Thursday, July 05, 2018

Corazon Que Miente, Week 5 (7/2/18) Thursday Update: Backstage Cupids

Alonso gives up trying to make Lisandro jealous and admits he's the jealous one. (Isn't "I can't get your girlfriend out of my head" a really weird thing to say to your best friend?) Liso sweetly asks if he would give up his job and his family for her -- that's what he did. If not, he doesn't really love her, does he?

Liso can barely keep a straight face while relating this to Mariela. He's crazy about you, he tells her, and you're obviously interested as well -- why not give him a chance? Well, because of los terrenos, of course. But wouldn't you have a better chance at those terrenos if you got a little closer...? Mari replies that no, that's not her style: she prefers to go at things frontways (leading with her slapping hand, as we've seen.)

Renata pops into Dem's office with a copy of her "bank statement." Is it for real, or did she whip it up in the public library? He seems to take it seriously enough to show it to Rafi, who points out that Santi is not the son he should be trying to marry off.

Rog drives Elena home from Casa Ferrer. YES, SHE ACTUALLY GETS INTO A CAR WITH HIM. That girl is hopeless.

Speaking of hopeless, Julio drops by Casa Del Rio with a huge bouquet of flowers for Lety. The adults invite him to stay for dinner, much to Lety's chagrin. Cirila swoons over the romanticism of it all (or she just likes anything in pants; it's hard to tell.)

Cristian joins Mari and Liso for dinner, and the boys are super cute pretending not to look at each other. Now it's Mari's turn to die laughing. Cristian doesn't seem to be able to decide what illness his aunt suffers from...does he even have an aunt? Presumably more will be revealed.

And just as we were starting to worry that no one would get clocked in this episode, Carla materializes on the sidewalk and deals Mari a good one. Mari manages to respond in kind before Liso steps between them. She has awfully quick reflexes, but then she's had a lot of practice. There is so much whack-a-golfa in this TN that I'm running out of ways to say it.

The Not-So-Tipsy Lawyer digs deeper into Don Manuel's will, questioning Ed about the witnesses and then trying to track them down. He discovers that one of them worked for Quadrum and actually died five years before the will was written. Dem tells Ed not to worry: it's that pesky Del Rio gang that should worry. Later he asks Rog if he still has the pistol, and Rog lies and says yes.

Alonso runs into Mari in the church and, "in this place of forgiveness," prettily begs her pardon. She does the same, and they're all smiles for about ten seconds until he asks her if there's anything between her and Leo. That kid really knows how to wreck a mood. Later he insists to Daniel that he feels nothing for her, evoking some home truths from the padre. Does "your heart is lying to you" (tu corazon te miente) count for the "character says name of show" bingo square?

In other news:

Santi's not into the wedding plans, and neither is abuela. Can Ed and Dem pull this off by themselves?

Tired of the long hallway walk of shame, Leo and Denise check into a hotel. They're kind of cute together when they're not Talking About the Relationship, which is practically never.

Mari asks Santi to intercede on her behalf with the rumormongers about town. He starts with Alonso, suggesting he rein in his little cuddlespider.


Blue Lass, great questions! Will you join my book club? And be the leader?

My answer is "yes" to all the pop quiz questions. 😁

The convo between Al and Liso was truly weird. Al,testing the waters, Liso trying to keep a straight face.

Chris's responses to why he's in town were clearly getting jumbled due to interference from his gaydar going off the charts.

And kudos for picking up on CQM in a convo. I missed that totally due to viewing interruptions.

Doris, I usually watch with Spanish subtitles, which helps a lot with the vocabulary...although I'm concentrating so hard on what the characters are saying, I sometimes miss what they actually DO.

It didn't occur to me that Cristian was just nervous. I always suspect the worst. ;}

Thanks, Blue Lass. It sure is hard to write and watch at the same time,

Yay! Another slap!

Yes, Elena is hopeless. She is asking for another beating or worse.

Mariela’s lawyer is uncovering some interesting information.

Lisandro and Cristián would be a great pairing if Lisandro admits to being gay first.

I liked Father Dan putting Alonso on the hot seat.

I sure hope Flo doesn’t turn up pregnant somehow.

Renata is starting to sound line a cartoon character.

Cirila is just obnoxious to me and not funny.

Demián asking Rogelio about the gun now that he does not have it was expected. It seems Demián has not forgotten about Leonardo and Mariela.

On we go!

