Saturday, December 16, 2017

Mi marido tiene familia Friday 12/15/17 Capítulo 80: Adoption, Any One?-OR-Deception, Any One?

Well, we are picking up with the confrontation between Tulio and Julieta (Ana is just sort of along for the ride) at the orphanage where he is asking her to clarify her being Dave’s “mother.” Julieta does not feel like she has to explain anything to Tulio. She asks if they want her to explain why they shouldn’t be there. Tulio has to say just one more time that they were not going to adopt “that” boy. Julieta tells him to be quiet and asks the orphanage director to get Dave out of there which he does. Tulio asks what kind of “show” she is putting on. Julieta informs them that if she wanted to she could go to the police and tell them everything Tulio and Ana have done. Don’t they realize that they are criminals? Finally, Ana comes to life to agree with Julieta and to try to persuade Tulio to just leave. Tulio wants to know what is stopping Julieta from telling all. Julieta does not want to hurt the family more than they have already been hurt. Tulio and Ana deserve the worst but the Córcega’s have suffered enough already. Tulio comes back with his usual lame comment about them having suffered, too. He asks if she is going to deny that his mother Imelda made her life impossible. Julieta understands that Ana suffered a lot because she could not have children. For that very reason, she thinks they should be more compassionate. Tulio tells Julieta that she is not going to run their lives or tell them what they can and cannot do. Julieta asks what about hurting an innocent child. How could they even have dared to talk to Dave like they did? He is a child who deserves love. Tulio asks if Julieta is going to be the one to give him that love. Is she going to adopt him? Julieta tells them to go. She turns around and walks towards the orphanage.

Gabriel is having a difficult time with the rat. Thanks to cgi we see how big and fierce the poor rat looks to him and he is precariously perched on a chair trying to avoid the rat that seems interested in him.

Back at the orphanage, Julieta is talking to Dave who knows the truth. He knows that she said she was his mother in order to defend him. Julieta apologizes. Eventhough she isn’t his mother, she would really like to be his mother. It is something she already knew but couldn’t accept herself. Dave just does not understand. Julieta asks if he knows that they are friends. He nods. She tells him how important he is to her and that she will let no one hurt him because each day she loves him more. He feels the same and they hug.

Eugenio is talking to Blanca. He understood that she needs time and he is not going to fight it. He loves her. Bkanca is upset. He admits to being wrong and he never knew how to show her that he loved her. She is the woman that he loves and will love. Sobbing he tells her that he does not want to die without her. She gives meaning to his days. He came to tell her that he is going to win her heart. He is going to give her everything he has so that she can trust him again. Blanca is left sobbing as he leaves.

Gabriel manages to call the owner of the apartment his roomie “Sam” who happens to be female. He tells her that he has been cornered in her apartment. She tells him he has always been more fussy than a little girl. Gabriel disagrees. He is just refined. She has no idea what a bad time he has been going through. First, he was chased by roaches. Now there is something much worse here. She needs to get her apartment fumigated. Sam doesn’t think so because of Marissa. There is only love and peace in her apartment. Sam informs him that the rat is Marissa.

Julieta spends time with Dave as he paints on an easel.

As Tulio and Ana return to their place, Ana is telling him that she does not know why she paid any attention to Tulio. Julieta was right. They would be the worst parents in the world. Tulio does not agree. He thinks they can change. A child can change their relationship. Ana doesn’t think they have a relationship. She thinks it was nonsense to go to the same orphanage where she dropped off Juan Pablo. A child is not going to make them love each other. She does not want to be with him any longer. He says she is not going to talk to him like that. She is no longer afraid of him. He no longer has anything to blackmail her with. Nothing worse could happen to her any more. As she goes to leave he grabs her by the arm. She tells him that she wants a divorce. He lets her go and she walks away.

