Monday, August 19, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Sin Tu Mirada y Mas - Week of Aug. 19, 2019

Welcome to page 1 for the week! The current daytime telenovela being recapped is:
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 105-107 (Últimos Capítulos!)
Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

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I’m watching the episode now. Be back later lol


Part 1

Or, as Andy says "Rats!" Yes, Sotero and Lucrecia are still sitting in the cat bird's seat. She seems mildly inconvenienced that Dad has died, but really really happy that he's taking the secret of Rafa's true parentage to the grave. And while the hospital administrators are threatening to throw Sotero in jail for being registered under a false name for surgery (seems rather extreme, no?); he informs them that he'll sue for medical dereliction if they do press their case. And clearly Sotero's claim of incompetent medical care is far stronger. So yes, our two villains are holding all the cards. And our other two scoundrels, Susana and Zackrat, are happily off in the Dominican Republic, enjoying their ill-gotten gains. Meanwhile the Patio is churning and grinding their teeth, while gasping out "It's just a story! just a story!

And the story begins this evening with Lucrecia playing Beto like a harp. She's all damsel in distress, wailing that she doesn't want her dear Papa's reputation besmirched, and would like a simple funeral with just his close and beloved friends. But she's so distraught, she can't even imagine arranging it.

No problem. Beto, in White Knight mode, offers to handle all the arrangements himself. Which gives her an excuse to give him a tight, very prolonged you're-my-hero hug. Rats!

Paulino, on the other hand, is having a very good day. Jumping with joy to give Vanessa the news about José Manual Figueroa. He likes my music, he likes my lyrics, wants to do a duet...and I owe it all to your my darling! Lots of hugs, passionate kisses and don't worry about being "the other woman". But of course she does. And explains that this is why she must get away. Once he's a father, and discovers the joy of family life, plus an ascendant career, know. No, he doesn't. And meantime, let's just smooch and enjoy our love says our galan. More smouldering kisses. Guess our Lino is another male who's good at compartmentalizing.

Okay. On to rather a tedious conversation with Beto, self-flagellating over having saved Sotero's life. Marina is all, but you had to do it. You can't turn into a murderer. What about your Hippocratic oath? More mea culpas. It would have been the end to all your troubles! Our sunny little gal is looking on the bright side. Maybe Destiny played a part and Sotero will now become a better person.

Anybody believe that? Yeah, I thought so. No Way sez the Patio!

Fernando's on the phone to Prudencia, filling her in about the botched surgery, the mystery of the identity fraud, and the death of Dr. Zamudio.

Back to Marina and Beto. With moist eyes and a very conflicted look, she gulps and reminds Alberto that he needs to stand by Lucrecia in this moment of need and grief.
Team Beto! Team Beto! It's clear Marina still loves him. Do you think he stands a chance? Hold your water. We still have many chapters to go.

BANG! CRASH! CLATTER! Nope--not a bomb-- just Luis barging in the vecindad door, glaring at Prudencia and accusing her of slutty behavior for talking on the phone to Fernando. Hardly proper for a married woman!

Prudencia: And is it proper to sleep with my best friend ,in my own home, right under my nose?
Luis: Get over it! I'm a man! It was nothing!
Prudencia: And by the way, yes, I'm married. But I'll soon be divorced.
Luis: But our daughter needs us!
Prudencia: I can't believe how cynical you are! You treated her with contempt, ruined her life, handed her over to that monster!
Luis: You have a big heart. A noble heart. Forgive me!
Prudencia: (with big, perky smile) NO.

Luis is sure she'll be back but she reassures him she's quite happy in the vecindad with people who love both her and Angustias. Well, he's determined to get her back, and get back his daughter and grandson as well.


Part 2

Our dear Lucreepy is contemplating a photo of dear departed dad and musing that it's too bad he died, but at least he took the secret of Rafa's parentage to the grave. Way to look on the bright side Lucreepy!

So ye, our arch-villainess is still getting away with it. RATS!!!

How about chief rat Sotero? Well, he's mighty miffed indeed. Furious that his facial muscles weren't reconstructed and that Zamudio had the poor taste to die mid-surgery. The nerve! The nurse fills him in that it was necessary to suture his damaged artery and the surgery could not proceed after that happened. But evidently he's recovered enough that they're about to take him to a regular room. RATS!

So then how about Sour Apple Anita, otherwise known as PissyFace? Well, she starts off accusing Paulino of running off to see Vanessa, but when he informs her of José Manual Fugueroa's fabulous offer and the bright future it affords, she's as happy as he is. Exuberant hugs. Although Lino, mid-hug, has that What am I doing here? look.

Luis has finished browbeating Prudencia and is now at the hospital attempting the same with Fernando. He's trying to get the inside dope on the Charred and Broiled and what happened, but Fernando huffily informs he that he's not "family". And Prudencia is? snarls Luis.

Funny scene though. Luis strikes a pose, holding on to his belt buckle, as if to say "Hey, I'm still the King of the Jungle. And Don't you forget it!"

Fernando ignores him and stalks off. RATS!



Part 3

Margarito is trying to feel out Baldomero on his relationship with Doña Toolbelt. Baldo cuts to the chase. Damiana is still in my heart; but you're obviously in hers. So make your move buddy! It's not like you two are spring chickens.

Back at the hospital, Sotero has clearly recovered from his near-death experience because he's being a pain in the butt to the nurse. Wants his cellphone. Throws a wee tantrum when he gets Lucreepy's voice mail. Decides he needs to blow the joint and starts to rip out his IV's and oxygen tube. (I'm thinking Please Please Die!) But he doesn't. RATS!

