Saturday, February 02, 2019

Amar a Muerte, 2/1/19, Episode 63: Crossed Wires and Double Crossed Deceits

  • Eva has a chat with head driver, Alirio about Valentina's trips to see Juliana in Xochimilco.
  • Montilla comes to the Carvajal home to discuss Armenta's threatening presence outside the gate on the private grounds with Lucia and one of the heads of security.  He promises to keep a heavier watch on the place.
  • Johny appears and urges Lucia into her study to discuss his "news" about Jacobo Reyes.  
  • Guille gets a lift to the manse and he runs into Jake.  They discuss Guille's unfortunate luck and  new living situation, how he's renounced the family and the job, and  now is living with  his serious girlfriend, Renata, while looking for work.  Jake advises going to his godfather, Camilo, for assistance.  He can also count on Jake for at least moral support.
  • Beltran gives into Rosita's seduction and the two head for a motel.  Little does he realize she's decided to make a secret video/sex tape of their sexual experience at the motel.

  • Jules has some errands at the drugstore.  On her way out, Eva shows up at the gate.  She makes it clear to Jules that she believes she's taking advantage of her sister's innocence and whatever else.  She tells her although she has nothing against the gay lifestyle, she wants Jules to steer far clear of Val and the Carvajal's.
  • Inside the house, Val and Guille catch up on their misfortunes and wish they could all four runaway together.  FF>>
  • While the doctor and Alicia wait for Belchin to make an appearance he's making an ass of himself in the motel room.  Alicia calls but he's unable to answer especially since Rosita's put his phone down inside her panties for him to fetch.  While she's in the bathroom, he finally gets hold of himself and leaves, much to Rosita's chagrin once she re-enters the room and finds he's split.
  • Jake is once again inside the kitchen eating a tomato while Silvina eyes him suspiciously and asks who he really is after remembering again her and Don León's kibitzing in the past over tomatoes and vitamin C.  She tells Jake that Sra. Lucia and Johny are in her studio.  He thanks her and leaves.  
  • Lucia doesn't believe the picture JC took and says it could be a friend.  She found out about the beating and thinks he's tattling.  She doesn't care about that either.  However, when he shows her pictures of Lupita in a romantic pose with Jake, and then a picture of Jule, who has become Val's best friend now staying at Silvina's house in Xochimilco, she believes then as he paints the picture of Jacobo having a ready-made family and trying to take advantage of the Carvajals and their fortune.  Johny whines to Lucia about her being the love of his life and how he had high hopes of them managing and succeeding together doing such great deeds (with the Carvajal fortune and enterprises, of course, after his murder I presume).  He leaves on a dramatic note having played his trump card.  She begins to wonder if what he's told her about Jake could be true.
  • Meanwhile, Val has arrived at Jule's and they run into each other on the street.  Jules informs Val of Eva's visit and what they discussed.  Jules doesn't want to discuss it on the street and they try having Alirio drive them somewhere else, but he refuses under orders of Eva.  He does stand firm and says Juliana's been banished from the manse and none of the chauffeurs is allowed to drive her anywhere.  
  • Guille makes a surprise visit to Cam's house and asks for money, eventually, after the stupid small talk is over.  Cam says money is no problem and when the first payment comes, he must introduce Renata to him.  Guille agrees. 
  • Renata gets a phone call from Keyla to turn on the gossip show from Carvajal studios.  Ren's the hot topic of the day.
