Friday, October 26, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/26/18 Capítulos 36/37 The Folly of Youth and of Old Age

Imelda had no idea Julieta was so radical in her beliefs. Imelda did what she could to take care of her family. Julieta does not deny that, only that her decision caused a lot of problems. Julieta sees that doing what "society" dictates is not always the best for us as individuals, Audifaz criticizes Tulio for drinking so much. Imelda tells Julieta she just cannot waltz in and "educate" them after all these years. Julieta just wishes they would try to be a little bit more "open". She asks Imelda what would ever happen if somebody in the family had a different sexual preference. Imelda won't even go there because that would never happen. Next, Eugenio brings up the "elephant in the room". Tulio is "allying" himself with Crisanta. Amalia calls him a traitor. Imelda agrees with Tulio because he is playing nice for the family's benefit reminding them that she never divorced Canuto and everything is still in his name. Blanca asks if Crisanta's family could take everything they have. Tulio says yes, they could and everyone gets upset. Tulio says that if the Córcega families don't come together, their family could be left with nothing.

Crisanta is still upset that she should have to see Imelda of all places in church. Crisanta cannot control her hatred because she cannot get that scene of Canuto telling Imelda he always loved her out of her head. Crisanta is ready to unleash the "revenge of the seven seas." Later, Susana tells Axel about Crisanta's plans for revenge. What to do? Axel bought a model of a ship as a reminder of his father. Susana remembers the first time her father took her on his boat. There was a storm and he hugged her and told her even when everything seems lost, the sun comes out again.

At Pancho's, Lupita is still being interrogated because she would dare have a conversation with her brother Tulio all alone. She says the boy she likes is Dave (which is true). Poor Lupita trying to hide Temo's secret will now have Julio to watch over her so she doesn't talk to Dave. She's too young for novios.

Next Linda upsets the family by talking about freedom in love. They all live like they are in the sixth century. They would not be having these problems if they just would open up and get with the times. Prince Charming doesn't exist. Women cannot just sit around waiting for him. Daniela adds fuel to the fire and says a woman shouldn't be valued less because she goes out with a lot of guys. Eugenio says that they just were not raised that way. Blanca asks where would a girl find all these guys. Linda answers on the internet via her phone. Imelda thinks that the only way a woman can gain respect is through marriage. Audifaz agrees. Julieta says that women have the right to direct their own lives and are self-sufficient. If anyone thinks differently about that they are "machista"(male chauvinists). Everyone is shocked that she used the "word." Julieta leaves. Audifaz makes a comment about Julieta being so finicky and Imelda comments about her "wrong" thinking. Robert says he came with best intentions but will not allow them to disrespect his wife. Blanca changes the topic to tomorrow being cleaning day at the apartment building. Who will do what?

Daniela is having a hard time sleeping thinking about what she said to Gabriel. He is in another room watching tv. Later Gabriel is snoring and sleepwalking in their room like a zombie and Daniela is afraid.

Temo gives Ari the money from his bank. Nobody has ever done anything like that for him.

Julieta and Robert talk with Dave. She tells him that shoving another child is a sign that he needs to calm down. She goes to pat him on the head and he moves away. He's a big kid now. Also, they can leave him alone at home. His REAL mom left him alone a lot of the time. Julieta asks why is he mentioning his bio-mom so much. Does he miss her? He says sometimes because this family is very different now from the one he had. It looks like Julieta and Robert are going to have a fine old time in bed until he decides that he has just too much on his mind. Julieta mentions her concern to Robert about Dave who is copying all of Sebas' attitudes. Robert asks if she really thinks that Sebas is that bad of an influence. Julieta tells Robert that Dave was never like this before. Robert says these outburst are normal with boys. Julieta knows all about boys because she grew up with two younger brothers. She insists that this is different. Robert suggests talking to Susana about Sebas' behavior. She is also worried about what Dave said about this family being very different. Robert sees it all being normal for an adopted child and that they are the best choice for Dave.

Lupita asks Frida if her friend Camilo can send her a pair of sunglasses, too. Frida sends a text on her phone and Camilo says he can. Lupita smiles.

Dave asks Robert if they can try to contact his mom so he can find out who his REAL father is. Robert understands. Dave thinks it would be cool to have two dads.