Don Luis' office:
Paulino has come to quit his chauffeur's employ since his agent Waldo thinks he should concentrate full-time on his promising musical career. Luis is highly amused. And skeptical. -Kid, don't quit your day job. The musical world is very unstable. On top one minute, down the next. Besides, I need you here to keep me informed about Marina and my grandson. Lino looks momentarily dashed, but then says he'll stay 'till the end of the month when he gets married. More chortling from Luis as he figures out it's a shotgun wedding. I'll see you coming back with your tail between your legs, mark my word. (Should've kept that tail from wagging earlier, Lino. Just sayin'.)

Marina and her pink-shirted, metrosexual Rickypoo come in Sotero's room full of righteous indignation and empty threats. He's not impressed. Ricky vows that Doc Mask will lose his rights to Rafa because he used a false name when obtaining surgery. Sotero doesn't think so. And he wanted to lose his scars and gain a new face in order to be a "new man" for Marina. As for whether Zamudio really knew his real identity, "I don't have to answer that question!" So once again, Lucrecia's part in arranging this surgery is covered up. RATS!



Part 4

Margarito calls don Luis to tell him about Zackrat's absence from the ranch. Gone two days now, but none of the ranch hands were willing to call and tell the big boss. Luis slams down the phone and informs Paulino they're on the way to the Añoranza. Once they get there, Paulino and Erasmo both tell Luis that they're baffled. There seems to be no evidence of a plague in the avocados. But clearly Zack has sold off a large amount and absconded with the money. And what about the mystery of Susana's frequent visits?

Exit Marina and Ricky. Enter Fernando. To again raise the threat of legal punishment for Sotero registering in the hospital under a false name. No proof, sneers Doc Mask. All you have are copies. Not the original. And that's not my signature. Well, our lawyers will see about that, huffs Fernando. -And I'll sue your socks off for medical negligence. An obviously compromised surgeon operating...and without an assistant! A ripped artery! Not very good for the hospital's reputation do you think?!

He has a point there. And Fernando's face shows it. There's some more palaver about Zamudio being Sotero's professor at the university and that's why he was willing to let him register under a pseudonym.

Whatever. Here comes the bad part. Marina is on her way home after a hard day at the office gossiping and haranguing Sotero. I don't think we ever saw her do any actual work. Ricky-poo though had to stay behind to finish up with a few patients. Which give the girls--Yola and Marina--time for a Who D'ya Love? Chat.

Marina admits that she told Beto she loves Ricardo. But it was a fib. She did it so he'd stop clinging to the dream of getting back together with her. And when Yola questions whether things could ever work out with Little Ricky, Marina assures her that all she needs is Time.




Part 5

Luis is screaming at his phone, rifling through files, trying to remember his password so he can access his account information. It's kind of fun watching him try to browbeat a cellphone like he does actual human beings. Doesn't work of course.

But things seem to be working well for Zackrat. He's ordering all sorts of exotic delicacies by room service at his Dominican Republic resort-- sipping red wine, lounging in a fluffy spa robe, and going by the name of Zacarias Ocaranza. It's the Good Life! At last.

Had this final scene not occurred, I might have been tempted to slit my wrists. But we do get to see Lucrecia run into one immovable roadblock. Beto and Vanessa have brought her home after the funeral. She's trying to persuade Beto to stay. Oh, just as a friend! I have a guest room. But I can't bear spending this night alone.

Beto finesses that one nicely. He volunteers Vanessa instead. And promises to call Lucrecia tomorrow.

Good pal Vanessa goes along with it. No problem. Just lend me some pj's. And I'll even make dinner. If you're okay with a sandwich.

Lucrecia pretends she is-- to get Vane out of the room. Then places a quick call to Sotero to tell him to erase all record of her previous calls. She will do the same erasing his.

He shares his threats of a lawsuit against the hospital and his fib about Papa Zamudio having been his teacher at the university.

All good. The final word? Mayonnaise or mustard on your sandwich?


Well, glad we got that sorted out.

Grab a drink, or a big hunk of chocolate, and let me know what you think about all this, Patio. Andy and my reactions can be summed up in one word:




Judy: Like I said before & will again, Marina, deep down, does NOT love Ricardo. I still think she's got deep feelings for Beto. Everyone knows both Marina & Beto will be endgame once this Telenovela ends.

1.) Tick-Tock Don Jackass. Your downfall is coming soon, he just doesn't know it yet.

2.) Maury Povich can make an appearance & do a MIC DROP revealing that Beto is the Baby Daddy of Rafa right now.

3.) LuCrazy & Creepy Doc are DELUSIONAL into thinking they can keep this Baby Daddy secret forever, the truth ALWAYS comes out.

4.) Suzy from HoVille disappeared ? GOOD RIDDANCE.

5.) I take it that Prudencia FINALLY found out about Don Jackass' escapade with Suzy from HoVille.

I enjoyed watching her putting him in his place, plus telling him she's filing for divorce YES.

6.) Don Jackass begging for forgiveness ? HELL TO THE NOPE. He treated his biological kid like expletive & handed her over to Creepy Doc.

7.) I went ROFLOL at your reference to Sour Apple Anita. It serves her right with the nickname. To me, she's CLINGY Anita.

8.) Lino's Body Language is saying "I need to get out ASAP". Dude, just file for divorce (assuming they got married or something like that) & move on.

9.) No Vanessa appearance today ?

10.) Don Jackass giving Fernando the stink eye ? ROFLOL.

11.) Lino attempting a musical career ? NOPE. I don't see it working out & for once, Don Jackass is right about that one.

12.) Does Ricardo's Mommy pick out his clothes for him to wear for the day ? OMG.

13.) Creepy Doc having another ranting session with Fernando, who founds out the creep signed under a falsified name.

14.) Has the hospital figured out LuCrazy rigged the DNA regarding Rafa's paternity & other illegal activities ?

