Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mi Marido Tiene Familia, Episodes 84-85, 12/21/2017

Univision has brought out the shears and started cutting and combining episodes!!
Episode 84: Homecomings and Departures

Cut Scenes in blue

At Puerto Escondido, Blanca tells Eugenio to get up and asks why he kneels if he knows he can barely move. Eugenio insists that if he was going to ask for her forgiveness, standing would not do; he must kneel. When she asks if he needs something, he replies, “You!” Blanca purrs and they walk away hand-in-hand.

At Julieta’s, Julieta tells Robert that the decision as to whether Dave can be with them has been made. When she asks Robert if he is alright, Robert admits he isn’t; he’s very nervous. He was adopted and never thought life would put him in this situation. Julieta is nervous too; she never imagined this, but together they can handle everything.

Diana arrives at Catalina’s and greets Hugo. When she greets Catalina, Catalina makes a face, so Diana wonders if she is going to keep giving her the cold shoulder. Catalina responds that she only greets her friends…and Diana not only declined her friend request, she blocked her! As Hugo listens and eats his candy bar, Diana tries to explain that social media is a very special place. Each person shares whatever they want; and, being that they see each other every day, she doesn’t think that it’s healthy to spy on each other all the time. Catalina thinks it’s very suspicious…she must be hiding something. Diana admits to having Hugo as a friend, but it would be strange to have her mother-in-law as a friend; anyway, Catalina would probably indicate that she hates everything she posts. Catalina jeers that she only knows how to indicate she likes things…“thumbs up;” though right now, she doesn’t like Diana. Diana, however, has enough with her rude remarks in real life without having to put up with them publicly.

At Puerto Escondido. Eugenio and Blanca recall the last time they went to the beach…many years ago. When Eugenio is surprised she remembers so many details, Blanca tells him she remembers everything…from the first day they met; he is very important to her. Eugenio doesn’t know at what moment he stopped seeing and valuing such an exceptional woman. Blanca thinks that the pain blinded them; Eugenio agrees, but now he has his recovered his sight. When Eugenio tells her she is beautiful inside and out, Blanca shares that she has waited so many years to hear him say that. Eugenio wants to say it for the rest of his life. After he pleads with her to return home and tells her she doesn’t have to forgive him everything…he’ll even dye his hair black to look younger, Blanca runs her fingers through his hair and tells him she loves his gray hair…and jests that he would look really bad. Eugenio explains that what he means is that he is willing to change and respect all the changes that may come.

At school, Frida tells Aris that her father left, but has come back. When she worries that he is sad, Aris tells her she is just a child; she shouldn’t have to take care of him.

At Puerto Escondido, Eugenio is very conscious of the fact that the same Blanca will not return. Blanca just wants to improve herself and enjoy life more. When Eugenio tells her he wants to share her dreams and Blanca replies that she wants to learn English, Eugenio questions it, so Blanca excitedly says, “Yes!” Eugenio laughs and repeats. “Yes!” Blanca tells Eugenio that she already enrolled in a class because, when she meets Robert’s adoptive parents, she would like to understand what they say. Eugenio thinks it’s a good idea; then she can translate for him. After Eugenio asks what else she would want, Blanca shares that she wants more time for herself and to be able to give her opinion. She doesn’t want him to treat her like a robot; though she will continue cooking because she loves to cook. She doesn’t want him treating her as though she was his employee. Blanca has so many things she wants that she could probably place them in alphabetical order. Eugenio then tells her they have a lot of time to walk together through life and promises they will be a new couple…and if she decides not to return, he will love her for the rest of his life. Blanca purrs in delight and hugs Eugenio.

At the bookstore, a woman comes in with her son to look for a book on Napoleon, but Polita confuses the name for the singer. When the woman clarifies that they are looking for “Bonaparte,” Polita replies that she didn’t know that was his last name and suggests the lady go to a music store. The woman shakes her head and explains that he was the ruler of France; so Polita now understands why she didn’t know him…France is very far away! Meanwhile her boss is listening. Polita then tells the lady that they have some books on France with some beautiful pictures of the Tower of Pisa. The woman corrects her that the Tower is in Italy; and as she tells Polita that she doesn’t understand how Polita can be employed in a bookstore, Polita’s boss comes over and asks what’s happening. After the woman complains that he has the most ignorant employee, she leaves; and the boss glares at Polita.

At Puerto Escondido, Amalia and Belén walk along the beach as they see Eugenio and Blanca hugging. They cry out in happiness; and Amalia now loves her brother-in-law…because smart people tend to change their minds. Amalia thinks that if Eugenio came all this way, it’s because he loves Blanca;; and Belén thinks they look so nice. When Belén comments that they have been together for so many years, Amalia shares that the lesson she has learned is to not get married…living in a free partnership will ensure that Enzo doesn’t take her for granted. When Belén wonders what Amalia is talking about, Amalia explains that men are only responsive when they fear losing the woman they love…they should feel that way every day…so they won’t run off.

Robert and Julieta arrive at the hospital to see Ana, but Tulio wonders if they are there to reproach her again for what she did. When Robert tells him that there are many things that tie him and Ana, though they don’t want to accept it, Tulio tells them that a psychologist will treat Ana; she doesn’t need two more. Robert retorts that, unlike him, Robert doesn’t want to build up more hate. As Robert and Julieta leave they pass by Audifaz and greet him. After they leave, Audifaz just shakes his head in disapproval.

At the bookstore, Polita’s boss chides her for having more than 400 errors; she must think that this is a recreational park. Though Polita promises to look at all the books and learn about them, her boss fires her.

At Sam’s house, Gabriel tells Marissa that she won’t have to worry about him anymore; he’s going far away. He gets his luggage, places a note for Sam on the table, grabs Vani Oso, and leaves. Meanwhile, Dani is sanding a piece of wood as she cries.

Dani thinks of accepting to be Gabriel’s girlfriend, their kisses, and accepting his proposal. While Gabriel drives, he fights the urge to call Dani.