Linda is paying her another visit to Catalina. (Catalina calls her “Linduca” which is just a way to insult her. It could mean ugly Linda, stupid Linda, anything derogatory ”Linda”).Catalina asks if she didn’t get the message the first time. Why is she back? Well, Linda is stopping off on the way to work to give her some really really good chocolates. Linda calls Catalina her “suegris” (dear mother-in-law). Catalina reminds her she is not nor will she ever be her “suegris”. Well, Linda says she is super persistent. Catalina reminds her she is a real witch. Linda says she shouldn’t talk so badly about herself. She looks really good for her age. Catalina is seeing that the thorough cleansing she did at her pyschic’s direction did not do any good. Catalina waves the bunch of smoking herbs she was using to cleanse her house at Linda who insists that she just loves the scent. Catalina tells Linda that her Bruno is not for her. Catalina reminds her that Bruno is extremely handsome, extremely smart . . . Hugo, who has been witnessing the whole interchange, adds “extremely lazy” to the description. Bruno has lots of girls who are after him so he is not going to end up with the worst of the lot. Linda says that may be so, but she and Bruno are in love. Catalina tells her she and Bruno have hit a snag. She is warning Linda that if she insists, she will find out that Catalina can be the worst mother-in-law ever. Linda is not worried because she can be a witch, too. Anyway, Linda is certain that they are going to get along and come to be very fond one of each other. Linda tells her to enjoy her chocolates, kisses her on the cheek and leaves. Catalina is left thinking that Linda is worse than what she had thought. Catalina opens up the box of chocolate, removes one and goes to taste it. Hugo warns her to stop. It could be poisoned. They were talking so much about witches . . . Catalina puts it back in the box.

Aristóteles is with Polita. Whether an apple or a banana has more potassium takes Polita back to her childhood. They always gave her bananas to eat when she was little. She loved them. Her mom didn’t make her much to eat. So, she is like her in that way. Now in tears, Polita says she never ate bananas again after her mother abandoned her. Yes, she misses her parents a lot. Sometimes only the good memories remain.

Tulio is moaning to Audifaz that the adoption idea was useless. Audifaz says it was only a proposal. The first thing that Tulio and Ana needs to do is get things settled between them. Tulio is now irate as he says he knows that is what he has to do but he does not know how. He lost the love of his life. Audifaz tells him he never learned that his wife should have been able to fly on her own. He never allowed Ana to fly on her own. He always kept her in this gilded cage. Sobbing, Tulio talks about how fragile Ana is. He was always afraid she would not come out of another bout of depression. Audifaz tells him that the two of them ended up being slaves to their fears.

Gabriel has a video chat with his sister Clarissa on the street in front of Daniela’s home. Clarissa called him to give him the details of his date. Daniela has opened the door and her ears perk up. She stays silent and just listens to the rest of Gabriel’s conversation. Clarissa tells him that the date is going to be at the “Obsidian Butterfly”. Gabriel though he was going to get to choose the restaurant. She knows that was what they were going to do . Anyway, Priscilla’s father is the owner of the place. Gabriel repeats “Priscilla”. It sounds like they must have picked a model for him. Clarissa insists that they picked a woman he deserves. He tells her to tell Priscilla that he will be there at 9:30. He goes on to say that this date makes him a happy man because finally his problems are going to be over. He breathes a sigh of relief. Daniela does come out to see Gabriel. He is so happy and excited and she is clearly upset about something. He goes to kiss her and she is not really into it. He notices the “lazy kiss”. Daniela says he is the one that doesn’t look very well with the dark circles under his eyes. He didn’t even come back for his car. It must be because something or someone didn’t let him sleep. He wants to know what she is talking about. He slept the hours he Normally does. He leads her to his car and looks at himself in the window and concludes he is just as good looking as ever. Looking at both of their reflections he proclaims them as perfect for each other. He asks her to “gift”him a glass of water. She agrees only because she would never deny a glass of water to anybody. Gabriel has no idea what is going on.

At the hospital, Robert is looking at photos of Dave’s extensive scarring when Julieta drops by. They make a lunch date to catch up on her doctor’s visit. She admits that the doctor said the chances of her getting pregnant are not good if not impossible. Robert just hugs her.

At the bakery, a frustrated Eugenio asks Xavi for advice on how to win someone’s heart. Xavi says he has plenty of strategies for going out or hooking up but for something serious he thinks you have to spend the time with dedication and honesty. Eugenio does not want to hear that. He wants to know how Xavi would do it. He wants some concrete answers on what exactly he would do. Xavier first would dedicate time to that person, be interested in the things in their life, share dreams with them, get them gifts, maybe just call them for nothing at all, leave a message telling them you love them, compliment them, be interested in their problems and ideas, tell them how pretty they are , be companions, let them know they can count on somebody, listen to them and not criticize them, only give them advice. He thinks that that is what women like the most. Marisol arrives on the scene as Xavi is giving his recommendations. Eugenio cannot see himself being able to do any of those things. Eugenio says that Xavi sounds like he has a woman in his life. Xavi chuckles. Marisol steps up and says she has heard what was said and that giving flowers is never a bad thing to do either. Marisol grabs Xavi for a few minutes to discuss some work issues. They leave.

