Thursday, August 30, 2018

La Bella y Las Bestias, Aug. 30-31, 2018: Let the (War) Games Begin!

Salutations, Patio Peeps!

The truce goes out the window and Bela & Co. play hardball…or hard-kickass??

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged. Feel free to add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. Comments…definitely welcome…

Die (P)Ig!
Good Night Punk!

Where mockery, snarkery and just plain talkery abound!
Share your thoughts and your hearts, you won’t be bored!!


RGV Chick: We'll find out soon enough.

Episode 60, Part 1: Slaughter at the (P)Ig Hacienda

As Dan walks out of the bedroom, Ig tells Dan he was looking for him and to follow him.

Emi apologizes to JP for leaving him alone. She didn’t want to come home without their mom being here. JP tells her this feeling is strong, but life goes on. Emi is happy that she has him. She tells JP that she is not a child; he doesn’t have to worry about her. JP tells her she will always be his little sister and he will always worry about her. Emi then tells him she made a decision—she’s marrying Eman.

Simon asks Ric, who is having dinner with friends, if he can talk to him. Ric tells him he doesn’t want to talk to him—he shouldn’t have embarrassed him. Simon asks for 5 minutes…when he tells him what he has come to say he will understand; so Ric agrees to hear him out. Simon then tells Ric that he has gone undercover.

Eman and Senator talk—the Emi problem has been resolved; so now they have to concentrate on Bela.

Simon tells Ric how he managed to infiltrate into the Senator and Ig’s organization.

Bela tells JP about Simon being infiltrated, but JP doesn’t believe her. Just then Ric calls and JP agrees to go see him immediately. Before JP leaves, Bela asks about Emi; so JP tells her that Emi went back to Eman and they will get married.

Ric takes Simon to a jail cell with the pretext that no one will listen in on them there. Ric asks Simon if he knows about anything incriminating; so Simon tells him about the serum. Simon acknowledges that he didn’t go about it the right way, but he is in. Ric then asks about a man who was kidnapped so Simon tells him the man escaped, but Ig is looking for him. Ric tells Simon that this will be his home for now…and to hope that it will only be for 48 hours because if Ric finds out that Simon helped the beasts he will be there for 10 years. Like 'Who's on First?'

Bela and Mike talk on the phone about working with the feds. Mike doesn’t like the idea. Just then, Dan arrives so Bela asks why the visit. Dan wants to tell her things about his uncle that he shouldn’t be talking about.

Ig talks to a group of men/guinea pigs and tells them not to be afraid. He is just inviting them for a cup of coffee. Spicey coffee it turns out?

Dan tells Bela that his uncle is going crazy and he doesn’t want to go crazy like him. Bela asks how he is going crazy; so Dan tells her that horrible things happen at his uncle’s place. Bela asks what things.


Episode 60, Part 2: Slaughter at the (P)Ig Hacienda

The coffee experiment continues…Ig asks how they feel so one of the men tells him he feels calm but he is thirsty. Ig asks if they feel any different. The man tells him he feels calm…like all his worries and problems are gone. Dillon asks if he can take the men, but Ig tells him that this will finish when he says it’s finished. Meanwhile, Bonifacio is searching in a vent and finds a notebook. While Marcia asks the men how they feel, Bonifacio tells Ig that he knows who helped Ram escape...and he gives Ig Ram’s notebook that was hidden among Dillon’s things.

Dan tells Bela how his uncle can get up on any given day and go kill someone just because he feels like it.

Ig and Bonifacio talk to Dillon. They tell him about the notebook and where he would hide it if he were a rat.

Dan tells Bela to look him in the eye...he just wants things to stop. Bela asks about his cousin, so Dan tells her he worries about her too. Bela is suspicious that he came over out of the blue. So are we. Who do you trust?

Bonifacio ties up Dillon/Mike and Ig asks him what his name is and why he let Ram go. Dillon tells him he got tired of seeing Ram suffer and being tied up all the time. Ig asks him if he realizes that he has become part of the plague and asks him who he works for. Mike tells him he works only for him. Ig asks again and Mike says he works for no one.

Dan wants Bela to go with him to his uncle’s hacienda late at night…they can overtake his uncle while he sleeps. She can arrive with her team. Bela smirks and wonders why he thinks she has a team; so Dan names Pene and JP who can help her. He gives her his card with his phone number and tells her to call him when she decides.

Bela and Pene worry. Ric calls and tells her that he has info…about Mike…he could be in trouble. Bela wonders if Simon ratted on Mike, but Ric assures her he didn’t.

JP and Andrea are getting it on… Andrea knew this would end up happening. Andrea tells him that what happens between them will just stay between them. “Knew this would end up happening'? What was your first clue Ms. Virginity hater?

Ig asks Dan how things went. Dan tells him Bela was surprised to see him; and he doesn’t know if she believed him. Ig tells him not to worry…he planted the seed so Bela must be thinking. Dan tells him that Bela is supposed to communicate with him before midnight, so Ig will wait. Dan then gets a text and tells Ig that Bela didn’t believe anything he said…which proves she is not dumb. Ig thinks that Bela is oh so righteous and will not allow these atrocities to continue…so she will come sooner or later.
Who do you trust?

Episode 60, Part 3: Slaughter at the (P)Ig Hacienda

Bela and Pene go into JP’s house and find Andrea and JP in bed together. Pene chloroforms Andrea and JP jumps out of bed (his boxers on) with gun drawn. Like every girl's fairy tale on her first. Sweet Dreams Sugar.

Ig looks at a pro/woman who is dressed to kill. He tells her to get on the bed and whips her. He tells her there is a gift for her under the blue pillow. Ig tells her he doesn’t like to see suffering and whips her again.

JP asks what they are doing there. Bela tells him she called and he didn’t answer. Bela then tells him they need to go over to El Cafetero’s place NOW!

The man helps the pro as they walk out and tells her she won’t make money like that for one hour’s work. He tells her to wait for him so he can go get the car. As she waits, Ig shoots her down from an upstairs window.

JP, Andrea, and Pene argue as they get in the car. He asks what is going to happen next. They dash off into the night in that old Cherokee jalopie.

Andrea calls Ric and apologizes for calling him so late, but it’s an emergency.

Ric is now with Andrea and asks if she is sure it was Pene. Andrea assures him it was and thinks this was not a jealousy thing…it probably has to do with El Cafetero.

Dan and Marcia are in bed wearing their camo gear when Dan gets a message that Bela is there. The perimeter alarm has gone off and alerted his tablet. Marcia jumps up quite excited. They go down with Ig who is excited and says that he knew Bela would come. He calls Bonifacio and tells him to give Bela a nice welcome. The gruesome threesome, JP, Bela, and Pene are running through the woods, a tallpine forest without much undergrowth when four of Ig's guys jump them. They didn't just snipe them, though, so they probably were told to capture them. The three Ninjas kick ass and JP figures that Ig’s men were waiting for them.

Ig tells Dan about the first trial of the special coffee with the men. Dan and Marcia tells Ig what they felt when they tried the serum. Ig asks how Marcia knows; so she tells him she already tried it.

Our three heroes continue on and encounter another group of three or four henchmen and summarily dispense with them too.

