Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Por Amar Sin Ley, 3/14/18 Chapter 8 Miercoles: The 400 Blows

Chapter 8: The 400 Blows

Another Elena-free episode:
  • Repeat of Carmen commenting positively about Ana and Leonardo announcing their engagement. Ricardo looks somewhere between apprehensive and guilty. He commented that Leonardo was the most honest man he had ever known and surely Leo found that quality in Ana, who made a show of saying she had made a lot of mistakes in her life but hopefully will be what Leonardo deserved. Ricardo looked like he was restraining himself.

  • Olivia complained to Victoria yet again and in return was reminded that “You can't lose what you never had.” Same old, same old. [Love the flamenco background music, though.]
  • The next day Victoria arrived at the office to see Dario Durán, who did not have an appointment. He accused her of “putting ideas in Rocio's head.” She told him she was merely advising Rocio about the danger she was in. They argued about his violence and he accused her of being bitter, lonely, and ignorant about the difficulties of marriage. “If you can't be happy, leave her alone.” He said he wouldn't see Rocio become like her and tried to intimidate her into leaving Rocio alone. She told him that his marriage is sick and she would not be intimidated by his insults or threats. He got in her face and demanded that she mind her own business. Roberto heard this and entered to help Victoria. This ended with him shoving Dario out.
  • Alejandra was about to leave for work when she saw that Lourdes and Alicia were there [That early in the morning? Don't these women have lives?]. Lourdes was crying about her boyfriend Joaquin who was in the hospital for something serious and that his children were not allowing her to visit him. They had never accepted her. Alejandra asked some questions and regretfully informed her that they could do this because she was neither married to Joaquin nor living with him. All she could do was to talk to them.
  • Something had gone wrong with a contract Alan worked on. The client accused him of neglecting his case because of Carlos. Alan denied this. The client had said he would feel better if Carlos was in the office and asked about when he was getting out of jail. Alan did not (and could not) give him an exact answer. The client wasn't satisfied, so he pulled his business in favor of another lawyer who happened to be the son of one of his partners. He said they would talk again if Carlos was innocent. [Methinks Alan is completely inept.]
  • Leonardo arrived at the morning meeting and thanked everyone for the party. Ricardo and Roberto looked uncomfortable knowing what they knew about precious little Ana. There were comments about how much Leonardo meant to everyone and Roberto elaborated on that. Victoria asked whether he finally had feelings. Alonso brought up a new case concerning competency of an elderly woman whose children believed that her (male) nurse is taking advantage of her. Ricardo got the case. Next item discussed was his pending decision on the new candidate for senior attorney. The new candidate was Alejandra, so Leticia broughth up that she had been there for years, so why would he think of anyone else? Benjamín looked a little annoyed.
  • Dario went home to find Rocio entertaining another couple, Claudia and her husband, Patricio. They asked about the children and Rocio said they were with her parents for a few days. Dario said it was so they could have a few days of second honeymoon alone together. The others looked like they believed this.
  • Benjamín argued that Leticia was capable and after a look from him Gustavo added that she had been there a while and knew the company routine. Leonardo mentioned Alejandra's competency in the case with Ricardo. Alonso reminded them that he had thought of Alejandra before but Leticia still could get promoted.
  • Patricio helped her clear the dinner table and when they were in the kitchen he noticed her injuries. He picked up her hand to look and she told him she fell down the stairs. He didn't look like he believed this. Dario saw him touch Rocio's arm and...[seriously, do we need to ask ourselves what he thought?] Dario suggested they return to the living room. Patricio went back and behind him Dario shoved Rocio in front of himself to follow.
  • Benjamín looked to Olivis to sing Leticia's praises. She complied. Leticia then said “ If you need help, I'm here. Besides, we don't know Alejandra.” Victoria agreed, but didn't elaborate. Ricardo began by talking about her abilities and that she also had experience in international law, which will also help the firm. Alonso then announced that they had all the information needed for him to make a decision, which would be announced later.
  • Alan introduced Alejandra to the witness, the hotel waiter. He questioned him in front of her while she took notes. The waiter said he had spoken to Carlos at seven in the morning and that Carlos had requested some eggs benedict and a rose for the lady. He further said that Carlos was calm and therefore thinks he's innocent. He finally said that he took this to mean that all had gone well with the lady the night before. Alejandra looked a little annoyed at this.
  • Claudia announced that they needed to go because “something came up at the last minute” so she and Patricio said their goodbyes. As they shook hands Patricio told Rocio to take care of herself. Dario escorted them to the door. As soon as he closed it he went back to the kitchen, grabbed Rocio by the hair, and accused her of fooling around with Patricio and that they were kissing. She denied it, saying that he had noticed her bruises and she had told him she fell. Dario punched her hard. Twice [that we saw].
  • Ricardo went into Roberto's office to tell him he had to tell Leonardo the truth about Ana. Roberto knew he should but not how to do it. He was afraid of losing Leonardo's friendship. Ricardo reminded him that Leonardo was a fair man. They agreed that he deserved to know.
  • Rocio got up off the floor and limped her way to the kitchen wall phone, but was caught by Dario. He blocked the phone and accused her of going to call her friend to lie to her. We see three more blows, almost hard enough to knock her off her feet. We hear two more from outside the house and know there were more to follow.
  • Alan thanked the waiter, then sort of apologized to Alejandra. She calmly told him that everything they hear about this case made it worse. She had difficulty being objective about it and decided that it was not good for anyone for her to be there. Then she left.
  • Roberto continued to worry about the Ana situation. He confessed it to Victoria who called him the most disgraceful man she had ever known. This confirmed her opinion. “How could you do that to a friend?” she asked. Roberto explained that he didn't know Ana's relationship to Leonardo at the time. “Either way it's no good,” Victoria said. He said he had no idea how to tell Leonardo. Victoria replied with “There is no easy way to do this. What you did is unforgiveable.”