Crisanta meets with her lawyers at work so nobody else will knows about it. Crisanta wants to know what rights she has with reference to a building where her dead husband's first wife lives. They tell her she could be owner of 50% of the property. Axel comes in and wants toknow why the lawyers were there. Crisanta says it was to make sure her daughter was protected in the future.

Temo tells Ari he wants to tell him who he likes but he is afraid of the person's reaction. Ari tells him if he acts it out then it might be easier. Temo does a full confession about his love for his friend and falling in love with him. Ari says they really got carried away and thanks him for telling him all that and conveniently avoids letting on that he understands the content by telling Temo he is a really good actor. Ari is visibly uncomfortable and says he needs to leave. Temo is left sad and alone.

Linda wants to be one of Imelda's models. Imelda has no problem with that as long as she is "decent." She talks to Blanca and Eugenio about using the roof apartment for her business location.

Daniela is working when at 1:00 p.m. Gabriel comes in. She tells him he was up all night like a zombie. He apologizes but doesn't know what to do. She says sleeping in separate rooms is not working. She asks him to go help her parents out. He cannot because he doesn't feel well. He is going to look at want ads and go back to sleep.

Susana has a dream where Pancho, in his red sneakers, and she, in heels, do the tango. She awakes with a faint smile.

Ari is preoccupied in his shoot at Cklass but Julieta gets him on task. He tells Julieta that he is so happy with his modeling job because now he can help out his family. She tells him he can be himself and if she can help him out just to let her know.

Blanca lists things she wants to improve in her journal. One of them is the relationship between Robert and Pancho. They keep getting into it. During the building cleaning, Robert and Pancho argue about how much bleach they need to use. Blanca yells at them and tells them they are acting like two teenagers. Blanca finally tells them to just shut up and clean or they will never finish.Pancho ends up getting his way and puts too much bleach in the water. The fumes get to everyone. Since they cannot see too well through their teary eyes, Robert ends up with Julio and Dave ends up with Pancho.

Susana decides the time has come to go back to work due to Pancho's influence and wanting her dad to be proud of her.She talks with Pancho and even though she is going through all of the stages of grief she will not give up. She accepts Pancho's offer to get everything off her chest and go dancing. He will her pick her up.

Amalia "sprains" her ankle. She is feeling insecure one more time and doesn't understand how Enzo could love her because she is not skinny. Why does he love her? She saw photos of his last skinny girlfriend. On and on and on she goes.

Daniela goes to talk to Blanca and Robert about her problems with Gabriel. He cannot find work, nothing motivates him, and he hardly helps around the house. Daniela feels like they are not on the same wave length. She fears for their future. Later, she tells her mother that she feels like she is Gabriel's mother and not his wife. Blanca tells her that Gabriel comes from a very conservative family where his father was the bread winner, etc. If he cannot please his father or her, he is going to be lost. Blanca reminds her they are a very different couple. Daniela still loves him but is at her wit's end.

At school the boys on the basketball team pick on Ari and Temo. The coach has to break Ari and another guy up before they start to fight.

Imelda and Linda and Crisanta and Axel end up in the same restaurant after Crisanta and Imelda earlier argued outside of their shops. They do not sit together just insult each other. Linda doesn't know why they cannot sit together since they shared the same husband. That does not go over well with Imelda. Axel and Linda meet each other at the restrooms apart from their grandmothers. Linda says her family said for her to leave him alone. He asks since when she is a girl to follow the rules. What if they go out tonight secretly? It is not a date but more of "an outing for cousins." She accepts.

Julieta tells Robert that things are going to get even more complicated. She thinks Ari and Temo are in love with each other and that they will need their support. Julieta overheard the two of them. Later, they run into Ari and Temo and tell them that they can always count on them. Ari finds all of their attention sort of odd.

At dinner at Blanca's, Julieta continues the conversation from before. Julieta was particularly surprised by Audifaz's conservative point of view since she thought Audifaz was sort of a rocker. She asks what he thinks of same sex couples. He wonders why she would ask that. Everyone becomes uncomfortable. He thinks it is a bad thing and against nature. Blanca starts talking about recipes.

At school, Susana picks up Sebas who is very happy to see her. They end up at the hot dog stand. Since Catalina doesn't hold grudges she will give Susana a special two for one deal.

Frida tells Lupita that Camilo has her sunglasses. He wants to see them.

At work, Robert consults Tavo about Dave. Tavo says that the outbursts are normal and just wait until puberty. Dave's asking about his bio-parents is also normal. Robert says he gets it but that it is just different when it is your own kid.