More fighting in the woods while Ig is inside his home all excited, He thinks Bela is a strong woman. Mike sees the B team running by. Yay…he lives!! Ignacio is almost beside himself with anticipation of this next adventure, as is Dan. They both have this fiendish crazed look on their faces. Marcia, not so much. She is sitting off to the side kinda stroking the gun on her lap and looking very pensive, like maybe this is not her cup of tea/coffee? after all.

Episode 60, Part 4: Slaughter at the (P)Ig Hacienda

A man goes in to where Mike is and cuts him loose…later Mike goes and meets up with Pene.

Ig, Dan and Marcia now run out into the woods to engage the enemy, Bela and Co. They have a prebuilt hunting lean-to of logs with sandbags and all. Marcia is now completely not into this shit at all.

The B team talk…they know they are surrounded. JP suggests that they split up. Ig starts shooting like a raving lunatic; so JP tells him who he is and that he is a fed…and that they are surrounded. Ig tells him he has gone into his territory. Marcia freaks and Ig tells her this is what she has been waiting for…it is beautiful to kill; so she should KILLL!! Bela and Pene take one of the men and shout to Ig that they have one of his men, but Ig only laughs and tells them it’s all part of the game.

Andrea calls JP but gets his voicemail. She is upset that he won’t answer her call and he doesn’t care that she is worried.

Man in green shirt gets shot; so another man takes his gun. Meanwhile, Bela catches up with Ig and drops him like a gnat; she tells him that he and all the other beasts are all the same. He dares her to kill him, but she will have to kill him facing him…not how she killed the others without actually facing them. He tells her she likes to hunt…so she should go ahead and kill him. Bela hears a shot!

Bela still has Ig pinned down. Ig tells her he knew she wouldn’t be able to kill him since her father probably never taught her that if someone has to think about it...they won’t kill. Bela calls him an animal and tells him to get up. Ig tells her to kill him. A man approaches from behind If and shoots Ig in the head. The man freezes and Bela yells at him to leave…she won’t hurt him. JP comes running and is going to shoot the man who is now running away, but Bela tells him the man helped her. It is the fellow who rescued Mike.

Bela tells Ric that she didn’t go there to kill El Cafetero…they went to rescue Mike. Ric tells her he knows that Ig’s men were waiting for them, so Bela responds that is why things turned out the way they did. Ric then tells her that they both know what crap went on there, but he needs to do things right; he asks her to please tell him who killed Ig.

Senator tells Graciela that one of his best friends just got killed. When she tells him that he should take care of his reputation and be careful who he gets involved with, Senator tells her that there she goes with her BS; so he grabs her by the throat and stuffs her mouth with food to shut her up.
Ric is interrogating JP and thinks it was Bela who shot Ig, but JP tells Ric that it wasn’t Bela. When he got to Bela, he clearly saw the man who shot Ig, but the man ran away and he didn’t get to find out who he was…it was probably one of the undocumented men who Ig was holding against their will that killed Ig. When Ric tells JP that the Senator is pressuring him to file charges on Bela or someone…whoever killed Ig, JP tells Ric to tell the senator that he was the one who killed Ig.

Senator and Eman talk. Eman assures him it couldn’t have been Bela who killed Ig, but Senator wants whoever killed Ig to pay.

Ric frees the B team from their jail cells and tells Bela that JP confessed to killing Ig.

Emi goes to see JP. He points out who she was dealing with…a criminal. Emi tells him she has postponed the wedding until he gets out.

Bela goes to Senator. She just wants to talk to him. Senator tells his men to get her out, but Bela tells him she just wants a small favor.

Wowzer Yowzers RGV, Thanks. THIS is the episode we have been drooling for. Finally. Man. I was sure Mike was a goner.

Simon still has everybody guessing doesn't he?

I loved this whole episode, except that Ignasty's death was too humane. He needed to suffer for a few months being eaten by something, coyotes, fireants, his own teeth, anything.

I liked Bela in the last scene with Senator shithead when he sicked his goon on her and goonie almost got a broken finger.
Looks like screwing is Marcia's strong suite, hunting aint.


Rgv Chickie, thank you!

andy (overly involved in a project these days)

Thank you Ms Chick.

I haven't read the recap yet, but I watched some good stuff. This was a kickass episode. I'll comment more after The sun comes up. Good morning & good Nighty.

Thanks, RgvChick!

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Just a quick addendum--

Before Bela told the "animal" to get up, she told him he was going to rot in jail, so she was actually going to let Ig live...but his destiny said otherwise...

"Slaughter at the (P)Ig Hacienda"? Inspired, Rgv Chick, just inspired.

What an utterly fantastic recap.

"fiendish crazed look on their faces". Thank you...I couldn't come up with the right words to mirror how I felt as (another) hunt was ready to begin. Perfect.

"Who do you trust?" was the pervasive theme, wasn't it?

"Sweet Dreams Sugar" had me smiling.

I came thisclose to turning it off when Mike was being wrapped up in tape. I mean let's face it - the man is buff but not even his body could endure another beat down. Or torture.

It was fitting that the poor man who Ig has used as his slave killed Ig. Very happy he got away.

I think Dan was captured, not killed. Am I wrong?? I wonder if we will ever find out what happens to him and Marcia or if they will suffer the same fate as BBB's siblings, never to be seen again.

Kirby, agree this was great. Exciting and for once, the good guys came out ahead. I also liked Bella calmly putting the Senator's henchie in his place with nary a bit of strain except her raised eyebrows.

The Senator stuffing food in his wife's mouth was charming. We'll see his dark side unfolding rather rapidly now.

Glad Emi's delayed the wedding. A nuisance for Em to deal with. His facial expressions get darker with each episode.

Still think Simon is on the up and up, but anything can happen. I like that the "team" is really pulling together and communicating. They need to be running on all cylinders to bring Eman down. I can't wait to see how that happens.

Rgv Chick, thank you for making a fantasic episode even more so! Truly appreciate your hard work.


Rgv Chick, thank you for the clarification on Bella's intentions toward Ig.

It's been speculated here that Ig would be the first beast going to jail but as you noted, fate decided otherwise.


Thank you RGV!!!!!

And wooooow what a good episode this was. JP finally grew a pair of balls, manned up, and got his over due action time that I suggested he started doing a few days ago. And now he’s finally shootin’. Was that ever so hard JP? It’s his right and privilege as a cop to shoot down these animals and only now is he’s finally realized that. I this case, Bella actually has bigger balls than him and she’s made him a better cop. After all, she was the one who had Ignacio down on her own, keeping him alive and tortured for JP to throw him in RGV said, just his destiny says he must die.

Then JP sacrifices himself for Ricardo and Bella, to be arrested. Totally unpredictable didn’t see that coming, my only question is why would he do that? Is his love for Bella back? Did she wake up his spirit again? And what happened to Ricardo saying they would all work together to unmask the Senator?

Wonder what happens with Simon now too. Still clueless with him though he did seem genuine last night. You’d have to assume the Senator will be the only beast that gets arrested and is kept alive. Bank on it! It would be politicized if he’s killed and that would be big trouble for Ricardo/JP/Bella.