  • Benjamín was working on his fraud case when Leticia arrived. She asked what he will buy her when he got his commission. [In your dreams, jerk.] He said this could have him make partner. She accused him of always thinking of himself. He told her that they would celebrate as soon as he got his commission. She said she liked that. He looked as though he might be seeing her for the first time what she truly was.
  • Roberto went into Leonardo's office to talk. Leonardo suggested that they do something so that he and Ricardo could get to know Ana before the wedding. Roberto screwed his courage to the sticking place and said “You can't marry her because.... Ana Maria cheated on you with me.” Leonardo grabbed his lapels and punched him. Roberto said he didn't know that Ana was his girlfriend. Leonardo punched him a second time. Ricardo and Gustavo came in and restrained Leonardo to prevent this getting any worse. Leonardo ordered Roberto out of his office.
  • Alejandra indignantly told her mother about what happened. Paula said she didn't want her involved in this. Alejandra wanted out of if but said she couldn't pull out. [Why not? Lawyers and judges recuse themselves when necessary.]
  • Gustavo handed a handkerchief to Roberto. Ricardo tried to get Leonardo to listen. Roberto repeated that he didn't know and asked Leonardo whether he really knew Ana Maria well. Once again Leonardo told him to get out of his office and that he didn't believe him. Roberto complied but not before saying that he was just being honest with him and that their friendship was very important to him. He walked out and Gustavo closed the door.
  • Paula said Alejandra should distance herself from this case. [We agree.] Alejandra doesn't see not helping Carlos but realized she would have married him without really knowing him. “But when does this stop hurting?” she asked.
  • Ricardo and Gustavo stayed in Leonardo's office to calm him down, reminding him that Roberto would never have done this deliberately to hurt him. They have known each other all their lives. Leonardo said he felt like an idiot. “This is a betrayal.” Ricardo pointed out that Roberto had the loyalty to tell him. He then suggested that he talk to Ana Maria, which Leonardo was finally willing to do. He picked up his briefcase and started to leave. Gustavo stopped him long enough to tell him to do this calmly. After Leonardo went out Gustavo said “I have never seen him this angry before.”
  • Roberto and his bloody nose went to Victoria who wasn't surprised at Leonardo's reaction. She was confident in Leonardo's ability to recognize a lie. Carmen came in with towels and ice and Roberto told her what happened. She said to call her if he needed help, then left the office. Victoria wrapped some ice in a towel and applied it to his cheekbone. Roberto enjoyed that, but was worried that Leonardo wouldn't forgive him. He wasn't sure what to do. He had never broken the heart of a friend before and this bothered him.
  • Rocio's day maid arrived and found her dead on the kitchen floor. She ran out, screaming.
  • Alonso and Ricardo discussed the candidacies of both women. Ricardo pointed out that Alejandra had the additional advantage of being empathetic and therefore good with clients. This quality was not present in Leticia, as noted by Alonso.
  • Leticia was nervous and went to Benjamín's office to tell him that Alonso and Ricardo were discussing the situation. She felt her future was at stake. He got up and closed the door, while trying to reassure her. It looked like they were going for an afternoon delight. [Note that she is not a fashion victim this time; the blue dress is fabulous.]
  • Ricardo and Alejandra met with Daniela to negotiate the next steps. She will be provided with monthly photos and information until Santiago hits eighteen. Alejandra got the papers and Daniela signed. She thanked both lawyers and left. She was leaving the country, but they would know where to find her. Ricardo and Alejandra talked about the case and he told her that Alonso had another candidate but he would tell her as soon as he knew the decision. When that happened there was a case he wanted to talk to her about.
  • Roberto and Victoria had drinks in his office. She advised him that it could take a while before Leonardo forgives him and she hoped he learned a lesson from this. More in that vein. He declared that this would never happen again. Victoria's cell phone rang. While we don't know who called her we know what she was told.
  • Leonardo went home and immediately confronted Ana. She looked like a deer in the headlights.
  • Roberto escorted Victoria to Rocio's house; the police were there. Roberto knew the lead detective (Omar) and got him to let them in by telling him that Victoria was the victim's lawyer and that there was a charge of domestic violence made against the husband. He let them in, telling them to touch nothing. Victoria was horrified when she saw Rocio on the floor with blood all over her face and blouse. A police photographer was taking pictures.
  • Ana gave the “I didn't know he was your friend” line. Leonardo emphasized that Roberto had never lied to him. She claimed not to have been looking for anything, then that she met Roberto in the hospital. In view of that, this completely finished it for Leonardo. She tried tellin ghimi she loved him and the encounter meant nothing. He was done with her. He told her to pack her things and leave before he came back because he never wanted to see her again. Then he walked out, leaving her to her crocodile tears. [We don't think this was a good move on his part.]
  • Victoria told Roberto that she was going to make Dario pay for this. They left the crime scene, telling Omar that they would go to the police station to make a statement.
  • Carmen told Olivia about the fight and what she heard about the reason. Olivia got upset and wanted to go to Leonardo right away but Carmen told her to allow him some space. Olivia then realized that Leonardo was now free.
  • Alejandra went home and told Paula she had competition for the new job. Paula offered to talk to Jaime about it but Alejandra said she wanted it on her own merits. Paula was confident in her. They ajourned to the kitchen for some dark chocolate. [We concur with that choice.]
  • Alan visited Carlos to tell him about the waiter's statement and how it affected Alejandra. Carlos was angry because nothing had been working in his favor. [He really should be questioning Alan's competence and/or hidden agenda.] He was angry also at the prospect that Alejandra would be working with Ricardo. Carlos suggested a new strategy: Get Leonardo to defend him to show that he is not afraid to be investigated.