At the Córsega’s, Polita arrives with a bag of food. When Imelda asks if she won a raffle, Polita explains that she got fired and they gave her some severance pay. Imelda is very sorry, but Polita is hopeful that she will find another job. She just came over to make Imelda something to eat. Imelda insists that Polita take the food to her home, but Polita feels that Imelda and Blanca have always been like mothers to her; and she wants to give them this gift. Since neither of them a great cooks, they decide to cook together. As they go to the kitchen, Imelda tells Polita that she misses Blanca very much; Blanca always cooked with so much love. Imelda hopes that Eugenio convinces her to come back; though, since this happened, they found out that they had turned into abusers, and she is including Audifaz and Polita. Polita laughs that it had taken Imelda long enough to criticize them. Meanwhile, outside Rebeca is looking into the bakery as Marisol approaches. When Marisol asks if she is looking for someone, Rebeca nervously tells her she was just curious about the bakery and leaves.

Marisol enters the bakery and tells Xavi to stop what he’s doing; she wants to show him the video. Together they watch the video that she was able to make by studying tutorials. As they watch, Xavi thinks it is spectacular and looks very professional. Mari comments that it’s because of all the people…and besides, he looks so handsome. When Xavi tells her he is very surprised with her talent, Mari shares that she has always wanted to do something well…something that everyone would like. Mari then tells Xavi that she is going to upload it and share it with everyone she knows so they can share it with others. Xavi will also share it with everyone he knows and even the customers at the bakery. Mari tells him to make sure to use “#xavireturns.”

At the hospital, Robert and Julieta talk to Tavo as they walk down a hall. Tavo tells them that Ana is experiencing a severe depression that he will try to control, but the important thing right now is to treat her addiction to pills; the best thing to do would be to check her into a rehabilitation clinic (what ever happened to confidentiality?). Ana has a severe depression that needs to be treated with a holistic approach, including physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. When Julieta comments that Ana needs to forgive herself, Tavo agrees; that would be the main goal…otherwise, she will not withstand it much longer. Afterwards, Robert goes to see Ana who doesn’t want him to reproach her anymore. Robert tells her that he just came to see how she was doing and to tell her that she won’t gain anything by hurting herself. Ana thinks she deserves it; she ruined his life, his mother’s life, and that of all his family. After Robert asks her if she thinks that poisoning herself with all those anti-depressives will solve the problem, Ana swears that she doesn’t have a moment of peace. She accepts that is her punishment.

When Robert tells her he doesn’t wish her death, Ana wonders why she should keep on living…neither his family nor he will forgive her. Robert advises that she start with forgiving herself; she needs to find a purpose in life. Ana doesn’t see it happening; she didn’t make Tulio happy…he has only stayed with her out of pity. She was never happy and wonders what the use is of going on. Robert asks that she not judge herself anymore; she should accept the treatment. Robert thinks she should give herself an opportunity to start over.

As he drives, Gabriel turns on the radio as they play his and Dani’s song. He listens for a few seconds, but is so broken up that he turns the radio off. Meanwhile, at the Mussi mansion, Cassandra tells Augusto that Gabriel has his phone off; and Cassandra whines wondering what they are going to do. When Cassandra brings up that she knew this would happen, Augusto comments that Gabriel has always been a rebel; he is probably locked up in the pigpen he lives in. The Hermonsters worry that Gabriel will suffer a crisis like the one he suffered when their mother died. Augusto doesn’t even want them to mention that. He thinks Gabriel will go back to his carpenter lady; there is no reason why he should do what he did last time. Augusto would never forgive himself (he should have thought about that before meddling!). Clarissa hopes not; it would be terrible if her brother got lost again. Augusto gets very anxious and tries to grab the hair he doesn’t have.

At her shop, Dani sends a voice message to Gabriel, “I know I was hard on you, but I did it because I love you. This I do for your own good. Don’t forget that you are the kindest person I have ever known.” She sends off the message and sighs deeply.

At the hospital, Robert tells Ana that happiness depends on each one of us. He and Julieta are very worried about her; and he wants to remind her that she is not alone. Ana wonders how Robert can make such a gesture after what she did to him; and how it is that he grew up to be so noble. Robert replies that is the way his parents brought him up. He suggests that she can get out of the hell she is living, but the decision depends on her. As Robert is about to leave, Ana calls to him and tells him she will go to the Rehab Center; she hopes that someday he will forgive her. Robert remains quiet as he looks at her, then leaves. Afterwards, Ana cries as she sees little Juan Pablo enter and cross his arms as he stares at her.

Outside in the hallway, Julieta talks to Mari on the phone. She tells Mari she will share the video with her friends and congratulates her for making such a great video. As she watches the video, Robert approaches and tells her things went alright. Robert then reports that Ana is hitting rock bottom, if she hasn’t already; she also agreed to go to the Rehab Center. When Julieta asks if they talked about forgiveness, Robert remains quiet and dejected; so Julieta hugs him.

At the school, Frida runs to Aris to tell him that the video is out; so she wants his help to share it. When Aris mentions that he hopes the video he made with Julieta will soon be out, Frida proudly states that now she will have a famous cousin and a famous step-father. Aris is taken aback, so Frida confides that Xavi loves her and her mother, but Aris needs to keep a secret…Xavi and her mother are “novios!”

At the bakery, Mari and Xavi call their family and friends to tell them to share the video.

As Linda dances to Xavi’s song at her workplace, Bruno surprises Linda and tells her she always danced well. When Linda asks why he didn’t tell her he was coming over, Bruno replies that it wouldn’t have been a surprise as he shows her a bracelet. As he puts it on her, he tells her that he appreciates her fighting for him; and he wants to be better for her. After he tells her he loves her and gives her a kiss, they dance together.