Maybe Simon sets him up for the arrest while JP is in jail?

Good Morning Action Chickie: I'm still trying to catch my breath from last night. Not that it matters, but I am wondering who that Good Samaritan was who released Mike and ventilated Iggy's sick brain.

I'm sure he is one of Ig's worker/victims, I just wonder how he turned out good. I kept trying to remember if he was one of the ones Iggy singled out for special torture or something.

I hope we see what happens to Danny and Marcia unlike what we did NOT see with BBB's siblings/maybe children.

There are many questions I’d like answers to.

Why did Ricardo cave to the pressure from Senator and agree to arrest JP as sacrifice after wanting to work together with he and Bella to unmask the beasts?

Does Ricardo let Simon continue his undercover duty to work for the Senator to set him up and arrest him? (Having JP out of the mission would throw him off and give the Senator false confidence)

Is Eman going to snap on Emília now that she’s going to delay her wedding?

What happens with Iggys children?

Kirby, it was HUGO who killed Ig!

Oh that was Hugo? OK that makes sense now. Those disposable slaves are hard to keep sorted out. Maybe he changed out of his striped shirt.

My bird was about to drop that fish, he needed a break.

It didn't take Bela long to personally deliver her warmest regards to the Senator after she and Hugo said their goodbys to Icky.

I wonder, does this pompous mouth-stuffer realize how successful little Miss Bela has been so far with his other running Buddies? I mean, there are only the two of them left now. They are probably secretly thinking, "Wow, with every unfortunate end I have become richer." Are they also thinking, "What makes any rational person believe I will not be next?"

BTW, they did not kill Danny Boy, Pene knocked him out,so he would be quiet, then fired into the air to make Ig think they had killed Daniel. Smart chick, but what was she wearing to the war zone? Some knee length sweater or something, it looked like. Trendy, but not the best for a lot of activity.

Happy Friday all.

Kirby: Good Morning. Ignacio FINALLY dies :)

Whatever happened to Marcia & her sick freak loverboy ?

RGV Chick: Then there were 2 Beasts left: The Senator & Emanuel.

How will the last 2 Beasts handle it ?

Whatever happened to Marcia & her sick freak loverboy ?

Well, Ig's body is still warm, Dan is probably in custody, and Marcia is probably still in that duck blind, or running around out there in her underwear trying to see if any of those fellows are still alive. :-)

Thank you, Rgv Chick.

Good episode. Could have been great if they didn't cut many interesting scenes. I'd rather they cut coffee tasting scene and the whipping scene.

What I think was cut:
- How one man got Mike tied up. There must have been a gun pointed at Mike, otherwise it doesn't make sense.
- Why Bela barged into JP's with her mask on. I think she called, JP didn't answer, she thought he is in danger and she needed to rescue him.
- JP and Andrea love scene.
- Who called JP when they were boarding Jeep. I think it was Andrea, she woke up.
- How Icky, Marcia and Dan got themselves drugged to better enjoy the moment, that is why Marcia was out of it, not because she didn't like it.
- Possibly scenes where Mike got some action. Not just being freed.
- A lot of aftermath scenes, debriefing, support, celebration.
- More visitors to JP in jail. Bela and Andrea for certain, probably fighting who is going to be the first to visit him, because rules say one visitor at a time.
- Bela's opinion about finding Andrea in JP bed.

Thanks RGV Chick, Small detail... what’s with the cell phones...first Patricia leaves her phone on the Bathroom sink for Us to see and now JP drops his in the forest...What Gives...what’s the purpose of those scenes...Elsa

Elsa, product placement for a future Cell Phone Insurance commercial?

In other words, no clue. I'm just as mystified as you. But it has to mean something, because they purposefully focus in on the phones.

Kirby and Elsa: Maybe it’s a sign that one of these phones will have the infamous video of the beasts ordering the death of Enrique Leon. Perhaps Bella loses or leaves her phone somewhere and JP, Ricardo, or Emília pick it up.

Or there will come a time when there are secret recorded conversations on one of these phones. And the beasts leave one of theirs behind for JP or Simon to discover.

As I watched last night I thought:

JP is in a WAR, out numbered, out gunned, on enemy territory , fighting for his life, and Andrea is all freaked out that he won't answer his dam phone.

Shoulda never tagged that JP, aint that the way it goes?

Must be the reason NFL players are not allowed to have their phones with them on the field.


Good Morning, Patio! You all are rocking' this morning...must be that we finally got a really good episode; though as Lucio has noted, much was missing.

Diana, I was getting ready to turn away in case they were going to show any beatings on Mike. And BTW, I am really disappointed in the way the writers handled Mike in this storyline. This was his opportunity to shine; but they had Bela go and rescue him. Though there was a small show of his skills when he was competing for the job, the writers failed miserably in not letting him be an integral part of the action in the woods...he is after all the "teacher."

Kirby, I wanted to see Ig suffer a torturous, slow death too, but given that it was Hugo who shot him, I was satisfied that Hugo got to kill the monster in the same way he killed his friends.

Lucas, I don't think JP ever lost his love for Bela. He may have given her up because of all the deception, but he never stopped loving her. I'm sure he's sacrificing himself to save her from the Senator. I must agree though, that Ric's reasoning for caving in to the Senator's demands is questionable. Ric could have used the information he already has (provided by Simon) to put a halt to the Senator's threats and demands...though Ric may not want to use that info yet until Simon can get back in with the Senator and get more evidence on him.

Lucio, Bela did try calling JP before going over. She told him that when he didn't answer, she figured she had two choices: 1) go to Ig's place on their own and look forward to JP's reproaches or 2) go for him so he could accompany them; so she chose the latter. And yes, it was Andrea who called him when they were getting into the jeep. JP pretended to answer the phone and sarcastically said, "Hello, Andrea, my love. Did you like the cocktail? Uhm, no? Oh, BTW, don't wait for me because El Cafetero killed me."

Elsa, maybe JP dropping his phone will be his excuse for not answering Andrea's numerous calls? j/k...I have no idea about the cell phones.

Steve, yes, two beasts left and Bela has already started in on the Senator. My question is how will she ever find out that Eman is the shadow? I would think JP would have already figured it out since GloPat gave him proof that Armando and Eman were partners...but I suppose is head was elsewhere...teehee...take that as you wish...


Kirby, "JP is in a WAR, out numbered, out gunned, on enemy territory , fighting for his life, and Andrea is all freaked out that he won't answer his dam phone." Now that really showed quite a bit of selfishness and lack of sensitivity on Andrea's part. I could not believe that she was telling JP that she didn't know if she should be angry or worried about him...and that she didn't think it was right that he didn't seem to care that she was worried about him. QTH???

RGV: Simon will find out and uncover that Eman is the shadow. Bank on it! He’s going to get all information he possibly can out if the Senator while he’s “working” for him and find out Eman is their buddy/accomplice! And the Senator will snitch Eman out once he’s arrested and forced to testify in the interrogation!

JP has to find out Eman killed his parents hopefully Eman reaches a dumb point where he confesses this to the Senator as no one knows about those two crimes!

