Monday, February 05, 2018

Papá a Toda Madre, Episode 15, 2/5/2018: Mau Gets a Clue, But Is Still CLUELESS!

Alt Title: Give the Dog a Bone and He’ll Want the Whole Chick-en
Previously: At Logatoys, Mau, Fabian and Anifer arrive with the toys and are greeted by Falcón who has with him the new council. Falcón explains that after their last meeting, it was obvious to him that Mau has been maturing. When Falcon reminds Mau that Mau decided that Falcón would not be involved in any decisions related to creations, Mau assumes that Falcón formed a council behind his back. Falcón denies going behind Mau’s back and justifies that he just wanted to equalize the decision-making authority by bringing in a council made up of very talented people. After Mau retorts that Falcón can’t do such things without consulting him, Falcón tells him that will change because from now on, every decision Mau makes will be evaluated by the council…and Mau will be able to decide NOTHING of his own accord (for the benefit of Logatoys, or humanity in general?).
At Renée’s house, Loopy calls and says, “Is everything ok? You sound very discouraged, baby.” Renée responds that she just got home from a meeting with Adriana, her advisor, who told her that the people from Maryland came up with something else that she was not expecting. (Loopy hears: Move quick, it is easier to catch a wounded rabbit.)

At Logatoys, Falcón suggests that they not argue. When he tells Mau that forming a council that supervises the executive decisions is something that is normally done at any organization and that, furthermore, it is part of his (Falcon’s) administrative responsibility, Mau wonders where his decision-making authority in this company stands because it seems like Falcón wants to nullify it. Falcón points out that Mau could dedicate himself more to do what he likes best; and the council will only review the viability of the projects and the investments for Logatoys…that is, if Mau wants the company to continue functioning, he should accept the council. After not much thought, Mau agrees. So Falcón claps in satisfaction and introduces the council who has a very good and successful track record—(left to right) Mr. Barrios, Falcón, Mr. Vasquez, Mr. Acosta, and Mr. Palacios.

After Mau states that he hopes their participation will be a positive one for Logatoys, Falcón asks Mau to present his new toys; so Mau starts with a revolutionary toy that has a redesign for yesterday, today and forever…a top with a remote control. When Falcón and the council laugh and Falcón mocks this revolutionary toy that his grandfather played with, Anifer looks at him like she could spin his tail out of the room…

At Nerón’s repair shop, Flor worries about the problems they could get into if the cops found out that Nerón has an illegal working there. Nerón doesn’t want to do what the Gringos do to the illegals that work across the border. After Pablo interjects that Flor has good cause to worry because, if he is caught there, Nerón would have problems, Pablo thanks them and starts to leave, Nerón motions to Flor to do something so Flor tells Pablo to wait. She agrees to let him stay, but Pablo better not cause them any problems. Nerón adds that he has already told Pablo to watch what he says and not use vocabulary from his country; he has also asked Pablo to always be alert. Pablo quickly agrees, thanks them and tells them he’ll get right back to work. After Nerón throws Pablo his uniform, he asks Flor why she had come to the shop, so she tells him that the husband of the lady that owns that party room returned most of the down payment; and she wanted to give him the surprise. When Nerón wonders how Flor convinced the man to return the money so easily, Flor tells him that the man asked for a favor; and since she is so accommodating, she did him the favor. Nerón then asks what favor she did for him, but Flor remains quiet and wonders how she should tell him…

At Logatoys, Mau presents the next new toy, a mom and dad set—the dad is a stay-at-home-dad while the mom is a mom and dad figure. Falcón starts giggling again as the rest of the council smiles; so Mau wonders if they are going to take the company’s decisions as seriously as they are now behaving and suggests they should show at least a little respect…or could it be that they have no understanding of gender equality and the modern millennials. (Did Mau see too many Super Bowl commercials?) Falcón then criticizes that it seems that these are toys that a child has invented. As he looks pointedly at Anifer and continues that the child doesn’t have the slightest idea about the business, Anifer returns the look as she purses her lips and looks up at Mauricio. Mau, putting on his dad hat, then tells Falcón that they can make fun of him, but they have no right to make fun of Anifer. He continues by asking each of the councilmen if they have produced toys…know anything about design…or understand the assembly process. When none of them respond, Mau points out that none of them know anything about the production of toys; in contrast, Anifer does know because she is a child and she plays every day; so their sarcastic comments and giggling are not needed. After Falcón snidely claps in response to Mau’s great speech, he suggests that they now evaluate the prototypes and they will let him know what they decide. After Mau and Anifer walk out followed by Fabian, they comment on how bad and horrible the men were.
At Veronica’s house, Toño arrives with the kids and starts to play with them. (Let's get this straight, did Veronica marry him or adopt him?)
At Mau’s office, Mau wonders how the council can evaluate something that they are clueless about. When Fabian criticizes that Mau has never been an expert toymaker and that he has only become interested recently, Mau is shocked and wonders whose side Fabian is on. (Welcome to the patio Mauricio!)  After Mau sternly adds that he has always had an interest in toy making and has wanted to be innovative with his prototypes and avant-garde designs, Fabian yells that the company has not now, then, or ever, made avant-guard art…this is a toy factory; they must sell toys! Mau then is surprised at Fabian’s reaction and wonders why he is mad at him since he (Mau) is so sensitive. After Mau points out to Anifer that everyone is against him, Fabian calms down and apologizes…if he is furious, it is not against Mau. (What? Wardrobe messed up your tie? Ankles are cold?)  When Anifer comments that she thinks they did pretty good, Mau explains that sometimes ‘good’ is not enough; life doesn’t always reward good efforts. Anifer insists that it can be good enough…her mother told her that it is just a matter of working harder (María is such a wise mommy!). Just then Jorge enters and asks if it is a good time to come in. (Like, when IS a good time for a root canal Clem?) Mau urges Jorge in and tells him that he only missed a great motivational sermon from shorty; and he also missed the new council of businessmen and jokers that Falcón brought in. When Jorge tells Mau that he has already completed all the paperwork to change Anifer’s last name, he asks what council they are talking about; so Mau tells him that Falcón brought in a council to monitor what the company does. After Jorge asks what council it is and if they were given any information about their reputation or background, Mau seems to have a glimmer of doubt…and they all look at each other…

