Monday, September 03, 2018

Corazón Que Miente, Week 14 (9/3/18) – Monday Kickoff: Like a Ton of Bricks

Leo and Alonso have a surprisingly undramatic talk. Alonso is still mildly belligerent and Leo still mildly self-righteous, but all in all the conversation proceeds in neutral tones. The one thing they have in common is that they both want to know the real reason Mari canceled the wedding. Leo says that it absolutely is NOT for love of him, because she is and always has been in love with Alonso.

With secondhand knowledge of a mysterious "patient" and Julio's sudden trip to the DF, Rog puts 2 and 2 together and gets 3-1/2: he busts into TOHIMC and starts kicking open doors, expecting Vallarino but finding Father Dan moments before being manhandled out by hospital security. Dem is pretty shocked to hear the news but tells him to handle it.

Carla prays in the columbarium, which is oddly evocative of a dormitory post office. She asks her daughter's urn to intercede on behalf of Ed, who's pretty messed up and drinking a lot. It's a testament to the strength of our collective beanies that this does not even seem like the weirdest thing that 's going on in Alternate Puebla. At least Flo's ashes aren't riding around on a bicycle.

Leo visits the police station to find out why he was so suddenly and mysteriously released on the fateful wedding day. He gets Zanabria, so more bricks are probably coming. Meanwhile, Preciado is out passing Dem the pistol in a dark restaurant. Can we hope Dem accidentally shoots himself? Or perhaps an expendable member of his family, like Ren or Rafi?

Julio smuggles his patient into an ambulance and relocates him to a small house nearby. Rog follows and breaks into the house, pulling the blankets off the body and finding...Chino, who he nearly throttles to death before Julio knocks him out with a brick. Sadly, he eventually wakes up and calls in to report the fiasco. Dem chews him another eyehole, provoking the most unintentionally comical line of the season: "This wouldna happened if you'd let me re-kill him!"

Sara supervises a crew of workmen installing "fiber optics" in the Ferrer mansion. Anybody else sure she's bugging the place? And maybe putting in cameras, too?

Having heard it now from both Santi and Leo, Alonso seeks a third opinion from Liso: is Mariela still in love with him? Well, DUH. Bricks take a long time to work on a blockhead, but at last we get to see his pearly-whites in an all-too-rare smile.

In a crackerjack final scene, Secre bursts in on Fab and Ren with a dramatic announcement: she's pregnant. Cara de impactada de Blue Lass, who didn't see that coming out of the left field parking lot. (Secre's real name turns out to be Luci, which is just too stupid to be acknowledged. They couldn't have called her Agatha or Yum-Yum or something marginally less confusing?) Secre says Baby Daddy better make it right, or she spills everything she knows about him to Los Moliner AND Los Ferrer. Hope he doesn't have a gun...

In other news:

- Ren climbs all over Al, but he's not responsive.

- Denise comforts Antonio over his failed fatherhood.

- Al tells Dem to stop pretending his marriage to Luci was happy.

- Leo releases Mari from their noviazgo, saying he knows her heart lies elsewhere.


Thank you, Blue Lass, for another snarky wonderful bunnycap! And you covered it all perfectly.

"Carla prays in the columbarium, which is oddly evocative of a dormitory post office." Major LOL when I read that one. ;-)

Rog continues to be the. worst. hench. man. ever.
Dem continues to complain "Dang! Good help is so hard to find!"

Yeah, I'm not buying that "fiber optics" install, either.

Cara de impactada here, too, over Luci now preggers by Fab. Oops.

Oh great, now Captcha is in on the bicycles theme. ~rolls eyes~


And what was up with Leo's hair? I so wanted him to ask Al which hair product he uses, since his did not keep falling into his face. That hand fixing his hair drove me bonkers.

Thanks, Blue Lass. Yes, the Luci thing was too stupid. That was why I referred to her as the secretary earlier.