If not Simon, then Emília will be the one. At some point she has to overhear a conversation between Eman and The Senator and them talking about their crimes, and planning to take out Bella/JP. Hopefully she gets to snitch to JP and Bella in time at least before Eman kills her.

Thanks, kirby.

Icky goes out with a whimper and not a bang.

Have any of the beasts died by Bella's own hand?

Bella's phone message to JP should have been , "Sorry to interrupt whatever \whomever you are doing, but...."

Susy, Castor who she flipped off a very high bridge.

Yo Lucas, I'm in on Emi overhearing something. How many times (in TNs) have we seen someone behind a closed door, or right around a corner or awake when they have been verified to be sound asleep?

It will need to be on her wedding day or at the rehersal dinner, though. . .Twenty times per TN at least!

TN Standards 102.37.326 Rev. C Para 3

Susanlynn, yes, Bella killed Castor by banging his head on a rock.

And it was the first of our two outstanding recappers who provided this, Rgv Chick :)

Lucio, thank you for the list of likely missed scenes, especially "Possibly scenes where Mike got some action. Not just being freed" and "A lot of aftermath scenes, debriefing, support, celebration", which we certainly could have used!

Kirby and Rgv Chick, agree the Andrea phone thing was bothersome. She of all people should know how intense things get, she saw enough of it with Ant. She's now rather annoying, somthing she hasn't been thus far.


Exactly Kirby. Right on. You will see...Emilia, the Dunn broad, will go from dumb to smartest chick in the room in a second. I bet she finds out while being in Eman’s house and he has her laying in his bed or couch. She’ll go from 0 to 100 real quick!

So Andrea, Miss Virgen de Los Calzones, all "No, not now, JP. When I do this (lose my virgen card), I want it to be for luurrrve with a man who luurrrrves me and only me!"

JP: You're right, this is not the time. Besides, I'm still in love with Bela. "

Andrea: Yes, I'm restarting my life, I'm not in a rush. And you still love Bela.

Both: Kiss, kiss, slurp, slurp (as they strip each other). Done deal!

Anon 1:27, thanks for showing how stupid JP and Andrea made themselves look! And now Andrea is all butt hurt because JP didn’t answer his phone while he was fighting off all those goons. Blech!

Thanks, Rgv Chick. Great title and recap. I was on pins & needles about Mike. Glad he got out alive but wished they'd done more with Hugo. Last night he was just a mystery man coming out of the blue to the rescue. I'm still suspicious of Ric. Just coincidence he locked up Simon at the same time his buddy JP could've used a hand helping Bella? I think not.


RGV Chick...Love the picture of your cats lounging on the hammocks. They clearly have a very good life with you. We are still running a kitty hospice hotel here and Kizzie is hanging in there. Not great, but still can run around (briefly) and gets in maximum lap time with the three humans living here at the moment.

Hope the carnage with Bela y Bestias wraps up soon so I can rejoin you all for Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia. In the meantime, watching Corazón que Miente with Jarifa, Doris and Blue Lass and watching (solo con mi alma) Rubi on Netflix. Such a gorgeous, but nasty lady. Kind of depressing but fascinating at the same time.

JudyBeeee! So nice to hear from you and glad to know that Kizzie is still with you. Not sure how much longer this show will last but I’m looking forward to Mas Familia too.

You are missed!

Hey yall,Iwas suppose to get back after ths son came up. Haa a busy day.

This episode was really good. Finally
Lived up to its name more than ever.
Loved bela twisting The henchman hand.
I wonder if the senator had him shot for lettin a skinny lil lass like bela twist his bigo man hand. Iggy would have shot him and laughed.Sick bastard .
Stuffin food in His wife's mouth. That's no way to treat the little woman whose been puttin up with your
Cheatin ass all these years.

I think Andrea was callin hopeing jp would answer then she'd know he was still alive. She looked like she was about to loose her mine worrying about him. But he was busy stoppin the guys.

There was only one endgame for ignasty
That was death. He was Loosing his mine anyway. He thought he was really indestructible. So does the senator &
Eman it seems.

Ok let's see the continue saga of bela
Kick In the beast ads.

Thank you Ms Chick. Girl you can whip up a story.


They just announced that Mi Marido Tiene Mas Familia will start on Tuesday, September 11th; so this show will end on Sept. 10th!!!

OMGosh!! Only 6 more episodes to go! If this show was originally 80 episodes that means that Univision cut it down to 67 episodes. &%$#&IDIOTS!!


They did that because the show was a failure, they want as much success as possible so they want Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia on air asap. The show was good in the beginning and the middle but ever since they killed The Colombian guy, the show has been too predictable and too rushed. It was a good show but I felt like the role didn't suit the main protagonist well but that's just me

Bela_Ep_61 Maybe Put it on FaceBook Bela

Bela and Senator. Senator asks Bela to be brief because he has to work. Since When? First any of us have heard of it. Bela asks that he release JP…all he has to do is pick up the phone and give the order. Senator tells her he does have that power over people, but he is not going to help her

Ric tells Simon that internal affairs is investigating whether he was telling the truth and determine whether he can be reinstated. It will take months to complete. Simon thanks him for the opportunity, but he is still out of a job.

Mike and Pene and a full Comeback gym. Their ad finally hit Facebook or something?. They are wrestling and Simon shows up. Mike gets up off of Pene and asks what they are looking at…they are only exercising. Simon tells them he wants to finish off the Senator and wants them to join him.

Ric and Eman now Eman tells Ric that he shouldn't have locked up JP…he shouldn't have succumbed to the Senator's threats. Eman tells Ric that JP is his best man...the solution is in his hands.

Senator's soon to be dead or ex wife Grace goes to Senator's office and tells him they can't continue pretending to be the happy couple. He tells her she has everything like a queen. Grace laughs and tells him she is tired of the abuse and insults. She asks for a divorce.

They are interrogating JP now regarding the murder of Ignacio. They swear him in. Ric tries to start the interrogation but then tells the agent that this is a farce...they know that JP is innocent so Ric releases him.

JP rushes out to a waiting Andrea who covers him with kisses right there at work. Where is the #MeToo crowd when you need them? Bel is on her way in. Andrea is happy happy happy! They kissy-kissy. JP thinks that the boss is acting oddly. JP slows Andrea down and she agrees to leave the intimacy for later.. Bela walks up and sees them kissing. Later, Bela goes to the gym and wigs out on a punching bag she must have secretly named Andrea Bitch. Pene asks what is going on so Bela tells her she saw JP kissing Andrea--she has lost JP forever.
Ed. Notes: Hopping last night didn't count or what? Do you get one freebie or something?

JP worries that his boss let him go free. Andrea points out that she was never in agreement that JP be put in jail. JP tells her that Ric is now in jeopardy of being dismissed.

We see Sen calling Ric as his pisstivity is qute high now…Ric tells Senator that he released JP because they didn't have any evidence against him. They don't have evidence against Bela either. Senator asks who killed Ig then, but Ric doesn't know. Senator calls him useless and tells him his time is up.

Simon asks Mike when they will believe him. What does he have to do? Mike asks Simon how he can know if he is still working with the Senator. Simon tells him to ask him to do anything to prove he is telling the truth.