Susana gets ready to go out. Crisanta is happy for her. Susana worries about Sebas' reaction. Crisanta says Sebas has to respect Susana's friendships. Vicente appears and guesses she is going out with Pancho and wishes her good luck.

Crisanta sits and talks to Canuto asking him why he left her like he did. She replays the scene with his dying words to Imelda. Crisanta proclaims that there is a God and it is time for justice.

Julieta works on a poster for Dave's birthday. She is still worried about Dave preferring his REAL mom. Robert tells her not to worry.

Axel and Linda are on their date at a super store. They are in the grocery section. She just doesn't understand how that is going to be any fun. Axel says with him things will never be boring. They are going to sleep there. He suggests they hide in the dressing rooms and spend the night in the store. They will hide again before the store opens and just leave. Linda agrees if she gets to choose their next date. They shake on it. After the store closes, Linda and Axel dress up in clothes from the store and have dinner with wine and flowers. They ride on people movers and play kissy face. They fall asleep on a mattress display.

Susana and Pancho have fun at Enzo's dance class. It is reminiscent of her tango dream. Suddenly her father's death hits her again and she is in tears. He takes her home. She feels so bad that she never told her father good bye. She apologizes because she knows he has his own stuff he is dealing with, too. He says he feels responsible for Rebeca's death and that is why he relocated the family to Oaxaca. She asks why he feels responsible. Pancho says it is a long story. What he is really saying is that he knows how she feels and shares her grief.

Daniela finally manages to wake Gabriel. She tells him that she has been doing a lot of thinking and they cannot go on like this in. He looks shocked. Everyday is worse and she doesn't want things to get any worse. She wants a separation. Gabriel is really awake now. He knows that they are going through a hard time but doesn't want her to leave. He says he feels like when his mother died with just no energy or direction. He says getting out of a depression is not easy. She suggests he see a therapist. He says he has been in therapy his whole life. She repeats that what they are doing now is not working. Living in different places will give them time to think. Gabriel begs for her to stay.

At the same time, Linda and Axel are awakened by security guards who wonder what they are doing in the store. The security guards are going to call the police. Linda is suddenly concerned about what her family will say. Linda and Axel agree to pay a large fine instead. The charges are unbelievable. Axel's credit card is rejected so he calls his mother. Susana gets the call as she drops off Sebas. Axel tries to explain. Who is he with? Linda Córcega. Susana is shocked!!!

When Julieta and Robert drop the kids off, they find out that Linda never came home last night. Everyone is upset. Robert tells them to calm down since he thinks that Linda will be home soon. The doorbell suddenly rings and it is Crisanta with a suitcase. She is there to inform them that this building belongs to her, too, so, she is planning on living there. Imelda says over her dead body she will. Crisanta tells her to get her tomb ready. Crisanta has spoken to her lawyers and 50% of the building belongs to her. There is pandemonium. Crisanta finally whistles to shut them all up and get their attention. She announces that she has six more suitcases coming. She will review all of the bedrooms and choose one for her very own. Robert goes with her. Julieta tries to calm them all down with some yoga deep breathing. Of course, Crisanta likes Imelda's room best until she finds out it is hers. No way will she stay there! Fuchi! (Yuck!) Robert tells Crisanta that she will just suffer living there. No way, Crisanta will just feel closer to "her" Canuto. It is all she has left of him. She considers the building as a part of her daughter's and grand children's inheritance. It is time for justice as she has told Imelda . . .


Looks like Axel is not too bright when it comes to negotiating the real world like having a functional credit card. He had to call his mommy to come bail him and loopy Linda out. What a harebrained idea for a date anyway. in this day and age, did he really think he could outwit them? Guess so. Run, Linda, run!

Now we know that Gabriel has suffered from depression before and has been in therapy a lot. Guess this is the depression PSA of the story. At least they haven't made this season's Gabriel so different from last season's Gabriel without a purpose.

I got a kick out of Crisanta arriving suitcase in hand with six more to follow.

More thoughts tomorrow.

Just thinking about all of the PSA's there could be so far in this secnnd season. I you can think of any others let me know so we an add them to the list.

