Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 11/28/18 Capítulo 57 The Woman Who Knew Too Much--OR--The End of Blanca's Excellent Adventure

Ghost stories at "Reality de amor" and practical jokes with Gabriel.

Blanca slips into the bathroom at the hideout to make a phone call.

Back at Blanca's house, Audifaz is irate when Robert tells him Ari needs to be happy.  Imelda snidely swipes at Audifaz by commenting that this  is what happens when a boy doesn't have a masculine role model.  Julieta tries to run interference insisting that being gay is not a bad thing.  Audifaz blames it all on Temo. Ari says he was born that way. No minds are changed. Robert answers his phone and it is Blanca.  She is not being kidnapped because the thieves think that she is some big bad thief herself. She is upset but doesn't think she is in danger. Robert tells her to play along while he gets her cellphone tracked. Robert tells everyone that a band of thieves have mistaken Blanca for one of their own.  As they all start getting upset, Robert tells them he needs to find her.

At the reality show, Dani gets Gabriel's attention.  She has something to tell him that could change their lives.  She wants to go talk to him beyond camera range.  Her period is late. She could be pregnant. He remembers that night on the work bench. She knows how they talked about not being ready to be parents.  If she is pregnant, he promises to make her the happiest woman in the world. A show producer appears to tell them that there is no privacy on the show.  They cannot be off camera.  The  mic picked up that Dani is pregnant.

Back at Blanca's Audifaz picks up his rant just where he left off while Robert calls the cellphone company to  track Blanca's phone call.  Polita tries to calm Audi down but he insists that being gay is against the natural order.  Audifaz ends up kicking Ari out of the house a second time. Ari says he saw it coming because he knew his father would never  change. Robert  says Ari can come live with them.  Polita thanks them for their support. Robert announces that he is going to find his mother. They all tell him to be careful.

At the thieve's hideout, Blanca starts thinking about her situation and that the woman that the thieves think she is must be a really bad criminal.  So when she walks back in, she does so with total control and tells them all to sit down and listen to her. She is the one who will be giving the orders from here on in.  She has them call her "Máster".   : )  They are to follow her instructions because she is the master criminal.  They are all going to have to wait a few hours before doing anything.  The female thief says that is not possible because the trailer shipment is due to come right by them.  Blanca shushes her and says that she is making her decision based on experience.  It is better to wait until the driver is tire and intercept him at another point.  One of the male thieves gets up. Blanca quickly puts him in his place as she announces.  "SHE is in charge here." (Aquí mando yo)  They will wait the necessary amount of time. They will not contradict her. She shushes any complaints. She turns her back on them hoping they don't find out that she is just a baker. As they fume and bluster behind her back, she turns and stares them down.

Audifaz tells Julieta that de doesn't want her and Robert sticking their noses into his business.  Julieta says if they are, it is because Audifaz won't listen to reason.  Audifaz concludes that Ari must be confused.  They will take him to  a psychologist or a counseling session or a retreat to get him back on track. Julieta tells him to not be so ridiculous. Sexual preference cannot be "fixed" by a "talk".  Audifaz doesn't see it as normal. Julieta thinks it is  "normal" for parents to love their children irregardless of their sexual preference.  Audifaz feels that as parents it is your duty to show your children the right path in life.  Julieta reminds him that Ari has chosen his path: to live with her and Robert. Ari goes for his things.

Linda and Imelda hear that Dani could be pregnant on "Reality de Amor." Imelda sees it as just more  scandal.  On the show, they announce that if Dani is  pregnant, she will be disqualified since the show cannot take that kind of risk.  The producer tells Dani and Gabriel that they will have a pregnancy test for her in a few minutes.

At the hospital, Amalia is finding out first hand all about liposuction when it goes bad.  She needs oxygen and is in terribler shape. Enzo is by her side  and they are both apologizing.  Enzo tells her that she already was beautiful.He loves her just as she is. He begs her not to leave him but she does and dies. Amalia wakes up from her nightmare in her hospital bed.  She doesn't want to die so she will not have the surgery. Enzo tells her again that he loves her just as she is.