Elena is the textbook domestic violence victim. I answered crisis line for years at local DV shelter. Her behavior is so aacurate that it makes me cringe. Rog's behavior is accurate, too, with the candy, promises, etc. It is a complex situation. I once met a woman who would not leave her abuser because . . . It was her furniture in the house, not his. Furniture. It really messes with one's sanity and judgement and often leaves the victim with serious mental health issues. At our training, we were told a woman is more likely to be killed when she tries to leave her abuser. The abuser would rather kill her than lose control over her. I wish more women would just get out(!) at the first sign of abuse, before they get sucked into the cycle and it escalates.

Univision Subtitles are horrible in our area. Often inaccurate, incomplete, and just plain stop, at which point I have to back up the DVR to get them to appear again. No way I could recap anything, with this silliness. I spend half my time rewinding.

And it's only with UNIVISION that this happens. Low def video, horrible subtitles. The scroll in the bottom last week, announcing difficulties with negotiating Dish TV contract, were mostly illegible. Regular english network TV programming doesn't have any of these problems. Yet, the horrible subtitles on Uni come in clear as a bell. Go figure.

So, if my biggest complaint today is Univision, life is pretty good. 😎😎😎. First world problems and all that.

doris, as of two months ago there are no Univision Spanish subtitles for me anymore and I have never had English subtitles. The “problems with Dish TV” scroll was there though and crystal clear. Go figure.

ITA about Elena exemplifying what happens to many women as domestic violence victims. Women need to be brought up take care of and protect themselves FIRST.

Thank you, Blue Lass.

Jarifa..I agree with you about Cirila (,dial it back a little ,chica) and Relentless Renata . Why do Dem and Rafe want So for The and not Santi?

Doris..interesting comments about abusive relationships. .. they affect the whole family , you have to let the abuser know in no uncertain terms that you support the woman unconditionally and forever because they want their victims to feel completely alone.

Thank you, Blue Lass, for your recap! "whack-a-golfa" is perfect. This telenovela is littered with them, too. 😛 I can't recall the last telenovela I watched that was such a slap fest.

Cirila needs to dial it back a lot. I'm not a fan. She looks too old for Julio..

Is cristian supposed to be a doctor? I thought that was part of today's episode, so why doesn't he know what the heck is wrong with his aunt? Oh, wait, gaydar interference. More to say about him in today's epi but don't want tro get ahead of things on the patio.

Ayyyy, Jarifa, no subtitles at all? Ugh.....🤬

“Gaydar interference” : too funny!

Another sparkling recap Blue Lass. Thank you. And thank God for this telenovela. I had to give up on Bella y Bestia (too grim and depressing) and last night's episode of Por Amar Sin Ley was shockingly violent and brutal as well. These roundhouse slaps seem tame in comparison.

Yes, Blue, if you have "title" in your Bingo square you can definitely cross it off.How nice that Father Dan could give you a boost that way.

Enjoyed "long hallway of shame" and glad lusty Leonardo finally had the good taste to schedule his mattress bouncing elsewhere. His Hot Lips "representante" is certainly a good sport to be constantly playing relief hitter.

I missed this episode but you and the commenters certainly brought it to life. Guess I'm in the minority but I like Cirilla and her over the top approach to life. Have a Latina friend, a Colombian actually, and she is very over the top at all times. Sometimes exhausting, but always going full bore, whether happy or sad.

Jarifa, I wouldn't think you would need subtitles. Of any kind. Although I admit, as my hearing deteriorates, I often use subtitles if I'm watching a British show. Don't understand "accents" as well as I used to.

Doris, thanks for the information on abused women and how they react. I think most of us have a touch of that. Years of being coached as peacemakers and the ones responsible for making a marriage (or relationship) work can mess with your mind for sure. And these are cultural imprints that go back centuries. So....not easy to break.

Wishing everybody a restful, peaceful weekend, with no bitch slaps and only happy drama (as in musicals!)

And thank you again Blue Lass. Love your recaps and love your "apodo". Is it from a poem or a piece of literature? Or just your clever, creative mind?

"The good taste to schedule his mattress bouncing elsewhere"....gave me a giggle !I think mattress bouncing could replace bunnyhopping as a favored euphemism .

Judy..I guess some folks are just naturally up and positive..high on life. Makes them sometimes a pleasure to be around to lift spirits and sometimes...not.

JudyB, there are those days when there will be a word or phrase that just sounds garbled. It would be great to see it in a subtitle instead of having to listen to it over and over until it makes sense.

No those patterns are not easy to break. That is why women need to be raised differently. Too many women are stuck with their abusers a lifetime because they rightfully fear for their lives.

