Monday, September 03, 2018

La Bella y Las Bestias (Ep 62-64), Sept. 3-5, Love and War

Salutations, Patio Peeps!

Ep 62: The Machetecized Episode!!

The good guys finally reunite; and the Senator is up doo-doo creek without a paddle but gets back-up while a shadowy wedding/marriage is in the works. 

Recaps or summaries in the comments are encouraged. Feel free to add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. Comments…definitely welcome…

Where mockery, snarkery and just plain talkery abound!
Share your thoughts and your hearts, you won’t be bored!!


Bela 62 one

Back to the Senator pleading his pompous case before his peers that he is not guilty. He pleads with the group and tells them they can't believe that video they couldn't even hear his voice. Leader says that the video speaks for itself and wants an investigation.

JP and Bela on another of their talking walks. Reconciliation hangs heavy in the air. Doe eyes are in full bloom. She grabs his face. JP tells her that Emi told him she is really in love with Eman. Bela wants to know what that has to do with him . JP tells her he can't continue playing dumb..he is in love with her. Bela reminds him that he is in a relationship with Andrea that is what she wanted to get him out of her heart. JP asks if it worked. Bela tell shim she loves him, but she doesn't know what to do next.

At Comeback gym scene, JP came in and showed Bela a newspaper that showed the candidates for president...Abelardo was right smack in the middle.

We see Eman walking with Ric back into his former now not former office as Ric thanks him.

Sen and Eman with the Senate leader who talks to Eman and tells him they have a video and they want and investigation by an impartial party. Eman tells him he is the perfect one to do it but he will need to take the evidence to his office. The leader tells him that in no way will the video leave his office so Eman tells him then no go. Eman starts to leave but leader tells him to wait.

Grace at the club remembering what Sen did to her.

Shot of JP and Andrea at Comeback. I think that scene just didn't make it to the cutting room floor somehow.

Eman's Mom dressing Chucho for the wedding. Already?

Eman is making his investigation presentation to the Senators. Eman tells the leader that Interpol reviewed the video. Leader asks Senator to go outside. Eman gives them the envelope that has the results of the review. He wants Interpol to stay neutral. But Of Course ya lying scumbag. Where were we...Oh yeah...He tells them about the study and they can conclude with all certainty that the video is made up, fake..LIAR

Bela talks to Ric and he shows her a program that can identify voices all they have to do is clean up the sound and they may identify the shadow. Yippee !

Eman and Senator now. Eman tells him he now has to tell Bela the news and she will not be happy. Senator doesn’t care because Bela wil soon be 6 ft. under. Eman tells him to give up his stupid ideas and the Sen chides him for trying to vindicate himself with his goddaughter. Eman tells him to think about what he is going to do because he still has the opportunity to be president; and he shouldn't do anything to mess it up.
Senator tears some piece of paper up and throws it on the table.

Ric and Bela again. Bela asks how they can identify the voice if the shadow didn't speak. Ruh Roh Scooby Doo. Ric tells her that then he wants her and JP to look through all the files to identify anyone who might have been Armando's associate. He asks her not to tell Eman.


Bela 62 two

Now Andrea and Emi with JP at home. Andrea was sitting with Emi and showing her some cosmetics, she told JP she already knew what she wanted to be...a fashion designer. Then Emi got the call from Eman who told her to tell JP the decision of the council. JP is upset that the senator got to them and bribed them A man comes to the door looking for Andrea he was from the Immigration Dept. Andrea quickly gets up and leaves the room. ...and JP hides her.

Eman and Bela Eman tells Bela that the council has met and asked for a study of the video and decided that the video was false. Bela now knows something fishy is going on. Eman tells Bela that she has to accept the decision. He asks her how she knows that the video is valid? Bela replies that JP gave it to her…she knows that JP wouldn’t lie to her.. Bela then tells him that the Senator and the damned shadow will end up like all the others.

Bela loses it in the batcave. Mike calms her down. She tells them that they said that the video was edited and that is was false.

Senator being questioned by the media. He talks about how the kid shouldn’t be working. Kids and women should live a dignified life….blah, blah, blah

Bela is wigged out and on the warpath. Bela barges into Senator's office and tells the secretary to tell the Senator that she is declaring war and this has just begun.

Senator talks to security. He goes in to see Marcia who looks to be in the looney bin. When she asks for Daniel, he tells her that he is in jail and being charged with murder and kidnapping. Marcia tells him that all of this happened because of Isabela Leona and asks what is going to happen to her. Senator is happy that she brought up Bela because he has something to propose to her.

Eman and Emi getting married. Bela is asking about the kid wondering if it is Eman's child and wonders who the lady in the black dress is. Eman gives a bunch of BS about how he never thought he would fall in love and that he loves profoundly...asks Emi to be is wife…she says yes …....Barf

Senator rapes Grace.

Bela talks to Chucho. He tells her she is pretty. She asks if he was nervous. JP then approaches and asks to talk to Bela but she says later.

Emi tells Bela that parents are always needed…she would have liked hers to be there. Emi knows Bela hates her father. Bela tells her that her father brought her much suffering; Emi adds that he brought much suffering to JP too.

Emi tells her that she is still in love with JP when he comes and puts handcuffs on her. JP tells her he must be the worst villain and asks what he did. She tells him that he talked her into turning in the video. JP just wants her to calm down...they still have the video there are other ways of doing things. Bela tell him that his ways don’t work. JP wants Bela to meet him halfway so they can negotiate and talk seriously.

Mike and Pene going at it at the club office when Mike finds a folder with the club rules. To be an associate, one of the current associates needs to recommend the person.

Bela tells JP to let her go now, but JP wants her to hear him out. JP knows she is probably already planning her strategy with the Senator...he wanted to work with her.

Bela 62 three

Senator at cemetery and meets a couple guys and Marcia. Dario Ramos introduces himself to Senator. Senator hopes he didn't have trouble getting into the country. Omar shows up and asks if they are waiting for someone else. Senator introduces Omar to Dario who is Antonio’s cousin from Colombia...then Marcia approaches to join them.

Emi talks to Chucho and is very happy to meet him and Eman's mother who refers to Eman as Don Emmanuel.

Senator tells Marciar and guys that he will give him everything they need to kill this woman. If they mess up, he does not know them. He gives them phones.

Emi asks Eman why he asked the lady and the boy to stay. He tells her that is his mother and Chucho is his son.

Pene and Mike are sparring when Dario shows up at the gym.

Emi and Eman at home Emi doesn't look too happy that Eman's mom Ofelia is there and serving. Eman tells her she could at least have thanked her. They argue because Eman had never told her about his son.

Bela shows up at the club in disguise and asks for a specific table. (Near Senator's future widow) Then Bela is pretending to be a doctor/therapist who specializes in family violence and talks to Pene on the phone so that Grace hears her.

Dario talks to MIke about somewhere to train. MIke tells him he can't now.

Grace talks to Bela and asks if she is a therapist...she needs help. Bela is now Ana Mendez.

Dario tells Mike that he would like Isabela to train him since he heard that she was better than Mike. Mike wants to know how much skill Dario has... before he agrees to train.. Answer----NONE
Mike's test in the ring looked like a comedian with a rubber chicken. Mike grabs Dario and tells him he isn’t going to let him go until he tells him who he really is and who sent him.

Pene, Bela, and Mike question Dario. JP arrives with Andrea who tells the group that the guy is Dario, a cousin of Antonio's .

Eman tells Emi that Chucho doesn't know he is his father. He might say something that will expose them. Emi asks who the mother is. Eman tells Emi that the girl was very close to Bela…her name was Maria. After Eman tells her how he negotiated with kidnappers to get Maria back and that after giving birth Maria died. Eman tells how those idiots killed María…he had to choose between Maria or his son.

Someone (Omar) goes to Andrea’s to deliver something. She tells him to push it under the door but he insists it is too big.

