Thursday, September 06, 2018

La Bella y Las Bestias, Ep. 65, Sept. 6, 2018: Prelude to the Grand Finale

Salutations, Patio Peeps!

The Shadow and His 5 O’clock Shadow…Crooked and Heading South. The shadow is on the brink of being shaken, taken and forsaken!

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged. Feel free to add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. Comments…definitely welcome…

Where mockery, snarkery and just plain talkery abound!
Share your thoughts and your hearts, you won’t be bored!!


I'd like to see him shaken and forsaken. And it's a toss up who will Take him....down. He has murdered and screwed so many. I don't think he'll see it coming. He
Kills without mercy.
And why is his mother acting so
Suspicious. That was not a regular
Hospital where Maria died, and was murdered by the doctor. He gave her a shot and then she flat lined. That
Looked like a house bedroom. Was it
Moms house? And she's known he killt

So glad Mike and pene showed Maria's
Mom and dad a picture of their grand son. They're gonna have to steal him
Y'all know that don'tcha? I do not
Trust that lady. Emanuel didn't get screwed up by himself. I'd like to be wrong about mom, That she doesn't know her son is a cold blooded Satan
In a suit. Well 2 more nights to find out.

Was that Marcia he electrified in the bathtub with no bubbles. She
Should have ran away. These People
Arn't very smart.

If anyone was wondering If he cared about Bella we got the answer. He dont give-a-Good damn about her.

Ok I'm tired, good Night. Later!

Episode 65, Part 1: Frames and Puzzle Pieces

Simon can’t believe that Eman is the shadow and that he killed Ric. JP tells him they need to get him...for Ric, his sister, and Bela. Simon worries that they need to get evidence NOW because then Eman will always be one step ahead.

Bela knows it sounds crazy but they can’t disregard him. Pene tells Bela that Eman is the Director of Interpol and he has an impeccable reputation. Bela thinks that is more reason to suspect Eman…no one would suspect him. Bela recalls that when she was talking to Ric, he mentioned Emanuel’s name and the call was lost…it’s too many coincidences.

Emi asks Eman to close the door and asks if he killed Ric. Eman tells her to try to understand…the man had too much information and could have exposed him..and sent him to jail. Emi...that is a BIG FAT YES in case you didn't get it.

JP and Simon read the reporter’s article and discuss how clever Eman has been. JP figures that the shadow is also using Viviana, the reporter, as a pawn. Two points Sherlock.

The B Team is together as Bela reads the article and is upset that her address was published. She also implicated Simon and JP. Andrea thinks that is why they need to figure out who the shadow is. They discuss the article Viv wrote and think she is working with the shadow.

Emi reads the article and asks Eman why he has such a happy face. After Eman praises the reporter., Emi argues that the reporter is also implicating her brother. Eman tells her not to worry because that will be reports every day and this will soon be forgotten. When Emi asks if he has something to do with this, he points out that protecting himself from Bela and hurting her are two different things...Bela is his goddaughter…family is untouchable.

Simon and JP talk when the new director arrives and introduces himself as Rene Lopez.

A mob is in front of Bela's house picketing against Bela. They shout to Bela to show her face. Bela worries that Grace now knows where she lives and is going to think that she only used her. She then thinks that she needs to go to Ric’s funeral, but Pene reminds her that she will be surrounded by reporters. Bela then worries that Alicia and Rod also saw the article.

Grace goes to talk to the Lopez who gives her his condolences, but Grace tells him that everyone knew what a pig her husband was. Despite that, she wants him to open an investigation on Bela since she used her and got info from her…she talked her into exposing her husband. Wait? Where is your gratitude? A week ago you were a dead woman crawling.

Emi and Eman are at Ric’s funeral and asks JP for Bela. JP tells him that she is staying away because of the article.

Viv calls Bela who chides her for writing lies. Viv explains that her she only published a theory based on some information she was given. Bela tells her she has no evidence against her and that she is collaborating with a very dangerous criminal…one who killed her parents. Bela then warns Viv that by collaborating with that person, she has put herself in danger…he has used her and when he doesn’t needs her any more, he will dispose of her.