[Mexican Version: At the school’s religious class, Valentina texts her friend, Ash, that she is bored at her class; and, as she waits for a response she looks up at Samuel who is nodding off…]

[Mexican Version: As Valentina continues to text, the nun calls on her to respond and tells her to put away her phone. When she can’t answer, Samuel mocks her for being caught, so the nun calls on him to answer…since he was falling asleep. When they finally respond that the subject was faithfulness, Samuel asks about being faithful when one partner cheats on the other. The nun responds that when one of the spouses is unfaithful to the other, it is not at all good; it goes against the promises made when they are married before God. Valentina then asks if it is permitted to divorce when the spouses don’t love each other anymore, so the nun responds that it is not permitted; they have the obligation to remain together and honor their promise. Sammy and Valentina wonder how that is done…should they forgive each other and just move on. The nun insists that marriage is a sacred bond that cannot be dissolved. When she adds that divorce is a sin, Valentina and Sammy remark that it is clear and look at each other questioningly.]
At Nerón’s house, Flor shows Nerón the commercial she agreed to make, as a favor, for the man who owns the party room. Nerón is perturbed as he watches, and after Flor chides him for thinking the worst, she hits him and walks away. After he apologizes, Flor comments that after making the commercial, her desire to model has returned. (Neron, if you dream it, it will come true, even if it was a nightmare.) When Nerón argues and asks who will take care of Milady, Flor retorts that she will care for Milady just as she took care of Milady while she made the commercial…they can also use the extra money. She then starts to do her little sexy dance…

[Mexican Version: At Veronica’s house, Veronica arrives and looks around only to find Toño asleep on the couch. When she wakes him, she chides him for having the kids eat on the floor of the living room and for all the mess.] (Before she took him, the Nuns at the orphanage swore he was housebroken.)

[Mexican Version: When she asks if he reviewed the kids’ homework, Toño tells her he is just waking up so he doesn’t remember. When he asks the kids if he reviewed their homework, they reply that he didn’t; so he sarcastically thanks them. Veronica then tells the kids to go brush their teeth, but they refuse; so Toño gets them to go. After they leave, Veronica complains about all the mess, but Toño justifies that they are just kids and she can pick up later. (She? Go back to sleep so you won’t see the pistol.)] When they both look at the enormous bill for their vacation, Veronica tells him that they will have to limit themselves, but Toño shares that they won’t have to limit too much since he got the editorial job. Veronica is relieved that they will now have two salaries, but then wonders what they will do about the kids. After she starts to complain again about the mess, Toño distracts her with smooches and caresses…which she finally gives into.
Outside, Mau helps Anifer down from the car and asks if she is hungry or sleepy…or if she has a headache. When she responds that it is neither, Mau wonders why she has that long face. After Anifer again denies that anything is wrong, Renée arrives and asks Anifer what happened since she looks almost worse than she does. When Anifer tells her that everything is so-so, Renée tells her she should take advantage of being a kid because she has a long way to go before, uhmmmm, she will have to go from company to company looking for a job because SOMEONE fired her. After Mau wonders if Renée’s way of encouraging children is by spewing bitterness, Renée starts to snap back but stops herself and tells him that for once, he is within reason. Anifer looks at both of them and tells them she thinks she is in a bad mood, so Renée responds that she feels the same; so she will leave them and hopes that Anifer’s father will brighten her day. After Renée leaves, Mau wonders if the girls got together and declared a cold war on the masculine gender…OR WHAT?? As Anifer turns around and walks away, Mau finds a brochure from the University of Maryland that Renée dropped.
At her house, Renée counts her money as she hears someone knocking on the door. (Dart for the bomb shelter, or let Loopy in?) When she tells Loopy to come on in, he enters in his lab coat followed by his musician doctor friends also dressed in lab coats. After Renée motions him away from the group, Loopy thinks they are wonderful, but Renée comments that it isn’t her birthday and they are not celebrating anything that she remembers. When Loopy responds that it doesn’t have to be a special day to make a romantic gesture for his girlfriend, Renée looks quite uneasy… (And secretly decides to call him 'Grass Stain', as nothing will remove him)

At Mau’s house, Mau takes out the food he bought as Anifer lays on the big pillows using the laptop. Anifer tells him he should learn how to cook...he could save a lot, but Mau tells her she should be the one to learn to cook…they could save much more. When Anifer asks if they are going to run off Mau from his job, Mau explains that they can't run him off because technically, he is the owner…well, more or less. Secondly, the factory is not her responsibility; he knows he makes demands of her, but all she has to do is play and invent…or is she going to claim she has job stress? When he tells Anifer that it’s time for her to start school instead of spending all day with him, Anifer asks who will help him with the toys if she goes to school…because his designs are really bad; so Mau cries out and comments that they aren’t that bad, but Anifer insists that they are…