  • Jake gets a call from Lucia demanding he come to her room as they have a heavy discussion pending.  Get up there NOW!  He goes immediately.  Once there, Lucia tells him all she has learned about his wife and daughter now living at Silvina's house.  She says she really wanted to believe in him and hadn't asked for anything out of the ordinary from him.  Yet, he's apparently had this macabre plan to insinuate himself and them into the Carvajal family.  Why?Jake tries telling her there's a reasonable explanation but she obviously isn't willing to listen at this point.  She believes he'll only go on lying to her.  So, she tells him he's done there.  She watches, supposedly heartbroken, as Jake walks away from the house and out of their lives forever.....
  • Jake walks down and through the kitchen and tells Sil that if she thought she was doing Lucia a favor she was really mistaken.  He then walks out into the drive where Fabricio gloats and asks him what's happened.  "--Why ask since you already know?  Good.  Gloat since you got what you wanted."  He hands Fab the keys and walks off.
  • Beltran arrives at the hospital and tells the peeved Alicia that he's been meeting with his students and figured since she only called once it wasn't that important.  They enter Javier's room and he immediately starts chatting it up with "his son."  After a couple of minutes of aggravating phone calls from Rosita that he's been ignoring, he is forced to answer.  There's a video of the two of them in the motel room.  He makes to leave and Alicia brings up her jealous suspicions to him again.  He angrily tells her that the only thing real in life are her and the boy before racing off mad as Hell and with blood in his eyes. --Guess he had never realized how bad a thing technology has become in the hands of crafty kids.....
  • At Grupo Carvajal, Johny summons Susana.  He wants to toast to something--life and it's benefits.  She's begun taping him on her phone while he chats her up about the politician she's been covering and how he/the two of them? are aware of her difficulty in paying her mortgage, her sick granny and all the rest of it.  JC has her lined up in the meantime for great success.  Just then he notices the phone and grabs it from her.  He sees she's taped his questionable conversation and taken pictures of the pol's special plans and facts with figures.  He becomes threatening. 
  • The two eighteen-year-old girls walk to the nearest park to discuss how Val's life has become Hell and now Jule's tells her she doesn't want to tell her mother she's gay and been having sexual encounters with her supposed best friend.  It's too much trauma for her mother who's been recovering from a vicious attack by La Sierra.  Her mom's just too delicate for more "bad" news.  Jules says something stupid like she doesn't want to complicate Val's life either so much.  Val says it's already become complicated.  She's come out and it wasn't pleasant in the least don't ya know.  So, Jules, who is staying at this gorgeous property with Val's permission after "persuading" her housekeeper and husband to generously open the house up to them, tells Val just to leave her the Hell alone and she's breaking it all off.  She's finally, yes, yes, shown her other side as a selfish,  woe-is-me, childish Superbitch to Val and it's too late for Val to do anything about it..... 
  • Ren and Keyla have lunch together.  They discuss the nosey press being everywhere and that Ren chose this option.  Ren asks if it's going to work out with her and Guille.  Keyla says the man has given up everything he's ever known or had in this world for her so yes, that's proof how crazy he is about her.  So, just wake up and smell the coffee and enjoy the ride.
  • On the drive back home in her chauffeured SUV, Val starts thinking of the breakup and drinking again.  She's brought a flask for just such an occasion.  She orders Alirio to take her to Grupo Carvajal.
  • Jules is also thinking of the nasty situation she's now in and tells her mother she wants to be alone.  She gets a sympathy text from Sergio who invites her to coffee.
  • Susana doesn't give an inch.  If she uses this info she doesn't realize or really know him and what he's capable of, threatens Johny.  She reminds him she's smart enough to have backed up all these things on her phone.  There's nothing more to discuss.  As she leaves his office he smiles and says something like give my best to your granny.


