Friday, November 02, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/1/18, Episode 4: Guilt Becomes Her

·        Lucia looks at a pic of herself in her younger years and recalls being at the bordello and hitting a man over the head.

·        Eva is ready to start her Board of Director’s meeting; so Johnny introduces the Board to Guil, but Guil tells Johnny that his father was just killed and he needs time before he can participate as a board member. Johnny tells him he has to start some time. Eva tells Guil that she needs him there; and as one of the board members tells him that his vote will be needed, Lucia enters and tells them Guil’s vote won’t be necessary because there are already 7 on the board…with her vote.

·        In Texas, Santos and Leonchi are waiting in their truck to cross the border. When they are told that there is a hold up because the cops are looking for a murderer, Santos quickly turns the truck around and hightails it out of there…which gets the attention of the cops so they give chase.

·        Alicia and Beltino arrive home from the hospital. While Alicia jabbers away and complains, Beltino recalls Alacran’s threat.

·        Eva reminds the members that the only experience Lucia has is to be a receptionist. After Johnny reminds Eva that her father had already decided to include Lucia in the board of directors, Eva asks for a vote to see who is against Lucia being there. Only one other man agrees with Eva, so Lucia stays.

·        In Texas, the cops give chase and shoot at Santos’s truck, but they manage to escape when a truck gets in the way.

·        Beltino goes back to Barbara, the medium. After he sits down, she takes out a gun and tells him to leave, but he tells her to put the gun away and turn on her light to summon the spirits.

·        Leon’s former secretary gives Lucia her condolences. Once in Leon’s office, Johnny tells her this is now her office; she will learn to like being the boss and telling everyone what to do. Lucia has a flashback: A helicopter lands and she is given roses. Once up in the air, she sips wine. The helicopter takes her to Leon who is waiting for her to give her a surprise. He had told her of a restaurant in Paris and he brought it to her. He then takes her to have dessert in “Japan.” She wonders if he does this with all the women he wants to seduce, but he tells her he only does it to the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Johnny gets her attention and shows her how much money she has…then corrects himself and says it is “their” money. She cries, and he wonders where the woman he first met is. Lucia admits that she didn’t fall in love with Leon…she fell in love with him. Just then a black moth flies in.

·        In Texas, Santos arrives and greets Mike, a border patrolman; Santos has brought his present. Leonchi thinks Santos turned him in and loses it; he tells Santos this is a low blow. Santos tells him to calm down; everything will be fine. After Santos tells Leonchi that the road will be a lonely one and wishes him luck, he leaves. Mike tells Leonchi to follow him; so Leo goes on his way to cross the border.

·        Eva walks Guil to his office and tells Guil it’s time that he get involved in the company; he is an attorney and can help with many things. Guil doesn’t want to be there; it’s not what he is interested in, but Eva leaves him with his secretary, Renata. After Eva leaves, Guil tells Renata that she can leave...she wonders if he is firing her.

·        Leonchi gets on a bus to Mexico City.

·        In Mexico City, Barbara tells Beltino that the spirits say that he shouldn’t get impatient. As she continues, he sees the death lady and asks who she is but Barbara tells him there is no one else there. Beltino tells Barbara that the lady is walking toward him, but she doesn’t see her. Beltino panics and leaves.

·        Leonchi is on the bus when he sees a newspaper with an article about Lucia. Later, while he arrives at the bus station in Mexico City, Lucia and Johnny are boinking away like there is no tomorrow. Later, Leonchi gets to his house and sees Lucia through the window when he senses a gun aimed at his head.

·        Lucia is in her huge bathtub when she hears Leon say that she is a murderer. Outside, Leonchi is questioned by security as to what he is doing there. They run him off and tell him if he returns, they will shoot him. Inside, Lucia continues to hear Leon say that she is a murderer.

·        In SA, Lupita and Juli are getting something to eat as Alacran looks for them. When Juli sees them, she goes to a cop and fingers Alacran; so he runs off as the cops give chase.

·        Johnny is meeting with some businessmen and assures them that everything is working out well. The man tells him he will have his first payment soon, but Johnny is not doing it for money (barf!) he is doing it for the country (violins??)

·        Lucia recalls her wedding day as she lies in bed.

·        Beltino goes to a church; he needs to talk to a priest.

·        Leonchi passes by a barbershop and looks at his reflection. Good opportunity to get cleaned up, but he doesn’t take it.

