Thursday, January 11, 2018

Mi marido tiene familia Wednesday 1/10/18 Capitulo 100: The Surprise Wedding--OR--The Baby Surprise

Julieta welcomes Gabriel and Daniela to their wedding: the wedding they wanted; the wedding they described. Julieta and Robert got both families to agree to give them the wedding they wanted. They are outside of a small church. Daniela and Gabriel are worried about their clothing. Julieta has seen to that and each other them has three “looks” to choose from in their respective dressing rooms. Linda will be acting as their stylist. The priest is due to arrive so they need to get going. Gabriel has never heard of anything like it in his life. A surprise wedding? Julieta offers to cancel it. No way, Gabriel says they are sure but cannot believe how awesome this is. Robert says since they were their godparents for the wedding they had to do something. Gabriel checks it out with Daniela. She agrees that yes!!! they are going to get married and jumps for joy. Julieta leads Daniela away and Robert is in charge of Gabriel.

In one room, Daniela is with all of the Córcega and Mussi women. As Daniela tries on the different dresses all of the women give their opinion. Blanca tells her daughter to wear the one she is the most comfortable in while the Mussi sisters insist that she go with the most modern one. Linda keeps the Mussi sisters in line with her hairdryer. Marisol is in charge of the makeup and Linda in charge of her hair. Daniela never expected to get married like this. She woke up as if it were any old day. Julieta says they just could not let it go with a civil ceremony. Daniela thanks her and says she is so excited. Catalina has to stick in her own bitter two cents saying it is better to be like that so there is no time to be sorry. Next, Daniela has to choose her shoes.

In another room, Gabriel is with all of the Córcega and Mussi men. His father Augusto is helping Gabriel choose his suit and thinks it should be the most elegant one. As his father holds up the black one as the one he would prefer, Eugenio has to comment that if he puts that one in he is going to look like a penguin or panda (bear). Robert says they can choose whatever animal that they want but they have to hurry because the priest has arrived. Next, Audifaz tosses Gabriel something old, Aristóteles tosses him something new, Hugo give him something borrowed. It is a coin and Eugenio says he has to put it in his shoe for good luck. August next gives him a gold tie tack in the shape of an “M” for Mussi. Gabriel gives his father a big hug. Gabriel is grateful for all of this but isn’t this something that the ladies do? Dave says that his Auntie Dani says that he is a Cinderfella. Gabriel smiles.

Daniela puts on her garter and all the women react to how wonderful she looks.

Julieta writes to her unborn child her thoughts about her/his aunt’s wedding. Daniela is an example that dreams do come true. Julieta’s dream is that her baby is born healthy. The baby's brother Dave is now more calm but this change is very complicated for him. Julieta is sure that the two of them will end up loving each other a lot. Julieta is anxiously awaiting her/him.

The next scene is at the church. The time for the wedding has arrived with church bells ringing and strains of Ave María playing. Gabriel comes down the aisle flanked by his sisters dressed in peach. He has on an medium blue suit with a pink tie. He turns and Daniela is coming down the aisle in a beautiful white lace gown with a bouquet of calla lilies on the arm of Eugenio. Mendelssohn’s Wedding March is played. Daniela is followed by David and Frida holding her train. Gabriel is filled with emotion when he sees her.

When Daniela and Eugenio arrive at the altar, Gabriel takes Daniela by the hand and tells her that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life. Eugenio tells him that he is giving him his daughter and that he wants him to love and respect her and make her happy. Gabriel says he will do so without a doubt. Eugenio can trust him. Eugenio says he better or he will have to answer to him. Eugenio tells Daniela to enjoy her wedding. To Gabriel, Eugenio adds that he is sure that his mother is here and is very proud of him. Gabriel gives him a big hug.

Belén just has to tell Amalia that she should have gotten married rather than just living with Enzo. Amalia thinks it is better to try things out first just to make sure they work. All Belén really wants to do is go to Europe. Amalia hopes she finds a French or Italian guy. Everyone has to shush them.

