Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 10/3/18 Capítulo 16 Between a Lie and a Much Harder Place

Amalia tells Enzo that she is worried about Imelda finding out about her working with Crisanta. She could kill her! Enzo tries to calm her down. Enzo gets a text about a private dance lesson and Amalia explodes in jealousy.

Catalina is installed in Julieta's living room. Robert and Julieta are in bed. He is nervous about some new surgery he will be doing tomorrow. Julieta admires him. It turns out that the surgery is for a girl names Gabi who has burn scars on her scalp. With scalp extenders they hope to encourage her own hair to grow. The surgery goes well the next day.

Blanca is still sleeping apart from the still suffering Eugenio. Thinking he is asleep she "coos" over him (Blanca always seems to "coo" over Eugenio and Robert) and kisses his head. Eugenio is awake and is looking distressed.

Susana wants to go with Canuto to the doctor for his visit. She is surprised that the doctor is Robert. She insinuates that Robert is not a very good doctor because Canuto's wound is not healing. When Robert tries to explain the impact of the diabetes, she says he is just like Julieta always looking for an excuse. Canuto says his wound is starting to itch. Robert recites: "Si hay comezón hay sanación." (If there is an itch, it is healing--it rhymes in Spanish) Susana says she wants to take control of Canuto's health then she abruptly leaves. Canuto apologizes for her behavior. Susana stops off to see Axel and update him on Canuto. She tells Axel how proud she is of him. He doesn't believe her. She never spent anytime with him. When Susana opens the door to leave, Clarisa is ready to come in with a bunch of heart shaped balloons. Axel doesn't seem interested.

Julieta drops off her children at Blanca's. First, she he runs into Imelda in the hall who asks her about Dave's first communion. Julieta and Blanca soon get into it about the children's food and what and when to feed them. Blanca insists that she does know what she is doing. She raised three daughters. They agree that she and Julieta are just different in what they think about food, customs and religion. Blanca now brings up Dave's first communion. When? The priest even brought it up. Blanca wants Julieta to make a list of what they need to discuss later. Yes! a list!

Daniela is working and Gabriel has come up with an idea: exporting her work. She likes that.

Eugenio is in the bakery. He still has not found the photo. Polita is working but things are not going well. Blanca tells her she has to pay more attention to what she is doing since Blanca is now babysitting. Eugenio suggests moving Blanquita into the bakery to be with them. They all like that idea.

At school, students are working on teams. Diana assigns Lupita to work with Dave. She is happy. Julio is assigned to work with Sebas. Sebas complains. Diana tells him he is not changing partners.

Hugo goes to his store and finds that his business has been officially closed down by the city. Hugo wonders why.

Susana talks to her husband Vicente via a video chat and criticizes him for not being involved with raising their children because he is in Africa. She is left with the brunt of it. He says that they both agreed on the divorce and he told her from the start that his vocation was to help others. Susana does not understand why her sons insist on seeing him as the hero and her as the villain. He flippantly answers that there must be some reason. Susana tells him that he has no right to talk to her like that. Vicente tells her if she she hates her job so much because it is the reason that her sons don't love her, then all she has to do is resign. Susana is speechless. Julieta has come into Susana's office during the call and when Susana notices her she hangs up. Vicente complains to himself that things are always the same with Susana. Julieta notices Susana is stressed out and offers to help Susana out in the spirit of the "truce". No, it is not a trap. Susana asks Julieta to choreograph a simple dance routine that everyone can do at their first Active Break event.

Canuto is at home looking at the photo. Robert calls and the two of them agree to meet at his tombstone. Canuto wants to meet there because that is where their story began. As he leaves his room, Canuto inadvertently drops the photo on the floor.

Tavo tells Roberto not to take on the responsibility for the lie and his whole family. It is not his mistake to fix.

Imelda is calling Amalia  a traitor. Crisanta has a huge poster of Amalia in her "Crisancha" clothing on display. Amalia tells Imelda it was either that or jail. (Amalia secretly likes how she looks.) Later Imelda takes it upon herself to cut up Amalia's poster after Lázaro rips it down. Crisanta sees it all and is out in front of her store. Imelda accuses her of provoking her from day one. As Imelda advances closer to Crisanta, Crisanta stomps on her foot. Crisanta warns her that she better plan her revenge because she isn't going anywhere. Imelda isn't going anywhere either! Imelda is left with a sore foot. Yes, she and Crisanta hate each other.

