Thursday, March 14, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Miercoles 3/13/19, Episode 2: Connecting the Dots

I'm Christoper Mason. When we last met there was an attempt on Alonso Vega's life that resulted in other deaths. This is another link in a chain that leads back to Jacinto Dorantes, a corrupt politician. The course of justice never runs smooth in such situations and will ultimately depend on someone's ability to Connect the Dots.

I'm Candace DeLong. I've dealt with both criminal masterminds and their flunkies and this situation is full of them.

Alejandra advised Sofia that since four lawyers recently left the firm there was a heavy workload. Sofia did not seem intimidated by this. She specialized in criminal law and human rights issues, which pleased Alejandra well enough.

Carlos had to face the fact that he couldn't raise the thirty million pesos in the time frame of his choosing. Alan warned him again that he had caught fleas when lying down with feral dogs and that he was now the slave of criminals. Carlos replied that he never promised what he couldn't deliver. Alan suggested that he do the negotiations. Carlos rejected this at first but then decided that this was his golden opportunity to rescue Jaime and get Alejandra back.

Carlos is under a delusion. This is going to have a negative impact on his judgement.

Not to mention that it will not be a good thing when El Ciego recognizes his voice.

Lourdes visited Alonso in the hospital and tried to get him to eat. Like most sophisticated people he was not enticed by hospital-bland food. Victoria and Roberto promised to take him out for a proper meal when he got released. They encouraged him to rest. As they took their leave he told them to be careful.

Alejandra showed Sofia around and filled her in on their colleagues, whose reputations she was aware of. Ricardo arrived and was surprised to see her at the office in view of what was going on. She told him there was nothing she could do at home at that point and she still had to figure out what to do about the [ransom] money.
He hugged her, something Sofia did not fail to notice. He told her that Alonso requested that he speak to her and she explained that Alejandra had taken care of that. He said they would have a meeting to discuss the workload so she could step in as soon as possible.

Juan explained to Fernanda that things were going to be a bit difficult for a while until the criminals they are dealing with are found and caught. This was a very dangerous situation. She commented that it was a good thing they didn't have children yet. He told her that he loved her and that she needed to be careful.

Ricardo handed Sofia some case files, which she said she would review. She asked about Jaime's situation and Alonso's. She correctly speculated that the same people were responsible for both and offered her assistance. Alejandra told her that Juan was organizing the evidence, but she should look at it because fresh eyes are often helpful. She agreed and went on her way with the files.

Victoria and Roberto arrived and he asked “Your place or mine?” with the intention that they stick together through the danger. Independent as ever, Victoria said she wanted to sleep alone at her place. He said he hoped they would soon be living together. She feigned offense and sent him off to his office.

I wonder whether Beatrice and Benedick kept this going after the curtain came down.

Ricardo tried to persuade Alejandra to go home, but she said she didn't want to be there where she could do nothing. Ricardo tried to convince her that they should allow the police to handle this and not turn over any money. She was determined to raise the money and said she was going to the bank to see if she could get a loan. He insisted on accompanying her because he wanted to help and protect her.

Juan was going over documents in the archive room when Roberto came in to review what needed to be done and to give him the news that he will getting his own office. He would attend to that when he got backlater.

Alejandra and Ricardo went to the bank and she signed papers for a loan. It wasn't all she needed so Ricardo offered his own savings. The loan officer returned to tell her that the money would be in her own account within a few hours.

Gustavo was still inhaling tequila as his cell rang. He took it out of his pocket and saw a text message superimposed on a photo of himself and his lost loved ones. He declined to answer the text and put the phone out of sight.

Alonso spoke to some federales on the phone and asked for spceialist on kidnappings. He said they were to contact Alejandra right away. He asked for the chief of police as well. Lourdes came back and took the phone from him because he wasn't supposed to be working. He told her she should not be visiting him because of the danger. She would not be put off; she wanted to be with him and take care of him.

Ricardo addressed the staff meeting and introduced Sofia formally. Alejandra told the others that Sofia has been made aware of what had been going on and came on board nontheless. Ricardo then told them that Sofia and Alejandra will handle Alonso's caseload and the others would take care of the rest.

Alan went into Carlos' office to show him a case for review. Carlos told him to handle it because he was busy. Alan volunteered to help and Carlos agreed, but warned him that if he made one mistake he was off of it.

Carlos still has not realized that there was something rotten in the hotel situation that landed him in prison under suspicion of murder.

Ricardo handed some divorce and pension cases to Victoria and the robbery and fraud cases to Sofia. Juan asked about Alonso and Ricardo told the group that Alonso was getting better and likely to get out of the hospital in a few days. He thanked them all and ajourned the meeting.