Hello, Urban,

Thank you for this early, complete, and extremely well written recap.
I chose to watch this because most of the actors speak distinctly and for
the most part, there is no annoying background music. I want to keep up
my Spanish. (Grammatically speaking, I especially like the way you correctly wrote
AS THOUGH instead of like.)

Tonight I stopped watching 1/2 way through and then hit pause. When I returned
to it, I was surprised and annoyed to see that somehow or other I had deleted it.
So, you made my night!

Another reason I am enjoying this TN is that I have two sons and two daughters who are
attorneys. Needless to say, the latter do not dress provocatively in the workplace.

And yes, you are absolutely right, Alejandra should recuse herself from Carlos' case.
I don't comment often anymore, but want you to know that I appreciate all the work that you put into your recaps now...and for all those many years in the past; they benefit all of us.

Thank you for the sumptuous and well detailed recap Urban. I really enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed the episode.

I'm so glad Roberto came clean with Leo and this issue wasn't dragged out longer than it had to be. I really hope Leo gives him a chance to explain himself and forgives him.

Poor Rocio,I kinda saw this coming. Too bad she never took Vicky's advice seriously and ran for her life.

Ale should stay as far away from Carlos as possible. I can't believe how much she's willing to fall into his manipulation.



Another Elena free episode. Great! Can't stand her.

Fabulous title UA. Really emphasizes the horror of domestic violence. And my favorite line (because I am rushed in the morning) is "more in that vein". I like the feisty Victoria but her scoldings of Roberto do go on and on and on. Presumably they are destined to be a couple in the long run.

I'm no fan of the duplicitous Ana Maria but why should Roberto be forgiven and not her? Of course I don't want the good-hearted, naive Leonardo to marry her, but still...a bit of a double standard going on here. Her "choice" merits banishment; Roberto's just a sincere apology. Por favor!

I'm with the first commenter. It's wonderful to have a telenovela whose dialog I can understand. Very difficult in Que Padre tan Madre.

Thanks UA well done. Thank you also to Jardinera. And the patio which seems to be growing. Great. Lurkers, read the care and feeding of a recapper. And speak up.

One of the main reasons I have preferred Televisa novelas is the quality of the actors' articulation. Most of Televisa's actors also act on stage, where this is so important. I'm not much of a fan of comedy novelas as the speech is often faster and sometimes mumbled.

Floridia, please comment more if you have time. The more the merrier here. I sometimes think I would have done well as a lawyer myself if I had been able to afford law school back in the day. Our court system allows for a certain level of histrionics on the part of the attorneys and I would have exploited that to whatever level I could get away with. I've been a big fan of TV shows about lawyers for ages although since I now have to watch TV online (no working TV set for a few years) I haven't seen the latest ones for a few years.

Four adult children who are lawyers? Wow. They must have a lot of good war stories to tell. Do they watch this series?

More in a bit; I need to make my morning tea. I highly recommend PG Tips.

Thanks, Urban. Great job.

