Friday, March 29, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 3/29/19 Capítulo 136 The Beginning of the End--OR--The Scent of the End is in the Breeze

Guido reads: "Evil is closer than you think."  Guido asks who sent the text. Dani says they all have arrived anonymously.  As Dani explains that she only wants to find out truth, Guido warns her that she should be careful because this could be an opportunity for extortion.   The person surely wants something in return.  She informs him that they have not asked for money and that this seems to be more of a warning.  One of the triplets starts crying.  Dani has to go and prepare some formula. Guido  is upset and sits down to seethe. The camera focuses on the humidifier. Hermoso barks at him.

As Imelda is telling Linda how happy she is seeing that Linda is so focused on her work, Dani comes in to prepare the formula.  Imelda wants to know what Guido is doing there so late.  Dani only says they had some important problems  to discuss and that they will solve them. Blanca comes in next talking about her cookbook and asking them what their favorite recipes of hers are. Linda remarks that there are so many!  Blanca thanks her and changes the topic to Julieta and Robert being  back in no time at all and she needs to start planning something for their return.   Blanca can only imagine how they are going to fill the house with life. Imelda can only think of them needing a shoehorn to get everyone to fit.  Blanca is planning on using the money from the savings box in the bakery to pay for the festivities for their return.   She is also going to use a bit of it for the triplets' baptism which is coming up soon.  Blanca wants to celebrate the family being together again. She hopes it helps motivate Eugenio.

Pancho comes home all depressed and runs into Crisanta who recognizes how sad he is and also that he has had one too many.  Pancho says some things never change. He is unhappy and disillusioned. Crisanta encourages him to talk. Pancho explains that he had a date to celebrate their anniversary as novios with her Susanita (Suzy) and she stood him up. Crisanta reminds him that Susana has fought to try to find a balance between work and a home life. He knows but that doesn't take away his sadness.  Crisanta likens marriage to an endurance race. She says it is like both people being in a row boat at sea. Sometimes one person has to row harder so you don't end up on a reef.  Pancho says talking about the sea, he is feeling a little woozy like he is at sea.  They both laugh. Crisanta emphasizes that she is bing serious with him.  It might be time for him to row harder so Susana gets pointed in the right direction. They both agree that love only makes more love.

When Dani gets back to the triplets, Guido tells Dani to let him know if she gets another message. He doesn't want anything happening to her.  She thanks him for worrying about them and asks him to send her best wishes to Nonno.   Guido leaves still angry. Dani texts Carlos to come over.

As long as he is in the building, Guido stops off to see Yolo.  She notices that he looks upset. He lies and  says he just needed to see her since she is the only on who makes him feel good and at peace. She loves to see him but reminds him they have to be careful. Neither her father or the twins can see them together. Guido asks what she is worried about.  Yolo  is is so concerned about her mother being out fo money and not knowing how to get any more for her.  Guido volunteers to lend i to her.  yolo says no because she doesn't want to give him the impression that the only reason she wants him around is because of his money. Guido  knows she is really interested in him because she has shown him.  As he hands her a wad of cash, he hopes that it will help her mother out for a while so she can spend a longer time in Oaxaca.  Yolo doesn't want it. It is a lot of money. Guido refuses to take it back because Yolo is his refuge and his future.  She smiles calling him her lifesaver and tells him he has no idea of what all this means to her.  They express their mutual love.  Guido loves Yolo more than anything else in his life. She quickly looks around to see if there is anybody about and they kiss.

Carlos comes to see Dani. He inquires if one of the triplets is sick.  Dani says it isn't that. She is not okay because he had no right going over to see Guido and Massimo without telling her first.  Blanca is in the kitchen listening.  Dani goes on to explain what a delicate position she has put her in with Gabriel's family. How could he question them about Guido's parents death?  Carlos knows it was impulsive but he did it to help Dani. Blanca moves closer to hear better. There were very strange aspects about those deaths beyond Gabriel's. Dani might not realize it but Guido's parents and Gabriel all could have been poisoned.  Carlos adds that all of the deaths had one factor in common: Guido.