15.) Zack & Suzy from HoVille looting all of the $$$ plus committing possible plague of the avocados ? Uh-Oh. I hope law enforcement agencies & Interpol catch them soon!

16.) C'mon Marina: make a bloody decision & admit you're dumping Ricardo the Pink-Shirted Dude.



Thank you for your recap, Judy. Your title is perfect!
I won't get to watch this episode until tomorrow and am looking forward to the scene where Luis is bullying his cell phone.


Thank you JudyB! I actually felt cheerful reading your breezy enjoyable recap. No RATS for me!

Maybe “Destiny” put Beto in OR to get rid of Doc Mask, not save him. Just sayin’

Two miserable scenes. Beto and Marina commiserating over Doc Mask’ unfortunate survival. All in blue, blue wall, blue scrubs and it looked like a blue lens on the camera. Very stark and depressing

Another miserable scene in LoopyLu!s living room. This time all n gray. Clothes, walls probably the camera lens as well.

Only bright spot was the only time I can remember begging in a novela not being effective. Could not believe Beto evaded LoopyLu’s begging
She has shown a frightening focus. No matter what she powers ahead toward her goal

Can’t buy that Luis didn’t know his PW for his accounts. He is shown working daily which is unusual in a novela.
They obviously don’t have to work at the hospital does Damiana work any more? Luis and Chole are the only workers in the bunch

Yola warned Lino about being thought a chismo. That earned a look from him




First, excellent title. I just loved the “Rats” theme throughout.

Judy, you definitely deserve an award and much gratitude for your incredible recaps in which you consistently make sense out of chaos. I don’t know how you do it!

“Lucrecia playing Beto like a harp”, “Beto, in White Knight mode” and “Sour Apple Anita, otherwise known as PissyFace” were all great.

“Just lend me some pj's. And I'll even make dinner. If you're okay with a sandwich” made me smile. That’s just what I would say (my love of cooking being non-existent)!

Finally, “an ascendant career” was my favorite. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that word used – simply great.

This seems so crazed yet you continue to battle the absurdity – and beautifully!

Horribly hot and humid here - we broke a record in Boston. Thunderstorms are on the way - hopefully they will cool things down. Hope all are staying cool. Several more weeks of summer...

Thank you Judy!




JudyB, thank you greatly for this excellent recap of an interesting but depressing episode.

Last week I honestly thought that Team Ricky was making solid progress because Marina had said she loved Ricky, not the way she had loved Beto, but a sorta lukewarm love.
'Good enough,' I thought. Let's marry them off and be done with it! Beto can find someone else.

Today she tells Yola it was a fib. Rats!

I hate to have to resort to this, but if things don't improve soon I may just have to predict that Marina and Beto will wind up together. My predictions seem to have the power to ensure something will absolutely not happen, but I have never before tested it with an insincere prediction.

We'll see.




Love it, JudyB! Thanks!

Ugh once again Luis isn’t taking any responsibility for his affair. IF what Prudencia was doing was actually bad then....pot meet kettle lol but obviously she and Fernando are just friends and she clearly knows that if she wanted a romantic relationship with Fernando or anyone she would divorce Luis first.

I was amused by the camera work during the scene where Marina and Yola are talking about Beto and Ric. I’ve never been more frustrated as a viewer knowing that Marina probably told Beto previously that Sotero’s shadow would always follow them if they got back together because of the DNA stuff. And it seems like even when that’s sorted out it may be too least according to Marina.

I was surprised but pleased that Beto managed to avoid having to stay with Lucrecia overnight and volunteered Vanessa instead. The whole sandwich saga was kinda funny. Beto is smart enough now to set boundaries.

Sotero was certainly amused that Beto saved his life. Honestly, Beto shouldn’t feel guilty even though what Marina said about Sotero becoming a new person (not his face lol) will never happen. Beto wanted to solve Marina’s problems but he’s not a murderer.

I wonder where Chucha fled off to. I don’t think a life of luxury for her and Zack will last long. Zack is delusional if he thinks he’s an Ocaranza lol even if it’s just pretend.


Steve...Thanks for your unique and extensive opinions.

Doris...You will get a real kick out of Luis with his hapless phone. The yelling just keeps getting louder and louder. Actor is getting a real kick out of this role.

Mely...Love how you add to our appreciation of the episode with those insightful visual notations. Blue on blue and gray on gray...depressing indeed. And I like your take on Destiny's "alternate" option. But alas, that darned old Hippocratic oath messed up that idea. As for the actor playing Paulino, yes, he has been injecting a lot of humor in his role lately. Both with don Luis and Yola. I think we may be seeing more of him.

Diana...Glad you found a soul sister in Vanessa. She has evolved from a dreadful, snotty character into one that we're all fond of. And she's modestly honest about her limited domestic skills. After 50 years of cooking though, I'm thinking sandwiches for dinner sound darned good! Thanks for finding so much to praise in the recap. This one was hard to write. And so sorry about your muggy hot weather!

Andy...Oh no's!!! What if your dismal prediction record holds...and Marina and Beto WON'T end together...just because you predicted they would. I might be really really really upset with you. Gosh. And we've been getting along so well lately. Well, I guess I knew it couldn't last. LOL

JudyB thank you for this fun recap. U
Put the fun in this otherwise episode of the rats takin over. Ugly rats to.