It was quite a satisfying episode.

Sara seems to be up to no good! Excellent!

So great that Rodrigo was taken in this time. Just too bad he wasn’t injured more and arrested for trespassing.

Finally, Antonio was honest with Denise.

Good news that Leonardo has set Mariela free.


Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Blue Lass: You've really outdone yourself in this recap!

Jarifa: Wasn't surprised about Antonio being honest with Denise.

Doris: How did Mariela get set free ?

In a few words Leo told her "we're not
Novios no more, you're free". At least
That's what I got.

Blue Lass, loves yo bunycaps. You get all the good stuff.

Leo's hair needed some brill creme, or
Vitalos<<< I think I spelled that rite
They used to do commercials in the 60s
About vitalos. He needed something for
His hair problem. The guy that plays
Alonso probly found it Annoying too.

I wish they would have stripped rog &
Duck tapped him to that bed covered him and left him there. He is such an ass. I'll be happy when he gets his.
Him and that parasite demwit.

So Demwit is Gonna kill Leo and Mari?
Luci is with child. Poor baby.

Carla is praying to the urn to help ed
That urn can't help ed. He's one of those sorry men I can't stand. Grow a
Pair and man up why don't cha.

Truths are revealed, I'm liking this.
Happy for dandy Dan too.

Thank you Blue Lass.

Blue Lass, thank you for such a fantastic recap. Your wit is legendary and your recaps are always so funny!
I especially loved the following gems:

" It's a testament to the strength of our collective beanies that this does not even seem like the weirdest thing that 's going on in Alternate Puebla. At least Flo's ashes aren't riding around on a bicycle."

" Can we hope Dem accidentally shoots himself? Or perhaps an expendable member of his family, like Ren or Rafi?"

"Dem chews him another eyehole, provoking the most unintentionally comical line of the season: "This wouldna happened if you'd let me re-kill him!""

"Secre's real name turns out to be Luci, which is just too stupid to be acknowledged. They couldn't have called her Agatha or Yum-Yum or something marginally less confusing?)"

Thank you for all the laughs, it sure was a very entertaining recap!



I am so pissed off at Julio for yet again doing a half-a..ed job with Rogelio! If a crazy and violent villain with supernatural force just tried to kill someone with his bare hands and you managed to hit him on the head to actually stop the murder, you don't just hit him once and run away,letting said crazy villain to recover and have the opportunity to alert the person that commissioned the crime. Heck, the frankenmonster will probably be able to leave the crime scene as if nothing happened!

Julio is a nice guy, but if he had even one functioning brain cell, he would have hit Rog again,tied him up and called the police to alert them that he just apprehended an attempted murderer.

Moreover,Julio knew that Rog is going to come after the Padre and was expecting him. He should have gone with this information to the police and let them handle the operation or at least put a camera in the room to record what he knew was going to happen.

But maybe all this apparent stupidity it some kind of an elaborate plan to get to Demian, in which case I take back everything I said.



Irene - on the main Caray home page is a quote on the sidebar that has served me very well ---
"Just let it go, let your brain float like a canned pear half in partially-set red jello...

Julio probably knows he is in a telenovela and death by brick is not a satisfying anvil for Rog. :-). 😉

Doris <> This is a LAUGH OUT LOUD comment. Struck me as soooooo funny!!!!

Doris---- the sentence did NOT come through, perhaps because of the symbols. Here it is---
Julio probably knows he is in a telenovela

Hmmm... it is a mystery as to why it didn't show up. I can see it on my desktop PC and my tablet. Computers!

When you type brackets or greater- or less-than-signs, the system thinks it's HTML and swallows it.

I thought Amot was saying part of my post did not come thru. Thanks to Blue Lass, I understand what happened about Amot's comment getting swallowed.