Episode 65, Part 2: Frames and Puzzle Pieces

Eman tells Rodrigo that he feels sorry for Bela. I'd bet if you asked Eman the day of the week he would lie. He wonders if she is upset about the article; and Rod wonders what would have happened to Bela if Eman hadn’t been there. Oh, let me make a list…

Lopez calls Eman and thanks him for helping him get the position. He has already started the investigation against Bela and wants to take JP out of it, but Eman tells him to keep him in.

Grace calls Bela and chides her for using her. Bela admits that she pretended to be someone else but that doesn’t make her a murderer. Bela assures her that she didn’t kill her husband. She actually helped her since she was his victim. Bela swears on her parent’s graves that she didn’t kill Senator, but Grace doesn’t believe her. Bela then brings up the girl who tried to kill her and tells Grace who the girl really is…she was hired to kill her. Bela points out why Senator would want her dead—he couldn’t get to the presidency as a divorced man, but he could get there as a widower. Bela also tells Grace that because of that girl her friend is paralyzed. After Grace asks how Bela is so sure her husband was responsible for her parent’s death, Bela tells her she need to meet with her to tell her. They agree to meet, but Grace warns her to not try to hurt her. Please..lady

Eman pulls in Viv to his office. and she wonders why he is treating her like a criminal. When Eman tells her she shouldn’t be there, Viv wonders why since he is her source, but Eman tells her that is exactly why. He told her he wanted to stay out of it and they cannot be seen together. Viv wants to know why he chose her.

Bela talks to Alicia and Rod. She explains how the shadow is setting her up and reminds them of the video she showed them. Bela sees a pic of Maria and notices how much she looks like Chucho. She asks if she can take a pic of it to have it as a momento. er...forensics

Eman tells Viv that she is an upcoming reporter...he just likes to give a chance to new talent. When she questions him about the assumptions he gave her, Eman tells her that it is very close to the truth. Hon, as is what Bela just told you.

Bela calls JP from Eman’s country home and whispers. She tells him that she is supposed to meet with Grace, but she is too far away. She asks him to go meet Grace and convince her that she didn’t kill Senator.

Bela sneaks over closer to Ofelia and Chucho and takes pictures of Chucho. Ofelia sees her and Isabela reminds her she is Eman’s goddaughter. To prove who she is. Bela calls Eman and tells him where she is. She is there because of the article that came out and she needed a place to get away. She only needs to stay a few days. She also mentions that she is with Ofelia and Chucho.

Episode 65, Part 3: Frames and Puzzle Pieces

Grace asks why JP is meeting with her instead of Bela. After JP explains, Grace doubts him because he was involved with Bela; so he tells Grace that he put Bela in jail and they let her go because of lack of evidence. Grace still thinks JP is in cahoots with Bela. JP explains that Bela is a good person, but she is very angry because of all the injustices in their country.

Bela tries to get info from Ofelia. Ofelia lies and tells Belas that Chucho is her son, not grandson. Bela talks to Chucho who who tells her that his mother assured him that his family will live together…and he is very lucky to have someone who loves him as if he were his son. When Bela asks who that man is. Chucho replies, “Don Emanuel.” Ha...Can't fool kids and dogs.

Grace asks about the others who have died. JP tells her that there is not one piece of evidence to incriminate Bela, but Grace knows that JP is still in love with Bela so he could be covering for her…and he should not be involved in the investigation. Wait, Grace, when did you buy a clue?

Bela continues to talk to Chucho. She admires his sweater and secretly grabs a loose hair. After Ofelia and Chucho leave, Bela puts the hair in a bag. Ofelia suddenly decides it is Chuco's bedtime and needs to take him. (To get him away from Ms. Nosy)

JP and Grace continue to talk. JP tells her this investigation shouldn’t be happening because Bela didn’t kill her husband. As a hidden mic picks up all the conversation, Grace asks who killed her husband then; so JP tells her it was one of her husband’s associates. Grace doesn’t believe it, but JP assures her that there is one who is still alive. When Grace asks who it is, JP excuses himself and leaves.

As Bela gets a sample of Ofelia’s DNA, she recalls telling Maria how pretty she will look with her baby.