I went back and watched the episode from Friday. What a yucky scene. And
That nasty thick hard skin. That whole
Scene was a farce. Where was the gas guy? No assistant? When I say gas guy I mean the anesthesiologist. And the
The person that is suppose to be on the lookout for any heart problems? Ok
It's just a story, it's just a freakin

Ok, ON to todays episode. RATS!!!
Luis is lookin for his password, when
He finds it and opens up his account:)
He might be broke. Ha ha ha!!! Then we
Will see who the DEVIL will appear too. He Stole pru's money, & somebody scammed him.
If thats what he finds out. On nopus.
That means they may have pru s money too, RATZ!!!<<< THAT one deserved a Z.
He has the unmitigated gall to blame being a man as the reason for cheating
On his wife? I suppose he can say the
Same thing about Ol wrinkled face, he was a man so he had to have his way with marina? Men have an itch that gotta be scratched? Now all men aren't like that. But there are sick bastards
Who think twisted that way. Aaand its
Just a show.....thats gettin on my nerves.

And when yola questions rather things could ever work out with little Ricky Marina assures her that all she needs is time.

Here's what I'd say if I were her gal pal: Marina you've given your heart to beto 100% and no matter who else that you're with you won't ever be able to stop thknkin of beto. And I don't know if you're aware of this, Ricardo loves
You girl and he will pick up on that.
So you gonna have to do some fancy dancin to keep from Breakin his heart.
Something like that.

Iam so happy beto dodged that lucreepy
Bullet. She would have just used that to have sex and get knocked up. She's
Gonna use that baby card and baby just might turn out to be wrinkle face. Now
Yall know how desperate she is. She'd
Just close her eyes and do the dead, &
Claim it's beto's. That, or drug him.
She is Just That desperate. Sic bitch!

Zacarias Ocaranza! The good life! At last. Better enjoy it, here comes the
DEVIL! If Luis can get him to answer his cell phone that is. Ha ha ha!

When is the Joy comin JudyB? By the way, that was a nasty scene in surgery. And the Wrinkled one didn't get his new face.
He's still as ugly as his heart.



TF..Somehow your comment slipped in there and I missed it. Yes, the camera work on the Yola-Mirada conversation was bizarre. I kept looking and looking and Where are they? Oh, there. Ugh. And it's just depressing to think that the DNA switch Lucrecia and Sotero pulled is what seems to be putting the final nail in the coffin of Beto's dream to reunite with Marina. As for Chucha, I'm assuming she's in the same tropical paradise as our luxuriating Zack. Just not in the same room! Zackrat seemed determined to stick with her. Maybe we'll find out tomorrow.

Nina...Ah Nina...Yes indeed "When is the joy coming?" I sure don't know. This episode was miserable-- other than seeing Luis abuse his phone. And clutch his belt buckle like he's the Masked Avenger. Well, sweet too seeing Lucrecia get shafted. I do like your Yola stand-in advice to Marina. "Yes, you can't get Beto out of your heart and Ricardo will pick up on that." Unfortunately we can't insert ourselves into this story. Too bad. I think you would juice it up very nicely Nina. And give a few of those guys What For! Finally, very well said..."He's still as ugly as his heart". Amen.



I got to watch this episode and I was totally cracking up over how they had Sotero's head all wrapped up like a mummy just for that incision on his neck. Telenovelaland medicine is such a hoot! LOL


Doris: Looking forward to seeing the epic downfall of Don Jackass.


Apropos of nothing: Can someone (Hair & Makeup) do something about Lucrazy's straw hair? If it's her own, it is severely damaged and if it's a wig, throw in a couple of bucks more and get one of a better quality!

Anonymous...I think it's her real hair. At the beginning of the story, it looked quite lovely and abundant. That's how she got nicknamed Rapunzel. Now that she's turned into an arch-villain, both her clothes and her hair have gotten markedly less attractive.


Part 1

When it rains, it pours and the writers are pouring it on big-time, Patio. Nothing went right today (except for Sotero and Lucrecia) and everybody else is going under. Not much fun to watch, but we'll just have to hang in there till the end, amigos.

So let's get the party started. Beto is in Sotero's room, trying to shame him into acting like a decent human being. Didn't your near-death experience change your mind about harassing Marina and trying to claim her son? -No way! chortles Sotero. I'm hanging in there for all I'm worth. -You're garbage! thunders Beto.

And speaking of scene is with our scoundrel Luis who's whistling for Hortensia to bring him some coffee. Whoops. No more Hortensia. You, girl! what's your name? Bring me some double strength coffee with lactose free milk and lots of foam. Now!

The hapless maid is called Jacinta, but moments later Luis is calling her Jacoba, as in Where the hell is my coffee, Jacoba!? Good times.

Good times are going on though for Susana. She has morphed into a dopey looking schoolteacher disguise, but the lecherous glance is still the same-- and she's directing it towards an old, well-dressed guy--who's letching right back. Let's stay with this delightful scene for a moment. He comes over to her table and next thing we hear is dear ChoochMooch burbling that his business is soooo fascinating. -Really? You find the international commerce of fertilizer fascinating? (Well our Chooch knows bullshit when she hears it. Fascinating? Maybe.)

Yes, Susana finds EVERYTHING about him fascinating. So he proposes they go elsewhere to continue the conversation. And guess what--it's to his yacht stationed in the marina. Looks like our Susana has found another rich mark. And pretty quickly too. Hope she likes playing tonsil hockey with those dentures.

While Chooch is working over Denture Man, Lucrecia is rumbling Alberto. As in Woe Is Me and You Have to Fix It. WahWah, huddled over the cremation urn, moaning that Daddy was everything to her. (And also a threat but you took care of that, lady!) Beto comforts her by saying that she was everything to her Daddy also. Why, as he was dying he begged me to take care of you. Lucreepy seizes her advantage. Yes, he wanted us to be a couple. To marry. -I know, gulps Beto. -Don't leave me, she continues. I need you in this difficult time! -Well, things aren't worked out yet with Marina. -For my father! Beto, give US a chance. I love you.