At Puerto Escondido, Blanca tells her sisters that Eugenio has showed her that he is truly willing to change. When she admits that she misses her children, Belén thinks it’s just right for her to want to return to her house; and she can continue writing in her notepad. Amalia reminds her to keep Eugenio in line, but Blanca thinks she is the one that needs to keep in line and fulfill the promises she made to herself. Blanca then thanks her sisters for being so good to her, for taking her to the dance classes, for helping her bring back her smile and for being the best companions on her journey. When she clarifies that what she means by journey is the journey of…and they all shout “Life!”

At the bakery, Xavi is surprised that Mari’s video already has over seven thousand hits. (That’s Dani in a dress…and dancing!!) Mari is very excited about all the great comments and how they are repeating that Xavi returns! Mari squeals with joy that they are going to accomplish what they set out to do.

In her shop, Dani climbs up to get a board which she drops to the floor. As the dust settles, the Hermonsters come in coughing and asking where their brother is. When Clarissa asks what Dani convinced Gabriel to do, Dani replies that she didn’t convince him about anything. As Dani continues to work, she remarks that they accomplished what they wanted; she broke up with Gabriel. When Dani asks why they have come to her to ask where Gabriel is, Cassandra wonders if she is telling the truth. After Dani confirms that she is being honest, Clarissa addresses Cassandra and wonders if it’s what they are thinking. Dani is curious about what they are thinking, but the Hermonsters manage to keep their mouths closed.

At Puerto Escondido, Blanca goes to see Eugenio where he waits by the pool. When she approaches, he gives her a bouquet of flowers and tells her he wants to give her all the flowers he has never given her for so many years. He continues that it was very difficult to get fresh flowers because of the heat, but he did it. He then tells Amalia and Belén that he will do everything he can to make their sister immensely happy. Once again, Eugenio pleads that Blanca return to their home where she has a family that is waiting for her and loves her…and a husband that wants to show her that he has changed. As Belén wishes that they have many more years together, Eugenio guides Blanca away.

At the bakery, Mari comes out dancing to Xavi’s song as Icknacio approaches and calls out to her. When she asks what he wants, he mockingly wonders if she thinks she is going to be successful and happy with Xavi Galán. As he shows Xavi’s picture from the video on his phone, Icknacio threatens Mari that he will not allow it.

At the orphanage, Carmelo explains to Robert and Julieta that the committee has reviewed all the interviews, the psychological profiles, surveys, and all the information provided by the social worker. When Carmelo tells them, the committee has made a decision, Julieta complains that they should have let them know about the review…everything would have been different. Robert adds that Carmelo knows him well; he has been Dave’s doctor, but he loves him very much. Starting with a very serious tone, Carmelo tells them, “Well, look, the committee decided that…you are the best option for being Dave’s family and hope for Dave! As Robert and Julieta are overcome with joy and hug tightly, Carmelo tells them that he knows Dave will be in the best of hands. After Carmelo tells them that Dave can go with them as of today, Robert and Julieta hug each other tightly once again. Afterwards, Dave comes out with his easel and bags, ready to go. Julieta and Robert each give him a joyous and loving hug, before they happily stride out of the orphanage.

As they walk out, Julieta tells Dave he will be very happy in their home. When Dave expresses that he is very happy, Robert reminds him that it’s not up to them for how long, but they will enjoy their time together as much as they can. Before he leaves, Dave runs back to Carmelo to thank him for everything; Carmelo returns the thanks for behaving so well. As they walk out of the orphanage, Julieta wants to go shopping for some things to be used at home; Robert adds they will need things like clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, etc. Dave isn’t too keen on brushing his teeth, but he will do it. After Julieta helps Dave into the car, she notes Robert’s pensive expression. He was reminded of the day his adoptive parents took him from the orphanage; and now it is strange how life has come full circle. Robert remembers being so nervous because he knew they were taking him to another country. Julieta emphasizes that everything turned out well and calls him “Opa.” Dave is curious about the term “Opa,’ so Julieta explains that it is a term of endearment used for someone you respect, someone you admire who is your friend, your accomplice. She tells Dave that she started using it with Robert because it is supposed to be used by a woman to a man, but Robert is a copycat. Robert argues that he did not copy from her; he used it because he liked it; it is original. Dave smiles and says they are his “opas” too.

In front of the bakery, Mari tells Icknacio she wants nothing to do with him. Frida wants to see him; so she will not oppose it, but he will have to abide by the rules. Icknacio, however, wants the first rule to be that he doesn’t want Frida to associate with Xavi. Mari retorts that will be Frida’s decision. Xavi has supported her more than he has; they are friends and love each other. When Mari tells Icknacio that she and Xavi are a couple, Icknacio smirks and starts clapping and says, “You are so easy, Marisol!” Marisol returns with a firm slap and tells him. “I will not allow you to offend me! Who do you think you are? Take responsibility for your daughter. Behave like a man and like a father, then we’ll talk!” When Icknacio doesn’t think that failure is a good example for his daughter, Mari snickers and wonders if Icknacio thinks he is a good example for Frida. Mari points out the Xavi is a good man; and he would be incapable of hurting Frida. Icknacio retorts, “And who do you think you are? You think you’re so sure of yourself; you think you’re pretty and successful, but don’t forget that I am still here!” Mari then asks, “Let me know when you will be responsible for Frida’s costs and the shedule of hours you will want to see her, then we’ll come to an agreement. Until then don’t come to threaten me!” Mari walks away and enters the building.

In the carpentry shop, Cassandra asks Dani how many hours it has been since she talked to Gabriel. Dani replies that she isn’t as obsessive as they are…to be counting the hours it’s been since she talked to him. When Dani mentions that Gabriel has his phone turned off, Clarissa huffs that they already know. When Dani questions what they meant when they said Gabriel did something extreme, the Hermonsters immediately turn their backs to Dani. Dani assumes they know where he went, but Clarissa won’t tell her a word…she doesn’t deserve it. Cassandra shouts that because Dani entered Gabriel’s life, everything is falling apart. Before they leave, Cassandra sarcastically shouts, “Thank you for ruining the Mussi family!”