Simon drops in to see Senator at his ? work ?. Gloria, the secretary, comes in and tells Senator he has a visitor...a fed. Senator doesn’t want to see anyone, but Simon comes in and tells him that he did his job and now he just dropped him. Senator pretends not to know him; and when Simon reminds him of their ride and the money he was given, the Senator tells him that he is making everything up. Simon threatens that he doesn’t care how powerful he is, he will unmask him. Senator tells him that he can’t accuse him of anything and neither can the feds…the only one who question and accuse him is the Senate.

Emi and Eman at his house Emi wants to start planning the wedding. Eman asks if she knows what kind of wedding she wants. Emi wants a small wedding. Eman whispers that he can't wait till she is his (dead?) wife.

Sen at home with soon to be exwife in bed. She tells she was interviewed and she made him look exemplary; though she could have burned him; so he tells her to just try. He reminds her that she is his wife and they have to be seen as a perfect couple. Every man who wants to get to the presidency must have a perfect, stable marriage and that is what they will have.

Bela is at home obsessing over JP, looking at pics on her tablet as he rings her doorbell.

Andrea is looking around while she is alone at JP's place. She sees the beast bulletin board.

JP asks if Bela is OK as she looks as if she has been crying. Bela says she is okay. JP wants to propose something. He can make the Senator fall tomorrow. He wants her to give up the video...not to the public but to his colleagues and the Senate. Bela says that it is her only evidence and she still doesn’t know who the shadow is. Oh Bela..... JP tells her tha all the pieces will fall in place and they will target the shadow next.

Senator is a domestic abuser. Sen thanks someone for a favor. Grace asks if he was talking to the president, but he tells her she shouldn't be listening in on his conversations He tells her that after he is President they can go their separate ways. Grabs her and almost chokes her.

Bela, Pene, and Mike talk and Pene asks if Bela is going to agree to JP's proposal. Mike thinks it's a good idea to give the video to the Senate…and they will be done with it. Bela won't quit until she finds the shadow. Mike agrees...that is why she should listen to JP..

JP is now home with his other wife. Andrea didn't think he was going to take so long. JP tells her he had to explain everything to Bela. He asks why she is angry. (And looks so greenish like) So she asks him why he is still pursuing Bela's objectives. JP tells her that he made a promise to Bela and he will fulfill it because he wants to and because it's his job. Andrea is not sure if it is truly because it is his job or he wants to impress her or if he wants to make up for his father killing her parents.

The Evil Senator Beast unexpectedly drops in to see Ric at work. The Evil Beast Senator tells him he doesn't like that Ig's case is not going anywhere and adds that Ric doesn't have to lift one finger on that case anymore. He wants him to get the phone as the Secretary is on the phone. Ric tells him he will do as he says. Ric cusses at Senator. Senator tells him not to blame him; it is now the Secretary that wants JP's head. Senator tells him to answer the next call, but Ric refuses. The secretary comes in and tells Ric that the call he refused was from the President. What's Trump doing in this?

Wife #2 Bela who is at the Gym calls JP as Wife #1 hangs on his side and listens to every word…and Bela mentions that Simon helped her come to a decision and Simon wants to help. JP wonders what Simon has to do with all this since Simon was dismissed and can't help because he is a civilian, but Bela insists and tells him Simon agrees with his plan…she is going to turn over the video on 2 conditions: 1) that they go together to turn over the video and 2) that they show the video to her godfather to see what he thinks.


Emi and Eman at lunch, how sweet. Emi spots the Evil Beast Senator's wife. She wonders how Grace can live with a man like that. Eman tells Emi that both are invited to the wedding since the Senator is her associate. After Emi tells him tha is is important that JP think that the Senator is not her associate, she asks about his family…he never talks about them. Eman avoids the question and tells Emi they will only have a civil service.

Meanwhile back at popo hqtrs, Ric throws Evil Beast Senator out of his office. Ric tells Sen that the country is how it is because of him and people like him ...a pig. Ric accuses him that they are all murderers, but Sen tells him he has no evidence. Senator tells him he was warned.

Bela tells Eman that she has something JP gave her years ago....evidence of those who had her parents killed. She shows him the video and Eman recognizes all of them, except the shadow. Bela tells him that JP and she have discussed it at length and they have decided to turn it over to the Senate.

JP and Bela go to the Senate leader. He asks where they got it so Bela tells him about the meeting room. The Senate Leader then tells them that this can have very severe consequences, Bela tells him that they just want to stop Abelardo and make sure he doesn’t get to be president.
Ric gives his farewell speech to his employees.

Senator talks to Senate Leader (SL) and asks why there is a meeting. SL tells him that he should know that he is in deep doodoo.

Bela watches as JP packs up his things from his desk, she feels bad that they have suffered the consequences. When Bela asks JP what is next. JP tells her that he will file a complaint for unlawful termination…and if nothing is done with the video within 15 days, then they will release it to the media. Andrea arrives and kisses JP then asks why he is packing his things. Did they fire him....I guess so!

Bela tells Pene and Mike that Ric, JP, and Simon were all fired. Pene suggests that they need to focus on the shadow, but then she says they need to help Ric, JP, and Simon…since they are jobless.

Bela at Eman's house and Bela asks Eman to hire the 3 men. Eman gives her reasons why he can't hire any of them, but Bela asks him to think about it. Eman agrees and then asks Bela why she hadn't told him about the video before now.

Emi, Andrea, and JP are drinking and talking about being unemployed. Emi tells then she is also unemployed because she returned the shares.

Grace asks if he had a bad day...she wants him to relax and be calm. Senator tells her he knows how she calm him and make him feel better. Senator attacks Grace like he wants to kill her.

Three point two

Bela talks to Alicia and hubby. (Maria's parents) She tells them about what she has found out.

Eman goes to invite his mother and Chucho to his wedding. Eman also talks to Chucho, the little boy, and tells him he will be attending his wedding.

The Senator and the high muckity mucks discuss the video. Senator tells the group that he is there to convince them that what they are about to see is a lie…something someone fabricated to destroy his chance of being president. The Senators watch the video and Abel tells them that this is a farce to destroy his candidacy, but Senate Leader tells him that the video clearly shows that he is involved in the murder of a federal agent.


Could the boy be emanuels son? 7-8 yr old?

Anon 12:00, the boy referred to Eman as Don Emanuel implying that there is no relation, BUT the boy may not know that they are related...which brings up the question...could Eman have waited to kill Maria after she delivered her baby?!! That possibility was discussed way back when...

Most likely, what a confusing character, actor is doing a great job portraying the two sides of this character which are very different

RGV Chick: The Senator (Latino OJ Simpson) upping the ante against Grace & I guarantee you that she is DEAD!

Looks like the little boy is Emanuel's kid. Where are Maria's parents ? Did Emanuel kill them too ?

Kirby: Ricardo got fired from the Mexican Federal Police. JP gets fired AGAIN!

Simon, well he's still an asshole.

No Marías mom legit came out in last nights episode lmao

Kirby, thank you for your well written, informative recap.

"Senator's soon to be dead or ex wife Grace", "his pisstivity is qute high now" and "Eman whispers that he can't wait till she is his (dead?) wife" were among many favorites.