At Jorge’s house, Jorge asks Valentina why he got a call from the school to complain about the absurd questions she was asking. Valentina denies asking absurd questions; the problem was that the lady didn’t know how to answer. He accepts her response, but then starts on their pending conversation about those escapades she has been having. When he asks if she has a boyfriend, Valentina reveals that she had her first boyfriend at the age of thirteen. Jorge is taken aback and can’t believe she had a boyfriend at that age. (The fruit doesn't...nevermind…)
At Renée’s house, the serenade concludes so Renée tells Loopy that he brightened her day, but he tells her that it is only part of the surprise he came to give her. It’s actually more than a surprise; it’s a proposition he’d like to offer in order to help her ensure her place in the mastery program in Maryland. When she asks him to explain because she is lost, Loopy tells her that she is not lost; it is he who found her in his path. After he turns to the musicians and asks them to play a song, Loopy gets on one knee and takes Renée’s hand as he tells her that he wants to be the fortunate one who spends the rest of his life with her…and adds, “Marry me.”   (Renee mentally changes his secret nickname to 'Indelible Ink')

Renée is flabbergasted…

At Mau’s house, Mau is on the phone with Sebastian who is reproaching him for not going with him to the Acapulquirri Festival. As Mau explains that he had a mega problem, he hears Anifer yelling out in her sleep, so he hangs up and rushes to her. When he wakes her, she tells him there was another woman who wanted to take her and a man with a gun; so she got scared. Mau explains that she was having a nightmare and the best way to get rid of them is by drawing everything she dreamed…it’s a method that has been scientifically proven by the Association for Protecting Sleepless Brats. So Mau gets her up to go draw.
At his home (?), Falcón talks to someone on the phone and says, “Don’t worry; I’ll take care of it. The prototypes will be a failure…Exactly, let’s allow Mauricio to try it again. He can continue his plan; and he can think that all will go well…”
At Mau’s house, Mau brings Anifer some milk and cookies. When he looks at her drawings, he asks her what it is. Anifer tells him that it is the nun, but when he asks who the man is, Anifer tells him it’s the man who took her to his wedding. (In her last TN, Anifer was a police sketch artist?)

Mau recognizes him and recalls Juan Perez whom he met with in Chiapas; so he asks Anifer if she is sure he is the man who took her to his wedding. When Anifer confirms that was the man and asks Mau if he knows the man, Mau chides her for drawing so many other things and wonders why she never drew the man; so Anifer responds that he never asked her to draw him. After Anifer asks Mau why he wants to know about the man, Mau tells her there is no special reason; he is just curious. Anifer thinks there is nothing wrong with Mau being curious then asks him to tell her a story; so he takes her to bed and starts a story he has already told her. Anifer complains that it’s the same story and wants him to think of another story. (Go with it. You will be a teenager before Rugrat Kipling here, can dream up another one.)
At Renée’s house, Loopy dismisses the musicians as Renée anxiously wrings her hands and thanks them. After they leave, Renée asks Loopy to sit down and asks him how he can propose marriage if they just started their courtship. If she understood correctly, it would be a true marriage…or what did he mean? Loopy explains that it would be a legal marriage. What he meant about helping her was that marrying a US citizen would give her certain rights and would save her the trouble of going through some of the requirements to complete her mastery program. When Renée surmises that it would be like an arranged marriage, Loopy agrees that it would be because it would avoid her being considered a foreign student, but then adds that it really wouldn’t be a marriage of convenience because they are a couple and want to be together. Renée still thinks it sounds strange, so Loopy tells her he knows it sounds like a desperate move, (If it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck.....)  but it’s not that illogical. He asks her to think about it since many couples get married to enter the US legally. Loopy thinks they should get married in Mexico to facilitate things, but Renée argues that even if they did get married, she still has to go through the application process which will take time. After Loopy insists, Renée gets exasperated and tells him she is all mixed up; so Loopy tells her not to give him a response now; she can think about it later. (She has until he drops in the next time, in ten minutes) When he starts to sing “Solamente Una Vez”, Renée gets aggravated and tells him to stop…

At Jorge’s house, Valentina tells Jorge not to exaggerate things; it was just a crush that lasted a week. When Jorge asks what kind of relationship it was, Valentina tells him to calm down; she is still a virgin. Jorge is dismayed because he doesn’t know what is going on with them; they go through the days hiding things that he has to figure out on his own. Valentina responds that if he doesn’t know much about them, it’s because he hasn’t been around very much; he is always working. Jorge points out the he is the provider of the house; that is why they have never lacked for anything. Their mother had different responsibilities than his; so they would divide the responsibilities among the two of them. When Jorge asks if her mother knew she had a boyfriend, Valentina confirms that she did…and she didn’t go through a drama like his; her mother thought the same as she did. After Jorge comments that she and her mother are alike, Valentina wonders if he is implying that she is going to end up just as her mother did. Jorge replies that she shouldn’t put words in his mouth and that he expects her not to do anything stupid and to keep in mind the high values they have instilled in her. Valentina doesn’t understand why he doesn’t trust her and walks away, but Jorge continues that she needs to examine her conscience especially now that God is testing her after the indiscretion she has committed. (The patio wishes Dulce the best.)
At Mau’s house, Fabian tells Mau that what happened with the nun had nothing to do with the man in the drawing. Mau agrees, but points out that the man took Anifer to his wedding and pretended not to know him when they talked to him. When Mau suggests that the man hid information from them and, therefore, could have lied to them about María, Fabian reminds him that he (Fabian) entered to identify the body and it was her. Mau concedes and tells Fabian he believes him, but wonders where else he could have seen Juan Perez. When Mau met María, he had the feeling that this man could have been following her around. When Fabian wonders why he hadn’t thought of this before, Mau explains that it is a fuzzy memory. He can’t swear to it, but Mau thinks that Juan Perez and the man in the drawing are the same person. Mau keeps looking at the picture as he recalls seeing María from a distance at a party; and when she walked away, a waiter who looked like Juan Perez passed by with a tray of drinks. (Mau, Google Frenemy, just saying)

