Monday, February 04, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 2/4/19 Capítulo 101 Another Day, Another PSA: Chlamydia!--OR--Neto Loses Round One to Grecia

Neto and Grecia argue back and forth about whose red snapper is it.  SHE needs it for something very important. HE needs it for a family tradition. She asks the vendor who got here first. He wasn't watching. Grecia tells Neto the snapper saw.  Neto hates to be the one to tell her that the  snapper is dead and isn't seeing anything.  Next she says that the snapper saw them both and has decided it wanted to go with her.  Neto, always a step behind in this argument,  says the snapper saw him first and wants to go with him. The vendor suggests filleting another fish.  No way, they both want THAT one.  Grecia is going to  treat the fish affectionately and starts to pet it.  Neto flings  her hand off the fish and starts to pet it himself. Grecia launches into the topic of there not being enough gentlemen these days. How can someone as big as he is,  act like that with such a small woman as herself?  As he towers over her, he insists he is a gentleman and that he cannot help it that she is such a short thing.  Grecia drags over a box and gets eye to eye with him.  Neto accuses her of cheating. She tells him that since he is gentleman, she will be taking the fish and preparing it as deliciously as possible.  She hands the snapper to the vendor to bag. She tells Neto goodbye and climbs down from the box.  Neto thinks this is ridiculous fighting over a fish.  Grecia tells him there is a first time for everything.  The  vendor puts the fish in a plastic bag and hands it to Grecia. She tells Neto "See you never!"  He tells her the same.

Guido wants to know what condition  Nonno is putting on his taking control of Nonno's businesses.  Nonno tells Guido that he will be in charge of all he has when Guido gets married.  By Guido marrying,  Nonno will know that his businesses will be run by somebody responsible,  who will be more focused and  he will have some more great grandchildren.   Guido complains that he doesn't even have a novia.  He doesn't know anyone.  Nonno tells him that a wife will make him more committed to work and life.

Dani and Casandra wait for Clarisa outside of the restroom.  Clarisa has cramps and a different kind of  pain.  Dani says she could have a urinary tract infection. She should go see a doctor. They all remember Gabriel who ignored his symptoms.

Guido is upset because getting married will take a long time. Who is going to fall in love with him? Nonno thinks he is a real catch and says the idea came from Guido himself when he told Nonno to enjoy his life.  That should go for Guido, too.  One should have a family to share life with.  Marriage matures a person and makes you look ahead.  Nonno is confident that his plan is perfect.

Back at the market, Santi asks Neto why he didn't buy a  red snapper for the "tradition". All Neto can tell him is that it is a long story.  He says: "Camarón que duerme, se lo  lleva la corriente". (A sleeping shrimp is carried away by the current) or in other words,  "You snooze, you lose." Neto wants to get some ham and cheese and put the fish off for another time. Yolo doesn't want anything from the market. She  wants to leave. Neto informs her that they need to buy food because they will be staying in Mexico for more than a short time. She thinks it is going to be  horrible. Look at him  and her brothers. They all smell and cannot even bathe. What is worse is that she had to tell her friends that they were on vacation.  Neto doesn't know why she is not telling the truth.  She asks him if he wanted her to tell everyone that they were deported because her father was an illegal.  She starts what is becoming a familiar tirade. She blames Neto for it all and wants to go back to the USA.    She would rather be alone without her family and have her life from before.  She is so dramatic and loud that the vendors and customers start to notice her tantrum as well as Polita.

Rufo recognizes Polita as Audifaz's wife. (Rufo was a music "promoter" who worked with Marisol and Xavi Galán in season one but is into other businesses, too) He hired Audi  on occasion. She tells Rufo  they are divorced.   Rufo takes out a bottle of a nutrition drink he is selling. She tries it and it is very tasty but doesn't have money to buy any.  Rufo has the answer to all of her money problems.  If she helps him sell "Nutra Grey", the nutrition drink she just tried, she could make thousands of pesos every month. Polita looks interested.