At a store, Robert and Julieta shop for clothes for Dave.

At the Córsega kitchen, Polita is cooking for Imelda and Marisol as Dani runs in telling them that her father called; he is returning with her mother. Blanca agreed to return home! Imelda thanks God for returning the peace to their home. When Dani tells them that her father wants them to prepare a special welcome for Blanca, Mari thinks they should fix up the house, buy flowers, and clean. When Polita offers to make the meal, Imelda appreciates it, but thinks Polita is a little ignorant when it comes to cooking. When Mari goes to taste what Polita is cooking, makes a face and tells them it’s not that bad, Imelda reminds her that she also thought Icknacio was handsome (zinger!). As Dani and Imelda start to leave, Linda comes in remarking how successful Xavi’s video is and that people are also commenting about how his manager is his girlfriend. Imelda gives a quick turn around and demands to know if the man living on the roof is Mari’s boyfriend.

Linda hopes that Imelda doesn’t try to control everything; and Polita comments that Mari is a single and free woman, but Mari wants to be the one to explain to Imelda. Imelda, however, tells Mari she doesn’t have to explain. Since Blanca left, Imelda has reflected on many things and the many mistakes she has made. Imelda will no longer be the dictator of this house. When the girls all look at each other in disbelief, Imelda tells them that she knows she has been a little authoritative, but she wants to accept that they are in a new era..though sometimes it is difficult. She needs to stop meddling and respect their decisions. Mari thanks Imelda for her words and assures her that she has already talked to Frida about this. Imelda advises tha Mari share this with her parents and that, before she jumps into another marriage, she be sure that this is the man who is best, or not best, for her…since she needs to think of her daughter first. Dani thinks it’s good that Imelda now thinks that way; it is terrible when a family severs a relationship. After Dani leaves to buy some things for her mother, Imelda wonders what is wrong with Dani, so Mari confides that Dano broke up with her boyfriend. Before Imelda leavs she warns Mari that musicians are usally drinks who end up broke, so Mari needs to think about it…(so much for changing!)

In Dani’s bedroom, Imelda goes in to tell Dani that men like Gabriel can’t be found in just any corner; he is so handsome and charismatic. Dani doesn’t think those compliments help. Imelda realizes that she just said she wouldn’t meddle in their live, but she must say that she will have her exceptions. When Imelda comments that Dani is at the age where she should have a family, Dani replies that she cannot continue with Gabriel; his family doesn’t like her…they reject her and think she is of little value. Imelda gets upset and wonders how they could dare to reject her, but Dani doesn’t think it’s worth it. Imelda wants to go give Gabriel’s family her two cents, but Dani dissuades her. When Imelda asks if Gabriel defended Dani, Dani confirms that he did, but she doesn’t want to alienate him from his family.  

Robert, Julieta and Dave arrive at the apartment building. Robert explains that this is where he lived as a child until he was separated from his family. Julieta explains the different levels at the building and mentions that there is a gym close by where Robert goes. Dave is excited when they tell him there is a swimming pool, though he doesn’t know how to swim. Robert asssures him that someday he will teach him, but, for now, Dave needs to get to know the family. Dave mentions that he already knows Aris and his parents; they are cool! After Robert lists who Dave will meet, Dave wants to meet all the family and eat a lot of bread.

Once inside, Julieta takes Dave to his room that he will share with Bruno, her brother. When Bruno asks to talk to her, Julieta sends Dave with Robert. Bruno wants to know what’s going on, but Julieta wants to know what exactly he told the social worker. Bruno shares that he told her, “…you are a hardworker, very strict; you worry about the family and that you helped us get though everything practically by yourself.” After Julieta thanks him, she explains that they didn’t know Dave would be coming with them so soon, nor do they knowif they willl be approved as a substitute family; Dave will live with them because they want to adopt him. Bruno wonders why they hadn’t mentioned anything; so Julieta explains that it isn’t a sure thing yet. Right now. they are just a substitute family while the process continues. When Bruno wonders if he should move out, Julieta assures him he will stay; they will just bring in a small bed for Dave. Bruno thinks he should go back home…he doesn’t need Julieta to take care of him, but Julieta doesn’t want him to leave. She asks him to stay so he can help then make Dave feel like he has a family…an orderly family, so Bruno needs to cleanup his mess.

Robert takes Dave with him to see Aris. After Dave tells Aris he will be living there, Robert invites Aris to come over to their place to visit whenever he wants. Robert then invites Aris to dinner, so Aris agrees since his mother isn’t there.

At the Córsega’s. Imelda tells Julieta that Blanca should be arriving soon. When Imelda asks for Robert, Julieta replies that he went to take Dave to see Aris, but Imelda doesn’t know who Dave is. As Julieta is about to explain, Robert and Aris enter with Dave. After Imelda chats with Dave about being a superhero, Robert explains that Dave will be living with them; they will be his substitute family. Imelda is glad, but wants Robert to explain “substitute family” later because Blanca is about to arrive. Meanwhile outside, Eugenio tells Blanca that her bed awaits so she can rest and assures her that she will easily receive at least 500 hugs. Blanca, however, wants to go to her first English class. They each attempt to say “yes” until Eugenio wants to get serious and tells her, “When you were gone, I would look at the street and it was gray; without you, the sun would not shine, my love.” Blanca likes the sound of “my love,” so Eugenio tells her he will repeat it every half hour.

As Imelda and Robert go into the hallway, Imelda asks Robert about the “substitute family.” As Robert explains, Eugenio and Blanca walk in. They all are elated to see each other. After Imelda tells them that they have a nice welcome planned for Blanca, Blanca wonders if she and Eugenio interrupted a converstation; so Imelda suggests that Robert tell them his news before they enter. Robert explains that he and Julieta wanted to explain to them in a more relaxed fashion, but they didn’t have time because they also were surprised by the news. Robert then announces that he and Julieta have started the process to adopt a child. Blanca and Imelda are very surprised and happy…

My apologies for only providing highlights for Episode 85…I was not expecting TWO episodes smooshed into one hour…so, so, sorry!! I haven’t seen the Mexican version; so I don’t know what scenes were cut. If anyone has seen the Mexican version of this episode and would like to share what’s missing…or add details, please do!