Ana asks Grace if she has been to therapy before. Grace says no. Bela tells her that everything will be confidential. Grace asks if they are going to start the therapy right there. (QUE????) Bela tells her it'll just appear as 2 friends talking. Grace tells Bela that the senator is going to give her the divorce after he wins the presidency, but she is afraid that he is going to kill her.


JP tells Mike that Simon is coming over with the Colombian who confessed that Senator had sent him.

Eman thinks it is unbelievable that Emi didn't leave him when he told her he had killed someone. Emi tells him she would have done the same thing to the person who killed her father…she asks if Eman was involved with the murders of the other associates...or was it Bela, but Eman tells her that Bela only plans things but she doesn’t get her hands dirty.

Bela asks Grace if the she thinks the Senator is involved in criminal activity. After Grace tells her that if the Senator gets to be President it would be disastrous for the country, Ana/Bela asks if she hasn’t thought about doing something about it.

How you managed to create a fine, coherent recap out of the shredded scenes we saw last night is unbelievable Kirby. A job masterfully done.

So some of the criminal retreads reappear. Marcia looks like she has no mind left. Omar should have been disposed of early on.

Dario is a bull in a china shop - no finesse or subtlety. Mike saw througyh him right away. What an excellent unused resource. Shame.

I was very surprised Em told Emi he is Chucho's father before the ink even dried on their marriage certificate. And the lies he spewed about Maria were despicable. When we saw the flashback of Maria giving birth, it looked as though they flipped a switch and she passed. So, they were just keeping her alive to have the baby? Beyond disgusting.

Good for Bella for not believing Interpol's finding that tape wasn't genuine. She has GOT to start thinking and putting the pieces together.

The Senator's declared war on Bella. Bella seems ready to meet the challenge - his abused wife was a smart place to start.

So, how many episodes were cut out altogether? 16? 17? If anyone can decipher this slicing and dicing you and Rgv Chick can.

Amazing job. Amazing avatar. I think the majestic eagle is just the right touch today.


"Reconciliation hangs heavy in the air. Doe eyes are in full bloom" was my favorite line which I forgot to mention.


Kirby, the Miracle Man, you made a wonderful quilt out of sCRAPs...Thank you!! What a fiasco Looneyvision has made out this story that started out on fire...Esmer, Osva and the writers should sue.

More later...animalitos ar waiting.

Thanks Diana, the word that kept coming to mind last night as my gaze kept darting from the TV to the computer was 'Frantic'. On top of LooneyVision's shenanigans, we had little Master Gordon huffing and puffing directly offshore from me. I am one of those who refuses the Cable umbilical cord and has only an antenna. So if the weather is bad enough it will interrupt my signal. But little brat Gordon was not up to the challenge and I saw the whole plate of spaghetti Looney spewed out.

Boy Howdy, the Em&Em honeymoon was over quickly.

I didn't even recognize Nympho Girl Marcia at first. See what happens when all you think about is SEX? Surprised some of these other TN stars were not in the next room. :-)

Is all or most of this craziness because Rosie O'Crapo has pretty much taken over all of TeleNovela Land at Uni?

BTW, I always turn on the "God told Me to Kill You' show before B&B. Has anyone else noticed that beautiful Golden Eagle in the opening credits? It is probably the same bird who costars with GoTo in Vuela de la Victoria. Magnificent. I wonder if he would like his portfolio professionally updated?


Bela hoodwinking Grace into a therapeutic chat blew my beanie clean off. Like Right Here Right Now? I'd like to see Bela posing as a, say, dentist, or proctologist in a restaurant.

"Now you just finish your taco and we'll get started."

Thank you, Kirby.

I feel like I watched 3 minute highlights of a 3 hour game.

Omar kidnapped Andrea. Marcia shot the window above JP. Simon has Dario in the trunk. The war is on! I am worried for Andrea. She looked happy, optimistic, talking about her future - warning signs of unfortunate fate.

Diana, yes, surprised that Eman told Emi about Chucho and about Maria. And Emi seems to be on the way of swallowing it and moving on. So, your new husband, on your honeymoon, surprises you with the fact that he has a son. The son was conceived with a minor. The boy's mother was kidnapped and murdered. And everything is kept a secret. And this is on top of the suspicions that he is a partner with the bunch of criminals in the club. What will Emi do? I hope she will finally do something useful for this story.

Lucio: Bold Prediction: Andrea gets whacked!!!!!

Good Morning, again, Patio.

So the Senator recruited the beastie-leftovers to kill Bela. I wonder if he knows that Marcia freaked out when the actual war was on. Lucio, I'm afraid you are going to be right about Andrea...too bad, so sad, but if she gets killed, Bela won't feel so bad about taking back JP.

Diana, "I was very surprised Em told Emi he is Chucho's father before the ink even dried on their marriage certificate. And the lies he spewed about Maria were despicable." Now that blew me over...never did I think that Eman would confide so much in was a mixture of truth and BS. I might have believed that he would confess that Chucho is his son, but to tell her who Maria really was and how close she was to Bela really blew my mind. Emi is in so much more danger now and she doesn't even realize it. Lucio, I also hope that Emi puts all the pieces together and does something to save herself and expose Eman for the shadowy demon he is.

Kirby, "I didn't even recognize Nympho Girl Marcia at first." I didn't either! If the Senator hadn't called her by her name, there is no way I would have known it was her. In fact, I almost didn't recognize Omar either!

Kirby, again, a BIG thank you for all that you did. I'm dreading tonight...not because I don't want to see what happens, but because it's my turn to recRap :-/

Thanks, Kirby!

Thank you, kirby, for making sense of the bits and pieces Uni served up last night. So glad that Gordon didn't bother you too much. I hope that my friend who is on a cruise to Cuba doesn't have any problems.

Eman is truly an arrogant, hairy creep. Ugh. Poor Maria.

The writers will need to do away with Andrea somehow to unite Bella and JP . Maybe she will die saving JP.

Lucio Thanks. I missed those three scenes, as they must have been on for mere seconds. I was later wondering how Simon got a confession out of Dario. And I saw JP and glass breaking out of the corner of my eye. Makes some sense now.

"The war is on! I am worried for Andrea. She looked happy, optimistic, talking about her future - warning signs of unfortunate fate". Yes, so very true. Lucio, early on, I wouldn't have cared what happened to Andrea. Now, I do.

Perhaps she doesn't totally deserve happily ever after, but there has been so much cruelty here, mercy needs to prevail where it can. She does not deserve death.

And Rgv Chick, you are spot on in that Emi is in more danger than ever. Despicable lies interwoven with evil half truths. I don't want JP to lose his siter either.

"Bela hoodwinking Grace into a therapeutic chat blew my beanie clean off. Like Right Here Right Now?" Couldn't believe it either Kirby. Her pushiness was offset by her calm, reassuring manner.

Rgv Chick, good luck with tonight. What a mess.



So many questions .. why were Mike and Pene in front row at wedding? Where was Andrea?
That’s enough for now...wait.Did Ricardo get rehired?

Anon: It showed Eman walking into Ric's old office with him and Ric thanking him, so I took that to mean that Eman had a hand in getting him hired back.

BIG Mike can sit anywhere he wants to. :-)

Andrea may have already been kidnapped? Or she just didn't have anything to wear, as everyone was dressed for a funeral. Actually, Bela was showing a LOT more leg at Gloria's funeral than she was last night.

RGV Chick: I will NOT feel sorry or shed any tears for Andrea. She should've stayed in Colombia, but NOPE she had to get all uppity & clinging back to Mexico with JP.

Emilia will do the usual; NOTHING & let Emanuel suck all of her $$$ before he eventually whacks her.

Kirby: We KNEW that Emanuel & the Senator were going to discredit the video as FAKE NEWS. For now, it appears the Senator is on track to Los Pinos (Residence of the President of the United Mexican States).

As for Grace: she's sooooo freaking DEAD. I wonder if the Senator frames JP for this murder ?

Susanlynn: I'm waiting for Maria's parents to find out Emanuel whacked their daughter & buried her in the middle of nowhere. IF they live to find out the truth....

Jarifa: I hope Marine Mike & Penelope can help Isabella out because I wouldn't be surprised if the Senator & Emanuel get those 2 whacked as well.


