Friday, October 19, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 10/19/18 Capítulos 27/28 Jealousy Reigns and Perversity Rises

Julieta notices the tension between Robert and Vicente after Vicente gave her the "eye"/looked her up and down when she first came in and he saw her. Vicente excuses himself and goes for a cup of coffee. Julieta identifies the situation as provoking Robert's jealous streak and tells him so. She saw it with Pancho and his mom first and now with her and Vicente. All Vicente did was look at her. The real problem is that Robert is insecure. He admits it and he has been that way since he was abandoned as a kid. She then tells him the problem she had with Dave being rude to her. Dave said:"She has no right to ruin his life and she does not take care of him well enough". Julieta feels like a failure as a mother. She cannot quit work to look after Dave with all of their debts. Julieta points to Dave's attitude changing when he started hanging around with Sebas. Robert says Dave needs friends. Julieta sees Sebas as a bad influence. Later, Robert calls Vicente out on the way he "looked" at Julieta. Vicente didn't know at first who she was but now he knows so they both agree to work on the foundation business.

Temo struggles with his feelings for Ari. Later, Pancho tells Temo that he told Blanca the truth about what happened to Rebeca. ****(The reason for Rebeca's death was not mentioned in the original uncut episode that aired in Mexico, so Uni is not responsible for this mystery: only Blanca, Pancho, Temo and the writers know why Pancho feels responsible for Rebeca's death)

Even though Marisol is supporting Frida from afar on the Xavi tour and Ignacio just pops up every three months or so, he has decided to go to court to get custody of his daughter. Blanca tells him to go and not to come back until he has a visitation schedule from the court. Ignacio tells her he will see his daughter. Pancho, defending Blanca as a son would, helps guides an irate Ignacio out of the building.

Canuto takes his sons on a field trip down memory lane, as he recounts how and where he met Imelda. They are at "El Árbol Milenario" also known as "El Árbol de Tule" (According to Wiki it is the tree with the stoutest trunk in the world and is between 1,200 and 3,000 years old). He remembers his first kiss with Imelda by that tree. Later, Eugenio tells Robert that Canuto still loves Imelda and he wants Robert's help to get them back together. Robert refuses because Canuto is still a married man.

Sebas is upset that the López family is coming to dinner. Sebas calls them low class ignorant people. Vicente, his father arrives unannounced and Susana has to tell him to leave because she has company for dinner. She tells him to call before he comes. Sebas misses his dad and resents the fact that his dad has to leave while the López family gets to stay.

Gabriel is going to interview for a car salesman position tomorrow.

Robert runs into Pancho with the twins. He tries to be nice but loses it when he learns that Pancho is going to help his parents out in the bakery.

Linda, Gabriel and Daniela go out to a bar. Linda runs into flirty Axel. They play kissy face. Daniela comes by to tell Axel that Linda is her sister. Daniela tells Linda that Axel is her cousin.

Catalina loses Julieta's ring down the drain as she tries to clean it for her. They both noticed that it had mark on it earlier in the day. Julieta is more than upset.

Julieta tells Dave about his birthday party. He asks if Sebas can come. Julieta says he can invite whoever he wants.

Julieta is so angry that Catalina lost her ring and that she is rearranging her home that she tells her she will have to leave. Catalina will have her job at the "Jo Jochos" hot dog stand. She does not have to leave today but she should make plans to get her own place. Robert comes home all stressed out and is even more stressed out about the loss of the ring. The plumber will come tomorrow. Robert feels the weight of the world on his shoulders because of his family, the foundation, and their money situation. Julieta tells him he just cannot agree to do things he cannot do. Robert still insists that he is going to work on getting the Córcega's together. Julieta thinks he should just let it go. Robert cannot help but feel responsible if he can help out his family when he can. Robert is still not happy about Pancho helping out at the bakery.

Sebas is just his rude self at the dinner table with the López family. Susana "does" what she can. Pancho understands. Julio silently plots revenge against Sebas with Dorian's help.

Ari tells his parents not to worry when Audifaz expresses his concern about nobody having a job. Ari has some money from his model work that he can give them. Polita says Pancho is going to help her get her job back. Audifaz's self pity tour is cut short by a knock on the door. It is Temo who Ari is happy to see. Later, Temo tells his old friend Diego in Toluca that he thinks he is in love.

Pancho invites Susana to go dancing with him at the market. They have dance lessons coming up. It would be a great way to "de-sstress".

Sebas tells his mother he doesn't like the López family. He doesn't want Pancho to be Susana's novio. Susana says they are friends. Sebas wants to spend time with his dad.