Looking forward to the recap tonight. It was Must See TV! lol

I think we never had a "death by brick" in a telenovela. And Julio's reasoning is spot in :it would have been super unsatisfying for the viewerville for frankenbeast to just drop dead from a feeble little conk on the head. Being jailed for life with an "amorous" 300 pound cellmate named Big Momma or something will be a much better anvil for Rog. Or, even better, maybe he can have another accident, ending up scarred on the other side of his face and then jailed for life with a cellmate named Big Momma.



Tuesday Bunnycap: It was hoppin'!

Part 1:

-- La Secre doesn't want a baby daddy; she wants $$$. Ren is unsuccessful in blandishing more out of Al, so now what?

-- Dem shows up for work and finds Antonio in his chair. Guau! Ant has been busy in the accounts and gives him an ultimatum: sign all your shares over to me and resign, or it's la carcel. Oh, and I'm giving the shares to Mariela. Dem rages, squirms, signs, and plots revenge.

-- Rog recognizes the plates on Ed's car but is weirdly quiet about it. Of course he's not a quick thinker.

-- Santi confides the details of Dem's financial malfeasance to Sara. He feels guilty for not doing anything, but Sara tells him HE'S not the one who's going down.

-- Aaawww...Julio calls Cris "cunado." So sweet.

Part 2:

-- Ed's still sniffing around Rafi, but she tells him Rog is mas hombre than he'll ever be -- and by the way, Karla has a new squeeze.

-- Karla's lawyer (no actual squeezing going on, but give them time) brings her photographic proof of Ed's infidelity...and is she surprised!

-- Karla interrupts the Ferrer family -- minus Dem -- in the middle of dinner and deals Rafi a hefty wallop. She tries to deny everything, but pictures don't lie, so she has to cop to it. Almost every Ferrer is rendered completely speechless, which is pretty impressive. Sara finally pipes up that if Rafi doesn't tell Dem, she will.


Part 3:

-- Liso proposes to Cris, and he accepts.

-- Mari says Dan's health is too delicate for him to be questioned about what happened.

-- Rafi confesses that she stepped out on Dem, and he goes upside her head AGAIN. She is not having a good day. But then, neither is he.

Tomorrow should be another good one!

Thanks, Blue Lass.

I absolutely loved Antonio telling Demián how it was and turning the screws on him. What was he getting for his shares? The money he stole and his freedom. Bummer for him! I just hope that Antonio is not killed somehow so Denise can end up with Leonardo.

Rafaela had another hard episode but I did like her telling Ed off. If he could have done something about Rodrigo legally and put him in jail as he is offering now, then why hasn’t he? What a waste of skin.

Rafaela wiped the tears from her eyes at the dinner table with the cloth napkin but also blew her nose. Ick!

Cannot wait until tomorrow!


Thank you, Blue Lass, for another excellent bunnycap! (... and autocorrect knows "bunnycap"! What a hoot!)

Karla's slap on Rafi was most satisfying. The expressions on all the faces were ... awesome. Best scene in the episode. And Sara would sooo enjoy telling Dem, herself.

Next best scene was Ant squashing Dem like the cockroach he is.

The Ferrer family needs the kitchen towel a friend of mine has that says, "Family Drama - the gift that keeps on giving."

Thanks Blue Lass. I've been out of the loop a few days. But loved this line from Monday's recap...

Carla prays in the columbarium, which is oddly evocative of a dormitory post office.

Meditations and conversations with departed loved ones seem much more natural in a cemetery than a columbarium, but I guess you make the best of it. We've certainly had many a telenovela scene of someone weeping and wailing outside a (seeming) postal box.

This story seems to be wrapping up quickly and in a satisfying manner. So nice to have a telenovela that hasn't been over-extended.

And equally nice to have the great recapping duo of Anita and Blue Lass on the job.

Irene, wonderful to have you back on the patio. I've missed your humor and impassioned rants. Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

JudyB - I was thinking of you yesterday. Hubby came home from root canal #2 with the news that there is a third one picked up in X-ray that is small but needs dealing with muy pronto. Im starting to wonder if you two are related in a telenovela plot way. Vaya!o

Thank you for another great bunnycap, Blue Lass.