Neto tries to talk sense to Yolo.  She wants to know where they are going to live if he doesn't even have enough money to feed them.  He says he is thinking about it. She tells him he better think harder. She pokes him and tells him that they all stink from sweat. The have no clothing, food or a battery. They have nothing. Neto says they have each other and that is the most important. Yolo doesn't agree. Neto finally screams enough.  He would give his life for his children and she doesn't seem to realize it. Yes, he admits he made a mistake but he is trying to fix it.  He has never failed them as a father or has he? Yolo turns around and sulks.  He  gets a phone call from Pancho telling him that they can stay in the one room attic apartment at least for today. Andi has to mention those horrible twins that live in that building. Yolo thinks back on Ari and says  it could be a good idea. Neto sees this as an opportunity to get themselves together. Yolo says at least they can bathe.

Imelda visits Nonno at the distillery. They flirt.  She is thinking about a lie. Nonno hopes it has nothing to do with him. No, it doesn't. She talks about telling your children lies because you thought it was for their own good at the time; to avoid them  getting hurt. Nonno asks if she is hiding something from  her children.  No.  It is better that she go and that he remembers that she loves him. They kiss. She leaves. Nonno looks worn out and then sees that Crisanta called.

Rufo is trying to talk Polita in being a part of his "multi-level marketing" plan. Polita thinks it is too good to be true and that it must be one of those pyramid schemes. He assures her it isn't but she needs to get others to help her sell and then she will be paid through commissions (a pyramid scheme). She has a fantasy with her being rich and Imelda being in her place. Rufo ends up talking her into selling the drink due to her own desperate circumstances.

In the one room attic apartment, Ari has a surprise for Temo. He blindfolds him and tells him to wait right there.  When the blindfold comes off, there are projected multi-colored stars dancing around the room. Ari wants to thank Temo for everything. Ari tells Temo that he taught him how to shine. They agree to shine together.

Crisanta has taken the red snapper out of the oven. Crisanta and Grecia discuss that man Grecia met at the market and his strange  "red snapper" tradition.  Grecia is already to eat the fish when she finds out it isn't for any of them.  Crisanta has made it for her boyfriend.  Grecia teases her saying maybe she should have just let the other guy take it.  Crisanta whacks her with an oven mitt. Grecia was just saying what she was thinking.

Crisanta surprises Nonno in his office with the red snapper. She tells him she brought him a fish dish from Baja California. She has the whole dinner laid out for the two of them. He pours the wine.

Ari and Temo's moment is broken by Pancho coming into the one room attic apartment with Neto and his family.   Neto explains that Pancho has arranged for him and his family to stay there. Temo explains to Neto who is who.  He is Pancho's son and Ari is his NOVIO. He directs that part to Yolo.   Yolo offers to give Ari English lesson since they are going to be neighbors. Temo says he can do that and addresses her as Yolanda.  She explains that her name is not Yolanda but Yolo. Ari says just like Temo and his nickname.  Temo says it really isn't anything like that and yells to  Ari that it is time to go.  Neto thanks Pancho.

Axel has gotten his test results from his doctor. He has chlamydia.

At Pancho's, Susana gets an earful from Sebas. He doesn't want to live there. He wants to go live with his grandma. Julio thinks that would be great.

Up in  the one room roof apartment, Pancho  helps Neto move in and shows them where the bathroom is. As the boys and Neto sniff themselves to see how badly they stink, Imelda appears on the scene wanting to know what is going on in HER building. Pancho says it was his idea. Neto introduces himself and explains his situation.  Neto says  Pancho offered him this space.  Imelda asks with whose permission. Pancho isn't talking.

Susana tells Sebas it is hard but they will have to get used to their new life. They need patience and understanding to live together. The boys agree but tell her it is one thing to get to know each other and another thing having to sleep in the same room together.  They won't do it. Julio tells her they don't fit.