Remember when they had some giant fan blowing Lucrecia's hair? Well, this time there's a strange mist blowing in. Is this some kind of spirit from the Beyond? Beats me, but the visuals were certainly interesting. Maybe it's the spirit of Papa Zamudio saying Run, Beto, Run!!!!!

The rest of the first segment is just a depressing re-hash of why nobody wants to press charges against Sotero (because of the fear of being sued for medical malpractice). And more skullduggery with Sotero and his skanky lawyer. The creep has been doing some research and has found out that little Rafa was never registered as Marina's baby, but rather is listed as the son of Prudencia Arzuaga and Luis Ocaranza. It's a bombshell! They can show that Marina hates Sotero so much she gave up custody of her son already! Wowza.


Part 2

Fernando is still at the vecindad (he's getting to be a regular) explaining yet again why a lawsuit against Sotero would be unwise. But we know that already. The one extra bit of news is that since Alberto is not yet licensed as a surgeon, he could be sued for saving Sotero's life. Should have been someone qualified! Caras impactadas de Prudencia and Marina.

Some more circling the drain: Luis is finding out all sorts of amazing and terrifying info about his bank account. Someone has been depositing enormous amounts of money into it. And his lawyer wants to know if his ranch, la Añoranza, is a screen (pantalla) for a money laundering operation. Absolutely not. Luis happily admits he's done a lot of crappy things in his life. But not that. And decides to keep la Añoranza out of the financial negotiations in the divorce, given the murky details that are coming to light. But no worries. Pru would never ask me for it. She knows I inherited it from my folks. (Actually Pru is getting the opposite advice. HER lawyer wants her to include it. This could get interesting folks!) At any rate, Luis' lawyer advises him to find out who pulled this sleazy number, because the government and the tax man will certainly want to know!


Part 3

We begin this section with a little spat between Marina and wee Ricky. She's pulling back from a lawsuit against DocMask because it might put Alberto at risk. He's all frothing at the mouth because she seems to be favoring her erstwhile husband and lover over little Rafa. Hey, it hurts to be No. 2 Ricky. We hear ya.

Meanwhile, Beto is huddled with his own erstwhile lover and fiancée hearing about her plans to re-locate to Puebla. (Don't ask me why she ditched Guadalajara. Maybe the crew couldn't arrange filming rights). She asks him to give a note to Paulino, since if she saw him again, she could never leave. All very sweet and tender, and she concludes by saying "Adios guapo."

Elsewhere in the hospital, Lucreepy is tidying up some criminal loose ends. Gotta applaud the gal's laser focus when it comes to covering her tush. She's reminding nurse Georgina (Sotero's private nurse) that it's all important to preserve her dead papa's memory. She would feel terrible if hospital gossip put him in a bad light. He wasn't negligent! He just felt a little bit bad while performing surgery. And don't tell anybody that I knew the man being operated on. Georgina promises that her lips are sealed. Dang it! Lu has covered all her bases quite nicely.

Someone whose bases are very UN-covered is Marina. Sotero is demanding full custody of Rafa and may get it. Why? Well, for one thing she hid her pregnancy and ran away from the town where they lived. And what's more, the child is not registered under her name, but under the name of Luis and Prudencia Ocaranza. More caras impactadas.


Part 4

Oh dear ones, I'd like to tell you at this point the news gets better. But it doesn't. Beto is in Fernando's office fuming that if Marina won't push a lawsuit against Sotero, he will! Fernando reminds him that the hospital lawyers won't support such a move and Beto's own reputation and livelihood could be at risk. Yes, even though you saved his life, he could blame you. You're a general practitioner. Not a surgeon. -In that case, I'm sorry I saved his life! moans Beto.

We're sorry too Guapo!

Marina leaves for the church to get the fe de bautismo [baptismal certificate] which she's sure will solve all her problems. Before she leaves, Ricardo gives her a tepid little good-bye kiss. You know the kind. Like when you've been married a gazillion years and can't muster much enthusiasm. Team Beto Team Beto!!! There's still hope.

And Vanessa waltzes in to a Call Center in Puebla to start her first day on the job. It doesn't go well. Her manager is put off right away by her Spoiled Ninny of Rich Parents appearance and manner. She's undaunted and lets him know her background of design and art history certainly qualifies her to start at a higher post than just answering calls. Well, no it doesn't. You start at the bottom. And work hours are from 8 am to 8 pm. She's to put on her "diadema" [head set] and start working RIGHT NOW! If you haven't already found an apartment here in town...too bad Missy! Well, it goes so badly that next thing she knows, she has to report in one hour early tomorrow for a special training session. So far she's batting zero! Both with the outraged customers and her manager. Yep. A real tsumani.

Things aren't going much better for Director Muñoz. He's confronting Sotero who still holds all the cards and is running his mouth in the usual snotty manner. He wants extended care and a quick fix for this wretched scar that incompetent Zamudio left on his face. Plus total reconstruction. And insists on meeting the new surgeon before he gives his approval. In the meantime, he expects privacy, good care and for no one to bother him.

Well Marina bursts in his room next and very much wants to bother him. To death! Hola Bonita, how nice of you to visit he sneers. -Stop ruining my life! she screams in reply. How dare you ask for full custody! On what grounds? He reminds her that he's fighting for the love of his life (you poor lady) and that the baptismal certificate stating Luis and Pru are Rafa's parents, is exactly what's going to give him leverage.

When it rains it pours. We were ankle deep, then knee deep. But it's getting up to our necks now. Having fun yet, Patio?


Final part (yay!)