At Jorge’s house, Valentina brings out dinner as Jorge and Samuel sit at the table. When Jorge and Samuel complain about having the same thing as always, Samuel and Valentina start arguing, so Valentina suggests that Samuel do the cooking, but Jorge reminds her that Jorge is a male. When they continue to argue, Jorge tells them to stop so they can have a peaceful meal. Jorge tells Samuel that he isn’t very pleased with him and hopes that he is listening to what Jorge told him about not hanging around with the gang of delinquents. When Jorge tells Samuel to just keep trying, Valentina is dismayed that he is only telling Samuel to keep trying. Jorge can easily forgive Samuel for beating up on someone, but practically crucifies her for sneaking out. When Jorge points out that she is a girl and he has a responsibility to protect her, Valentina retorts that he shouldn’t be treating her like a prostitute just because she sneaks out. Jorge doesn’t like to hear her use such words as “prosti” and reminds her that her escapades almost caused someone’s death. After Jorge tells them to start eating, Samuel reminds him that they should pray before the meal.
At Mau’s house, as Fabian is leaving he tells Mau not to overthink things; (remember that Frenemy we talked about Mau?) at this point Mau doesn’t know what is real and what he could be making up. Mau agrees and thinks he needs a distraction…like meeting women, having fun, and playing doctor with them. Fabian thinks Mau is getting worse; even his metaphors are sounding childlike. Just then, Mau sees Renée throwing out the trash and tells her that it seems they bump into each other on a daily basis…and that’s because she treats him more and more like a stranger and spits out ice cubes at him. Renée points out that they are after all neighbors; and if she seems cold it is because she doesn’t know how else to be since hypocrisy doesn’t befit her. Mau retorts that neighborly kindness doesn’t befit her either and asks that she give his regards to her boss…or rather to her boyfriend who gets scared when she talks to her neighbors. As Loopy comes out with another trash bag, Renée tells Mau not to judge Loopy since Mau doesn’t know him. When Loopy asks if there is a problem, Mau looks at Fabian and comments that neighborly kindness is just busting out all over. After Fabian drives away, Anifer runs out and hugs Mau’s leg. When he asks her why she is awake, Anifer tells him that she had another nightmare.

After Renée gets closer and asks Anifer how she is, Renée remembers that she had promised to make Anifer some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Anifer comments that Renée’s sandwiches are delicious; and when Mau mentions that nuts make him break out in hives and cause his throat to swell, Renée points out that the sandwiches are not for him. Mau understands; he just wants his kind neighbor to be aware that he is allergic to nuts. Renée tells him not to worry and assures him that whatever she makes will be only for Ani…NOT for him. After Mau leaves, Loopy tells Renée he has been checking on the prices of the apartments though he knows there is still some time. When he notes Renée’s distraction and asks if there is something worrying her, she responds that, of course, she is worried since she hasn’t found a job and seeing her savings account is go down feels horrible. Loopy understands since he has to give up his apartment this week; and the apartments he has been looking at are very, very’s scary! Loopy knows Renée hasn’t thought about his proposal. When he mentions living together and the money they would save, Renée begrudgingly gives in and agrees to moving in together (NOOOO!), but they have to take things slow and will live together only as “roomies”…each in their own room and sharing the costs. Loopy is so overjoyed that he drops the trash bag and tells her that surely her mother would be just as happy seeing them together (Joy! Joy! NOT!). (Repeat after me Renee, 'Frying pan into fire, Frying pan into fire...')
At Veronica’s house, Veronica worries that Toño won’t pace himself and that he’ll let things pile up for the afternoon. Toño comments that if she could do everything when she was working part-time, why wouldn’t he be able to do everything now. Veronica didn’t say he couldn’t do it (she thought it, but she didn’t say it!); she is just telling him that he needs to get organized. Toño tells her not to worry, but when they move him to full-time, then she should buckle down. When Toño suggests that his mother, Esperanza, could help out, Veronica doesn’t think Esperanza should have to be hassling with the grandchildren.
At Logatoys, Jorge tells Mau that he can talk to Father Cutberto and that there shouldn’t be a problem enrolling Anifer at the school. He explains that Mau can register Anifer now; and when the judge submits his judgement in Mau’s favor, Mau can change Anifer’s last name on all the records without any problems. The judge’s decision will take time, but Jorge will keep on top of it and will keep Mau informed. After Mau compliments Jorge and tells him he is an artist, Gladys storms in and tells Mau she gives up on Anifer; she can’t keep her entertained anymore. After she quickly calms down, Gladys reminds Mau that he still needs to set the time and date for the photo session for the social magazine. When Mau finally remembers that it is an article about “best dads” and that he should find out who the other candidates are, he asks which his best side is; so Fabian wonders which Anifer’s best side is. When Mau asks if Anifer will also have to be in the photos, and Fabian motions that it’s obvious she will, Gladys suggests that Mau buy Anifer some new clothes for the photo shoot since the clothes Anifer wears are somewhat simple. Mau then tells Gladys she now has something to do with Anifer; she should take her shopping. Gladys has a fit and tells Mau she has too much to do; she has no time to take the child shopping. Mau sarcastically comments that it’s so good to know that he is so well respected and obeyed. Fabian then gives Mau a company credit card which puts a big smile on Mau, but when Fabian tells him that it has a 5000 peso limit and it is a debit card…no credit, Mau’s smile turns upside down.
At her advisor’s office, Renée wonders if Adriana is seriously suggesting that she look at other alternatives. (Academics or pets?) The University of Maryland is the only one that interests Renée; and it’s the only one that has a complete curriculum on robotics. Adriana understands, but if Renée isn’t selected in this round, she will have to wait a whole year for the next selection; and surely they will set the same conditions for the selection…or worse. Renée sighs deeply and mumbles that if she were to be a US citizen by then, everything would be different. (Yes, a suicidal US citizen, maybe)
At Nerón’s repair shop, Pablo notices that Nerón has been very quiet and wonders if Nerón is upset with him. Nerón isn’t upset with Pablo, but confides that it’s a problem with his woman…having someone can be nice, but other times, it can turn into a hell. Pablo then shares that when his father lived with them, his parents would also fight. When Nerón asks how many years it’s been since he has seen his father, Pablo replies that it has been several years. Nerón thinks that it must have been hard to have to leave to work in another country; he could never imagine leaving his Flor and his little piece of camphor. Pablo agrees, but adds that his father would do well and send them a lot of dollars from the US…it wasn’t a lot, but then he stopped sending money and that is why Pablo came here. He plans to go look for his father and find work…and honestly, he would like to study over there. When Nerón suggests that he doesn’t have to wait to go to school in the US and he could get into a school here in Mexico, Pablo lights up.
At his new job, Toño wonders if everyone is behind a computer in such small spaces. When he asks if there are no offices, the man laughs and tells him that everything there is very small. When the man tells Toño that he can leave after he evaluates the software in storage and sends him a report, Toño wonders if that is all he is going to do, but the man wishes him much luck. After the man leaves, Toño gets a call from Veronica who asks if he is busy; so Toño tells her he is up to his ears in assignments…but he is all adrenaline. When Veronica comments that things happen for a reason and he is probably better off over there, Toño responds that, yes, he is much better there…he was just laughing with his coworkers! When he asks how she is doing, Veronica responds that she is still struggling and hopes he can help her out, if necessary…but she is getting along; and that is why she is so happy that he is content because as long as she knows he is doing well, she will keep trying. After she tells him she needs to go to a meeting and that she may be late, they hang up and Toño looks around at his cold, crowded environment and sighs deeply.
Mau takes Anifer shopping, but she is not too enthused…

