Friday, March 01, 2019

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 117, Thursday, February 28, 2019; Susana loses her voice; and DNA Results are in

We begin with Guido giving Yolo a kiss as he took her back home. After she goes back upstairs, Guido receives a call from Luigi telling him that everything was done in the laboratory and will be ready for tomorrow.

Neto tells Grecia how much he admires her because of all the help she gives to everyone, the children, Susana, Eugenio. “You are just one incredible woman.” Says Neto.

As Yolo walks into their apartment, she finds her brothers each on the other side of the room just starting at each other. She wants to know what is going on and they reveal that they both like the same girl—Frida. Yolo thinks it is funny.

Polita confides to Blanca, Dani, and Linda about losing custody of her son. Blanca is exasperated hearing this awful news and vows to do something and speak seriously to Imelda about how wrong and unfair this is. Linda tells them that it appears that something dirty is going on. “Don’t you think it’s strange that you lost custody without them having any evidence of being an unfit mother?” Polita wants to know what she is getting at. Linda explains, “I just think that our grandmother is capable of doing anything and I think it was because of her that the judge found in Audi’s favor.

Frida calls from the other room in pain. Blanca puts the baby down to go see what is wrong with Frida.  She is having menstrual cramps and Blanca gives her a heating pad to relax with. She tells Frida not to read things on the internet but to ask either her or her aunts. Linda brings Frida a cup of tea that helps her when she has cramps. She says goodnight to Frida.

Mássimo comes to the door with a gift for Imelda. It’s a lovely necklace and appears to have sapphires. He tells her that he is in love with her only and that he is going to fight to get her love back. She starts to shut the door on him but he asks for more time. She gives him 20 seconds. He says he will not give up on her and will camp outside her door until she comes around. Imelda tells him he’d better get a chair because he will be there a long time and no one is going to pay attention to him. He says, “That’s all right. I can wait the rest of my life until you finally believe my feelings for you.” Imelda tells him, “I’ll bet you went and said the same thing to Crisanta. I’ve had it with that woman.” He claims that she is the only woman in his life. Finally Imelda said his time was up and shut the door.

Ari is in their apartment and outside, Temo is slipping notes under the door. One says, “Love is the solution.” Another says, “Your heart is never wrong.” He opens the door and there is Temo, so Ari lets him in. Ari tells him what happened in court and the two of them reconcile. Temo offers to keep paying Ari’s school tuition while Ari figures out what to do for his mother with all that juice that keeps coming that she is unable to sell. Ari tells Temo that Rufo told him that he needs to keep his relationship with Temo private because he will become more popular with the girls if he does.

Hugo gets home just to pack his things and to go live with his mother.

The Lopez-Córsega family is having dinner and all of a sudden Susana loses her voice and cannot speak at all. Crisanta goes over to make her some cinnamon tea. No one can figure out why she lost her voice. Axel has her sit down and looks into her mouth and says she has no inflammation. Axel tells her she needs to relax. Grecia says it must be psychosomatic because she is under such stress. Pancho tries to plant a kiss on her but that is not what she wants. Grecia says Susana is the midst of a nervous crisis coming from shock and not illness. It also may have to do with losing control at work.

Audi and Tulio are at dinner with little Arqui and Audi tells his brother that he feels very badly about doing this to Polita. Tulio tells him to relax because Arqui is better off with him and their mother away from the bad influences of Ari and his mother. Audi also shares that Eugenio and Neto went for DNA tests and are awaiting the results. Tulio also says that it would be better if Neto did not end up a Córsega. Audi says, “Well he could be my son too!” Tulio just says, “Just forget it and remember what I did for you was criminal!” Audi says that he was guilty of nothing.

Neto is talking to his twin boys and they tell him they do not want to sleep in the same room together. He wants to know why and Yolo laughingly tells Neto that the boys are “liking” the same princess, Frida. Neto’s face drops and he tells them they are too young. He wants Frida to just be their friend for now. However, Neto has some good news for the family: They are going to be able to move downstairs to the apartment that Pancho lived in. Yolo is feeling happier about living in Oaxca (as she dreams about Guido.) [What the heck does she see in him?]