Floridia, Nice to see you hear again! Hope you stay with the show and keep commenting.

I'm so glad this TN moves fast. Some would've dragged out Roberto telling Leo for weeks. I don't blame Roberto. He's an avowed swinging bachelor and he had no idea Ana even knew Leo, much less was his steady girlfriend. Ana, on the other hand, was supposed to be in a committed relationship with Leo but has a one-night stand with a guy she met in the hospital hallway on the way to visiting Leo's hospital room. Even before bedding Roberto, Ana was up to something, lying to Leo about having to work when she was really doing something else. We just don't know what she was up to yet.

Rocio's story was tough to watch. Writers, please no flashbacks.

So Ricardo makes Alejandra a job offer and now kind of took it back because now there's an internal candidate? Alejandra took this well.

Niecie, I agree that there is no double standard here. What Ana did was far worse than what Roberto did. Roberto wasn't cheating on anyone and Ana was particularly low in picking up a guy while her primary boyfriend was hospitalized... after having been shot. That is unforgivable and Leo is well rid of her.


Thank You Urban for your witty transcript. You do not miss much.

"I'm no fan of the duplicitous Ana Maria but why should Roberto be forgiven and not her?"
JudyB it is a matter of who knew what. AM knew she was in a committed relationship with Leo and was cheating. Rob only knew he picked up a slutty blonde at the hospital. He had no clue it was his BFF GF.

It has always amazed me how the guiltless or less guilty party is always blamed. Like someone steals your car and you go find it and shoot your car. I mean it is unkind to sleep with your friends significant other, but the onus is on the person of whom faithfulness is expected, not some (possible) stranger or friend to not do it. In nine times out of ten I have seen the Robs of the world are actually doing the Leos a thankless favor.

As I said in the comments on Monday's episode Ana probably knew or should have worked out that Roberto works the for the same firm. How else can you explain his being in the hospital on the same floor as Leo? The little skank likes to live dangerously and for the moment it's Roberto who is paying the price. I'm sure Leo will wake up and smell the espresso within an episode or two.

About Rocio, this is what domestic abuse is all about. That's what I tried to explain to everyone who defended Eladio in PyP, whose wife was raised by an abusive father. We never saw him hit her but we did see a lot of frightening emotional abuse in the early episodes.
Other novelas before that only touched on the subject; I don't recall any that were this explicit before. The few scenes for Rocio and Dario have demonstrated how horrible this is and why women in these situations are too afraid to take action.

We weren't told the ages of Rocio's children but I'm betting they are very young. They will likely be raised by their maternal grandparents now.

Elder abuse is the next issue they're taking on with Alonso's announcement of the case of the wealthy lady in her 70s.

When Leo first proposed marriage to Ana Maria,she was very hesitant and asked for time to think about it,but as soon as she found out she'd slept with his friend and co-worker she immediately said yes in front of everyone without the least bit of shame.

She doesn't deserve any forgiveness. She's just a manipulative and conniving little ho.

I don’t think there’s a double standard. Roberto should be forgiven because he didn’t know who she was, otherwise he would have kept his distance. He had the decency to tell his friend the truth too, and did it somewhat fast. Ana Maria, on the other hand, was outright cheating on her boyfriend, and worse, while he was hospitalized. Then she accepts his marriage proposal the instant she felt threatened. She deserved being kicked to the curb. I’m surprised she didn’t deny everything.

It made sense that Alejandra would have competition for the senior lawyer position, if she didn’t give any response at all for weeks. Like she said, they weren’t going to wait around forever for her to make up her mind. However, if the Vega law firm didn’t consider to give the senior position to one of its own, that means Leticia isn’t qualified for it yet.

I was hoping Rocio would break free, but she was too delusional about Dario. Victoria’s anonymous call added more to his anger.

Carlos is probably another Dario.



When Carlos get's out of jail I fear he's going to be worse than Crazy stalker Martin(Lo imperdonable)

The reason everyone wants Leonardo to forgive Roberto but hold Ana Maria to a higher standard is because they know Roberto and know he wouldn't intentionally poach Leonardo's woman and they do not know Ana Maria, but they do know she picked up a dude for casual sex while her boyfriend was laid up in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound.

Leonardo will be sore with Roberto for a long while because Roberto exposed how inadequate Leonardo is as a man. Leonardo doesn't seem to be as experienced with women like Roberto and Ricardo are and as soon as he finally gets someone, he learns Roberto slept with her.

Because he knows Roberto is a ho, he immediately believed Roberto decided to sleep with his woman. The truth was actually worse because while Leonardo was recovering from being shot, Ana Maria was only thinking about having sex...which he couldn't provide because he was laid up in the hospital with a gunshot wound.

Leonardo is NOT inadequate as a man, but he probably feels that way because his friend was able to scoop up his woman with the quickness.