At the same time, Guido is driving home involved in a video chat with Luigi.  Guido demands to know where Luigi is. Luigi claims to be far away, very far away just as Guido ordered. Guido insists that Luigi tell him his location. Luigi refuses. Guido is never going to know. Guido accuses Luigi of  sending text messages to Dani. Luigi readily  admits that he is sending the texts and he will keep sending them until he gets the money that Guido never paid him. Guido accuses Luigi of betrayal. Luigi thinks it is really the other way around.  Luigi will prove who of the two of them is stronger, get his money back and also justice for Dani and all of Guido's victims. Guido starts going crazy in his car. Luigi hangs up on him.

Carlos goes on talking as Blanca continues to eavesdrop. As Carlos asks Dani to calm down he lets her know that he is doing this for her and her children.  Unfortunately,  there are bad people in the world.  In all of this,  there are things that simply do not make sense and that is why he confronted Guido.  Dani is upset he accused Guido of  something so serious.  He is family. Carlos makes a point of indicating that he did not accuse him directly of anything.  He was only trying to put the dots together because as a doctor he is aware that all of Gabriel's symptoms are indicative of a poisoning case.  He reminds Dani that she herself revealed all of Gabriel's symptoms:  gastrointestinal problems, eye hemorrhage, sweating, lesions on his skin and finally cardiomyopathy. The damage to his heart made it impossible for it to pump enough blood to keep him alive.   He is sorry to present her with such strong evidence. An irate Blanca has heard enough and comes in to tell him to quit tormenting her daughter. He has seen one too many movies. It seems he is recounting the script of a horror movie with Guido as the monster.  Dani has tried to maintain privacy around her husband's death and now he has caused her such pain and confused her. Blanca doesn't want to hear anymore from him and asks him to leave.  Carlos tells Dani that she knows how to contact him for whatever she needs 24/7. Blanca goes to hug Dani who walks away from her. Blanca advises Dani to let Gabriel rest in peace if she is ever going to find peace for herself. Dani sits and cries.

Susana finally gets home, wakes up her mother on the couch and asks if she has seen Pancho. If so, what was his mood? angry? sad? Did he talk to her? Crisanta decides she is going to tell her the same thing she told Pancho. In a marriage sometimes you have to row harder than the other person to stay afloat. Crisanta understands that work is important but Susana is married now and she needs to remember to prioritize her family and Pancho her husband,  right?  Susana nods. Crisanta says Pancho is waiting for her in the library. Susana thanks her mother for for the advice. Crisanta concludes that one thing her age has given her is experience. She will always be there for her daughter. Mother and daughter love each other.

Susana goes into the library where Pancho is waiting in the dark.  He explains that he only wanted to celebrate the day they became novios. Starting things is what characterizes life.  It is doing the dance. Susana looks sheepish and embarrassed.  She remembers the past with her getting drunk and her dancing with Pancho. She smiles. He staggers over to her and they kiss.

Temo is there to tell Ari that he doesn't need his crutches anymore. Ari thinks he is strong enough but has to  be careful. Temo thinks that's obvious because he doesn't want Ari to hurt his handsome face. Ari laughs and walks alone. He can be a robot. He walks quickly and falls into Temo's arms and thanks him for caring for him. Ari declares his love for Temo and goes in or a kiss on his . . . cheek.

Pancho and Susana dance in the library even though he is still drunk.  She has fond memories of their time together.  As they continue to dance, the kids come down to see what is going on and applaud them. The music woke the kids up. Susana gets them all headed back to bed. Susana apologizes to Pancho for not showing up. There is no real justification. She is going to think of a way of making it up to him.  She thanks him for how hard he rowed against the current for them and she promises to take part in the rowing for the family and their marriage. They both promise to row together. She starts kissing him all over his face and neck. He asks is she is making a suggestion of some sort. They really kiss this time.

 Dani is with the triplets when she spills some baby powder on the floor. That makes her remember the white power the Rey twins found when they were helping Guido pack up for his move She gets nervous.