The priest starts the ceremony saying that this surprise wedding started in a different way. He asks if anyone is forcing them to get married. Daniela says no but Gabriel has to make a joke saying that that lady over there Julieta is. They all laugh. Gabriel says they are happy to be there and it is their decision to get married. Gabriel has to correct the priest’s pronunciation of his name it is “Mussi”and not ”Musi”. The priest asks them all to turn off their cellphones. Linda just got a video call from Bruno. The priest says this mass will be different.

Julieta speaks: Today the marriage of a young couple takes a lot more commitment. . .

Robert speaks: . . . because in the times we are living it is much more complicated to fight for love when faced with an obstacle.

Imelda speaks: Today everyone knows they have the choice to divorce, but they are here because they are convinced that love can exist for a lifetime.

At the same time, Ana and Tulio sign their divorce papers at their lawyer’s office. The lawyer remarks how different they looked when they came to get married.

Xavi arrives late and comes running down the aisle and finds a seat.

Augusto speaks with Gabriel’s stuffed bear cradled in his arm: He tells his son how happy he is that he has found love after all of the sadness he has lived through. He went from being a little boy to a man. He tells Daniela if some day Gabriel does not behave well, Daniela has his permission to scold him. Daniela is the right woman for his son.

Blanca speaks: Today not only Gabriel’s and Daniela’s dream comes true but the whole family’s dream comes true. At that point, Bkanca is so emotional she has to return to her seat.

Eugenio speaks: Daniela was born on a very unfortunate day when they had great joy in the arrival of their first born daughter but had also the enormous sadness of having lost their first born son. Everyone turns to look at Robert. Daniela’s life has not been easy but she had to become strong and brave from the time she was a little girl. For that reason she is the only female carpenter that he knows because she hammered out and pushed away the pain. Eugenio apologizes for not being by her side enough. He lost so many of her moments from when she was a little girl. Now, here she is a grown woman about to get married. She deserves all of the happiness there is because she is worth her weight in gold. Today he knows that she has found the man who will care for her as the treasure that she is.

Somewhere in a government office and due to Marisol’s legal action, Ignacio is being informed that serious sanctions can be leveled against him if he does not follow the legal agreement in reference to Frida. It deals with him respecting visitation time with Frida, financial support of Frida and effort on his part to support Frida’s well-being at all times. He looks surprised when he hears the words “serious sanctions” and actually asks “sanctions?”. The government representative says yes, “sanctions.”

The wedding ceremony continues.

Gabriel speaks: Daniela changed his world completely and showed him how to be a better man. She is proof that you do not have to be what society says or wants you to be. He admires her a lot and thanks life for having sent her to him. She is his everything. (Even his sisters have to sigh when they hear that) He pledges to love her until he is balder than his father. Augusto pops out of his seat with that commment, rubs his head and sits back down.

Daniela speaks: Before she met him, she didn’t believe in anything and didn’t want to believe in anything. Gabriel made her believe the world again and in herself again. She thanks him for loving her, never having wanted to change her and for accepting her just as she is. She loves him like she never knew she could love.

Gabriel and Daniela exchange rings amd he pours the “arras” (coins) into her hands. There is not a dry eye in the church.

Daniela thanks Julieta for everything and places her bouquet at the altar of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

Everyone applauds and cheers as they kiss.

Gabriel carries Daniela down the aisle and out of the church. Once outside, he spins her around and they kiss again. Everyone throws confetti all over them.

It is time for the reception which is being held outside. Daniela thanks everyone for being with them on such a happy day. Linda wants everyone to start making toasts:

Clarissa toasts to them always to be able to solve their problems.

Linda toasts to the laughter never ending between them.

Marisol toasts to them always to have romance.

Cassandra toasts to them to never stopping being so much fun.

Imelda toasts to Gabriel to not getting hit in the face so much. Also, may God bless them so they keep being young, beautiful amd loving each other.

Amalia yells: Long live the bride and groom! Julieta makes a toast to Daniela and Gabriel.

Dancing follows. Daniela and Gabriel kiss a lot.

Gabriel and Daniela leave the reception in a vintage auto go to a hotel. On the way, they realize they do not even have a place to live yet. They will think about that tomorrow because tonight is their wedding night. They arrive at their hotel room. She changes into a short white nightgown and he has done push ups so that he looks good without his shirt on. She notices and calls him the most vain thing ever. He agrees saying that everybody would agree with her but he also can be really romantic, too. They kiss.

