Thursday, January 24, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 1/23/19 Capítulo 93 Gabriel Slips Away--OR--The "Belch" Attack

Dani, through her contractions, finally makes her way to the kitchen. Hermoso barks her on all the way. She is still on the floor but has her cell phone and calls Gabriel.

At Blanca's, Eugenio is telling Pancho how Dani has always been the strongest of his children. She had to be considering what happened to her brother Robert. Eugenio thinks that she inherited the best of him and Blanca. Eugenio likes Grecia.  They hope that her therapy helps. Eugenio admits he is afraid.  Eugenio feels that Alzheimer's is like a runaway train. It destroys everything in its path and will not stop until everything is blown apart.

Gabriel is still trying to talk sense to Guido. In spite of his difficult life, Guido is not justified in committing a crime especially on  the only person who ever gave him a hand.  Guido tells him to say nothing to Nonno about any of this because he is old. Gabriel says he cannot lie. As Guido  tries to grab Gabriel's phone,  Gabriel throws his phone on the floor and Guido on the couch. Gabriel answers his phone that is ringing now.  Guido tries to hit him in the head with a vase but Gabriel is too fast for him and tells Dani he is coming home to get her. Gabriel leaves and tells Guido that this isn't over yet.

Nonno is romancing Imelda outside of her shop. She wants him to go to a local concert to become acquainted with the culture of Oaxaca. He would love to. A phone call from Crisanta breaks the spell and Nonno has to go answer it in private because it is a"business call from Italy."

Axel recognizes that  Casandra  knows the most about what isn going on in his  office. Casandra agrees to "help" Axel at work to bring him up to speed but Susana says he has to do all of the work himself. He agrees.

Everyone at school is on the playground united in one unexpected activity: belching. Sebas is laughing filming it all on his phone. In the middle of massive belching himself, Hugo tries to tell the kids to calm down and he will find a fix for this situation.  What to do? Go to the nurse's office?  Call the hospital? The school shakes  and trembles with one great belch before changing scenes.

Guido talks to Luigi who is in a restaurant kitchen somewhere again. He tells Luigi that Gabriel knows everything. Guido doesn't have a way out. Luigi reminds him that he had already decided to get rid of Gabriel so why not just finish him off now?

Gabriel races home in his car and almost has an accident  after dropping his phone on the car floor and trying to retrieve it. The other driver gets out of his car to ask Gabriel why he is not paying attention. Gabriel apologizes and tells him that his wife is in labor.

Back at the school, Grecia has gotten some medicine from the nurse for herself, Diana and Hugo to take which should alleviate the symptoms.  Diana says she has never seen anything like this in all of her years in the classroom.  Hugo says it must be something that they all ate or drank. Grecia thinks it was the water. Hugo says he will get to the bottom of this.

Crisanta and Nonno sit outside of her shop. She wants to know why he is so nervous and keeps looking over his shoulder. He doesn't want anyone else noticing her beauty. That is for him only. Crisanta wants an evening date with Nonno so she can show everyone in Oaxaca that they are novios. He likse the idea.

As they are walking outside, Audifaz tells Tulio he doesn't know what he would do without him. Tulio says he is only returning the favor. Tulio has already filed the court papers to sue Polita for custody of Arqui. As Audifaz waffles on really wanting to do this, Tulio tells him that since one of his sons turned out to be homosexual he has no choice.   Tulio adds  that a real man would not be stopped in  doing what was necessary for his family.

Gabriel, all sweaty, red and blotchy,  comes running into the house  to get Dani.  She is worn out. He picks her up in his arms and has a hard time carrying her out. Hermoso whines.

Suddenly,  they are at the hospital where she is being taken to surgery on a gurney. She is in pain again and Gabriel accompanies her cheering her on. Tavo volunteers to notify the family.

Guido arrives at Gabriel's. Dani and Gabriel are gone. Hermoso greets him with a growl. Guido calls Nonno to make small talk and to check that Gabriel hasn't told him anything.  He hasn't so Guido breathes a sigh of relief.

Dani has a Caesarean with Gabriel by her side.

Dani's whole family is in the hospital waiting room including Guido. Everyone is excited, happy but also on edge waiting for the news of the births.

