Friday, March 01, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 3/1/19 Capítulo 118 Susana Finds Her Voice--OR--No Sympathy for Imelda

Hugo is with Catalina at work. He feels like heart has been ripped out of his chest.  Catalina invites  him to come to dinner where he can talk to Tavo if he wants.

At school, there is an in class partner assignment writing a composition on the value of the family.  Andi and Santi both want to work with Frida. She sees them as the same which upsets them.  She tells them to work with each other as a team and goes to find another partner. Santi and Andi blame each other.

Audifaz talks to Aura (the church lady) about his predicament. He feels that he hurt "his" Polita by taking Arqui away from her.  He gets no coddling from Aura. She tells him he committed a very bad sin. He only thought of himself. What to do? She suggests that he look for God in his heart and talk to him. God can pave the way and mend the road.

While her lawyer Eduardo is still there, Polita calls Rufo about him being involved in committing fraud and about her being sued and the other charges she is facing.  Rufo pleads ignorance. Polita reminds him that he was the one who got her in the business. He admits that but adds that he didn't tell her to buy hundreds of bottles of the Nutry Gray. She made that decision all on her own.  Maybe if she hadn't have been so greedy things would have been different.  He tells her that her answer lies in her son Ari.

At the meeting at Cklass, Pancho hands out analyses of projections for the year. The Korean investors already have them but want to know how they are going to innovate.  Susana writes that at the present time they are analyzing the trends for spring and summer.  Pancho reads what Susana wrote and jumps ahead with what he thinks.  He wants to put on a fashion show now early in the new year to showcase what they have.  The Koreans didn't see that in their document. Pancho says it is a surprise.  Pancho wants to do a Mexican/Korean fusion cultural event. It will be a pre-launch of what is to come.  Susana writes to Pancho that they never agreed about that and that he needs to STOP. Pancho ignores her. They have to be ahead of the competition. Susana writes him another message saying the event has not been budgeted into the proposal. Pancho says exactly and continues. After Pancho tells the leader of the Korean investors that Susana is ill and cannot talk, he asks them how would they like to  vote on it. Susana cannot stop him.

At school, Ari is playing the piano as he talks with Temo.  He is happy that by giving music classes he can at least help to pay for some of his tuition. They end up talking about Ari's career and Temo being there to support him. Yolo arrives on the scene for her piano lessons. She is exploring "new horizons" and tells Temo she isn't after Ari. Temo sarcastically says he hopes her "new horizons" can make her happy.    She has also brought Gala with her who is also interested in lessons.

At the distillery, Dani is visiting with the triplets. Nonno tells Guido that Dani will be helping them out at the distillery.  She won't be able to be there everyday because of the triplets. Guido would love to see the triplets everyday. Nonno understands. Guido walks over to the stroller saying they will all be working so the triplets can enjoy the Mussi fortune. Dani will take the job because she doesn't like  to take "free"money. Guido puts his arm around Dani and tells her they are family. There is nothing to worry about.  He assures her that her experience will be unforgettable. Guido mentions that he is going to his therapy as he promised Nonno. He wants to change and make the family letter.  Nonno looks proud and pleased.

Still at the hospital, Neto, Blanca, Eugenio and Linda all talk about how this new information is going to take time to get used to. Eugenio asks Neto to come over with his family for dinner. Neto says it is a little soon for that. He has to tell his children first. Blanca tells Eugenio they need to go to get their heads straight. Eugenio tells Neto that his home is  always open to him and his grandchildren.

Back at home, Imelda asks Tulio if he has the DNA results. His hospital connection has told him that Eugenio and Neto already picked them up. They are on their way home. Imelda is upset.

Eduardo the lawyer tells Polita that he will do the best he can for her legal defense and also file a "Writ of  Amparo" on her behalf. (The easiest definition of a Writ of Amparo that I could find was  the title of an article from 1946  by Carlos Sánchez Mejorada:  "The Writ of Amparo. Mexican Procedure to Protect Human Rights") She has one more favor to ask of  Eduardo;  that he not tell Ari about this mess. Eduardo agrees.