The next morning, Dani goes over to Neto's. She needs to talk to his whole family. She also wants him to know that she will still be his sister if that is what he wants. Neto answers that of course he wants her for his "heart" sister.  She also asks if she can talk to the twins.  She asks the boys what they remember about the white powder they found in Guido's bedroom.  Santi doesn't remember much but Andi does. it smelled a lot like almonds. Dani remembers writing that Guido's food had a special scent. It smelled like almonds.  She asks if there was anything else strange they noticed about Guido.  Santi tells her when there was that brouhaha in the hall, Guido said something very strange. He yelled that his parents were dead. He had destroyed them.  Santi and Andi agree on that.  Neto asks why Guido would have said that. Dani doesn't know. She thanks them and leaves.

The twins ask if they did something bad. Neto says not at all because they told the truth. Talking about the truth, the twins have  some news for Neto. They tell him that their mother came to the apartment to talk to Yolo and that she told Yolo that she needed money. Yolo offered to get it for her. Yolo wanted to help her. Neto calls out for Yolo but she is not in the apartment. Her phone is in the apartment building but Yolo is outside giving her mother the wad of cash Guido gave her. Ariana doesn't know how to thank her daughter and kisses her. Yolo affirms that she will do whatever she can to keep her there.  Ariana decides she is going to pay off all of her debts immediately.  Yolo is happy as her mother stares at her rather sadly. Yolo catches that and asks her why she is looking at her that way.  Ariana smiles and says Yolo is so pretty.Yolo smiles. Ariana wants Yolo to always remember that she was the best she could be for her.  Yolo says she loves her. Ariana loves her, too, and hugs her. After she leaves, Yolo is left alone on the sidewalk when Guido pops up looking for her. He came to see Dani but seeing Yolo is the best way to start his day.

It is breakfast at Blanca's. They are making chilaquiles and packing lunches for the kids. Frida comes in with her skirt rolled up so it is very short. Blanca is not happy  and Imelda agrees. Frida informs them that Yolo said that it is very "in".  Blanca does not care. Yolo is much older than Frida and she cannot go copying everything she does.   Blanca tells her to pull the skirt down to the original length and to hurry up.  Blanca is taking her to school and stopping but the bakery to get money for the Oppa's festivities out of the locked savings box. Frida stares straight ahead.

As the triplets are playing on the floor, Dani texts the "anonymous" Luigi saying she wants to find out everything they know. She wants to know the truth. Luigi  still acting anonymously writes that  he will only tell her what she wants to know if she will pay him what turns out to be a very large sum  of money. Dani doesn't know where she will get it. He says she will find a way. Massimo Mussi could lend it to her.  The information he has will forever change the lives of everyone around her.

Down in the bakery, Blanca goes into the savings box and there is nothing. Frida stands behind her biting her nails. Blanca says it just isn't possible  that the money is not there.

Yolo tells Guido she has to go back to the apartment to get her school things. She is going to be late for school. Guido loves seeing her. He kisses her as Neto is leaving. Neto sees them and grabs Guido by the collar and screams twice that "Yolo is a minor" in Guido's face.

Blanca is wondering about the empty box. The money couldn't disappear on its own. Blanca calls for Polita who verifies that all of the money was in the box yesterday. Next, Blanca asks the shop girl and Polita if there was anyone strange hanging around the store. The shop girl says they would never allow anyone strange n the store.  Blanca concludes that somebody has robbed them and that  somebody knows the combination to the lock.

Guido asks Neto if they can talk like civilized people and reminds him he is his boss.  Neto clarifies that last bit of information. Guido may be his boss at work but not when it comes to his family and Yolo. Yolo is trying to pull Neto off of Guido and crying. Neto demands to know how long they have been seeing each other. In his head, Guido is telling Neto to SUFFER.  Guido say she knows it is very shocking for Neto as a father and he is aware how serious it is because Yolo is a minor. Yolo states that she is not a little girl anymore. Neto tells her that doesn't matter because she is still a minor.  Guido wants Neto to know that he will never do anything to hurt his daughter. Yolo gets between them and grabs Guido's hand and tells her father that she and Guido are in love. Neto is shocked. She repeats she is in love with Guido. Guido says he is in love with her, too.