Axel tells his doctor he hasn't been with anyone recently.  The doctor tells him that STD's take time to develop and with chlamydia sometimes the symptoms are so minor that people don't notice them or blame another condition. Axel doesn't know who he could have caught it from.  The doctor says fortunately  chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be treated withs strong antibiotics.  He tells Axel he will have to notify his partner/partners so they can be treated ASAP since most likely they are infected, too.  Axel says he almost always used protection when he had sex. The doctor says one time without protection is all it takes. The doctor wants him to start his prescription ASAP so he won't be left with any complications like infertility.

At the foundation, Linda is trying to get the girl who won't talk to her (Maya)  to tell her what is wrong so she can help her.  All Maya can think about is he father threatening to burn her with the iron again.  Maya admits there are problems at home.  The roof fell in from the rain. Linda says they can get them help to fix that. Maya jumps back saying NO! because he father is going to fix it.

Neto explains to Imelda that he has a temporary job  so he will be able to pay her rent.  Imelda doesn't like to hear "temporary" and grabs Pancho by the ear saying he was going to let Neto stay there for nothing.  If it weren't for the pumpkin (?) seeds she found on the floor at the foot of the stairs (Andi and Santi were eating pumpkin seeds), she would have never known they were there.  Blanca fnally shows up saying she was the one who gave Neto and his family permission to stay.

Sebas keeps pushing to go home to live with his grandma.  Susana says his grandma is busy and she doesn't want to be separated from him.  Sebas asks why can't they all just go  live at their house where there is so much more space, more rooms, and a swimming pool. Then he wouldn't have to see that fool Julio's face! Julio doesn't want to see Sebas' tomato hair! Susana is at her wit's end.   Susana tells them that this is what she and Pancho agreed to. It hasn't even been a week. They need to give it time. Sebas says they should  give it one week and if it doesn't work out,  then they should go back to their own house.  Susana agrees to the one week trial.

Dani visits her home with Clarisa. Dani wants Clarisa to leave her alone while she packs up Gabriel's things.  She does.  Dani starts the sad task of packing up Gabriel's things. She remembers him and their good times. She smells his shirts and holds them to her heart.

A school, Grecia goes into Hugo's office where he is with Diana. The school board has given Hugo 48 hours to solve the mystery of who was responsible fo the "belching" attack or he will be fired.  Grecia wants to know where to start but nobody has a clue.

Blanca appeals to Imelda's sense of goodness that has always taught them to be kind, to help one's neighbor, etc.  Blanca explains that she just wanted to help some people out who were caught in a bad situation and didn't have a roof over their heads.  Imelda agrees they can stay with one condition: she and Blanca will come up with a rent they think is fair.  Neto smiles and says no problem. Yolo says in English it better be cheap because this place is horrible.  Blanca lets Yolo knows that she understood her in English and that the place is not horrible and that it is also clean. Neto asks them all to please excuse his daughter because she is a little tense.  Yolo  apologizes.  Imelda says they will let Neto know about the rent and that they will have to follow the rules.  The Corcega's are an ultra-decent family and  she hopes they are up to their best behavior. Neto assures her there will be no problems. Imelda hopes that their "duende" (goblin) nickname doesn't mean they are naughty.  They shake their heads in unison. Imelda asks Yolo why she is so sad.  Yolo tells her.  She hates Mexico, Oaxaca and following rules. She disappears into the bathroom looking for clean water.  Neto tries to make excuses for her.  Blanca remarks how much Andi and Santi look alike. She goes on to tell them there is another set of twins in the building that they can be friends with. Andi and Santi tell her they are identical (gemelos) not fraternal twins (mellizos) and what is more they don't like the twins that live in the building.

Dani is curled up on her bed with Gabriel's pillow. Guido comes in.  She explains that she is only there to get Gabriel's stuff.  Guido says no problem. It is her home after all.  No, she doesn't need his help.  Guido will leave her alone and make her a nice chamomile tea with a special touch!