Dani and Gabriela are so happy with their two girls and one boy.  After they all have been delivered, and are being taken to the nursery Gabriel says this is the best moment of his life, of his whole existence. He thanks Dani and tells her they did it. He kisses her and they express their  love for each other.  Suddenly,  Gabriel collapses on the floor.  There is no further  reaction from him.  Dani calls for help.  Her doctor tells her to relax, as she is stitching her up,  because this happens to first time fathers sometimes.  Medical personnel move Gabriel out on a stretcher.

The whole family is still in the waiting room waiting for news and praying.

Gabriel is stabilized in a room but suddenly his hear stops so he has to be shocked.

Dani is still being stitched up but is desperate to know Gabriel's condition.  The doctor tells Dani that since her babies are premature they will be incubators for a while at the hospital so their lungs can finish developing.

Gabriel's heart is not reacting as they would have hoped.  The family needs to be notified.

Guido tells Nonno that he is sorry for what Gabriel is going through but they still have each other.  Guido says Gabriel is like a brother to him. Nonno says Gabriel is like a son.  Nonno thanks Guido for being there with him. He sees Guido and Gabriel as the two pillars of his life. Guido says they will be the same for Gabriel. Guido thinks back at his poison of choice: cyanide. It has a faint almond scent and in high concentrations it can cause acute gastrointestinal  distress and cardiovascular mortality.

The doctor tells Dani that Gabriel has cardiomyopathy. His heart is unable to pump the blood his body needs. He is stabilized but is in very critical condition. Dani becomes hysterical. She needs to see him so as soon as they are done stitching her up,  they roll her bed next to his.  They grab hands. She needs him to be strong. She thinks back to  all their time together. Their children need their father. Gabriel is too weak to talk.  She needs him so much, more than ever. He is the best thing that ever happened to her in her life. Gabriel finally musters all of his strength to tell her he loves her and that he will  be with her forever. She tells him she loves him, too. He closes his eyes and is gone. As his hand slips from hers, and the monitors' alarms ring, she begs him not to go, not to leave her. She begs him to wake up and talk to her.  The medical personnel try to shock him again but he is dead. Dani begs him to come back because she cannot be without him. What about their dream where they and their children were all  supposed to be together?  Dani is informed that sadly nothing else can be done and Gabriel' time of death is recorded. Dani can only think back to happier times at the ocean and cry.

The ghost of Gabriel visits his home and places that meant something special to him and Dani.  He loves her and will be with her always.

Back at school, Diana, Hugo and Grecia put their heads together to try to solve the massive belching incident. Diana says it is strange because they have always followed all the rules and regulations on food and drink served at the school.  Grecia thinks that this was something that someone did on purpose. Hugo goes looking at security video but cannot gain access. He thinks the answer lies in the blocked video. Grecia says the fact that the video is blocked just strengthens her idea that somebody planned an attack on the school.

Outside, the kids talk about the attack. Sebas thought it was fun. Ari says it lasted too long to be fun. Ari thinks it is strange that it happened at school and believes somebody did it on purpose.  He has seen things on the internet like that.   The "united" kids decide that their next mission is to find out who is responsible for it.

At the hospital, all of the family in the waiting room is finding it odd that Gabriel or somebody hasn't come out to give them any information on Dani. Casandra and Clarisa have some news. A nurse told them  out that the babies are in the nursery recuperating and will be staying in their incubators because they still are very tiny.  That makes everyone smile. The doctor finally comes out.  Dani came through the Caesarean very well. The three babies are being stabilized in their incubators where they will remain about two weeks to support their lung development.  She says there is, however,  some bad news. Gabriel had a heart attack and died.   They all scream and cry while Guido breathes a big sigh of relief and tries not to smile.

Back on the playground, Frida mentions to Ari that she heard grandma Imelda talk to Tulio about taking  Arqui away from his mother.

Still at the hospital with Pancho,  Susana labels this a nightmare.  How can she support her family? First it was the bad news about Eugenio and now this.  Pancho says death is something that cannot be understood. Look at him. He has been through it twice. Susana talks about her father. Pancho says they will have to give Dani and her babies a lot of help. Susana cannot believe such a young man had a heart attack. Pancho calls it a tragedy and says that Robert and Julieta have to be notified. Susana says that is his family's prerogative.

Dani can only stare as she goes over her last minutes with Gabriel in  her head. Eugenio and Linda come to see her. Eugenio wants to know how he can take away the pain. Dani says he can't. Linda tells her she is not alone. Dani goes hysterical and rips out her IV line and screams that Gabriel cannot be dead.  They finally get her to calm down.