Lopez listens to the recording of JP’s conversation with Grace and asks how he can make statements that Bela did not kill Senator. JP shows him the video and Lopezthinks that this just shows that Bela is truly the prime suspect for the murders.

JP and Bela talk. He asks if she thinks Maria is alive. Bela doesn’t know, but she wants to know why her godfather has kept this a secret from her.

Eman and Viv are now in an apartment. After he tells her it wasn’t Bela who killed Senator and Viv asks killed him, Eman tells her that she is talking to him right now. Don't trust people wearing gloves in midSummer in the tropics.

JP and Bela continue to discuss the possibility of Eman being the shadow. Bela thinks there are too many coincidences, but JP tells her that Lopez is using those coincidences against her. When he tells her that Lopez put a mic in Grace’s car, Bela worries that JP will get in trouble, but JP thinks that the important thing is that Grace is considering the idea that the shadow killed the Senator.

Eman grabs Viv and points a gun at her. After she tells him Bela was right…that when he finished using her, he would kill her, Eman tells her that she will do as he says.

Episode 65, Part 4: Frames and Puzzle Pieces

Bela thanks JP for all that he has done. JP tells her that Grace was right… he is in love with her...he can’t hold back anymore.

Lopez gets a call from Viv who tells him that she is in danger…Bela is after her, as Eman holds a gun to her and tells her what to say.

JP and Bela making out while she is being set up.

Lopez goes to Bela’s house and asks Pene where Bela is. After Pene tells him she isn’t there, he wants to know where she is. He tells Pene that Bela threatened a reporter who called him to report the threat. Pene tells him the reporter is a liar.

Lopez runs over to JP’s and asks for Bela. JP tells him she is not there. Oops just left for the Moon, bozo.

Eman tells Viv to take off her clothes. Viv calls him a beast and he agrees with her. He forces her to get into a full bathtub in the bathroom. Viv is panicking so Eman puts down the gun to calm her, but then turns on a blow dryer and throws it in the tub. ZZzzzzz Bye bye Viv.

Lopez thinks Bela killed Viv because Viv called him about the threat. JP tells Lopez that it wasn’t Bela because she was with him, but Lopez reminds JP that he went to his house, Bela wasn’t there. After JP tells him Bela had just left, Director thinks Bela must have gone straight to the apartment and killed Viv.

Bela reads the article about Viv’s death and how she is being implicated. Andrea notes that Viv was killed in the fed’s apartment where she had all her things.

At Eman’s office, Eman talks to JP and Simon about Bela’s dilemma. Emi is there and thinks it’s a set up. JP tells Eman that it has to be the shadow that set Bela up. Eman asks JP if they still don’t know who the shadow is and JP tells him they are working on it. When Eman says “Ok wait,” Simon and JP recall the shadow saying those same words in the video. And it is an exact duplicate.

Bela calls for the DNA results. Her look says it all…and she asks if that means that there is a blood relation between the two.

JP tells Eman that Lopez is not cooperating. When JP gets up, Eman tells him to sit down and asks how he can help.

Bela tells Pene and Mike that Chucho has a blood relation with Ofelia, but he isn’t her son…so he must be her grandson. Bela then recalls Chucho saying that Eman loved him as if he were his son…and she assumes that it’s because Eman is his bio father. Did I hear a bell?

Mike and Pene go visit Alicia and Rod…they tell her that Bela was set up. After Pene asks if they can talk to them, Pene tells them Maria was pregnant.

Simon meets with Emi and wants to talk to her about Eman. Emi assumes Simon is there to bash Eman so she gets up, but Simon stops her and tells her that Eman was an associate of Armando and one of the intellectuals behind the killing of Bela’s parents.

Alicia can’t believe that Maria was pregnant, but Rodrigo tells her to let them talk. When Mike tells them that they think the baby is alive, Rodrigo wants to see him.

Eman tells the director that they both need to go in to see Bela, but Director is afraid because Bela is dangerous. Eman calls Bela so that she will come out on her own, but Bela doesn’t answer; so Eman calls again…Bela answers…

Outstanding Rgv Chick. There is nothing that escapes your eagle eye! You always provide every detail in fascinating fashion.