As to why Andrea didn't attend the wedding, I was a bit surprised initially she wasn't there either pawing JP (and rubbing his back as she did in an earlier scene). But then I thought she was laying low as she is already being sought by immigration officials.

I had no idea she'd been kidnapped til Lucio told us this morning.

There was one scene I found touching. Maria's parents together as her mother folds a rosary and puts it away. Maria's father looking sadly at his wife, as he's done ever since Maria disappeared. Hopefully they will have their grandson with them to help heal their broken hearts.


Diana, I hadn’t figured out that Omar took Andrea either, but it makes sense. My only question is why? Are they going to use her to try to grab Bela or JP? My other question is why Marcia shot up so high above JP. Are they going to use all of Bela’s friends to get her to give herself up to them?

Diana, I hope that you are right about Maria's grieviNG parents raising their grandson after Evilman is caught\killed whatever.

Good question Rgv Chick.

At first I thought Marcia was too cowardly to actually shoot JP. But when I saw the determined look (and realized she was indeed a good shot), I thought she is just trying to scare him. I agree with you - they want Bella to give herself up. If they are using Andrea to that end, they must be unaware of the tension between the two. Frenemies at best.

Susanlynn, just a hunch. Those poor parents have suffered so much. I have to think there is a reason they haven't "dropped" them. I hope they don't find out how Maria died. That would be unbearable, even if their grandson would be a cherished blessing.

I'm still wondering if BBB's abused sister/daughter will ever retun. Can't remember her name. Except for those who were unjustly murdered, I feel sorriest for her.


It was BBB's sister, Leonor. The senator looks like shrek haha

:-) Shrek :-)

hehe, he does tbh, he's ugly asF. I think that emanuel just has that nasty chest hair otherwise for a 45 yr old dude hes in pretty good shape plus being a freaking giant compared to everyone else haha

Looks like blogger ate my comment so I'll try again.

Thanks, Kirby. Looking forward to reading your recap before watching tonight's episode.

What a smashup. One thing I liked about B&B is a lot of action, but last night's was way too much. Like two weeks in one night.

Hope Andrea survives to leave JP and start out on a new life.

Kirby you put this together very well.

I could say so much about the wrong people being president, but But I'll
Just delve into stuff that is surely forbidden. So I'll just say this "HEll
NO". His poor wife. Ok done.

I think they will save Emanuel for bela. There is a special death planned for him that only she can dole out. He
Will deserve every bit of pain he is going to feel. He kept Maria around so
The baby could be born then he without
Mercy murdered Maria. O yeah,it gonna
Sting whatever bela does to him.

Who knew Eman would dr. up the results
Of the fake test he lied about running
Which he Didn't?
I don't think he wants harm to come to
Bela,and that's good. Cuz she'll kill
Him. Maybe grace could get the senator
Somebody needs to get the senator. We
Need no more bad presidents. Even in fantasy.

I also hope Andrea survive. After Havin a twisted mother and being stuck
With that underwear freak,The girl do need a break. Nobody is perfect she
Made some whoppers, it would have been good if it were burgers, but in life.
The only two people I want to see get
Gone is that crooked President wannabe
And the godaddy from hell.

I'm it's on gotta go. Thanks kirby.


I hate that auto correct wants to correct Ok-and turn it into "I'm"?Its annoying auto stop it.

Episode 63, Part 1: Bela Makes Her Choice

Emi asks Eman how long she will have to keep the secret…the boy should know about his father. Eman tells her he needs time to explain to Bela how things happened and that he had to choose between Maria or Chucho. Just then, Eman gets a call from JP and has to leave.

Eman whizzes over to the gym. They tell him about Dario…that he wants to kill Bela. Eman will take him. (To protect him?, Give him permanent laryngitis? A vaccination?) but when Pene asks what he is going to do with him, Eman tells her it’s best she not know.
Eman whizzes over to the Senator and chides him for sending someone after Bela. After the Senator argues that he needs to do something about Bela, Eman tells him he has his sicario in the trunk and asks what he is to do with him.

Bela arrives at the gym and asks why Eman took Dario. JP takes responsibility for the decision. After JP asks about Grace, Bela tells him that they already started with her therapy. Bela then tells JP that Grace wants to kill the Senator but she is a good person…and Grace doesn’t deserve to carry that guilt for the rest of her life. Guilt? What? for NOT killing him?

Eman and Senator continue to discuss the Colombiano (Dario) who is still in the trunk of a car…hungry, hot, needing to go to the bathroom with no relief in sight. One Word---Depends. Eman tells Senator that the Colombiano will be deported, but the Senator tells him he will stay in Mexico. He then adds that, in a few hours, Eman will get a call from Bela who will ask him to take him back to her.
Later, Eman gets a call from Bela, so he tells her he is on his way. Find a bumpy road dude.

Emi takes Ofelia, JP’s mom, some tea; she wants to apologize for being rude, but Ofelia tells her she need not to because she must be having a hard time accepting everything Eman told her. After Emi asks if Ofelia knows everything, Ofelia tells Emi that Eman has shared some things and what he hasn’t told her, she assumes. When Emi asks if she doesn’t mind, Ofelia tells her that she knew Eman would have to do what he had to do to get to where he wanted to be…she can’t cover the sun with one finger.

Eman is back at the gym. Bela tells Eman that they need Dario because Omar has Andrea. When Eman asks if they are going to negotiate like amateurs, Bela tells him that they need to do whatever it takes to get Andrea back.

Senator is at his office on the phone telling someone that he needs the cooperation of all the commission when Grace arrives with some reporters. Grace wants the country to know that she wants a divorce and that Senator will only give her the divorce after he is president. She tells the reporters that this man is only using her. She repeats that she wants a divorce…she can’t continue being abused, beaten and insulted. She asks the public if they want a man like that as president. As Eman drives along with the radio on he is listening to this live and laughing like a hyena.

Bela and Omar meet. Omar admits that she is good as what she does, but they both know what she did. He wants to get down to business. He wants to settle the score.


Episode 63, Part 2: Bela Makes Her Choice

Mike is at the gym lifting weights as Marcia watches. She gets up slowly, goes behind him and thrusts a syringe into his neck. After she tells him that it will only paralyze him, she hisses that is for her father, for Bonifacio and for her brother who is now in jail. As she leaves, Mike struggles to keep the weights up.

Simon asks Omar where Andrea is, but when Omar sees Pene he tells her he thought she was dead. Pene tells him it’s his bad luck…she is there.. Simon and Pene go to get Dario; and Simon tells Pene that he can’t believe they are going to let Dario go. They take him out of the car and Omar taunts Simon. Pene tells him to shut up and elbows him. Meanwhile, Bela asks Omar how Leonor is, but Omar chides her for killing one of his sisters and then daring to pretend to care about the other. Bela tells him that she didn’t do anything to BBB. JP interrupts and tells Omar to drop his vengeance plan. They bring Dario over and JP asks for Andrea; so Omar tells JP and Bela to go with him. He has her in the trunk. Andrea gets out and hugs JP.

Emi tells Eman that they need to help JP and Bela because Senator is dangerous. After Eman hesitates, Emi wonders why he says he has so much power and now he can’t do anything to the Senator. …....Ding Ding Ding Ding.......

Bela tells Omar that she was just seeking justice because they killed her parents. After Omar asks if she is the only one who can seek justice and she expects them to just stand with their arms crossed, the B team leaves.

Mike is taken to the hospital.

Grace talks to the Senator on the phone and tells him she doesn’t care what happened to him…this country deserves to know what a rat he is. Senator reminds her that the country has a bad memory and within 4 hours, everyone will forget what she said. Grace, however, wants him to know that he will not forget that she is no longer afraid of him. Wow, that fifteen minutes of 'Therapy” sure turned her life around. You Go Girl.

Pene comes out crying that Mike is in the hospital. JP asks where the cameras are. They look at the video.

