Thursday, January 11, 2018

Caer En Tentacion #58, 1/10/18: The First Crack In The Wall

Mia has a gripe session with her comatose papi.  It's all his fault she wants to kill herself.  She looks over at her mother hugging Santiago's daughter, Lola, and her little green monster complains that his messing with Carolina caused them all these unbearable problems and she, for one, can't begin to deal!

Raquel gives Lola the phone number of her doctor friend to call.

At Legato's main office, Andres spies Godoy handing Azucena his card.  After Godoy leaves, Andy quickly races over to Azu and asks what information Godoy was looking for and if she told him anything, or had to sign any documents.  She says no.  He reminds her that her job requires her to protect his company and since she knows a lot of what goes on around there, should anything come to light, she'll also go down with the sinking ship.

At los Alvarado, Benji is giving Lola fits since he won't eat anything.  When Santi takes over she harrumphs to her room.  Bebo comes to give the family the news that Nacho's out and to thank Santi for covering the cost with Alina pretty much.  Nico tells Bebo that Lola's in a snit and Bebo should go chat with her to cheer her up.  

At los Becker, Raq has Jovita promise to treat Mia with care.  Cinthia reminds Raq she shouldn't let her kids (namely bratty Mia) manipulate her so.  Raq remains the long suffering madre.

Bebo tells Lola his dad's been freed.  He also warns her that Juan is a very dangerous dude.  AND, he just finished threatening him again.  Bebo says naw, guys in the clinker are dangerous; Juan is just a big fool.  (Viewerville hopes that the bigger they are the harder they fall adage applies to Juan.)  Anyway, what's she think should be done with him?  Lola's got to think about this.

At los Becker, Andres comes back downstairs and finds SinCin alone.  He wants her to nose around and to get close to Godoy to find out what he's up to with the investigation.  She refuses to do anything unless he tells her what problems Raq may be in.  He informs her that Damian did not pay taxes on certain sums of money for which now Raquel will be come criminally liable.  He sprouts those horns of his again and reminds her they need to spend more time "together."  

Speaking of spending more time together, Raq calls Santi that night; they are both antsy to see each other making memorable moments.....She tells him she's not given up on fighting Miriam's petition for custody of Benji.  Nope.  She's going to threaten her over the attempted murder of her own son in the hospital.  (Viewerville sees a bit of light at the end of this tunnel finally since that's been low-hanging legal fruit since the beginning!  Duh.)  

Antonio, meanwhile, discusses the fact that Godoy still doesn't know who this fingerprint found on the gun belongs to.  Godoy mentions that there are large, unexplained sums of money coming in and going out again from Legato's accounts and Dam's secretary confirmed that Vicente was there on site numerous times, but she couldn't say that he was there for a pay off or not. Then people in Valle have informed the cop that Vice was spending large sums of cash all around town.  He's got the auditors looking for any kind of invoice, receipts, bills that might point to illicit movement of money.  Tonio tells him hey, nobody gives extortionists receipts, dude!  Figure something else out they can use to point the finger at Vice if he's the best suspect.  He orders more police asking questions and being visible so that Vice becomes really nervous and makes a wrong move.

El Pasado:  Raq's pregnancy test was negative.  Caro comforts her "friend" then goes downstairs and hisses at Dam the first chance she gets to bitch at him for still sleeping with his wife!  (Damn, woman!  He is still married and so are you, girlfriend.  Are YOU going to be sleeping in a separate bed the rest of YOUR married life?  Do you really think a guy like Santi would even let you??  Get real!)  When Santi and Raq rejoin them in the living room Caro takes it upon herself to ask Raq to be Benji's godmother but snubs Dam regarding Benji's godfather.  Dam is noticeably hurt when he asks who they asked to be his godfather.  Caro was totally cold as ice when telling him it was Nacho since he was already Nicolas's godfather.

The next morning Caro and Santi discuss how hurt Dam was and he decides to tell Nacho that Dam will be the co-padrino.   Nacho walks out in a snit.

At the same time, Andy's trying to persuade Dam that going into franchising the business would be terrific for Lagato.  Dam says he'll discuss it with Raq.  They need to come to some kind of agreement soon.  [acotejarse]

Dam later calls Caro at home.  She immediately goes ballistic and bitches him out for trying to be Mr. Hunk with his wife, even trying to give her a baby.  He says Caro's got it wrong.  That's all Raq's idea, certainly not his.  He's pissed that she wouldn't give him the chance to be his own son's padrino.  She sneers.  He then drives over to gripe some more and she acts the frigid bitch.  He tries to make her see reason.  He's still married so how can he avoid sleeping with his wife??  What's he supposed to do, LEAVE her just so he can visit with his own kid???  Caro doesn't say no........