"Frames and Puzzle Pieces", "Can't fool kids and dogs" and "Don't trust people wearing gloves in midSummer in the tropics" were among many favorites.

Where to start??

"Where is your gratitude? A week ago you were a dead woman crawling". OMG. Exactly! Grace KNEW her husband was going to kill her yet she stabs Bella in the back? Confounding.

"he points out that protecting himself from Bela and hurting her are two different things...Bela is his goddaughter…family is untouchable". More fuel for the burning question: Is Bella Eman's daughter? What on earth is the connection?? I do believe that he would do whatever was necessary to protect Bella. But that was early on. Things have changed.

Eman's outsize ego is something to behold. He seems to believe he is still totally in command and that he is invincible. With Lopez, he has another dispensible minion to do his dirty work. Poor Viv. I must admit I had a hard time getting past that tangerine lipstick which diverted my attention from her character's part.

Nina, I wonder if you are right about Maria meeting her end at Eman's mother's house? Her death was chilling but would be even more so if she had a hand in it. I do think the truth was staring her in the face to the point it couldn't be averted. She knew at least some of what was going on and she is culpable for that reason.

I am wondering if Emi will have a hand in her husband's downfall as well.

Bella put two and two together fairly quickly. Getting Chucho's hair sample will prove paternity beyond a shadow of doubt.

Bella is in another tight spot. What will she do???

It appears we only have one episode left - on Monday as futbol is scheduled for tonight.

Rgv Chick, thank you for another marvelous summary. You and Kirby have outdone yourselves. You've provided the events so perfectly and infused much humor and insight.

I am so appreciative!

Thank you - Diana

I have one question. Why am I seeing people say 3 more episodes left? I thought this TN had 80 episodes? Still another 14 or 15 to go, no?

Lucas, Univision went crazy with the machete on this show. They cut it down from 89 episodes to 66...and then they wonder why people got turned off :-(

Oops that should be 80 episodes down to 66. Diana is right, fútbol on tonight :-((

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Wow are you kidding me. Screw Univision! No wonder these episodes lately have been so sloppy and fast paced. I don’t know what their problem is, this was a GREAT TN with a good story. It’s their own fault it was ruined.

How the heck do they even allow that? And in one episode which will probably be one hour on Monday, we’re supposed to get the gran final and believe that Bella and JP find out all of Eman’s truths? Unbelievable. This was supposed to take time.

How come there was no advertising that the Gran Final is on Monday then?

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The only thing LooneyVision has not done YET is run it at double speed

so that Eman and JP and all sound like Alvin and the chipmunks.

I am quite outdone with those idiots.

Someone is showing off!

What a beautiful shot. Perfect for Autumn. Another for the book (photo).

Kirby, your avatars have added so much. I feel a little disappointed when I've posted before you but I always know something special is coming.


Lucas, sadly, there have been quite a few TNs who've gotten the "ax" - so to speak. La Tempestad was totally spliced and diced to the point it would have made almost as much sense to pull it rather than air the bits and pieces they did.

Also, some shows have been pulled from Prime Time and run during the day. Gancho aired 200 episodes then got yanked so those of us unable to watch during the day missed out. Corazon Salvaje was yanked and shown at midnight. That didn't stop the recappers who carried on nevertheless.

Why Uni couldn't have given us at least through next week is a mystery.


Thanks Diana.

And Thank You RGV, for an outstanding, above and beyond the call recap. Without your slaving over the details and sorting this plate of spaghetti out we would be lost. Actually, it would not be worth watching.

So Eman whacks Ric and installs his minion in place. Handy Big Boy.

I think Ofalfa knows a helluva lot more about her Grandson and Maria than anyone (in the show) suspects. Like NiNa said, was Chucho delivered there at her house? And it sure became his bedtime or whatever her excuse was, when she noticed how interested Bela was in him. BTW, sneaky Bela didn't stay long after saying she needed to hide out for a few days. How long is our memory supposed to be ? Longer than a gnat's?

Thank you, Rgv Chick.

Emi continues to float without direction, only to be used by the smarter people around her. That Eman killed Ric did not seem to bother her.