The ghost of Gabriel visits his children and tells them that they have the best mother in the world.

Well, it so happened that the actor playing Gabriel, José Pablo Minor, also had a conflict and could not continue with the extension. Guess they had sent too many people abroad so he go sent to the "great beyond." LOL

Anyway, it was a great episode with the "belch attack" nicely balancing out the drama of Gabriel's death and the birth of the triplets. I never have thought of a "belch attack" and the "belching school" did make me laugh out loud.

ONE criticism: I really didn't need to see bloody umbilical cords, did I?

More mañana.

Cheesiest thing i ever saw...

Thank you Jarifa! Very well done once again. I must have missed how the belching started. I'm sure it wasn't Sebas. If he hadn't done a 180 after his near drowning, I would have suspected him.

I couldn't sit there and watch Gabe die. It was heartbreaking. And good grief, not even the defibrillator could help him. That stuff that Guido poisoned him with must have done a real number on his heart.

Thank you for your recap, Jarifa.

Wow. Gabe is gone. I did not see that coming! Now I am really ticked off. Didn't Rosy Ocampo or some bigwig at Telerisa say telenovelas we're going to be kept short? 🚫extended telenovelas!

I am full of snark on this one, between the plot turns and day #7 of my head cold. ¡Ya Basta! 😛🤧🤧🤧

""He doesn't want anyone else noticing her beauty. That is for him only.". Let's hope he doesn't out a burka in her. Please put one on Imelda instead, porfis?

""Audifaz tells Tulio he doesn't know what he would do without him. ". I think he means Tulio's money and sofa. Audi would be out on the streets or in a homeless shelter, otherwise. Which begs the question . . . Why isn't he mooching/couch surfing/living in Imelda's apartment??

"Guido says Gabriel is like a brother to him. "". Suuurrrrre, like Cain and Abel? 🙄

While I don’t quite know what to say about the episode Jarifa, I do know that your recap was outstanding. I even sort of smiled at “He doesn't want anyone else noticing her beauty. That is for him only”.

I kept thinking they are dragging Gabi's death out too long and that he was going to revive after being pronounced dead. But yes, it had been mentioned that the actor couldn't continue so I guess this was inevitable. The writers however should not have had him expire as his wife was giving birth. The series never should have been extended with so many critical actors unable to participate.

There wasn’t one minute of sunshine. The odious events tumbled fast and furious. “Tulio tells him that since one of his sons turned out to be homosexual he has no choice”. Can’t. Even. Go. There.

"Eugenio feels that Alzheimer's is like a runaway train. It destroys everything in its path and will not stop until everything is blown apart" described this insidious disease perfectly.

So Dani has three newborns. How is she going to take care of them in her grief?

And was Diana's sitting in the chair indicating she has her position back?

Eating a dozen lemons would have been sweeter than watching this last night. I loved this initially but now visions of Osorio's Sueno de dreck are swirling in my head, making unfavorable comparisons.

Jarifa, thank you for covering this in your usual fine fashion.

(Admittedly cranky) Diana

doris, our comments crossed. I see we were on the same wavelength with our comments!

"Why isn't he mooching/couch surfing/living in Imelda's apartment??" and ""Guido says Gabriel is like a brother to him. "". Suuurrrrre, like Cain and Abel? 🙄" were great.


Jarifa, thanks. You deserve a medal for recapping this tragic episode.

I am happy that I fell asleep on the sofa and missed this barrel of room and gloom. I cannot cope with these storylines right now...or maybe ever. . This show is depressing. Are these dark themes the direction Telenovelas have gone in? Why! Where is the hope?

Susanlynn - I agree! The daily news is dark and depressing enough. I don't need more of that in my "entertainment". Maybe that is why I am reading more and watching less TV? Big BangTheory is more my speed, and this is their final season. Thank heavens for reruns! I like to read light books with happy endings. (Chick Lit and Rom Coms....but not X-rated thankyouverymuch) I'm sending you (((Hugs))) on this dark, cold, gloomy day.❤️

Gads, this show could be renamed Mi Marido Tiene Menos Familia.

Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. I was so happy this was not a two in one last night.

Anon, there is lots of “cheesy” in telenovelalandia. Not that it is necessarily a bad thing . . .

Cynthia, you didn’t miss anything. The “belching attack” started in the previous episode but was cut out. The scene was close though: just a bunch of students/adults belching out on the playground.

doris, “I think he means Tulio’s money and sofa” is perfect! when describing deadbeat Audifaz. Your snark is always appreciated. 😊Here is hoping your head cold is over soon.