I don't know why Dario fled the scene because nobody could've killed Rocio except him. Victoria & Patricio will testify about the bruises. He will probably blame Victoria & Patricio. The best thing Dario can do right now is to kill himself.

The most dangerous time for women in abusive situations is when they make moves to leave. Unfortunately I had a classmate/friend who was killed by her husband when she decided to divorce him. Sadly, he stabbed their baby to death before stabbing & shooting her and setting their house on fire. The police ended up taking him out.

It looks like Alonso, Roberto, Ricardo & Victoria are partners at Vega & Associates; everyone else is just an associate trying to make partner. Benjamin is trying to make partner. Leticia is apparently not good with interacting with clients which is why she will be bypassed for this promotion. Has Alonso or the other partners actually told Leticia she needs to improve her interpersonal skills?

Oli is just happy to be there but she needs to calm down with the Leo love. The thirst is real.


I don't think we've seen the last of Ana Maria. She's going to be around for a while causing trouble. She'll probably end up pregnant and there will be a who's the daddy storyline b/w Leo and Rob but it will probably end up being some 3rd guy's baby.

Or she'll end up having fraternal twins with different fathers. Lol! I've seen that happen.
I hope for everyone's sake that she's gone Para siempre

Thank you Urban for a great recap.
I think Ana Maria is the only guilty party here and does not deserve forgiveness. She is a bimbo and a skank and no doubt would have continued to cheat on Leo left and right, so I agree with Kirby that Roberto actually did him a huge favor. Moreover, I am bothered by Leo's reluctance to forgive Roberto, whose only fault was inadvertently bedding Leo's girlfriend. Leo knows that Rob is a womanizer,so what did he expect, that Roberto would ask each of his conquests whether she is in a relationship with his friend Leo? I think he should have forgiven Rob right away and focused his ire on the genuinely guilty party, his slut of a girlfriend.

I find it extremely unrealistic that a police officer would let someone go anywhere near the active crime scene, let alone let them approach a body. A crime scene should be cordoned off to safeguard evidence and to prevent contamination. Moreover, the police have no elements to exclude Victoria as a suspect at that moment, so she should have never been allowed anywhere near that crime scene. Furthermore, the murderer's defense lawyer could use the fact that Victoria was at the crime scene to his advantage.


Leo owes First, his long time friend Rob an apology, and Second, ALL his coworkers and bosses. He should be begging them to give him his job back in the real world. In real life Leo Boy would have been fired on the spot and escorted off premises. You do not punch out your coworkers at work and continue to be employed, usually anywhere, much less where you committed the crime.

Irene, I thought that pretty unrealistic too. Usually a mosquito is not allowed to fly in, much less someone involved somehow.

These writers need to watch a few months on the Justice network or some of these other 'Whodunit' shows.

At the same time, Roberto should not have told Leonardo about sleeping with Ana Maria at the office. That should've been saved for another time and place.

In real life, Leo would have been at least summoned to the boss's office and, in most work places, fired without a recommendation letter. Also, Roberto could have pressed charges for assault if he wanted to and then Leo would have to deal with all sorts of legal and professional consequences. In some countries, lawyers can be disbarred if convicted of a crime.
But since Rob feels really guilty because of the whole situation, I doubt that it crossed his mind that he was actually a victim of a crime and that Leo should apologize.
I did not pay attention, is Leo is a partner in the law firm? If he is, then it would explain why no disciplinary action was taken.


Since the first episode of this show I had to put my beanie on maximum settings to cope with the glaring legal errors and inconsistencies. I have to remind myself every couple of minutes that it is a telenovela, and that just like telenovela medicine, telenovela justice has nothing to do with reality, but they should do at least some research.

I agree with anon 207 that it was not very intelligent of Rob to drop such a bombshell on Leo in the office, but Leo is a criminal lawyer and he should be able to cope with receiving bad news without resorting to violence.

Alonso owns the firm.

It was mentioned that Roberto, Ricardo & Victoria were the ones who would have a voice on the senior lawyer job. I am guessing that Roberto, Ricardo & Victoria are partners.

Benjamin mentioned last night that he was trying to make partner. That means he is not a partner.

Leticia is thirsting for the senior lawyer position. She works as a team with Oli. Neither one of them are partners (which is why she is stupid for sleeping with Benjamin for a come-up when he needs a come-up himself...she should be trying to sleep with Alonso or one of the partners).

Gustavo is likely not a partner and neither is Leonardo.

Nobody at Vega & Associates is going to fire Leonardo and have him disbarred because he punched out Roberto for sleeping with his woman, especially after Roberto told him about it in the workplace. Nor is Roberto going to press charges for assault. Alonso might give them both talking tos but nothing disciplinary wise is going to happen to Roberto or Leonardo.


In real life, I don't know of any man in the world that wouldn't have reacted that way when told that his brand new fiancee slept with another man while he was laid up in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound. This is why Roberto should've chosen another time and another place to give Leonardo that type of information.