Senate leader goes to meet with Abel…he brings bad news. The commission is asking to reopen the investigation of the video… they are afraid that his wife will go to the media again and they will be asked about the video. After Senator tells him not to be swayed by his wife, SL tells him not to underestimate the influence that his wife can have.

Emi asks Eman if he has enough pull to reopen the investigation against the Senator. After Eman tells her he can always try, she tells him she wants to help. Eman tells her she is exactly like her father. She has guts and no scruples…she gets what she wants. She tells him he is also like her father. He also has guts, power and the courage to do what he has to do, but Eman tells her that he only uses it to help people. Eman impresses Emi when he tells her that every day he knows she is perfect for him. Is his nose growing or is it just me?

Senator talks to his three sicario/beast wannabes. They need to forget about Bela for now…they have to concentrate on his wife, but Dario tells him he has nothing against his wife…the others agree. When Senator tells them that she is giving him a headache and may end his political career, Omar tells him this is his problem, not theirs. Oh Noes

Grace calls Ana/Bela and tells her what she did. She thanks her for giving her the courage to do what she did. Bela tells her to pack a bag and leave as quickly as she can…her life is in danger. Thank You Bela.

Eman tells Ofelia that she has to leave. When Ofelia tells him that Chucho was looking forward to have the family live together, Eman promises it will happen but explains that, for now, he needs to leave….he has things to do. Get a haircut, update his resume, kill some people, busy day, Mom.

Episode 63, Part 3: Bela Makes Her Choice

Senator tells Marcia she can go back to the looney bin, he tells Omar that he can go back to prison and Dario can go back to his country in a coffin. After they all quickly agree to help him out, Omar tells him that his wife’s death will appear suspicious. Sen tells them it needs to appear like an accident. She frequents the club.

At the hospital, Simon tells JP that if Mike lives, he may not be at full capacity. JP mentions that it was a blonde who got near Mike.

Raquel, the maid, asks Grace where she is going to, but Grace doesn’t know yet. Just then, Senator arrives and Grace hides. When Senator approaches, he asks Raquel for his wife.

JP assumes that the blonde must work with Senator. Bela thinks that the girl drugged Mike because he has always been able to lift that weight.

Pene goes to the room where the doctors are working on Mike trying to revive him. Mike flatlines and the doctor gives Mike’s time of death. Mike dies and Pene screams.

Senator questions Raquel while Grace listens. Grace finally gets up and tells Sen that she told Raquel to not say anything. After Senator tells Raquel to leave, Raquel warns Senator that, if he lays a hand on Grace, she will run out yelling and tell the world.

Pene screams and tells Bela not to touch her. It’s her fault!! (Thank You again, Bela) She goes to Mike crying and yelling. She tries to revive him by hitting his chest... his heart starts beating then stops!! JP wants to go in but they won’t let him. The doc goes in to see Mike.

Senator wants to apologize to Grace. After the scandal she caused, his career is finished and he has nothing left…she won. Grace doesn’t believe him; he has always been a good actor. Senator asks why he should lie; he has lost everything . He wants to talk. ( Get this sorted out before I have you killed.)

Ric listens to a voice on the voice recognition program and asks “Who are you?” The voice does not answer.

Simon says Mike is stable…they just need to wait about 72 hours to make sure. When Bela tells Pene that Mike will be alright, Pene knew he would be…she will always be with him. Pene agrees with Andrea…if Mike lives, she wants nothing to do with the beasts…she cries and pleads with Bela.

Grace goes to the club. Marcia is there in a dark wig disguise this time, reading a magazine and watching Grace.

Senator asks Eman why he is back…he figured his honeymoon would be longer. He wonders if Eman is there because of Andrea or because of Mike. Maybe it is because of you, Shrek.

Emi goes to JP’s house and asks for JP. After Andrea tells her he is with Bela, Andrea notes that Emi looks different…more sophisticated. Emi tells her that she is now a married woman and has matured. Emi is back because she couldn’t stay away knowing that her brother was in danger.

Ana/Bela arrives to talk to Grace. Marcia watches.

Eman tells Senator that he is right…if Bela finds out that he is the mastermind behind her parents death, he is finished. They discuss why Senator wants to go after her friends. Senator tells him if he kills Bela right away, the game will be boring, but it he kills her peons one by one, it will be more fun…he wants Bela to be alone and unprotected. After Eman asks who will next. Marcia calls Senator and tells him she will send photos to see if he can recognize the woman.

Episode 63, Part 3: Bela Makes Her Choice

JP arrives and teases Emi about her new look…she is a lady now. After Emi tells him that she knows what is happening, JP tells her about Mike and reminds her that those were the people she was hanging out with. Emi reminds him she is no longer with them. Well, most of them Sweetie. Just sayin'....

Senator curses Bela and assumes she wants to ruin him. She is getting to his wife and putting ideas in her head. He swears that Bela will not be able to deal with him.

Eman thinks that though he has tried to avoid and deny it, they must do away with Bela. Senator agrees but he has something more pressing to deal with. When Eman asks if he is going to kill his wife, Senator asks what he is supposed to do. Eman reminds him that after the scandal his wife caused, all eyes will be on him if something happens to his wife. Eman will support him as long as he doesn’t put him in jeopardy. Eman then asks the Senator to meet him at his house later that night.

Bela tells JP that she thinks Senator will try to do something to his wife. JP tells her it’s in her hands… she just needs to come to an agreement with the Senator. JP points out that he has lost a friend and Mike was near death. Bela argues that she is also helping others and there are only two beasts left. After JP asks her what else needs to happen, JP tells her that if she negotiates and comes to an agreement with Senator, no one else will be in danger. Riiiight. Like negotiating with a pissed off hornet's nest you just whacked.

Emi tells Eman that the priority is to help JP and Bela. Eman thinks they need to act fast, but he doesn’t want to her to be involved. It’s her brother’s life they are talking about…and Bela is his goddaughter. If he is going to do something to help her brother, then she wants to be involved…they are a team.

Bela talks to her parents. She knows she made a promise, but she is at a point where she is confused. She has caused much harm to many and doesn’t want to hurt anyone else. Bela tells her parents that she doesn’t know if she should continue…she asks that they help her

Bela goes to Pene at the hospital. Pene tells Bela that there is a high probability that Mike will leave there as a paraplegic. Bela then tells Pene that she has thought a lot about what she said. She doesn’t want to lose JP or the only people who have been with her unconditionally. If Mike comes out of this well, Bela will stop. Pene thanks her, but Bela wants to thank her for being there for her and asks for forgiveness for being so blind.

Marcia approaches Grace who is by the pool; she pretends to be surprised and asks if she is the Senator’s wife. Jaws Music?


Incredible Rgv Chick. I hung on every single word.

"One Word---Depends" and "sicario/beast wannabes" were among many favorites. So many wry comments!

This was a very pivotal episode (or episodes). I am sickened that it is Mike (yet again) who has borne the brunt of the retaliation. "Pene tells Bela that there is a high probability that Mike will leave there as a paraplegic". No. No. No.

Who could have foreseen that it would be Marcia who would be the lean, mean, killing machine?? Not a tic of guilt or remorse. Stone cold.

When she plunged that needle in Mike's neck, I cringed. The actor did an excellent job - it was all too real. I kept thinking this isn't really happening and half expected the hospital curtain to reopen and to see Mike sitting up, dazed but not confused. My heart wouldn't accept what my mind was telling me. However far-fetched that Pene awoke him with a chest pounding, I couldn't be happier. Or more relieved.

But does Bella really intend to change. "IF Mike comes out of this well, Bella will stop". Sounds conditional, at best. "Bela argues that she is also helping others and there are only two beasts left". Not exactly determined to do what's right...

"Omar asks if she is the only one who can seek justice and she expects them to just stand with their arms crossed". Perhaps she's not considered that.

"Eman tells her she is exactly like her father. She has guts and no scruples…she gets what she wants". Bella loves her brother, if not much else. I wonder if she has the emotional reserve to survive mentally when everything crashes down around her.

I like Grace's feistiness and hope she survives.

