Monday, March 25, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Lunes 3/25/19, Episode 9: The Killers Among Us

I'm Christopher Mason. No matter who we are, rich or poor, we are shocked when we realize that there are killers among us. Evil can be greedy, lustful, or vengeful, but it is often banal. It is often hidden for long periods of time before being discovered. Yet, no matter how many tales we hear of in the news we are shocked every time.

I'm Candice DeLong. Evil can disguise itself in many ways. It can appear to you with the face of innocence and say “I love you.” It has no conscience.

In the morning staff meeting Alonso introduced Adrián to the rest of the firm, less Roberto and Juan who were still at the police station. They welcomed him to the firm. He told them he was also licensed to practice in the USA, and Alejandra told him she was about to go there on a client's behalf. He offered his help if she needed it.

Carlos was still with his client at the police station; he told him to say nothing. Sonia entered to talk with him about the charges. He said he knew how she operated: Arrest first and investigate later. She said that worked. They started arguing, as she had been leading the charge against him when he had been in jail on suspicion of murder. She said they still hadn't caught the killer, but she always suspected him. She now had no intention of allowing his present client to go free. He argued that she only had one (unclear) description of the suspect. She said the suspect had an attitude problem. He began asking “What attitude?”. Carlos got behind him and put his hand on his shoulder, letting him know he needed to shut up. He told her she was holding him unjustly and that his client had no intention of leaving the country. She told him back that he would be locked up for at least thirty-six hours while evidence was being collected and examined. He told her she could find any evidence she could and to call him with his client free. She conceded, but also began wondering why he was defending so minor criminals lately and said she would find out the reason. He walked out with his client.

Roberto and Juan were on their way out when they saw Carlos with his client. Roberto was surprised, as he knew that Carlos was elitist and typically represented people with serious money. Juan commented that this client didn't look like one. They walked out without interacting with Carlos.

This change in Carlos' client list couldn't possibly go unnoticed for long. The entire department must have seen this by now.

Susanna and Fernanda decorated the cake for the the celebration dinner. Susanna loved that the food was being prepared with love. Fernanda confided that she was very much in love with Juan.

Ricardo came to Alejandra's office to wish her well on her custody case. He was unable to come to help her because he was needed at the office. He said they should spend more time together when she came back. They embraced.

Julio and Eva stood at the picture window where she was stroking his hair and staring into his eyes. Raquel paced, saying she was waiting for the lawyer to come over. The doorbell rang and Julio told her not to answer.
When she opened the door Roberto and Juan came in, followed by several plainclothes police. Roberto told her they had come for Julio and that this was part of the investigation.
The prosecutor read Julio the charges and his rights and Roberto told Julio to say nothing.
Raquel protested, saying this couldn't be, it was a mistake, etc. Roberto told her not to worry; he would take care of it. Julio kept saying he was innocent. Roberto said they would gather the evidence to prove Julio was innocent.
The police cuffed Julio and led him out.

Most convictions are based on circumstantial evidence. The fact that Julio and Eva were looking to leave Mexico should be very telling.

A lawyer named Téllez went to see Alan for more money, saying that his silence was worth more than he had been paying. Alan told him he was crazy, but he told him that they both knew that Pedro was innocent of Patricia's murder. If he wanted to appeal his sentence he could.
With resentment, Alan took a checkbook out the desk and wrote him one. He said it was sufficient... for the moment.

Since Alan has not been a rainmaker in this firm, he will not be able to continue paying blackmail installments forever. He has not shown himself to launder money without drawing suspicion.

Julio was put in the police car, protesting his innocence all the way. Roberto told him to say nothing. Raquel was sure that this was a misunderstanding. They pulled away and Eva went on about finding the killers.
Roberto tried to reassure Raquel and Juan reminded him they needed to follow the police back to the station. Raquel went inside to get her purse.

Carlos went back to his office in a foul mood because of Sonia being on the case. She had also been watching his class of clients and he was sure she had it in for him. Alan said this had to change. He had been looking for a new lawyer among the people working for the state so they would have someone who knew how to work the system. Carlos said he would talk to her.