Axel goes to talk to Linda about the chlamydia diagnosis at the foundation.  He  has no success. She cuts him off.  He has nothing to talk about with her.  He says she needs to hear something important. She pushes him out of her work area. She doesn't want to hear any thing from him. He leaves.

Grecia asks how things went with her novio.  Crisanta says he is a very mysterious man and she feels he is hiding something from her.  Crisanta wants to take better advantage of life even though she is older.  She would love for her, Susana and Grecia to go out to a cantina for a few drinks and to sing! Grecia says count her in  for a girls' night out!

Susana sees Pancho gathering linens and some clothes.  He explains about Neto.  Susana tells him about the problems between Julio and Sebas and how they are getting worse.  She also tells him about the deal she made with them.  If things don't work out in a week, they will be going to live at her house.  Pancho is not pleased and reminds her of all of the reasons they and for staying at his apartment.  She knows that but things between their sons are going from bad to worse.  He feels she is getting ahead of herself. She insists she is not.  What if living together doesn't work out, then, what are they going to do?  They are left looking  at each other.


That episode sure was packed again.


Can someone just shut Yolo up already? Would Neto please send her back to the USA? She is just as annoying as Imelda as somebody already mentioned. Anyway, my intense dislike just means that the seventeen year old Argentine Azul Guaita Bracamontes is doing a fantastic job. As for the ages of the other teenagers, Emiliano Osorio ( Ari) is sixteen and Joaquín Bodoni (Temo) is fifteen.

Axel would do us all a favor if he just called or sent Clarisa and Linda a text about the chlamydia diagnosis so they could get to the doctor ASAP.

The fight over the red snapper was nice and flirty. I cannot wait for more interactions between Neto and Grecia.

So, Guido is making Dani a cup of tea?

Anyway, on we go!

Whoopsie, that shoukd have been “Emilio” Osorio.

Jarifa, thanks for this recap, and I loved the title "Another Day, Another PSA: Chlamydia!"

Ay, vey! I was afraid that an STD was the cause of the mysterious pains that Axel and Clarisa had, though it was farfetched for several reasons, and I had no idea it was Chlamydia. After all, what would I know about such things?        :-)

Jarifa, sending Linda a text message about this sounds awfully cold, or the punch line of a joke, but if she won't listen maybe it's all he can do.

Interesting that Yolo is interested in Ari. Instant attraction. Well, at that age it can and does happen like that. Occasionally it will happen several times a week. :-)

This might be interesting. I'm not sure about Ari, he never showed a lot of interest in either sex. Ana and Cynthia's comments yesterday might be spot on. We'll see.

Oh, Happy Lunar New Year, everybody. Year of the pig.


Jarifa, you consistently raise the bar higher with each successive recap.

Thank you for "Camarón que duerme, se lo lleva la corriente". (A sleeping shrimp is carried away by the current)" which was wonderful.

"Grecia tells Neto the snapper saw. Neto hates to be the one to tell her that the snapper is dead and isn't seeing anything" had me smiling away.

I am so disappointed I feel asleep and only managed to rouse myself to see Dani packing Gabe's things and Axel trying unsuccessfully to give Linda the bad news (which I had no idea what it was).

Very interesting that the sympathetic, simultaneous pains Axel and Clarissa were having can now be explained. I'd never have guessed.

So sorry I missed the squabbling over the fish. I sense these two are going to have quite the sizzle.

So, when reading Guido needs a wife, my first thought is no. He wouldn't. He couldn't. Even think about Dani???? I still remember him caressing Dani's picture the other day.

Temo tries to stake out his territory. But your sage "I'm not sure about Ari, he never showed a lot of interest in either sex" seem spot on to me andy.

Kudos to Blanca for working Imelda. She seems to be the only one capable of taming the tiger.

Looking forward to seeing how Neto and his brood make out. What happened to the "united" kids? :) Seems like no one is getting along. And I can't blame Susana - the idea of living as one, big happy blended family in a small space may not be the necessary ingredient for happiness.