Back in Dani's room, "Anonymous" Luigi tells her to get the money and he will tell her all about Gabriel's death.  Dani looks at Gabriel's photo. Linda comes in and Dani fills her in about Carlos thinking that Gabriel's symptoms  are indicative of him having been  poisoned. She also found out about some white powder that had been found among Guido's belongings that could be poison, too.  Linda asks if she thinks that Guido is a murderer. Dani doesn't know but cannot get beyond that idea. The only way to prove it is with the information from the  anonymous contact who wants loads of money in return. What if is a fraud?  Linda thinks that there are just too  many coincidences and doubts about Gabriel's death so Dani has to get the money.

Neto is still shocked that Yolo and Neto say they are in love. They barely now each other. Yolo admits that they have been secretly seeing each other for several months and are novios. Guido declares he is  completely in love with Yolo and wants to do things properly with her. Neto doesn't see their  secret meetings having gone on for months as "proper".  He repeats that Yolo is a minor. Yolo says she couldn't tell him because she knew how he would have reacted and how he would stop her from seeing Guido. Neto tells her that this is the last time she will be seeing Guido. Yolo insists that he cannot keep her from Guido because she is in love with him. Neto says this is her first time in love and that nothing positive will come of it.  Someday she will understand. He grabs her arm and tells Guido to stay away from his daughter. He doesn't care if he has to quit his job at the distillery. Guido will not be coming near her. Neto drags a sobbing Yolo inside the apartment building.

Imelda, Frida, Polita, Blanca and Dani are all around the table talking about the missing money. Imelda comments that they have had all kinds of problems in the building  but never thieves. Blanca thinks she should have put in security cameras like Pancho advised her to do.  Polita reminds her of how expensive it would have been to do that. Blanca thinks about the money in the box. It wasn't much money but it is all the extra money they had for the celebration and baptism.  What bothers Blanca more than anything else is that there is a thief among them.  Imelda wonders if Eugenio took it and doesn't remember.

Neto is back inside with the twins and Yolo. He tries to talk sense to Yolo but to no avail because she is "in love". Guido is the love of her life.  Neto thinks she is a little young to say something like that. She has so much to experience.  He suggest that maybe her relationship with Guido is just a whim because she knows it is impossible.  She cannot get why he doesn't understand her; but Neto can,  He had been blindly in love at one time with her mother. Neto says as her father he has to and wants to care for her. Guido is older and more experienced than she.  Yolo sees Guido not as a grown man but as a kid like her. Neto has had it at this point and informs Yolo that he is not giving in this time. He has tolerated a lot from her because he knew that this change was very hard for her. Nevertheless, as her father, he knows what is best for her and he will not be allowing her to be Guido's novia. He is also not going to allow her to be supplying money for her mother. Yolo looks at the twins knowing where that information came from.  Neto informs Yolo she is far too young to be solving her mother's problems.   He will be talking to her mother about that. Yolo is upset and doesn't want to see Neto or hear him anymore.She doesn't want to be there.  She is going to school alone.  Neto tells her not so fast. He will be taking all three of them to school.  One day,  they will all realize that everything he does is for them and their own good.

Frida is talking to Yolo and is all worried because Blanca has discovered that the money is missing. Yolo assures her they will return it all just as they planned to,  Yolo apologizes but she has so much more to be worried about. She talks about her father discovering she is going out with Guido and  how he is stopping them from seeing each other.

In class, Hugo and Grecia tell the kids there will be a prize for the best costume in their presentations. Al of the students will vote. Grecia is ready to start the vocational orientations. Temo agrees to go first. He wants  advice.

Yolo gets a text from Guido. Nobody will keep them apart. He has a plan. Yolo smiles.

Guido is still upset thinking about Luigi and his threats.  He goes into his personal safe and takes out  cash  and several  credit cards. He has two suitcases ready to go and it looks like a bottle of poison.