1. alcoholism
2. internet predators
3. depression
4. adoption and all that entails
5. divorce and child custody and all that entails
6. marriage, death and inheritance rights
7. arthritis
9. aging and all that entails
10. mid life crisis
11. swimming safety and CPR
12. low self esteem
13. discrimination against gays
14. discrimination against women
15. discrimination against the physically scarred
16. kissing cousins: societal taboo? laws?

Then there is the advertising of Cklass and Bimbo.


Just the fact that Axel thought that was a reasonable date waves so many red flags. Linda really shouldn't have taken the bait. Dumbest idea ever that those two agreed to. I don't think any girl should ever take Axel seriously. Clarissa should run far too. His credit card didn't even work and he had to call "Susana"? If i were her i would not even bail him out.

The kissing cousins thing just seems so wrong cause its so close to the lineage. But there are many people who still get married and have families even if they're first cousins or further down the line. It just seems plain gross, though.

Is there anything Gabriel and Daniela can do regarding the sleepwalking? That seems to almost be a dealbreaker. And what really brought on his depression? For some reason I find it hard to sympathize with Gabriel, even now knowing about his depression. It really just seems like he's cruising around. Robert and Blanca said that men are providers, but Gab doesn't seem to be trying. if he's so concerned about being a provider, he would take any job there is out there and make it work, regardless if it's his calling. But all he's doing is trying out really random jobs and letting Daniela maintain the household. I really hated the scene when he opened the fridge and got so frustrated that there was nothing there. He was so exasperated it looked like he was unconsciously blaming Daniela for it.

Gab and Daniela will probably work it out, but i think they need a real break at the very least. They're clearly not understanding each other, and gab's depression shouldn't be used as a crutch to hold Daniela into the relationship. I actually think she should leave, she's clearly having that instinct. It's not fair to her at this point. Or she can commit to fully support him in some other way, but cut the whining out. It's clear it's going to be a long painful ride if she stays.

Jarifa, muchísimas gracias for this excellent recap, and the so many others you have done recently.       :-)

Robert and Julieta should have taught David the difference between his biological parents and his real parents. And not to read other people's diaries.

The writers are really slamming poor Gabriel, and he is now coming off as a not very sympathetic character. Depression can be serious stuff, even life-threatening. I hope they resolve his problems soon.

I hope Axel and Linda fall in love and elope to live far, far away and never return. OK, it's not that bad, but two goofy characters definitely. What were they thinking????

Jarifa, thanks again, I had no idea that Cklass was a real company. It looks like Julieta (or somebody :) is doing an excellent job with their catalogs. Some really nice covers at their website, including Livia Brito. Nice, nice, nice.


Whoa! Lots of bombshells in this episode. Thanks for covering the carnage, Jarifa. And super title too. The PSA about depression will be interesting. In our Care Ministry at church we had a series of talks by therapists in the past, and one of the gems shared was that even therapists can get very impatient with people who are depressed. Because it can be darn near impossible to get them to do anything. It will be interesting to see how the writers handle this.

I was so relieved that our beloved Susanlynn checked in last night. Sending good thoughts and good vibes(((((())))))) to everyone this morning. (Rainy and dark here at the moment.) Visit to auto dealership yesterday morphed into a big bill. Funny how that works. But the pain will be offset by a few hours of babysitting li'l Will this morning.

Thanks, Jarifa. Your recap is a great break away from housework this afternoon. I actually checked off every issue on your PSA list. Wow, I do believe most extended families are dealing with most of them.

Daniela adds fuel to the fire and says a woman shouldn't be valued less because she goes out with a lot of guys. Eugenio says that they just were not raised that way. Blanca asks where would a girl find all these guys. Ha! Blanca made me laugh. She's always the practical one.

Whatever happened to the videochats Robert used to have with his bioparents? Why not ask them about David's new preoccupation with his bioparents.

He says getting out of a depression is not easy. She suggests he see a therapist. He says he has been in therapy his whole life.

Gabriel, don't you think you should've told Dani this before the marriage? Not fair to expect her to be the answer to your problems. Hombre, get back in therapy. JudyB, thanks for sharing the gem that even a therapist can get impatient with the depressed. In Gabriel's case, it's hard not to get impatient. He's young and good looking, physically healthy, well educated, and has a loving wife. Don't know how the writers will handle this, but I suspect he's got clinical depression and needs meds.

The minimal makeup Crisanta is wearing now looks great on her. Where oh where will Crisanta wind up in the Corsega building. Maybe in Xavi's rooftop apartment?

