Friday, January 18, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 1/18/19 Capítulo 90 The Girl Who Says What She Thinks--OR--Guido Lies in Wait

Pancho  likes "Roma's" (rather than Grecia's-a play on Rome and Greece) philosophy. She says you have to smile!  She wonders about Susana and this unexpected adventure called marriage. She herself has never been married.  Pancho tells her that the has been widowed twice but Susana has become his whole world.  Grecia is happy because Susana deserves to be happy.

Outside of Crisanta's shop, Crisanta's assistant asks what she is thinking about. Crisanta  is getting ready to go on a date but she will not tell her assistant with who. She is renewing herself and her business.  She asks her assistant for some ideas on how how to modernize her store.  Soon thereafter, a saleswoman  comes by the shop with a pink suitcase. She opens it up and Crisanta thinks that the contents are cool. The saleswoman says they have different sizes and different colors and asks if she is afraid  . . . It turns out that the star of all of their products is a stuffed bunny!

As they work on three panda cakes for the gender reveal party, Linda asks her father when he found out that he was going to have a bonus baby (her).  He says they have talked about it at least ten times recently.  She thinks it is good exercise for his memory.   Eugenio gets all depressed wondering if he will even remember the party.  Linda tells him when her mother gets back he will feel better.  He also needs to remember that Grecia has arrived to help him.

When Pancho gets home, Susana is so happy and excited about Axel giving her away.  There is so much to plan including the bachelor and bachelorette parties.  Pancho has a surprise for her, too. Grecia has arrived.  The friends hug. Susana missed her so much. Grecia is her best friend really her only friend.  Otherwise it is just her and her mom. Pancho asks what about him but then concludes he prefers to be the husband and not the friend. They chuckle.  Grecia says work kept them apart but now they are together and she is happy to help her brother.  Grecia feels like she is starting a new chapter of her life.

Crisanta is out with Nonno aka Massimo (which means the greatest in Italian) for coffee.  She wants to know when she is going to get to meet his family since since have been going out fo a while.  He has a "no hurry" type of attitude. Now is the time for some really good food. She just would like to know the last name of the man she is falling in love with. He is so happy to hear whose words, feels exactly the same  but doesn't offer up any other information.  Crisanta warns him he had better not forget what he is telling her.  He puts up his hand like a boy scout. Massimo excuses himself for a moment and goes upstairs where he is entertaining Imelda at the same time.  He has brought her a mirror as a gift so she can look at those eyes that he loses himself in. She reminds him about the gender reveal party. He says he will be there. They are in love with each other.

Susana asks how Grecia and Pancho met.  Grecia says he crossed her path. Pancho says she hit him.  They chat happily about the accident.  Pancho leaves them alone to go pick up the kids at school.  Grecia likes Pancho. Susana is happy because  her kids accept Pancho, her mom is healthy and now Grecia is there to help her brother.  Grecia isn't too happy with the color of her maid of honor dress. Whoops! She said what she thought! Grecia corrects her answer by saying that she is sure the dress will be to her liking and laughs. She would do anything for her friend.  Grecia wants to organize her bachelorette party.  Susana says  no because she knows Grecia too well and there will be children involved.  Grecia says No! Susana repeats herself: there will be kids.  Okay. . .

Massimo excuses himself from Imelda for a few minutes to make a call.  He kisses her hand and goes back down to Crisanta who is eating dessert. Massimo explains his disappearance to an upset stomach. She tells him he needs a bicarbonate.  He loves that she  worries about him. She loves his sweet talking her. He has to go running back to the bathroom supposedly.  Massimo disappears upstairs.  He asks Imelda if she wants a soft drink.  He makes up some poetry and runs downstairs again.  He asks Crisanta the same thing with the same poem.  "Tú eres como mi refresco de cola (you are like my cola drink) E io un heladito (and I a little ice cream) /porque cuando me tocas (because when you touch me) Me derrito (I melt)." He tells Crisanta he has to go back to work but he has told the restaurant staff to order her a taxi. He goes upstairs and escorts Imelda out literally behind Crisanta's back.

At the distillery, Guido is on the phone  telling someone that patience is the best virtue. Everything is ready.

Everyone is at the gender reveal party.  The cakes are out and are cut.  There will be two girls and one boy. Nonno is happy that the Mussi name will live on.