O/T : Free view on Comcast: HBO and Cinemax. I am watching a good old fashioned type thriller called “La cara oculta” (The Hidden Face) (Spain 2011)

Ah, lucky view on Comcast. Here we've got Spectrum and doubt if we have anything like that. And I really have trouble with Spanish accents as opposed to Mexican ones. Plus they seem to talk at warp speed. So sticking Corazon and my try to watch a little bit of la Fuerze del Destino. Did not watch it first time around and actually we're probably closer to the end than the beginning but that's all right.

Jarifa, I'm amazed at how well the closed caption people do, but sometimes those are seriously messed up as well. Lagging well behind the spoken words, or just WRONG. But still better than nothing at all for us gringos. Much better.

Our captions are really very good quality; I'm lucky. I had no idea they varied so much from place to place.

I wonder if we all get the same ads...? Because I can't figure out why Uni thinks we all have toenail fungus.

Judy, my husband calls me "lass" -- he grew up hearing it because his Dad was Scottish and he has three sisters. Blue is just my favorite color. ;}

Blue Lass, we get the toe nail fungus cure commercial here, too.

Steve - hope you get Univision service back again from Dish.

BlueLass - we probably get the toenail fungus ads here, too, but I FFWD--> thru all the commercials. 😛

Thanks Blue Lass for the inside info on your name. And I'm happy to know it is not because you are a broken-hearted,yearning, winsome well..."lass". I was always concerned there might be a sad story behind this blogger name. So happy to know that it's all good!

Thank you, B!ue Lass, for that bunny recap of all the angst And evil doings. And so we chug onward in our tale .

Bunny?...I typed bonny, but my tablet did not like it.

Well hey, I rather like "bunny recap". Especially since there evidently was some bunny-hopping. Great day here weather-wise. People out in the parks, or walking along the river, just lovely with a light breeze. No complaints.

It was a stunningly beautiful day here in Tiny Delaware as well. Couldn't bear to spend a minute of it indoors. Well, other than the nap, of course.

I will have Friday's recap up...well, before I go (back) to bed. Onward!

CQM Bunnycap 7/6/18, Part 1:

Cristian tells Mari her BF is adorable; too bad he’s gay. She denies it. They’re just about to make a formal bet on it when Mari’s boss comes in. Mari introduces Cris as a traumatologist, and the boss offers him a job on the spot, which pretty much guarantees some major trauma.

Sara and Carmen run into each other at the cemetery and bond over the fact that they both talk to their dead husbands. Oh, and they think Mari and Alonso belong together. They go off to discuss it further over coffee.

Well, guess we can’t call him the Not So Tipsy Lawyer anymore. His neighbor rousts him out of a drunken stupor at his desk and pries a framed picture of his daughters out of his hands. He sobs that he has lost everything and everyone. (If they’re giving him a backstory, they can’t kill him off TOO quickly, can they…?)

CQM Bunnycap 7/6/18, Part 2:

Crowdsource: Should Santi marry Florencia?

Daniel: No! They’ll be miserable! And it’s the 21st century, fijate.

Demian: Yes! You break it, you bought it.

Santi: No! If you have to marry every girl you sleep with, I should be marrying Renata.

Rafaela: Yes! Renata needs to marry Alonso, so we need you out of the way.

Sara: No! We all know what happens when your parents force you. Ejem.

Ed: Yes! Because we’re a Very Conservative Family. In case you didn’t hear me the first 700 times I said that.

Renata: Who cares? And I didn’t either sleep with him. I only have eyes for Alonso.

Demian: Yes! Because then I will promise him all the love and respect I’ve been denying him all his life, then roll my eyes behind his back.

Santi: Okay, Daddy.

Viewerville: S.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y...?

Florencia: I look like I’m having second thoughts.

CQM Bunnycap 7/6/18, Part 3:

Mari interrupts Leo making a head out of peanut butter and insists on taking him out to dinner. They end up in the Only Restaurant in Puebla, in full view of Alonso and Renata. Al sees Leo caress Mari’s face and marches over to their table, demanding to know if he’s going to ruin her life the way he ruined Luci’s. Leo socks him in the jaw so hard he knocks him down.

Rafaela needles Demian about letting Renata marry one son when she’s already bedded the other. He points out that she’s not the first trashy prima to work her way into the family on her back. What’s the diff? Oh, yeah: Renata’s bringing money IN, while you only take it OUT. Burn!!!