Back at the bar, Linda tells Axel that the kiss and everything were all a mistake. Axel is not giving up so easily. He liked it. Linda continues flirting with Axel and Daniela asks her what part of about having the same DNA does she not understand? Daniela and Gabriel cannot stand him. Axel taunts Gabriel. They all leave. Linda says she is done with Axel but is thinking about him the next morning. The next day, Clarisa comes to see Axel with flowers.

Frida is texting on her phone with a "secret admirer". She asks Ari if he has a "secret admirer".

Dave has been having nightmares related to him almost drowning in the river. He comes running in to sleep with Julieta and Robert. Robert talks to Dave about being rude to his mother. Dave agrees it is not right to talk to women that way. Robert tells him it is not right that he talk about anyone that way. Dave asks if he can go over to Sebas' tomorrow. Robert says it is okay with him but he will have to ask his mother. She has no response because it is time to sleep. Julieta is left stewing in the dark.

Daniela has decided that she cannot sleep with Gabriel because of his sleep walking problem tha tshe knows he cannot help. She needs sleep. Gabriel goes to sleep on the couch. Neither is happy.

The plumber comes and the search for Julieta's ring becomes a comedy of errors. His cost is high and it keeps increasing. He also sees and hears everything and feels it necessary to give his opinion.

Eugenio invites his mother out to spend time with her sons at "El Tule". She has so many wonderful memories of the place. Of course, Canuto meets them with flowers for Imelda.

Canuto wants Susana to get to know her brothers. She wants him to focus on putting things right with her mother.

Hugo shows up saying that the check Julieta wrote him bounced. It seems that Robert and Julieta had a miscommunication regarding Hugo and his hot dog stand. She thought Robert said it was a good idea so she wrote Hugo a check. Robert is furious. It is just another debt they do not need. Julieta is not happy because when it comes down to it, it is never a problem ever to help his family but helping hers seems to be a different story. She explains that eventually it will at least get her mother out of their home.

Julieta discusses Daves's birthday party and his first communion with Robert. She does not want the celebrations held together. Robert cannot see why it is a problem. Religion is important to his family. Julieta points out that one more time Robert is defending what is important to "his" family. Julieta says she is not religious. Dave says he always liked to pray with his REAL mother. Soon Julieta is overruled when Robert tells Dave it is just a matter of WHEN Dave makes his first communion. Julieta is angry and tells Robert that they should have discussed the communion issue alone before a decision was taken. Later Dave tells Sebas he wants to get to know his REAL dad.


Quite a busy two episodes.

I liked when Daniela asked Linda "what part of 'you have the same DNA' don't you understand?" I think Linda is just twisty enough to keep playing with Axel.

Sebas, as you all know by now, gets on my last nerve. Somebody should have taught that kid some manners some where along the way. Susana's treating him with kid gloves is sickening and not telling him to butt out of her adult business is disturbing to say the least. Guilt is a poor excuse and does not do him any favors.

Then there is Eugenio with his goofy idea to get his parents back together again. Funny how Crisanta has been given a back seat in almost everyone's consideration of the Canuto situation. It is as if Crisanta doesn't even exist except for Susana.

Thank you Jarifa for taking on the two hour episode. That's a lot of action and it can be difficult to condense into one recap.

I too, am getting frustrated with Seb's behavior and rudeness to the adults in his life because he does not get his own way. He needs a lesson in manners.

It is goofy that Eugenio thinks his parents can get back together. That's something a young kid might think. I knew a young girl still in her 20s who thought her parents who had split when she was a baby might still get back together. It wasn't going to happen but she was still holding on to that dream.


Episodes #28 n #29 we're aired. They didn't combined episodes for the 2hrs.

Thank you for the double-header recap, Jarifa! Thank you for the footnote about Rebeca's death!

Could these people have any more problems???

Eugenio hoping his parents will get back together is ridiculous. Grow up!

Why would Imelda want Canuto again, anyway? His track record ain't that great.

Robert could quit his job and work at the bakery, and Julieta could stay home with the kids, and all their control issues will be taken care of....except money.

Loved the title Jarifa. You really come up with some zingers. And have to agree with Doris...Could these people have any more problems!? Jeez. Seems like a competition to see how many issues the writers can cram into one episode. Or in this case two.

I also loathe double episodes. We had a lot of those on Dinero and it was torture. For me anyway.

Thanks for taking one for the team!