Grecia asks Susana how she feels about her next wedding. Susana is not nervous about the wedding but is more concerned about the living arrangements afterwards as one family under one roof.  She will also have to try hard not to be seen as Cinderella's wicked stepmother.   Grecia reminds her it is all about communication.  Susana will be a great example. Susana sees a tattoo behind Grecia's ear.  It says IRAE. Grecia tells Susana it means renewal in Latin. That is who she is. After everything that happened, she can only try to forge on ahead.

On the playground, Ari thanks Julio and Lupita for helping him.  Sebas is already to record the event to send to Dave as proof.  Temo arrives with Pancho. Ari welcomes him to "their" moment. Temo doesn't know what is going on.

At the gender reveal party, Dani and Gabriel thank everyone for their baby name suggestions but they have already come up with names.  The boy will be named Gabriel as a continuation of the family  tradition; one girl will be Lucía in honor of Gabriel's mother;  the other girl will be Eugenia after Eugenio. Eugenio gets confused and is ready to cut the cakes. At that point, Dani knows something is wrong with her father. Eugenio tells Dani he has Alzheimer's.

Ari tells Temo that after all of this time, he cannot wait one more minute. He knows he is bad with words so he will let his music do the talking.  His heart always speaks through his music. Temo adds Ari's saying that the heart is never wrong.  Temo and Pancho smile.  It is a flash mob all around Temo as Ari performs "Juegos de amor" (Love Games).  There are rainbow banners and the message is clear. Ari proclaims he and Temo to be "ArisTemo".  Temo agrees and they hug. All the kids perform.

Grecia is all serious and tearful as she talks to Susana. She says that Susana  knows what is is for her being here again. Susana tells her she is not her fears. Even though she wants to look ahead,  Grecia  sometimes feels that her secret is going to sink her.  There is not a single day that she does not fight against her fears but is sure they will never over come her.

Temo feels like he is in a dream.  He tells Ari it will not be easy because the world is no ready for them. Ari wants him to be at his side and does not care what anybody else thinks. They are "ArisTemo"  and together they will change a little of the world.  They put on sports shirts with each other's names.

Daniela wonders why Eugenio didn't tell her before.  He didn't want her or the babies affected by any of this.  She wants to know what they can do.  Eugenio says a specialist friend of Susana's is going to come to help.  They will fight as hard as they can.  He didn't want to worry her because she has her own life. He assures her he will be the best grandpa ever.

Grecia asks about Eugenio's other brothers. Susana says there is Tulio and Audifaz and  one day she will tell her the whole story because  it is quite incredible.  Grecia says it must be difficult to try to get both families together. Susana agrees but it was her father's last wish.  Susana cannot wait for her to meet Eugenio. He is such a good guy and a baker.  Grecia just wants Susana to know that there is no cure for Alzheimer's. She is a neuropsychologist but not a witch. She will do what she can to slow its advance. Susana tells her she can live at her house as long as she liked. Grecia has a surprise. She will be teaching psychology at the secondary school division of the school that Sebas attends.

Pancho is so happy for Temo and Ari that he asks Ari if he can call him his son-in-law.  They all kid each other about what to call each other. Pancho has only one request. No public kissing because people are not used to it and they need to take care of themselves and respect themselves. They can count on Papancho for anything. Hugo is there and says Ari and Temo have proven that love can go beyond the rules. Diana reminds him that the school has always been very inclusive.  Diana loves Hugo and wants him to do well but not at her job.  He will not resign. She tells him it is going to end very badly and leaves.

Susana and Grecia go over to meet Eugenio and the Córcega's.  Susana introduces Grecia and they joke abut who is who according to what Grecia has been told. Massimo says Imelda is a princess. Grecia says she is more like a queen because whatever she says turns into an order.  Susana tries to soften the statement by saying Imelda is clearly THE authority figure. Eugenio says his mother raised them with a strong hand. Grecia thinks  that is good news because she knows that Eugenio will have no problem then doing the therapy she is going to assign him.  Grecia will not give his illness time to breathe.  Audi and Tulio decide between them that don't really appreciate Grecia but she is welcome as long as she helps Eugenio.  Grecia tell Eugenio she will try to extend his symptom-free time as much as they can.

At home, Gabriel is suffering supposedly from gastritis and taking medication. He and Dani are  still discussing Eugenio's diagnosis. Dani is upset and wonders why they cannot have just one moment of real happiness. She is afraid that  Eugenio will forget them and their babies.


I sure enjoyed the “ArisTemo” declaration, Grecia being so outspoken, and the slapstick Massimo trying to entertain the two women at once.
It was a pretty much fun episode except we know that Guido is up to no good in the background.