Why would they make a DNA test on Ofelia and Chucho? Alicia and Chucho is more interesting.

Just 42 minutes left to get it discovered that Emanuel is responsible for or killed
Bela's parents
JP and Emilia's parents

I’m so disappointed Kirby, RGV, and Diana. There’s no motivation left for this TN knowing it’s down to one show left. What kind of gran final is this? When was this decision even made to cut it to 66 episodes?

Kirby: I see the stupid TV Reporter got whacked by Emanuel.

Lopez is super dirty. But will the Good Guys expose his involvement in Ricardo's assassination ?

Lucio that’s exactly what I was thinking about too. Only 42 mins left to unmask Eman. Such a shame. So much for a huge and long build up to his demise.

Yeah, Steve, she was a great example of modern journalism, boobs with a microphone, and dumber than a box of rocks. No match for Eman or that hair dryer.

OT these networks are perpetually in a death match with each other for ratings, then they do stupid stuff like this. I am ready to shitcan Univision strictly over that nonstop garbage which fills the lower right quadrant of the screen. Many times that covers something crucial.

It just reinforces my suspicion that in modern organizations, people who WANT to be in charge ultimately succeed in taking over rather than the ones who are actually the most qualified to manage the enterprise. It is for sure that way in Engineering.

From yesterday:

"Yeah Mike you have been in Afghanistan you've seen hell the rest us will never see. Get your hot but up and walk".

Perfect Nina!!!! And as Niecie said last night, why would Mike take the word of doctors who pronounced him prematurely dead???

I would be able to forgive the writers quite a bit if Mike will be mobile.

Oh and that forgiveness does NOT extend to Marcia. Beyotch.


Some clue about why Uni decided to rush B&B. Telemundo premiers "Falsa identidad" on Tuesday at 9:00. Uni HAD to compete with the premier of "Mi Marido 2"

Idk what will happen with Emanuel bc that actor who plays Emanuel gave an interview yesterday saying that everything that we think will happen won't so it's like confusing? I'm guessing that Emanuel doesn't die maybe just stays in jail or something

Maybe Eman will kill everybody and then have his own show to compete with 'Laura' ?

Kirby: Do NOT rule out the possibility of Emanuel killing Marine Mike & Penelope.

Lucio: Emilia will need to die soon.

Thanks Lucio!

I saw an ad for Falsa identidad on another major network. Can't recall which one but that sort of surprised me. It looks good and if I hadn't seen Mi Familia, I'd be tempted.


Steve of course not.

Thank you, Chickie. I echo Diana to say how grateful I am to you and Kirby for all the time and effort you both put into providing the patio with recaps of this grim tale. And kirby, your photos are always a bright spot in my day.

Well , this show was in no way the classic hero's journey.

Wow. Did. Everyone.see. Bella. Put. The .single. Hair. Into. The. Plastic. Front. Of. the. window? Geez. 🔨hammer>>>>>head

Evileman...throwing that hairdryer into the shower with a smirk on his face. I need to see him get his anvil.

Good Morning, Rockin' Patio! I see everyone is on their toes early this morning...great comments and I agree with what everyone has said about the slaughter of a show that could have been one of the best crime dramas Univision has put on. So sad!

NiNa, "Looked like a house bedroom. Was it Moms house? And she's known he killed Maria?" Good eye and it could very well be that Ofelia has known all along. I agree with Kirby, "Ofalfa knows a helluva lot more about her Grandson and Maria than anyone (in the show) suspects." And remember that she told Emi that what she didn't know, she just assumed...since she knew what it had to take to get where Eman is now.

Now the one who really surprised me was Emi. She has become a murderer and now took Eman's confession about killing Ric so calmly...this after she had seemed to have changed for the better. Once she believes that Eman killed both her parent's, she will show no mercy and go after Eman just like she jumped on Senator; so Diana, she may very well have a hand in, if not cause, Eman's downfall.

Diana, "Bella put two and two together fairly quickly" Yeah,she did...she saw the similarity between an old picture of Maria and a boy she saw for a few minutes...but she couldn't recognize the back of the head of a person whom she has known and been close to for years...oh and she didn't recognize his voice either because, for the first time, they emphasized that the shadow actually spoke in the video...QTH??