Julieta is talking to Luz. Julieta has decided to take fertility treatments eventhough they probably won’t do any good. She wants to try all possibilities so she won’t ever wonder what might have been. Luz sees her as being brave. Then the Dave situation comes up. Julieta tells her about what happened at the orphanage with Ana, Tulio, Dave and her. Luz is shocked that she actually said she was Dave’s mother. Julieta says it just slipped out. Luz asks her if she is really planning on adopting Dave. There is silence.

There is also silence in the carpentry shop as Gabriel tries to find out what is wrong and as Daniela stonewalls his efforts to communicate. He tries to be funny joking around but she is in no mood for his kidding. She never thought she would fall in love with somebody like him. Love is suffering. When they took him off in that van she felt like her life was slipping away. Gabriel says that is normal falling in love with Gabriel Mussi. She slaps his hand away as he tries to touch her. She is talking seriously. She is angry that she is feeling all of this because love makes you weaker and that is something she has never liked. He arrived and changed all of her plans. The future scares her. She was very tranquil when she was alone. Now she is afraid of losing him. She is happy thinking of him then she is jealous. She does not know how she feels and what to do with it all. Gabriel has stopped smiling.

Blanca goes to visit Imelda. They are happy to see each other. Imelda asks her to forgive her for everything. That is not needed because Blanca did not come to blame her for anything. She has not come to see Eugenio. She has missed Imelda a lot. They talk about their relationship being very much that of mother and daughter. Imelda also sees her as a friend. Imelda has also missed her. Blanca invites her out for a walk.

Robert and Julieta have lunch. Julieta reminds him that she wants to be a mother. She tells him about wanting to undergo the fertility treatments. Eventhough the odds are against her, there could be a miracle. Robert agrees as long as she doesn’t get upset. She also tells him that today she realized they have another option. She knows that he also wants to be a dad. Robert says that the two of them are a family. Well, Julieta thinks that their family could be even lovelier. She tells him that she wants them to adopt Dave. She wants him to be their son.

Blanca and Imelda are having a cup of coffee and chatting on a park bench. Blanca tells Imelda about all of the things she is learning about herself. She is getting to know a Blanca she didn’t know even existed. Imelda tells her that she always has been an excellent woman; an example for her daughters. Blanca says in somethings yes, but as for others she would never want to see them repeat those. Imelda admits she was always very strict with her but they were brought up differently. Blanca sees that being the mistake. They should have been brought up to be happy. Imelda chuckles and agrees. Blanca goes on to explain that they should have been brought up to learn to understand themselves better and always be worried in what “they will say”. Imelda thinks it is funny that when you are older and have less time, things just suddenly hit you. Imelda admits to having made many mistakes and as having made Blanca suffer a good long time. Blanca cannot say that is not true because Imelda made her feel very guilty and not worth much. Blanca goes on to say that she herself was part of the problem because she accepted it. Imelda says she never should have made Blanca feel guilty for losing Juan Pablo. Blanca adds especially now that they know who was guilty. Blanca does not think she can forgive Ana. She cannot stop feeling so angry. Imelda tells her she is right but now they have Juan Pablo back so they should be happy. As for Eugenio, Imelda takes responsibility for him being like he is, too. She had to raise three men. Imelda tells Blanca to fix things now while there is still time.

Back at lunch, Robert is asking Julieta if she is not confused. Julieta says she is not. She saw Dave as a little friend but of now. Robert talks about having to think really hard about adopting a child and even more so in adopting a child like Dave. Maybe she sees him as being so helpless she just wants to help him. It is something different being responsible for another person for the rest of your life. Julieta assure him she is not confused, she is not playing, she is it wanting to rescue somebody. She and Dave have a connection and that is what being a mother is all about, right? Robert does not know. Right now he thinks she might be rushing things. Julieta tells him too think about it and to imagine their life with Dave in it.

Marisol talks to Xavi about recording his video and making sure it is seen on all of the social media. They need to think of something original that has never been done, that connects with people. He is open to doing whatever she says. He tells her that he doesn't want her to be only his fan and manager . . . he asks her to be his novia. Frida gave him permission and is very happy with the idea. Marisol says yes.