BOTH Leonardo and Roberto should be sent home for a week to cool off. While Leo shouldn't have punched out Roberto in the workplace, Roberto shouldn't have brought volatile personal issues into the workplace either. Both of them were wrong.

And Leticia & Benjamin needs to hope & pray there aren't any security cameras in the boardrooms/offices/copy rooms they get freaky in.

How many Anons do we have now?

OK, we now all agree on the issue about Ana Maria's guilt. Case closed on that. As to what disciplinary action would be taken against Leo for punching Roberto I agree it will come down to a scolding from Alonso. Roberto is highly unlikely to press charges in view of their friendship which he's said he fears losing.

As to Leo's feelings of inadequacy as a man, he already knows himself well; this isn't new news. It's too bad there wasn't enough time for the women of Vega & Associates to get really bad vibes about her. Maybe someone has a friend to introduce Leo to unless the writers are going to clear the deck for Olivia to get him.

I think Roberto felt pressured to tell Leo immediately, as he had both Ricardo and Victoria on his case about that. He may also have thought it best to get it over with, especially before any wedding date was set or money changing hands about it. I also think that he is secretly in love with Victoria and does not want to lose what respect she has for him.

Roberto and Victoria at the crime scene is probably not so unusual in view of that Roberto knows the investigating cop and that Victoria was Rocio's lawyer. If Dario isn't taken out by cops who are trying to arrest him and he ends up in the slammer only Carlos would defend him by trying to throw shade on Victoria and Roberto who likely have alibis for the time of death. That's if Carlos gets out soon. He has a grudge against Vega & Associates and more specifically now against Ricardo, who is Roberto's best friend.

I should have hit "preview" before posting at 11:44. Great observation on the security camera issue, especially after the previous novela.

Dario is unlikely to think of a defense strategy but he will blame anyone he can -- except himself -- for his own inadequacies.

"I also think that he is secretly in love with Victoria and does not want to lose what respect she has for him".
I think he is definitely in love with Victoria, his subtle and not so subtle gestures towards her are shown in almost every episode.
Regarding the crime scene, as far as I remember, Rocio is good friend of Victoria. Victoria is not her lawyer. But regardless, she should have never been let near that crime scene since her presence can compromise it in so many ways. Also, I do not see a single benefit for her to be present in that crime scene. It eludes me why a cop would bring a civilian to a gruesome, horrendous crime scene. Victoria almost collapsed seeing that crime scene, she could have fainted or worse, and I can't understand why a police officer would take such a risk when it is completely unnecessary for Victoria to be exposed to the crime scene.

Victoria was Rocio's lawyer, she did have a reason to be at the crime scene. She's going to have to testify to Rocio's account of the ongoing abuse and the anonymous phone call she made.

I don't know if they were best friends prior to the lawyer though.


The first cop told Victoria she couldn't come in because it was a crime scene.

Roberto knew the detective, Omar, and told him that Victoria was Rocio's lawyer (which she was) and Omar overruled the first cop and let them in. He also told them not to touch anything.

As far as Roberto and Victoria being suspects, there is no motive for Roberto or Victoria to kill Rocio. Roberto didn't even know Rocio. And how & why would tiny Victoria brutally beat Rocio to death?

Dario is the #1 suspect because:

The cop that did the welfare check noticed Rocio's bruises on her face

Victoria can testify that Rocio called her about the abuse, and she was the one who called in the tip/welfare check

Roberto can testify Dario came to Vega & Associates in a rage, threatening Victoria and he had to throw Dario out

Patricio can testify he saw Rocio's bruises the day she died


I wanted Roberto to tell Leo immediately because I was afraid if he didn't Ana was going to head him off that night by concocting some story so Leo would discount Robert's truth and maybe she'd even try to get pregnant.

On Leo's fists of fury, ITA since this is a TN he'll get off with a scolding.

I was a big fan of L.A. Law, but I don't remember whether the legal proceedings were outrageously unrealistic or not. I'll keep beanie around.

I have no idea what makes Carlos tick, but I'm hoping he's a more cunning, less violent villain. Brutes like Rocio's husband are not only scum but boring. I can't stand Carlos trying to manipulate Alejandra to take him back, but I do give credit to him for scheming & plotting. I wanted to laugh when Carlos chided Alan for letting Ale sit in on the witness's account of him giving the woman a rose. Alan was so right to protest "well, you told me to get her involved in the case so she'll stay tethered to you and away from Ricardo." Now, Carlos comes up with the idea to get Leo of his rival firm on the case. Good show.