Elena had to tell her children that they could not go out. The doorbell rang and as the maid went to answer Elena stopped her and told her that she was to get the person to identify himself. Nobody who would refuse to identify himself or whom she didn't recognize was to be allowed in. The children asked her what this was about and she seemed to realize that she had to explain this.

Ricardo handed Sofia the files on Jacinto Durantes and on his brother, with the caveat that the cases were complicated. Gustavo had handled the fraud case for which Ramiro Durantes was currently doing time. Sofia asked whether she shouldn't talk to Gustavo; Ricardo had her sit down for the explanation about the revenge murder of Gustavo's family. She understood and said that the two of them could handle the case.

Alejandra sat in her office, obviously depressed over the inability to do anything at the moment. She looked at her cell phone and put it down as Roberto, Victoria, and Juan entered. Roberto gave her a checque for one million pesos. They pledged their support. Alejandra almost cried.

Sofia was given Olivia's office; Ricardo gave instructions to Carmen.

The man who shot Alonso brought food to to the blindfolded [actually duck-taped] Jaime, who refused to eat. He taunted him, saying “You're keeping me here to blackmail my family because I'm still alive but I won't allow you to keep this up. If you don't have the pants to kill me I will not eat until I die of hunger.” The assassin threw the burrito at Jaime and bowed his head in frustration, knowing that Jaime couldn't see him. He made a sound and Jaime told him “If I die you will have nothing to negotiate with and you'll leave my family in peace.”

We're sure he's mistaken about that.

Carlos poured a drink for El Ciego as they closed their latest laundering deal. Carlos told him he did everything he asked of him but he needed to free his father-in-law. El Ciego said he understood, but that he was dealing with some heavy hitters. “It will be good when this is over.” Carlos told him how much money he was looking to raise and El Ciego laughed.
“That's a lot of money!” he said. “That's why I need your help,” Carlos said. He actually asked him to lend him the money. El Ciego seemed amused at the irony of the situation. He claimed he had a lot going on, like a sick mother, and some other things that would be more believable from someone else.
Carlos told him not to worry; he would repay the money and that this would be the biggest favor ever.

Carlos just forfeited his entire soul and future. El Ciego will laugh all the way back to hell.

He is definitely a psychopath.

Inspector Raúl Quiróz paid Alonso a visit in the hospital and introduced himself. Alonso explained that while he doesn't have concrete proof, all this began when his firm made sure that Ramiro Dorantes went to prison for fraud. He had copies of everything at the office. He also told him that this was related to the death of Fausto Rivero. Quiróz took notes and told him that the federales were watching all the points of exit from the country and it was only a matter of time before Jacinto Dorantes would be caught.

El Ciego played a little hard-to-get about the money, but said he would manage it because “we're such good friends and I see you really love your father-in-law.” Carlos told him he would repay the money, not to worry. El Ciego laughed at the idea of being paid by his lawyer and Carlos asked what he needed. He poured him another drink and slid the glass toward him. El Ciego told him that when he needed the money he would try to get it. Also that “It hurts me so much that you're feeling so bad.”

It's too bad there are no jury trials in Mexico; this one would be most entertaining.

Alonso told Quiróz that there are no coincidences in the law. Fausto Rivero turned up dead right after contacting Gustavo to represent a group of neighbors who had been defrauded. Ramiro Dorantes ended up in prison and a few days later Gustavo's family was murdered when their henchmen shot up Gustavo's car. That was followed by the kidnapping of Jaime Ponce and the attempt on his own life. Quiróz saw the connexion but they would need to prove it. Also, the weapons used in the shooting were of very high caliber so they were dealing with very dangerous professional criminals. He was concerned about this and said he would send men to guard Alonso. Lourdes thanked him.

El Ciego continued to play his game about the money, finishing with “Let me see how much I have.” Carlos thanked him and he said “It's because we're friends.” A man-hug later El Ciego left the office.

At least Carlos had the sense to look afraid. Very afraid.

Ricardo visited his ex's apartment to explain the situation to the children, which was in more childish language than justified. He said he could not allow the evil people to find them. He got them to accept that they could not leave the house.

Really, he should have not told them it was an “accident.” These children are old enough to hear the word “murder.” What happened to the plan for Elena and the children to head for Canada?

Sofia visited Alonso in the hospital. She found him anxious to return to the office. She told him not to worry. She had accepted his job offer and was completely aware of current events and eager to take it all on. She told him she was going to help Alejandra and that she would start by paying the police chief a visit.