Jarifa, Susana has a dream where Pancho, in his red sneakers, and she, in heels, do the tango. She awakes with a faint smile. I just loved this bit, and at the dance class too, until Susana got weepy. But now, after their talk, she knows Pancho is a widower. Even before this she and Pancho were definitely getting closer.

For me this is a bit strange. I like Pancho quite a lot, but he is also a pretty goofy guy. I can see how he could cheer up Susana, but as a romantic partner I don't know. But then people make all sorts of matches, some of which only the two involved can understand, if even they can.

So now Julieta is a busybody and has matched Ari and Temo, and now she and Robert are oh, so supportive and approving even before there is anything definite. Silly, but usual TN stuff.

Niecie, The minimal makeup Crisanta is wearing now looks great on her. It definitely does, especially contrasted with Imelda's clown makeup.

So Monday the new dead people show starts. Jarifa and Cynthia, won't you miss these double episode nights?




Anon, the kissing cousin thing is interesting because it does have the "yuk" factor for me, too, but as you say it is not as uncommon even nowadays in the world as one would think. At one time, it was popular when families wanted to consolidate power and protect bloodlines. Then there are all of the genetic considerations. which are too much to think about. "yuK" does it for me.

Yes, JudyB, depression can certainly hold people back from acting on anything at all. Now that we know that is Gabriel's problem, I sure hope they solve it ASAP but I am not holding my breath.

Niece, I too, would like to see Dave's adoptive parents incorporated some where. They surely could tell him what it is like not being the bio-parent and what they felt like when Dave discovered he was a Córcega. It is like they dropped off a cliff never to be seen again. It doesn't put Robert in the best light, if I really think about it, either.

Andy, I am expecting to see every single possible PSA and plot turn in this novela before it ends. They seem to be grabbing on to any predicament that presents itself. I wonder what the list will look like at the end. As for Susana and Pancho, yes, opposites do often attract. Pancho is interesting because he came from a working class background as shown through his way of expressing himself but is also a very wealthy man. They could make a good team. I would love to watch "Amar a muerte" but will have to watch it OnDemand if I do. There is too much other competing content. Yes, both watching and recapping double episodes is tedious.

Kissing cousins:
There's the theory of genetic sexual attraction. It mostly applies to adoptive children finding their siblings or parents later on in life and find themselves sexually attracted to the relative. Perhaps this relates to cousins as well? incest just seems plain wrong, no matter the reason. The last royal family in russia was well known for their genetic shortfalls that stemmed from too much inbreeding.

A cousin is a step away from being a sibling. Linda and Axel are half first cousins. Yucky is the keyword there.

I keep hoping Julieta’s other brother Bruno who is Linda’s ex-boyfriend will return from Europe and get her away from Axel.

Jarifa, "The Folly of Youth and of Old Age" could not have been better.

Your list was inspired and "aging and all that entails" was perfect. Discriminatory themes are rampant here as you so wisely pointed out.

"At Pancho's, Lupita is still being interrogated because she would dare have a conversation with her brother Tulio all alone" was my favorite.

Perhaps it's just me but I am sort of looking forward to Crisanta moving in. Bless her, she is so fired up she could care less that she is outnumbered 10 to one. Like a fierce lioness, aroused and angry, she will defend what is her daughter's and her grandsons. I don't think for one moment that any satisfaction she might receive could compensate for hearing her dying husband of many decades utter that he loved another.

Andy your comments were all great but two stood out. "So now Julieta is a busybody" mirrored my thoughts last night exactly. For someone who constantly harps on her need for privacy, she certainly violated Ari and Temo's last night, didn't she? And your comment on Panccho "I can see how he could cheer up Susana, but as a romantic partner I don't know". Yes, I don't quite see it either but Susana seems a bit smitten.

I suspect there is no plot twist to reveal either Linda or Axel are adopted. Therefore, I wish the writers would abandon this plotline and have Axel spend quality time with the enigmatic Clarissa. Then, we could look at her, rather than him. When he's with Linda, I just want to look elsewhere. Anywhere else.

Dani and Gabe's situation has totally deteriorated. Judy, your "...even therapists can get very impatient with people who are depressed. Because it can be darn near impossible to get them to do anything" was sobering. I know little about the cause of depression and even less about how to handle it, but I hope the seriousness of his sitation sinks in and Gabe will choose to try and accept he needs to change and needs help to do it.