So, no show tonight. Ack. Girls night out? Can't wait.

Jarifa, you are the best. Thank you!


Jarifa: I'm afraid Dani is NOT long for this world much longer.

Thank you for your recap, Jarifa. And the title, too. 😊

So, Neto and Grecia haventheir meet cute. Awwwww! 💕

Axel must have had unprotected sex with both Linda and Clarissa, if he is trying to tell both. I can't remember a PSA about STDs in any telenovela I ever watched. It's about time! And another one for the PSA list. Maybe Linda is the carrier; who knows what she got up to in Italy?

I love that Blanca's English is good enough to understand Yolo, and then call her on it!

Thank you, Jarifa,

PSA...STDs...pyramid schemes...

Neto and Grecia are a bright spot.

Yola ..oh no..having been a teenage girl, raised two, and taught many, this girl is a real privileged pain. I cannot stand to watch the way she talks to and treats her father. Shameful.

As to the seeming triangle between Yola and the two teen boys, who knows where this is headed. Being a teen these days is a little more complicated than when I was a teen.

doris, I also loved love "that Blanca's English is good enough to understand Yolo, and then call her on it!" Little snot (who likely has a heart of gold under that cool exterior).

Susanlynn, I say all the time how grateful I am that I grew up in another time. In retrospect, it was likely as challenging (for the time), but still...:)


Gabriel Soto has more chemistry with Grecia then he ever did with Irina.
Thank you Andy and Cynthia for acknowledging my comment from yesterday. The actress who plays Yolo is doing a fantastic job to really sell her role of privileged teenager. Honestly theses are the only story lines im following. Im thinking of giving up on this show but we'll see.
Nice here in the Monterey Bay in California. Mid 40's

Another Day, Another PSA! Hah, best title ever Jarifa, and you've had a lot of great ones.

Okay, while we're being reminded about the danger of pyramid schemes and unprotected sex, can we have a little more sizzling romance to make the pills go down easier? Do bring on lots more Neto-Grecia fireworks. I agree that they got a nice little spark going there at the fish market.

And Andy, got a kick out about "instant attraction" at that age happening sometimes several times a week. Boy did that bring back memories. Seems like I had a new crush and a new set of fantasies every two weeks at least. The awesome power of hormones. I seem to be running a little bit short of hormones these days. Just as well.

Well, hate to miss our story tomorrow night but needs must. Thanks for the great recap Jarifa. And the nice dichos.

Thank you Jarifa for all your cleverness in your recapping! I was so funny to see Neto and Grecia fighting over the red snapper. I hope the sparks fly with them later.

Also too funny was Blanca understanding very well what Yolo had said. Also when they were in the market and she was throwing her little tantrum about how she hates Mexico and she got all those dirty looks from the women around there.

I want to see Axel texting Linda and Clarisa about the STD. They are going to be so upset!

JudyB, yeah, I remember those days when I had a crush on a different boy every month. I was always changing my mind on who I liked.

Ana, since we are on the west coast, I am probably reading the posts later than those who live east of the Rockies. So yes, I caught your late posting because sometimes I don't get around to reading until the p.m. time. And here in Los Angeles, it's been raining and raining and raining....But it's nice. I am glad I don't have a real commute to work.

So Guido "needs" a wife? LOL...who would EVER want to be with him? If so, it would have to be a forced, arranged marriage.

Cnythia and Jarifa, thank you so much for your recaps. I acturally cheat and read your recaps before I watch the show. I really appreciate the vocab you somethings add. I have posted before but often it doesnt show up. I think I have to post Anonymous since I don't have a Google account.??? I have some thoughts.

