Friday, November 09, 2018

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 45, Thursday, November 8, 2018; “Family is Everything, Even when there are problems.”

We open with Julieta asking the lawyer if there is any danger that they could lose David because his bio father is alive. The lawyer says yes.

Ignacio comes to the Córsegas to complain about finding Frida’s picture on an advertisement fo the sunglasses. Daniela comes out to defend her mother and in no uncertain terms tells Ignacio should tend to his own obligations he owes and stick to the visitation schedule. Finally he leaves. Blanca blames herself for Frida having that near miss kidnapping from her activity online. But Daniela tells her she’s done a fine job as a mother, it’s just that no one can control what goes on the internet. Later, Julieta shows Blanca how to put controls on Frida’s social networking activities.

Robert and Daniela talk together and he tells her that sometimes separations are good for couples to sort things out. He also tells her that she has his full support no matter what happens.

Imelda daydreams about the last time she saw Canuto and remembers how he told her he never stopped loving her.

In the kitchen, Blanca, Julieta, and Linda work on dinner and chat about the current problems, Ari’s earning, etc.... Blanca is very picky about how the chicken is shredded.

In the living room, Blaquita is learning how to talk everyone is trying to get her to say something in particular, “mama” “abuelo”, etc. But David looks very jealous.

Crisanta comes home, but tells Susana she is very glad to see all of them, however, she is not ready to come home. She wants to take Canuto’s ashes over to the Córsega building.

Audifaz addresses his church congregation and says that his son is like the Prodigal son in the Bible.

Julieta goes to Gabriel’s place to bring him some food. It’s what friends do for each other! Finally Gabriel asks how she is doing. Julieta runs down the laundry list of how everything has gone wrong, money problems, problems with David, work problems, Susana problems….

At home, David wants to know why Blanquita has light colored eyes. Robert explains that it’s genetic and inherited. David says he wants to know what his father looks like and thinks his eyes might be the same.

Blanca comes to Linda and Frida’s room and announces she is now going to be sleeping in the same room to take better care of Frida. Blanca says it will be good, they will have three generations in the room. Linda is not happy about any of this!

In Blanca and Eugenio’s bedroom, Blanca makes a list of all the things she needs to do and keep track of on her whiteboard. Eugenio suggests that they have alone time as a couple and she agrees, puts it on the board with a heart. <3
Robert and Julieta are getting ready for bed. They both mention how each of them had a talk with the other. After they are in bed, Julieta is looking at something online and shows Robert. She says, “Shall we sign up Daniela and Gabriel for this?” Robert says it looks interesting, but to make the decision later. Then Julieta says, “Speaking about interesting things” (putting away her laptop) she starts to get romantic. But Robert says he is just too tired right now. In fact he feels “dead” and asks for another time. Julieta says “okay” and leaves the room.

Meanwhile, Daniela is looking very sad in the Córsega kitchen. Blanca says she needs to eat. She doesn’t want Gabriel to say they weren’t taking good care of her.

Next morning, Robert and Julieta come over to Blanca & Eugenio’s place. Looks like she has done a lot of sprucing up and some redecorating. (And all in one night!) She also says she has a surprise for them and gives them a card shaped heart with a gift certificate for someplace romantic. She writes in the card how proud of them she is and how she wants their love to last a lifetime in happiness. She offers for the children to stay at their place so they can go off an enjoy their night together.

Susana is taking Sebas to the Córsega’s place and she is telling him to behave and be a good boy. Sebas likes to joke around and says that he wants to be just a little bit “bad.” They seem to be getting along better and Sebas is laughing. He wants to go into the bakery so Susana can buy him something. But Pancho appears and Sebas gets serious and tells Pancho he does not want him sending his mother messages about how he “likes” her. Then he goes to ask Polita for some chocolate. Susana apologizes for Sebas and says he is very territorial. Pancho wants to know if Sebas saw the videos of them. If he does, the fires are going to start.

Audi comes over to Pancho’s place to come to talk to Ari. Temo takes his younger siblings out of the room, but Julian wants to know if they are going to have a fight. Audi starts to say, “You have been gone from home for two nights! How much longer is this going to be? I do not like the distance between us.” Audi will not budge on his views regarding the earring and neither will Ari. Audi leaves saying. “So are you going to forget about your family too?” Of course, he makes Ari feel terrible and guilt filled.