Julieta and Robert are in bed in their matching pj’s and go over the day’s events. Julieta thinks it all went perfectly. She jokes saying that they could get into the wedding planning business, too. Robert agrees noting that Daniela seemed really happy. Julieta says that Gabriel is a great guy with a good heart eventhough sometimes he is sort of a blockhead. The talk turns to their baby. Julieta is so anxious to see its little face and its eyes. She hopes that time flies. Robert does, too. And it does . . .

Months pass by and Julieta has been being waited on by Catalina and Blanca and being taught knitting and crocheting by Imelda. She has knitted and crocheted many articles of clothing for her baby. She also is doing yoga with Robert and Dave. It looks like Julieta is ready to have the baby when Julieta announces that she cannot believe that time went by so quickly and that her Caesarean is scheduled for this Sunday. She tells Dr. Robert to explain to Dave about her having to have a Caesarean to deliver his little brother or sister. He doesn’t have to worry because his mother won’t be in any danger. Imelda laughs saying that Dave asks so many questions, he is just like a Córcega. Dave lets the cat out of the bag when he says that his mom said he shouldn’t “corceguear” (act like a Córcega). Imelda and Blanca laugh. Blanca, Imelda and Catalina tell Julieta again that they are there for her. Soon the factions are in contention one more time. Dave tells them not to fight. More laughter follows.

In the next scene, at the Córcega’s, they welcome Polita’s newborn baby to the family. Audifaz thanks the family for everything. Imelda just wants to hold the baby. Audifaz sees the baby as proof that there is a God. The baby is a boy named Archimedes. Imelda says the baby can have whatever he wants to eat in the house. Audifaz is not so sure since the four of them are not going to be such freeloaders any more. Polita’s mother says that Audifaz’s and Polita’s family are not going to be short on food anymore because now everybody is working. Audifaz is writing and Polita is working in a restaurant. What will little Archimedes be? Aristóteles says he will be whatever he wants.

Julieta touches base with Luz at Cklass. Julieta is nervous with only a few days left before the Caesarean. Luz tells her to calm down because everything is under control. Luz adds that Sunday is almost here and it will all be fine. They will talk later. The video chat ends and Dave comes in for her to go over his homework with him. She ask who her favorite prince is. He says he is. She agrees and they hug.

Marisol brings Luz the Xavi tickets that she asked for. Liz congratulated Marisol on being a great manager. Marisol admits that she is having a hard time keeping it just business with Xavi. She loves him more than ever but she has achieved her goals for Xavi’s success and for Frida to be okay which is the most important thing for her.

Eugenio gets good news that he will not need any surgery due to the fact he has been doing his physical therapy. Robert plans a day in the woods tomorrow with Ignacio and Dave after Ignacio reminds him that he still,owes him that outing that he promised him on that little piece of paper (from so long ago). Robert admits he is nervous about the baby arriving. Eugenio tells him just to support Juleta and things will be great, the best experience of his life..

Julieta and Dave visit Polita and her new new baby. Julieta’s baby will be a good playmate for Archimedes. Dave wants to play with him, too. Jukieta says he will just have to wait until he grows a bit. Dave asks if he was like that as a baby. He sure was. Juleta is ready for the baby to be born.

Marisol visits Xavi in his dressing room before his concert to tell him he has five minutes and Frida is waiting for him in the first row. She helps arrange his jacket. She tells him that they did it. Xavi says that she did it. They hug.

Robert notices how Julieta enjoys knitting/crocheting. She says she did some before back in her university days and when she started working. Imelda and Blanca really gave her some good tips. Robert suggests that she hire them. No, that is not happening. She has enough of his family working for her. She cannot imagine Blanca and Imelda waiting for her at the office when she goes back. Robert keeps teasing her. He then tells Julieta that tomorrow he will be going out with his Dad to fulfill his “promise” that he gave him on that little piece of paper. He will be taking Dave with him. She is fine with it as long as he remembers that on Sunday he is all hers. He says he will be hers on Sunday and forever. Julieta is craving lemon ice cream with some chili pepper. Her desires are his commands. He will change out and go. If she needs anything, just give him a call.