I agree anon 207 that Dario is the prime suspect and there is no motive for Victoria to kill her friend and of course she is physically incapable to inflict such damage, but defense lawyers very often use exactly such situations to create reasonable doubt. A defense lawyer could claim that Victoria, that should not have been near the crime scene, meddled with it. He can even go as far as to allege collision between the police officer and Victoria and Roberto.
A prosecutor must prove his case beyond reasonable doubt. Such allegations could break prosecutor's case. Of course, this being a telenovela, maybe the defense lawyers will not even go with "he did not do it" but allege self defense or insanity or accidental death(none of the above can apply here, but I wouldn't be surprised).


Though i like this telenovela so far, my biggest beef with it is that there are no real villains here (so far) and no real stakes.
The only one that is close to be categorized as an antagonist is Ricardo's ex wife, and her villainy is so insignificant that i don't think she qualifies as a villain.
Carlos is only guilty of cheating on Alexandra and manipulating her emotionally, and while she should have dumped him immediately after finding out about the cheating, this behavior does not make him a villain.
Benjamin and Leticia are ambitious little snakes, but, again, so far they did absolutely nothing villainous.
I hope things start heating up on this front, because to me, a good telenovela must have at least a couple of good, entertaining villains.


A question occurred to me the other day and I will finally post it: Is Alejandra really free of Carlos?

I ask this because we have traditionally seen civil ceremonies take place prior to the religious ceremonies in novelas. Did they have their civil ceremony already or was that to have taken place at the reception that also didn't happen? This had not been mentioned that I can recall.

So Carlos wants Leo to take on his case? Good for him because I don't see Alan doing much to get him out of there.

I don't think they had a civil ceremony before the religious one otherwise they'd have mentioned it. Carlos wouldn't shut the issue in.


• URBAN- You are one fabulous recapper; this is your calling in case recappers of TNs ever become a legit, paying job :) And I too appreciated your use of “as though” instead of “like” :)

• Totally agree with FLORIDIA that it is a pleasure to have several lead characters speaking clearly, articulately. My eyes (very often) seem to automatically view the captions even when I do not need them—and in this TN, maybe my brain can get retrained not to read but rather just listen.

• I was grateful that we didn’t have to wait for a whole bunch of episodes before Leonard’s discovery of his pathetic choice!
And, yes, NIECE—, I was sooooo annoyed that Roberto couldn’t start off saying that he met her in lobby and had NO idea who she was connected to. The way he presented it was as though he cheated on his friend—but he didn’t! Of course, there is no comparison in the guilt levels of Ana and Roberto! Likewise, Roberto’s ridiculous chasing of women is exactly what it is—ridiculous. If in fact, he is lying to each one that he’s not seeing or sleeping with anyone else…well that might be a different story! In any case, I think the way he presented it was what made Leo so angry at him instead of Ana—at that moment.

• I think everyone should be grateful that these TN writers take on all the very difficult and complicated relationship issues in our lives—all of our lives. Great to put it right out there to witness and then show results and possible solutions.

• Also, I have no idea what law firms and court scenes are actually like in Mexico (City?) but perhaps they don’t have all the same rules and regs as us?

• IRENE— IMHO, I think there are several would-be PLUS villains. One only needs to see Carlos’ expressions to know he is capable of significant villainy: We saw how he provoked things in prison, albeit stupid as can be. I also think that Leticia and Benjamin are capable of wrecking havoc. Alan- a partial villain, maybe a white collar villain. And, then there is Ana- goodness—she is quite capable of making major trouble. Don’t worry Irene. I think the percentage of good to bad folks is about right at this point :)
Carole in Florida


Hi folks--Just waiting for my company to leave so I can return to my in-depth analysis (joke) of this tele. Thanks Jar and Urban for straightening out the character lists so ably.

My only comment right now is I wish Alexandra had a bestie her own age instead of her mother, Lourdes and the blonde.

Totally agree Alan is inept....or is he really, really clever. He surely would have known not to ask Ale to help depose potential witnesses--so this makes him REALLY inept or strategically perfect if he wants to separate Ale from Carlos before they get married, stick it to Carlos and keep the whole law firm for himself.


My children do not watch TN's. Two studied Spanish up until 2 years in college.
They would like to be more proficient now, but probably will need to wait until they retire to find the time. Too busy with work and families. Both of my daughters
are partners in firms. I remember when one of them began at her large firm, she told me that it would take her about 8 years to make partner. It took her 7.5. And there are different degrees of partners. The other became a partner immediately because her
firm is smaller, and she had worked with the boss partner for several years before actually joining the firm.

As you all know, many women refuse to press charges at the last minute and later
regret that decision. In Massachusetts, we knew a woman in her 30's who went to the police station 3 times to tell them that her husband wanted to kill her. They said they could do nothing. One night he killed her, two of the three children, and the dog.

Hello to Niecie in DC. Of course, I remember you from my favorite novela,
La Verdad Oculta. I would enjoy watching it again.

All the best to all...