Quiróz visited Alejandra to ask about the situation. She explained that Jacinto Dorantes represented himself as a victim of a smear campaign and asked her father to represent him. He had accepted, then resigned. He told her that in view of the situation she should pay the ransom. She told him she didn't have the money yet. He told her that if she didn't offer to pay, Dorantes would take any excuse to not trust her word. She should tell him she had the money and the police would set a trap.

El Ciego returned to his hideout where he found his assassin grooving to music on his cell. The man updated him on Jaime's hunger strike
and this only set him off again. He landed four punches to Jaime's face, then took out his pistol. He just barely stopped himself from shooting at point-blank range.

Alejandra was not comfortable with Quiróz' plan. She didn't want to risk her father's life. Quiróz told her that they had to act quickly and that he had a lot of experience with these situations. She insisted on doing things her way and said that if this didn't work she would agree to his plan. He warned her that every minute counted. He gave her his business card and took his leave.

Ricardo told Elena he talked to the children. He apologized for putting them in this situation; she told him it wasn't his fault. She asked him how long this would go on and he told her that it would be until Dorantes is caught.
She rolled her eyes ad he said they were close to it. She asked how that could be with over a hundred million people in the country. He explained that all ports of departure were being watched but she was chafing at being locked up. He told her he wouldn't let anything happen to them.

Sofia went to the chief of police to talk about the case and he was less than perfectly cooperative, claiming that he didn't have the information to connect the situations. She got up and told him that this was urgent because all of the Vega lawyers' lives are in danger. Finally he said he would see if he could expedite it. He returned with a document, which he handed to her.
She thanked him but with an excellent neutral expression, indicating that she was ignoring the fact that he was staring down her neckline.

This is a great example of a woman using her sexuality to manipulate men. It's a good thing she's on the right side of the law.

Alejandra entered figures into her computer and determined that they had raised fifteen million pesos, half of what was demanded. Paula asked where they would get the rest and Alejandra said they would have to do what they could with what they had. At least they were in a position to negotiate.

That night Victoria draped her couch, added a large pillow, and brought out a blanket for Roberto who – although he didn't explicitly say so – was disappointed that she didn't want him to join her in her bed.
She told him not to get too accustomed to staying at her place. He said he would like to be with her all the time, finally leaving him to sleep on the couch.

Gustavo had passed out on his couch, but was awakened by Ricardo knocking on the door. He finally got up and let him in. Ricardo noticed that the door had been unlocked; Gustavo said he hadn't noticed.  Ricardo told him about the attempt on Alonso's life. Gustavo asked how Alonso was and Ricardo said he was recovering. He told him he could not begin to comprehend his pain, but that they needed his help.
Gustavo said he understood, but he couldn't. Everything he saw and heard reminded him of his loss. Ricardo told him they didn't want to lose him.

Roberto sat up reading, but when he heard Victoria getting up he closed the book and feigned sleep. He waited until she was in the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water, then got up and followed her. “I knew it. I knew you would change your mind.” She said she couldn't sleep. He said he couldn't, either.
She poured him a glass of water and they talked about law school days and the pursuit of justice. Finally he suggested they watch a film,
so they went back to the couch and turned on the television.

Ricardo went to Paula's house where she was waiting for the call. The phone rang and it was El Ciego, who threatened her if she answered again after more than two rings. She told him she had fifteen million in cash, take it or leave it. He laughed, telling her she was joking. She told him that it was no joke. He asked which half of her father did she want in exchange, the upper or lower. She told him that was all the money.
He told her that it was all or nothing and gave her three days to get it. Then he ended the call. When Alejandra said what happened Paula became hysterical. Ricardo slammed his fist on the desk.

El Ciego said to himself “She's a fool. She's a fool.” He then turned to Jaime and said “You are going to die.”

I agree with Ricardo; they should allow the police to handle this. If Carlos gets involved in the negotiations who is the fool?

Good question, Candace. He certainly should feel like one...and worse. Between the staff at Vega & Associates and Inspector Quiróz they should be able to connect the dots between these indicents. The real question is whether there is any physical evidence. Candace will be with me for the duration. Until next we meet behind the Walls of Justice, I'm Christopher Mason.


UA: Your recap was AWESOME.

Is Christopher Mason related to the legendary Perry Mason ?

Christopher Mason hosted a true-crime series called Behind Mansion Walls which deals with murder among the rich and shameless. He's charming and witty, with a great accent. However, I don't understand his wardrobe.

Alejandra IS a fool for not following the police instructions.

If Elena doesn't want to be locked up until Dorantes is caught, then she needs to pack up the kids and go to Canada, as was her original plan.

Benjamin was mentioned; what was that about?