Aristóteles and Bruno meet for their tutoring session. Frida is left alone in the hallway when her father Ignacio comes by trying to make nice after ignoring her existence for so long. Frida gets upset and will not be taken in by his sudden interest in her. . Diana comes and removes her from the situation so she can get to the school bus. Diana tells him to go. Ignacio tells Frida not to hate him.

Aritstóteles makes it hard on Bruno for having treated him badly. Bruno tells him he needs to accept that he just doesn’t retain things well. Aristóteles is ready to cancel the tutoring until Bruno tells him he is really interested in tutoring him and he is not being paid for it. Also, he wants Aristóteles’s help. Bruno has discovered that he likes to teach and wants to become a good teacher. Aristóteles agrees to help him.

At work, Luz has bad news for Julieta. Their young male model is a no-show because of an accident. What to do? It is an important shoot. Julieta thinks she has the perfect replacement. She calls Bruno. He can bring Aristóteles along so he can tutor him in the “dead time”. Julieta will pay him.

As they arrive back home, Blanca tells Imelda about wanting to go for cooking classes and becoming a chef. Imelda sees her as the best cook in Oaxaca and a chef already so she should try something else like learning a new language. Imelda wants her to come in. No, Blanca is not ready for that yet. She needs to understand all she wants for her future first. Imelda reminds her that the most valuable thing they have is the family. Imelda understands she wants to do many other things beyond house work. She misses Bkanca’s cooking so much. Eugenio appears just as Blanca is kissing Imelda good bye. Eugenio says he knew she would be back and welcomes her home. No, Blanca is not back. She makes a sarcastic comment about Eugenio not having done anything to get her back. She tells him he is all talk and no action. Blanca leaves telling Imelda if it were all just so easy . . . Blanca agrees.. Imelda laughs at Eugenio who does not appreciate it. She says it was the look on his face. He says it was because Blanca got him upset. Imelda tells him to get going already. It is not going to be easy to convince Blanca to come back. He needs to think about how he can get her to fall in love with him again. He says he has been thinking about it all day. She tells him not to think but to feel. She ends up singing a little ditty about young men being worthless as she enters the building. Eugenio is left alone looking grumpy and like he resents having to do anything to get Blanca back.

Back at the carpentry shop, Gabriel is doing his best to sand but ends up injuring his finger. Daniela returns from being out for a while. She needed to walk. He tells her that she is the woman that he loves and adores. Daniela is upset with him because he does not share his what is going on with him with her. It is better that she get busy sanding. He tries to help out by holding the piece of furniture steady as she sands.

Back at Tulio and Ana’s, Ana is on the bed looking like she is trying to sleep when Tulio comes in. He wants to talk seriously with her. Ana says all that needs to be said has been said between them. Tulio still loves her. He will not let her divorce him. That gets a rise out of Ana who has seen him as always dedicated to imposing his will. He does not agree. He distanced himself from his family so she would have her place. Does she have no love for him at all? No, she has no love at all for him. Tulio says okay, he will do what she wants. Tulio leaves her room. Ana takes another pill.

At the hospital, Robert talks with Octavio about Juleta being confused in wanting to adopt Dave. Robert is afraid of it being an impulsive choice on Julieta’s part and not sufficient enough to warrant Dave’s adoption. To Robert’s surprise Octavio sees it differently. Octavio sees Robert as the one being confused not Julieta. Robert agrees that might be true but he is afraid that Julieta has not taken into account that Dave’s mother or any family member could appear at any moment. In that case, Octavio thinks he needs to discuss that possibility with Julieta. Octavio sees Dave’s situation as being very similar to Robert’s. He asks how Robert would have felt if his adoptive parents had put the brakes on adopting him. All Robert can say is:“Wow! Good point.”

Julieta tells Luz she told Robert about the adoption. Julieta is very worried about his answer. Julieta believes that David revived her maternal instinct. Luz asks her is she is sure since she came to this decision right after seeing the doctor. Yes, she is. One thing does not have anything to do with the other. Julieta would be happy to be able to give Robert a family. The arrival of Bruno and Aristóteles ends that conversation. Bruno is not too happy about doing a video. He is really bad at doing these kinds of things. His interest reappears when she tells him she will be able to pay him good money.

Catalina goes to Linda’s workplace to return the chocolates. She asks about Linda having breast implants like the ones she sees advertised on the reception desk. Linda assures her she is 100% natural. Catalina tells her that she is returning the chocolates because she is afraid that they are poisoned by the witch. Linda notices one is missing which means that Catalina ate it. No, Catalina threw it out. Linda tells her that they should be friendly for Brunos’s sake but if not, Linda can play the role of the terrible wicked daughter-in-law who manages to distance Bruno from his mother so she never sees him again not even for Xmas dinner. Catalina leaves in a huff.