Susana meets with Pancho outside the bakery. She is surprised that he is living in "that" neighborhood since she knows he can afford so much better. He says that sometimes one has to return to their roots. She sees that the name of the bakery has "Córcega" in it and Pancho comments on how life is full of coincidences. When they enter, Pancho introduces her to Eugenio and Blanca. Blanca's eyes could not get bigger. When Eugenio starts asking Susana one too many questions, Blanca directs him back to something that "needs his attention"in the work area of the bakery. Susana and Pancho talk. Susana says she is having lots of problems with her kids. She resents the fact that she has had to work since their father left the country and left her on her own with the kids. Susana asks about Rebeca. Pancho says the best that can be said is that they are "separated". Susana thinks he is really brave to have stepped up to take care of his kids. For Pancho, being a father is his most important job. Neither has any friends so they are happy to see each other. He will be happy to help her out with her kids. He left his cosmetic business and came to Oaxaca for a break. Eugenio comes for Pancho's help because their grandaughter is sick.

At the cemetery, Canuto tells Robert that when Imelda "killed him off" she changed everybody's life. Robert is quick to remind him that he was the one that started it all with his infidelity. Canuto admits it. He feels guilty. He had Robert come there so Robert could swear on something in front of his tomb. Canuto tells him he still has not told his wife or daughter. That is why he needs Imelda to tell her family ASAP. He wants Robert to promise him that, after the truth comes out, Robert will help him get both of the Córcega families united. Canuto does not want to die without everyone at peace. Robert says that is an enormous thing to ask of him when all the families have in common is their last name. Canuto realizes how hard it will be but not impossible. This is what he came back to Oaxaca for. God sent Roberto "an angel" to him to help. Canuto insists they can do it together. He cannot live with such remorse. Canuto tells Robert that he will be doing it for his own family if they can all live in peace. After more Canuto convincing and begging, Robert finally agrees and they shake on it.

The Active Break is starting and Casandra puts on the music and everyone starts to move and dance following Julieta. After swinging her head around and around with her eyes closed, Julieta is dizzy when she opens them. There is a phone call from Blanca. Blanquita is sick. Julieta faints.


Good setup episode. I loved the rhyme about itching and healing. The highlight for me was Crisanta stomping on Imelda’s foot. It is too bad that Canuto snookered Robert into his “unification” plan.

Más mañana. 😉

Jarifa, thank you. An excellent recap of an excellent episode. I really liked this one, lots of fun.

"Enzo gets a text about a private dance lesson and Amalia explodes in jealousy." She did, and Enzo really took off running! This had me laughing, but there is one thing. Enzo is played by the same actor this season as last, but I think he looks different.

No doubt this time who Lupita's big smile is for :-)

Not a big thing, but I laughed when Canuto said to Robert something like "When Imelda killed me..." Silly, but it cracked me up.

Pancho and Susana were cute together, and I could even take Axel as long as Clarisa was there.

I smiled and laughed quite a bit with this episode, and this is what I like, much better than explosions, etc.


Oh, oh ... on top of everything else, could Julieta be pregnant again? The first time she was pregnant last season (when she lost the baby) she started off super sleepy and she's been that way the last couple of episodes and now she faints! Not like they need ANOTHER source of stress!

Blanca gets on my nerves with her "my way or the highway" manner of raising kids. She begged and begged to be allowed to babysit, the least she can do is respect the parents' rules about homework and snacks! I would have a problem with that, for sure. Can't follow my rules? Then you can't watch my kids.

Thanks Jarifa. I'll look forward to watching this later today. Add me to the list of those who like "Cuando hay comezón hay sanación". And I also love the idea of Blanquita being at the bakery. We have a wonderful little Chinese restaurant near us where we get take-out on Sunday. And usually that day the owners have one of their toddler granddaughters with them. It's wonderful to hear a little one prattling away in the back of the kitchen.

I understand the tension between Julieta and Blanca. Julieta feels disrespected if Blanca won't follow her rules. Blanca feels disrespected because Julieta doesn't approve of how she does things. Mutual hurt. Anything involving children and grandchildren can be a minefield unless both are very careful...and very wise.

Dying to find out how Susana and Pancho came to know each other!

Thanks Jarifa. Hope everyone has a good day.

Bravo Jarifa.

You keep up the facts, fun and excitement with every installment. Just wonderful.

"Si hay comezón hay sanación." (If there is an itch, it is healing--it rhymes in Spanish)”. Another lesson learned. And greatly appreciated!

“Thinking he is asleep she "coos" over him (Blanca always seems to "coo" over Eugenio and Robert) and kisses his head” was another favorite.

“Eugenio is awake and is looking distressed”. What is the dear man concerned about now?

I had thought Julieta might be pregnant. Now, I’m not so sure. I really hope the writers aren’t going in a dark direction with this.

“Gabriel has come up with an idea: exporting her work. She likes that”. Me too! Let’s face facts. Gabe is not a worker bee but he is very creative and could sell ice in Iceland. A natural born salesman. He needs an outlet where he can germinate those seeds of creativity.

