuses to answer and gets back in the van
repeating the instructions Julieta gave her: attention to the road, look
forward…there is no turning back.
At the Córsega’s, Mari
comments that her mother has never done such a thing. Robert thought Blanca
went to her sisters, but Juls tells them Hugo mentioned they had left on a
trip. When Robert hopes Blanca returns that same day and suggests Imelda take a
tranquilizer, Imelda just wants Blanca to return. Juls thinks that the last
thing Blanca wants to do right now is talk; and Robert agrees that if Blanca
asked in her letter to be left alone, then they should give her some time. Just
then Hugo, “Tornado,” calls Juls to tell her Blanca was at the shop looking for
her sisters, but left. Robert tells the family that at least they know Blanca
is alright. What Mari doesn’t understand is something her mother wrote in the
letter and asks what they kept from her. Imelda thinks it’s time to tell the
truth, so Robert tells Mari that Ana was the one that left him at the
orphanage. Meanwhile, outside the bakery, Eugenio can’t believe Blanca hasn’t
returned; he thought she would change her mind. When Eugenio moans in pain, Xavi
offers to go get Robert, but Eugenio doesn’t want to cause any more worries. He
asks Xavi not to say anything; the only thing he needs to know is where his
wife went. Xavi reassures him that Blanca will return soon.
At the park, Dani arrives
at the horror house and wonders if Gabriel really wants her to enter, but the zombies
urge her in. As she runs through and finds figures with Gabriel’s face, she
finds Vani Oso and hears Gabriel’s voice urging her on. When she threatens to
throw his slipper over the bridge, Gabriel shouts that she shouldn’t; so she
Linda is at work when she
gets the call that her mother left home. She thinks Mari is kidding, but rushes
out when she knows it true.
As Blanca drives, she
recalls the day at the market when Juan Pablo was crying and her crying out for
her son at the hospital. She then remembers: Ana telling her she (Ana) was worse than she could imagine; her asking
Ana if she recalled his face; and Tulio telling her that Ana abandoned her son.
At the Córsega’s, Eugenio
mentions that if Blanca hadn’t learned to drive, it would be easier to find
her, so Juls thinks he is blaming her. Robert tells his father this is not the
time to be pointing fingers; his mother needs to be alone. Eugenio insists that
he needs to talk to Blanca and ask for her forgiveness. When he wonders where
she will spend the night or if she will have an accident, Robert reassures him
Blanca is very careful; they need to wait for her to calm down. Juls suggests
that what Blanca is going through is what she needed. Blanca needs to liberate
herself of many things that have tormented her because of the past, because of
what is expected of her, because of what she has never been able to do. Juls
had already sensed that Blanca needed to get away from here and see what she
wants out of life. Eugenio replies that Blanca has always been with her family,
so Juls emphasizes that is the point; Blanca needs to know what it is she
wants…but alone…and not just as a mother, daughter-in-law, or a wife, but as a
woman. Eugenio tells Juls that without Blanca, he is nothing; he will die if
Blanca doesn’t forgive him. Robert assures him that he is not alone and neither
is his mother, but Eugenio still worries…something might happen to Blanca since
she is alone; she can’t take care of herself. Juls then interjects that is what
he thinks. When Juls assures him that Blanca can take care of herself, Eugenio
fears that Blanca will learn to live without him…or not return, or divorce him.
Juls tells Eugenio they shouldn’t look too far ahead; and Robert thinks Blanca
needs to grasp what Ana did and all that they feel. Juls shares that when she
left, she didn’t do it because she didn’t love Robert; it was just to gather
her thoughts and figure out what she felt. The distance helped her see things
clearly and what she was losing…and look at them now, married and closer than
ever. Robert is sure his mother has not stopped loving Eugenio. Eugenio tells
them he loves Blanca; he hasn’t said it very often, but swears he loves her.
Robert knows, but it is also an opportunity for Eugenio to realize everything
Blanca represents...and value his wife.
At the park, Dani walks
along with the slipper and Vani Oso when a small trunk appears, and so does
Gabriel. He tells her that he will trade the slipper for the small trunk. If
the slipper fits him, she will be allowed to open the magic trunk and reveal
the treasure. When she wonders how he knew she always wanted a trunk like that,
he confides that Mari told him it was always her dream to have one. He tells
her she can now open the trunk, but she can’t scream or faint. When she wonders
if it’s something scary, he replies that it is up to her if she wants to save
the prince. He reminds her of the first time she showed him she loved him…at
the cemetery; today she can do it once more. He gestures that she should sit
down. As she does, he kneels on one knee beside her as she looks at the magic
trunk then at Gabriel. As she slowly opens it and reveals the treasure—an
engagement ring, Gabriel looks lovingly at her with tears in his eyes.
Labels: mimarido
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