I do not comment because as a rule, I don't read the recaps. It takes too much time to watch the novelas and also read the recaps. Right now I am watching Jose Jose
because he is my singing idol, and I skip most of it because I read his autobiography,
and as it states in the beginning, much of it is fiction. I watch only the parts that feature him. I also decided to watch Enemigo Intimo. The diaglogue is difficult to hear. So that is a lot of watching. Usually, I watch political shows, and I am getting
fed up with all of them, so I am transferring much of that viewing time to novelas.
Normally, I would watch only one at the most. And I record all of them, and skip
any parts or characters that don't appeal to me. It takes some juggling of time.

I agree the dialogues in this TN are very easy to follow as almost all the actors speak clearly

Watching PATM is a struggle coz It's like they're rapping when they speak but I feel I understand Maite much better now. I barely understood anything when she spoke in CCEA


Villains need a reason to be villains.

Like in Caer en Tentacion, Miriam hated Raquel & made choices from that hate. Andres was jealous of Damian, and made choices from that hate. Mia wanted her family together...just the 4 of them and made choices from that. Alina was greedy & entitled...& made choices from that. (I didn't really see Damian, Carolina or Vicente as villains...bad people but not really villains).

On this program, you have several characters that have been shown to have villain potential and being set up to have reasons to be villains:

Elena ... wants Ricardo back after she cheated on him, using the children to get back at him. Trust & believe Elena will do bad things once she finds out Ricardo has a liking to Alejandra

Carlos ... doing crazy things to keep Alejandra at his side. Why does he need to be with Alejandra so bad? We have no evidence of Carlos or Alan being shady in business.

Ana Maria ... picks up random men for sex while her boyfriend recovers from gunshot wounds in the hospital, then accepts his marriage proposal to manipulate him so she can cover her ass. We haven't seen the last of her.

Alan ... obviously not as good a lawyer as Carlos and looks to be inept. He appears to be shady ... keep an eye on him

Benjamin ...he wants to make partner. Is arrogant. I see him getting pissed at Roberto/Ricardo because of his own failures and trying to sabotage them. I predict at the end of the show, he'll end up being put out of Vega & Associates and replaced with Poor Lawyer.

Leticia ... she wants to be senior lawyer but Alejandra will get that job and Leticia will seek revenge on Ale

I think Juan Lopez will probably be hired at Vega & Associados long before the end. They will need a scholarship guy to be among the silver spoon crowd.

Benjamin is already on very thin ice. He could get fired much earlier and go over to the competition (Alan and Carlos' firm) where he will probably divulge confidential information.

Anon2017 - Yes- You have covered very well the potential VILLAIN-NESS of these characters- ha ha.
In terms of evil behavior/acts resulting from HATE--not so sure we canor cannot count that as evil. It's interesting to consider but I guess it depends on our own tolerance to forgive or understand and our belief system. These TNs help us to get in touch with our belief systems--what we can forgive or understand or tolerate! And usually... the TN trains me to hate the villains despite their circumstances.

AM might could have tried to head off this trouble with a preemptive strike:

"Um, Honey, I know your friend Roberto, from work."
"Oh Really now, how is that?"

"Oh we went out one time a long time ago. Just that once, but we just didn't click. We never went out again."
'Well Ana, I'm not surprised, he is a real dog. He has gone out with everyone, it seems. How long ago?"

"Oh a long long time ago."

"Well, how long, really."

"Um, yesterday, is that bad?"

Thank you Urban. Good bullet points for this very disturbing episode. I to
Want Vicky to make Dario pay. And he will probably pay with his miserable
Life. I wish she would have pulled a
J-Lo on him. Y'all remember that movie
Where she got sick and tired of being
Beat up and prepared herself and beat
The livin Day lights out him. I would
Like to see them do something like that and stop letting these woman be a
Victims all the time. She didn't even try to fight back. I kept hoping she'd get her hands on a kitchen knife, but where the hell were the strategically-placed kitchen knives? That were suppose to be in the kitchen? It would have been self defence. But This is another tn where the woman is The victim. Castro you could have started something with this, but you Went the normal route. Well at least it wasn't rape, this time. It was worst.

And why won't they let ale brake away from Carlos? Let the girl have some fun before she has to be sucked back into hell with her ex. I love the way
Her Demples flash when she smiles at
Ricky. That don't happen with satan's
Spawn. In lock up.

Alan is a inept wuss. Where does he go
After he leaves Carlos? In lock up?
Does he go and have wine and then thinK about how To take everything away from carlos? In lock up?

Now what will Lillie white Ana Maria do for revenge.This should be kinda interesting.

Olivia should go vacation,then come back and start over.After leonardo has
Calmed down. Whatever.

Ok thanks Urban.

Thank you Urban
Very good summary. I like the way you use bullet points.
Some of the guys look alike so you recap really helps.

I find that the Spanish is easier to understand in the TN than some others. As one comment stated, they actors speak clearly for the most part.

thanks so much!!

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