“Vicente tells her if she she hates her job so much because it is the reason that her sons don't love her, then all she has to do is resign. Susana is speechless”. As am I. Susana does not need to resign. She needs to stop being a beyotch, focus on the positive and put some actions behind her statements of love to her boys. That would be like asking you to quit your job doc. Lot easier chatting with your kids via video once in a while than being a parent who has to be present, being the guardian and disciplinarian. Sebas and Axel are more than a handful.

“Axel doesn't seem interested”. No, not at all. I wonder if Clariss’s game plan is relentlessness - to simply wear him down. Oh, and the look Susana shot her could not have been more condescending, could it?

But “I could even take Axel as long as Clarisa was there”. Yes, I agree Andy!

"He is still that needy little four year old that got lost" from your late comment last night was beyond touching Jarifa.

“After more Canuto convincing and begging”, Sigh. Canuto doesn’t even have the guts to deal with the carnage. He is dragging Robert in with him. Well, if anyone can help, it is indeed Robert.

Judy, “Mutual hurt”. What an insightful comment. Sums up Julieta and Blanca’s relationship perfectly.

Andy, Enzo does indeed look different. And definitely better.

Jarifa, thank you, thank you!


Judy: I'm also interested to know how Susana & Pancho knew each other as well.

Thank you, Jarifa!

I'm glad Julieta and Robert dropped the argument about Blanca babysitting. I enjoy watching them much more when they are supportive and tender with each other.

Anon 2:18. I was thinking the same thing about Julieta's "symptoms" from her first pregnancy: super sleepy and always fanning herself. If she is pregnant, that would slow her down a bit and maybe give her more time at home if the doctor orders bedrest or limited activities.

Diana, "I wonder if Clarissa’s game plan is relentlessness - to simply wear him down." Quite possible, though it might very well backfire on her and he may just drop her completely...which he will probably do anyway.

This is the second time we see Blanquita being rushed to see a doctor--once with her granny, Catalina, and now with her other granny, Blanca. Julieta just might use this to hammer in her point about getting a nanny.

I keep wondering about Axel's relationship with Susana. She must have been very young when she had him. I think someone has already asked, but my inquiring mind would really like to know what happened between Vicente and Susana. Did they split up right after Axel was born? Did Susana work as hard and long as she does now after Axel was born? If she and Vicente stayed together for at least a few years, surely she would have had more time to give Axel some attention. I do hope the writers enlighten us because Axel's attitude toward Susana is just incomprehensible to me. I've seen many instances of estranged parents, but never to the point that the children would refuse to call them "mother" or "father."

Rgv Chick, you asked some excellent questions. I have no answers.

I am very curious as to when Susana and Vincente split too. Although heaven knows Susana has her issues, I am appalled by Axel refusing to call her mother as well. I doubt he worked his way through medical school - Susana being driven to help him surely was part of her motivation. There is not one single thing I like about Axel. He should kiss the ground Clarissa walks on. Grumble :)


Thank you, jarifa, for sharing your time and talent with us.

I have four students who speak Spanish this semester, and every once in awhile I can throw out a Spanish term , thanks to this forum and the telenovelas.

Julieta fainting at the end while dancing was scary. I hope that she is pregnant and does not have some other problem. By the way, we used to talk about the cold shoulder look when watching Papas , but the wardrobe department seems to give Julieta some really odd tops to wear. That top last night was just hanging on her with those spaghetti straps ..cold everything ..shoulders, upper back and front.

RGV, maybe Axe doesn't believe she is actually his Mother. Though I admit that is usually much less of a mystery than the identity of a Father.

None of these people are sleeping with who they would prefer, and half of these would like to see the others dead.

So can't one of these Nimrods just please pick up a gun and shoot somebody.....anybody.

A car crash and maybe some TNT would be good too.

Andy, yes, there was much to laugh about last night. Hmmm . . . Enzo looks the same to me. Go figure!

Anon, Blanca is sure set in her ways as are most of the characters. If she could just shut up and do as asked but that is not Blanca. Blanca, Imelda and Julieta “seemed” to change at the end of last season but given the pressures of daily life, that is very hard to do as we are seeing. But hey, that just makes the characters more interesting and more true to life.

Diana, I find Vicente annoying. He certainly has no respect for Susana which is part of the reason her sons treat her the way they do. ITA about the custodial parent bearing the brunt of complaints just because the non-custodial parent can waltz in and out at will. I have seen too many cases of this is real life. Funny but when these children wanted to go live in the greener pastures of the non -custodial parent, none of them lasted more than a month. When Vicente said that his vocation was to help others, all I could think of yeah, he should be helping others like his own kids. I have NO sympathy for him.