At Pancho's apartment, Ari explains what happened with the family.  He was so upset with them that he didn't know what to do, so he told them all that he was gay. Although he isn't gay, he has to teach his father, his grandmother, his uncle and everyone else  a lesson. Temo cannot believe it.  Ari has decided that they need to get rid of their prejudices. Suddenly Audifaz is at the door and muscles his way into Pancho's apartment to blame Temo for being a bad influence on his son.  Temo contaminated him.  Pancho appears on the scene and tells him to stop right there.  He is in his home now and will not allow Audifaz to offend them.  Audifaz cannot believe that Pancho would allow such atrocities in his home. Audifaz will do his best to get them run out of the apartment building.  Pancho reminds him that the has a one year pre-paid lease and is not afraid of him. Audifaz says he should be afraid of God. Audifaz goes off on another religious tirade. Pancho opens the door for Audifaz and says he can leave on his own or he can throw him out.

Over a meal of mole poblano, Sebas is all happy since his father Vicente says he is coming to the  opening of  Oliver Twist to see him. Axel thinks it is good his dad is coming so he can get things in order as he looks at Susana. After eating,  they both leave the table. Crisanta asks what is  wrong with Axel. Susana says she was truthful about Pancho and that was the result. She knows her sons will never be happy with her having a relationship with Pancho. What to do?

Blanca has the thieves sitting tight telling them they are not going to go for the trailer but they are going to go  for something BIGGER!  Their ears perk up.  They ask what was her biggest job was. She says a bakery which was really a hideout full of jewels.   One calls her "doña" and is quickly corrected to "Máster".  The female thief has been on the phone and there seems to be a problem because the has be in contact with the real big kahuna of the thieves. She wants to know where they are.  She has been waiting for them on the side of the road for hours!! Quickly it becomes clear that Blanca is an impostor. She is not the thief they wanted. They will have to make her "disappear".

Polita apologizes to Ari.  She wants him to stay and for them to fix the situation as a family.  She asks him to try to understand Audifaz. Ari says that is never happening  because Audifaz will never accept his homosexuality since it is against all of his "principles". Ari leaves home as Polita cries.

Dani takes the pregnancy testy.  Gabriel stands at the bathroom door driving Dani crazy. Is she or isn't she? Imelda and Linda watch in anticipation.

Julieta gives Ari  his own room. He doesn't know what he would have done without her.  Julieta is proud of him defending who he is no matter the consequences.  She thinks the Córcega's will come around eventually. David asks why so many people have problems with gays.  Julieta explains that people often times reject what is different but in their home love is love.  They accept everyone and diversity.   Julieta texts Robert to find out what is going on.  The doorbell rings. It is Fernando who wants to take Dave to the movies tomorrow, just the two of them.

Blanca asks the thieves to just go. She is just a humble baker.  She just wants to be with her family. That that is not possible. She knows too much.  She played them so now she has to face the consequences.  There is a knock at the door. It is Robert announcing  that he is there to see the "boss".   Robert thinks back on his mother when he was a little boy and  finding her again as an adult. That spurs him into action. Robert starts hitting the guys. One of the the thieves gets him in a choke hold and it is clear he and Blanca are not going anywhere.

Dani is somber as she opens the door.  It is not possible. The test says that she is pregnant.  Gabriel is overjoyed. She clearly isn't. She is ready to cry.  They make the announcement on the show. Linda is all excited about being an aunt and Imelda just shakes her head and prays.

Blanca asks to be set free again but now the thieves think that BOTH of them know too much.  Robert does some fast talking.  The police know where they  are and will be there soon.  Robert just wants to go and forget it all. The thieves don't and won't.

Dave overhears Fernando and comes running out to see him.  He starts talking about his catechism lessons and his first communion coming up.  Fernando thinks that having God in his life will give him a lot of strength.  Dave  asks Fernando if he will be his godfather at  his first communion.   Julieta says she will discuss it with Robert.  Fernando says even if he is not his godfather, he will be just as happy to be at Dave's first communion if he is allowed to come.  Fernando tells Dave he wants to take him to the movies tomorrow.  Julieta tells him he cannot go.  As for now, it is time for Fernando to go  because Dave has to finish eating and go to bed. Dave whines. Fernando says it is all good because he is going to look for a place to live.  He gives Dave a top and kisses him and leaves.  Dave has a tantrum and shouts how it is not fair that he cannot go to the movies with his bio-dad and storms into his room.  Julieta explains that they just don't know Fernando well enough yet.  Dave tells her she just doesn't get it.  Fernando is his bio-dad. Julieta says Robert and she can take him to the movies. Dave wants to go with his THREE parents. Julieta tries to text Robert. Dave curls up with his top.