Thank you Jarifa. You covered a lot very nicely. Was it another slice and splice of two shows?

But I swear I just don't recognize the show anymore. It just seems like it morphed into something so different. I do miss Robert & Julieta and Blanca.

It was pretty funny to see Massimo on a "double date." LOL!

Why oh why will Gabriel not go to the doctor? Men! Hmmmf!

Cynthia, believe it or not this was only one episode. Sometimes they just over stuff them! It is going to be Poor Massimo! If the women find out that he is two-timing them with the other.

Jarifa: I see there's still sinister conspiracy against Dani.

Thank you for your recap, Jarifa!

It definitely looks like Nonno is two-timing Crisanta and Imelda, and why? For their money? He might not be trustworthy, at all, like his grandson.

Grecia's history should be interesting. The tattoo ("After everything that happened, she can only try to forge on ahead.") and Susana's warnings about kids will be at the party. Hhhmmmm.......

Finally, Ari declared himself to Temo.

Jarifa, I found your savvy recap far more enjoyable than the show.

There were some light moments but darkness sadly overshadowed them.

I enjoy and are so appreciative of your sharing facts that add so much: "Massimo (which means the greatest in Italian)" and IRAE. Grecia tells Susana it means renewal in Latin".

“They are in love with each other”. Ummm, really? Imelda is carbon – Cris is the jewel.

"Massimo says Imelda is a princess. Grecia says she is more like a queen because whatever she says turns into an order". The highlight for me was this character's introduction. She seems like a strong, put together woman, bright and breezy and highly intelligent. Beautiful but unaware of it. But as you noted doris, the tattoo likely signifies something significant and likely painful. But, I feel better knowing she will help Eugenio.

The love reveal mob flash was fun and I smiled at the shirts.

Can we hope Gabi's symptoms might simply be indigestion?

"Dani is upset and wonders why they cannot have just one moment of real happiness". Her sad, tear stained face as she melted into her father's arm was almost unbearable. "Guido lies in wait" nailed it Jarifa. As you noted, fear of what Guido is brewing in the background is keeping me from enjoying much of anything. Even Susana - my absolute favorite actress.

Jarifa, thank you for yet another outstanding recap!


Thanks Jarifa. Glad to see they have introduced a new character who is neither a two-timer nor a sociopath, but an educated, organized, caring woman. This show has gone off the rails for me, but the recappers and commenters continue to be great.

Took a walk outside while it was still possible to navigate the streets and the park paths but it was rough going. Sleet which will freeze as the temperature drops further. Winds and snow have not started yet, but it's BRISK!

Thank you, Jarifa.

Cynthia, I agree that this show has turned into a mostly dark and depressing tale.

Weather report...Gray , cold and just waiting for the snow and ice. Temps will drop into the single digits tomorrow night and Monday night.

Thanks Jarifa for the excellent recap.

Not sure about Grecia’s translation of IRAE as renewal. If it comes from the Latin noun IRA, it’s translated as ‘ wrath’
The genitive form is IRAE, ‘ of wrath’ as in the sequence for the dead, ‘Dies irae’,the day of wrath. Could be Grecia has
some disturbing or unpleasant aspects to her renewals! Just a guess.


Thanks, all, for stopping by the patio.

Since I am recapping, I am happy I am enjoying this as much as I ever did and am looking forward to the new characters and plot lines as some of the old ones disappear or are out on hold. I also like that the kids are integrated so well into the main action.

A couple of days ago, RgvChick commented on how Gabriel had changed into an overly emotional version of his character lately. I am blaming the writers on this one. Too many times where the character just goes on and on and I have to FF. That being said I hope the writers are playing with us with Gabriel’s stomach pain the way they played with us with the content if the saleswoman’s suitcase.

Germán Bracco is the fine young actor playing Guido. He sure is doing a great job because he makes my skin crawl.

❄️❄️❄️We have gotten about 6” of snow so far and some lake effect snow 🌨 is on the horizon later on today. I am lucky to have a neighbor this year who insists on shoveling us all out. ☃️ Now if they just plowed the streets on a Sat. the same way they do during the week . . .

Anon, thanks for the information on IRAE. Who knows what secrets Grecia has ? 🤔

Jarifa, what a great neighbor you have! We used to have one on our cul-de-sac who would snowblow the entire sidewalk all the way around. It was so his wife could walk their little dachshund three times a day as usual, but it sure benefited the rest of us also.
Here the sleet has turned to rain, but it will freeze into ice overnight. Don't know if we'll get much snow. But it will be tricky getting to church tomorrow.