RgvChick, all we know is that Sebas was old enough to witness his mom and dad fighting and then they got divorced. There is a general lack of respect in the household shown to Susana. Maybe she tolerates being called by her first name out of guilt. I cannot imagine a child calling their parent by their first name like Axel does without having faced any consequences. I still think Susana should kick him out and send Sebas over to daddy in Africa. I tend to be old school: less talk and more action with plenty of consistency.

Susanlynn, Yes, Julieta’s tops have been quite weirdly elaborate as of late. Your “cold everything” comment describes her latest one perfectly. I am with you hoping Julieta is merely pregnant and not suffering from something worse.

Thanks for stopping by the patio, everyone!

JudyB, maybe eventually we will find out more about how Susana and Pancho know each other. At least I hope so.

Vicente's response to Susana that his "vocation is to help others" sounded a lot like one of the reasons as to why they divorced. No doubt with his nonchalant behavior that he likely disrespected Susana in front of the kids, too. He seems cold and distant- he probably wasn't really spending much time in the household sharing any of the responsibilities with her. Vicente doesn't even seem to communicate all too much with his kids anyway, as far as we've seen and he's indifferent with them too.

Some families are so traditionally engrained with the idea that in a marriage the mother stays home and keeps up the household, while the father goes out to work all day. Perhaps that is the expectation that Axel and Sebastian had/have, particularly since Crisanta seems to mostly be available to them.

I hope Susana does give Axel a reality check and sends off on his own. You hate your mother that much? Don't live with her then.

Pancho and Susana met at a conference for successful business owners, per their conversation when they first re-met.


Rgv Chickie, "I keep wondering about Axel's relationship with Susana." I wonder about Axel's relationship with everybody except Canuto. Axel is a big boy now... well, sort of. He should be over his funk by now, and treating his mother with some respect even if without any real affection. Perhaps he could talk to her like an adult. He should also be helping his little brother Sebas work out some of his problems. Axel might also butt out of Dani and Gabriel's life. What he does with Clarisa is their business, but I still say she could do much, much better.


Thanks Jarifa!!!

I thought Vicente wasn't Axel's father but was Sebs? Just because of the big separation in ages between the two.

Susana has no boundaries when it comes to work. She works late, on weekends... She thinks she doesn't have choices but she does and is making the wrong ones. This employee activity break where they bond as a group is something she should be doing with her sons.

I hope Juli isn't pregnant. I really don't want to go down that road again.

If you are going to babysit someone else's kids you have to respect their rules. My brother's in-laws don't do this and the kids come back sick because of eating lots of sweets.

I'm sensing a recurring theme.

Although there are so many characters and so much to say, who are we all commenting on? Only the (possibly) least liked character...

Pretty universal, right? Everybody hates Axel.

"He should be over his funk by now, and treating his mother with some respect even if without any real affection. Perhaps he could talk to her like an adult". Well said Andy.

If TNs have taught us anything, it is that redemption almost never seems out of reach. He hasn't killed anyone so nothing is impossible.


I guess that we are all in agreement about Axelrod is being an arse. He seems pretty immature for a doctor. In many cultures, people do not move out of the family home until they get married and sometimes not even then. Telenovelas of the past have shown multigenerations living under one roof. However, in our culture , young people leave the nest as soon as economically possible.

Susanlynn, it's so sad that most kids simply aren't able to afford to move out. Rents are outrageous and first time mortgages seem nearly impossible. All my friends who have grown children have them back in the nest. These kids are lucky they have parents to go back to...

As we have been saying though Axel makes a salary that makes living alone affordable. He should do everyone a favor and just leave. He is an ungrateful, nasty border.


boarder, I guess...


Thanks, Jarifa. Great job. You are knocking it out of the park with these sterling recap titles.

Tavo tells Roberto not to take on the responsibility for the lie and his whole family. It is not his mistake to fix.

Amen to that. I so dislike Canuto and his cowardice. I'm going to stop mentioning him.

She resents the fact that she has had to work since their father left the country and left her on her own with the kids.

I only like Susana when she's with Pancho, otherwise she's so cold with her misdirected anger. Yes, she has a right to resent her ex for leaving all the child rearing to her. But Sebas has interpreted that as resentment of "him," so he's trying to be a tough little boy that doesn't take crap.

Wow, Pancho's daughter has a crush on good boy David. That's a switch. I'm so use to the girls falling for bad boys. In a previous episode, Pancho seemed taken aback by his daughter's boldness with David.

Diana, yes, many kids find themselves back home even after college. Hub and I paid for our daughters' college with the caveat that there had to be jobs after graduation. Friends of ours let their daughter pursue a degree in acting and their son a degree in filmmaking. Guess jobs!! So the son became a police officer , and the daughter went back to school and became a psychologist. They both now own their own homes as do our girls. Different generations under ONE roof has advantages and disadvantages. I think that Canuto and Casanta own the house..three generations living together is not uncommon in many cultures. I guess it still happens in Mexico.

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