Raquel was crying as Roberto came back out. He had talked with the district attorney and all the evidence had been submitted for examination. Raquel could not believe that anyone would think that Julio killed his parents. She asked Roberto if he thought Julio was hiding something and he said he didn't; he was arrested to get his attention, gather evidence, and prove his innocence.
Raquel became hysterical and Juan shook her a little to get her back to reality. She said she would not lose her nephew to a false murder charge. Roberto told her to calm down and trust them.

In San Antonio, Texas, Alejandra took a call from Carlos who wanted to take her out to dinner. She explained she was out of town on a custody case, all the while taking clothes out of her suitcase and hanging them in the closet. He was very disappointed and she told him that their relationship had ended a long time ago. He said he wasn't used to the idea of that yet and that he doubted he would get used to it.

Ricardo went to Gustavo's house to discover that he hadn't been getting any better. He prevented him from pouring a shot of tequila. Gustavo went on about having nothing to live for and Ricardo tried to get him to understand that he has reasons to live because there were people out there who needed him. He suggested that he come back to his place for a while.

Fernanda called Juan, who was still at the police station waiting for copies of documents. He said he didn't know how long he would have to wait and she shouldn't wait up for him. He's see her the next day. She was disappointed as she ended the call. Susanna told her that there would be good and bad days ahead and tried to get her to be more optimistic. She put the cake in the new refrigerator and told her gently to get some rest.

Roberto went to Julio's cell and told them they needed to prepare for the next day. Julio kept saying he didn't do anything; Roberto said he would have to be very honest with him. They were going before a judge who would ask all sorts of questions. Mattias had said some very specific things about him. Julio hit the bars. Roberto asked whether he knew “Mattias” and Julio gave a non-answer. Roberto said he had to know whatever he was hiding and Julio denied hiding anything. Roberto told him that he was going to help him but he needed the truth. Julio told him “What I told you and my aunt is the only truth.” Roberto then said, “Very well. I will see you tomorrow in court.” Julio begged him to get him out of the cell. Roberto stared, but did not answer.

Roberto had to know that Julio wasn't being honest about any of this. He didn't pass the bar exam yesterday.

The following morning Juan drank his coffee and told his mother he had only had two hours' sleep. The case had taken him by surprise. He told her that it appeared that Julio had planned the deaths of his parents. This shocked her and she crossed herself. He didn't know the reason for this yet, but had to get to court. Susanna then told him that Fernanda had planned a surprise dinner and a cake for him the night before and he felt bad about this, saying he would have come home sooner had he known. He decided to take her out to someplace special and then was out the door.

Sofia met with Miriam. She made it clear that she understood the cycle of violence and managed to put her at ease and gave her a pep talk about fighting for her children.

In the courtroom Roberto questioned the man who made the emergency call. He testified that when he arrived on the scene the victim looked very badly wounded. Julio appeared to be in shock after the attack. He said that it looked odd to him because Julio was doing nothing for his father; he had appeared to be more worried about his dog. Roberto asked what he did next and the man said he had called emergency services. He remained there until the ambulance arrived, then went with the police to give his statement. Mattias was in the holding cell.

Raquel and Eva watched; Eva was in her adult Wednesday Addams look, complete with center-parted hair. The witness went on to say that the boy's behavior was odd in that he didn't get near his father, as though he was leaving him to die alone.
Raquel looked a combination of shocked and confused; Eva looked as creepy as ever. Roberto said that this was a subjective judgement and that his client is traumatized. The prosecutor suggested that Julio be placed in prisión preventiva for the remainder of the investigation. Roberto protested that his client was innocent.
The judge asked whether he had any further questions and Roberto said he had none. The prosecutor asked to question Julio. The judge allowed it and had Julio brought into the room.
Raquel and Eva both looked behind them.
Julio entered the room and would not look at them as he was led to the witness chair. He was sworn in. The first question was about his relationship with his parents. He said it was good.
He was asked whether he was sad at their deaths and Julio answered he was. He was then asked why he didn't try to help his father during the attack.
He answered that he was afraid of getting hurt himself. He said that it all happened very fast. “It couldn't have been that fast; your father was stabbed twenty times.” Roberto started to object. Julio said it was very fast, there were two of them, and he didn't know what he could do. He was paralyzed. He then looked like he was about to cry.