Robert tries to clarify things for the thieves. He knows they are thieves but not murderers. They agree. Robert tries to continues reasoning with them.  They will forget their faces and  what's more his mother is in poor health. The female thief says fine but they want all of their material possessions: the wallet,  earrings,  watch,  purse,  wedding ring,  and car keys.  They can hear the sirens getting closer.  The thieves leave. Blanca and Robert are just happy to be alive. She thanks him for saving her life.  He would give his for hers without a second thought. They hug.

Imelda and Linda wait up to hear some news about Blanca and Robert. They finally get a call.  They finally get their phone call.  Blanca and Robert will be a while getting home because they are traveling  on a local bus which is  a little slow. It is a long story but they are okay. We see Blanca and Robert on the bus along with the chickens and turkeys and who know whatever livestock. Blanca admits that she learned her lesson.

At Pancho's. Temo goes to give Julio some more cereal and Julio recoils because Temo is now gay and he wants the old Temo back from before. Pancho scolds Julio.  Lupita cannot understand why Julio won't accept Temo. Julio tells her it is because she is not a boy like him.  Pancho talks to a now crying Temo. He tells Temo that Julio is just a little boy and needs time to get used to the idea. Pancho needs his children to be well and united.  He is not like Audifaz. Temo can always count on him.

It is bedtime, and Julieta tells Dave that tomorrow they can calmly discuss Dave's first communion and Fernando. Robert is bringing grandma home. Ari plays with Blanquita.

Blanca and Robert are still on the bus when Robert finally makes contact with Julieta.   They are on their way riding on the "turkey express. " He has some bad news: the car was stolen.  They wonder what they will do without the money.  Julieta reminds him that the important thing is that they are both okay.  They will solve everything else. Next, Julieta talks with Ari.  He asks if she is okay. She answers no because life is complicated.  She admits that dealing with the Córcega's can be a real nightmare but she and Robert will not abandon him.

Gabriel is all ready to leave the show with Dani but the producer says they cannot leave until a regular medical lab pregnancy test confirms the home pregnancy test.  They will be escorted with cameras in tow. She reminds them that the mic hears everything. Dani says to Gabriel that she doesn't want him to take her reaction to the pregnancy the wrong way, but this is a strange time for them when they are not even sure that they are reconciled yet. Gabriel thinks a baby would be just the thing to bring them together. Dani is afraid of the enormous responsibility. What if they are not good enough as parents? Gabriel is still overjoyed and Dani, in tears,  is still not convinced.


A bit of "Mi Marido" trivia. You might have noticed that Eugenio is now in a wheelchair without an explanation. The reason for that is that the actor that plays him (Rafael Inclán ) was having hip surgery issues when this was being filmed. He was almost replaced but has stayed on using a wheelchair.

So Blanca wanted to be called "Máster"!!! Again, Blanca's adventure was the highlight of the episode for me. What a nice little two episode subplot. I like those. It also brought back my own fond memories of the "turkey express" from many moons ago.

There was too much I liked to list, so I will stop here . . . for now.


Jarifa, thank you for the recap and also for the explanation as to why Eugenio is in a wheelchair. I was thinking that I had missed something along the way.

I really don't know what to make of the thieves. They were so easily cowed by Máster Blanca that it was hard for me to think of them as very dangerous, but maybe. I just loved the trip back on the "turkey express." Are there still such buses?

I am really upset with Audifaz and his ill temper. He was not so bad in the first season, he had at least two jobs, maybe more, though I'm not sure he ever made a dime, or a peso, at them. He really opened up to Ari a couple of times and the two of them had honest discussions and really bonded, I thought.