Episode 85: First Encounters and Temptations of the Heart

Julieta explains to Dave that it won’t be easy accepting both families. She continues that she and Robert didn’t have time to explain to their families that Dave would be coming to live with them; so she advises Dave to just stay calm.

Gabriel arrives at the Monastery “Encanto” and cringes after he tolls the bell.

At the Córsega’s, Dave is introduced to Blanca. When Blanca asks about his outfit, Robert tries to explain, but Dave tells Robert that Blanca asked him so he will explain, Dave then tells Blanca he is a superhero and has superpowers. Imelda asks what superpowers he has, but Dave doesn’t know yet; he just knows he likes to eat. Blanca thinks they will be great accomplices since she cooks very well.

At the monastery, the monk tells Gabriel that he will have to give up all of life’s material things and physical contact, Gabriel thinks of his kiss with Dani and shakes his head; so the monk asks if he is having doubts. After Gabriel explains that he was in a relationship, but they blew it away, the monk continues that, once Gabriel makes his decision, he will not be able to return to being the same Gabriel. They will use his cellphone as a representation of temptation. He will keep the cellphone, but will need to resist the temptation to use it. Gabriel would prefer that the monk take the cellphone with him, but the monk insists that Gabriel will have to have it in front of him and defeat temptation.

At the Córsega’s, everyone gathers for the dinner to welcome Blanca. Robert introduces Dave to his sisters and Frida. Frida offers to be his friend. Eugenio suggests they go eat, including their guest of honor (Dave), but before they go, they share a group hug.

At the monastery, the monk takes Gabriel to his room and tells him, “You cannot separate yourself from your cell phone, Pedro.” Gabriel tries to correct his name, but the monk explains that he must leave all his previous life, including his name, behind him; so he will no longer be referred to as “Gabriel.” They finally agree on “Shanti.” The monk then tells Gabriel that his vow of silence will now begin. He must have his phone where he can see it so he can make sure that he can resist it and the outside world.

At the Córsega’s, everyone is at the table. Marisol announces that she and Xavi are “novios.” Eugenio starts to criticizes, but Blanca interrupts and tells them that since she has promised not to meddle, she will support Mari. Mari just wants them to trust her and Xavi. Dani then speaks up and announces that she and Gabriel broke up. Blanca wants to call Gabriel and talk to him, but Imelda reminds her that she isn’t supposed to meddle. Robert then asks Dave what he thinks about the family. When Dave replies that he needs to get familiar with the house, Frida offers to show it to him. After they leave, Julieta wonders why Dani and Gabriel broke up since Gabriel was so happy with Dani. Imelda interjects that Gabriel’s family interfered and rejected Dani.

At the monastery, Gabriel is meditating when Clarissa calls him. He is easily able to avoid answering. Clarissa leaves a message to call him. Once she hangs up, Cassandra hopes that he hasn’t gone to become a monk.

At the bakery, Bruno is tutoring Aris when a group of girls come in. After they see Xavi, the girls get excited and start squealing. Once they leave, Bruno and Aris mock Xavi and tell him Mari is going to get jealous.

In Dani’s bedroom, Blanca sits with Dani and hugs her as Dani cries.Meanwhile, at the monastery, Gabriel thinks about Dani and grabs his phone to call her. As he looks at Dani’s picture on his phone, he tell her she broke it off so he can’t call her.

At the Córsega’s, Imelda wonders how long Dave will stay with Julieta and Robert.  Julieta confides that they are hoping to adopt Dave, but Robert emphasizes that Dave doesn’t know yet. Julieta hopes that they can become a family. When Audifaz is curious as to what else Robert and Julieta need to do, Robert explains that they still need to go through the process and get approved. Eugenio thinks that what they are doing is very brave, but Robert adds that it is a devotion, just like that of his adoptive parents. Julieta then mentions that Robert has invited his adoptive parents to come to Mexico. Afterwards, Imelda give Julieta advice about educating Dave on good principles and values. Linda thinks that Julieta will most likely give Dave a long list of rules to follow.

After Bruno and Aris finish up their lesson at the bakery, Rebeca approaches and casually asks Aris about his studies. When Aris explains that he is being tutored and that he lives in that building with his parents, Rebeca comments that he has his mother’s smile. Aris wonders how she knows, but Rebeca dodges the question by telling him she just supposes since he has such a nice smile.

Clarissa and Cassandra go visit Dani again because they need her help. Since Gabriel left to become a monk many years ago, they are afraid he will do it again. Dani leaves them standing on the sidewalk as she runs into her shop.

At the monastery, Gabriel hears his phone ring as he meditates. When he sees that it’s Dani calling he really wants to answer, but resists…even slaps his hand. Dani leaves a message to call her…his family is very worried about him.

Julieta and Robert take Dave to meet Catalina. Dave introduces himself; and when Julieta tells him her name, he wonders if she is referred to as “Cata,” but Cat tells him she doesn’t like that. Cat then starts asking a lot of questions as Julieta gives her a “Shut up, why don’t you!” look. When Cat asks what sign Dave is, Robert suggests she not start with that. Cat then asks Julieta to go with her so they can talk.

At the Mussi mansion, Augusto tells Dani that she needs to help them. If she is truly interested in Gabriel, Dani needs to find him. Augusto doesn’t want to lose Gabriel again. Dani agrees to help because she does love Gabriel. When Augusto questions if she thinks he doesn’t love his son, Dani points out that when one loves a person, they support him…they don’t threaten or pressure them. Augusto admits he made a mistake, but he can’t stand the thought of losing one of his children. When Augusto asks Dani to tell Gabriel that he is willing to concede, Dani questions if he will concede...or respect.