Neto walks out thinking about how he needs to hear a friendly voice. He calls Grecia who is happy to hear from her "fortachón" (he-man/strong man/hunk) on the phone.  He gives her the  DNA news.

Guido has his first appointment with Tavo.  He tells him that he is there to get a diagnosis and a letter from him so he can go back to work. Tavo says that he understands because Massimo explained part of the situation to him but that is not the important part of all this. He asks Guido to sit down. He has one question for Guido. Does he want to be here?  Guido is honest. He says no because he is not crazy.  Tavo explains that therapy is not for "crazy" people. It is a way of healing your mind caused by problems of the heart.  Tavo adds that he cannot help him if he is not open to it.  The first thing Guido wants to know if everything he says here will be a secret. Tavo says nothing leaves the room unless Guido were to show he were a danger to himself or others.  Guido smiles and says, of course, that is not the case. Nobody is in danger.  Tavo decides to begin with asking Guido how he feels or has felt from the start of his life.  Guido says he feels alone and that he has felt a profound loneliness all of his life. He also realizes he is the only one who can fix it, fill that empty space. Tavo thinks that is a good start.  Now he wants to know all about Guido so he can help him.  Guido warns him he is not going to like the Guido he is going to reveal.

At the distillery, Dani suggests to Nonno   that they use the distillery for staging a YouTube event her mother is going to be involved in. He thinks that is interesting but how would that help their business? She explains how popular her mother is on YouTube and they could promote a new product at the same time on her channel. That sells him on the idea. He also asks if he still come by her house. She says he is her boss. He wasn't thinking about stopping by as her boss. He wants to see Imelda.

Neto talks to his children and informs them that they do indeed have family and that they are closer than they ever would have thought. His father is Eugenio Córcega.

Imelda gets the news of Neto being Eugenio's son from  Eugenio himself.

Pancho tells  the Korean investors that this event will increase sales!  He closes his deal as  happy Korean investors applaud him and leave smiling.  Susana is fuming. Pancho is happy and wants to know what is wrong with Susana.  He wants to know what she is thinking.  He hands her the tablet so she can write it out. She pushes it away. Susana finally squawks out that she hates Pancho being there.  Susana is talking again  and asks Pancho to put herself in her place. He says that she told him to evolve. She did but she thought they would evolve side by side not that he would be evolving over her.  He says he likes being with her. She likes being with him, too.  He reminds her that she said she didn't want him there. She  explains that doesn't want him there because she has seen couples that compete in the workplace that end up in a bad place.  She doesn't want that for them.

At Blanca's, Audi asks if the DNA results are 100% correct.  Yes, they are. Imelda has to sit down and asks them to forgive her for her mistakes of the past. Blanca doesn't fall for Imelda's sympathy act and reminds her that sadly she continues to make the same mistakes in the present. Eugenio agrees.

Yolo hopes Neto's announcement is all a bad joke. Neto explains he found out about the family connection being a possibility a while back but didn't want to tell them until he was sure. The twins and Frida react in horror: Imelda is their great grandmother! Ari is Yolo's UNCLE! Frida is their COUSIN!.  It is disgust all the way around! Ewww!

The "united kids" meet in the bakery. They talk about how all of the adults have been so weird these days. Ari says the adults must be going through a really bad time but they as a group can never forget their mission.  The only way to fight hate is with love.  They state their goals: getting Imelda and Audifaz to accept diversity/investigating Guido (Dave reminds them that the Rey twins might have some information)/finding  out who launched the "sapito" "belching" attack/cheering  up Ari's aunt Dani/ getting  Arqui back home.  They all cheer.