What did Julio major in in school? If it was drama he flunked out.

Alejandra had the desk clerk call a cab for her, then spoke with Sofia. She had met with Miriam and gotten a court date for the next day.
She told Alejandra she would need the medical records from when Miriam had been hospitalized. Alejandra told her she would get those, then got into her cab.

The prosecutor asked Julio why he was in such a hurry about the life insurance payout, as he had gone to the company the next day. He answered that there were a lot of bills to be paid to help his mother. The prosecutor asked how he was thinking to help his mother. He said to get the monry to help his mother. The prosecutor then asked why he did the exact same thing the day after his mother's death. He said that he had no money. The prosecutor said that was an interesting coincidence and Roberto got up and said that this is an issue of interpretation. He said that if the prosecutor had proof of his hypothesis he should show it. The prosecutor said that was all. The judge had Julio sit in the back while Juan questioned Mattias. He was sworn in and Juan asked why he did this crime.
He hesitated, then said he was contracted to do it. Juan asked who hired him. He pointed to Eva and said “It was her. Julio's girlfriend.” Eva got up and said it was a lie.
Raquel was in shock. Roberto looked back.
Eva looked aside, as though she could not face the others.
Julio jumped out of his chair, screaming that this was a lie. He went over to the holding cell and was held back by a policeman.

The judge warned him that if he did not behave he would be removed from the courtroom.
Mattias then told the judge directly that he had been called to do the crime and had to meet Eva,who then denied knowing him. Mattias accused her of pursuing Julio for his money. He called her a hypocrite.
The judge rapped for silence.

Jaime came into the office and talked with Alonso about Dorantes. They needed to find out who his killer was.

Juan asked Mattias what payment he was referring to. He answered that Eva contacted him and his partner and that a young man paid half the money up front. Juan asked where this person was and he said he couldn't say. Juan told him to tell everything he knew. He described a go-between whom he called El Tito and that he and Eva helped set up the crime. He then said that Julio and Eva paid and explained where to find his father and that they let them in the house to kill his mother. Raquel looked as though she was about to lose her mind.
Eva shook her head, but not with any confidence, and Julio avoided everyone's eyes.

Alejandra went to Jacob's home, where Miriam's children were upset. They wanted to be with their mother. Jacob came in, put down his beer bottle, and told them to stop crying. “Your mother is in jail. She's not getting out. I know – ” He opened the door and Alejandra entered and introduced herself.
She explained that she was there to bring the children to their mother. He ordered the children to go into the next room.
She presented the document, which he tore up. She told him that this was only a copy and she had the certified original signed by officials in both countries.
She told him that the children could stay with one close maternal relative.
He got nasty with her, calling Miriam and her criminals. She told him that if he did not cooperate this would get very ugly for him.

Julio knelt before the judge's desk and said this was all lies. Mattias said that Julio had told him where to find his father. Julio ran up to the holding cell and yelled at him to tell the truth, but then was restrained by the police. The judge then asked the police to arrest Eva Guttierez.
She claimed she had done nothing, then pointed the finger at Julio.
Finally, the judge rapped for silence, said that there was adequate evidence to arrest Eva as an accomplice and Julio as the mastermind. He would sentence all three at a date to be determined. Court was adjourned and Raquel could not believe all this. She looked at Julio and said it had to be a mistake. He said nothing and couldn't even face her as he was led away.

This is a case that a jury member would write a book about.