Concerning Neto and kids, the new family members: I really wanted him to be Tulio's son. Poor Tulio, he has no one. Imelda did not like Yolo Sr. "she made trouble for the brothers." Was Yolo having an affair with Earnesto AND Tulio? No spoiler, I just want Ernesto to be Tulio's son and his kids his grandchildren. Also, Speaking of Imelda, last night she said she was keeping a secret from her family. Maybe she knew Yolo was pregnant and sent her away or sent her away because she has having an affair with her sons, maybe all three! : )

Poor little Frida! Her mom has abandoned her. This whole second season she hasn't heard a word from Marisol. No Skipe, no text messages, no letters. If my little girl was almost kidnapped I'd be home in a flash. Her mother doesn't know she has started her period! I'm glad her dad seems to be more attentive.

Julietta went though such grief and depression over losing Dave to his natural father and then goes off to Africa and dumps him with his grandparents. What happened to his real father?

Next Dianna: What in the world is she doing at that school everyday. Wasn't she fired. The school should be off limits for her. I can't believe they hired her hisband as principal. What are his qualifications? I agree that Dianna must be the guilty one with the students all burping and the poison apple.

Guido should definitely go after Dani. Then he would have a wife and the bonas of the triplets who are inheriting Nonno's money. Dani should reject him of course, too soon and he is no Gabriel. I can't wait for Granpa to get cought by his 2 novios. That will be fun. I hope it unites the 2 women.

Thanks again Jarifa and Cynthia and all the responders. It's the first thing I read every morning with my morning coffee and toast.



OT...oh, judyb, I do love your comments. Yes, I , too, have many happy memories of high School and crushing on fine, young men...Lee, Bobby, Johnny, Eddie, Dickie...and then my final crush and love at first sight to the best of them all.. Thanks for stirring up some good memories of happy times and young love.

Thanks, everyone for stopping on by the patio and commenting.

Andy, so true about teenagers being attracted to many different people very frequently. I cannot wait to se Ari’s reaction or non-reaction to Yolo. No doubt about how Temo feels.

Diana, yes, Blanca is the only one who seems to be able to reason with Imelda.Seriously, I do not know how she could stand to live with that witch all of these years.

doris, definitely STD’s have to be added to the PSA list. Maybe this weekend I will republish the PSA list and we can see what else needs to be added.

Susanlynn, yes, pyramid schemes are another item to be added to the PSA list.

Ana, the chemistry between Neto and Grecia is excellent. We need more of it at this point as JudyB mentioned.

JudyB, “the awesome power of hormones” has its good points and I will say “stupid “ points. Too funny.

Cynthia, I wonder who Guido will find to date or if he will even bother and just deal with the status quo for a while.

MaryKat, thanks for signing with a name. It makes it easier to separate “you” from the different Anons that post. You don’t have to use a real name, just a name we can know “you” by. I did that for years before establishing a Google account. Welcome to the patio! It would be an interesting turn if Neto does turn out to be Tulio’s son. It wouldn’t be the first time there was a red herring in one of these novelas. It would not surprise me either if Imelda had a hand in her boys’ dating life way back when. She is so intrusive now so why would have she ever behaved differently? I hope Guido does not go after Dani considering we know he murdered Gabriel. That would be too creepy even for me. 🙂


Remember that tonight we are being pre-empted by the State of the Union address.

I have not seen a spoiled bratty teen like Yolo since Nikki Balvanera in Amores Verdaderos. 😳

MaryKat: Guido had Gabriel whacked for God's sake & he's planning to exterminate Dani & the triplets.


Doris..Nikki was so annoying . I think the only English we heard her using was "Okay" , and she said repeatedly .

Thanks, Jarifa. Loved the title, not to mention the recap too.

Temo needs to chill. Jealousy is not becoming to him. Clearly he's insecure about Ari's commitment to him. ITA they are all too young to commit.

When Axel first got the pains, it seemed to me he already suspected what it was, like maybe he'd had chlamydia before. Well, he's lucky to get symptoms so at least he can get early treatment. According to the National Library of Medicine, "Chlamydia doesn't usually cause any symptoms. So you may not realize that you have it." But where would a PSA be without symptoms?

Axel is a doctor so maybe in med school he had a class that covered it? Hopefully any it would be a required class for graduation in any med school, in any country.

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