As he shows her different outfits, she makes all kinds of faces…

As they leave the store with bags in hand, Mau catches an eyeful as two young babes pass by, but Anifer takes his hand and leads him in the opposite direction. After Anifer runs in to a pet store, Mau waits outside as a nice brunette femme stops by and looks into the store. When Mau tells her that there are many nice views in the mall, the young lady tells him there aren’t many windows, but Mau tells her that he is now looking at a marvelous view. The young lady laughs and as Mau introduces himself, Anifer comes running out and interrupts to tell him that she needs to go to the bathroom…and she can’t go by herself! As Anifer gives the young lady a look, she adds “Dad!”

…so the young lady huffs, shakes her head in disgust, and walks away. Mau tries to explain to the young lady, but Anifer starts jumping and yelling, “Pee! Pee! Pee!”
At the school, Valentina tells her friends that she can’t go with them because her father is keeping tabs on them. When they suggest she talk to her mother, Valentina tells them that she doesn’t even want to see her mother, but her friend insists that Valentina won’t be contacting her mother because she wants to talk to her, but only so that she can tell her mother to talk to her father and tell him to stop pestering her. While she is at it, Valentina can get her mother’s permission to go to the theater…Valentina will have half a permission. When the boy tells her that her parents can fight it out with the attorneys, Valentina thinks her mother could actually help her since her mother is an attorney, so she calls Dulce who doesn’t answer. When Dulce immediately returns the call, Valentina tells her she needs to talk to her right away, but they need to talk in person.
Renée is at Veronica’s office and explains that she dropped by unexpectedly because she needed to tell someone about everything that is happening to her. When Renée asks what Veronica thinks about the Loopy situation, Veronica is shocked to know he would move so quickly since he is so quiet. When Veronica suggests that Renée think things through and make sure she isn’t doing things just so she won’t be alone, Renée admits that is exactly why she is doing things; she is afraid of being alone; but, aside from that, Loopy is a man any woman would dream of having. (Yeah, in one of Anifer's nightmares.) Veronica agrees that he could have any woman, but asks if the woman has to be Renée. When she adds that Renée should be careful and not confuse companionship with love, Renée knows she has much to think about… (Will she get bitten if she takes back her bone????)

By Rgv Chick and Ghost


RgvChick, your superb recap and amazing screen shot have warmed the heart and soul on this frigid day.

It wasn't possible to pick favorites but" Mau will be able to decide NOTHING of his own accord (for the benefit of Logatoys, or humanity in general?)" and "(Loopy hears: Move quick, it is easier to catch a wounded rabbit)" were but a few that stood out.

My favorite scene was Mau and Anifer's shopping excursion. Her expressions were priceless. I hope they had as much fun filming as we did watching.

So Mau seems to be in for a terrible fall! Who is the mastermind? It doesn't seem that an entire team is necessary to plan Mau's ruination. He seems perfectly capable of doing that on his own?

Every scene with Jorge and his children is sobering. Every scene with Tono and his children is cringe worthy. He is so frustrating. Inconsiderate and incompetent. He should kiss the ground Veronica walks on. She is the patient, infinitely understanding one. Veronica is a saint!

"And secretly decides to call him 'Grass Stain', as nothing will remove him)" says it all doesn't it??

"Mau chides her for drawing so many other things and wonders why she never drew the man; so Anifer responds that he never asked her to draw him". And there you have it. Wise, child logic.

Thank you for making this so much fun RgvChick and Ghost. Wonderful way to start the day.


Alright Naughty Lady, you were hitting the dog theme hard this time! Time for a ruler on those knuckles, says Nun NudyB.

In addition to "Will she get bitten if she takes back her bone?" there were tons of other funny quips"

[millennials]did he watch too many Super Bowl commercials?

[grumpy Fabian] are his ankles cold

Grass Stain (yeah, or even Permanent Marker!) nuthin' but absolutely nuthin' will get get rid of that!

but I guess my favorite was actually about Toño "Did Veronica marry him or adopt him?

Like Doris, I will look forward to watching this at lunch time and probably spitting out my soup! But your recap was a hoot. And makes a good start to another bone-chillin' snow-in-the-forcast-what-fools-are-we Midwestern day.