Nonno visits Imelda at her shop and asks Ignacio to leave so they can talk privately.  Nonno is interested  in getting married again.  He asks Imelda if she ever imagined getting married again. She asks at her age? Nonno says he has learned these days  that life can be gone in a second and he wants a life partner.  Imelda is not sure but she would need a great proposal to start. She'd like to see something that would knock her off her feet.  Nonno gets busy thinking.

Linda is working at Crisanta's shop and feels uncomfortable being there.  Crisanta wants them to be real clear with each other. She asks Linda if her grandmother supports her talent, ideas and more liberal vision. Linda shakes her head. Crisanta says there is her answer! Crisanta will support her and that will lead to more customers for each of them. They will make sure their customers are beautiful on the outside and the inside. Linda is convinced. Crisanta wants to see her proposals but there is a very special customer for Linda. It is Axel with a bouquet of flowers. Crisanta goes out for coffee leaving them alone.

Imelda tells Nonno that she loves spending time with him but she gets distracted a lot and that doesn't work with her being a professional. Nonno understands and is ready to leave as Dani comes running to talk to him.  She is sorry to disturb him but needs to talk to him ASAP.  It is an emergency. Dani says she has never accepted his offers of money but now she needs a lot of money in a very short time. She is being asked to pay for some valuable information concerning Gabriel's death.


Wow! This was one action packed episode. So much happened and it looks like several problems/situations are at the point of being resolved.

I am wondering . . .

Could this be the last time Yolo sees Ariana?
Dani will be able to raise the money to get the info on Gabriel’s death?
Will Blanca discover it was Frida who STOLE the money?
It looks like Guido is ready to hit the road. Will Yolo go with him?
Why is Guido taking a bottle that looks like poison with him ?
What will Nonno do to give Imelda a proposal that “knocks her off her feet?”
Will Imelda find out Linda is working for Crisanta?
Will Linda end up with Axel after he sweet talks Linda some more?
Will Pancho have a hangover?

More mañana.

A promo was shown yesterday for 'La Reina Soy Yo' I caught it during the Noticiero. I think it will replace Jesus. If u guys have a shot check out 'La Reina del Flow' better on Netflix

Jarifa, thank you much. As you said, this was one action packed episode. Thank you for detailing it all for us.

So many things, it's hard to know where to start. A fun moment was Frida's short skirt entrance, which is almost a rite of passage for a girl her age.   :-)

Otherwise pretty serious stuff, including Frida again. It's been discovered that the money is missing, so what is Frida going to do now? She's in a jam, and Yolo won't be much help.

I still think Guido has genuine feelings for Yolo, but he is a sick, sick, sick puppy, and it looks like that is being quickly uncovered. I hope he doesn't manage to harm anybody before he's caught. Then it's poor, poor Yolo. It would be heartbreaking for her to have to admit her father was right about something.   :-)

And her mom will probably let her down and just leave. Yolo could wind up entering a convent. Or maybe not.

Linda and Axel again. OK, it looks like we can't avoid them so I hope they just get together and don't stretch it out. There's no real story there, though I have to admit that Linda is looking better these days, and Axel is quite a catch. The man works two high level jobs and still has time to romance her! What a guy! How does he do it???


Agree Jarifa, a bombshell of an episode. Looks like some explosions are due very soon. I agree with you and Andy that Ariana will hit the road now that she has some money. Problem solved there. And I did like Crisanta's maritime marital advice:

Crisanta likens marriage to an endurance race. She says it is like both people being in a row boat at sea. Sometimes one person has to row harder so you don't end up on a reef.

The only problem comes when it's always the same person who has to row harder. However I'm sure that will not be the issue with Susana and Pancho. Massimo and Imelda though? not so sure.

Well, let's get these niggling little romances wrapped up so we can move on to Doña Flor. That one looks interesting. I read the book (Brazilian author) decades ago so can't remember a darn thing, but they will probably have changed the story anyway.

Thanks Ms. Jarifa, and hope it's not as soggy up your way as it is here.

Thank you, Jarifa, for providing us with another wonderful retelling.