After leaving Frida’s room, Blanca runs into Imelda in the hallway of their home. She begins saying, “You know that I have always respected you. But many times I have been in disagreement with your behavior, beginning with all your lies. And now, with Polita’s situation.” Imelda responds, “Well it looks like you are on Polita’s side.” Blanca says, “Clearly I am! It is just not fair that you have worked to take away her son!” But Imelda says, “On the contrary! It has been very fair! I am an older person and you have to respect me. Like I have said many times, you have to go with what the older person says.” Blanca replies, “Well what you say is “good” is not pure because it causes harm and suffering.” Then Eugenio wheels himself in wanting to know what is going on. Imelda looks at Eugenio and says, “Your wife is judging me in my own home!”  Blanca angrily turns back and looking at Imelda says, “And I’m tired of hearing that after being married for decades that it’s YOUR house! This apartment has been a home, for all of us, thanks to God. Then you treat me in such a way that you can chase me off just like you did to Polita!” Imelda arrogantly says, “Arqui will have a better life with his father.” Blanca says, “Arqui needs his mother, he will not have a better life away from his mother.” Then Imelda walks away, saying she is going to her room before she gets into a bad mood now that she has realized that Blanca is against her.

Linda and Dani ask Blanca, “What are we going to do?” Blanca says, “I don’t know. But we all have to find a way to resolve this.”

Polita cries to Ari as he comforts her and he tells her they will find a way to get Arqui back.

Diana begs Hugo not to leave her. But he tells her that she is not the victim here. He tells her that when they were first married, he believed that they were a team. The woman he married was good and lovable. “But now,” Hugo says, “I don’t know who you are.”

Sebas give Susana a tablet so she can write what she wants. So she writes, “I need to go to sleep. I don’t want to be mute.” Crisanta then announces, “It’s late. Let’s all go to sleep.”

In the morning, Susana is still unable to speak. She writes to Pancho that she has a very important meeting and now she can’t speak. She needs to be the one who talks with all the business people.

Outside Grecia walks around the pool and daydreams about Neto’s kisses. She tells herself she is not ready.

At the hospital, Eugenio and Blanca await the DNA test. Neto arrives and says he had to take his children to school. The nurse arrives with the results and hands them to Eugenio. He has troubling opening the envelope so he hands the envelope over to Neto. Neto opens it up and Blanca asks, “What does it say?” Neto answers, “It says we are father and son.” Blanca gets teary eyed and says, “Ernesto is your son.” Then she walks away. Linda turns to Ernesto and says, “You are my brother.” Blanca exclaims, “My husband has more family.” Blanca needs some time to digest this, so Linda takes her for a walk. “Will you be alright, Dad?” says Linda. Eugenio says, “Yes, I’ll be here with your brother.”

Ernesto is surprised by the results and wants to take things bit by bit after Eugenio tells him he can call him “Papa” now. Eugenio tells him that now he has family, sisters, a brother, cousins, and nieces and nephews. Eugenio gets up from his wheelchair and holds out his arms to embrace Neto. It’s a very touching scene.

Polita is at home and gets a knock on the door from her lawyer. He brings some bad news that since she hasn’t been able to sell all that juice, that she is now being sued. More bad news is that not only is she being sued, but also being reported to the police for fraud because of non-payment for all these juices.

Mássimo talks to Dani about working for him. He welcomes her there but also wants to start a trust fund for the triplets, but she says she wants to work with her own hands to provide for her children. He says she is a wonderful mother and welcomes her to his business. One other thing he asks is for her to watch out for Guido, because of what they discovered in his room. He wants her to just be a shadow around him to watch what he is doing. Dani is not comfortable spying on Guido and tells him that he was able to be deceived by Guido’s drug use, how is she going to discover anything more? She finally agrees to it grudgingly

Guido is walking down the street and he imagines he sees a nice duplicate of himself sitting with Yolo as she says, “I would never have imagined.” He walks away looking quite disturbed and out of it. He turns back and “sees” them kiss. Then he runs into Luigi and money changes hand from Guido to Luigi. Guido tells him to lay low for a while. Luigi wants to know why Guido wanted him to change the DNA results.

Temo and Ari are walking to school together and run into Rufo. Rufo says he needs to discuss something with Ari but Ari tells him he need to get some things done for a class and will discuss with him later. Ari goes into the school, but Temo turns around to go talk to Rufo. He asks, “What can I do to help Ari in his career?” Rufo replies, “Well you can get far away from him.” Of course this is not what Temo wanted to hear. Rufo basically told him that he was too effeminate and to stay in the shadows.