That sure was an eventful episode, especially for poor Rafie.
I don't know why, but my I never felt anything more than a mild dislike towards her, and lately, after thoroughly enjoying her mocking and humiliating Ed, I even started liking her a little bit.
And after the horrendous rape by the frankenmonster, I can't stop feeling sorry for her. She must be a very strong person to be able to normally function after such a traumatic experience and I applaud her for that, but I will never understand why didn't she just come clean with Demian to avoid being blackmailed and abused by Rog. Surely, being slapped by Dem is better then being repeatedly abused by the abomination that is Rog.
And for some reason she seems to have forgotten that she has total control over Dem.


P.S : Thank you, JudyB. The last couple of months have been very challenging, but I am well and even back to normal (which for me is ranting about telenovelas like a complete and total lunatic)


Doris, your dishtowel made me think of a throw-pillow I once saw at a friend's father's house: EAT, DRINK & REMARRY

I will probably drink unsweetened lemon juice alone in my dark and lonely corner of the patio, but I absolutely hated that Liso proposed to Cristian. Liso is a smart, noble and proactive character, but he seems to completely lack any kind of dignity as far as his relationship with Cristian is concerned. I get it, he is head over heels in love with Cris and has a very low self estime, curtesy of the insufferable Ed, but after being unceremoniously dumped just for voicing his strictly professional opinion, he should have at least let Cristian profusely apologize and fight for his forgiveness at least for a little bit before taking him back.
Instead, after being mistreated for no reason, he groveled and apologized to Cristian, as if this ridiculous break up was his fault and then, when Cris came back to apologize, he immediately took him back and even proposed!
I bet their married life will be full of one-sided "compromises", walking on eggshells as to not to upset Cris, hiding things from him because he might get upset and leave, never discussing politics, news, work, movies or anything at all just because his opinions might be different from Cris' and he might just leave...

And i need a straight jacket for ranting for an hour about a fictional telenovela relationship.


And speaking of straight jackets, here are anvils for CQM villains that my feverish mind came up with during a sleepless night:

Ed- gets disbarred and investigated by the police for the fake Salvatierra will and aiding and abetting various other crimes committed by Demian. Turns himself in and gets a plea by ratting out Demian, avoids serving jailtime but is broke and homeless because Carla got every single peso in a divorce. Is panhandling for money and being obliged to "service" a ragged old hag with rotten teeth to avoid losing his sleeping spot under a bridge.

Rafaella- discovers that she is pregnant with Rog's baby. Gives birth to quadruplets that all look just like Rog, so Demian becomes suspicious and gets a DNA test. He finds out that the quadruplets (all girls) are not his and kicks Rafie out. Rafie abandons the quadruplets at Leonardo's door. Leo finds them, names them all Mariella and takes them with him to raise in Barcelona. Social services do not object.
Pesoless and jobless, Rafie tries to get a new sugar daddy but fails miserably, even with a guy named Fulgencio, who is 93 years old but still has all of his teeth(in a jar on his nightstand).
She is forced to get a job but nobody hires her and she ends up begging Sara to hire her. Sara hires her, as a maid's assistant. Her job consists of scrubbing toilets in Sara's mansion with a tooth brush.

Demian- is given 5 consecutive life sentences. Blackmails the police chief to arrange his escape during transfer to a maximum security prison to serve his sentence. Unfortunately, the police chief assigns Rogelio the task to spring Dem free. As usual, Rog fails miserably (still the worst henchman ever):the car in which Dem is being transferred collides with a car which happens to transport vials of a mutated genetically engineered leprosy/syphilis virus because why not, the vials break and Dem is completely drenched in virus. He manages to escape, but is caught because the cops can follow the trail of body parts that he leaves. He now serves his consecutive life sentences lacking a nose,both ears and family jewels. A fellow inmate named Chicharon pays him nightly visits.