With all his evil plotting and pursuing teen girls, where does creepy Guido find the time to put together those weird color coordinated outfits that he wears every day?

Linda and Axel together again. Meh.

I liked seeing Neto protecting his daughter,but it is very hard to protect you daughter when she calls under the spell of some guy. As you send your children out into the world, you never know whom they will bump into. The only folks who can stop Guido are the writers with an enormous anvil. Too bad we don't get writers in real life to drop anvils on people who deserve them.

Frida...a lesson for us all...don't let people talk you into doing something that you know you should not do.

Gray and overcast here, too, Judyb. Meh.

P.s. I hope Dina Flor is a good one. Any familiar faces in that one?

Dona Flor...sorrying...hurrying to get to my chores .

Jarifa, thank you for your recap!

Linda and Axel? Again? Whatevs. I am so over it.

Massimo and Imelda? Sure. Whatevs. Those two deserve each other.

Surely Frida will 'fess up to taking the money. Another PSA for the kiddos: don't steal. Eighth commandment. Next . . . ?

My money is on Yolo's mom leaving town. Blow into town, use your kid to get some cash, and leave. Very little time to redeem Ariana without it feeling forced.

I saw that promo about Doña Flor and her dos maridos, during Mirada. Should be interesting, so I'll give it a try. And it has Sergio Mur . . .

I'm staying away from anything that smells like almonds. :-o

Jarifa, I thought last night was one of the best episodes of this series thus far. Minus Nonno and Imelda together of course.

I usually take notes when I read the recaps but I devoured every single word of this without writing a word. Superb.

First, to answer your questions in your comment, my answer is "yes" to all. Can't say what Nonno will do to propose though.

"He yelled that his parents were dead. He had destroyed them...Neto asks why Guido would have said that. Dani doesn't know". SO frustrating! While I can't imagine how difficult it would be for Dani to process what Guido might have done, the evidence is there. Hard for Blanca to hear so I can't blame her for wanting to protect her daughter.

“Ariana wants Yolo to always remember that she was the best she could be for her”. There was no mistaking the slightly sad yet wistful look Ariana gave her daughter. She is leaving. For good.

Neto finding out about Yolo and Guido by seeing them together was handled well by the writers. He seized on the truth about her being a minor as more than sufficient legal justification for his objection. I'm glad the twins told Neto about the money. Frida's silence surprised me though.

I have no doubt Guido intents to spirit Yolo away. The vial of (presumably) poison has me very worried though. I don't think Guido intends to be taken alive and I am afraid if cornered, he might have the same thought for Yolo. "I hope he doesn't manage to harm anybody before he's caught". I hope so too andy.

Susana and Pancho's missed night of romance gave us a bit of a reprieve from the action. I think they will work it out in this case. In terms of real life, often a relationship survival is not accomplished by true partnership. "The only problem comes when it's always the same person who has to row harder". Absolutely true Judy! Very well said.

I liked that we found out that Luigi is "beetle guy" so that speculation has ended. To me, it's evident he has little heart or soul. Although initially reluctant to try and mow the kids down, he ended up a willing participant. He is clearly motivated by anger he wasn't paid, not any sense of humanity.

What a wonderful title Jarifa. Another amazing recap, summarizing all the events, emotions and actions in grand style. Thank you!


"Too bad we don't get writers in real life to drop anvils on people who deserve them. "
So true, Susanlynn!!!

"The only folks who can stop Guido are the writers with an enormous anvil. Too bad we don't get writers in real life to drop anvils on people who deserve them". Hear, hear, Susanlynn! :)

Sergio Mur was in Papá a toda madre. He is the only one of the 3 principals I'm familiar with in Dona Flor.

"I'm staying away from anything that smells like almonds. :-o". HA doris!!!


Susanlynn: Looks like Guido will do a murder suicide.

Alex, thanks for the info. It is appreciated.

AndyB, ITA with " . . . Guido has genuine feelings of Yolo but is a sick, sick, sick puppy." As for Yolo, if this were a historical novela, maybe the "convent" would be a more viable option. Andy, you always make me laugh.