·        Celina, the maid??, asks Lucia what she is doing there all alone. Lucia is afraid of everything that is coming her way… and she is tired. When Celina asks her why she is afraid, Lucia tells her she is afraid of her past…she did unforgivable things. Celina reminds her that she is now the lady of the house, but Lucia thinks she is the most hated widow in this house. She feels alone; so Celina tells her she has her. Lucia needs an ally and asks if she can count on her. Celina assures her she will be there for her.

·        Beltino is telling the priest what happened to him, but the priest tells him to go home and pray 10 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys (don’t they always say that??). Beltino gets upset because noone can help him. The priest tells him to calm down and points out the camera that can be used to identify him, but Beltino just wants him to explain what is happening to him.

·        Johnny walks into the bar of the restaurant when the inspector approaches and asks if he is celebrating already. Johnny tells him he was meeting with some influential men and planning on making the country better. Johnny tries to BS him and tells the inspector that whenever he needs anything, he can count on him.

·        Leonchi walks the street when he is surrounded by some gang members. They want money to let him pass. He tells them he is Leon Carvajal and they laugh. When they take out a knife, Leon starts to fight them, but they grab him and start punching him in the stomach.

·        Alacran curses when he finds out about the incident at the border and that one of the men fits Chino’s description.

·        The governor’s son is home with his family when the doorbell rings. Some goon comes in and tells him he’d better get to Chino or else his family will suffer.  He assures the goon that he will get him and send him back to the electric chair.

·        Eva and Mateo are in their bedroom; she likes the article Mateo wrote about her father. She asks what the newspapers are saying about the future of the company; so he tells her that they are scared of people being fired and wonder who is going to run the company. When Eva replies that they are scared of Lucia taking over. Mateo tells her that they should just let Johnny worry about Lucia, but Eva points out that Lucia and Johnny are allies...and lovers. Mateo wonders how she knows that; and Eva replies that it's a woman's sixth sense. Mateo then tries to get lucky, but it's a no go...Eva reminds him that she just lost her father.

·        Guil goes to check on Val who is plastered in bed. He goes out and sees Lucia who thinks everyone there has insomnia.

·        Leonchi struggles to walk as the death lady watches him.

·        Alicia is in bed probably hoping to get lucky again but Beltino goes into the bathroom. He tries to remove the tattoo, but can’t. He comes out and lifts the sheets to see Alicia’s legs. Alicia gets her wish.

·        In SA, a reporter approaches Lupita and Juli and asks for an interview; but they avoid the cameras and rush away. Meanwhile, Don Venecio??, the Boss, goes to see Alacran; he wants an update on Chino. He gives Alacran a watch and tells him the watch will mark the hours Chino has left…or the ones Alacran has left if he doesn’t bring in Chino.

·        The governor’s son talks to the DA who tells him that Chino will have to commit another crime for them to arrest him again.

·        Leonchi goes to see Camilo at his house. When Camilo comes out, Leonchi hugs him and tells him that he was right about life after death. Camilo has no idea who he is and tells Leonchi that many people read his book and have come there. He then tells Leonchi that he needs to leave or he will call the police. Leonchi tells him who he is, but Camilio doesn’t want him to even mention Leon’s name. Leonchi pleads that he needs Camilo’s help.


Lucia is have a bit of a problem...hearing voices?? Will she go mad???

Leonchi sure did get to Mexico City fast! And all the while, Beltino is just trying to figure out what happened to different these men's priorities are!


Thank You, thank you tank U RGV. I am having so much trouble following this one. Your work makes it make sense.
Alicia -- Doesn't look a gift horse in the mouth or elsewhere for that matter.
Is that the same brand of Vodka Emilia was so fond of in B&B?
The jackass on the horse made LeonChi WALK all the way to Mexico? Must ber product placement for Nike and I missed it.
Beltino is proof that even as a man is finding himself he still is a fairly convincing hopper.
Lucia's Legs and Eva both look like they are from a different planet without war paint. It works well the we fellows usually slurp that stuff off in the dark. Johnny still RAWWWRRR ?

For a non snow mogul Leon looked to be a pretty good guy. He treated Lucia's Legs nice, and for now, his children look to have adored him.

Interesting that Eva knows or heavily suspects that Johnny and Lucia's Legs are hopping.
No wonder she is hopping mad.

Glad finally got a shower and change. Gnats were circling the TV.

Is Leonchi the first documented case of someone crossing the border the reverse direction?


Thanks Kirby!

I couldn't believe Leonchi was made to walk behind the mademe think of how cowboys tied up their enemies and made them walk wherever.