In Cat’s bedroom, Cat worries that adopted children are problematic, but Julieta insists that they love Dave and want to be a family. Cat then wants to know where that leaves her and Julieta’s brothers; she wonders if Julieta will forget about them. Julieta assures her that she will not forget about them. Cat then warns Julieta about adopting a child…she never knows what problems or scars they have. When Cat also warns Julieta that Dave’s mother might return, Julieta worries. Meanwhile in the living room, Hugo and Diana enter. After Hugo tells Robert that he is starting a business with his father’s help and hasn’t forgotten about the money he owes them, Robert introduces Dave. Robert then mentions that they want Dave to go to the same school that Aris and Frida attend. Diana welcomes the idea and asks Dave if he does well in school. Dave replies that he hasn’t gone to school since his accident. Hugo thinks Dave shouldn’t worry because Diana is an excellent teacher. As Hugo and Diana start to walk to the kitchen, Julieta and Cat come back. Diana tells Julieta that Robert has already told her about Dave going to school, so she can give him some tests to see how much he knows. Afterwards, Cat gives Dave an apple; and when Dave thanks her and calls her Cata, she smiles and whispers that he can call her whatever he wants.

At night—

Gabriel is in bed when he gets a video message from Dani. As Gabriel has a big smile, she tells him, “I made a mistake. I need to see you and talk to you; I love you... Tell me where you are; I’ll go look for you. I won’t be so complex; it’s an “oso” promise.” After she throws him a kiss, Gabriel reciprocates and is about to answer when the monk comes in and chides Gabriel for giving in to temptation. He takes away the phone and tells Gabriel that, as penance, he will sleep on the floor.

The next day—

Robert, Julieta and Dave are coming out of their apartment to take Dave to school. Blanca also exits her house and tells them she is also going to her first day of class. When Dave wonders if they will be in the same class, Blanca tell him they won’t, but they can do their homework together. Robert adds that he can help Blanca practice her English.

Robert, Julieta and Dave arrive at school and encourage Dave, but dave thinks everyone is looking at him and wants to leave. Just then, Diana greets them and guides Dave inside. Once in class, Diana introduces Dave to the students, but the students bombard him with questions and criticisms. After Dave starts to pout, the students chant, “He wants to cry!” Diana orders the students to stop, but Dave runs out to Robert and Julieta and yells, “Take me out of here!” When he gets to Robert, Robert picks him up and hugs him as Dave cries.  


Thanks, RgvChick. The recap is wonderful. Too bad Uni didn’t just start “ Papá a toda madre” a week or 4 days later.

Anyway, there was much to enjoy in this one like Xavi getting some much younger fans, Hugo Jr. mentioning to Robert his debt that he still owes him, and Blanca and Imelda standing up for Marisol. I was hoping for more beach time with the sisters,

One more thing, Diana was not too effective as a teacher allowing the students to verbally harass Dave in a classroom yet. Really? She could not control that? Yikes! Guess they needed the “dramatic” effect.

Jarifa: The Mussi family is still WINNING!

I have mixed emotions at this moment.

I am on a euphoric "high" from your sensational recap RgvChick, yet am truly saddened that we are seemingly being deprived of pivotal moments, courtesy of Uni's shears.

"Blanca thinks that the pain blinded them; Eugenio agrees, but now he has his recovered his sight" was pure poetry as was "Blanca purrs".

"When Robert tells him that there are many things that tie him and Ana, though they don’t want to accept it, Tulio tells them that a psychologist will treat Ana; she doesn’t need two more". Defiance in the face of unparalleled compassion.

"Xavi is surprised that Mari’s video already has over seven thousand hits. (That’s Dani in a dress…and dancing!!)" Perfect!

Jarifa, I could have watched Eugenio and Blanca at the beach for hours...

I thought Dave's homecoming and Julieta and Robert's happiness tinged with nervousness was extremely well written and acted.

Gabi continues to delight. What a comedic talent the actor is.

You brought this to vivid life RgvChick, allowing us to envision all that we missed.

I am very grateful. Thank you.


Thank you, Jarifa, Steve and Diana. I was so upset that Uni used the shears on such a great TN. I don't think I've ever watched a scene and thought that it wasn't needed, especially lately.

Jarifa, I agree that Diana didn't do a good job of managing the classroom. I was so sad for Dave, but I do think it was too much, too soon for Dave. They should have consulted with Octavio before taking such a big step.

Steve, the Dani and Gabe are still not together, but I don't consider that the Mussi family is winning at this point. I have to give them some credit for being so worried about Gabi; and they sought Dani's help so IMO that means that they acknowledge that Dani loves Gabi and that's a start.

Diana, the acting by the protags and several others has been amazing! I can't say enough this TN ROCKS!!

I knew Dani was wearing a dress from the previous episode, but never thought she would be dancing and having so much fun with the video, especially since she had just broken up with Gabi.

RgvChick, surprisingly the editing has been quite smooth. Somewhere sometime I will have to see the full episodes. ITA that this novela rocks!

Jarifa, yes, the editing was quite smooth. I'm just wondering how Dani got to the Mussi mansion. Did Daddy Devil send his thugs to grab her like they grabbed Gabi? I'll have to watch the full episode some time.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Diana, yes, Robert does have “unparalleled compassion”. I like how he explained that that is how he was brought up. Btw, I cannot wait until his adoptive parents come for a visit.


RgvChick, thanks much for another great recap. I just loved your description of Blanca "purring" :-)

I'm really ticked off at Univision for the mess it keeps making of good shows. If they needed extra time to meet a schedule to introduce new shows, they should have cut some time from 'Rey David' and done everybody a favor.

I don't think there's anything we can do about Univision, we are as close to a captive audience as Univision has.

You made me laugh wondering "(what ever happened to confidentiality?)" when Tavo discussed Ana's problems with Rob & Julieta. Watch telenovelas much, Chickie? :-)

I have to admit that they did a good job making Ana look like she had been through a close call. She looked dreadful, though that's not such a bad thing. Rob was very coolly noncommittal when Ana expressed the hope he could some day forgive her. That's a lot to forgive.