At Cklass, Susana is very nervous about the meeting. The Korean group comes in, but do not want to shake hands with Susana. Pancho explains that Susana is unable to speak and hands him the tablet with everything he needs to talk about for the meeting.


Cynthia, thank you for this excellent recap. It was especially helpful with this episode as I didn't always pay close attention and I missed a lot, but you filled in the blanks.

Quite a lot of shady doings in this one. It never occurred to me that there was something wrong about the judge's decision. It did surprise me, but I just thought that he gave a lot of importance to the cluttered apartment and such that Tulio was so happy to record and report. Sheesh!

Is Guido developing a genuine interest in Yolo? Well, he's human, if just barely. But Yolo should run away fastest.

And also something going on with the DNA report? Wow! That really is upsetting. An anvil would be too good for Guido and Luigi, better they be dipped in hot oil, repeatedly.

Uh, oh. This TN is having a bad effect on me.



Fantastic Cynthia. That screen shot of Guido was beyond.

I just loved “Hugo gets home just to pack his things and to go live with his mother”. ‘Nuff said :)

Arqui. The little tyke seems to always be having a grand old time playing with his toys and seems totally oblivious to anyone around him or that he is in a TN.

“I just think that our grandmother is capable of doing anything and I think it was because of her that the judge found in Audi’s favor”. Who would have thought it would be Linda who crystalized this so clearly? It irks me though that Eugenio keeps silent. He should have been supporting Blanca, yet he remains mum.

“…(as she dreams about Guido.) [What the heck does she see in him?]”. Cynthia, I don’t get it either. The character is not in the least bit likeable.

"Luigi wants to know why Guido wanted him to change the DNA results". Uh oh. It crossed my mind briefly a while ago that Neto might not be either Eugenio or Audi's son. I am saying that now as there is no way I wish another man to have loser Audi as a father.

The scene where Guido was imagining he and Yolo together was strange. Perhaps he was seeing something that might have been had he not been a sick, sadistic killer. He makes me shiver. Perhaps Dani keeping an eye on him will lead to something.

Polita's situation keeps deteriorating. I'm glad Blanca has taken up the crusade. She needs her family to rally round her.

"An anvil would be too good for Guido and Luigi, better they be dipped in hot oil, repeatedly". Inspired Andy. I'm all for it.

Cynthia, simply great. Thank you.


The recap was just wonderful, Cynthia. Thank you. I was on the phone and this has turned out to be very handy this a.m.

Andy, “Quite a lot of shady doings in this one.” sure said it all. You can’t really rank them since they are ALL so disgusting.

Poor Susana with her loss of voice due to stress. Been there. Sure is symbolic of her relationship at the Korean investors and her position at Cklass.

I have faith that Ari will do the right thing and not hide Temo or his relationship with him.

I never have understood why Polita has not taken Audi to court for child support payments for BOTH of her sons. She could easily turn the tables on Audi. This, to me, is a defect in the plot and not very realistic. Even if lazy Audi didn’t work he might be pressured to get the money from Imelda to get the court off his back.

Yolo seems quite taken with Guido. If only he weren’t a murderer and way too old for her . . .


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Diana, the whole Guido vibe is getting even more worrisome. What is worse: Guido setting Yolo up or really being attracted to her? Yikes! As for Polita, I sure hope that Blanca can give her some support. She was married to useless Audi for how long? Too long.

Thanks so much Cynthia. Great recap and screenshot. But my head is spinning. Guido arranged for the DNA results to be rigged?!...with what end in mind? And dang, I wanted Neto to REALLY be Ernesto's son. Anyway, the skullduggery in this one has reached mountainous levels.

And Welcome to our newest commenter, Lynne K. The patio is a great place to hang out as you have noted. And I started reading recaps for the same reason. Was watching Spanish language TV but not understanding much. Then I found CarayCaray, someone told me how to use the closed captions in Spanish and I was off to the races.

Susanlynn, glad that you have decided to get a nice big Subaru. I chose Honda simply because the dealership was closer! (I'm not a great driver either) but Subaru is a good car. Quite the favorite of academics, for some reason. At least in Ohio.

Bold Prediction: Yolo will NOT be among the living.

Thank you, Cynthia .

It was touching to see Eugenio and Neto embrace, but who really fathered Neto.

Poor Polita can not catch a break .

If I were Susana, i would be speechless, too. Those investors and Pancho are a lot to deal with.