Irene, I'm sure your anvils are better than anything the writers can come up with! (Although I do detect a strong dental theme...I wonder why???)

" I do detect a strong dental theme...I wonder why???". Not that you mentioned it, Blue Lass, I wonder myself. I didn't even notice the dental theme. Maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me to visit a dentist? Probably, I am just suffering from the same affliction that plagues the writers that come up with those ridiculously and unexplainably random telenovela plots that we sometimes complain about.


Now, not not.



Well, we have been discussing our dental problems in the comments quite a bit... ;}

Yes Irene and Blue Lass...I'm going to say that Irene is psychically connected with me (two crown replacements yesterday...financially and physically painful) and Doris' long-suffering hubby with three root canals in his future.

If the rest of my health were like my teeth, I'd be dead by now!

You guys might be right, maybe it has to do with all that talk about dental problems. I am so sorry to hear about your plight, JudyB, and the suffering of Doris' husband and wish you both to finish quickly and painlessly with all the necessary treatments. Dental problems are just the worst.


Wednesday Bunnycap Part 1: Secrets Revealed!

- Antonio tells Leo he's Mari's father
- Leo tells Alonso why Mari canceled the wedding
- Mari tells Leo Dan's alive
- Dan tells Zanabria Rog & Dem are behind the deaths of Lucia and Dorte
- Rafi tells Dem she slept with Ed
- Ed tells Dem she also slept with Rog
- Preciado tells Dem there are arrest warrants out for him and Rog

Wednesday Bunnycap Part II: Threats Made Good!

- Dem resigns from Quadrum
- Santi backs up Ant's claims about Dem's malfeasance
- Ant fires Rafi
- Sara tells Rafi to be out of the house by morning
- Dem cleans out Rafi's jewel case

Thank you, Blue Lass, for your bonny mini bunnycap! I look forward to watching this tonight. #guiltypleasure

Wednesday Bunnycap Part III: Threats Still Hanging...

- Ant's investigator (clearly identified as "Roman"and NOT "Luque," so there ARE two of them after all) says the Ferrers don't have the real Renata, who has been missing for 2 years
- Rafi tries to blackmail Ren for escape money, but Ren says no one will believe anything she says anyway and gives her a nice choke (where did she learn THAT?)
- Rog pulls a pistol on Ed

Wednesday Bunnycap Part IV: And the Good News!

- Santi learns to walk really fast
- Carla has an engagement party for Liso & Cris
- The Quadrum lawyer goes to the clinic and dumps a bunch of shares in Mari's lap

Ohhhhh noes! Estoy fregado! Power outage this am that lasted all of ten seconds. Main cable DVR has to be rebooted and nobody was home. No recording of today's episode, and I was so(!) looking forward to it. Yeesh! If this happens while we are out of town for 2+ weeks next month and I is MMTMF, well, it won't be pretty.

Blue Lass funny bunnycap.

Loved the slap at dinnertime.
Rafie so deserved it. All the men she's involved with are pretty useless.

Looks like all the Anvils are a fallin.
Demwits house of cards are tumbling all around him. Love it.
Thanks Blue Lass.

Blue Lass--And Ahoy Patio Mateys. She's back--sailed in on silver wings, with the wind beneath the shiny... aw heck...stupid purple prose. I must quit it. It has me all mixed up. Hope tomorrow goes better.

Thank you, BL, for holding down your half of the fort while I was off galivanting with my family, far away where Uni doesn't reach. That was a minibunnycap with sterling qualities. Thank you.

So, I'm gone for 10 episodes and all kinds of anvils have fallen, smushing the bad folks, one by one. It was delicious catching up.

Doris--I commiserate. This has happened to me a time or two. In fact my DVR did not record CQM the first Monday I was away, but the recaps made it all come alive.