Back at Tavo's office, he tells Guido that he had a complicated relationship with his parents. Guido says they hoped for his death. Tavo agrees that might have been his perception. He asks Guido how he felt when his parents died. He found out in a newspaper. It was a strange accident. It was a tragedy.
Tavo is having a problem with the way that Guido answered the question. When he asks it again, he wants the truth. Guido repeats that it was a tragedy. Guido gets defensive asking if Tavo thinks that he liked when his parents died. Tavo says no but he does know when a person isn't being honest. Tavo concludes that the two of them have a lot to work on.

The Córcega family is still at it all  together and  Imelda is bawling and blaming it all on Yolotl. Blanca lets her have it. It was Imelda who complicated the issue.  Dani shuts them all up. There is no use living in the past. Eugenio adds that they all need time to get used to the idea of Neto being a part of the family.  Imelda is worried that Neto hates her. Linda says no and that Neto seemed to be at peace with everything.  Dani thinks he is a great guy. Linda is not too happy that Neto  comes with Yolo who now ends up being her niece!

Neto and his family are trying to figure out what kinds of relationship they want with the Córcega's. Yolo isn't interested in any relationship. Neto is not sure himself since he is trying to get his mind around it all. Grecia texts Neto her support.

Diana talks with Grecia about what to do. Grecia says she is gong to have to let Hugo have some time to deal with it all. Then she is gong to have to show him by her actions day by day that she loves him and is sorry. At the same time, Hugo wanders around thinking back on the attack and Diana's confession.

Polita knocks on Blanca's door. She knew Audi was there.  Polita is not leaving until she can see Arqui. Imelda informs her  that he is not here because he is in daycare.  Polita cannot believe Audi is doing the same thing that he criticized her for: putting Arqui in daycare.  Polita wanted some time with Arqui in her apartment. Imelda asks what apartment?  She hasn't paid her rent. Everyone moans out loud. Imelda tells Polita that  they are dealing with a very serious problem. Audi tries to talk to Polita. She won't hear it. They have a serious problem because  of the way they are uncompromising and close minded.  It is Imelda's fault the family is on the verge of collapse.

Ari and Temo have something important to tell the rest of the kids. No, they are not getting married or getting a dog or a cat. They decided to get matching tattoos.

With the background of a boxing match, Susana and Pancho get advice from Catalina and Axel. Susana tells Catalina that she feels like she is being INVADED. Axel tells Pancho that the issue is that the office has always been his mother's territory. She feels sure of herself and in control. Susana knows that she can't and shouldn't control everything. Catalina advises her to try to be more relaxed about life.  Pancho admits that the last thing he would want to do is make Susana feel bad.  Catalina adds that Pancho being there is a real lesson on being relaxed. Axel advises Pancho to give Susana her space and her autonomy. Catalina adds it is all about getting used to a new situation. If you do not EVOLVE, you go extinct. Susana sees the irony in that comment because that is what she asked Pancho to do. Pancho swears he is not there to compete with Susana. Susana swears she is not there to compete with Pancho. they will resist the urge to compete against each other.

Frida thinks the tattoos are romantic with the hearts. Sebas would have rather seen a shark. To each his own. Aria and Temo explain the symbolism.  Together (the heart) they can open (key) more hearts and minds.

Rufo stops by to let Ari know that he has a gig for him tonight if he wants it. Ari asks if Temo can come along. Rufo doesn't know because it is a private event. He will have to talk to the organizers. Ari would make him feel more confident if Temo were there. Temo surprises Ari by volunteering to not appear in public if that makes it easier. Ari is surprised. Rufo thinks he can make Ari a star. He wants to know if they have a deal. Yes, they have a deal.

Blanca is with Linda and Dani. She is not doing well with Neto having another son. She is ambivalent.  She knows she  has to support Eugenio in his illness but this news is a big deal for her. Her daughters do the best to comfort her.

Temo tells Ari to never lose his essence as an artist. What Rufo said to Temo comes out. Ari is angry and Temo is in tears because what Rufo told him really hurt him. Ari wants to call and cancel the gig. Temo stops him because Ari needs the money and Temo will not let his presence affect Ari's career.  Temo wants them both to be happy and Ari deserves to triumph and shine. He is okay with not being there.  Ari is proud of Temo and not embarrassed. Temo is unique, one of a kind. He loves him just as he is. Temo is his star. they hug.