At the concert, Belén is there with Frida and Enzo. Xavi starts his concert in the crowd making his way through them to the stage.Marisol watches from the control rolm as Frida joins Xavi on the stage and dances. After his first song, Xavi thanks his fans for giving him “wings” so he could start over. He goes on to say that sometimes the life of an artist is very complicated. He had a bit of popularity but before he knew what was happening, he had lost everything. Frida adds and then he found them. He says yes, he did find them. Marisol, still in the control room, smiles. Amalia (being her ignorant self) jumps up and starts yelling for him to sing and tries to get the crowd going. Xavi continues talking and says he wants Marisol(who is in the control room )to know something that he is going to say in front of everybody. He thanks her for motivating him--OR-- everyday and he wants everybody to know that she is the love of his life. The crowd cheers. Xavi adds that this is dedicated to her from his heart and also to Frida who he hugs. Marisol smiles.

Julieta goes into labor in her room and calls out in pain and for Robert.


Oh Jarifa!!

Pure, joyous fun.

You are the consummate recapper. Beautiful, start to finish.

She said yes to the dress! And she looked achingly lovely. I gave her beautiful gown a 9.9. Why you might ask? Greediness. I wanted a veil. :) That said, her headpiece was perfect.

I can only think that the actors must be friends in real life. I felt their real tears, their deep emotions. I did not feel as though there was any acting at all. Achingly touching.

“There is not a dry eye in the church”. Nor in viewerville.

"Dave says that his Auntie Dani says that he is a Cinderfella. Gabriel smiles". So did we.

“…she had to become strong and brave from the time she was a little girl. For that reason she is the only female carpenter that he knows because she hammered out and pushed away the pain”. Tears. Pain transformed into a fierce survival, culminating in a sweet love.
Catalina has to stick in her own bitter two cents" made me smile. A very tiny hitch.

"The priest asks them all to turn off their cellphones". My have times changed...

Audi and Polita's lovely baby. Both families coming together to make this work. A beautiful ceremony and heartfelt remarks? Priceless.

Going into a meeting that will last most of the day. Can't wait to return and read all the comments.

You captured everything here so very well Jarifa. Another Jarifa's jewel.

Thank you?!


Thank you!!! (no question marks) :)


Jarifa: Love the wedding of Daniela & Gabriel. It was AWESOME!

Diana: I had no idea Julieta was PREGGERS.

Jarifa – Thank you for your recap. Super job!

”There is not a dry eye in the church.” . . . same here. What a beautiful wedding ceremony!

Dani's dress was perfect!!!!!

And Enzo is still with Amalia. Keeping my fingers crossed for Xavisol!

Okay. When Gab was doing those pushups I was talking to him thru my TV screen --- “Save your strength, Gabs! Save your energy! It’s your wedding night!!!” LOL

I did not see Julieta’s water breaking and hard labor coming on, at all. I wondered if she might go into labor before the C-section date, but .... this? Oh noes! And we have two episodes left, right?

I deleted the above comment as it showed question marks rather than a smiley.

Jarifa, many thanks! You did a great job with this so important episode.

Beautiful bride, beautiful wedding. I love, love, loved that scene with Dani putting on the garter! Great stuff!

The ceremony was beautiful, and Dani was beautiful. Let's face it, a formal wedding, not at City Hall or the Mexican Civil Registry, but a nice wedding in a church is mostly about the bride. Dani was up to it!

I first wrote "all about the bride", but maybe that's going too far. Those words from the family members were touching and important, and the attendance and support of friends and family too.

So maybe only 99.44% about the bride :-)

Anyway, wonderful wedding, great recap.

I "attended" two Mexican weddings last night, both nice, but this one takes the wedding cake. Now can someone tell me what the custom of the groom pouring some coins into the bride's hands is about? Please?

I think I got the rest of the typos now. Anyway, thanks everybody.

Wow! That was some wedding and such a well done episode. I like that almost nine months went by and we didn’t have the spinning clock I have seen so many places before. I am happy the baby will be born this season. There was just too much to comment on it all but I will try.