"Whatever happened to the videochats Robert used to have with his bioparents? Why not ask them about David's new preoccupation with his bioparents". Why not Niecie. Great advice.

Jarifa, another marvelous outing. Thank you!


Diana, I also am looking forward to Crisanta moving in and giving Imelda a run for her money. Your description of Imelda is perfect. I have liked her from the beginning. Her moving in should provide great drama and also, I hope, a bit of good comedy. Like you, I still think back to Crisanta hearing Canuto's dying words of love to Imelda. It must have been like a knife in her heart and nothing anyone would get over easily. Should be fun!

Jarifa: Sounds like Gab & Daniela need a BIGLY break.

OT Will there be recaps for the new Angelique Boyer telenovela on Caray Caray?

Thank you for your recap, Jarifa, and great title!

"Crisanta is still upset that she should have to see Imelda of all places in church. "
I know, right? Of all the gin joints in all the world . . . Besides, who sits down right next to anybody in a mostly empty church???

That Linda/Axel date was ridiculous. Puh-leeze. I've seen that same thing in some other movie, somewhere along the line. As for the incest, I think the writers are yanking our chain. We all know what happens with incestuous relationships, e.g., the Hapsburgs.

And seriously, if Axel is a doctor and his credit card is bad, why is Susana teaching him that mommy will bail him out??? Argh.

Okay, I need to stop ranting.

Crisanta moving into Chez Córsega might be fun. Like a bad AARP reality(ha!) show. They could steal each other's BenGay and mix up the blood pressure and heart meds.

Niecie - great point in wondering where are Robert's adoptive parents! I guess they had other gigs, this season.

I think I'll go OD on some Hallmark Xmas movies today. LOL

Anon, I don’t know if anyone will be recapping “Amor a muerte.” We’ll just have to see what happens.

Steve, yes, Gabriel and Daniela need a break.

doris, yes, Susana should have let Axel pay the piper along with loopy Linda. Her bailing him out is why he is like he is. “Of all the gin joints in the world” has me laughing this a.m. I am going to take advantage of the Halloween horror movies today.

Amar a Muerte strikes me as something that might interest Urban Anthropologist but there hasn't been anything posted so far.

Good Day, Everyone. Thank you, Jarifa, forthe recap. Definitely liked the PSA list. You are right in that the writers seem to be grabbing on to any kind of predicament. It's a hodgepodge of a story.

I'm also disappointed with what they have done with Gabi. Niecie, Dani did know about Gabi's bouts with depression. Cassandra and Clarissa told her about it when he took off to the ministry for a second time. In order to get out of his depression, Gabi needs to feel he is of value and see that there is a light at the end of his tunnel; so he really needs to find something he can be successful at. Maybe Julieta will step in and give him a job a CKlass where his interest in fashion can be recognized. And whatever happened to their plan that he would take care of the administrative part of the business while Dani took care of creating the figures?

Axel & Linda ->->FFW

I'm also wondering where Crisanta will end up in the building. Wasn't there an extra bedroom that Amalia used for a while?

Andy, "busybosy" is a perfect description of Julieta. So now who's being "invasiva" right?

Diana, love your description of Crisanta, the lioness. I agree that she is defending what is rightfully belongs to her daughter and grandsons, but i also think that her biggest motivator is her revenge against Imelda.

Niecie, good idea about Rob's adoptive parents. I've also been wondering where Julieta's dad is.

No spoiler intended if I am right: I am presuming that Susana will come to Axel's rescue out of guilt because she doesn't have the spine to do what is right by him or Sebas.

RgvChick, I think the problem with Gabriel taking over the administrative part of the business is that there just isn't that much business. Good question about Julieta's dad. Maybe he could provide a romantic interest for Crisanta. Now that would be a hoot.

In previous novelas, Pancho was associated with Avon. I wonder if that company will come into play again.

So many questions . . . 🤔

Life is funny. Who would have ever thought I would defend Axel?      :-)

But he doesn't have enough money available on his credit card (probably because he likes to be a big shot big spender). So now he faces the choice of borrowing money from his mother or being charged with a crime. Both him and Linda.

In this situation I think it is reasonable for him to ask his mother to bail him out and for her to do it.

Hell of a way to bond, but...      :-)


Jarifa, I was thinking the exact same thing about Susana bailing Axel out to make up for all the other times she hasn't been there for only makes sense...

Hugo Sr. and that's a thought!