JudyB, You hit it on the head with "The only problem comes when it's always the same person who has to row harder". Crisanta and her maritime metaphors are always a treat. I like that the writers have not forgotten her link to the sea. It is grey with rain this pm and low '40's today. It does get better in the foreseeable future. ; )

Susanlynn, those Guido color coordinated outfits are really strange. I think Guido would have stuck out even if he didn't wear that unique attire. I feel the same "meh" about Linda and Axel.

doris, I will add "Do not steal" PSA to the master list. You and me both: nothing that smells like almonds. Now we also know the symptoms of cyanide poisoning. Another PSA? Probably : 0

Diana, in spite of how much I dislike Yolo, my heart goes out to her character believing that Ariana is probably going to be abandoning her again for good and also knowing that the days are probably numbered for her relationship with Guido. Ariana was probably correct in her self-assessment: she did the best she could.

doris, susanlynn, Diana, maybe anvils can be enjoyed vicariously? LOL

Diana, I remember Sergio Muir, too. In the preview I saw for "Doña Flor y sus dos maridos" he looked like he had on a white lab coat. Is he going to be type cast as a doctor? That is funny. The only other actor I recognize is Mariluz Bermudez who I saw in"El bienamado".


Judyb...your rowboat analogy was spot on. Niw, I am alone in my rowboat and rowing the best I can. Exhausting. Today, is almost 70 but overcast. I am trying to clean up the front and back yards and patio and deck the best I can.

Just googled Sergio Mur and recognized him from "Padre." I am in for " Dona Flor. " I hope it is a good one.

Superb recap as usual, Jarifa! So Guido didn't poison the baby powder when he was alone with the triplets? The spilled powder just sparked a memory about some probably real poison in powder form that smelled like almonds? I agree with everyone else that Yolo may have unwittingly been financing Ariana's getting out of Oaxaca. And Yolo has a point that Guido is more like a kid (although a messed-up one) than a grown man.

Susanlynn...when you googled Sergio Mur, did you look at all the photos? Mercy, I had no idea that he could look so hawt. He was wonderfully dorky and stiff in Padre, and we certainly never got a gander at those muscles. And he's looking dorky in the previews also, but oooh la la, those photos are another story!

And doing yard work in addition to housework and cooking and babysitting those wonderful grandgirls is too much. No one can ever replace your wonderful husband but for heaven's sake, hire some burly men to help with yard and patio cleanup. It took me years to realize that since I didn't like yard work I had a right to use part of my salary to hire others to help me. Wish I had accepted that a lot earlier instead of exhausting myself and also resenting my husband for not helping.

I do not think Guido will kill anyone else. I think he will try to put the poison in the humidifier to kill Dani and the triplets. He has a key to their apartment from when he tried to kill the dog. I don'tknow how he'll do it because he has his suitcases packed. i guess he'll try to get Yolo to run away with him. Does he have time to containiate the humidifier?

Ariana is going to take the money and run. I saw it in her face when she hugged her daughter and said with tears in her eyes that Yolo is beautiful.

I feel bad for Frieda. Yolo was her idol. She is a young girl who looks up to an older cousin. She wants to keep her friendship. It was wrong to do but I can understand it.

Thanks again to you, Jarifa and Cynthia for all your hard work. There would be so much that I would miss. I still don't get the school project???? BTW, is that the total student body?


As usual, some great comments here today; count me as another one who will be avoiding anything that smells like almonds.

Diana, thanks for pointing out that look Ariana had. It was sad and wistful. She's not a bad person, just a weak one. But poor Yolo is going to have a bad couple of weeks till the end of this TN thanks to her mom and, yuk!, Guido.

JudyB, et al, I'm another one looking forward to Doña Flor y sus dos maridos. I never read the book but I did see the Brazilian movie which was very interesting and fun. But a lot of the interesting stuff was Doña Flor's looking into her deceased husband's life and the glimpses into Brazilian life, and the classism and racism. No preaching, and it wasn't a big part of the movie, just incidental. But stuff like that will probably not be in the new TN. Incidentally, Wikipedia tells me there was an American remake, Kiss Me Goodbye, which I had never heard of.