Thank you, RgvChick, for you most excellent recap. I loved your side comments!! Who is Ghost?

Yes, Diana, something is beginning to stink at Logatoys.

When Lupe arrived with his serenade group, Renée’s expression sure said it all. I wanted to tell her to run and to kick Lupe with his creepy ideas to the curb.

That is all for now.

Excellent your RGVness. Too funny. The most enjoyable actor in this whole show continues to be Anifer, and her best scene last night was the bathroom break scene (Flirtus interruptus) and her Papaaaa ! and Pee Pee Pee.

Although I thought it odd that the chick took it that way. I always saw a cute clever kid as the icing on the cake, but I suppose not her.

Is Fabian's other side beginning to show? It looks like it. What I can't see is why Falcon would invest money in the destruction of Logatoys, when they were in a death spiral to begin with. Are we seeing a plot plot?

Tono: WTF? Where can you even BUY that clothing he wears? Even Goodwill and Salvation Army have nothing that garish. A circus supply mail order maybe?

Lupe has been lured into quicksand and she'd better make some effort to climb back out before it is too late, The quicksand will get over it. Whatever you do Renee, DO NOT sleep with Loopy. (He's not your species).woof Sorry NunyNudy

And my favorite: Will she get bitten if she tries to take the bone back.???

Andy: did you see Fabian's tie last night with the contrasting color knot? Snazzy.

RVG Chick: Your title of the recap says it all. Mauricio is still an IDIOT!

Yeah, Steve, he is an idiot. That's what happens when you don't have to figure anything out. We have a whole generation of cars now, designed to automatically stop so as to not run down people who walk in front while looking at their phones.

Good Morning, my dear Patio Pals! Thank you, Diana, JudyB, Jarifa, Kirby, and Steve for stopping by and providing some very insightful and thought-provoking comments!

Diana, Ghost is a good and very talented friend who proofreads my recaps and adds a quip here and there which, of course, I approve of and take full responsibility for since I do the postings. Many of the quips that are you favorites (and everyone else’s favorites) are Ghost’s creations. Ghost, which is a nickname that just stuck since I first referred to the individual as my ghost proofreader, wishes to remain anonymous, and I respect that.

“So Mau seems to be in for a terrible fall! Who is the mastermind? It doesn't seem that an entire team is necessary to plan Mau's ruination. He seems perfectly capable of doing that on his own!” You nailed that one, Diana!

JudyB, “Alright Naughty Lady, you were hitting the dog theme hard this time! Time for a ruler on those knuckles, says Nun NudyB.” Naughty can be fun and entertaining! Anywho, my knuckles are strong and can take a beating :-)

Jarifa, “When Lupe arrived with his serenade group, Renée’s expression sure said it all. I wanted to tell her to run and to kick Lupe with his creepy ideas to the curb.” I would be satisfied if she just kicked him (I’ll be P&P, prim and proper, and not say where, ok?) :-)

Steve, Yup Mau is an idiot!!

Kirby, “Is Fabian's other side beginning to show? It looks like it. What I can't see is why Falcon would invest money in the destruction of Logatoys, when they were in a death spiral to begin with. Are we seeing a plot plot?” Now that is a total mystery to me. Let’s Fabian were behind all this as we have previously speculated, where would he get the money? OR Did he make all the money through investing in or stealing from Logatoys. Someone had mentioned the idea that maybe Logatoys in really not as bad off as Fabian says it is. Is he hiding the money in a Swiss account?

JudyB, I get the shivers just thinking about how cold it is where some of you are. It’ll be in the mid-70s here in the RGV today and tomorrow; on Thursday, temps will plummet to the low 50s and that is definitely cold enough for this Naughty Chick!


Luuuurve Naughty Girls. And on a related note to SusanLynn: Are you famous? I saw on TV that Doritos are coming out with a 'Lady-Friendly' Dorito.

Hrrmmpfff...I assume they have spent ZERO time in detention hall researching this

RGV, with what you outlined above, how could Fabian benefit from what appears to be planned for LogaToys? After he had embezzled it into bankruptcy would he need to dissolve it to cover his tracks if that is what has been going on?....I am surely suspicious, as they have made a point of showing him living quite well, except for his pants and shoes. His flashy yellow car is expensive.

Kirby, the only thing that comes to mind about Fabian is that he is extremely envious and borders hating Mau who is a spoiled rich brat who takes nothing seriously and parties all the time. Maybe Fabian just wants to take everything from Mau...he already took his home and other toys; the only thing Mau has left is the company.

What the heck could a Lady Friendly Dorito be???????? hmmmmm now you got me thinkin'

No crunch?
No spice?
No salt?
No calories?

Nada de Nada...just give me celery stick!

RgvChick, I will be thinking of you and your 70's as I am scraping the ice off of my car this a.m. It is sunny though which makes it all better.

OOPs I just noticed Jarifa was the one asking who Ghost is, so my comment to Diana is actually for Jarifa...helps to proofread before posting...too bad, Ghost doesn't proofread my comments!! :-D

Oh geez, Jarifa, scraping off ice on the car? Is that like scratching a chalkboard? Getting chills already!

According to their ads, they are made to be a little quieter. They don't say whether they get orange all over everything within a mile or not, nor do they address that orange stain around your muzzle, (girl's mouth), and lipstick.

OT: Here is a nice shot of a verrrrry young Eagle of the non-football kind. (Sorry)
If you look closely, you can see remnants of light colored down still on him. His very dark beak, and legs will begin turning bright yellow in a few years as the white shows up on his head and tail also.

Hey, can anyone buy those Doritos, or do you have to prove your gender? Franchise? Woof !

RgvChick, thanks for the “Ghost” expanation. : ) Here I was thinking it was some kind of four legged companion.


