Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 143, Tuesday, April 9, 2019; A job gained, a job in jeopardy, and a surprise witness!

We open with Julieta and Robert wearing matching pajamas, in the kitchen discussing what could happen if Robert did surgery on David’s scars and the surgery doesn’t turn out well. Robert says that David is growing up and now his appearance is becoming very important to him. Julieta doesn’t agree that the surgery would be successful. She is upset about Robert making this decision without consulting her.

Audifáz is angry with his mother because she apologized and asked forgiveness of Polita and Ari. He asks, “Have you then accepted Ari’s relationship with Temo and Polita’s relationship with that lawyer?” She says, “Yes, AND?” Imelda adds that she has no reason to show such disdain to them and go on with a severed relationship. Audi becomes angry and hits his fist on to the table, gets up and starts to leave. Imelda begs him to make amends with his family. Audi angrily tells her, “It’s just not that easy! I grew up with these ideas that you inculcated in me!” Imelda tells him that because she nearly died, she did not want to go with the burden that she had hurt so many people with her words and attitudes. She warns him that if he does not change, he will be completely alone.

Still in the kitchen, Robert tells Julieta that even though they have been through a lot of changes, they are more united than ever. She tells him that when they find another home to live in, she wants to find one close to the Córsegas so they can stay close to Eugenio. Robert laments that he knows his father will one day forget everything. Julieta remarks that she will help out in everything that she can do. They do the “Iman” thing and kiss.

Audi runs into Ari in the hallway. He has some nasty words to say to Ari and it does not go well at all. Ari tells his father he thought that maybe he might have been stopping by to wish him a happy birthday, but it was clear that Audi forgot all about Ari’s birthday.

Carlos comes by to accompany Daniela to court. He even cancelled all his appointments for that day. He tells her that he will make sure she is not alone in this.

Later, Blanca and Robert sit at the table for a lesson for Eugenio to make his bean bread or the “pan de frijol”. It turns out to be a lesson in futility as Eugenio cannot remember how to make bread. He ends up getting very angry and upset and yells at everyone. The children look very upset as Eugenio has a meltdown. Blanca goes outside the apartment door and cries.

Neto sees Blanca and tries to help her. She tearfully tells Neto that Eugenio is forgetting everything. Inside, Eugenio tells Robert how useless he feels. Dani comes in and asks Roberts if he needs any help.

At Cklass, Susana, Julieta and Pancho talk together as Julieta wants her job back. Susana explains that when Julieta left, she needed someone to fill the position with and Pancho has a lot of experience. Julieta says she is ready to become part of the team again and fulfil her duties there at the business. However, Pancho says that decision is up to Susana. Susana says that Pancho still has some projects pending and needs to finish those. Julieta has plans too to implement.

At the bakery, a bunch of girls come in looking for Ari. They think Ari and Temo are wonderful.

At school, Frida comes to show off her “Eugenio” costume as she honors her grandfather with his wisdom.

Yolo raises her hand and asks permission to leave early. Grecia then dismisses Yolo and wishes her luck in her session. Grecia’s phone rings and it’s Neto. He tells her that she is needed at the Córsegas right away.

Dani introduces Carlos to Robert before she leaves. Robert will be babysitting the triplets.

When Grecia gets there, Blanca blows up on her telling her that her therapy is not working. Then Blanca apologizes and Grecia says it’s not necessary. She goes on to explain the progression of the disease.

Yolo has her appointment with Tavo for a counseling session. He explains she is not responsible for the actions of others. She wants to be able to forget the love she has for Guido and Tavo explains that it is possible to take her life in a different direction.

Pancho leaves for the court hearing and tells Julieta that she can “borrow” his office. Then Julieta confronts Susana and asks who will she be supporting for the Vice President of Creativity? Susana tells her that she will have to compete to have her position back. Julieta is not too happy to hear that because as she says, “It seems strange that I would have to compete for a position that I once held.”

Guido’s trial begins. He pleads innocent. Daniela becomes angry and says, “stop being a coward! We already have the evidence against you!” The judge asks Dani to please sit down and Eduardo tries to calm her. Guido then says, “I didn’t murder Gabriel. The evidence has been manipulated.”

Downtown, Linda is outside of Crisanta’s dress shop and Imelda comes up wanting to know what she is doing with the competition. Linda comes up with the explanation that she was looking for Axel there because she need to talk to him about something having to do with the burned children’s foundation. But he wasn’t there. Imelda starts to go ballistic [seems she hasn’t changed all that much] and makes some comment that Linda and Axel better not be dating again. She makes Linda swear she is not hiding anything.

At the hospital, Robert discusses getting his old job back. But then he is told “no.” Instead, he is offered the Directorship of the hospital! He shakes hands and says he accepts the offer immediately.