I hope Mike regains his life. He and Pene need to leave now and get their lives back - in whatever form and fashion they can.

Wonderful Rgv Chick. Thank you!



Thank you, Chickie.

I have just about had it in this show. Why is it always poor Mike who suffers while JP and Bella walk around unscathed ? What is the point the writers are trying to make with this character? He's a Marine, so he can take the pain and danger ? Why can't Mike be dealing out some pain and justice to the beasts? I do not get it. I am so frustrated.

Gotta run.

Bastards. Thank You RGV. Sickening. And what keeps you awake is knowing that if someone dreamed this up, someone probably has done it somewhere.

Poor Mike. No security? Anyone can just walk in and out? You three have half the super duper criminals in CDMX gunning for your hide and you blithely skip along like you are in middle school? Sorry Mike. I wondered why business at Cumback had suddenly picked up.

JP: Negotiate with the Senator? Uh Huh..Let me translate that for you Bela, as JP does not know what he is talking about. 'Negotiate and come to an agreement with the Senator' means "Set up the terms and conditions of the imminent murder of yourself and all your friends."

What is wrong with these people.? They calmly negotiate with Dario and Omar to get Andrea back? What about starting dipping body parts into hydrochloric acid or something to get them to talk? Another case of treating a King Cobra like a garden snake. Cutting off fingers with garden pruners seems to work in other TNs, why not give THAT a try. I betcha they would be talking by the time they had about seven or eight fingers. Dragging behind the car is good too.

While Mike was dead Pene seems to have had an epiphany which goes something like: "Why are we getting killed and almost killed for your crazy agenda when you have never gotten a scratch?" It is a mystery why it didn't occur to her in that bathtub. I couldn't agree more.

Oh and Hoppy Hump Day least they didn't chop this one too badly.

I see u used my reference to shrek hehe
Emanuel surely kills Abelardo, I saw that little look in his eye when they said they should meet up at his house

They'll find out how their daughter died.

"Why are we getting killed and almost killed for your crazy agenda when you have never gotten a scratch?" It is a mystery why it didn't occur to her in that bathtub" said it all Kirby.

And you're right about the prisoner exchange. Far too civilized for such neanderthals. I think if Simon were in charge things might have gone a little differntly.



RGV Chick: I expect Grace to join the massive growing Body Count!

Thank you, RgvChick, reading this is so much better than having to watch it. Ugh!

Thank you, Rgv Chick.

"Eman tells her he needs time to explain to Bela how things happened." - Considering Chucho is about 5 years old, don't hold your breath.

"he had to choose between Maria or Chucho" - Really? They offered him to pick Maria or Chucho? Maria is a witness, they would never offer Maria. Ding, ding, ding, Emi, things don't add up.

"Guilt? What? for NOT killing him?" - :)

"Ric listens to a voice on the voice recognition program and asks “Who are you?” The voice does not answer." - The voice was of Emanuel, I could recognize it. Well, in uncovering Eman, the Chucho lead seems to have gone nowhere. Now I think it will be Ric who identifies the voice of the sombra in the video.

Rgv Chick, Kirby, I agree, there is nothing to negotiate at this point. And there is no way for Bela to stop. If she does it will be just waiting for a few days to be murdered.

Anon 7:39, I have the suspicion that Eman wants to get rid of Abel too.

Hi Everyone, just stopping in to say "hello". I have been off the patio for some time but it looks like Mi Marido season 2 starts next week and I plan to be on the patio for that one--if someone is recapping.

Hope you all are doing well!

Hi Carvivlie!

Nice to see your post.

I think most of us are staying tuned and looking forward to the next although I haven't seen anything official regarding recapping. Rgv Chick and Kirby have been doing this by themselves - it's been a long haul but they've done a remarkable job and are greatly appreciated.



Diana, the next one is Mi marido tiene más familia. Cynthia and I are recapping that one so far. Always looking for other recappers. More info coming soon!

Fantastic Jarifa!

So glad to hear that...

Looking foward to it!


Good Morning Patio and thanks! I was just SO relieved that the machete was put away!

Diana, " I am sickened that it is Mike (yet again) who has borne the brunt of the retaliation." I was too! I had knots in my stomach just thinking that Mike was going on to Steve's list! What I liked best was that Pene was the one who brought him back. Geez, the doctors gave up prematurely??? Good thing Pene lost it and started pounding on his chest. ANd no, he just can't be a paraplegic...not Mike!

And Diana, I also like Grace's feistiness--that therapy session at he restaurant worked wonders--maybe other therapists should use that strategy! But Senator is set on getting her killed because of all the commotion she caused. I'm hoping she survives too, but if Bela does stop her madness, Grace may have no one to protect her.

Susanlynn, "Why is it always poor Mike who suffers while JP and Bella walk around unscathed?" I'm wondering that too. JP got a sliver of glass in his leg and Bela has never even gotten a scratch since the time Eman caused that explosion way back when. Bela declared war on the Senator and just ignored the fact that with war come casualties...and not just on the enemies side.

Kirby, "What is wrong with these people.? They calmly negotiate with Dario and Omar to get Andrea back?" I too thought that was poorly written/directed. I bit more negotiation and pain were needed. I agree with Diana, had Simon been in charge, things would have gone much differently and maybe Omar and Dario would have been goners.

Lucio, I also think Ric wil be the one to recognize that voice. I think he somewhat recognizes it and is trying to put a name to the voice. So close, yet so far. And I am wondering where Ric got those tapes. Bela told him it would take a long time to get him the info he was wanting. And if Bela and JP did get the tapes for him, where did they get them? The security officer at the club told Eman that there were no tapings left...not even from years ago.

Lucio and Anon 7:39, I thought the exact same thing when Eman told Senator to meet him later...the Senator's hours are counted.

Anon 7:39, yes, when we see good stuff/nicknames from commentators, we like to incorporate them into the recaps :-)

Carvivlie!!! Glad to hear from you! Looking forward to seeing you on any patio. I won't be recapping Mi Marido, but I know Jarifa and Cynthia are planning to do so; see you there! :-)


Jarifa, I was writing while you posted...thanks for sharing that info with everyone. I do know that the first episode of Mi Marido will air on Tuesday, Sept. 11th at 8:00 pm (E) because there is a game scheduled for 9:00 (E). After Tuesday, it'll go on at 9:00 (E) and the Bible show will resume at its regular time.

Rgv Chick, I agree with you that the Senator's days are numbered. But regardless of what happens to him, Bella's crusade likely won't end until she gets "the voice".

When toying with his little diagram it appeared Em had no hesitation planning on eliminating Bella, leaving Emi as the last victim standing. We know he has ice in his veins, and after having Maria killed so callously, think he would dispense of Bella without hesitation.

We still really haven't been given any definitive reason as to why he seemed to favor and protect hBella early on, did we? I always wondered if she was his biological daughter whom he gave to Bella's parents to raise as they couldn't have children of their own. I hope we find out the answer before this is over.


Rgv Chickie, thank you. You and Kirby have been real troupers.

I quit watching this TN a while back, but I did watch at first and now can't help but wonder about a few things. For instance, as Diana asked, "We still really haven't been given any definitive reason as to why he [Eman] seemed to favor and protect hBella early on, did we?"

What she said. :-)

So I hope there is a good conversation on the patio after the show wraps up that might fill in the gaps and clear up some mysteries.

Beyond that, I'm getting quite annoyed with Univision. Quite aside from their dicing and chopping scenes, they are forever cluttering the screen with logos, previews, and even ads, all while the show is running. Blech!

Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to Mi marido tiene...



RGV Chick: I wouldn't be shocked if Emanuel has the Senator whacked.

However, everybody on here agrees that Grace will join the Body Count.

Thanks, RgvChick, I noticed that watching CQM. I appreciate you looking out for us! Andy is so right with the clutter on the screen.


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Thank You Rgv for being so diligent in recapping this Telenovela...At first, I didn’t think I would like it but after reading the recaps and the comments from the Patio, I got hooked...My only complain is that I don’t appreciate all the Cuts and Splice by Univision...The next few episodes should be verrrrrry interesting...Gotta watch!!! Thanks again to you and Kirby and the Patio..You guys ROCK! Elsa

Ms Chick very good.