Alejandra told Jacob that he can't threaten her. He told her not to waste her time and to leave.
She started for the next room but he tried to stop her by pulling out his gun and pointing it at her. She told him she was sure the children were there against their will and he almost laughed. “They're only kids!” She told him that they were old enough to decide whom they wanted to live with and that had to be respected. She remained calm enough to make him even more angry. He tried pulling a non-existent race card again. She told him he had to know that she had only killed in self-defense, which he would not accept. He ordered her to leave and she told him to stop pointing the gun at her. She told him she knew of his criminal record and that the judge would take this very seriously. He put the gun into the front of his pants, but said that the judge would not release the children to a murderer like their mother. He would protect them. She said, “Yes; he'll protect them from a violent man like you. I'll see you in court.”
She left and he looked at the wall that he felt gave him rights over anything else.

Jacob Robbins is the sort of man who could make one ashamed of being American.

Ricardo spoke with Javier Rivas to acquaint him with the case regarding the murder of Gustavo's family and showed him the file they had on it.

Victoria and Adrián talked about his trajectory from his student days and shuttling back and forth between the USA and Mexico. He said he's staying in Mexico because he loves it there. They talked about handling criminal cases. They're on the same page.

Yes, but of what kind of book?

Javier talked about examining the forensic evidence, particularly the bullets removed from the car and the bodies. He suspected some kind of organized crime involvement because of the size and power of the weapons involved. Ricardo told him he'd get that and.... asked if he was interested in joining the firm. A few sentences later they shook hands.

Adrián was showing Victoria a photo of his mother on his cell phone, telling her that she lived in Madrid and was an excellent cook. She commented on how beautiful she was how she loved Spanish food. He mentioned he knew a great restaurant in the area and would like to take her to dinner sometime. Roberto came back and Victoria introduced them.
Roberto shook hands with his new colleague and when he saw her face probably realized that there was other significance to finding him in Victoria's office.

Julio and Eva will not likely see freedom for a long time. And if they survive whatever their sentences will be they will be pariahs.

There are examples in criminal history of people who get away with murder for long periods of time. The killers of Gustavo Soto's family could be among them if Ramiro doesn't talk. Or dies. He exists in a sea of possible killers. Alan Paez is a killer in a law firm who now has to watch his back. His blackmailer will not go away. Miriam faces a difficult situation that will have both race and class issues against a decorated Marine who is clearly a psychopath. Justice will need to be swift in her situation. Until next we meet Behind the Walls of Justice, I'm Christopher Mason.


Thanks UA!

If Julio and Eva expected Mattias to lie for them, they were obviously mistaken. Poor Raquel got duped as well. She is obviously in shock and denial.

I was impressed with AB’s English. Alejandra is a pretty efficient lawyer.

It’s cute to see Roberto jealous. Victoria is clearly comfortable around Adrian already.

I like Marco Mendez. Hopefully his character proves to be a useful asset.


Thanks, Urban! Fun read.

I loved your comment about Julio as a (failed) drama major. The character certainly isn't fooling anyone, and the actor has been pretty underwhelming as well with all his snarls and outbursts. But I blame the direction, as Federico Ayos was pretty good as Santi in CQM.

What kind of book *are* Vic & Adrian in...? Romance? Suspense? Something a little racier? Can't wait to find out.

As for me, I'm letting Jaime & Paula take care of themselves and setting up at the brand new Javier table with a big ol' growler full of HOLA CHULO. I know it's not real beer, but it's not a real table.

Juan rushing off, leaving his mother with her hand up to give him her "bendicion" before she could even get a word out.

Creepy Wednesday yelling that she doesn't even know who Matias is, yet he calls her out BY NAME. Then, quick as a a wink she throws her "Amor" under the bus, screaming, "It was all Julio's idea!" But we all (the Patio) know better. We know who's running that show.

Juan (again!) running his mouth about his cases to his mother (and, usually, his girlfriend). He did this all last season. Hasn't he ever watched a telenovela? Doesn't he know that someone, somewhere, when he least expects it, one of these two will let something about a case innocently slip out and the wrong person will overhear it?

Carlos arrogantly complaining to Ale that HE wasn't aware she had left town and Ale quickly putting him in his place, "we're not together, I don't owe you any explanation!" Dude, get a clue!