How about that Santi? From water-based exercises to walking without crutches or a cane. Miracles still happen.

After all the couples are sorted out, who is left for Leo. The ghost of Lucy.

P.S. Maybe the investigator's name was Roman Luque, but that's a never mind, it doesn't really matter any more...I'm just glad he and Antonio were around to sort out all the messes in Alternate Puebla.

Yep, Nina, it's raining anvils already. Dem's house of cards has collapsed, but good. Ant took it away from him and is sure to rebuild it.

I bet Al keeps his morals and principles in tact by not "breaking" his solemn promise to Ren. She's going to get unmasked soon.

Wonder what was wrong with Rog. He was rolling around, cringing in pain in his bed. I hope his anvil is better than just dying alone in his nasty little flop house.

Thanks for the funny bunnycap blue lass.

Did I understand you right to say that the real Renata is not there? She's been replaced by a fake Renata because the real one has been missing for 2 yrs? Wow! Ain't that a hoot.

Things are falling into place for the good guys and out of place for the bad
Guys. Goody.

I don't know what was said when Alonso
Came into the house mad as hell but he
Said somethin to fake ren and she high
Tailed it outta there.

Whatever rog took for his tummy ache it knocked him out cuz he didn't hear the phone ring or just didn't give a damn. Which is perfect either way cuz
His pardna in crime is loosin it.
Hah! Goody!

I will enjoy tomorrow's episode.
Thank you Blue Lass.


Nina, when Alonso flew in he was looking for Dem to call him out for ruining his wedding (BTW, he calls him Demián now, not Papá.) Ren said I guess you’ll be running off to see Mariela now, and he said well duh, I still need to understand what happened. Even though he didn’t break it off with Ren, she sees it coming and doesn’t like it.

Many thanks Blue Lass. So enjoyable to see the Anvil Storm hit Puebla. Am wondering if we will find out what happened to the real Renata. Doesn't look good for our missing heiress. Do you suppose we'll have a triple wedding?..Leti, Santi, Lisandro-Chris, Mariela-Alonso...wait...quadruple wedding! Antonio-Denise. Leo can be the flower boy.

REN prob learned that choke hold on her old dorm where orange is the new black.

Santi walking without aid --- It's a telenovela miracle!

Yesterday at ESL conversation, I was lamenting the dearth of decent delectable desirable telenovela galans. (Irene, your recent riotous reasonable rants were fresh on my mind.) This in our segment where she makes ME practice Spanish conversation. Caray!
The word in Spanish for these turkeys is ñangos . She said one will rarely find it written, but is used regularly in convos.


Doris--Flower boy, indeed! The tallest guy in the cast, cast as the flower boy. What a hoot! I wonder if he would wear short pants. Would he be able to keep 4 sets of rings straight?

Thank you for the Bunnycap, Blue Lass. Apart from your legendary sense of humour, you also have a great gift of summarizing. It's almost a supernatural ability to completely and comprehensively summarize such an action packed episode using only 17 very short sentences.

Doris, a propos decent delectable desirable telenovela galans, I yet again found myself wondering what the hell is wrong with the writers of this telenovela for them to allow Alonso, who is supposed to be a delectable desirable galan, to be dressed in such a horrendous pinkish-brown jacket, that looks like he borrowed it from Sara. My late grandmother had a very similar jacket (hers was a darker shade of brown) and wore it when she was in her nineties. It is clearly a female jacket! I am not sexist and men are allowed to wear pink, purple and yellow if they wish so, but for God's sake, I don't want my delectable galan to dress like a very old lady from the seventies. This specific galan already has the charisma of a slug, to dress him like a granny is a crime against humanity.

And why was Leo covered head to toe in paint like a toddler? And on his one decent looking jacket at that?!



Love the word ñangos Doris. Thanks for passing it along. We are certainly cursed with a lot of ñango's lately, but hey, gives us a legitimate excuse to rant and rave.

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