This was a bit of a let down after Thursday's action packed, exciting installment. Now that we know there are few episodes left, the shearing scissors are in full throttle.

I thought right away the boy is Em's son. He tossed Maria away like garbage but not his son. As you noted Rgv Chick, that theory was one we discussed early on. I was wrong and thought the child was lost. But, I'm sure he does not know Em is his father.

Think this is proof positive Simon is on the straight and narrow. And the shadow of the doubt that Ric may be tainted has faded.

I'm still frustrated that Mike has been on such a short leash. That is when he is let out at all. He and Pene in the gym was combustible, even the patrons stopped to watch. Sigh.

But so frustrating that no one has any inkling who Eman is. No matter that all the good forces have come together. If they can't ID the evil in their midst, they can't focus on bringing him down.

So happy that Kizzie is with you Judy and is happily being spoiled and pampered.

Kirby, another great outing and naturally, another fabulous avatar. Thank you.


Feeding the homeless.-------------------------------------------------> > > >

Thank you, Kirby.

"Senator's soon to be dead or ex wife Grace" - hopefully soon to be widow.

"Bela goes to the gym and wigs out on a punching bag she must have secretly named Andrea Bitch"

"Andrea is looking around while she is alone at JP's place" - she appears to have moved in.

When JP was packing and talking to Bela, arrived Andrea. Noticing the warm moment between them she marked territory by kissing JP in front of Bela. The message certainly reached Bela as she throwed her picture with JP in the box and walked away.

Andrea made herself at home at JP's. She cooks. For Emi's visit she made patacones (fried plantain) and cooked meat. Quite the hostess.

Anon 12:00, Rgv Chick, Diana, I am sure Chucho is Emanuel's son. That is also why Maria's parents were brought back.

Just 6 episodes to bring down the Senator and Eman? Feel cheated. And to think they spent a dozen episodes on Ant or on Horacio.

Rodrigo isn't Maria's dad, he's her grandpa. Or her moms father to say

Loved this episode for many reasons actually. Mainly because JP and Bella smartened up to work together and bother the Senator with this video by taking it to the senate’s office, it’s so far the best and smartest approach they’ve taken with any of the beasts, and yeah JP, Simon and Ricardo lost their jobs but it’s worth the sacrifice if this video takes down the Senator. As I have predicted, he will not be killed, he’ll be kept alive and taken into custody where he will be forced to speak and reveal who the shadow is in the video. Killing him would get JP, Ricardo, and Simon into future trouble and they are to never see their job again as his death would be politicized now that the Senate knows who handed in the video and that his murder would’ve been revenge from Bella/JP.

They sure seem to be hyping up and making a big deal of Eman’s wedding with Emília as he got lots of screen time last night even visiting his mother and little boy who appears to be his son. So it’s quite obvious the wedding is being set up for quite a huge surprise that will be revealed that no one will see coming. My money is on Maria appearing out of no where and unmasking who Eman is and that he’s the little boys father, and that she had a relationship with Eman. Emília will call off the wedding and they don’t get married!

Either way, shenanigans is going down at this wedding! That’s for sure. They’re not gonna bring Eman’s Family into this without a purpose. And Marias Family finally returning on screen too is a major hint.

Look out!

Thanks, Kirby!

Also another reason I loved the episode; because it was much like watching a thriller movie about evil corrupt government, a legal battle between the good guys in government vs the bad guys. And it’s also what happens in reality; people getting fired, losing their jobs, politics interfering with peoples lives, accusations and allegations popping up during Election time. Much like our current President Donald Trump! Hahaha.

I’m not sure about people on here forgiving Andrea. I think she’s slowly turning back to the dark side again. Slowly getting jealous of JP and Bella again, interrupting their moments together, being frustrated with JP over his mission to take down the beasts together with Bella...she might be the one that rats out Bellas friends to the Senator now that I think of it! Just remember he had always said if she needs him, he’d be there for her. That still will mean something significant later on!

Emanuel is just playing chess right now and of the pieces are coming together for a checkmate. Plus no one is going to get jailed they're all going to die, the boy is most likely emanuels son but Maria is dead for sure. Most likely going to go into custody of Maria's family after all of this is over. But for now Emanuel and Emilia get married as well as JP and Belas plan of showing the vid to the senate fails, as seen in the avance for Monday. As for Andrea she's just jealous and knows perfectly that jp will never love her

Not sure about JP and Bellas plan failing. It’ll be a long process for them to succeed with it and there will be struggles, but you will see how the Senator falls and gets arrested. There is no other proof they’ll have to unmask the shadow without the Senator’s word/confession.


Andrea’s jealousy and knowledge that JP still loves Bella will drive her insane and want revenge on Bella. She’s gonna become a rat for the Senator. Bank on it!

Remember....who was the one that originally went to the Senator to ask if he knew about the name Isabella Leon when she was stalking her?? ;) her motives were evil!

Nah if andrea wanted to do that she would've done it already, and the senator doesn't need to be jailed to get that info out of him same thing that happened with Ignacio, the writers made it specifically so that every beast would die. The show was a failure so they would want to have a happy cliche ending where evil loses.

I’m not getting how we can guarantee for sure that every beast is written off to die in this TN. We are down to the most powerful two, in an ideal and logical world, it would not be a smart thing to kill or get the Senator killed when he has so much power and information that they would like to have. But this is a novela so of course it wouldn’t be picture perfect and they would make fantasy scenarios pretend to make sense.

However, I’m following facts and going by the obvious, the Senate know who Bella and JP are now and what this Senator did to Bellas father. They know Armando was JPs father. They know they had this video. If the Senator gets killed, you understand they’re the first two suspects immediately right? Their names are everywhere now! This is a different animal....he’s a public and political figure.

Good day, Patio! and thank you, Kirby, for an excellent retelling of last night's events.

Lucas, I agree it was a good episode and it would have been better if it hadn't been so choppy. I felt like they were just jumping around from scene to scene making sure that only the most important parts were shown and letting viewerville figure out the rest. Diana, "Now that we know there are few episodes left, the shearing scissors are in full throttle." I sure hope they leave the last few episodes in tact as they historically have. This story was so good at the beginning...maybe if Univision hadn't cut out so much people wouldn't have lost interest or have been disappointed by the rest of the show....they really slaughtered this one!

Diana, "I'm still frustrated that Mike has been on such a short leash." Me too! I think that was one character that could have brought so much more to the show.

Lucio, "Andrea made herself at home at JP's." She sure did! She'll probably go "fatal attraction" on JP.

Lucas, ITA with all your comments. In regards to Maria, I don't think she is alive, but I'm wondering if someone will somehow figure out that Chucho is her son...maybe a birthmark or some type of medallion that she would wear.

The Senator was so pompous; I almost cheered when the Senate Leader told him that the video definitely showed that he was a implicated ina murder. My only fear is that he is going to go take it out on is wife.

That wedding sure will be interesting!

RGV, do you also agree with my thoughts on Andrea?

And I don’t know how else Chucho will be revealed as Eman’s son other than Maria herself. Unless Eman’s mother knows his entire secret and, out of her feeling guilty hiding the truth, she finally confesses it all!