How old is Yola supposed to be? She looks about 14 to me , and I have been around a lot of teenage girls. Guido is creepy and dangerous , and those outfits.

OT..judyb, I have not quite made up my mind about a car. I am leaning toward the Subaru Legacy because i have been researching online and It is supposed to be a safe car and good in snow and ice with the all wheel drive , and the salesman said that hospital parking lots are full of them because doctors and nurses have to get to work in all kinds of bad weather. My friend Pat calls it "an old man's car." ...

Well, it is March 1st , but I woke up to an inch of snow..enough to cause a two hour delay for local schools. I was so frustrated that I took the Valentine Heart off my front door and put up my new spring floral wreath. We are supposed to get more snow Sunday night into Monday, and next week the temps drop with nighttime temps in the single digits.

susanlynn, I think Yolo is supposed to be around sixteen like Ari and Temo. She does look younger. The actress herself Azul Guaita is seventeen.

We have no snow on the horizon but the frigid temps will be here early next week.

Morning all!

"the skullduggery in this one has reached mountainous levels". Most excellent Judy. Your flair for the perfect words never fails.

We are due for 8 inches to a foot of snow tomorrow and then another storm late Sunday night going into Monday (Monday being a must come to work day for me). The frigid temps hit here today Jarifa.

Susanlynn, I've had Easter decorations out since February 15th. I was hoping for an early spring but we are now being saturated with winter. It appears unkind Mother Nature is trying desperately to make up for her sleeping away in January and February.

Hope you all have better luck with your weather.


Excellent summary, Cynthia! I was surprised that Luigi and Guido changed the DNA results so that Neto would seem to be Eugenio's son (BTW, does that hospital have no security at all?) I would have thought the opposite, that just out of meanness Guido would try to separate Neto from the Córcegas. Could Yolotl have been lying about her pregnancy? Miscarried and then found another partner? How long will we have to wait for the answer?

OTOH, if Neto isn't Eugenio's son, Andi and Santi don't have a crush on their cousin Frida.

Diana, oh my..I should not complain about our forecast because yours sounds so much worse. Only a covering to 2-4 inches of snow\sleet tonight then up to 42 tomorrow. Then , Sunday late afternoon into Monday morning 2-4 inches. But next week the temps plummet into the 20s and 30s and single digits at night. As my friend Jujubee just told me "Shoot that groundhog."

We have been lucky here, we got a dusting last night, already gone, and tonight we expect more mixed precipitation but with tomorrow's temps hitting 40 deg F.
So no problemo.

Diana, wow! Good luck! Of course, we have been spoiled by a fairly mild winter.

I have been loving Susana's expressions and acting lately. Pancho always wants to help out, but he seems to be oblivious about being the root cause of Susana's distress.


Thanks for your comments everyone! I too, am wondering how it benefits Guido for Ernesto to be Eugenio's son. But gosh, I'm no hospital lab worker, or biologist, or chemist, but how in the world would Luigi get in to a hospital lab to make a DNA report different? Must not be any internal controls or security in that hospital! Unless Guido knows something we don't know, I'm asking myself, "what is the point?" And can Yolo be even the least little bit attracted to Guido? Gross! She's only like what, 16? He's in his 20s?

I felt very sorry for Polita. And poor Susana losing her voice. I have lost my voice for a couple of weeks and it's horrible to have laryngitis.

Not sure if I like Pancho's transformation. Put him in a suit and he's still the same goofy person who seems so out of place.

Have you all seen the commercials for "Pequeno Gigantes?" I noticed that the actor who plays Sebastian is on the show. So I just may tune in. He has a beautiful voice.

OT: The last couple days I was in training classes for my new job. I got a promotion at work and was assigned to get training on the new financial system we are getting. I am thrilled with my promotion; it just seemed to land in my lap. I had been interviewing and interviewing for promotions and got nothing. But this one is a blessing and I am very grateful.

Cynthia, congratulations and best wishes on your promotion! I am very happy for you. 😊 Sometimes the best things come to us when we aren’t even expecting them.

I am betting (no spoiler here) that Luigi knew somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody who had access to the results and paid them off.

Yes, I have seen the commercials for “Pequeños gigantes” with Rodrigo “Canelito” Pérez. What a talented kid!

Cynthia, congratulations ! I can tell by your recaps that you are organized , reliable, and dedicated , and I am glad that those good qualities were noticed and rewarded.

Cynthia, congratulations, and best wishes for success in your new post.


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