Denise asks Carmen to help her convince Leo to leave Puebla, for the good of everyone (especially Denise.) Meanwhile, Daniel is suggesting the same thing to Leo himself. But I need to protect Mariela, Leo protests. Daniel says yes, but who’s going to protect her from YOU?

Rogelio reveals that he overheard Santi and Renata arguing about their Dirty Weekend and tries to blackmail her. She lays some sloppy kisses on him and promises more if he’ll keep her secret. Bleeyech. It’s hard to know whom to root for in this situation, but I guess whoever gets hurt, we’ll be happy.

Thanks, Blue Lass! I enjoyed your humor: “It’s hard to know whom to root for in this situation, but I guess whoever gets hurt, we’ll be happy.” We sure will be.

Yay for the “sock in the jaw fest” that landed Alonso on his butt. Why should have Leonardo not socked him? Please! Alonso did put his hands on his chest and push him repeatedly.

Father Dan sure sees Leonardo’s “obsession” with Mariela. At least he told him what he thought.

Another fun episode.


Pure comic genius, this:

Crowdsource: Should Santi marry Florencia?

Daniel: No! They’ll be miserable! And it’s the 21st century, fijate.

Demian: Yes! You break it, you bought it.

Santi: No! If you have to marry every girl you sleep with, I should be marrying Renata.

Rafaela: Yes! Renata needs to marry Alonso, so we need you out of the way.

Sara: No! We all know what happens when your parents force you. Ejem.

Ed: Yes! Because we’re a Very Conservative Family. In case you didn’t hear me the first 700 times I said that.

Renata: Who cares? And I didn’t either sleep with him. I only have eyes for Alonso.

Demian: Yes! Because then I will promise him all the love and respect I’ve been denying him all his life, then roll my eyes behind his back.

Santi: Okay, Daddy.

Also this:

Rafaela needles Demian about letting Renata marry one son when she’s already bedded the other. He points out that she’s not the first trashy prima to work her way into the family on her back. What’s the diff? Oh, yeah: Renata’s bringing money IN, while you only take it OUT. Burn!!!

Still enjoying this greatly, as well as the Bunnycaps. The carnage that went on in Por Amar Sin Ley, and that which will continue to go on in Bella y Bestias makes this the only one I'm going to watch for now. Which means more time and energy for yard work...ugh!

And our Bunnycappers are terrific! Thanks Blue Lass.


Blue Lass – Thank you for this hysterically funny and spot-on snarktastic Bunnycap!!! (I just now told my computer spellcheck to "add to dictionary".)

The Crowdsource convo had me LOL and really grateful I had not just sipped a mouthful of tea before I read it, or my computer screen would have been a disaster. And it was so accurate!!!

"Viewerville: S.e.r.i.o.u.s.l.y...?" (omg - I'm still laughing) Aaaaand the newbies here now know why we have our telenovela beanie hats. With chin straps.

”Leo socks (Alonso) in the jaw so hard he knocks him down.” And with that, dear fellow Patio Peeps, I have no doubt that Al is actually Leo’s biological son. I’m not even speculating anymore. Done deal.


Thanks, Blue Lass.

So, my surly tablet and I inadvertently created a new patio term...bunnycap.

I do love the verb ",needles." some of us presumed from the very start, Al might be Leo's son . Therefore, father and son are both in love with the same mujer. Here we go....

Gorgeous day in my own patio....sunny,clear, breezy ,75...taking a mental picture to keep me going in the midst of next winter',s snowsorms.

Happy, hoppy Sunday , all.

Susanlynn, making up new words is just part of the fun -- thanks for contributing! I love the image of just hopping in, strewing around a few jawbreakers and colored eggs, and hopping out again.

And Doris, Jarifa, and JudyB, thanks for so much value-added in the comments. You should think about recapping yourselves (hint, hint.)

Blue Lass - I have done a rare recap or two when a regular was unable, and back when closed captioning actually worked properly. My schedule is erratic but if you are in a bind, I might be able to help out. 💕💕💕

Thanks for the invite, Blue Lass, but I am all recapped out after PATM, etc. and taking a break until the fall and I hope “Mi marido tiene mås familia.” If the “urge to recap” should overcome me, I will let you guys know. 😊


Jarifa, is MMTF a comedy? (I don't usually do comedies, because I can't catch all the jokes.)

Blue Lass, MMTF turned out to be a dramedy; best novela I saw last year.

BlueLass - MMTF was rather unconventional in its own way, and really quite good. I enjoyed it.

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