Now he is a total jerk. I don't know if the cult he has joined is actually to blame. Sometimes newbies take things to extremes. Anyway, I feel sorry for him. He seems to be someone the writers love to torment. First season he was a total failure at everything he tried until he became Tulio's lackey, this season he has the strangest hair style, keeps his hat on all the time, and has become an obstinate religious fanatic who has turned against his own son -- who has been helping keep the family afloat. Not nice, and not fun to watch.


Fantastic Jarifa, just fantastic.

The title was (again) sidebar worthy.

"As they fume and bluster behind her back, she turns and stares them down" and "They are on their way riding on the "turkey express" were among many favorites.

There were a few truly painful moments but what hurt my heart was “Gabriel is overjoyed. She clearly isn't”. He crying tears of joy, she shedding tears of sadness.

“She has them call her "Máster". I really got a kick out of that. Initially, the three thieves were looking at Blanca as though she was some type of god. Her wide eyed stare just makes me smile. Thank you for the information on Eugenio. God bless him for carrying on. Woe to anyone who even thought of recasting the part. He is irreplaceable.

The flashbacks of the boy in the red sweater and young Blanca always make me misty eyed. Robert "saving" his mother was very gratifying although having him give up his wedding ring was hard to watch.

I'm not sure how Julieta is carrying on. I didn't mind Fernando but he is a bit too intrusive now. He isn't letting the family get any breathing room. Not sure if Dave wanting to go to the movies with his "three" parents was comforting or not.

“She knows her sons will never be happy with her having a relationship with Pancho. What to do?” Why are so many women who are brilliant in business have an appalling lack of self confidence when it comes to their personal lives? As you stated previously Jarifa, Susana doesn’t need her sons permission. Or approval.

So Ari wasn't telling the truth. Brave boy to stand up to his family like that. I really, really don't like Imelda. No need for me to try and state how I feel. "First season he was a total failure at everything he tried until he became Tulio's lackey, this season he has the strangest hair style, keeps his hat on all the time, and has become an obstinate religious fanatic who has turned against his own son -- who has been helping keep the family afloat" was excellent andy. Wise words.

Jarifa, thank you for clarifying and explaining everything in such fine fashion. We are so lucky to have you!!!

Niecie, where are you???


Loved the title Jarifa, you're still batting a thousand. And amazed at the amount of drama the writers manage to pack into each and every episode.. I agree with Andy that Audifaz, never very admirable, has now become super obnoxious. All for the sake of another PSA. I have to admit that the combination of slapstick and preachy in this one is not really to my taste, but I love the recappers and the patio. So I'm hanging in there.

Brutally cold here. Outdoor walks are T.O.U.G.H. Heading to the gym this morning.

Thank you for your recap, Jarifa, and the great title. Another episode I look forward to watching at lunch!

I've never been a fan of Audifaz, but this is latest development pushing me to the brink. The contrast of Audi's love for his family in Season 1 with his narrow-minded intolerance and hypocrisy. While painful to watch, it is painful to know that stuff like this happens in real life, including the same 180º turns people can make in their lives, for the positive as well as the negative.

Audi's current behavior reminds me of the opening line from dc Talk's song "What If I Stumble"
"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

JudyB - this southern fried chicken cannot take the cold outdoor walks anymore. #oldagewimp

Thanks, Jarifa, great recap!

I too enjoyed Blanca being the "master"...too funny, but I also hated seeing Robert give up his ring...hoping that isn't an omen.

I really wish Audi had refused to leave Pancho's apartment so Pancho could have kicked him all the way to the curb.

Diana, "Why are so many women who are brilliant in business have an appalling lack of self confidence when it comes to their personal lives?" Good question! I think that in business, women feel like they have more control and feel less of an attachment to most of the people they work for or deal with. When it comes to family, it's much harder to set and enforce limits or to fight for what you want/need because those that you love may get hurt in the process...IMO.

Thanks, everyone for stopping by the patio!

Andy, ITA that Audifaz was okay the first season but they have changed him into a true horror just like his mother.