Don Luis' lawyer is advising him to denounce Zacarias for fraud. He (the lawyer) will seek an "amparo" [protection] for Luis in the meantime. -Okay. Do it. orders Luis.
Next, the hapless Paulino arrives and makes the mistake of asking Luis how he is. IT'S A BAD DAY! But he gives Luis some vital information. Erasmo told him that Susana made numerous visits to the ranch and would spend hours in the office huddled with Zackrat. And next thing you knew, Zack announced that the avocado crop was seriously infected. Luis puts two and two together and comes up with ChoochMooch all the way. That blasted woman is insatiable. Wanted more and more! But Lino, your lips are sealed. Not a word of this!

After Lino creeps out, Luis makes a call to his old friend "el Commandante". Remember that favor you owe me? asks Luis. Well, I'm ready to collect.

Oh goody! At least we can look forward to Mooch getting a bit of a tsunami herself.

Alas, Lucreepy is still batting a thousand when it comes to getting her claws back into Beto and deep sixing any reconciliation with Marina.

Here's how it went. Beto sees Ricardo and queries "I thought you were going with Marina to the church to get the "fe de bautismo". Just then Lucrecia walks up, wraps herself around Beto, gives him a kiss, and says "Ready for dinner?"

Ricardo: Oh, are you two back together?
Lucrecia: Yes! Beto has been a wonderful support since my father's death.

Beto is peeved and wants to know why she pulled this number. And even more peeved when he finds out she intervened with Fernando to get Beto's old job back in the Emergency Department. She's taking over. And he's letting her.

Uh oh Team Beto. The water was up to our necks. But now it's up to our eyeballs.

The last scene is a doozy. Marina, who has a habit of bursting into rooms, much like her Papi Luis, barges into the home office with a serious bone to pick with Big Dad. I just got back from the church with the "fe de bautismo" and it says that You and my Mom are Rafa's parents!!!!!!

Luis has that somewhat abashed Whoopsie look on his face. And there we end.

Okay Patio. Pretend you're talking to someone at a Call Center and rant, rave and complain away. This was a totally miserable episode.

Thank you, Judy, for another stellar recap! Tsunami, indeed. Valganos Dios! And yes, another terrible horrible no good very bad episode. Yet you put the fun spin on it all; you manage to put the “fun” into dysfunction.

--- “Hope she likes playing tonsil hockey with those dentures.” Reminds me of that episode of Sex and the City where Samantha bedded a guy who was the same age as this one. Ew. LOL

I finally noticed the nice pretty light purple hospital gown Sotero is wearing. Whaaaa??? He looks like a malevolent deranged Easter egg. On top of that head wrap. Wardrobe dept is having fun.

Ricardo was wearing a white shirt! Is it a sign?

We new that baptismal certificate was going to circle back and cause trouble. Thank you Luis.(NOT!!)

QTH Beto was letting Lucreepy kiss him and I was waiting for Marina to walk in on them.

Vanessa at the call center was a real wake-up call (pun intended) for her about how the 98% live. #realityheck

--> I saw the promo today for the 2019 refrito of La Usurpadora starting next month. At night. Hmmm.... the 1998 version was good ... until it wasn't. Gah. I have to figure out what I will watch when this turkey is done.


“Okay Patio. Pretend you're talking to someone at a Call Center and rant, rave and complain away” had me laughing out loud Judy. You saved the best for last!

That said, “Hope she likes playing tonsil hockey with those dentures” was not far behind.

I so enjoyed the sparkling “fe de bautismo [baptismal certificate]”,"amparo" [protection]” and “ A real tsumani”. All were great!

Not knowing the characters, I cannot root for everyone, but I can loudly cheer that you continue to compose these wonderful recaps.

I would just like to know what you are filtering this dredge with? Whatever purification system you’re using, I sure want it 😊

Fantastic Judy!



JudyB, thank you for another excellent recap, though I imagine this one was not as much fun as some others have been to recap. Yet you managed to have some fun with it after all. ChoochMooch and the Denture Man? Absolutely made me laugh. (Chucha's new disguise, especially those eye glasses, also made me laugh.) Villainesses can definitely be fun.

Bad news for all the good people, and don Luis (who doesn't quite qualify as "good people").

Sotero was so thoroughly nasty with just about everybody that it's a wonder nobody "adjusted" his meds. And if he croaked who would be upset? Poor Ramona is the only one who might have and he did her in. Where is Ramona anyway? No sighting yet?

Just all bad news today. Poor Vane with that unpleasant boss. No Hilda, no Baldo and doña Chole smooching, no nothing! A sad day in telenovelandia. Let's hope tomorrow brings some relief.



Thanks JudyB! I missed some of the episode - basically Parts 1 and 2 of your recap. I missed seeing Chucha as a schoolteacher lol she's really hit rock bottom if she's having "dates" with random old rich guys lol

Marina may have chosen Ric but it's clear that she still cares for Beto. If she no longer did, she wouldn't be defending him the way she is now. And the fact that she didn't want Ric to accompany her to get the fe de bautismo shows that she's an independent single mother. At least she (and likely soon Beto and Pru) knowd what Luis has done concerning Rafa. Luis and Sotero are really making her life a living hell. I wonder who this "comandante" is and what does Luis want him to do?

I would've thought that Vanessa would've been a little bit more humble about her new job but I guess old habits die hard. Hopefully she changes her attitude but no surprise that she's starting at the bottom. Her rapport with Beto is always refreshing to see. I didn't know that calling your ex fiancée/now friend "guapo" is considered a term of endearment lol

Lucrecia doing all sorts of evil in this episode. I'm kinda surprised Georgina allowed herself to essentially be bought by Doc Z and Lucrecia. I bet Ric will say something to Marina about seeing Beto with Lucrecia.


TF: Where do I recognize that old man from a previous Telenovela before ?

LuCrazy still wreaking havoc ? OMG.