Jarifa, in the original movie Doña Flor's second husband was a pharmacist, but who knows what changes will be made for the new TN. I am looking forward to seeing Sergio Mur who was wonderful in the very so-so Papá A Toda Madre. I don't remember that he had muscles, though. Was it him who got hammered a little bit for his underwear when sleeping with Cheery Cheeky Whatever? I remember discussions of Duluth Buck-nakeds, or whatever, and "tighty whities." Maybe it wasn't him.

In any event I'm looking forward to Doña Flor and hoping for the best. But two male leads has me concerned, and I hope there is also some eye candy for us guys. I know it's a large part of the attraction of TNs for many of us. I even watched a Biblical because there was so much cheesecake.



Or was it Cheeky Cheery Whatever???

Whatever.    :-)


Ot..judyb...I am hiring someone to mow our huge lawn, but hub and I worked together every spring to get the backyard and patio in shape. I am little but pretty strong. Now, I am sitting here on the patio thinking of all the work hub did after we built this house . He dug out for the patio, built the patio roof with his dad, put in the much love and effort .

I did not look at the beefcake photos of Sergio..muscles or not, he is not my cup of tea. I am looking forward to the new novela.

Thank you Jarifa so such a comprehensive recap! You didn't miss any important details.

I hope that Frida confesses to Blanca what she did. I guess when they were sitting around the table, nobody noticed that "cat that ate the canary" look on Frida's face.

I am also waiting for Guido's next move. Will he leave town and if he does, will he be taking Yolo with him?

In a way I feel sorry for Yolo because she truly loves her mother and has been deprived of motherly love because Ariana is so selfish.

"I am also waiting for Guido's next move. Will he leave town and if he does, will he be taking Yolo with him?"
I'm still holding out for a kidnapping. This could be it. CrockPot theories and all that, y'all. 🧐

Doris: It looks like Dani & the triplets are going to be heading to the Big Sky.

Steve Boudreaux: Please tone down your comments about death of the characters. It adds nothing to the conversation.

Andy, thanks for the info about “Doña Flor”

Susanlynn, Sergio doesn’t do it for me either. I am not into the “overly muscular body builder” look.

Cynthia, I wonder if Frida will confess or will be found out some how maybe by her “cat who ate the canary” looks.


Thanks, Jarifa. Great title.

Yay, Guido and underage Yolo discovered.

Boo, Frida keeps mum.

Niecie, yes, Frida has been a bit disappointing. They were supposed to call her mother. Bet we never see that video call. 🤔

Cynthia: The fact is Guido is getting away with murder & or her heinous crimes against humanity.

“overly muscular body builder” luke???

Please. Count me IN. :) I'm with Judy - I also didn't think Sergio was hawt before(although I liked him)...With longer hair and different expression, wow!

And yes, I'm disappointed in Frida too Niecie and Jarifa. Also, I keep thinking they must really be ticked off at Jessica (who played Marisol) not to show her at all....

doris, I hadn't thought Yolo might be kidnapped but if she does find out about him, it might be the only way he gets her to go with him.

Only 9 more hours to show time! :)

Happy Monday. Sigh.




Happy Monday, everybody. We are closing in on the end of this TN and I hope they can bring it in for a soft landing, but it won't be easy.

With Eugenio they started a thread about a real and growing problem in the world today. I hope they can close it decently. Yolo is in for some heartache. Frida for some reckoning. Guido for a big anvil. Luigi...?

On the upside we have Axel and Linda... Um, well, maybe Ari and Temo?

Hmmm... well, Neto and Grecia! Lupita and Dave??? No, she is now the Flor de Oaxaca and might be over Dave.

I know! Maybe Ari could go off to join up with Marisol and Xavi, and never be seen again!    :-)


Andy, you are so funny when you said: I know! Maybe Ari could go off to join up with Marisol and Xavi, and never be seen again! :-)

I'm kind of feeling the same way! LOL!

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