Seems like these newer TN's have an overflow of PSA's. Didn't PATM also have an excess of PSA's???


Sure did.

Thank you Jarifa for the excellent recap.

Agree that 'Don'T call me Julie' may have jumped to some premature conclusions about Ari and his interest in Temo.

Cannot understand why the extended Corsega Clan #1 has not hired several attornies to challenge Crisanta's lawyers concerning her stake in the property. No need for more doctors but definitely room for more lawyers!

RgvChick, I like your idea of Julieta giving Gabi a job! They get along very well and it would be more of a family affair as Cassandra is there too.

Speaking of Cassandra, I sensed a bit of jealousy now that Susana isn't focused on Julieta's jugular...She needs a bit more to do than run around saying "OK chief"...

Jarifa and Andy, I agree Susana will bail Axel out. He and Linda have so much in common - immaturity is at the top of the list.

Anon, "no need for more doctors but definitely room for more lawyers" is right! :)

Happy Monday all.


Good Monday Morning!

Diana, yes, I noticed that look Cassandra gave....definitely jealousy! I keep thinking that these women (Cass, Clar, and Linda) are in their late 20’s/early 30’s?? And still acting like teenie boppers!

Hoppy Monday!

...and they don’t have careers! So what is this TN suggesting about younger female adults??

Linda at least had a job at that plastic surgery clinic before she went to Europe and Casandra has a job with Julieta. Clarisa doesn’t seem to do much except chase after Axel. As for Axel, how could anyone make it through medical school/residency and be indifferent to trespassing/breaking the law unless he views himself above the law because of his social/professional status. That is why he should be arrested. Linda could benefit from the reality check, too.

Jarifa - I'm with you re: Axel.

Bailing kids out teaches them they don't have to suffer consequences of their poor decisions. #toughlove

doris, that is why it is important that kids learn the lesson early when the stakes are not so high.

Jarifa, yes! "... it is important that kids learn the lesson early when the stakes are not so high."

"Tough love" is fine, but not when it means being arrested and charged with what might be a serious crime in telenovelandia. Remember that Axel was a bit shocked at the bill, so the dollar (or peso :) amount might make it a serious crime.

So now is not the time to get tough with Axel. But as Rgv Chickie once pointed out, everything is at the whim of the writers. Or at the discretion of the writers to give them a little more credit. And while I'm sometimes annoyed and frustrated with the writers, I am also sometimes very impressed.


ITA the writers have done and continue to do an outstanding job. It’s a great story and sure gets interesting conversations going.

I may be in the minority, but I don't believe Crisanta has any right to her "revenge" against the original (and, legally, ONLY, Corsegas). It is not THEIR fault that he was a wimpy jerk. Nor that 50% of the building is "rightfully" hers. First of all, THEY are as much victims of Canuto's idiocy as her family, if not more. THEY were cheated on. THEY were abandoned. HE never stopped living Imelda. HE came chasing back after her. Crisanta's marriage wasn't even legal, as he wasn't free to remarry, so how can she be legally entitled to his legal family's property? If anything, she would be entitled to HALF of HIS half.

It sure will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Anon 12:36, "so how can she [Crisanta] be legally entitled to...?"

Well, I suppose we could argue that the laws in Mexico might be different from those here, and might even vary from state to state as they do here, but the REAL reason is "because the writers said so! :-)"

Appeals to logic, science, law, religion, philosophy, the Dalai Lama, whatever, notwithstanding. They are all useless, the writers have the last word. And reserve the right to change their minds whenever it suits their fancy.

And, besides, it makes for an interesting story.



I know I'm late chiming in here, but I do want to thank Jarifa for her splendid recapping! Jarifa that was a lot to take in and digest. I didn't watch the show till later so you covered a lot of details.

Crisanta has a lot of nerve just saying that she will move in. They need a good lawyer to tell her her marriage is invalid because Canuto was already legally married. But the writers do what they want even though it doesn't make sense.

So Gabriel is suffering from depression like his mother did? Is that the story behind that his mother passed away possibly from suicide or something? I think I remember that it was said his mother was mentally ill and passed away. Am I right or am I confusing this with some other TN?


Andy: No I will not miss recapping those two hour episodes! I hate it when they do that to us. Or when they combine two episides together into one hour. It always seems like it skips around a lot.

I think you are right, Cynthia, .. . but I also know I have watched one too many novelas.😳

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