Very nice shot, Kirby! And, yes, I do see the remnants of light colored down. Eagles sure are beautiful birds!

One of the things I've noticed about my chickens is that as new-born chicks they don't look as pretty as they do when they grow older. In fact I named one "Ms. Purdy" to boost her self-esteem because she wasn't very "purdy" when she was first born. She has become one of my favorites!

Jarifa, I do have LOTS of four-legged companions! Aside from my goats, I have seven dogs that I love now you know why I favor the "doggie" theme. #mustlovedogs

"chicks they don't look as pretty as they do when they grow older. " Amen sister. Woof

RgvChick, 7 dogs??? Oh, my how wonderful! I am beyond envious...God love you, I don't know how you manage to have a spare moment between all your fur "kidz".

I love the fact you named one "Ms. Purdy"...what a kind soul...

Jarifa, it is bitter cold here as well. I have an evening meeting in Boston that I am debating on attending. I am SO done with winter...

Kirby, what can I say. Outstanding shot.

Judy and doris, enjoy your lunch viewing!


Kirby, you're a riot! Don't ever change :-)

Diana, yes, 7 dogs, a tribe of goats, a flock of chickens, 2 cats and one dove.

Furs and feathers...great combo a la Marilyn Monroe! Makes for a lot of woofing LMAO

This comment has been removed by the author.

Diana, whatever you choose stay warm and safe!

Chickie, thank you so much for another snappy recap.

I have been suspicious of Fab since the beginning because we really do not know much about him except that he has a bright yellow sports car, wears snazzy ties, and doesn't like socks. He seems to have been Maury's babysitter for a long time, but they do not seem very close.

well, we are battening down the hatches ...again. Snow and the ice are predicted for tonight and tomorrow with a prediction of 1 to 6 inches.

Chickie...and a partridge in a pear tree? What kind of dogs do you have? When I was a baby, my dad had geese running free. They are like watch dogs , and they will bite. Then, my dad got a flock of guinea hens...the stupidest birds alive. They run around in a tight flock making noise. My dad couldn't catch them. We always had lots of barn cats , and people were always dropping off dogs they didn't want at the farm.

OT-Susy, my dogs are not pure bred. I started with Trixie =>->->->->->

She is a Chihuahua Maltese mix who has the calmest and friendliest personality of any dog I have ever had or known...her descendants, not quite so. She mated with a pure Jack Russell (named Apollo) I suppose that makes the others a sort of ChiMalJack??? Then my neighbor left behind a white Chihuahua mix (don't know what the mix is) so she mated with Apollo and one of his boys. So there you have it...they're a mix; I refuse to use the other "M" word; it sounds too degrading :-)

I am confused. Is Lupe a U.S. citizen? I do not think that he is just proposing an arranged marriage to get her to the US . In Ramoon , Fab thought Ber marriage to Fran would just be in name only...but Fran had other ideas after awhile. Lupe wants a real marriage. I hope that Renee doesn't jump into a marriage .

Oh my neighbor use to have geese. they are quite loud...and yes they do attack and bite!

My two cats were drop offs...I've never cared for cats, but now I have Callie and Tori (Tori was given that name because she tore into my hand when I tried to catch her. #dontcatchastraykitten

RgvChick, thanks for another great recap and fine, snarky comments! You da woman!

Kirby, yeah, I saw that contrasting knot right away. Very impressive although I'm not nearly as interested in ties as you seem to be. Any decent tie (not too narrow) with a decent knot (not too small, though let's not ever go back to the 1970's style fist-sized knots :) and I'm content. In fact, I used to favor knit ties, tied from muscle memory, no looking. These days I favor no tie at all :-)

I was doing my utmost to give Dr 'Grass Stain' Lupe the benefit of the doubt, and if Renee actually cared for the guy the Lab Coat Mariachi Band would have been really cute. Renee's pained expression says she did not find it cute. Then he comes up with this not-quite-a-marriage-of-convenience proposal and I gave up on the guy completely. As others have said: Run, Renee, run!

Maybe Nurse Naughty from Enojándome de Ramoon, since she didn't seem to be prosecuted for anything, can drag him into a supply closet and change his expectations.

Susy, Lupe has dual citizenship--Mexican and US. I believe his father was a US citizen.

Trixie is a cutie. I have heard that Jack Russells have a lot of energy. My dad raised Springer Spaniels, so I always had lots of puppies to play with until the puppies were sold and my heart was broken.

Andy, oooh, I like the Nurse Naughty idea! Let's get her over here quick!

Yup, Jack Russells = LOTS of energy. I would say that Mau has some Jack Russell in him while Lupe is more of a grey "hound".

Cute puppy! Good call on Mauricio and Lupe.

A dustpan and three brooms later and Loopy would not remember who Renee is.

Any girl willing to have some fun in the hospital storage/broom closet is more than mildly interested in that activity.

Don't get me wrong, Renee is sexy in a too dam wholesome kind of way, even with the Magenta, right Susy,? streaks. But she aint in Naughty's league.

Yes, cute dog. 'Can't fool kids and dogs'.

Well, we just hit the low 80s in the RGV...sending (((((((warm vibes))))))) to all who need them.

Feeding Junior lunch today. admirable quality.

Thank you Chickie, for a splendid retelling of last night's drama. I fell asleep for a little bit and missed some, so thank you for filling in the blanks.

I am getting very frustrated with Loopy. I just want to tell him "Back off, back off!" Renee should too. I can't stand men who are that forward and he just is so manipulative. He does all this stuff so that he can someday throw it back to Renee that he did it all for her own good and why does she not appreciate him.

Anifer was so funny breaking up Maur's flirting session.