In court, the trial moves forward and the judge explains they will hear all the evidence and testimony against Guido. Casandra holds her grandfather’s hand. The judge calls Daniela to be the first witness to testify. Casandra and Mássimo also testify concerning the symptoms they saw in Gabriel. Mássimo also testifies about the white powder he saw and thought it was cocaine at first. But now he believes it was poison. Neto testifies about how he realized that Guido had committed fraudulent acts with the business, trying to make himself the sole owner. Pancho testifies about how the van Guido was in was trying to run over his children. The passengers were dressed like clowns. Neto testifies that Guido tried to run away with his underaged daughter too. He explains that if Guido was trying to run away, it was because he knew he would be arrested. Eduardo stands up to tell the judge that they have audio and video of Guido admitting what he did, including the fact that Guido was the one who sabotaged the humidifier.

Yolo’s counseling session continues. She explains how worried she is about Guido. But Tavo says right now, she needs to concentrate on herself and moving herself forward.  

Grecia works with Eugenio on looking at pictures and remembering the smells that are familiar to him. She explains to Blanca that this disease will continue to advance and it will take a lot of patience.

Later, Blanca teaches Eugenio how to make the pan de frijol. After it is all baked, she give him a piece and asks him what he is remembering when he tastes it. He answers, “I remember our wedding.” She is happy and goes to hug him.

Back in court, the judge goes over all the evidence against Guido, but says he has one more witness that is coming, who was an associate of Guido’s. He introduces Luigi Capuleti. The guards bring Luigi into the courtroom.


Kept it short today, hope you don't mind. I have had a lot to do lately and need to get bed early. Can't wait to see Guido convicted and sent to prison forever.

The recap was wonderful! Thanks. I loved the “imán” screenshot. You are so right about Imelda with Linda. I couldn’t believe the”new and improved” Imelda. Her improved repentant disposition must only apply to certain family members.

Rafael Inclán sure did a good job depicting Eugenio’s confusion and fear.

I really enjoyed Julieta very calmly discussing her job with Susana and not letting her off the hook. Susana had to agree that she and the company had told Julieta they would hold her job for her. I had to laugh that Susana tried to wheedle her way out of it. It is Susana’s fault that Julieta is in the position she is now. I hope Julieta takes Pancho down a peg or two.

Poor Polita (and Ari and Temo) finally trying to have “the talk” with Ari and Temo. We needed some humor last night as well as something good happening like Robert becoming the director of the hospital.

I cannot wait to hear what Luigi has to tell the court about that rat Luigi.

All in all it was a very satisfying episode.

Cynthia: Keeping my fingers crossed Luigi nails Guido to the wall & reveals all of the dirty little secrets.

Jarifa: Sounds like Susana & Pancho deeply despise Julieta for some reason.

Thank you, Cynthia.

It is good that Juli and Robert are wearing the matching jammies.

At least Robert has a job. I think that Pancho will step aside so that Juli will get her job back. The writers just want a bit more drama before the happy endings.

As to Imelda, Hub always liked to say, "A tiger doesn't change its stripes." And Imelda is an old tiger. She has not completely given up her judgemental, controlling ways.

I feel so sorry Eugenio. And for Blanca , It is like losing him while he is still alive.

" Imelda starts to go ballistic [seems she hasn’t changed all that much] and makes some comment that Linda and Axel better not be dating again. She makes Linda swear she is not hiding anything."

Well, at last a little reality...Imelda still has some heavy-handed ways with her family. Still, I do believe that near-death experiences can make dramatic changes in the way a person views life and love. Anyway, there will undoubtedly be more evolving before our grand finale.

Thanks for all those lovely screen shots and a crisp, brief recap Cynthia. As the years pile up, my attention span gets shorter, so that really works for me!

Another lovely day here, hope that is the case in your end of the Universe as well, Patio Peeps.

Thank you for your recap, Cynthia.

Audi’s statement to Imelda has truth behind it regarding ideas with which she brainwashed him, over the years. However, many adults overcome the negative parental influences with work and dedication to self change. So he has a valid reason, but a poor excuse. It will be interesting to see where the writers go with this. My money is on a HEA for all, with Audi’s loss limited to Polita.

And, seriously, cantAudi set his ego aside and get a job digging ditches? Some sort of honest job with a regular paycheck? Come on!

It is so nice to see the matching jammies. 💙💙💙

Ot...Doris, how is your recovery going? Well , I hope.

Cynthia, most excellent - screen shots were perfect.

Very well written.

"it was clear that Audi forgot all about Ari’s birthday". Although wrong about most things, Imelda is right that Audi will be alone if he doesn't repent and atone. I'm glad though Polita and her children will no longer be waiting and suffering on the chance that might occur. doris, love the ditch digging job idea!

I like that Carlos is getting integrated into the family bit by bit and enjoyed seeing Eduardo sitting with the rest of the family.

Eugenio is breaking our hearts. There can be no happy ending there. Jarifa, the actor is marvelous, I agree.

I've said all along that Pancho should have stepped aside and if there is going to be a showdown, hope Julieta blows him out of the water.

I wasn't feeling well last night and missed almost all of this. Thank you Cynthia and commenters for filling in all that I missed. Am home sick and hope I can stay awake to watch tonight.

Have a wonderful day all.


Susanlynn: What's wrong with Eugenio ?

Diana, sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hope you are better soon!