Remember, Emília said why hadn’t he he ever talked about his family with her? That could be why. The mother is nothing like Eman!

Emanuel probably reveals it himself, Maria is long gone she would be the only other person to expose him so he wouldn't leave her alive, and every person dies because even when they were supposed to be jailed they still somehow died. No one will survive, I bet his wife or Emanuel kill him who knows but he's gonna die 100%. As for Emanuel Bela probably finishes him off herself.

The only two people left who are alive that we know of for sure that can expose Emanuel with solid proof against him are

The Senator and Emília.

I would find it hard to believe they both die before being able to expose Eman, because then there’s no way he will ever admit to anything himself and JP/Bella have no clue. This is why at least one of them has to be kept alive and I’m betting it’ll be the Senator. Just my opinion.


Thanks, Kirby. Senator's soon to be dead or ex wife Grace -- Yikes, I guess the spouses of the beasts never compared notes on how dangerous it is to announce you want a divorce.

Ric, JP, Simon all fired. Oh no, but I'm glad Ric isn't dirty.

Shocker. Comeback gym has customers! And Mike and Pene forget and make hoochie-coochie in the ring. lol

Andrea never had a loving family or friends, just that sick Ant. Now she's got nice JP, but no friends, no outside interests, no job. She's gonna cling to him for all he's worth, but I hope she doesn't go evil.

So Eman did wait until Maria gave birth before killing her. No words for how low he is. Rgv Chick and Diana, I remember you two predicting this. The writers sure waited a long time for this revelation. Now that he's got a son, I can see Eman even more throwing Bella under the bus.

I think I'm not being clear enough, the senator will die but he'll probably expose Emanuel before he does. Just like how Bela tried to do with Antonio and Cristina, she tried to get the info out but they didn't confess but they died anyways, that's just how the story was written. There's no other way that Emanuel can be exposed maybe Emilia after they get married and she goes through this stuff or something but I don't think she will die. All the beasts will die 100% why keep them alive? If she wanted them jailed she would've allowed Jp to do it, she wants them all dead.

Lucas,I agree that Andrea is turning to the dark side; in fact, I think she has always been there. She waits patiently and when she sees an opportunity she may not be a fatal blow but those small strikes add up. Will she go to the Senator? Quite a last resort.

I didn’t think Emilia will die. JP has already lost both parents; i don’t think the wroter’s would eliminate his only surviving family. The Senator might die in the end...possibly suicide.

I don’t think Eman would tell his mother who the boy’s mother is....and Maria never told anyone other than Bela that she was pregnant, but never revealed who the father was. Eman will have to reveal it to someone...maybe a death confession??

Niecie we don't know for sure that Eman waited for Maria to give birth, but the polls are running heavily in favor of it.
At the time they showed some pretty convincing scenes of him burying someone, but it could be a smokescreen to throw us off, as these TNs N E V E R put a timeline down on things like that.

Choochoo will maybe be in some kind of medical situation and they will discover he has vampire blood and the only other person who can donate will obvio be Eman.

Thank you, kirby.

As ususal, I surfed in and out, and the one time I surfed in, I saw Chuchu!! Secret son!!! Somebody here predicted a long time ago when we were all younger that heartless Evileman killed Maria but saved his son. I wonder what the final dead count will be. I am ready to move on to a show with cheaters and liars and womanizer instead of killers and crazies. This show has been too dark and depraved for me.

Lucas: Maria is DEAD! Big question is whether Emanuel has Marine Mike & Penelope whacked ?

On Grace: she's all but DEAD once the Senator beats her to death.

Diana: Let's not rule out the possibility of Emanuel killing Isabella in the Gran Final.

We've seen Protagonists die in TV Shows before.

I think the wedding is going to be eventful, because of Chucho, presumably the son of Maria and Emanuel.
Given that:
1. Bela is the only person that knows that Maria was pregnant.
2. Emanuel told Emilia that he had a girlfriend named Maria who was pregnant and was 18 years old.
3. Emanuel's mother was probably told that Chucho is Eman's son from some girlfriend that abandoned him.
I imagine, at the wedding, Bella is chatting to Eman's mother, and Emilia is standing nearby. Bela says, what a cute boy Chucho is, is it your son? And Eman's mother lets it slip that it is her grandson. Eman's girlfriend abandoned him. Emi hears that and adds, it must be Maria, the pregnant girlfriend Eman told her about, the 18 year old. And here, it just strikes Bela and she connects the dots, does the math and it all adds up!

Lunió: I think you got it right! That’s the best scenario so far! Holy crap!

Lucio*** sorry

Good Recap Kirby.Enjoyed all the ideas
About Everybody. Fer sure the evil sen
ator will meet his end. Be it bela or
Jp, or Eman. He's going out but not before he sings like a bird and it will Go diamond(those of you that do not know about going diamond: you got your gold, you got your platnium, and then there's diamond,You'er the best on the planet then).Adele went diamond this Year or last year. Anyways thats what I heard from Wendy Williams.And I
Said diamond cuz he hates bela and he
Would like nothin more than to totally
Destroy eman in her eyes. And hon that
Would do it. Now he may be the beast to stay alive for awhile but somebody
Gonna take his hide out. Be it at the
Shipwreck wedding of the century or at
Somebody's house, he's leaving here.

As for his wife, he beats her up lies
And says she took a tumble down the stairs, you know, that old standby, I
Tripped over my tripper & tripped and fell. Or the door hit her(his fist).

As for andrea, cuz with her I just think it's a case of crushing on jp.
He's her first, so she's clingy. Also
I saw her lookin at that board in jp's
Room, was that a picture of Eman she
Was lookin at. What if she makes a connection and say, she goes and talks to the senator for imfo, and finds out somethin? She was with ant for a long while. She could have seen, or heard
Something. Just don't think shes all that useless. Hope she dont get killed
Just walks away with a broken heart.

I thought that Little ChooChoo could be Eman Jr. also. Sounds like what he'd do, keep momma somewhere till she
Gives birth, then kills her as cold blooded as he can. I think bela might be the one to take him out. And OMG U
Show the tape to goddaddy? Well she do
Not know he's a crook yet. But doin that, their in danger.

Glad Simon's not a crook. What's goin
On with RIC? He's just angry with the system. Thats understandable, I don't think he's a crook tho. Alot of stuff is Gonna go down in these last few nights of murderous mayhem.

Thank you kirby, good stuff.

Lucio.... should be a telenovela writer. That would be a great scene, but are these writers that clever? ..probably not !

Nina: I could see Emanuel upping the ante even further by whacking Marine Mike & Penelope (both are still in danger).

The little kid has no clue that his Daddy whacked his biological Mommy.

Lucio: Something tells me we might see the Protagonista die in the end. I mean we've seen it happen in other TV Dramas.

Susanlynn: Emilia is still STUPID & cam somebody please do everybody a BIGLY favor by killing Andrea, who is boring & a liability.

Plus, I think the Senator kills Grace soon based on the constant violent beatings.

Good Sunday Morning, Patio Pals!!