Oh I loved the screenshots too! Loved the look on Anifer's face as she was staring up at the posse who were throwing their weight around. are so right about not being able to fool kids and dogs. My dad was like a magnet for both.

So, Maury now remembers meeting the guy Ani drew at the same time as her mother. I hope that these clues are actually going somewhere.

Jarifa, thank you! Still not sure what I am doing :)

Trixie is a honey RgvChick. I so respect and admire those who are kind to animals. Your father sounds so caring Susanlynn. Sigh...

"Maybe Nurse Naughty from Enojándome de Ramoon, since she didn't seem to be prosecuted for anything, can drag him into a supply closet and change his expectations". Smiling away Andy.

Cynthia, Ani was funny in making so secret of disrupting Mau's "moves" such as they were. She wasn't having any of it. You go girl.

Whether you like Lupe or not, I don't believe Renee has given him one loving smile. She looks pained, not pleased in virtually every exchange they have. And I was a bit surprised that she act a bit more gracious to the mariachi band.

One thing I like about Mau is that he is not too quick on the uptake. Most would be wondering how and why they fell from grace so quickly. Not he. But then again, perhaps that will be his saving grace.

I'm not yet really rooting for any of the couples. Not that I'm against them. I'm well unenthusiastic.

Something just reminded me I'm hungry. Still, that inexplicable urge for fish :)


Maury continues to call Jorge every name except Jorge. When I first met Hubba I used to all him by the wrong name, so he started wearing a tie clip with his name on it when we went out. Maybe Jorge should start wearing a name label.

I noticed less English last night. I also noticed that they never translate the English into Spanish.

Diana, if you go to your meeting, I hope that it will be everything that you want it to be. Takes an amazing amount of grit just to even THINK about going out at night and traveling long distances for a meeting. This cold is getting me down.

I was fascinated by the swings the "committee" members were seated in as they all smirked at Mau and told him that he was powerless. And the visual with all those strings made it look like everyone was a marionette. Now the question is "Who is really pulling the strings?" because it's not actually Falcon. We saw, from his phone conversation, that someone else is actually calling the shots.

Oh and thanks again for the instructions on how to maximize the avatar shots. Enjoyed both RGV's and Kirby's.

Yeah, JudyB that avatar thing is a sneaky blessing. It actuall allows us here to shar photos, etc. outside the normal google framework. As a Google+ user, sharing photos is cumbersome to the point of being useless for casual users.


Well, I love it. I could never "see" what other people were seeing until you included instructions on how to enlarge it. So thanks my friend.

Amazing photo, kirby. Did I tell you about the guy I saw on the news who lost his scarf and then looked up one day and saw it in a peregrine's nest? friend Pat tells me that she is hibernating. We have been trying to go out for our annual New Year's Eve dinner with a bunch of friends, but we keep having to postpone it due to the weather or flu or something. Awful winter.

Hubba is trying to clear away the ice before the next snow and ice comes. The sun we have had all day helps a little,but it is still very cold.

Diana...I hope that you can stay home. I am not looking forward to the snow and ice that we are supposed to be getting overnight. Bleecchhh. #neverendingwinter

Susy, I saw it too. Nice wool scarf as I remember.

SusanLynn a neighbor when I was a kid had guineas. I remember they had an unmistakable 'call'.

I have spent a majority of the day (except for Eagle chasing) working on some Linux computer stuff and just let the TV do as it pleased. It has not misbehaved until now, at 4 G&F came on. It finally dawned on me the premise is that they plan on the viewer paying attention to the show subjects, not the hosts.

Low Eighties in the Funshine state. Sorry.

Not really. I spent my time in frozen hell. I feel for all you ice people.

Kirby..guineas run in a pack. They are like lemmings...and stupid. Yes, they have a strange sound , and their tiny heads are an indication of their tiny brains.

Just the thought of waking up to more snow and ice is making me tired. Blecchhh. However, I could never live in FLorida. Whenever we vacation there, the heat makes me cranky. I need a place with perpetual springtime. not too hot..not too cold..just right. Goldilocks

Yes, for about three or maybe sometimes even FOUR months it is insufferable. If you are right out there in the sun, it feels like the sun is pointing directly at YOU. You have to be in air conditioning, the shade or water.

RgvChick - Thank you for the recap! I FFWd--> thru Lupe scenes and missed the marriage proposal.

Falcón and his Robert Palmer Girls are up to no good, at all.

I was confused when Renee said she wished she was a North American. Mexicans are North Americans. Mexico is part of North America. I'm confused . . .

Love seeing the "Web of Fries" Doritos ads. They are so random, and Josh Duhamel is such eye candy. :-)

Susanlynn - heat and humidity make me cranky. Humidity more than the heat when it gets high enough. :-p
I will be glad when winter is over, but not looking forward to hot & humid summers. Don't know which is worse. Gah!

Doris did she say Norte Americano or Americano. Americano is nice for gringo around here.

Did somebody say Peanut Butter Sandwich?

Kirby, I checked and she did say “Norte Americana”

OK. Thanks. so Engineering not geography is her specialty I assume.

I'll be glad when tonight's recap is up because I've got more dog shit than the humane society.

Hello everyone! I know it's late in the game but I wanted to say thank you, RGV! Lately, these recaps have been a godsend and I thank you for taking the time to do the screenshots as they help distinguish who is who. The Maria mystery is the most intriguing plot point (for me) in this whole thing.

Does this mean we can stop trusting Fabian? He seems too calm about everything and has left Mauricio in the lurch more than once.

Ditto on Lupe's scenes, Doris. Thank god I only read about them and don't have to see them because Renee always has this pained expression on her face whenever Lupe's around. Despite his pushiness, everything is now solely on Renee's shoulders because she should've said no long ago. I hope they don't go overboard with Lupe...I hate seeing that cliche and, after Sofia, I think I am forever traumatized by character assassinations.

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