Grecia gets a phone call she thinks is from Neto but there is only heavy breathing on the other end. Who is it? No answer.

As Susana and Pancho arrive home, she is still talking about work. Pancho holds up a stop sign. First, he loves her. Second, no talk about work at home.

The Corcega's are still talking. Blanca says they are going to have to adapt. There is a knock on the door.  It is Neto and his very solemn children. Eugenio asks them all to sit down so they can get to know each other.

As Ari and Temo discuss their high hopes for this gig and beyond,  Rufo shows up to take Ari to his gig and is not happy with the way Ari  is dressed. That color of his shirt (pink) doesn't do it. Ari has a message for Rufo: Nobody messes with Temo. Either Rufo apologizes to Temo or Ari will no be going.  Rufo apologizes. Ari goes to change his clothes.

Back at Blanca's, there is small talk going on. Eugenio has forgotten that Robert is in Africa. Blanca reminds him andLinda mentions she is going to bring Dave over to them. Now, he remembers. Everyone is introduced. Imelda sees no reason the families should be forced to be together. Each family has their own life. Yolo nods her head in approval.  Neto says Imelda needs to hear what he is going to say before she decides.  Neto tells Imelda that it was she who kept his mother away from his father and spoiled the chance of them having a family of their own. Imelda says she knows certain things about his mother that she will not comment on because of Neto's children being present. Yolo reacts asking who would really want to get to know the Córcega's anyway.  Linda tells her that they aren't exactly jumping for joy to spend time with any of them especially her. Neto says he is sorry but  HE is interested in spending time with his family, the Córcega's.


Very entertaining. More mañana.

How did Guido find out about the DNA test and since when is Luigi at his (Guido's) beck and call? Wasn't it the other way around, with Luigi calling the shots (adulterating the mescal, signing the will, eliminating Gabriel, etc)? Guido is just twisted enough to let the Reys and the Corsegas become really close just to pull the rug out from under them - all for revenge. Sick bastardo.

Daniela told him that Neto was possibly her brother and therefore also told him that Neto and her dad were going to get tested.

Jarifa, thank you once again!

This was an interesting episode. Susana and Pancho were a lot of fun, though I was a bit surprised that Pancho's ad hoc ideas were so happily accepted by the Koreans. The boxing match was cute, but I think I would kill Pancho.


This is a fun TN but they keep bringing in more creepiness. Guido is creepiness personified and now we have a heavy breather on the phone with Grecia, presumably the guy who assaulted her and is now stalking her. Meh, we don't need this.

And I'm totally confused about the DNA report. Guido got it changed. Did Tulio also do something? Or did whatever he did involve something else? Meh, do I really care?

The kids offer up something more fun. I think it's cute the way the twins compete for "hot" Frida's attention. Just saying that makes me smile. There doesn't seem much going on right now with the other budding romance of Dave and Lupita. Lupita is very, very cute but she often looks like she has no idea what she is supposed to be doing, a real space cadet. Sometimes I watch her and she is looking around as if thinking "Where am I, and what am I doing here?" She cracks me up, and at least partly makes up for Guido.



Andy, very funny about the boxing match “ killing Pancho. “ Guido got Luigi to get the DNA test results changed. It is my guess he paid somebody off. Tulio said he paid the judge off to get him to find for Audifaz in the custody fight. Yes, the kids are the best in this one. I normally don’t like any kind of kid plots but these have been fun.

Thanks for the recap Jarifa. Will manage to watch this some time over the weekend. And agree with Andy, the escalating creepiness mixed in with humor is very strange. And the one person who is NOT evolving is Imelda. Quite the dinosaur.

Cynthia, congratulations on your promotion. You must be over the moon happy. We all long for recognition of our hard work and validation of what we bring to our projects. Glad that it worked out for you.