Thanks Cynthia.You made things clearer for me. I thought Robert was not getting his job back. I heard the interviewer say Musie. IIthought the new hospital director was Grandpa Musie (spelling?).

I think Francisco will give up the job. He did it because he wanted to work with Suaanna but I think he is happier being Pancho, the guy that delivers vegetables in the Burro. The one that wears Big Bird and Elvis suits. Ha! The fun loving non-serious Pancho.

Is Edwardo a prosecuting lawyer? I thought Dani would have a more powerful lawyer. I think Luggie (spelling?) has made a deal to testify. He will start with the murder of the parents and go from there. Well, I hope that's what happens.iss tonight

I will miss tonight but I look forward to your recap, Jarifa.


Have been trying to comment but no luck. Hope this goes through. Thanks to the recappers and patio friends that add to the fun and understanding of this telenovela. I am enjoying it and hate to see it end.

Thank you everyone. Yes, the actor portraying Eugenio is doing a wonderful job. A lot of Alzheimer’s patients get frustrated and angry like that because they cannot remember and they know they are supposed to know something. But it’s like the memories are erased…or they are just blocked by the disease in the brain. My mother suffers from this. Sometimes I’ll visit her and she will ask me what my father’s name was, the man she was married to for nearly 63 years! So I’ll point to a portrait of them on the wall and ask her if she recognizes the man in the portrait. Sometimes she will say, “I know he was my husband, but I can’t remember his name.” Then suddenly her memory reappears and she will say, “Eugenio”. (Yes, my dad’s name was Eugene and my mother would always call him Eugenio.)

It's good that Carlos is so supportive of Daniela and is so patient with her. He is such a gentleman with her and is not pushy. Where do you ever find a guy like that? :)

So I wonder if there will be a plea deal with Luigi so if he spills his guts about Guido he can get a lighter sentence?


Cynthia, thank you for this excellent recap. As usual, your comments in red were great, and the screenshots too!

I almost fell down laughing when Robert was offered the directorship of the hospital, although I'm sure that sort of thing happens all the time.

8-)     :-P     :-)

Guido's trial is moving along fast! (Well, the TN has only five more hours to go :)

It looks like half of Oaxaca is there, including Casandra. We haven't seen a lot of her lately and I have missed her.

Diana, I hope you get well soonest.


MaryKat, yes you may have heard that Robert wasn’t getting his “old” job back. But the man he was talking to offered him the Hospital Directorship position instead, a big step up for Robert and that is why he was so happy. It was also agreed that he could still work with the foundation for burned children and still see patients.


OT..Diana, hope that you feel soon. My sinuses are acting up a bit..spring allergies perhaps. My 8year old granddaughter has an ear infection, sore throat, and cough.

A wide woman (judyb) once told us, "There are no happy endings, but if you are lucky you may get a happy middle. " paraphrasing.

Uh oh...not a wide woman..a WISE woman!...sorry Judyb .I must be more careful and proofread before I send.

Cynthia, my friend's husband had a stroke about 5 years ago, and he often cannot remember her name or the names of other family members . He starts sentences, but often cannot finish them. It's sad.

Steve: Didn't you hear? Eugenio has a sinus infection.

Your "wide woman" has me laughing Susanlynn. Sounds like something you might say with a really really bad head cold!

Judyb...teehee...I am too careless !

Kirby, where have you been hiding? Will you be watching Dona Flor ?

Thanks for the very helpful recap! They are really zooming along now to wrap things up. Guido is having the fastest murder/attempted murder trial in history. (It makes me want to learn more about the Mexican legal system -- all of the legal proceedings on this show have been so different from how they would have been conducted in the U.S., I wonder how much is accurate and how much is dramatic TN licence.) Even if Luigi has made a plea deal, he should surely go to jail for his role in Guido's crimes.

MaryKat, I agree about Pancho -- I think he is happier being casual, out and about, meeting and greeting and helping people. As you pointed out, he only suited up for Susana's sake. I'm surprised he didn't jump at the chance to turn back into his old freewheeling self the minute Julieta showed up! But of course, our TN loves its competitions.

To me, the most unusual storyline is Linda and Axel. I really wonder how that will turn out.

And of course, the saddest is Eugenio. The actor playing that character is so good, I forget he's acting.

Looking forward to tonight's revelations!


Kirby, you are too much! I have missed you around here but I guess you haven't been watching this TN with us.

I just drop in every now and then. There is not much on right now which is more interesting than real life, so I have been off in my own little world. Saying goodbye to the Eagles, getting the generators ready for hurricane season, the boat and jet skis ready for summer, you know, Spring stuff.


Thanks, Cynthia.

They promised Julieta she'd keep her job, but surely she realizes Susanna needed help while she was away. Looking forward to Julieta and Pancho battling it out, though I'm sure Julieta will wind up at cklass and Pancho back home. Hey, what ever happen to him getting a snip-snip to prevent more Lopezes?

Doris, Glad you're on the mend after hip surgery. Must be a relief to be back home.

Diana, I hope you're feeling better.

Niecie, we don’t know about the snip-snip at this point.

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