When I saw that assanista <<< if thats
Even a word, come in the pool house at
The club I knew she gonna kill gracie.
They would leave us 24 hours to stew.

I hated seeing that syringe on Mike's neck. And his muscles bulging and the veins in his neck comin to the surface
And that skank sors there talkin to him Like nothing's happening.
Then I had to see him flatline.I hate
Those machines, especially when a loved one is hooked up to it.

What is enam up to? Hes gonna help the
Senator kill bela? On what planet will
That even be in his reality?.

I hope Mike doesn't end up in a wheel chair, that's wrong in so many ways.
These 5 people gotta have a happy ending. 5 cuz I want Andrea to have one too. After bela finds out about her Goddaddy from hell that will break her heart. Not to mention what he did to Maria & Her parents(the grandson). Does eman's Mom know what he's into? Because she Said some to emi, she said "she knows Eman had to do some things get ahead" Something like that. Is everybody that skinny on that family? Doesnt matter Eman has a target on his head. Who's Gonna make him pay for his crimes? We Got a few more days then we'll know.

I hope mike don't end up in a wheel chair. That would not be right. And somebody get the bitch that did it to

Thank you Ms Chick.

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Thanks for all of the info on Mi Marido. Looking forward to being with you all again!

Anon 6:10, I had to delete your comment because talking about avances is considered a spoiler...and some viewers don’t get the same previews as others.

Looking forward to your comments about the episode after it airs.

Thanks for your understanding.

all good, my bad but tonights episode is going to be goood

RGV Chick: Looking forward to seeing the full recap.

Emanuel's Mommy is COMPLICIT too.

Bela 64 One

Grace at the club as Marcia approaches. Marcia just wanted to say that's she admired her, that she was very courageous in turning in her husband,

Bela bursts into Senator’s office to offer a truce. Senator wonders if she is willing to end what she started.. Bela confirms as long as he leaves her friends alone. Senator thinks she is tricking him, but Bela swears she wants to be done with all of this. Senator tells her she just made the best decision of her life. As he thinks 'your short life.'

That night at JP and Andrea's house, Andrea, JP, and Bela talk about her decision. Andrea thinks they still need to be cautious. Huh? No shit Einstein.

Sen and Eman discussing his fake truce at the Senator’s house. Senator wants to toast to the few days that Bela has left alive. Eman thinks Bela has something planned. Senator says he will continue with his own plan. Senator tells Eman that someone who is working for him (Senator) is with Grace. Eman leaves the room and gets a security camera from Emi.

Marcia is in the sauna with Grace, but Grace leaves after which Marcia fondles her little vial of poison.

JP at Bela's house and Bela thanks JP for accompanying her to her house. He tells her he doesn't want her to be alone. JP thinks there would have been enough room at his place for her. Bela thinks Andrea would not have been happy. As JP starts to leave, Bela asks if he is in love with Andrea. He asks what she thinks. She says yes, but JP tells her he loves Andrea…as a friend, but he is not in love with her. He has told Andrea how he feels since the beginning, but he thinks Andrea probably hopes he stops feeling what he is feeling. Bela keeps asking questions until she tells him she still loves him…she just wants him to know. JP thinks they should stop playing games and admit what they feel. They tell each other that they love each other.

Eman and Emi in the Senator’s kitchen. Emi is in a panic and nervous, but she thinks they need to save Senator's wife...she doesn't deserve to die. Eman tells her to do what they had planned. Eman turns the gas on in the kitchen stove, but Senator finds it and turns it off. The Senator tases Eman and confronts him as he gets a gun on him on the floor. Sen call Eman a damned traitor.

Grace is now back in the sauna. Marcia goes to get her water and drugs the drink and gives it to Grace. She leaves and readjusts the temperature all the way up and takes the knob…and apparently holds or locks the door from the outside. Strange feature on a sauna.

JP doesn't like Bela being alone. Bela suggests he stay to sleep on the couch, but JP won't be responsible for what happens in the middle of the night. He tells her how he will kiss her and what he will do to her. He tells her they can always go up so she find out the rest, but Bela hesitantly sees him to the door.

The poison is taking Grace out as Marcia watches through the door window. Grace is getting hot and tells Marcia to open the door. She pleads.

Senator asks Eman why he is doing this to him as he still has Eman on the floor at gunpoint. He says they are both the same. Eman tells him that if he wants to kill him to go ahead and do it. Senator tells him ‘no;’ he is going to sell him out like the rat he is and lets him go.

Senator immediately calls Bela and asks her to come to his house. He has info that would interest her...does she not want to know who the shadow is? And who killed her parents? Bela tells him she is not going to fall for his lies and that when she made the truce with him, she also made it with the shadow. Senator tells her to bring someone with her and to be armed if she wants; he will be waiting for her.

Grace is alive at home being ministered to by her trust maid who tells her she should report the woman at the club since she tried to kill her. Grace refuses.

Marcia calls and tells Senator that she couldn't kill Grace…she thought of her father and just couldn't. Marcia tells him not to count on her for anything...she now needs to disappear.

Dario and Omar in Bela's house. (I think) One face was covered by a HUGE Univision ad for an upcoming show. Bela got Dario from behind and choked him out. Then there is a fight with Omar. She wins. The cops come and haul the punk-ass wannabe bad boys away and Bela tells him she will press charges.

JP tells Andrea that he is grateful for knowing her; se is a good woman. Andrea tells him not to continue…she knows where this is going. She tells him she loves him; he tells her he loves her too. Andrea hopes they can still be friends. IE: Bye.

JP asks Bela is she is okay. She tells him she is fine. After JP reminds her tha he didn’t want her staying alone, she tell shim she can defend herself in her own home, but JP tells her she could avoid all of this. Bela tells him Sen is at his house and he wants to tell her who the shadow is. But he can't because the mystery woman and her gas killed him.

AS the Senator walks back into the kitchen, Emi, wearing a gas mask, throws a canister of poison gas and jumps onto the Senator knocking him down She quickly exits as the Senator expires.

Eman sees the paper where Senato is dead, We know it was Emi who killed him. Emi freaks out because the paper says it was murder; so Eman tells her that the wife is saying that he didn't commit suicide. Emi is afraid that they will be in deep doo-doo, but Eman thinks that she must have done a good job in getting rid of all the fingerprints and other evidence. Oh? Emi, what would you know?

Bela swears to Pene that she didn't kill Senator. It must have been the shadow.

Reporter comes to ask for the Director at the Fed agency, but Simon tells her there is no director. The reporter asks questions about Senator's death, but Simon tells her it's confidential info.

Mike tells Pene that the doctors have told him everything…that he won’t be able to walk. She cries and asks how he can be so calm. Mike tells her he wants both of them to be strong.

Eman makes a call to the reporter. With what he has to say to her, she will become the director of the paper. He knows who killed the Senator. Later, Eman meets with the reporter. Eman is going to give her some facts so she can conduct her investigation, but he can't use his name and he can't be connected at all to the investigation. The name he will give her is of someone who is extremely dangerous...Isabela Leon


Bela 64 Three, Yeah the other one was two, but I forgot.

Bela and JP arguing in a park. Like foreplay for these two. She swears to JP that she didn't kill Senator. She asks if she believes him; so JP tells her he does, but Bela doubts that she believes him...they argue because JP only believes her when he decides to believe her. JP thinks they are not ready yet, They need to finish what they need to do.

Eman talks to Ric who tells him that the judge reinstated JP and Simon. His laptop is recording the convo to give him a voice sample. After Eman leaves, Ric makes a call to make sure the convo was recorded…it was. Ric then uses his voice recognition program and sees that Eman’s voice is a 100% match to the other voice he had been listening. He calls Simon and tells him he knows who the shadow is but he can't tell him there. It's not secure. He will meet him later.