Well, well, Leon/LCJ/Not-El Chino, see what your charity toward your Not-Wife Brain dead Loopy got you? Best LAID plans of mice and men has a special meaning with Lucia doesn't it?

I hopeo you saved everything from those BatCave computers which should be as empty as that little safe they cut into, and you have copies of everything. Would that be too much to ask?

Susana continues to impress. Smart, smart, smart, especially by TN standards where the good guys and girls usually need help tying their shoes until they are in at least high school.

Johny must be thinking: "Dammit one step forward and two backward. WTF ELSE can go wrong? What do I do now? If I just Kill Susana there is no telling what her backup plan is, or who she has told in case she disappears."

Could 'If it looks too good to be true.' ever look any more like Busty Rosiita? Dam her, just when Belt was making so much progress. Now what the hell does SHE want from our anti-hero?

Kirby: I do NOT see Susana being long for this world.

Yes, Steve, but remember, Susana has an almost bulletproof combination: Smart and Hot. as opposed to Not and dumb as sled tracks. (See Loopy)

Oh Yikes, recap is up. Bye

Fabricio is very annoying person. He deserves kick in the groin.

Thanks for recap.

Thanks Jardinera. Loved the title and always enjoy bullet point recaps. Like Cliff Notes...great time saver for the reader.

I was tearing my hair out when Belchino walked into that motel. Oh no's Oh no's to the max...and after just telling Barbara how much he admired his wife and loved his son, and they were the family he always wanted. Testosterone and Ego are a bad combination.

This was a downer of an episode with pretty much everybody behaving badly. Or messing up (Susana letting Johny get a look at her recording phone).

At least Renata got talked out of her Blue Funk by Keila. The one bright note.

And the other bright note was your excellent, efficient recap. Thanks amiga mia.

Jar--THANK you for the recap. I had to think twice about the title, then realized it was perfect. My own poor substitute would have gone something like, "Breaking up is Hard to Do," but I think it's copyrighted and Neil would object.

Still, LCJ walked out with his head held high and his brain still functioning on high alert. He's NOT done with Lucia yet. I loved it when he told Fabby he should be glad he doesn't have him to kick around any more (ooops, I think that's copyrighted, too), he and his jefecito.

Too bad Jake didn't know it was Johny that turned Luci's resolve around and made her doubt Jake and not Silvina. Still, we can't be sure how much of what Jake was feeding Luci was love or revenge. Where had he planned to take her--it's not like he has access to much money. Was he going to spirit her away to Camilo's place or pitch a tent at the beach? Then what?

According to TN rules, Jake wasn't allowed to say it's complicated because his body is married to Loopy, but his soul is married to Lucia...THEN let her figure out whether he's crazy or not. She's had several signs that point to his NOT being Jacobo Reyes. Of course it was estoopi-do of him to meet Loopy outside the gates of the house and let her hug him. Sheesh. All this just to get an extra few episodes and make it seem Johny is winning.

I don't think Johny's going to be able to keep Susana in line. He was sure that the idea of be assigned full time to (no) S.-Bueno on his campaign tours was going to excite her. When that didn't work, he had to resort to veiled threats. It's what the scheming brown-noser knows best. (I hesitate to call him a man.)

The Jules-Vale breakup was harder to watch--especially where Jules was humiliated by being told she can't get in or go anywhere in a Carvajal vehicle or step onto their property.

Where did her forever pact with Vale go--out the car window? Lest we forget, Vale was the one who made the first moves on Jules. That's something Eva will never believe--she just can't. Just like she can't believe Guille is really in love with a Luci-copy-cat. However, she does believe it's perfectly ok that she's an upstanding, knows-what's-best head of the family, guarding her patrimony and her reputation while having fraudulent dealings with the head of a minor cartel and sleeping with him as well. (I didn't believe for one moment her declarations that she actually was a 21st Century woman with open attitudes towards gay people--just not ones in her family.)

Good for Keila--for once she wasn't a Debbie Downer, although Renata is beginning to second guess herself. Guille certainly isn't. Wonder what kind of job he'll finally land. Do we even know what he studied in school or what he wanted to do? He didn't start working at Carvajal until after Leon died and we've never really seen him working--except on that cute letter he dictated to Ren.

Anita, Guille is a financial guy. We don't know whether he is a straight bean counter, or maybe Business Admin, but remember early on he was going over the books and almost discovered Johny's financial shenanigans and went to....who else...Johny with the books.

Thanks, Kirby--a senior moment. However, it IS odd that with that qualification and several languages, he didn't want to work in his father's company. I guess he already knew that having two strong, domineering personalities would be difficult enough to deal with, let along they were his father and his sister.

So, we have two different entities bilking the company--Eva/El Alacran and Johny/Lucia. Jake already knows about Johny (and perhaps) Lucia, but is he ever going to have a big let-down when the Eva/El Al thing comes to light.

Thank you, Jardinera. I missed this episode of "Nobody's Happy."

My take on Guille not working before was why? Why work when there was nothing in it for him. He was not hurting for money and working would cut into his TN watching time. :-)

Yes thanks Jardinera. I did NOT miss this episode, how often do you get to see a munchkin and a giraffe rolling around?

In one of the blogs I follow, it was mentioned that Amar Sin Ley should begin next Monday. May or may not be true.