Diana, I will be praying that somehow that dreadful storm bypasses you on Monday when you absolutely have to be at work. I cannot imagine doing your long, long commute at any time, but especially during this dreadful weather.

Happy Saturday Patio. Nothing crazy going on here right now, weather-wise. But who knows. It's always a surprise these days.

Andy: Sounds like Guido had the DNA tests rigged. He's got more dangerous & sinister plots cooking up.

Jarifa, your recap was all encompassing and just a joy to read.

Loved your gem quality explanation of "Writ of Amparo". Understanding little of the dialog, that completely flew by me.

"Susana writes to Pancho that they never agreed about that and that he needs to STOP…Susana cannot stop him... Susana is fuming". Susana possesses infinite patience and a far more forgiving nature than I. While Pancho's heart might have been in the right place, his ever flapping mouth took over a challenge that was not his to rise to. He must leave work immediately, never to return. That said, the actress has pitch perfect comedic timing which makes me smile (mostly) at her and Pancho's interactions.

“Nonno looks proud and pleased”. We look stricken and ill.

"Tavo concludes that the two of them have a lot to work on". Let's hope Guido's evilness is revealed sooner rather than later.

A few things stuck me as interesting. First, Dani has far more patience with Imelda than her mother. I'm sure Blanca is worn down from years of fighting a woman who actually is rather monstrous to the core.

Secondly, the (false) DNA result reveal could not have been less joyous. While I understand Blanca's difficulty in processing this, as well as Neto's children acceptance, the announcement fell flat, even with Dani and Linda whom I thought would react differently. I do suspect they were protecting their mother which I understand but nothing is Neto's fault.

"Guido is creepiness personified and now we have a heavy breather on the phone with Grecia, presumably the guy who assaulted her and is now stalking her". Yes andy, that was quite disturbing.

I also think the kids here are all great...I enjoy their personalities and am pleased that in spite of all their issues they are still "united". The adults could take a lesson, couldn't they?

Proud of how Ari handled the situation.

Cynthia, congrats on your promotion and the very best of luck.

Judy, thank you! Your kindness shines at every turn. You always listen and think of others. I've said many a time that you a treasure, and it should be repeated again.

Jarifa, thank you for this stellar recap.

Stay warm and safe everyone!


Thank you, Jarifa.
I screen that that creepiness and the slapstick is an odd combo.

I get Ari and Temo confused. Which one is Polita's son ?

Will Panchos plan be successful?

I am now worried about Tavo having too much information about Guido and being next on his list. This storyline bothers me. Why does Guido care who Netos father is?

I woke up at 7.00 to more snow than I thought we would get...maybe 3-4 inches. I shoveled the front walk. I am supposed to meet friends for lunch at 1.00 , so I am hoping the the temp goes up to 42 as predicted and the sun comes out to melt some of this snow. The roads seem okay.
Another system is headed out way Sunday afternoon with more snow exoected. tired of winter..cold, snow, sleet .

Have a good weekend all.


Diana, i completely agree about our judyb. I don't think she knows how much her positive view of life and wise, witty comments mean to many of us on the patio. I know I look forward to her comments on a daily basis.a

Diana, may I ask exactly how long your commute is? My daughter commutes an hour to her teaching job ...and hates it.

Susanlynn, it's amazing what kindness can achieve. Judy exemplifies it daily.

I have a two hour commute a day at best. Usually, it runs closer to three and in bad weather, all bets are off :)

Actually, it never bothered me until recently. Let's just say when I finally get to leave work after a too long and stressful day, the ride home seems endless...

But, am home snowed in today and glad to be there!

Let us know when you make your new car choice. Am looking forward to seeing what you decide on.


JudyB, I am accepting the “escalating creepiness mixed in with humor” as a hallmark of the contemporary dramedy telenovela. I stopped wondering about this bizarre (in my estimation) juxtaposition of humor and often times violent perversity when I saw “ El bienamado.” I had to give up when my favorite teddy bear of a character was proven to be anything but. I think it is a cultural thing because it is a style of storytelling that has been repeated by Osorio and many others in the dramedies. Dissertation, anyone?