Diana, I agree on the dress being a 9.9 being a fan of veils myself. Yes, it was “achingly lovely”. Diana you always have a way with words. Sorry to hear you have to be at a meeting and not having fun on the patio today.

Steve, it was a beautifully done episode.

doris, I was laughing at Gabriel, too. Daniela was cute calling him on his vanity. I did not see the baby coming “off schedule” either. They are really packing the final episodes but are doing it so well.


"So maybe only 99.44% about the bride :-)"
And that was fine with Viewerville. How many times do secondary characters get this much viewer love and attention? 👰🏻🤵🏼

I thought it was an interesting touch that Xavi (that was him, right?) arrived late to the ceremony. Everything happens for a reason in telenovelaland. Perhaps a touch of everyday reality?

Btw, thanks, doris. Yes, ITA Xavi was a touch of reality something that this novela has been good at giving us in spite of its also unbelievable moments and coincidences. What an artfully done mixture it has been!

Thanks, Andy. All I know is that coins are called “arras” and represent the groom promising to take care of his wife. Ah, yes, there is more than one telenovela ending in the next few days (Ramón) so there has to be multiple weddings. What fun!

Gabriel must have been talking about us last night: he said “Ay, CARAY.” In the first scene. LOL

Good Morning, All!! Jarifa, oh, masterful writer, you captured every detail beautifully!

Wowzers what a beautiful wedding!! I'm so glad Dani and Gabriel got the wedding of their dreams. I agree with everyone, the family members' comments were so touching and definitely bought on the tears.

Andy, you can find detailed information about "arras" and other wedding traditions here:

Diana, "I can only think that the actors must be friends in real life. I felt their real tears, their deep emotions. I did not feel as though there was any acting at all. Achingly touching." Well stated and so true!! But I can say that about this entire TN...The performances have been beyond excellent.


Thanks, Jarifa. A fabulous episode and what a delightful, detailed recap you crafted for us.

Julieta and Robert got both families to agree to give them the wedding they wanted.

Guess we’ll never know how Julieta and Robert managed to convince both families.

I absolutely loved Dani walking down the aisle. At first, I liked the back of the dress better than the front. Once I settled in, I realized it was perfect for Dani all the way around. I was a little disappointed Gabriel was less formal in the medium blue suit and pink tie, though he was cute. But then I guess the black tux he was reaching for before Eugenio said “no penguin!” was too formal for these crazy kids. I don’t remember ever smiling so much at a TV wedding (except maybe the ceremony where the three brothers married the three sisters in Fuego en la Sangre).

Everything went by so fast that I don't remember what everyone else wore at the wedding. But I did like Augusto in the tan suit.

Are we sure Julieta is not having twins? Her belly looks huge and quite wide.

La noche de boda. Gabriel doing pushups while Dani was in the bathroom to get ready -- hilarious. Doris and Jarifa, I was talking to the screen too, "hey, don't get sweaty even before the lovin begins!"

Based on Eugenio’s speech, we know for sure Dani is the oldest girl. And that strangely, unlike the rest of the family, Marisol grew up unaffected by Robert’s kidnapping. Or maybe the writers were just too busy with her rotten husband storyline to deal with it. :>

Excellent penultimate(for you) recap, Jarifa! A lovely wedding, and this tn certainly didn't stint on showing us the details, which in this case was just incredibly satisfying! I loved watching Linda controlling the Mussi sisters. Of course we see the remaining 8 months or so fly by! Won't Audifaz's 2 sons have awfully similar nicknames? Aris and Arqui? Oh dear, will someone find Julieta in labor and/or will she be able to reach her phone? Of course, this is a happy tn, and we're almost at the end! But a little suspense never hurts. :)

Sneaking in to read the comments.

So happy we all enjoyed the wedding! There were so many touching moments, Gabi picking Dani up and spinning her so her gown swirled around her, Gabi's father standing up and rubbing his bald head (who knew he had a sense of humor?) and everyone looking misty eyed and enthralled.

I hate to bring a rain cloud into a sunny day, but the only thing I felt when Ana and Tulio were signing their divorce papers was to hurry up damn it so we didn't have to miss any wedding scenes. :)

I also want to say I like Osorio's son who seems like a real sweet kid. And he has been great for this part. No nepotism here - he deserved the part.