Judy: I thoroughly enjoyed watching Vanessa starting from the very bottom LOL.

Wait a minute, this is a TN right? And everybody in the hospital or any part of Mecxico where there is a TV set hates Insidious, right? And he is hooked up to plumbing such that peeping in on him is like opening the hood of a modern car.

Christ...why doesn't at least one of these Einsteins switch out his drip for Stricknine?

Yeah, another mystery solved too. NOW I know who I got on the phone the other day when I called the cable company about my internet. I suppose Vane didn't realize who she was talking to.

Steve, the old guy was the mean one in double life who had the chick locked away in the haunted house.


Hola Patio. This was a real bummer of an episode, but we'll get through the next week together, right? Onwards.

Doris--Oh dear, You're right. Ricardo has switched to white shirts. Is this a good sign or a bad sign? I'm trying hard to care but I'm at that end point in a telenovela where I'm just tired of these people and their endless drama. Get on with it! The Usurpadora looks interesting. And there's always Rollo with those ripped abs. Hmmmm. Well, it's all about the Spanish.

Diana...I had to look long and hard for something to laugh about in this one. But that fella's set of teeth just did NOT look natural. Kept thinking of him taking them out and putting them in a glass before jumping Susana's bones. Ay yi yi!

Andy...Yes, where is some disgruntled hospital employee with anger management problems?-- who would find a way to shut annoying Sotero up permanently. Alas, this incidents do sometimes happen in nursing homes. But Sotero is a savvy doctor and also looks very strong. So might be harder to eliminate him. Beto hasn't been very successful, even with some choking and yelling.

TF...I too was surprised at Vanessa's hissy fits in the Call Center. It's like she instantly reverted back to the Vanessa of the beginning who was a Class A Snot. Guess old habits die hard. Beware Paulino. Beware!

Steve...I'm happy Kirby recognized the actor. I've seen him before but couldn't think where. And I didn't watch Doble Vida. But I think he might also be in Juntos. The one that Jarifa is recapping.

Kirby...Like your avatar and I too have spoken to strange folks at Call Centers. But they sure weren't Vanessa. Usually someone named "Bill" with an Indian accent. Has to be a tough job. And 12 hours straight? Death March. Years ago, we had a guy recapper, who married a lovely Mexican he met when she worked at a bank in Mexico City. They were not even allowed a lunch break. Working conditions in that country are very tough.

One More Thing:

Tomorrow the recap will be later than usual. I have a commitment in the afternoon and won't get to see episode nor recap it until evening.

You are a trooper JudyB. Thank you from the patio!
Had to laugh at Luis. Now he remembers Hortensia’s name!
Also had a laugh at his telling his attorney to leave the ranch off the list in the divorce. I’m sure Pru wouldn’t notice a great big ranch was missing. One where she lived and even delivered her child!

Novela favorite trope of parallel convos. This time regarding custody of Rafa

I am accustomed to seeing the actor playing sotero’s attorney in good guy or neutral roles. He did have an evil smirk when talking about gaining custody of Rafa for Doc Mask
Well the verify robot is not so smart. I just had to click an RV as a bus


Good morning Mely. Yep, now Luis remembers Hortensia's name. After all these years! Too late muchacho, too late. Still, I absolutely love the way the actor is playing this role. Puts lots of humor into the old reprobate and his antics.

In matters of divorce, though, at least in the US, something that was left specifically to an offspring is not community property and does not have to be shared. So theoretically, if it's the same in Mexico, Luis does not have to include la Añoranza in the settlement. But evidently Pru's lawyer is going to try and get her a slice of THAT pie as well.

And I applaud your patience in dealing with the Verify paraphernalia. When I first got a Google ID I was sure it was some dangerous procedure and I had a lot of trepidation. But so far the sky hasn't fallen in. And I wouldn't have the patience to jump through all those hoops just to inject my opinion.

Well, who knows what horrors await us? It's going to be rough probably until the last 10 minutes of this, if tradition holds. So keep your seat belts fastened!


Pru has definitely earned the ranch because she has put up with Luis all those decades of marriage.

I looked ahead on the cable tv schedule and Wednesday is our final episode. Next week should be a doozy.


Good to know Doris, because, in addition to these recaps, I'm helping Diana with the Reina recaps while Rgv Chick is busy with Oreo and her very serious health problems. One more week, one more week! And then Happily Ever After!

Wow JudyB, this stinks. Bad. Talk about tsunamis. How about tsunaminado!
All this proves is that the end is near, and the good times will be Rollin Rollin Rollin in hiiiiigh. And I will finish later, gotta get back to work. But oh do I got some rantin to do. Later.


JudyB, you are one busy lady. :-)

I am very much going to miss this TN, it is certainly one of my favorites, perhaps the most favorite.



I hope Oreo is doing better, or will soon. How could anyone not love a black and white goat named Oreo?



Thursday's episode and It's my turn to say RATS!. No Univision signal. Argh! The screen claims Technical Difficulties. RATS! Hopefully it's not another channel ATT UVerse is blocking due to contract disputes. 😜

So, I'm looking forward to the recap later this evening.


Doris, you have my sympathy. Sometimes I think that local Univision stations must hire tech school dropouts to do station maintenance. At one point my local station went off the air about 1:30 AM, unscheduled, for a couple of weeks. I was recording the 1 or 2 AM show. Another time it transmitted the wrong time signal for a few weeks (this can cause some DVRs to record the wrong programs). I confirmed with friends to make sure that it wasn't a problem here at chez Andy.


Hmmm... I guess my preceding comment was OT rather than Mirada.