Juls already out rob in more debt due to the silk, now she wants to sink them more with Hugo's hotdog stand? Siding with the doc here. Hugo NEVER pays back their money. Never lend money knowing that it won't be given back, unless you're willing to gift it. If Hugo can't get a loan from the bank, there's a reason why.

Did juls ever get her ring back?

Ditto on how crisanta is at the bottom of everyone's consideration. Canuto has literally moved on, and hasn't thought once of her. He's moving on the same way he did when Imelda kicked him to the curb years ago, always with the excuse that since the woman is mad, there's nothing he can do to make ammends. How these two women never realized what a slime ball he is, is a huge wonder.

So were Canuto and Imelda only married via the church? And crisanta with Canuto via the state? Rob reiterates to Eugenio that Canuto is married and it wouldn't be right for grandma to get together with a married man. Or was Imelda's marriage annulled because of so many decades of him being absent? If Crisanta's marriage is the legitimate one (statewise), the first Corcegas are headed for trouble when it comes to the owner of the building if Canuto passes, right?

Jarifa, thanks for this excellent recap of two episodes in one night. I haven't yet watched the whole two hours, just a part of it, I can't imagine trying to recap something like this. Univision certainly doesn't have our best interests at heart... as usual.

So Axel and Linda are literally kissing cousins. I am so scandalized... yawn.

And Canuto is a jerk. 50 years later and he, now almost ready to occupy that tomb of his, he wants to take up again with weird makeup Imelda (who is usually seated because she can just barely stand)??? Please! She doesn't want you guy, stick with Crisanta and her "bechito de pescadito", IF she'll have you.

And return that photo of you and your sons.

more later...


Jarifa: You've really outdone yourself in this recap!

Cynthia, It is good to know that I am not the only one who thinks that Sebas is waaay out of line. I still think he should go live with daddy.

Alex,I am going to number the episodes according to the Univision broadcast and not the Mexican one because that is all we have access to here. So, they will never match again after Univision’s slice and dice on Thursday night. I am well aware there were two separate episodes Friday night.

doris, it is so funny that the Córcega’s are beset by every and any possible calamity. We should make a list of them when it is all done.

Glad you enjoyed the title, Judy B. It looks like we only have a week of double episodes and that Thursday will be only one episode. Do they not realize they are asking people to dedicate ten hours of viewing time in just one week to just one show?

Anon 9:52, there are so many questions to be answered and the list gets longer with each episode. Yes, there could be some interesting plot turns with the Crisanta/Canuto/Imelda mess.
Andy, yes, Canuto needs to return the “pilfered” photo. Yep, these double episode recaps are challenging. Thank goodness the “fun factor” of it all hasn’t worn off yet.


Steve, thanks. I was sorry to hear about your Univision woes.

The pilfered photo is just another example of Canuto's weak sense of ethics. I assume, with the telenovela's emphasis on forgiveness and family harmony, that we're supposed to sympathize with his yearning and anguish on some level and want everything to work out. But he is not a sympathetic character. And I have to agree with Andy on Imelda, it is painful to watch her, either limping around or just sitting immobile in her chair. Admire the actress' pluck in going for another role, but it is excruciating to witness.

Jarifa, I agree that Sebas should go live with his father. He needs a man to look up to and Canuto is too old and now with his moving out, just makes things worse.

I'm wondering now about Vicente if he is kind of a lady's man. I thought at first that Julieta and Vicente might have known each other from that scene where he opened the door, but maybe he was just flirting. No wonder Axel is the way he is! And Axel seems to want what he should not have. I actually like Clarisa for him.

I wonder if the plumber will ever find Julieta's ring? And I'm getting so tired of Catalina's silly superstitions too. Didn't she say something to the effect of "if the ring is lost, so is the marriage because of bad energy." And I hate the way Catalina refers to Diana too. Doesn't she call her "DANUKA" or something like that?

Cynthia, yes, Catalina sure said something about the loss of the ring being some kind of bad sign.

Catalina does call Diana “ Dianuca” . That “-uca” suffix adds nothing good and is a pejorative in this case.


Please, please have Canoodle meet his maker soon.What nerve of thatbold geezer..bringing flowers to
Imelda., I see no happy ending possible..unless the split him in half.But I’m sure BOTH ladies would not
have him...thanks Andy. You r spot on with the makeup...

Why does Catalina dislike Diana, who is the only person living in that household with a regular job and paycheck and always has been? Good grief. 😜 Catalina would find something to complain about if she got a front row seat in heaven. 🙄

Well, I got to watch the whole show. Fun, but two hours is a lot. I did have a little help from my faithful companion, the FFWD button. Used very sparingly, of course.

doris. Could these people have any more problems??? and Jarifa: ...the Córcega’s are beset by every and any possible calamity. I think we're on the same page here, problems, problems, and more problems.