Stupid Alan paying off his blackmailer WITH A CHECK! "No, your honor, I never gave this man any money to cover up nothing. Oh, a check? Oh, you mean that check? Well ... ummm ... errr ... you see, what had happened was ..."

Thanks, Urban, this is sooo going over the top for this virtual community. I think I need something stronger than HOLA CHULO, though. Maybe a Bailey's Irish Crème? (It's still early in the day--I can call it a milkshake and get away with it.)

So, now we know. Victoria isn't just teasing Roberto with her "come hither, but don't touch" manner. She's just your universal flirt. It didn't take her long to bat her eyes at Adrian. If you were Adrian looking for a compatible companion, who would you pick, Ale, Victoria or Sofia?

Here we're all concerned about the attorneys' relationships in the office while Ale is in serious danger up San Antone way. (San Antonio can be dangerous, as Fabian's dad, the judge, found out in AAM.)

Oh, I forgot to welcome back our no-nonsense procurador. Still can't fathom what her role is. Yes, we see the dueling attorneys, who in true Perry Mason fashion, gets the accused to nail the real culprit.

Anon 12:51, I think there's a moment in every episode when you want to ask, "Hasn't he ever watched a telenovela???" (And I love it when they get all self-referential and say, "This isn't a telenovela!")

Thanks for the great recap and screen shots.

While I too am impressed with Ale's command of English, I am afraid I am less impressed with her prudence. It might have been more prudent to contact San Antonio social services with police escort to deliver the news about the mother's right to her children. Her nerves of steel might not have worked against the lead bullets he had in the gun. Besides he clearly is unbalanced and unpredictable. She took too much of a risk in going in alone.

Just a big fan girl of your commentators, especially Christopher who still seems to get the best quips.

Looks like they are on the same page....

Yes, but of what kind of book?

And his prologue on evil was tops.

You are a talented writer UA. Enjoy your recaps as always.

Thanks UA; nicely detailed.
Is CARLOS the killer from Part 1?

I agree that Alejandra should probably have paid a visit to the police before going to that lunatic's house; he is nothing but trouble. But what was the thing about Anne and Joe Robbins? Or was that a mistake in the script?

Hi, Floridia! Carlos is not the killer; we learned late in the first season that Alan killed her with the intention of framing Carlos. He is now being blackmailed by another lawyer.


Tonight's recap will post at 11PM EST as the credits roll in New York. Since I can't do four episodes a week on this series, starting tomorrow night there will be a discussion page posted at 11PM EST for those nights that we don't have a recapper. My night will be Tuesday and you will have Blue Lass and Anita alternating on Fridays. This will continue until we get a volunteer or two.

UA—Annie and Joe are the two children—or so I thought. That’s what Ale called them in an earlier episode.

Right, UA, this is too much for you. I fervently hope we get some new recappers. To all of you—forget about courtroom procedure—tighten your beanies. The crimes are what gets our attention—a distraction from the office hi-jinks. It’s not that hard once you get into the swing of things. For now, maybe we’ll get some commenters who will put up a minicap with just bullet points for us to use as a framework for discussions.

No, Julio was not the mastermind behind This crime. Both these 2 people were in a daze through this whole storyline.
And this crime wasn't planned very well. It was totally sloppy. Julio needs therapy. He really don't believe
He's done anything, and Eva's not tryin to defend herself a whole lot.
Well that's over.

Did they show whose pic that was the
Uncle was touching next to the flag?
This was a racially charged scene.I'll
Leave that there.

Carlos is in his own universe where all is well. Ale is his and they'll get back together no matter what, real
Soon. He was clueless all last season and the insanity continues. Stupid clueless Delusional Carlos.

The horse race begins. Which one will be the first to mount the mare? Or She will continue to be a flirt. That's a
Dangerous game. Vicky should be very
Careful the better stallion might walk away. That would be robby.

Ale sounds strange speaking English. But she's an ol hand at it. This is the same lady that plays Kristal on the up Dated version of Dynasty on The "CW".
I did not recognize her until my bro
Pointed her out to me. The lady gets

Good recap. Thank you Urban.


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