Count me in, ITA with you guys that this TN rocks!

There are parts that are dramatically or loudly done, such as the circus scene at Julieta's apartment with the social worker observing, romantic reconciliations, a certain coldness on Rob's part with Ana, etc.

Other things are lower key. We were definitely right to worry about Gabriel, that he might self-harm or do something terrible to himself if he thought he was losing Dani. I join with the Musi family at the horror of Gabi's going to a monastery. Oh, the humanity!

Thanks so much RGV! I thought the editing was choppy and so angry that a well written show like this is getting cut! Especially since it is supposedly doing well in Mexico and has been approved for a second season!!!! I mean Ramon is so bad that it needs to end.

Anyhoodle, Gabi becoming a monk is so crazy. I loved after the guy grabbed his head and ruffled his hair he tried looking in his cellphone to fix. Interesting that Gabi becoming a monk is worse than him being with Dani in his father's eyes.

Dave is so cute but why did Diana let the mean kids go on? That seemed out of character for her.

So Polita's mom is now sniffing around? I guess Audi's word sunk in.

Thanks for including the Tulio skipped scene. I was wondering where he was.

Hopefully tonight will be only one episode. Our recappers rock and don't need more work!

"If they needed extra time to meet a schedule to introduce new shows, they should have cut some time from 'Rey David' and done everybody a favor".

Amen Andy Amen.

:) Diana


Rgv Chick - Thank you for the recap, especially for including the deleted scenes!!! This means you had to watch this twice to catch both versions. (((Hugs)))

As for Looneyvision - a pox on them! May their ratings plunge!! Las tijeras malas!!! ITA with everyone here, that a telenovela of this quality does not deserve the scissors treatment. Key parts were deleted. !Ya basta~!!!

Linda coaching Dani on the facetime convo with Gab at the monastery was too funny. Is it possible I could maybe sort of start to like Linda? Is she redeemable? I'll stay tuned. Must See TV!

I wanted to throw something at my TV screen when Icknacio was giving Marisol a hard time, what a complete jerk.

Ana addicted to anti-depressants? . . . well, I Googled this and anti-depressants are not addictive, according to all the search results. I've never heard of that, either. Hhhmmmmm ..... ( Tranquilizers and anti-anxiety meds are definitely subject to abuse and addictive.)

Eh, are we surprised Imelda claims to change her behavior but .... with exceptions? Gah!

Andy Banda - there are no HIPAA laws in either Mexico or Telenovelaland. Happens all the time in these telenovelas.

Andy Banda said --- "If they needed extra time to meet a schedule to introduce new shows, they should have cut some time from 'Rey David' and done everybody a favor".

Yes. This. ITA.


Diana and doris., it looks like we are not great fans of 'Rey David'.

BTW, have you noticed that there seems to be a great difference between Mexican and Brazilian telenovela-making? Mexican telenovelas are packed with eye candy, lots of especially good looking women (and men).

The Brazilians seem to take great care to avoid this at all costs 8-)


This is a villainless novella. And we kind of don't miss them. Ana no longer qualifies. The closest to a villain is Tulio, but he is a far cry from some of the villains of other novellas.

Andy, I don't believe I have seen any Brazilain TNs but I can heartily concur that Mexican TNs are loaded with beautiful and handsome actors. Thankfully, good ones at that too!


I was too curious, so here is a brief recap of the deleted scenes...and I still don't know how Dani was summoned to the Mussi mansion! Oh well...

Deleted Scenes Part 1:

The Hermonsters go visit Sam who has returned. She tells them Gabi left a note, but didn’t say where he went. The Hermonsters go back to report to Daddy Devil who thinks Gabi went to the meditation center he went to when his mother died, but the girls tell him that place was been closed down for quite a while. Daddy devil thinks he went to a similar place and needs to find Gabi before he gets involved with those maniacs.

As he goes into the monastery, Gabi turns in his wallet and some other items to a monk because there is nothing in the outside world for him. He complains when the monk takes Vani Oso too, but accepts that it has to be put away.

Polita goes to look for a job as a dishwasher at Begone’s. When she approaches, she over hears Ick complaining to Begone that she can’t do “this” to him because he is her lover. Begone tells him “no more, you were only a distraction.” He reminds her he left Frida and his wife, but she thinks he left them so she could support him (with money). She tells him they are through.

More girls recognize Xavi at the bakery and squeal. They take a selfie and Xavi tells them to post it on the web. (Business is going to pick up at the bakery real quick!)
Audifaz talks to Ana and advises her to try to be honest with herself. She continues to harp on the fact that she needs forgiveness from many people, especially Juan Pablo and Blanca. Audi suggests that she start with herself…others still need time.

Before Aris goes to meet with Bruno at the bakery for his tutoring lessons, Polita walks him out of the building and Rebeca watches from a corner. She overhears Polita tell Aris that she got a job at a restaurant.

As Blanca hugs Dani when they are in Dani’s room, Dani tells Blanca that she did what she thought was best for Gabriel, but Blanca suggests that Dani should also think of what Gabriel wants. Gabriel asked her to marry him and Dani can win over the family. Dani doesn’t think that’s possible; they hate her. Dani cries and asks why love has to hurt so much. Blanca advises that Dani shouldn’t consider everything lost; love can be beautiful. Blanca thought her relationship with Eugenio was over; and she is there….trying again.

Frida is chasing Dave around the house. Dave bumps into a vase in it breaks. Imelda cries that it was her favorite vase. Dave suggests that they can glue it back together, but Imelda tells him there is no way that can be done. Robert offers to buy her a new one. Imelda appreciate it, but the vase has a history. It was given to her by an ex-boyfriend that no longer lives. Eugenio chides her for having a vase given to her by an ex-boyfriend in that house. Imelda retorts that he shouldn’t scold her because his father new the story. Imelda add that Frida is always very calm, but now there is another child…but she understands. Frida takes the blame saying that it was her idea to play. Imelda turns the dagger by saying that her heart is now like the vase—broken in pieces. All she had was her memories. Julieta takes dave back to her apartment and Robert stays with the family.