Do Linda and Axel constitute a problem? Not for me. But Dr Vicente seeming to have only one shirt, that is annoying. And it could be a problem for him, as he seems interested in women. They're funny creatures and expect guys to occasionally shower and change their clothes. In fact, I suspect that his ex-wife Susana kept her distance and asked him to leave because the minute she saw that shirt from the bush country she knew he hadn't changed his ways.

OT: I was watching the promo for "Amar a Muerte" and thinking that this is probably too adult and scary for me, but Angelique Boyer is hot!



Andy, I hadn’t thought about the shirt. Now I will be watching for it. Very funny.


Andy, LOL over the shirt and your keen eye on noticing. Let's hope he has eight of them and washes them regularly.

Amar a muerte seems to be a remake of el cuerpo del deseo. That novela was a good one, so hoping the new one surpasses it.

Good Sunday Morning, Patio. Jarifa, great job on the recap of the double episode, thanks!

Andy, "problems, problems, and more problems." Good thing is that many of the problems are resolved quickly, but it makes it seem that the writers are throwing in whatever they can think of to find a way to make the show longer...draaaaw it out....

Jarifa, ITA about Sebas. Sure, his parents got a divorce, but that's no reason to be a spoiled, rude brat. He needs some good, old-fashioned discipline for his misbehavior.

Cynthia, "It is goofy that Eugenio thinks his parents can get back together." Well, it's also goofy that Canuto wants to get Imelda back; so...nut -> tree...

I'm liking Vicente just as much as I like his kids...BLECH!! I'm not sure Sebas going to live with his dad is such a good idea anymore. Susana just needs to put her foot down and give him the attention he needs.

It's been so dreary in the RGV lately that I'm missing the sun. Oh well, the grass is growing so more food for my animalitos.

Have a great day everyone!

OT: Rgv Chickie, I have been meaning to ask you about your night visitor. Has (s)he moved on, or still comes by? The last I remember is that the trap didn't work.

If this is still a problem you might try using a little men's Obsession cologne to lure her or him.

Seriously. Perhaps you have already read some articles about this; it seems that Obsession has an ingredient that is especially attractive to cats and has been used to lure big cats before. It doesn't always work, but what does?

Or just do a search, you will find lots of links.


OT-Andy, I’ve given up on trying to catch my night visitor. I only had one rooster and three hens sleepIng up in the trees (the other hens have baby chicks so they sleep in small coops and all the other roosters were taken by the visitor); so I caught the four and put them in a small temporary coop while the large coop is being built. Actually I converted the trap I was using to try to catch the bobcat into a coop :-) Poor things will have to be locked up longer than expected because the weather has slowed down the construction.

Thanks for the links. I had read about the cologne, but was afraid it would attract more visitors than the one I already had.


From a lurker, I wish to thank all of you who take so much time to recap telenovelas here on Caray, Caray, and to BlogMom who made this site possible.

I love the uniqueness of each recapper's style of writing and the title naming which grabs one's attention.

A special thanks to all of you who post the episode number on your recaps which help keep our watching in sync.

Great to hear from you, Anon 9:40. You’re welcome. 🙂

Thanks, Jarifa. I'm late to the patio but wanted to give you my appreciation before the next episode airs.

ITA with all said. Why in blazes does Eugenio at his age want his mom to rehook up with his pop? Why do the writers think we are interested in kissing cousins between Linda and what's his name? I was glad Linda returned, but no more. Yep, Sebas's dad is no prize. Seems arrogant to me. Pancho and the grandma competition continue to delight.

Another delight Jarifa.

More fascinaitng information" El Árbol de Tule" (According to Wiki it is the tree with the stoutest trunk in the world and is between 1,200 and 3,000 years old)' - thank you.

"Audifaz's self pity tour" was my favorite.

Looks like I missed a sorry to see Icknacio is back. Robert's irritation with Pancho was understandable to a degree, but I hope this dislike doesn't go any furhter. Sebas, I'm trying to like you but stop being so miserable to Pancho's kids. I have a feeling you will get your comeuppance shoertly.

I just want Canuto to go away. "It is as if Crisanta doesn't even exist except for Susana" is so true.

"I'm liking Vicente just as much as I like his kids...BLECH!!" - totally smiling and nodding my head in agreement Rgv Chick.

Jarifa, what a trooper you were to do this excellent two hour recap. Thank you!


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