Jarifa, thank you for this excellent recap. I am very glad that you continue enjoying this TN, it would be a considerable burden recapping a show you disliked.

I'm not so happy with the show, and I don't understand why they are taking a show that was hugely popular and turning in a different direction. Perhaps the ratings have fallen off lately. If so, I don't think the new thrust will help.

"Massimo" wants to woo Imelda and Crisanta, both at the same time... Does he have Alzheimer's as well, or is he just crazy? It must run in the family. And where is Papa Musi with his devilish beard? I guess he's unavailable to act here.

The NYC temperature has gone up! It looks like we might not get the coming precipitation as snow, but as rain! Yay, temp rise! Mother Nature playing tricks again. Last year there was an early snowstorm that was expected to mostly bypass us, so no great precautions were taken. Naturally Mom Nature was insulted and she dumped tons of the white stuff here causing all sorts of problems with traffic, deliveries, etc. A major embarrassment for the Mayor's office.

For this snow storm the city has done everything except mobilize the National Guard. But I will not laugh until the storm is truly gone. I wouldn't want her to think I was laughing at her.



What a great comment Andy. You should be a columnist. But I have to laugh at myself. Years ago when my dad would write (Mom was always the newsy letter writer, but when she developed dementia, Dad took over) and his letters would mostly be about the weather. Now I'm getting the same way. Yikes.

I find myself fast forwarding through a few things too. Sometimes it's just too much chatter and I find myself uninterested. And I did FF through the Ari/Temo stuff. Why are they making so much out of teenaged "love"? Is it only because they are gay? Have we ever seen flash mob for any other teenaged couple still in high school? I know in "Enamorandome de Ramon" there was a type of flashmob dance where the men danced to the song from "Despertar Contigo" as Ramon asked Fabiola to marry him and that was really well done. Now that was truly romantic!

It will be interesting to see how these new characters coming into this story change the dynamics. I do love Gabriel Soto though and I am looking forward to his debut on the show.

Cynthia, I think the flashmob dance number was because this is a gay couple and Osorio is making a statement of inclusiveness. Whatevs, I consider it as filler and FFWDed thru it.

Trivia: Pancho López brought his own “love theme song” from “Una familia con suerte” with him where it was the series theme song: “Un día con suerte” performed by Alejandra Guzmán. I started to watch the first episode of “Una familia con suerte” and there it was! What a surprise!

Excellent recap, Jaeifa! I too wonder if when Robert, Julieta and Blanca left whether the show put on its B team of writers! Evidently, if Gabriel has horrendous gastritis and Guido is doing the cooking, Gabriel might draw the logical conclusion--It's Guido's cooking! Hmmm indeed.

Jarifa, when I watched the show at my daughter's house, my son in law was watching with me and he recognized "Dia de Suerte" right away and pulled it up for me on Youtube right away. Even he thought was a nice song.

Good Monday morning to all. Very late to this awesome patio, but I made it :-)

Thank you, Jarifa for such a wonderful retelling of the events.

I fear for Gabe. It seems like Guido is slowly poisoning him. Knowing how most men are about going to the doctor, Gabe is probably not noticing whether he is getting worse since the process is slow. Hopeoing he makes it the doctor in time.

I’m not liking Massimo. The two ladies have had enough a two-timing men.

I enjoyed the scene of the three bear cakes...very cute.


Thanks, Jarifa. Terrific job. I missed the episode, but I can picture it now, even down to the little cakes.

I don't want to see Gabriel slowly poisoned, but I do hope this mean Guido is now leaving Dani and the unborn triplets alone.

I'm thinking Nonno loves the chase and means no harm. That said, when Crisanta and Imelda find out, I'd hope they'd bond together to teach him a lesson.

Yay, Ari finally got off the fence. But I do think the writers went overboard with Pancho calling him son-in-law. No parent of a teenager wants to get THAT chummy with their kid's novio.

Hmmm, Susanna will soon have a house full of kids. And her best friend is not so kid-appropriate. I see hijinks coming. Looking forward to how she helps Eugenio.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Peace to all.

Niecie, yes! Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Peace to all.

But now that I'm retired I sometimes resent holidays. Stores and such are crowded with people who have a day off and I don't have the place to myself. Very annoying.




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