Ric goes to Eman's office to thank him for supporting him. Eman asks Ric what he has been doing all this time that he (Eman) was not around. Ric tells him he was working at his office...investigating. Eman offers Ric a drink. Don't, don't, don't, Ric, what are you thinking?
Eman was offering Ric a drink because Ric was quitting his job at Interpol because he was reinstated as Director of Fed Agency. What he signed was his resignation.
actually it was the pen he used which was poisoned.

The reporter visits JP at work to talk about some deaths…cases that he investigated. The reporter tells him that since there is no director, he doesn’t need to get clearance to talk to her. She wants info on the beasts...the ones who killed Bela's parents

JP and Bela, and Pene at work with Simon and talk about the reporter who must have some good source since only they know that they refer to 'them' as the beasts.

Ric calls Bela to arrange a meeting, but Emmanuel arrives. Ric signs a document and Eman tells him to drop it off at Human Resources. Eman watches Ric on the camera as he leaves then hurriedly starts to follow Ric to the elevators.

Uh oh! Ric is coughing…something is happening to Ric…the poison in the drink. Eman tells him that it is too bad that he is in a hurry to go to talk to Bela about him. Ric tells him he will die in peace. Eman asks who he told about his secret. Ric's dying words are that Bela will know his secret.
Eman kills him in the elevator.

Eman goes to tell JP, Simon, Bel and JP about Ric. Simon asks if Ric sent him a message. Eman tells them that Ric won't be able to tell them anything because he is dead.

The reporter asks if Ric had a previous condition.

JP and Bela are brainstorming. JP reminds Bela that Norman died of a heart attack at Interpol...just as Ric died of natural causes at Interpol. Bela deduces that the shadow killed them both…and he is someone at Interpol who has power.

Pene comes home to find Mike there with Bela and Andrea. He doesn't appreciate getting home and being yelled at. Bela tells him that Ric's death has affected them. Pene tells Mike that Bela thinks the shadow had something to do with Ric’s death. Bela thinks that the shadow made it look like Ric died of natural causes…and asks 'what if my godfather killed him? '

Simon tells JP that Ric told him that the shadow was always close to them. JP assumes it is Emmanuel. Simon also recalls that Ric told him that when they found out the name of the shadow that they would not be able to believe it.


Wow! kJ...just browsing here and was excited you had already recapped tonite’s episode....Mke, oh Mike? Why why why

Fantastic Kirby.

"Bela and JP arguing in a park. Like foreplay for these two" had me smiling and was my favorite line of many.

The “punk-ass wannabe bad boys” got off way too easy. I would not have cared a whit had they ended up deceased. Evidence this show has eaten away at my sense of justice – too many loathsome, murderous people.

“Marcia calls and tells Senator that she couldn't kill Grace…she thought of her father and just couldn't.” Why on earth would a vision of her monstrous father pop into her brain and consciousness? Shockingly, you do have feelings for Grace but none for Mike as evidenced by the fierceness with which you plunged the needle into his neck. No salvation for you little girl.

“Mike tells Pene that the doctors have told him everything…that he won’t be able to walk”. I refuse to believe that. Miracles happen every day and I would never, ever count Mike down and out. In this instance, Mike is already several steps ahead as he is in amazing physical condition. And Bella should have cried. It is because of her that this has happened. She has a very heavy mantle to bear in all of this.

And Emi. I hardly could believe my eyes seeing her long body around the Senator's neck, trying to bring him down. In addition to lying, deceiving and manipulating Emi, Em has now turned her into a murderer. The man who killed her parents in cold blood has made her do the same. Unfathomable.

Finally, the truth is dawning. I could be wrong but from the look on his face, I don't think JP was surprised the shadow was Eman. He probably deduced it some time ago.

It was a shame Ric had to die. I thought it interesting that the person he called was Simon, though. Not JP.

Quite a bit more to unravel. Thank you Kirby, this was suspenseful and you captured everything perfectly.

I think your avatar was showing off for you. What an incredible eye you have. Excellent shot.


Good Morning all. As the beast herd thins out it is interesting to see them start turning on each other like ravenous hyenas fighting over the last shreds of a rotting carcas. I just do not want to see Eman meet a clinical, painless end. He needs to suffer. Like remove his hands, feet and eyes. Maybe more. Grrrrr.

I was appalled at Emi turning into a stone cold killer. Her one "Saving Grace" :-) was that she did it to save the Senator's wife from a certain death.

To clarify a few things, Ric had not been reinstated, rather Eman had hired him on at Interpol. What is that old saying about friends close and enemies closer? So last night Ric had gotten his real job back and was resigning from Interpol,thus he was signing his resignation papers with Eman, with a poison pen, supposedly. He resigned alright.

Note to Oh-My and Dairy-Oh, fellas, it takes more than a complete absence of morals to be even a half-assed criminal. You need skills and brains. Maybe not much of either, but a detectable quantity.

Kirby: RIP Ricardo. Damn shame he had to die like that.

Once he figured out Emanuel was the Shadow & part of the Beasts, I KNEW this was NOT going to end well.

I'm NOT shocked about the Senator getting whacked..... by Emilia.

Dumb-ass girl still has no damn clue Emanuel whacked Daddy & Mommy Quintero.

RGV Chick: Marine Mike paralyzed & Penelope needs to stop going off on Isabella.

I'm still thinking both Marine Mike & Penelope are in danger as Emanuel will kill them too.

Diana: Not shocked Isabella gets framed for the Senator's death.

"Saving Grace" - love it.



Good Moring, Patio! Thank you, Kirby! Great recap for a riveting episode.

Well, we figured Eman was going to do away with the Senator, but I was surprised that he had Emo do the dirtiest of the work. I guess Emi didn't get it when Eman told her that Bela was smart in that she never got her hands dirty. Dumb nitwit, If Eman doesn't kill her, they will probably find a fingerprint or some other evidence to put her at Senator's house.

Kirby, "Bela and JP arguing in a park. Like foreplay for these two." Now that was a senseless scene that Univision could have cut out. Bela was making no sense whatsoever.

I'm just wondering how Eman found out that Ric was onto him. Of course, Ric was working at Interpol and using Interpol resources and probably staff; so maybe Eman questioned whoever was helping Ric him with the voice recognition program???

Diana, I think Marcia was able to go through with her plan of doing in MIke because she knew he was part of the plot against her father; whereas Grace has never done anything to hurt her or her family. That's one of the things that Dario or Omar (don't remember which) pointed out when Senator told them to kill Grace--they had nothing against her; so none of them really wanted to hurt Grace...until the Senator threatened them with returning them to where they came from.

And Diana, I am also hoping Mike will have one of those TN miraculous recoveries.

Kirby, "Note to Oh-My and Dairy-Oh, fellas, it takes more than a complete absence of morals to be even a half-assed criminal. You need skills and brains." Exactly! and if you would combine the two, you would get nothing.

Oh, and poor Andrea, she should have known not to get her hopes up.

Love the bullet, Kirby!!


Thanks Rgv Chick. I appreciate your explaining Marsha's lack of motivation to do away with Grace.

Sadly, Marcia, Omar and Dario had the same dedication to right their loved ones deaths as Bella. But I still can't understand why Dario, who was abused terriby by BBB (his sister even more so), would not try to stop BBB let alone chose to channel his energy into destroying those who actually did himself and his sister a favor by eliminating her.

In addition to being let down by JP, is Andrea out of a job now too? I was surprised she wasn't at the station along with Simon and JP. Guess her tenure there ended when Ric left.


Andrea looks to be unemployed, and after her high minded proclamations to JP et. al. about waiting until it meant something, in love, etc. she and JP wound up doing exactly to her little heart what she had just said she did not want to do. (In luuuurve with yore panties, but not U)

Thankfully she is a grown woman now and has a pretty good chance of just chalking it up to experience and getting on with life. That said, she is smart and pretty, which is a good starting point for anything. Plus, she already knows more about life than some will learn in all their years.

We have three more sessions to see the end of Eman and the ensuing fallout. I want him dead before the last commercial break Monday night.