In the Córsega living room, Blanca suggests to Julieta to disconnect Pili and put down her phone. Blanca begins telling the family that despite all the problems, they are a family. “We have each other through the good and the bad, therefore, they need to live their lives in a joyful manner. Robert totally agrees. Audi says they need to adhere to their family values. Then Blanca calls the children in. Imelda says not to open the door either because she does not want Crisanta to come in. The family starts oohing and aahing over family photos that are being shown on their TV set. Linda gets some texts from Axel asking her if she can take 10 minutes out to escape. But Linda says she cannot. But he persists in the matter.

In the bakery, Susana and Pancho sit down together. He teases her about being a “porkaholic” and working on weekends. She corrects him and says, “You mean workaholic”. He laughs and jokes saying, “No I mean porkaholic” because only pigs want to work that much.” Of course this gets Susana to laugh too. She says she has a few things to finish up and then she is going to leave it. He suggests that they find some time together alone as Sebas is with the Córsegas well taken care of, and the twins are with their brother. She says he is presumptuous and they start to look at each other in a very “twitterpated” way, (as the music begins.) She then asks, “Why don’t you help me with this?” She brings out this model boat that needs some work. She tries to fix and put it back together, but every time she does, the memories of her father begin. Pancho takes the boat, makes some more jokes, then gets serious and says, “Here I am as your captain, who will never abandon you even if we are sinking.” Susana says she thinks he would be a very good captain.

Upstairs, the family continues to look at the family photos and memories. Then they come upon a couple of Blanquita with her pretty blue eyes. David looks jealous and sad. Linda makes the statement that she is the best of both families. Roberts says she is more like Julieta and Imelda says she takes after her because she is blonde. Then Sebas asks where the baby photo are of David. Dave explains that he is adopted and only for a year now and doesn’t know if his bio family has any photos of him. Julieta says, but the ones we have of you are wonderful.” Then they see the photos of a vacation at the ocean where they are having a really good time. The he starts to look happier and everyone says that he looks so handsome. Even Daniela steps up to say that there are hardly any photos of her either because she hated cameras.

Linda continues texting Axel and he sends her a text saying he is there. So she says goodbye as she has something to do. She says she will be back.  They continue to look at pictures.

Ari cries to Temo about how stubborn his father is about this earring thing. But Temo actually gives him some good advice and tells him that sometimes it’s best to think about the family and the ones you love first. Ari goes on to say how much he deserves to be free to be himself and to be happy.

Susana and Pancho have gone back into the bakery’s kitchen area. Susana does not want any problems from the Córsegas because they might say she is in a place that she shouldn’t be at. Pancho reassures her that it’s okay and they begin working on the boat. She begins telling him about some good times with her father and how she said the most awful things to her father before he died. He comforts her and pretty soon their faces are close together and he has his hand on hers.


Cynthia, thanks for this excellent recap. Lots of stuff happening in this one.

"Blanca says it will be good, they will have three generations in the room. Linda is not happy about any of this!" And Frida didn't look too happy, either     :-)

It's hard to believe Linda. After what just happened, and what could have happened, she lies to go meet Axel?

Yes! Susana and presumptuous Pancho are getting along very nicely indeed. Axel and Sebas are not going to like this. Tough tamales, kids.

Cynthia, thanks for “twitterpated”, I had never heard of it.


Thank you, Cynthia. The recap is great along with “twitterpated” as Andy brought up.

Andy, “tough tamales” indeed. Linda doesn’t seem to “get it” but, again, that character never has.

Bratty Sebas was so rude to Pancho and per usual Susana did nothing.

The best scene was Susana and Pancho working on the boat.

I am looking forward to Julieta and Robert’s romantic rendezvous. How thoughtful of Blanca!


Your recaps are simply terrific Cynthia.

“twitterpated” was beyond. Your screen shots are always incredible.

“He teases her about being a “porkaholic” and working on weekends. She corrects him and says, “You mean workaholic”. I heard the “workaholic” but missed the other. Thanks for explaining that cute tidbit.

“Julieta goes to Gabriel’s place to bring him some food. It’s what friends do for each other”! It was so thoughtful and kind of Julieta to take time out from her many problems and seek out her friend. As the lovely Luz was sadly not included in this installment, Julieta seems to have no one to confide in. And while it did turn out to be he who ended up listening to her, she needed to vent and he was the perfect outlet.