Lucas, I had completely forgotten about Eman telling Emi about Maria. If I recall correctly he told Emi that Maria had gotten pregnant by a friend of his, but the guy split; so Eman offered to help out Maria and ended up falling in love with. The Maria broke his black heart when she left him to go to the USA with the baby's father...and he never saw her again. I really don't think Eman would have told his mother that Chucho is his son (if he actually is his son), but I can see where the ladies may start talking to each other and comparing info to deduce that Eman was involved with Maria.

Kirby, your scenario is a TN classic. I would buy that with a little twist to it...Chucho will maybe have a medical situation, but he has a rare type of blood that he inherited from his MOTHER. Eman might take a blood test to see if he can donate whatever Chucho needs, and the test will show he is the father, but his blood is not compatible to Chucho's; so Eman may be forced to ask Alicia or Rodrigo to get tested so that they can donate blood or an organ.

Whatever the scenario will be, it'll happen in the next six episodes...un-freakin-believable.

Have a wonderful day!!

Oh and there is one more person who could expose Eman...Andrea! She knew about Ant's involvement in ordering Bela's father to be killed; so she must know that Eman was another of Ant's associates. If JP shows her the video, she might be the one to expose the SHADOW.

Oooo. I barely slipped in under the wire and can still say Good Morning.

The next time Chucho is on, look closely. If he already needs a shave by 10 AM, there is no question.

And one more thing this morning: How many of us, shown a picture of a Mom, Father, sibling, or child from the back could not pick him/her out? The general body build, hair color and style, posture?

Remember the picture from Eman's secret box, so Bela has known him since her birth pretty much. Where's her Spidey Sense? Is it just too preposterous to her? Like too familiar?

News Flash ! It hasn't rained here for a whole 24 hours !

And By The Way, would Andrea do ANYTHING which would not stand a good chance of getting Bela killed?

A belated "Thank You" to all who have written summaries and commented.
Logistics have prevented me from responding. Overall, I have enjoyed this and like the two main characters. But the extended violence and over dwelling on the last two beasts taken down were absolutely over the top, gruesome and depressing.

I missed a few episodes and need clarification if someone has time to do this for me.

1. I do not know the background stories of Mike and Penelope and don't know why
they made such a strong commitment to Bela.

2. I do not remember anything about Maria.

Many thanks,


Kirby, "Remember the picture from Eman's secret box, so Bela has known him since her birth pretty much. Where's her Spidey Sense?" Exactly! The shadow should have been identified eons ago...and if not by Bela, by JP, the fed agent who never could...unless virginity was involved...teehee..

Thanks for the tips about upcoming productions. I was one of those who loved
Luis Ernesto Franco en Bajo el mismo cielo. Fabulous acting!! and very cute too.


!. Bela met Pene and Mike when she was sent to a foster group home in the USA. Bela didn't hit it off very well with Pene until she stood up for Pene after an altercation. Mike devoted his time at the foster home by training the young men at a gym which Bela found while whe was walking around. Pene, who seemed to already have a good platonic relationship with Mike, talked him into allowing Bela to train at his gym. As time passed, the three became close enough that Bela shared her story with them. When Bela was old enough to return to Mexico to avenge her parents, Pene insisted on coming with her since she also wanted to seek vengeance on her stepfather who abused her as a child. Mike came along because he didn't really have any reason to stay and he regarded the girls as his family; so he wanted to look out for the girls.

2. Maria was Bela's BFF from high school. Maria confided in Bela that she had been hiding her pregnancy, but she never told Bela who the father (Eman) was. One day, Bela, Maria,and Bela's mom went shopping. As they were leaving, Bela's mom realized she had left her credit card at a store; so Bela went to get it. While gone, Castor and Nestor (two of the beast's goons) nabbed Bela's mom and Maria, but Bela's mom started screaming so Castor killed her. They took Maria thinking that she was Bela.

"unless virginity was involved...teehee.."

Remember, that is how Bela managed to get in his Duluths too. He hasn't killed many scumbags, but on virgins he is two for two.

Rgv Chick,

Thanks for the background info. I missed a significant part of the story.

Most appreciatively,


Kirby I don't think she'd go that far.
Even tho she wants jp I think there's still gratitude there for bela saving her Virginal life. She just wants the Fed To Show her more effection.

I think y'all sent the rain up here Kirby.
We've been getting it on and off all morning. It should be starting up again shortly.

Yeah NiNa I spoke too soon.

Out of nowhere, dark outside, black sky, BOOM, lightning, rain.

You know the drill. The weather in FloriDuh can change between walking from the mailbox to the house.

Oh well, lawn is happy.

Steve: There has to be at least ONE person alive at the end to throw dirt in everybody's graves.

Thanks Kirby....maybe this telenovela wasn’t too popular in Mexico cause it was too close to Reality....

just a small detail..when Bella and JP showed the video to Eman..he asked why she had not shown it to him before.....I think she might have suspect he is La Sombra.......Elsa

Madame E! I don't think bel has a clue
Who goddaddy is, but it's gonna break
Her Heart when she finds out he's the one that cleared The way for them to slaughter her family.

I was at the beach earlier Kirby and
People were in the water. Looks like it's about to drop some more rain. I
See know reason to run out of the ocean to get out of the rain, you're already wet. But I've actually seen people do that. Lol,funny floridians.
And tourists. :-)


Please does anyone know when Por Amar Sin Ley begins its second season???

Victoria, the only thing I’ve heard on PASL2 is that it’ll be on some time next year and that Kimberly dos Ramos will be joining the cast as a human rights attorney.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Happy Labor Day folks! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

As a way to enjoy the day off, let’s continue the discussion before tonight’s episode. If I recall correctly, on last Friday’s episode, Eman told Emília that JP and the Senator would be two of their invited guests to the wedding. And he told her to lie and pretend that she no longer works with the Senator and gave up all her shares from the casino.

But JP is no fool and neither is Bella. When they both see the Senator at their wedding, this will reveal so much to them and they’ll start to connect some pieces and get a major hint that Eman could very well be the shadow, especially even after Eman saw the video that JP and Bella has of all the beasts and them now knowing that Eman knows the Senator was involved cause they showed him the video. Could this be the other curve we will get at the wedding besides Chuchu being revealed as Eman’s son?

Will this be what sparks an investigation into Eman’s life and JP and Bela ruin the wedding due to the Senators presence?


Lucas, good points. Also, think about it. Eman is the only one they know of, anyway, who is connected to thwv Senator and the other dearly departed beasts.

Maybe any one cluethey already ahve taken alone would not implicate Emanuel, but backing up enough to see the big picture should point to him. IE: Both Bela and JP are essentially too close to see. Like can't see the forest for the trees.
Yes, Happy Labor Day.

I would almost watch PASL2 just for Kimmy 2 Ram. I wasn't finished hating her when she died on me in Vino. :-)

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Happy Labor Day, all. Too hot for a picnic on our patio, so we cooked on the grill but ate in the dining room The family has gone home , and hub is off to play golf. I am doing an Outlander season 3 marathon. Target has them on sale this week. Squeeee.

Kirby, I agree ...when you are around someone a lot,
You can usually recognize them from behind....unless you are in a telenovela.

I guess it was too close to Reality...

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