Kirby,thank you for taking one for the team and recalling the continuing carnage. What can I say...I miss jorny Jorge.I

Regarding Mike, when I taught in a senior high, one of the football players broke his neck in a game, and the doctors thought he would never walk again. However, he did eventually walk again. I hope that Mike recovers. The way the writers have written this character constantly suffering is so odd . Yet, the two leads are walking around in a protective bubble. Oh, I forgot . The galan HAD TO have sex with two women. Wow...... What a hero.

Steve...So what is the body count at present?

Are you supposed to hate the galan and leading lady?

Maybe there will be a spin-off "Arguing in the Park.


About Mike in his wheelchair.....Maybe do a crossover with La Rosa de Guadalupe. Pene finds a white rose on gym may. The wind blows
Mike’s hair and he can walk! Don’t want him in a wheelchair!

Susanlynn: Here's the latest Body Count (if I missed anyone else, let me know)

1.) Mommy Leon

2.) Enrique Leon

3.) Leon Family Dog

4.) Maria Estela

5.) Daddy Quintero's Chauffeur

6.) Daddy Quintero: Beast #1

7.) The Vendor

8.) Castor's Henchmen

9.) Castor

10.) Felipe

11.) Castor, Jr.,

12.) Penelope's Rapist StepDaddy

13.) Norman

14.) The 2 Ambulance People

15.) Horacio's Nagging Wife

16.) Julian the Kid

17.) Miyeria

18.) Miyeria's Brother & the Kids in the Bus

19.) DF Mayor Horacio Hernandez: Beast #2

20.) Roberta "La Madame" Gonzalez: Beast #3

21.) Veronica

22.) Colombian Goons

23.) Smuggled Girls

24.) Antonio's Goons

25.) Antonio Jose Ramos: Beast #4: Tony the Tiger got a good BIGLY snack.

26.) Isadora "La Joyera" Hernandez: Beast #5

27.) Smuggled People in the forest of the Vega Estate

28.) Ignacio Vega: Beast #6

29.) Vega Thugs

30.) Mommy Quintero: She knew too much & had to go GOODBYE.

31.) Senator Abelardo Zea: Beast #7

32.) Ricardo Morales: RIP

Holy Dead Rotting Bodies Batman.!

We needed a helluva lot more Bunny Hopping than we had just to replace these goners and stay static..

Thanks Steve, I know it is a rough job, but somebody has to do it. :-)

33.) Our patience with these writers.


Wow!!! Thanks Steve for the bookkeeping. I am so ready for a show in which nobody dies..just cheating, cheating, kidnapping, false pregnancies and other regular novela stuff. basta.

Susanlynn, I knew JP and Andrea were thisclose, but thought they kept getting interrupted. Didn't realize it actually happened.

Steve, what a memory you have. I can't add to your list if you did miss anyone.

And with all the names, there are those that should have been excluded and some who should have been added.


.....and lying....and bunnyhopping...maybe some dancing.

Diana, yeah, it "just sort of happened." I hope that it was memorable for Andrea because you and I seemed to have not noticed it. I think that in the older telenovelas, it would have been a near miss. Times they are a changing. #freelove

Maybe now that Andrea is 'experienced' and back on the market she will drop that horse tail and start back wearing makeup and short skirts. Woof

Girls, when Bela tried to call JP the other night he didn't answer his phone, but minutes later when she burst in and miraculously WAS NOT SHOT DEAD on the spot, Andrea and JP were wide awake, so I'd say they were busy.

Kirby, I guess I have Uni to thank for not going me a visual or the deed. Gracias, Uni

Susanlynn: I'm still devastated that Ricardo had to die like that SMH.

When Emanuel offered him that special drink, I was like "NOOOOOO Ricardo!"

I’m back! Sorry I’ve been gone the last few days.

Man, so much action in the last 48 hours. Holy smokes. And Eman delivering his strikes without any second thoughts or hesitation whatsoever. Just whacking people left and right. I was so pissed off when he killed Ricardo; he’s the one man that didn’t deserve it and the fact that he was going to tell them Eman was the shadow made me want to see him at least live long enough to tell Bella directly to her face. Good job by Univision to get me to despise this Eman character so much.

JP had a very stupid moment last night. So all along he’s had suspicions about Eman, knowing his sister was in danger, yet he lets her be with him while her life is at risk? WTF is wrong with him! If we don’t see him hunt for Eman tonight and kick Emília out of his house, there is something wrong with him being a “brother”.

Also something’s gotta give here, besides Eman being the shadow, JP and Emília NEED to know he also killed their parents. And Bella must also know about Maria (which she will) so how will their parents deaths ever be discovered?

And with so many episodes left, Mike better recover surprisingly near the end of the novela and have a FIGHT scene with Eman! Kick his ass at least!

Also about Eman; I don’t understand why he’s let Bellas friends all hang around if he’s known all along they’re coming after him eventually. And he’s never ever tried to do anything to JP. Just very odd.

Everything that happened with the Senator was so rushed and disappointing, and even some of the things we saw were unnecessary and pointless. Like Emília killing him, Marcia letting Grace free, Bella attacking Omar and that other dude, just a lot of tv time that was wasted with that. Filled!

Lucas, you didn't even ask for time off !

You are right, some of this stuff didn't even make sense. I have said before, jokingly, that the writers must say:
"Hey lets have her, blah, blah, blah and see what those jackasses on Caray think of THAT shit."

Welcome back Buddy.

Thanks, Kirby. Great job. I too vote "...arguing in a park. Like foreplay for these two" numero uno snark.

First, Emi puts up with Eman springing a secret son on her. Now she's committing murder for him? She knows he's as dirty and crafty as her pop and how that drove her mom batty, but it never occurs to her he could turn against her and bam? Not feeling sorry for Emi when she soon feels like a total fool.

JP and Andrea and Bella. They can cut all of that yadda-yadda. It's Mike and Pene I want to see more of. Mike's being stoic, having seen worse injuries to fellow soldiers in Afghanistan. But, hombre, you're going to take the word of doctors who left you for dead? There are all kinds of doohickeys that can help you these days.

Oh Ric, why did you have to hang out with Eman. Once you knew the truth, ya shoulda just got the hell away from him.

This was filmed all last year so I don't think it so much the writer's fault just Univision themselves who make the producers and editors idk, make it so rushed because they want higher ratings with this new novela Mi Marido tiene más Familia, which has beenvery successful in Mexico.

Otherwise I really enjoyed Arturo Barba's interpretation of Emanuel here!! He's really made everyone hate him for everything he has done, it's such a shame he hasn't had bigger roles like this in the past before!!

It was impossible for Ricardo to have fled immediately because Emanuel was spying on him through the security cam, either way he was a dead man and not only cuz Emanuel is like 8ft tall compared to him in that little elevator I felt so bad for him lmao he had no chance


What she said.

"...hombre, you're going to take the word of doctors who left you for dead?".

Thank you Niecie! We at Mike's table needed that.

They have really been the only romantic couple here I can really root for.


Splendid Kirby.

The snake has raised his head. Now how
Do they cut it off?
It's gonna take some sneaky underhand
Manuvering on the part of the B-team &
The feds.
One soldier has fallen with the evil shadows help. O he's a sneaky demon. I can see Emi taking him down. He killed her be-Loved papa.
Eman is cold blooded to the lowest degree. But they are onto him thank the tn gods. But they better be very careful.

So Gracie didnt bite the dust. Finally
Somebody said enough is enough no more
Killing. Good for you Marcia, now get
The Hell out of town. Quickly.

Senator bought the dust without a wimpper. The End

I wonder if Eman will use what emi did
To the senator against her. The sneak
Probably will. If she don't kill him first.

Andrea should get as far away as she can from all of that and be happy doin
Something unnarco-ish.

One beast left, he's gonna be stubborn
About dying. But he gonna die. Soon.

Thanks kirby

i have a feeling he'll have the most stupidest death ever bc this shows been so rushed he'll probably just get shot and die or something

Yeah Mike you have been in Afghanistan you've seen hell the rest us will never see. Get your hot but up and walk.

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