Not a spoiler, just bc we on the lookout if you want to watch the 2nd season.

Good Sunday Morning, Patio!

Jardinera, another excellent recap, thank you!

No surprise that Johny went running to Lucia with his twisted news. I'm just wondering how he got there before LCJ did...hmmm, did LCJ make a long pit stop somewhere? Anywho, I was pleased with LCJ's reaction which is true to his and aloof.

Kirby, Susana is quite smart, but she must have had a short in one of her circuits when she laid down her phone on the chair and in plain sight; she's a reporter and should know how to "hide" her evidence.

JudyB, "I was tearing my hair out when Belchino walked into that motel. Oh no's Oh no's to the max...and after just telling Barbara how much he admired his wife and loved his son, and they were the family he always wanted. Testosterone and Ego are a bad combination." My thoughts exactly...there's a LOT of thinking with the wrong head lately...ughhh!

Regarding Guille, I remember early on he mentioned not liking being "locked up" in an office all day; he prefers the outdoors.

Anita, LCJ doesn't know it was Johny who spilled the news first, but Silvina's info helped in convincing Lucia that Johny hadn't fabricated the information. Shame on SIlvina on missing the mark and misinterpreting her visions. IMO she should have waited before her accusing LCJ and his family of being involved in killing Leon. She has had so many other signs tah should tell her there is something much more than teh conclusion she came to (i'e. Max getting along with LCJ...LCJ eating tomatoes in the exact way Leon did)

I too was pleasantly surprised that Keila spoke up for Guille--only thing is he had to give up his job and his money to prove to HER that he truly loves Renata...extremely high expectations!!

OT-Anon, the only thing I've heard is that Por Amar Sin Ley 2 will start on March 3rd, but only on the Las Estrellas channel, not on Univision.

Kirby--I did know LCJ doesn't know it was Johny who runteldat to Lucia. I was saying it was too bad he DIDN'T know...Johny's face would be mush if he had known. But yes, Silvina's visions left out a few details and she just went ahead and gave her own interpretation--to Lucia.

Wasn't ME

RGV Susana had to place her phone like that, knowing it was a risk, but otherwise she knew WE couldn't see it either ! :-)

OT..It went up to 50 here today...a heatwave compared to our previous temperatures. #tiredofthecold

Oooh Susanlynn...don't get tired of the cold yet. It's going to hang around a while. But amazing to see the sun here in gray gray Columbus. Half my family is down in the Turk Islands though enjoying real warmth, sun and sand. I'm trying to enjoy it by proxy.

My bad, Kirby. It was RGV chick's comment. (The new avatar was dark, what can I say.) Sorry.

Rosita is a wanna-be seductive CFM wench. She picked her target well. I have a feeling El Chino (the real one), never turned down an offer when he was "otherwise occupied" during his traveling sicario days. Meanwhile, he assumed Lupita did the same and thereby his rejection of Juls as being his bio-child. Too bad Loopy never had enough cash on hand to get a DNA test. In any case, Chino would probably have refused to spit into a test tube.


Anita, actually I was agreeing with you that LCJ didn't know; so I knew that you knew that LCJ didn't know LOL copy that?

I knew it !

Now I know that you knew that I knew and Kirby did, too. Are we out of comments on AAM?

NOTEZ BIEN: For those of you who record AAM with xFinity, be careful to check tonight's (Monday) offering for AAM. If you record ONLY new episodes, this one won't record for you. As of last night they still have it listed as a repeat, but it's really episode 64.

RGV--Looks like you don't get the night off tomorrow. AAM is still listed at 10. We can only hopeo.

Anita: I see Rosa the EXPLETIVE set up Beltran by planting a sex videotape on their escapade.

What does she have planned ?

Kirby: Karma needs to HIT these idiots BIGLY.


What does she have planned? An A+ in that Anthropology class at least.
Or a LOT more views on her YouTube channel. :-(

Karma is preoccupied with that grey spot in her hair that does not grow out with the hair.

According to my DISH guide, Looneyvision will be airing the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night from 7:50 pm-10:00 pm; another source indicates it will air from 7:50 - there you have it...inconclusive info. We'll just have to wait n see. Arggh!

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