Jarifa, I am also looking forward to Robert and Julieta getting away. Blanca is a good soul. I enjoy her tender moments with Eugenio.

“Sebas gets serious and tells Pancho he does not want him sending his mother messages about how he “likes” her”. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t he put his fingers to his lips to indicate he didn’t want Pancho to speak?? Now, I’ve been championing Sebas for his loyalty to Dave but that was beyond rude! Kid needs much more than a 5 minute time out. How dare he dictate to his mother like that?
How long are Susana and Pancho going to go before their first kiss?

And secondly, will anyone else be behind this not quite mismatched but close couple? Andy your” Axel and Sebas are not going to like this. Tough tamales, kids” was perfect!

“Ari feel terrible and guilt filled”. His scene with Audi was hard to watch. Move over Imelda. You are going to have company at the bottom of the barrel.

Thank you so much! This was fab.


Cynthia: I love the picture of the staredown face-to-face.

Diana, ITA about Sebas. He shushed Pancho. Sorry, but there is a pecking order in families as well as life. and the kid needs to be put in his place.

Blanca is a good heart. I like her.

These characters have been created so well and so complicated.

That's so true Jarifa!

The characters are complicated as you noted which is why I find them fascinating overall.

I meant to say earlier that I loved Dani putting Icky in his place. He isn't one to back down but he sure did then, didn't he? I was glad Blanca didn't have to face him on her own.


Thank you, Cynthia! Your screenshot is pure perfection!

I was kinda dozing off after a long day and missed some details, but I did enjoy seeing Dani putting Ick in his place. Loved seeing him retreat with his tail between his legs.

Sebas needs some good old-fashioned discipline...BRAT! Sad to say, but kids only get away with as much as they are allowed to. Susana needs to put a stop to this NOW!

Cynthia, twit·ter·pat·ed meaning infatuated or obsessed...had to look that up. I'm writing it down :-)


Dial me in Cynthia...loved the screen shots and the vocabulary. Haven't seen twitterpated since reading Little Women, or something from that era anyway. But love it! Bring back these old-fashioned words. Seems like Julieta and Robert keep getting interrupted or are just too tired to connect. Wonder if this will develop into another marital problem/PSA in the future.

Hope all is well with you all. Having trouble connecting with Susanlynn by email. Some problem with the mail site. Rainy and cold, cold, cold here. Going to be a very nippy Veteran's Day parade indeed.

Thanks, Cynthia. Love the opening photo. Pancho looks kind of cute there -- cute and intense.

Not sure why Susanna is tolerant of Sebas's rudeness to Pancho, but maybe it's because his father figure, his granddad, just died. Anyhoo, ITA he won't stop until she puts her foot down.

JudyB, we had snow this morning (just a dusting but still snow )when . It turned out to be a sunny but cold and windy day.

oT...Judyb...I received an email from Alfredo a few days ago and responded to him. My email has not changed. I am currently spending a few days with my older daughter. Then, more appointments to settle things. Still trying to accept what has happened and deal with my new , unwanted reality. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Thank you for your recap, Cynthia! I loved seeing "twitterpated". Have not seen that in decades. Reminds me of "addlepated", another oldie but goodie that has become obsolete.

It was nice to see Dani tear into Ick-nacio and tell him to come back after he has caught up on his child support payments.

Add me to the list of those who would not tolerate Sebas' behavior towards adults. A happy child is one who has firm boundaries and rules. Those adults won't get any more respect from him than they demand. ~sigh~

Jarifa - snow?!? Yikes! It is going down into the 20s here, tonight and tomorrow night. Winter has arrived.

Thank you everyone. I remember the “twitterpated” term from Bambi. I believe it’s the wise old owl who uses the word when Bambi, Thumper, and Daisy see the other animals going off together. They want to know what is wrong with them. So the owl says, “Oh don’t you know, they are twitterpated.” Bambi, Thumper, and Daisy don’t think it will happen to them, but of course it does.

Sebas has been calling the shots too long. Probably Axel has too with their blatant disrespect of their mother. I know Susana hasn’t been warm and fuzzy, but she is still their mother and she has hung in there supporting them. Sebas needs to be disciplined and put into his place. But I know that boys are protective of their mothers and tend to act like brats if their single mother tries to date.


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