" Johnny still RAWWWRRR"? Noooo! When I googled him for the first time I saw some pics where he looked really HOT, but he has changed...and with that personality he is portraying...he gets a thumbs DOWN. He definitely wouldn't win "Nuestro Bello Latino" LOL

Thank you, Rgv Chick.

With Leon's death, what is Lucia's inheritance? Voting for her to be on the board, and the maid saying she is la señora de la casa, on what grounds? What was in the will? If no will, she gets equal share with the children, that is 1/4, and only after the probate process runs its course. What Eva says makes a lot of sense.

The other Laon's children seem to be useless spoiled princes. Cannot be bothered to attend anything important.

Rgv Chick and Kirby--
Good idea to have your own front page. I think there's enough interest to merit it. Terrific work on the first three episodes, you two.

Welcome to Jar to lend you a hand. I hope you can find two more folks willing to grab a pen or a keyboard and give recapping a try. Looking forward to dabbling myself as an occasional substitute, but that will have to come later in mid-December.

As to Johnny RAWWWRRR, he's so cleaned up here, speaking a Spanish I can understand, that I'm impressed. He was such a jerk in PyP and such a horrific narco in La Piloto that I'm amazed at the transformation. In fact, the first time I saw him with clothes on in Amar, he looked like clergy. (Someone should tell wardrobe that those contrasting collars went out a long time ago, unless someone else thinks they should be brought back.)

Anyway, I MUST get something done today, so I will watch Epi #4 later.

Agree about the lack of anyone mentioning a will. But Johnny was Leon's right hand, so he probably knows that Lucia got a very good share. Otherwise, why kill Leon so fast before he changed the will in her favor? She was only married to him for a few hours.


Lucio, most of the Board members voted to keep Lucia on the Board since Leon had already made the decision prior to his murder; so I think that the Board is the one who has ultimate say-so on that. Now they may change their minds later depending on what's in the will...and Leon being the magnate he was, I'm sure he had one. Anon 11:55, I think you're right. Johny was Leon's right-hand man and confidante so I'm sure he fenagled Leon into protecting Lucia and leaving her a good chunk of the estate, especially since Leon knew how Eva felt about her.

Anita, you're so right! Johny does look like clergy, but the sneaky, swindling kind LOL Looking forward to you substituting after December!

Oh and I do need to share a scene that I just couldn't figure out when I first saw the show last night. It was at the university( I think it was a university since Val is about college age, right?) and a couple of girls ran to get Lucho, Valentina's boyfriend. They took him into the restroom where Val was on the floor, legs sticking out of stall. He wondered if she was dead; and no one told him, "Yeah, she's dead...drunk!"

To add a little more to the boardroom scene. I wondered where Val was, since her two siblings were there--but I've only watched 1/3 of the episode. Surely she wouldn't have gone back to school the day after they buried her father, but if she did, that's life in a tn.

Eva didn't think Lucia should be on the board because, as she said outloud in Lucia's presence, all she knew about business was typing. Lucia calls her on using her background against her. They finally vote 4-2 to have her on the board, the two being Eva and the attorney (I wonder if he will ally himself with Eva later on, or he becomes a superfluous one scene character.)

Loved it when Belchino went back to the fortune teller and she pulled the gun on him because she didn't want crazies in her place and the gun turns out to be a toy.

1. i mean leon has never dealt with this before neither does he knows what is happening, he just wants to recuperate his life
2. LOL at the collars that make him look fat, ive never liked nones but he looks like he's a complete loony with that outfit
3. Ive always thought arturo barba was hot asf idk why lmao

OMGoodness, Anita, that's too funny about the fake gun! I completely missed that and wondered how it was that Barbara backed down so quickly. Thanks for the added details. I write based only on what airs at the scheduled time and tend to miss details and names, but I can always count on someone on the patio to add what I miss or misinterpret...Love teamwork!

Lydia, I was really hoping Leonchi would go into that barbershop and get a good shave...hopefully he'll get it done soon.

I also think Arturo Barba is Bella y Los Bestias, I developed major crush on him Hairy chest and all.

The hairy chest can easily be taken care of...WAX ON, WAX OFF!! ^-^

Thanks for the recap Rgv Chick. This is a complicated story and the first few days are confusing in any telenovela I think. So great job. Have only watched a few minutes of this but will try to finish up this evening. Looks like you're going to have a full team...well, four at least. A good start!

I have been watching Amar and though still a lttle confused, I’m also fascinated but at the moment im going nuts because i cant figure out how to automatically see the most recent episode synopsis on CARAY. I know this isnt the most recent page but if anyone is reading this, PLEASE tell me how to follow this telenovela on CARAAY thanks

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