Diana, Rafael Inclán as Eugenio would have been hard to replace. I am glad he decided he could continue with his part. Ari is turning out to be a boy with real character taking the stand he has. Emilio Osorio has grown into a fine actor.

JudyB, thanks for sticking with us! The heat problem was finally resolved yesterday. We had a dusting of snow last night and maybe will have freezing rain over night. What a joy! Anyway, the Xmas decorations are all up so I plan on enjoying them.

doris, what you said about what happened to Audifaz happening in real life is so true. I think this novela does a great job of portraying people and their circumstances as they really could be with a little fantasy thrown in to keep us watching. I have ‘known” some of these characters in real life.

RgvChick, yes! It would have been great to have seen Pancho kick Audi “all the way to the curb”. He was too nice giving him a choice.

Diana, I too liked your question about the difference in work confidence and family confidence. In my case, I simply found a lot more validation in my work life. When it came to family, I never quite felt like I was good enough, and certainly my kids liked to point out when they thought I came up short. Husband too. So yeah, work is where I found my validation and confidence.

Doris "Southern Fried Chicken". Love it. The cold seems to feel more brutal this year, that's for sure.

doris, it's positively frightening that people can change as drastically as Audi has. Shiver.

RgvChick, I also would have loved to have seen Pancho give Audi the heave ho. Big time! Ack.

Jarifa, I also love the shades of gray here. Perfectly imperfect.

My dear Judy, I think you are perfect. Period.


OT....Thanks, Jarifa. Hope that you are warm and safe. Cold, gray, and damp here..40.

I still cannot focus on the telenovelas, but I love to read the comments here.

I am keeping busy..frantically so I think, to keep occupied.I write endless lists of things to up and down the stairs . Yesterday was three hours out doing errands. My daughter has parent conferences tonight and works an hour away , so I will give the little girls dinner and sleep there. Just got a call that my five year old Grandgirl fell off the jungle gym and broke her wrist.


Good afternoon, everybody. Not bad here today in the Big Apple, about 45 degrees F and somewhat cloudy. I'll take it.

I agree that it was a shame that Robert and Blanca had to give up jewelry that had great sentimental value for them, but that's life. But this, and the car will really torpedo Robert and Julieta's finances. And I don't think there are any apartments left in the Córcega building.

There is so much going on in this TN! Everybody has a story, but my favorite is the budding romance of Susana and Pancho. Second is that hot-blooded 8 year old hussy, Lupita, and her designs on the oblivious David.



Eight years old? I dunno, whatever.

Susanlynn, thank you for checking in.


Jarifa, great job as always and I just LOVED your titles! Both of them! You are so clever. :)

Blanca taking control was so funny and then she thought of having them call her "master". I guess she was taking lessons from Susana. :)

Why did Robert go rescue Blanca alone? Did he have to give the thieves his car too? It seems they were riding in the back of a truck or something with chickens? I was in and out of the room last night and I thought that is what I saw.

Hmmm....Daniela pregnant?

Jarifa, thanks for that tidbit on Rafael Inclan. I noticed the wheelchair and thought maybe it was part of the story because he was having so much pain.

Well, it's raining here in Southern California. I love rainy days. We need the rain, but please pray for those who were affected by the fires because mudslides could happen.

Susanlynn, good to see you. I think your strategy is wise. Busy helps the time go by and tires you enough to sleep. And gives you a sense of control after Life has taken that away from you. So sorry about your granddaughter. Sometimes it seems like childhood is one long season of colds and boo-boos, some very serious. Hang in there, sweet lady. We are on the sidelines, but we are on the sidelines cheering you on.

Sweet Diana, thanks. I'm not. But thanks for thinking so.

Cynthia, thank you for reminding me. I meant to ask earlier about "Máster". First Susana, and then Blanca; where did this come from? Did Blanca pick it up from Julieta's complaints about Susana? We know Susana came up with it because she got an MBA or whatever, but what I'm wondering is if this word or form of address has become a "thing" in Mexico.

Anybody know?


Watched at lunch and the turkey bus/truck scene was the comic relief we needed.

My esteem for Pancho is rising every day. I would have liked to see him kick Audifaz to the curb, too.

Would car insurance cover the loss of Robert's car as a theft? I have no clue about these things.