Juan should've had an office way before Sofia. I don't understand why he never got one since 4 lawyers had left the firm, so 3 offices were open (didn't Olivia & Leticia share an office?). It's not like when Alejandra came on board and they had to fix up the office that was being used as storage space. Benjamin's, Leonardo's and Olivia/Leticia's offices were ready to be moved in. I need for Juan to act like he belongs there (and stop calling everyone "licenciado").

With Sofia's hires, they need 3 more lawyers to replace Olivia, Benjamin & Leticia (since Sofia is a penalista and Leonardo was a penalista).

Thanks, Urban! It *is* wonderful to have our Beatrice & Benedick back. They make me laugh out loud.

I learned a neat new word last night -- "a quemarropa" = "at point-blank range." So evocative! I can almost feel the scorch marks on the clothes.

I can't wait for this whole kidnapping thing to wrap up. I guess we'll know it's over when somebody finally eats something.

Nina, I agree; what was Alonso doing popping up from behind a perfectly good car-shield like a demented prairie-dog? Sheesh. The things we put up with for plot advancement.

I think this is meant to be the next day after the Season 1 finale.

I agree that Juan should have been given his office as soon as Benjamin was out the door. He knows how to fight for his clients better than for himself. He still has some maturing to do. As soon as the danger has passed (if it does) he needs to get his own apartment.

Alonso should have remembered that he and his entire firm were in the snipers' scopes.

How do you like our new detective chief inspector? This is his Televisa debut role; they took him from the new network, Imagen, which now has our beloved Jorge Salinas.

I think the new policeman is working out VERY well. :D

But I'm holding out for Marc Clotet, who looks as if he's going to add some spark to the bufete.

Great work, Urban. With your screen shots, who needs to spend 44 min. in front of a tv. I see Christopher and Candace are getting along just fine. No hosting rivalry. (Can we type them up as Chris and Candy, or would they be offended?)

I wondered why we had a nice looking lead policeman. I'm still getting over our rumpled Montilla on AAM. Thanks for skinny on the new guy. I have a feeling he's not open to bribery.

Hi Anon207--been a long time since sharing space together. I agree. Juan should have an office before Sofia gets hers. And anyway, judging from the long hallways in that office, there HAS to be plenty of office space that can easily be converted to attorney space. Kick out a few paralegals and let them double up. Juan would probably feel so guilty about that he'd rather work in the men's room than get them kicked out.

Now I remember Fausto. Took the lead for the tenants. Why was he even worth assassinating? Just keep him tied up in court--it seems to work for others....

Thanks UA!

Finally someone had enough sense to check on Gustavo. It does seem like the firm needs him. As inconsolable as he is I would assume he would want justice to be served too. He shouldn't let revenge blind him but he should be involved in the investigation.

Sofia seems like a very thorough, hard working lawyer. I do wonder too if more new characters (lawyers) will be brought in as well.

Carlos may be trying too hard to win Alejandra back.

There are lots of faces in the opening credits that we haven't seen yet, so hopefully we'll have some new hires soon.

Tonight's recap will definitely be late. I was out longer this afternoon than expected and haven't done all the prep. Tomorrow's may not be up until Saturday.


Thanks, Urban. Riveting recap and pics.

So Elena is staying in DF and in her same penthouse? Unbelievable. I would at least move to a new undisclosed place in DF if not out of town.

Gustavo is wracked with guilt. I feel sorry for him but I want to see him back at work righting wrongs.

The police investigator is cute but seems too green for this case to me. Like he doesn't suspect corruption among his troops.

Thank you Urban. This is moving fast.

"This is A great example of a woman using her sexuality to manipulate men.
It's a good thing she's on the right side of the law". We'll I agree, but this honey is new so the jury is still out On her.You saw how she was looking at rick when he was huggin Ali. Looked
She was about to jump outta that chair
I'm gonna be watchin this little lady.
She's got layers yet tobe pealed back.

Why is rick still talkin to these kids
Like they're 4 n 5 years old? Never mind.
Hot police investigator seems to be going to the lawyers for evidence,dont
He have his own? They haven't been doin Their own leg work? Questions questions and more questions.

Carlos is still.....stupido.

I still say gus is so guilt ridden, I'll be happy when and if he snaps out of it. Until then we'll watch him kick
Himself, until he don't. Kick himself
That is.

Robby n Vicky looked so comfortable on that sofa. I hope they don't get board
With each other after they've quenched
Their thirsts.

Ok, now on to the next episode.

Thanks again Urban.

Thanks to you Urban for recapping. I’ve just about getting out of the funk of AAA ending! Missing all the great actors. Now I can enjoy your recaps again. Yes what happened? I thought the babies and mommy were going to Canada? They are four yrs old, maturity.And Juan needs to move out of nosy Susanna’s casita!

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