BTW ADDED DETAIL. When Simon and JP were talking to Eman in his office, they told him that they were going to resign; that is when Eman said, "Oh, wait..." and they had the flashback of the video where the shadow says the exact same thing.

Lucio, I think Bela asked for the DNA test on Ofelia and Chucho because she didn't believe that Ofelia was Chucho's mother (because of her age); though she made the excuse that medicine did wonders. But now, Bela should get Alicia to go get tested...or maybe Alicia kept Maria's room in tact and there is a hairbrush somewhere in there.

Susanlynn, "Wow. Did. Everyone.see. Bella. Put. The .single. Hair. Into. The. Plastic. Front. Of. the. window?" So do you think the directors wanted to make sure we got that? LOL

I am as dismayed and disappointed as everyone about how they slaughtered this show. Diana, I would have preferred that LooneyV air the show at a later time than have them chop it up the way they did.

Kirby, I agree with Diana on one more thing...exceptional shot and it IS album-worthy :-)


Thanks. A little background. The two birds are Sandhill Cranes. Big ole tall things maybe four feet tall when standing. Anyway, they do a courtship dance where they actually 'dance' together by lightly jumping around as they face each other and extending their wings. If you Google 'Sandhill Cranes mating dance' you will get tons of videos. That is what these were doing.

Ha!! Let's dance !!

I think bela did that DNA Test to rule out ofalfa being the moma. When she said hes her kid,I thought incest? No
He's a sicko but that sick?

Viv should not have went back to see
Eman after what bela told her"when he
Is done with you he will dispose of you. Well she now knows, she got fried in a tub of water. And she remembered
What bela told her. To late.

Kirby the photos are beaitiful. I saw
One of that beautiful eagle with his head down, like he was thinkin "viv walked right into that, humans are so stupid".
I like seeing those courtship dances
The birds do.They are funny.You should
See the one the flamingos do, looms like they are skidding on water. It's very beautiful but funny lookin.

No show tonight.I'll find something,oh
Yeah hallmark. Maybe.

"I saw One of that beautiful eagle with his head down, like he was thinkin "viv walked right into that, humans are so stupid". Nina, you always make me smile. Smart bird isn't he??

Disappointed this isn't on tonight.

Guess Monday will come soon enough.


"FALSA IDENTIDAD" is on Telemundo.

Diana: Will the Gran Final be 2 full HRS ?

Kirby: I'm suspecting Lopez won't get his anvil since he was COMPLICIT in Ricardo's assassination & getting his job at the Mexican Federal Police.

Nina: Maury Povich knows that Emanuel is the Baby Daddy. That kid might have the evil genes when he gets older....

I'm wondering if Univision brings it back for a 2nd Season ?

Susanlynn: Emilia will find out too late about Emanuel, who'll then whack her if she finds out he whacked her parents.

RGV Chick: Ofelia needs her anvil too.

Tyler Perry's "The Psychopath Interpol Director".

I was surprised emi wasn't Apalled at
Killin somebody. She fit right in. After all her pops was a cold blooded killer. She got the gene. Jp is more like mom. Emanuel and emilia might kill each other. I would not be surprised.

NiNa remember Emi had her own litttle drug distribution business going in her casino long ago.

So you are right, she has the gene, with her being like Pop and JP more like their Mom.
Back then. she was Papa's little princess, wrecking cars and him bailing her out and all, so she is not as sweet and innocent as she has appeared lately. Being young and stupid does not mean that you are not evil.

Happy weekend, Patio Peeps!

Thanks, Rgv Chick. Terrific recap. My hands-down favorite: Don't trust people wearing gloves in midSummer in the tropics

I am bummed that we’re getting cheated out of a nice closing, not even a two-hour finale. ITA they should’ve moved B&B to a later hour, unedited. Wonder how the ratings are in Mexico, compared to here. There’s no question that our heroine is morally challenged and this TN was very dark, but I have enjoyed it with my beanie ever at the ready and, sometimes, even my blindfold.

So much is going on, I don’t know where to begin. Strange that Bella and Eman’s mom never met before the wedding. Did anybody notice that Chucho and the young Maria in her parents photo looked so much alike? I didn’t. They should’ve given them matching cowlicks or something.