Diana, I am glad you liked finding out about the Writ of Amparo. I know nothing about legal systems so this was a real eye opener for me. Might it be a PSA that if one is arrested , seeking a Writ of Amparo is one thing that needs to be done? Hmmm. . . I will have to add it to our PSA list. I will “third” your statement about JudyB. 🙂

Susanlynn, Ari is Polita’s son. Looks like I will be spared the snow because I live too far north and west. Go figure. I have a friend who loves Subaru’s. I am a Toyota person.

Take care, everyone!

OT...Diana, do you listen to music or audio books on your drive? Hub and I had satellite radio in our cars, and we loved the non-stop talk.

OT..Jarifa, one of my friends always buys Toyotas..Rav4...She told me that she is satisfied with that make 200% . I am having trouble making decisions lately , especially big decisions like a car. Hub and I always made those types of big decisions together. He used to tell our girls to "let things unfold" so that is what I am trying to do. I have A Toyota dealership about 10 miles from me , and my best friend Carol has a small Toyota , so I might stop in there.

Susanlynn, I am sure you will come to the best decision on a vehicle that is just right for you. What good advice: to “let things unfold”!

Thanks, Jarifa and Cynthia. I'm all caught up thanks to you too. Cynthia, congrats on the promotion. Great when good things happen to good people.

Neto was so sweet and awkward bringing in his kids to meet his new family. GS has done a great job rebooting this TN.

Maybe Guido thinks Neto having a new dad will mean he'll be too distracted to notice he's screwing over Nonno's business.

Pancho has gotten out of hand at Cklass, but I admit I love his Mexican-Korean fusion fashion show idea and I'm looking forward to seeing it. But honestly Sussana needs to put him in his place.

Yay, Tavo is not buying Guido's act. Susanlynn, but now I'm worried about Tavo too.

Safe travels, everyone.

Glad you are all caught up. It was good seeing somebody onto Guido’s act.

OT: I saw “Roma” yesterday. Beautifully filmed in black and white; an interesting journey back to the early ‘70’s. There was one familiar face: Latin Lover aka Enzo.

Happy Monday!

OT: I hope everybody is well and not snowed in. Our snowstorm was much milder than predicted, but NYC kids are not complaining, they got a snow day. The snow was mixed with rain and was heavy and hard to shovel, but it's mostly all cleared now.

I am looking forward to tonight's episode, and to booing and hissing whenever Guido is onscreen.



Andy, that wet heavy slushy snow is always the worst. It was frigid today here but the sun was out so I was, too. I am also looking forward to tonight's episode.

Andy...we got 6 inches of that same wet, heavy snow that you got. More plowing needed. Sunny and 40. Now The temps will drop.

Don't forget that we turn the clocks an hour ahead next weekend.

Thanks for the great recap! I'm sorry to be so late to chime in about last Friday but I haven't figured out how to post comments using my phone so had to wait until I was back at work today.
I too wonder what Guido is up to with changing the DNA test results. Hmmmm.
I wonder how Tulio bribed the judge in the custody case? Glad you explained that -- it didn't make any sense to me that they would give custody to Audifaz. Does he even have a job? He seems to spend most of his time lurking in the stairwells of the apartment building so he can emerge with an expression of silent condemnation every time Temo and Ari have a moment together.
Andy mentioned Lupita and I know this is a little out of date to bring up, but I wonder why Lupita wasn't at Pancho and Susana's wedding. She was supposedly the mini-Susana in the wig but other than that, she was nowhere to be seen -- not even when they brought all their kids up with them on the altar.
I know it's almost time for tonight's episode already -- looking forward to it!

LynneK, thanks for reminding us about the missing Lupita. I remember wondering where she was at the time but then forgot completely about it. It's showtime!

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