Godoy's wife, meanwhile, is laid up in bed trying to save her pregnancy.  She politely lets her jealousy over the model that Godoy is protecting in a safe house be known.  He politely denies anything is going on and heads out to work.  Her producer calls to tell her she's going to be replaced if she doesn't come back to work soon.  Laura tells him she's coming right in.  

Raq, at the same time, is having the doctor make a house call.  She apparently is going through the change of life and doesn't know why she feels so empty and worthless.

Federico and the girl he likes, Sabrina, get together.  He admits to her he's still a virgin.  We learn that she has progressed in her own personal training since then and tells him not to worry.  She'll show him the ropes.  They do the deed but he doesn't look that into it.

Luz, from Legato, stops by the malt shop/coffee shop and gripes at Fede for insulting and blowing off Daniel.  He tells her that Danny is a good male friend, but he likes women--he likes her!  He seals the deal with a kiss.

Across town, Raq's doctor friend shows Lola around the Special Children's Foundation as a means of perhaps talking her out of having the abortion.

Vicente sneaks a call to Andres and complains about all the police Godoy's got snooping around town lately.  Vice asks Andy just what the heck's up with all these police around there?  He better lend him a very helping hand, if so.  Andy says that's Vice's problem.  Vice corrects him abruptly and reminds him it's THEIR problem.  All those things Andres "forced" him to do; all the times he took money from Damian and all the papers he had him sign?  "We are mixed up in this together, dude!."  Andy tells him to quiet down and head for the office(?)  But keep his trap shut.  He's had something unexpected come up and he has to take care of it.  (Can't be sure but I think he may be going to pay him off again.)

Mimi and Rueda make an unexpected visit at the Becker manse. Mimi immediately starts carping over the fact that Raq's threatening to report her for attempting to kill Dam while he lay comatose in the hospital.  "--You really think anyone would believe I'd try killing my own son if I was in my right mind [me sano juicio]??"  "--That's the point, Miriam!  You evaded the responsibility by resorting to therapy [alteracion mental], right Rueda?  So, what judge, then, is going to give custody of a child to anyone incapable of caring for it?"  (KA-CHING!!!  And what we have hear appears to be the proverbial and literal Mexican standoff, sports fans!  Sit back and smile a while.)  

Over at Santi's, Nacho pays a visit to give him his personal thanks for helping him out of jail.  Santi figures it's the least he could do since it was all his (and Caro's) fault.  Nacho and he discuss how they still cannot figure out who would have the ability to kill Caro.  Then Nacho mentions that he's been thinking obsessively about this and has come up with a person that knows a whole lot more about all of this and they should look into it.  (Dun-dun-dunnnnnn!!!)


Thanks Jardinera!!!

Carolina continues to frustrate me. She had no right telling Damian about Raquel’s pregnancy test even if it came out false. It’s obvious that Damian probably doesn’t think about Carolina when he’s sleeping with Raquel. If he does care about one more than the other it’s hard to pinpoint who.

I was kinda surprised that the preview for tonight showed who Nacho was referring to at the end. I didn’t think it would since the episode ended right before he said a name. I don’t think it was Miriam though. I’m pretty sure that where we are right now with the pasado timeline that while Miriam knows Damian is cheating on Raquel, she doesn’t yet know who the other woman is. I’m sure she will find out though before the accident but I still don’t think that means she was involved. Why would she want to kill her son or hire someone to do so? Unless the whole point of whacking Damian on the head with a shovel was someone’s secret hope that he’d end up with brain damage/memory loss.

I love how Raquel defends Santiago. They genuinely love each other.


Stellar Jardinera...

"low-hanging legal fruit" and "she harrumphs to her room" were among many favorites.

About time Raq decides to fight fire with fire and pull the attempted murder card on Miri. I wonder how she was able to manufacture those crocodile tears.

"Nacho leaves in a snit". Sigh. Bruised egos and perceived slights...nice that so many are rushing to the plate to be god parents but Dam should be ashamed of himself. I wonder if he is thinking of his child at all. Or any of his children for that matter.

"Caro comforts her "friend" then goes downstairs and hisses at Dam the first chance she gets to bitch at him for still sleeping with his wife!" Yes. The unmitigated gaul. 'Nuff said.

I am very curious as to who Nacho is going to offer up as the suspected murderer.

thanks so much Jardinera!


Woohee, Jar. You got a whale of an episode. Thank you for doing this on what I guess was very short notice.

So now we have the first glimpse of some kind of collusion between Andres and Vicente. How dastardly to make us wait this long to see this---and here we thought Vic was just extorting Dam for money.

Raq's bearing of her soul to Caro was the best thing I've seen her (Silvia) do. It was so realistic I was I was there and felt her pain.

