David, and the Lopez twins are doing homework together and arguing. Frida talks about how
she misses her mother. The homework is about mothers and fathers who work. Frida
also mentions how her mother is on tour with Xavi. Pancho is listening outside
as the twins start to say that they miss their mother and he comes in and tries
to comfort them.
and Dani are arguing again. She tells him she doesn’t want to be his mother
telling him what to do all the time. She realizes it was hurtful and she
apologizes. Gabe goes out to get some air. After Gabe leaves she throws down a
tool which knocks over some wood that very painfully lands on her foot.
is at Crisanta’s shop admiring her mother’s work and complimenting her on the
anchiquini. Crisanta talks about the beach and how Canuto fell in love with her
when she was much thinner and had a small waist. Susana assures her it was her
personality as well and that her father loves Crisanta. She goes on and on
about what a wonderful husband Canuto is. Susana looks wistful and her mother
asks her what is wrong. Susana says “nothing” and suggests they go for some ice cream.
Julieta, and Blanca sit in the bakery wondering what is going on. Robert is especially
anxious about the outcome of the truth being told to his father and uncles.
Julieta asks Blanca if Eugenio knows that she knew the truth before he did.
Blanca says “no, I can’t even imagine how he will react to that.” They are interrupted by Catalina prancing in
with her sage and incense proudly proclaiming that the building now has ‘good
vibrations’. She makes some sort of
reference to their competition as grandmothers. Blanca tells her pretty much to
let the games begin. They both try to get David to choose who he loves more.
But David says he loves both. Eugenio walks in feeling very emotional and hugs
Robert, crying.
tells him that he knows how hard it is to process all this. Robert tells him to
be strong for everyone. Blanca blurts out that she and Robert knew about this.
gives Canuto a diabetic kit to keep with him all the time and also tells him
that he needs to test his glucose daily. Axel also advises his grandfather to
take better care of himself or else he may die. But Canuto is of the opinion
that after all that is going on, maybe he should not be shown mercy but instead
be punished for his sins. He starts thinking he might be better off dead. But Axel
tells him death is not the answer and that his grandfather is not a coward.
and Crisanta talk and she tells her mom how proud of her she is. She is also
very grateful to them for coming to Oaxaca with her. They hug. Susana sees
Imelda across the street and asks. “Who is that woman?” Crisanta says, “The woman
that I hate more than anyone on earth.” Susana wants to know if Crisanta ever
knew her in the past, but no.
walks Canuto out to the hall but Daniela comes hobbling out on her hurt foot.
He examines Daniela’s foot and doesn’t think it is broken, only an X-ray will
tell. His phone rings and it’s Clarisa who wants to know if his grandfather is
alright. Axel says he is, but right now he is taking care of Daniela. “What?”
says Clarisa. “You mean our Daniela Córsega?” Axel says, “Yes, her. I’ll call
you later.” Axel then tries to advise Daniela on her marriage and tells her he
knows things aren’t working out very well. She counters that she and Gabe love
each other and that he is wrong. Meanwhile, Gabe is over at “Dabriel” reminiscing
about the time they got the place together. Then Clarisa comes running in and
tells him that he needs to get to the hospital right quick because Daniela is
there with Axel as something is wrong. Clarisa is a little miffed that Gabe
didn’t even thank her.
Blanca, and Eugenio continue their conversation with Robert admitting that
Imelda had told them the “secret” but would not allow them to say anything
until she was ready. Neither of them liked being quiet about the whole thing.
They wait for his reaction and Eugenio finally says, “Thank you. Thank you for
wanting to protect me.” Then Blanca thinks about her bad reaction when the
family kept some truth from her regarding Juan Pablo’s kidnapping by Ana.
Eugenio tells her that in a marriage one spouse has to put themselves in the
shoes of the other in order to understand them. He goes on how he feels for his
own mother and thinks about how she must have felt when his father betrayed
walks in later not knowing what is going on. Eugenio gives her the news: His
father Canuto is alive.
is with Audi telling him how badly she feels about the pain she caused her sons
to have. Audi tells her that he remembers very little about his father and that
his older brother remembers more. Audi is just trying to process this but is
not judging his mother and understand that marriage is supposed to be forever.