Buenas tardes a todos.
This is by far a great forum for discussing a great show. A couple of thoughts here.
First, someone recently posted that they missed the light-hearted show this once was. Believe it or not, Juan Osorio recently did an interview where he answered a very similar question. Basically, he said that the reason this show works so well and is the most watched show in Mexico on Televisa is because it's pretty much taking real life situations and adding a bit of comedy or light-heartedness. Everyone has a story, which is real life. So, the light-hearted show is still here, but Juan is trying to give us a snapshot of a family with actual problems and situations and how they handle them. Juan Osorio likes the fact that every person can relate to one or more of the characters. Some of this stuff is quite heavy, if you think about it.
As for Ari, the question remains whether he is or isn't gay. Right now, in Mexico, there's a group of fans who enjoy watching Aristemo. This is a story line that has been very carefully researched and planned. Emilio has done several interviews where he talks about his character's development. Because the show got extended several months, so did the story line. Juan Osorio, Emilio, and the rest of the production team continues to read what fans want to see with these particular characters and adapt the story.
Until about episode 45, I was actually watching the full Mexican episodes, but for some reason, I can't seem to access them anywhere. Apparently, there are some scenes that are cut out or edited by Univision. I think we here in the US missed a few scenes from the reality show.
I promise not to spoil anything, but I will say that we're in for a good long ride with many upcoming twists and turns. The Corsegas will be a family we will get to know and interact with for a while to come.
This show is just as good, if not better than "Una Familia Con Suerte" or "Mi Corazon Es Tuyo." I can see why this is the most popular show on Televisa and most watched in Mexico. Having said that, when thinking of the situations and characters, put yourself in the shoes of a Mexican family who sometimes thinks differently from folks here in the US.
I grew up speaking both English and Spanish and my family has watched shows on Televisa and Univision since I can remember. I'm used to these types of shows and understand some of the ways of thinking. When it's possible for me to do, I'll try and fill in some gaps and include some tidbits that could explain some things. I'm glad someone talked about Rafael Inclan. He's gone through quite an ordeal being sick, but he worked with the team to stay on as Engenio on the show.
Good day everyone.


Welcome JPcruzer and thank you for your contribution here. Everything you said makes sense, and the ability to relate to every situation, on some level, is what keeps me watching. I am glad this has been a success in Mexico and I hope it has been successful in the U.S., too.

❤️Susanlynn❤️. - I hope your granddaughter is not in physical pain from the break🤕, and that she will keep her cast dry and heal quickly. (((Hugs))) and prayers continue for you and your family.

susanlynn, it appears that you are the energizer woman. I join doria and everyone else in hoping your granddaughter isn't in pain and heals as fast as possible.

Thoughts and prayers are with you daily.


Susanlynn, great to see you on the patio today! Here is hoping that your granddaughter is all healed up ASAP.

Cynthia, I have a friend in San Diego who texted me photos of the rain this morning. Mudslides would be disastrous. Here is hoping it is just enough rain to help but not to hurt.

JPCruzer, welcome to the patio! I think this is the best I have seen from Osorio. I vowed never to watch another one of his productions after "Sueño de amor" but absolutely loved "Mi marido tiene familia" and am enjoying this season just as much. I can also understand why this would be so popular in Mexico or anywhere. I have no idea what the ratings have been like on Univision but was aware it was the top fo the heap in Mexico. Thanks for filling us in on some of what is going on in the background. All of the plots are very well developed, well written, and not overly long. It is good to know that Osorio is paying attention to the public's reaction to characters/plots.

doris, I was wondering, too, about car insurance. covering the theft. It sounded like they didn't have coverage which makes me wonder how policies are written and if it s different in Mexico than it is here.

Andy, the "Máster" title is a Susana thing so that people have to give her the respect she deserves for having a master's degree. She commented that men are always addressed as "Licenciado" (a person having a degree) or "Sir"and women are usually called by their first name. So she decided she would be addressed by a title that reflected her accomplishments. .

Thanks, Jarifa. Love your dry wit. I'd quote my faves but I'm all thumbs on this phone.

Susanlynn, Wonderful to see you here.

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