TF--Miriam has guessed right so many times (confronting Dam as well) in the past timeline, it's just a matter of time before it's confirmed.

Thanks so much Jardinera!

So Andres and Vicente working together? Wow did not see that coming. Makes Andres look like a better suspect. I don't think Vicente could kill Caro.

Gracias, Jardinera.

It's about time someone in the story reminded somebody that Miriam tried to off her own son. it may not stop this in its tracks, but it should.

It now seems possible to me that Vicente and Andres were in cahoots with Damian as the intended target. Why Carolina ended up dead is then a question mark unless she tried to stop this.

I will need more evidence that Federico is hetero to believe what he said.

Mia is still as sick as ever. Her problems began long before the affair.

The doctor made me angry. He was clearly sending Lola on a guilt trip. This is not in line with Lola's best interests here. While Raquel might be upset that she can't have more children herself I don't think she would obligate Lola to have a baby that would be a gateway to misery for her.

Jardinera Thank you very much.

Andres and Vicente - I am not surprised about the collaboration of these two, I just don't see what they needed to do together.
Raquel seems to have handed Lola off to someone else, I don't think her intention was to convince her to have the baby but I do se her not wanting Lola to have the abortion. Clearly they are not thinking about Lola and the danger she is in if Juan finds out about the baby.
The whole godfather thing is petty. I agree Dirty Damian should be ashamed, and so should Cunning Carol, Nacho should be the godfather. The fact that Vengeful carol made Raquel the Godmother is also very diabolical. Carol irks me to the nth degree and Damian does as well.
I feel bad for Fede, he is trying to find himself and feels pressured to do so now. He should just take his time and find out naturally not forced. (sigh)

Sandie: The big question is whether Andres will want both Fede & Mia DEAD too since he doesn't want them inheriting that Becker $$$ ?

Damian was & still is a PIG!

UA: If Mia dies a violent death, the more happier I'll be when that comes because she's getting on my expletive nerves.

Kirby: Get your expletive over here & watch this TN dude!


Before Fede came out with his confused sexuality I always thought he might have a crush on Nico.

Lola is already taking care of Benji. She can't handle a child. And would Santi approve of her putting it up for adoption? No. But do women in tn's ever have an abortion? I don't think I've seen one....

I don't think I have, either.

Luz Maria of Amor Bravio was the best candidate for a abortion due to her circumstances but she ended up with a miscarriage at the halfway mark.

Carolina asking Raquel to be Benjamin's godmother was a real slap in the face. I hope Carolina burns in hell for that.


I have absolutely no sympathy for Dam and Caro. They play these games with each other while hurting those around them.

I just revisited Episode #10--Here's an interesting factoid I just picked up.
After Azu gives Nando the flashdrive and he leaves, Andres comes in to give Azu the 3d degree. He also tells her he covered for all of Damian's infidelities (PLURAL) and his withdrawls of funds. Dam financed his romance with Carolina with business funds. Andres claims he's not the bad one, just the imbecile for covering for Dam and Raq. Azu wants to know what Raq has to do with this. He doesn't answer.

I wonder if we will find out any of Dam's other flings.

In last night's episode there is a similar conversation, leaving Azu up in the air about what Raq's involvement in diversion of funds is.

Thanks Jardinera654.Lovely recap.Mimi
Finally got her mouth shutted up. How
Long has reuda been Miriams little yes puppet? He's pitiful. Between her and
The succubus lawyer his manhood had flown the coup.
And what the hell is mirilax(by the way she need some)gonna do with a baby
?Look what a bang up Job she did with
Her perfect son.Put him in A coma with
His own help.

I always find it so amazing how the ho on The side get all bent out of shape at The husband whose cheating with her on The wife cuz he sleepin with his own wife. She got the balls and the nerve To get all bitched up that he would dare get her, his wife,the woman he's married to pregnant.
Who these bitches think they are. He
Reached down to the bottom of the cess pool and pulled her up.She have no rights in his marriage. Cheating is ugly.Gives folks delusiongrandeur.
Make em Think they have rights that they don't have. And he beggin this heffa like a whipped puppy to see his son.
Both of them deserved what they got.
Mia got it right,it's his fault,should
da Been guarding his family instead of
Chasing after somebody else's tail. I'm Just hating what Damian and Caro did to these quit possibly already messed Up families. Ok rant over! Til the next time. Maybe.

Still can't stand Andres.He and caro's
Bro been ripping off the company.Do ya
Suppose auntie m knew about it?I don't
Care. The end!

Thank you Jardinera

I'm sure that most of the missing company funds were taken by Andres and he can conveniently frame Damian for it because Damian isn't in a position to defend himself. He also was blackmailed into silence by Andres who threatened to blow the whistle on his affair.

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