At the commercial shoot, it turns out that BRUNO has a hard time retaining the lies and delivering them. After several failed attempts, Julieta replaces him with Aristóteles who supposedly cannot retain things easily but seems to have the commercial already memorized on the spot. Aristóteles is successful. He does a great job.

Blanca goes to a language academy to sign up to learn a foreign language. She faces some age discrimination when the receptionist asks is she is signing up her daughter or grand daughter. The receptionist quickly apologizes explaining that their students are young. Blanca explains she is over eighteen and there was no upward limit on age given. Blanca asks if she has the right to enroll or not. The receptionist assures her she does and starts talking about free placement exams.

Back at the carpentry shop, Gabriel is taking off his overalls. Daniela asks him if he doesn’t want to stay and eat supper. He is evasive and tells her that he has togo and solve an issue quickly. Daniela hopes that it really does get solved. He gives her portrait a kiss before he leaves a sad and worried Daniela.

At home, Robert is busy preparing dinner as Julieta talks about how she does not understand how they can call Aristóteles distracted when he can memorize the whole text for the video like he did. She remarks that Robert is the one who is distracted. He finally asks her if she is sure about wanting to adopt Dave and if they will be able to manage his last, his traumas, his physical wounds, and be able to deal with the fact that at any time he might want to find his biological mother. Is she really sure about what is implicated in adopting an abandoned child if they do adopt him?


It was so good to see Aristóteles besting Bruno in an area of “so-called” deficit. Ha!

Gabriel is digging his own grave with Daniela.

It looks like Eugenio is paralyzed by his machista socialization. I am so happy Blanca is making him jump through all of the hoops.

Octavio can always be counted on to set Robert straight. Yay!

More mañana

Thanks Jarifa!

I'm now more worried about Gabi's date. Since Priscilla's father owns the restaurant that means Augie and the grim sisters can set the place up. I also wonder if the father is going to offer Gabi a job running the restaurant? I wish Gabi had just told Dani what is going on but I think he is trying to protect her from knowing the abuse his family is putting him through.

I'm glad Ana is standing up to Tulio. I don't feel bad for him. He is controlling and his misplaced anger. I really don't understand how he can love her but leave her solo for 34 years.

Eugenio needs to find his love game. I thought Imelda was very good with Blanca. I was waiting for her to go old school about a woman's place but she seems to be really trying to be supportive now.

I'm not so sure about Blanca learning a new language. I would rather see her studying math or finance.

I'm glad Tavo brought up Rob's adoptive parents. I still feel that story is really lacking. None of his adoptive family have visited him, come to the wedding, it's like they are estranged now.

I think they are going to adopt Dave and then Juli will find out she's pregnant, like Charlotte in Sex and the City.

I'm off to Florida on Monday for the holidays. I'm going to keep up with the show online but may not be able to comment in a timely manner. I'm addicted to this show though so I'll never be far behind.

Carvivlie, have a good trip and enjoy the weather. It is going to be 42 here today and this winter “heat wave” is going to continue all week. Lucky me!

ITA about Julieta, the adoption and pregnancy. Yes, just like Sex and the City. I don’t see Robert and his adoptive parents as being estranged but do agree that their plot line is sorely lacking. If they didn’t make it to the wedding, will we ever see them?

Good Morning! Jarifa, thank you for this excellent recap!

I too agree about the adoption and pregnancy; what better way to end this TN that has never ceased to disappoint.

Carvivilie, I agree that Gabi is trying to keep the constant pressure he is getting from his family to protect Dani. I think he should have refused to go to that restaurant. The agreement was that he would choose the restaurant; so if DaddyDevil and the hermonsters are already breaking the agreement, Gabi should suspect they won't keep their word about anything else.

I'm glad Blanca and Imelda are getting along and that Imelda is being supportive, but I thought it was a little too much too soon, especially from Blanca....or maybe I just don't forgive and forget so easily...

At first, I was surprised that Sam was a female, but upon reflection, it makes sense that Gabi has no qualms about asking a friend for a favor, regardless of their gender.

Eugenio asking for advice about how to win over Blanca again was quite surprising since he would write her letters and poems when they were younger...has he forgotten?

Jarifa, thanks for another excellent recap!