Back when Mike went undercover at the human hunting ranch, Bella asked him if he could do a Puerto Rican accent. I looked up the actor’s bio and Jorge Alberti is Puerto Rican, so the writers have a sense of humor.

Grace has a few screws loose. Why is she concerned about a husband who routinely abused, raped, and beat her?

Mike is a real trooper. Still in a neck brace under doctor's orders, he’s on the job working. Kind of awkward when Pene politely asked Maria’s parent if they could sit down. Pene, Mike’s already sitting.

Right, she act as if she just put to much salt in the soup,Oh
Well life goes on. No remorse at
All, Just like dear Ol dad. Coldblooded heffa.

Thank you for all your efforts RGV and Kirby you really helped to make this show worth watching.

I love... (not sure that is the correct word).. the show The Americans. very similar. great acting, wig work and the feature of murderous characters who earn some sympathy.

I have been following the show and blog, albeit a few days late. (Kirby's avatars are time sensitive so I don't see what is being talked about without clicking thru)

Finally caught up, I hope, dear God, Eman gets an anvil....


Good Sunday Morning, Patio Peeps!!

Steve, the show is scheduled for one hour (regular time) so whatever happens will happen within that timeslot--including commercials.

Nina, Viv was really stoopid to confront Eman, but she probably never believed that a man who tried to help her career would harm her. He had already painted Bela as an evil, devious witch so Viv must have thought that Bela was trying to confuse her.

Niecie, "Grace has a few screws loose." Just a few?? LOL

Rena, nice to see you back on the patio. I had never heard about "The Americans" but was reading about it..I wish I had seen it. The finale seems quite interesting.

This is what I'm hoping for on the B&B Finale--

1. E(vil)man gets his anvil...whether it be death or jail or both, death in jail. A movie classic is for someone close to the evil one to kill him. So I would like to see Bela beat the crap out of him, he comes back with a vengeance and is about to kill her, but Emi comes out from the shadows and kills him.

2. JP and Bela reunite in love and fighting for justice--the right way.

3. Pene and Mike both WALK down the aisle...or anywhere where they can be together, but both are walking.

4. Simon and Andrea give each other a chance. If they get married, Alejandra can be the maid of honor.

5. Alicia and Rodrigo get custody of Chucho because the other granny is in jail for conspiracy.

6. Tony the tiger is out roaming free with Tonya the tigress.

7. Marcia sitting like a zombie in a wheelchair.

8. Lenore in a treatment center recovering from reconstructive surgery.

9. Omar, Dario, and Daniel playing Pin My Tail to the Wall in prison. If Eman makes it to prison, they can beat him up and burn him alive.

10. Maria'a body is found and she is given a proper burial.

11. Now what about Emi...hmmmm. I suppose she can continue to run a now legitimate casino. OMGosh, now that Senator is dead, Emi is sole owner and gets everyone's goodies! She'll be happy...unless they find evidence that she killed Senator; then she'll be rich and in prison.

What I'm not expecting to see is--

1. Eman getting away and disappearing.

2. JP and Bela getting least not for a while.

3. A '1-2 years later' jump with everyone happy and married with children.


Rgv Chick, I love your ending. Glad you included Tony the tiger.

Chickie, I am quite sure that your finale ideas are better than the writers! Alborada has the best finale I have ever seen....a huge outdoor party with marriages,babies , and happy endings.

RGV Chick: Don't forget about Lopez being complicit in Ricardo's assassination & running the Mexican Federal Police.


Well...It’s all coming to end....the Telenovela, the wonderful recaps by Kirby and RGV and the amazing Patio....Kinda of sad....Even though this Telenovela was on the dark side...I did like it but not the splicing of the reminder episodes by Univision.....The final episode should be interesting......Elsa

Rgv Chick, fantastic list.

"Simon and Andrea give each other a chance. If they get married, Alejandra can be the maid of honor" was my favorite. That wouldn't surprise me - I have wondered if the contempt Simon expressed was partly to deny/quell some strange attraction he felt.