A bit of a crush on Xavi. Sigh.


Thanks Jarifa!!

Dani looked gorgeous and I thought the bright blue suit Gabi wore was perfect. He is always wearing brightly colored tshirts and blazers.

I thought the comment Eugenio gave about Gabi's mother being proud should have come from Augie. That seemed out of place.

Good to know Audi is still writing but is he making any money doing it? I wish we had more info there.

So what is Mari going to do now with Xavi's declaration of love?

Thanks, Jarifa, for a beautiful recap of a beautiful episode! Both you and RGVChick have done a stellar job of bringing us the daily summary.

"Not a dry eye in the church" and not a dry eye at my house. Even hubby has been sucked into this TN and he usually ignores or tolerates them. Dani's gown was lovely and suited her well. Great persuasion from Juli and Robert to manage the two families.

Our Univision feed went out while the newlyweds were in the hotel room. It never cleared up, so we missed the last half of the episode. At least we got to see the wedding.

"Everything went by so fast that I don't remember what everyone else wore at the wedding."

Niecie in MD - I noticed that Clarissa wore beige, she looked beige, none of her usual color. Nothing else stood out, except . . .
The one who caught my attention was Marisol. Her makeup and hairstyle reminded me of the women in the James Bond films from Sean Connery era. She looked like a Greek or Roman goddess. I was so amazed that I didn't pay attention to what she wore. Major transformation for the event.

I feel like I need to watch the episode again to catch everything that people wore. There wasn't much footage of the reception. I was disappointed the guys from the restaurant Dani and Gabi worked in weren't invited after all of the work they put into the novia proposal.

Rgv Chick, thanks for the link, it explained a lot, including the "lazo" (spelling?) intertwining the couple. Very touching customs. Since weddings are a staple of romantic telenovelas I'm happy to learn more about the ceremony itself, it just adds to the enjoyment.

Carvivlie, thanks for mentioning the guys from the restaurant. I remember when Gabi was at the restaurant but having problems with his father he asked Danilo and someone else if they would have his back if he had to leave the restaurant, and later Danilo was involved in something that I don't fully remember. For a while I was expecting to see more of them but I forgot about them after a while. Oh, well.

Anyway, that beautiful wedding and everything surrounding it made for one very happy night of viewing.

Andy, after Gabi got fired from his dad and he asked the guys about following him I thought Gabi might start his own restaurant or something but I guess not.

LaPaloma, I hope you are able to catch the entire episode online.

Carvivlie, after Gabi got fired from his dad and he asked the guys about following him I thought Gabi might start his own restaurant or something but I guess not.

That's exactly what I thought, especially as he supposedly was good at managing the restaurant (though I never saw him do much other than keep an eye on Dani :)

I still think this is something the writers were either considering or trying to deliberately mislead us. Too bad it didn't happen, I miss Danilo, he was a good guy.

In any event, I'm a happy camper because I recorded the wedding. I definitely plan to take a second look after everything else is resolved.

Thank you, RgvChick, LaPaloma, Carvivlie, Niecie, and SpanProf for stopping by the patio and all of your comments. On the run today. May be back later.

Since this TN is wrapping up let me mention something that I've been thinking about lately. A couple of people have remarked that Xavi is a good looking guy. I don't actually see it, but I'm happy nonetheless because I've come to like the guy. Not at first, with his constant sunglasses and the implausible story of being down to his last few dollars while having a piano hoisted up to his rooftop, but over time he has grown on me. I can even believe he is good looking now :-)
so I hope he and Marisol work it all out and continue in the second season.

Andy, I, too, hope that Marisol and Xavi end up together but I do not find him particularly attractive.

Carvivlie, I wish they would have dedicated more time to the reception.

doris, those cable outages are a real pain. I am glad you got to see the wedding though. That was the real highlight of the episode. I loved Daniela’s dress.

SpanProf, Audifaz is sure stuck in the classics in naming his sons. Poor kids!

Niecie, funny comment about Gabriel getting all sweaty from his push ups.

Diana, Osorio’s son really excelled in his role. I have always liked the kid.


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