As always there were lots of interesting things going on in this chapter. I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see what sort of date DevilDaddy and the hermonsters had lined up for Gaby, that should be fun. And "Don't call me Jaby" is fussier than a little girl. I don't know, here he is, sharing an apartment with a ditzy woman and going on a date with a mystery woman, and he has no suspicion that he is setting himself up for trouble with Dani? Ay, caray!

I also like the way both Bruno and Linda are coming along, especially Linda. I love her interactions with Catalina, two witches fighting it out. Linda held her own and then some, and even managed to give Catalina a kiss ("mmuaa!") before flouncing out.

Carvivlie, won't you miss the bitter cold and the snow?

Andy, I too am actually enjoying the interactions between Linduca and Cata...what a match made in purgatory.

Jarifa, I loved that Aris showed up Bruno. Not to mention, he will bringing in some much needed money to to family. WTG, Aris!!

Where are my manners! Carvivlie, you will be missed. I wish you a very safe and joyful trip. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Andy, I'm sure there will be plenty of cold and snow waiting for me in January and February!

Thanks for the good travel wishes RGV!

I must admit I'm enjoying Cat and Linda too.

Hopefully Juli will use Ari for more photo shoots. Much needed money for family. I hope Tulio is paying Audi well. He is the only family member he's got left and he is truly trying to help Tulio.


Rgv, “a match made in purgatory”. Love it!

Andy, “¡ay, caray!” exactly. I felt like asking Gabriel: think much?

Bruno now wants to be a teacher! Okay . . . .

I loved the cgi Marissa. It was funny but not overdone.

Rgv Chickie, "Linduca and Cata...what a match made in purgatory" had me laughing. Spot on, and it's a wonderful bit for those of us in the audience.

I would have to score both encounters for Linda. Thanks, Jarifa, for explaining what Linda said, "[that she could] distance Bruno from his mother so she never sees him again not even for Xmas dinner." That line was downright scary. I wonder if these two witches will join forces at some time in the future? Now that would be really scary!

Carvivlie, have a great trip. It never occurred to me that Ari will now get some money to help out the family, that would be great! (But whatever happened to Audi's big check from Tulio the Terrible? Polita should be eating more than an apple.)

And I think I am developing a crush on "Nurse Leo" in Dr Rob's office. I don't know what she has in her hair, but that's OK, she's sweet.

Andy: Daddy Mussi is still WINNING UGH!

Jarifa: The Mussi family has shades of the Peralta's (see "Haste EL Fin Del Mundo").

I finally had time to edit and fix the typos.

Steve, you have a better memory than I.

Steve, I don't know that Daddy Musi is winning at this point, but he sure is causing trouble for Gabriel which, of course, affects Dani. She's bummed out, and Gaby is clueless.

I hope that Monday we get to see the date they have arranged to make Gaby dump Dani. It would take a lot, to say the least.


Jarifa, thanks for the cleanup, but doggone it, you're made it too easy and clear! :-)


Thanks, Jarifa. You're a doll to craft this great recap after baking all day.

Blanca tells Imelda she's going to take chef training and Imelda says "hey, you're the best cook already, nothing to learn there. You should do languages." Next thing, Blanca is signing up for a language course. Imelda sure is bossy.

I'm disappointed too that Robert's adoptive family is on the sidelines. I always thought we'd get to see them interacting with Blanca and Eugenio. If Robert is considering adopting, why not talk to them about their own fears when they adopted him?

Carvivlie, have a great trip to Florida.

Niecie, you are welcome and yes! Imelda still is bossy. I just hope that by the end all of them have learned enough to not step on each other’s toes.

Thanks Niecie!

The writers have lost an opportunity to highlight the difficulties an adoptive family and biological family face trying to navigate each other. Rob/JP not being a child or young man but a professional adult makes it easier since he makes the decisions for himself and not his parents.

Jarifa - Thank you for the reap!!!

" If Robert is considering adopting, why not talk to them about their own fears when they adopted him?"
Yes! I've been wondering why his adoptive parents are not a bigger part of this story.

I enjoyed the scene with not-so-Linda and CatDQ; that was well written and a total hoot! Purgatory, indeed. LOL Those two play off each other well. I hope we have more scenes like that.

Ana constantly taking all those pills can not end up well.

Doris, those pills have to catch up to her sooner or later..

Superb recap, Jarifa! I see that I missed a very busy episode. We are now in New Orleans and fortunately our hotel has univision.

SpanProf, excellent! :)

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