Later at the table, Robert points out to Imelda that she made Dave feel very bad. Imelda replies that she felt very bad, but Robert explains that it’s important that they help make Dave feel comfortable and welcome. Imelda reminds them of her comment about educating the child, now they expect her to give him special treatment. Blanca interjects that they should just try to be supportive so Dave can feel accepted. Imelda explains that it’s not that she doesn’t accept him; that vase was very important to her. Linda then adds that Dave did them a favor—the vase was horrible.

Polita goes to throw out the trash and wonders how Aris is doing in his tutoring class. Dani then walks out as the Hermonsters arrive and tell her that they are forced to seek her out.


Deleted Scenes Part 2

In Julieta’s apartment, Dave explains that he didn’t mean to break the vase. His shoelaces were untied. Robert reminds him that it was an accident, but Dave thinks everyone will be angry with him. Julieta assures him they aren’t and they will get over it quickly. Robert then explains that his grandmother sometimes yells a little, but she is very nice. He adds that as long as they are together, they will defend him and be happy. Robert suggests they make a pact—that they will always be united. They then talk about the plans they need to make, including going to school, but Dave does like schoolwork. Robert wants things to be as normal as possible for Dave and wants him to make friends too. Robert has an idea about his schooling.

Later, Robert is setting up Dave’s bed and has to go get something. While he is gone, Julieta notices that Dave is sad. Dave shares that where he used to live everything was in one room---the kitchen, the bed, and they would eat on the floor. Julieta knows that Dave has lived through some tough situations, but that will only make him stronger. She tells him that with her, he can cry all he wants, but…she likes it better when he smiles. Dave would like to have a family like those in the commercials. Meanwhile, Robert asks Bruno if he wants to help rearrange the room, but Bruno thinks he should move elsewhere since they are starting a new chapter in their lives and trying to be a family. Robert assures him that he is part of the family and they can all live well together. Bruno still thinks he needs to find his own path; though he will not go back to his mother’s house.

At the Córsega’s, Imelda tells the family that they can’t expect her to understand this idea about adoption from one day to the next. Mari thinks it won’t take too much effort to show Dave some kindness. Frida adds that she likes Dave; and the family has shown her that she should be supportive of others. Blanca agrees and thinks that maybe life is giving them an opportunity to give Dave all the love they didn’t give to Juan Pablo. Imelda comments that Blanca has turned into a more vocal person. Blanca clarifies that she is just being more clear in her thoughts and decisive in her opinions. She then announces that she will be going to her class. Linda asks if Blanca isn’t going to cook for them, so Blanca takes her into the kitchen. Blanca tells her that when she was younger than Linda, her mother gave her all her recipes to write down. She gets the family cookbook and hands it to Linda “with all her love” and tells her she can start learning the recipes. In addition to that, from now on they will divide up the chores. They go back to the rest of the family and Blanca tells them that one of the things she is going to change is that they will have to do things for themselves—like feed themselves. Mari is okay with Blanca not cooking, but Blanca clarifies that she will continue to cook, but not as an obligation…and not every day. After Blanca tells them that she is going to be walking to her class for now…until she gets her license, Eugenio gets a call from the police station letting him know that they caught the men who stole the purses.


Thanks, RgvChick! Imelda still is quite the b. as proven with Dave and the vase. There is no hope for her

Thank you, Doris, Carvivlie, Andy and Lucio. I enjoy the comments immensely!

Andy, I agree about Ana, the make-up artists did a great job in making her look how she felt...or was supposed to feel.

Carvivilie, yes it is surprising to see Rebeca sniffing around. She really didn't seem phased bu Audifaz's pleas.

Doris, I didn't know Mexico doesn't have HIPAA laws, but I think I recall Tavo not wanting to talk to Robert about something (about Aris I think) because of confidentiality...quien sabe...

Lucio, "This is a villainless novella. And we kind of don't miss them." ITA!! Just goes to show that you don't need a slew of conniving, cruel ogres to make a good TN.

Jarifa, yes, Imelda continues to be the b...can't change everything, I guess.

I was impressed with the fact that the writers remembered to give us a follow up on the stolen purses...there have been other TNs that leave much more important stuff just dangling out there.

I was also glad to see that Blanca is standing her ground and determined on abiding by the promises she made to herself.

Rgv Chick, thanks again! You are a real trouper to do a recap of the deleted scenes. Those of us who read these pages get so much more of the story than people who just watch and think 'Gee, that was kind of choppy. I wonder if they cut any scenes?'

Even if Mexico has no laws guaranteeing health care privacy I'm sure there are professional standards and ethics. But let's not worry about it. This is a telenovela, they can suspend the law of gravity if they want, or have a pet rat clean up after herself :-))

I think Linda is coming along nicely, yet another reason I will hate to see this TN end. I wonder how much will be wrapped up this season. Did they know there would be a second season when shooting?

Yes, Blanca is holding her own. I am happy that she has found her own inner strength.

Andy, not sure, but I think they made the decision about the second season almost toward the end of shooting the first season. All the announcements I find are in October; and that's the month in which Mi Marido ended in Mexico.

Thanks, Rgv Chick. You covered two jam-packed episodes. Terrific job with lots of great lines, but this little ditty is lol: Augusto gets very anxious and tries to grab the hair he doesn't have.

Loved Gab at the monastery. Too funny. Yay, it didn't take long for Dani to realize she made a mistake.

So ticked that Univision pulled out the scissors. Unbelievable, they cut Begonia giving Ignacio the boot. I've been waiting with glee for that moment.

Hoping Diana somehow recovers her classroom and manages to get Dave back and make him feel welcome.

Thanks, Niecie. I'm sure many would have liked to see Begonio kick Ignacio to the curb, but at least he kept his a frequent reminder of what an idiot he was!

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