"Marcia sitting like a zombie in a wheelchair". While I have sympathy from many who got caught up in these sordid subplots. I have none for her. At all.

I would be happy to see Lenone happy and enjoying her life.

I do hope there aren't too many loose threads hanging after tomorrow's episode. There needs to be resolution.


"I hope there aren't too many loose threads after tomorrow's episode. There needs to be resolutions". ITA Diana, I didn't like the way the one ended before this one came on. The wife gets her memory back and almost drawns While the fiance goes to get the ring.
I hated that ending. Nobody was happy
In the whole tn,and it ends like that.
Even more misery For the two people that were wronged. There's not even a friggin Thing romantic about that.
Ok rant is over.

What goes around comes around Marcia. Maybe Gracie stabbed her in the neck with the same chemical. Being the reason why
She's in zombie mode in the chair of wheels.

Good Morning, Patio!! It’s nice and wet this Monday morning....getting some rain and some much needed cooler weather...low-mid 90’s!

Last night for B&B. We shall see what the writer’s and Looneyvision have in store for us.

Have a wonderful day!!

Rgv Chick, I like your ending. Happy ending. But it is possible this story doesn't have a happy ending.

I was wondering what happened with Andrea after she and JP broke up. From the bits of her we saw, it appears she is now living in Bela's house. How did that come about? I imagine Andrea in one of the one on one moments with Bela told her that she and JP broke up. It caught Bela's attention,
Bela: "Why?"
Andrea: "Why do you think? He is in love with you! Now I don't know what to do, where to live. I can't keep living in his house."
Bela: "Why don't you live in my house?"
Andrea: "What? Wouldn't it be awkward?"
Bela: "Not at all"

In the episode when Mike returned from the hospital and Penny and Bela were complaining about it, Bela wanted to cover his legs with a blanket. The blanket was on the couch and Andrea was sitting on it. Bela pulled the blanked from under Andrea with force, Andrea almost fell over. I though it was so rude. But it was when Ric died and Bela started to suspect Eman, she was really in a bad mood.

Lucio, thanks for adding your personalized details. I hadn't noticed that Andrea is now living with Bela...what a turn of events!! But Bela probably much prefers her living there than continuing to live with JP while she finds another place to live. And I completely missed the blanket thing! Thanks again!

I'm sure there won't be happy endings for all the characters, but as long as Eman gets his anvil, I will be satisfied.

Lucio: I expect Lopez to get away with it since he was COMPLICIT in Ricardo's assassination & taking over the Mexican Federal Police

Bold Prediction: Expect lots of loose ends to be unsolved.

What happened to Marcia ? Did Grace hire somebody to whack her ?

Lucio: Your eye is sharp and focused.

I wondered if Andrea was living with Bella, and then thought nahhhh. Guess I wwas wrong. And I didn't get/remember the blanket pulling moment either.

And Rgv Chick, I know I've said I don't care much except about Pene and Mike, but JP does deserve a good ending. I'm even thawing about Bella a bit. Wuss that I am...

Well, all will be revealed (or not :)) tonight!

Years ago, Cristina (not even sure I have the right name) did a reunion show with the actors which was great, seeing them out of character. I miss those.


Diana, I , too, miss those Cristina interviews...great telenovelas featuring wonderful actors and many Who are no longer at Uni. Very sad.

Steady rain all day today with more coming with more rain to come this week. Damp and chilly.

I hope everybody has a happy ending but Eman. After a the blood spillage he's responsible for, his ending can't be nothing But death. I will really be surprised If it's anything less. But these tns don't always end the way we want them to Anymore. I think thats mainly because the view of the world has changed. Where certain things are

RGV Chick: I hope you're doing the recap tonight for the Gran Final.

What an interesting finale lmao, I'm guessing they wanted a second season but it failed?

I really enjoyed the actor that interpreted Emanuel!! He did a great job in those scenes with Bela and throughout the whole show!! If there is a second season it's most definitely going to be based around him. I'm glad I got to see him interpret this character!! He was my fav character even though everyone hated him here lol

I knew that Andrea and Simon would end up together!

Thank you for the Recap, hopefully a second season is upon us

Anon 12:37, I copied and pasted your comment on to the most recent page.

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