Diana, the writers were really “on” last night as shown with that comment about Alzheimer’s as you noted. Hugo is still the principal. “The odious events tumbled fast and furious.” : nobody could have put it better than that ! Mystery: I hated “Sueño” but am loving this one.

Susanlynn, and here I thought I was the only one falling asleep on my sofa. I am so glad my old VCR is still running.


Thanks, Jarifa. You rendered a fabulous recap. It really is a treat getting recaps from you and Cynthia.

As for the show, ITA all said. I signed up for a comedy, not all this doom and gloom. Not only is my favorite Gabe gone, but he was done in by that idiot Guido. And where the heck is Gabriel Soto?

Niecie, since I have seen Gabriel’s face in the intro/credits, I am hoping his arrival is sooner rather than later.

Good Morning!

Jarifa and Cynthia, thank you so much for sticking it out and providing such wonderful and masterfully written recaps. This show has really changed and with the departure of such key characters...and now Gabriel, I just can't watch it anymore. It's bad enough when outsiders are the "bad guys" but in this show, it has been family members who have done all the wrong to their own. I'll be checking in on the patio and on the recaps hoping that Guido gets his anvil soon.

Diana, I don't blame you at all for being cranky. ARGHH!

Good grief! I can't even... about this episode. Diana said it best:

"Eating a dozen lemons would have been sweeter than watching this last night. I loved this initially but now visions of Osorio's Sueno de dreck are swirling in my head, making unfavorable comparisons."

Just beyond awful, but thanks for an excellent recap Jarifa. You are amazing. I would have been complaining and kvetching all over the place. As I am now, come to think of it. Kudos to you sweet lady for sticking with it and smiling.

Maybe our new galan Gabriel Soto will sweep Dani off her feet (along with the triplets) and they'll live happily ever after. Let's just wrap this story up!

Judy: Assuming nothing crazy happens between now & then, let's hope Dani gets a happy ending soon.

RGV Chick: More EVIL ? OMG! Didn't this used to be a Comedy ?

JudyB, I am having a blast with this one. Go figure! I am slowly realizing there are few real comedies in telenovela world. Even these dramedies are heavy on drama. Maybe the only difference from the dramas is that the dramas have NO humor. Oh, well it is what it is. 👩🏻‍💻


I agree with you all that eating a dozen lemons would have been sweeter than watching what happened last night. I just wish that they hadn't killed off Gabriel. Instead, they should have arranged for him to go into a coma or something leaving open for him to recover and return. But maybe that wasn't possible if the actor, Jose Pablo Minor was contracted already to do something else.

Watching Massimo two timing Imelda and Crisanta is a hoot!

Judy, I wouldn't count on Gabe Soto's character coming to sweep Daniela off her feet and marry her with triplets. I'd count on him being long lost family or another cousin or something. Everyone who shows up in this show is long lost family from the beginning. It looks like from the previews that he already has a family. But I could be wrong...

Jarifa, thanks for letting me know I didn't miss anything. With all this splicing and dicing, I am at a loss trying to figure out if I blinked my eyes and missed something. I hope we find out why the belching happened or if someone contaminated their water or whatnot. It was very odd.

"Watching Massimo two timing Imelda and Crisanta is a hoot! ". ---- Agree! What is it about these two women that attracts two-timing guys? First Canuto, now Nonno. 😳. We are seeing a pattern . . .

Oh man! I missed a shocker! Gabriel dead? What do you want to bet they don't do adequate testing to find out he was poisoned, leaving us to cope with Guido for a while longer? Telenovela medicine isn't always good about things like that. Re Tulio and Audifaz: Maybe it's just as well Tulio didn't have children.

Cynthia, ITA their chopping efforts are not always the best.

I am also enjoying Nonno aka Massimo and his womanizing ways. These two women seem to like the smooth/sweet talkers.

RgvChick, the patio awaits you anytime you want to stop by. : )

SpanProf, this just keeps rolling along. Guido is too good of a villain for them to get rid of him too soon.

We now have two mysteries for the characters to solve. Who killed Gabriel? (if they ever discover he was murdered.) and:Who launched the "belch" attack?.


Jarifa: Let's hope Guido doesn't add to a slowly growing Body Count & I will be shocked if Univision brings this back for a 3rd Season.


Steve, the extension is basically the third season.

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