He understands that what happened must have been the biggest hurt of her life.
goes on and on with his “advice for couples” [Funny, he isn’t even married nor has he ever
had a long term relationship. Who is he to be giving out such “wisdom?”]
Daniela thinks of the love she feels for Gabe and reminisces about their
wedding and how happy she was. She sits there listening to Axel while she remembers
the fight she had with Gabe earlier. He moves in just a little too close for
comfort, while out in the hallway, Gabe arrives asking where to find Axel’s
office. Because he is too close to her, Dani kicks him away from her and he
hits the door. Then Gabe arrives opening the door and seeing that there seems
to be a problem. A little argument ensues and an orderly arrives to take Dani
to X-ray.
and Axel start arguing and Axel tells Gabe that if he doesn’t grow up and mature,
he will lose Daniela.
and Catalina are talking outside on the street and Catalina is lamenting about
her house and wants to borrow money from Julieta to fix it. But Julieta is
like, “No can do. We have our own house to make payments on.” Robert shows up and
tells Julieta he has to go over to the foundation to take care of some
business. Julieta is summoned by Pili letting her know she needs to go back to
the office. She lets Catalina know she will be watching this “grandmother
still with Imelda, listens to her tell her story that she never ever expected
that he would come back. She said she was selfish and did not want to tell the
truth, most of all, to her sons. She admits that she committed a very big mistake.
Cklass, Susana walks in but seems very distracted. Casandra is trying to tell
her that the employee dinner is planned. She doesn’t hear and only asks about
Julieta, whom is on her way.
walks into Imelda’s office and she says. “What are YOU doing here?” He says, “I
know you told our sons the truth. I’m here to say that I admire you for it. I
admire you very much for it. You and our sons were the best I had ever had in
my life. And now, I’m not going to relax until you forgive me. I know I’ve made
a lot of mistakes. I’ve never even thought about how much I hurt you. I should
have thought about the commitment I made to you when we got married and how I
failed you. I promised to love and respect you and I didn’t follow through with
it. You were a great woman, the best. I
know that I was weak and I let things fall apart when you loved me. I should have
been the one to come and tell you that I was back here and ask your forgiveness.
Please forgive me.” He lovingly takes her hand in his and Imelda’s eyes are
filled with tears. Then he walks away and out of the shop with his song playing
in the background.
But Cristanta
catches him and wants to know what the heck he is doing there! But he comes up
with the excuse that he was just there to check out her competition. She’s
happy and says, “What a good husband you are!” She asks if her merchandise is
better, to which he says, “Of course, yours is always better.”
At the
bakery, Catalina comes walking in with David and Blanquita. Blanca scolds her
for giving David a popsicle that has too much sugar. They then fight over David.
is at the office watching the “show” from her tablet. Casandra tells her that when Susana walked
in, she was acting weird, kind of like a zombie. But Julieta just goes on and
on about her mother and her mother in law. Phone rings and Casandra answers.
She says, “The monster wants to talk to you.”
lays on her office couch and lies down to listen to a message from Pancho. She
Back at
the hospital, Gabe thinks about all that has been said. When Daniela comes back
from her X-rays, he tells her that he is resigning from Dabriel. Later they go
out and talk and he says he has decided to do something else. Dani tells him he
is smart and good with people, he will do well. They realize that working
together all this time has contributed to their problems, as sometimes being
together too much is bad for a married couple. He tells Dani how wonderful and
talented she truly is!
calls his missionary doctor friend in Africa who is also Seb’s and Axel’s
father (can’t remember his name, help me out here.) Robert relates to him that
the foundation is in dire straights and needs help.
In Susana’s
office, she tells Julieta how she hates to mix the personal life with the professional
life. Then she gets down to business and says, “My father’s name is Canuto Córsega
and he told me he has another family. Now when all this came down with your
brother, you told me that what I did could be affecting my own family. What did
you mean when you said that?” Julieta answers her saying, “You are my husband’s
aunt.” Susana then says, “And what are you to me?” To which Julieta responds, “I’m
your niece (in law)”
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Permalink posted by Cynthia Hampton
@ 1:17 AM

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