Part 1

Sorry. Numbering is off again. But that's not all that's wrong. In fact everything that could go wrong with our characters this evening has. The judge seems hellbent on giving custody to Sotero. Luis's sins are catching up with him and the only person remaining by his side is his lawyer. He may be arrested for falsifying wee Rafa's birth registration. Anita is still pulling the pregnancy wool over Paulino's eyes and Ricardo is back to sulking, pouting and wearing his stupid pink shirts again. In short, another bummer of an episode, Patio!

We begin with a rip-roaring confrontation between Marina and Luis. He's justifying the registration switch saying he did it to save his grandson. "No!", she counters "all you do is lie and betray. And now Sotero may get custody of Rafa."

Over my dead body!

It all began when you carted me off to be abused by my rapist!

I'll spend the rest of my life asking your forgiveness.

I'll never forgive you! Never!

Gosh. That went well. Nothing much else does either. Ricardo huddles with the lawyer who gives him the bad news. Everything seems to show that Marina tried to hide the baby's existence from its rightful father and that won't sit well with the judge. So then Ricardo asks about the psychological evaluation to be done on Sotero. That's still pending.

Once wee Ricky gets back to the hospital, Doña Enriqueta sweeps in to scold him for letting this happen and "why doesn't he register the baby under HIS name?" Wee Ricky tells her that would just complicate things. (But certainly gives us some more insight into our good doctor. He's used to the women in his life calling the shots. He and Marina will do just fine I guess.) RATS!

Luis decided to visit the vecindad and he and Toribio are swatting at each other. Prudencia gets into the act and wallops Luis a good one. Marina would like to get in a few blows too, but Angustias is holding her back. Family Life! It's the best, no?

Anyway, Luis wants to talk to Pru alone. Not to her lawyer. To her. He persuades her to go outside because "hay muchos pichones en la milpa" [there are a lot of pigeons in the cornfield] A good description of vecindad life!

Indeed, it seems like everyone is converging on the place. Alberto has come to pass along Vanessa's note to Paulino. It's the usual "I can't forget the fragrance of your skin, the taste of your lips...but I must. Be happy with Anita and your child. I will always love you." Naturally, with a note like that, our boy is on fire and ready to run to her arms. But where the heck is she!?

Well, we see where she is. A lonely, rock-bottom room with a crappy bedspread. She sadly regards the phone message he leaves her. And then deletes him from her cellphone and her life. (Hold on Team Vanessa. I think things could change. But for now...)

The talk outside is all about the murky details of trying to escape the fallout from the money laundering at la Añoranza. Luis proposes putting everything in Prudencia's name. Otherwise, they might lose everything. And that's his condition for granting her a divorce. She's not sure and wants to consult her lawyer before agreeing to anything.

While Beto is in Yola and Paulino's room, he learns about how Luis has compromised Marina's custody case by registering the baby as his and Prudencia's son. And tears out of the place to barrel into his dad and accuse him of his sins.

Just another day in the bosom of the nuclear family. What can I say?


Part 2

Beto is still fuming. "Now the court will doubt Marina's word! Don't ever come here again!" And the whole Amoeba Clan, plus a few strays, comes out to glare at don Luis. All they need are a few pitchforks to complete the picture.

Don Luis is bloody but unbowed. "Everything in Life has a price, and I will pay. But listen, Tribe, my intention was never to hurt my daughter."

Guess that didn't stem the tide of disapproval. Paulino strides up to state that rather than waiting 'till the end of the month, he's quitting right now! And when Margarito comes up beside him, Luis expects old Marg to be on his side. After all, I paid for that surgery on your paws [patas]. Marg informs him that he's proud of Lino for quitting. And he's quitting too. His family has served the Ocaranzas with loyalty and devotion ever since the time of Luis' grandfather. But no more!

Luis turns tail and strides off, muttering "se pierde más en la guerra [fig. no big deal]

Back in Marina's room, Beto has calmed down and is playing with Baby Rafa. Who is darned cute these days and vocalizing like mad. He apologizes for losing his temper and tells Marina he's going to change his last name. After what Luis did to his mom, he no longer wants to be an Ocaranza.

I'd say don Luis' Friendship Circle is rapidly shrinking. Wonder if the hard-working Jacinta will still be there when he returns home.


Part 3

Sleazy lawyer is visiting sleazy Doc Sotero in the hospital and explaining how the registration of Marina's baby under her parents' names will cast her in a bad light with the judge. And favor Sotero's custody case. Evil chuckles and "You sure are earning your money, licenciado!" "Yes, indeed, continues the lawyer, "the judge will no doubt take offense when he learns of the attempt to mislead not just you, but him, and will rule in your favor."

Great. Just great. Waiter! a double scotch on the rocks!


The cozy Beto, Rafa, Marina scene is interrupted by ominous knocking. Marina looks frightened. Sure enough, it's Ricardo and his mama and they are not happy to find Bachelor No. 1 in Marina's room.

"How convenient Alberto, that your mother gives you an excuse to hang around here! sneers Ricardo.

Alberto wisely takes his leave.

"Don't be that way, Ricardo," pleads Marina. "Understand me! Beto is just here to see his mom and the baby."

Damiana and Doña Enriqueta exchange worried looks. Evidently both are fretting that the marriage plans may blow up. (Hey gals, Team Beto would like that very much! Just sayin')

Let's leave this uncomfortable scene for yet another one. Back at the Big House, Luis is huddled with el Commandante (who's retired) and showing him a picture of Susana "the cheap broad who inveigled my foreman into fraud and money laundering." The commandante promises to look under every rock until he finds ChoochMooch. Should he get the local police involved? No. Luis wants to handle Chooch all on his own. I like the sound of that.

How are things going in Puebla? Well Vanessa missed her early 7 am report time for extra training, so the manager tells her she'll have to skip lunch hour in order to do it. Poor baby.

And speaking of babies, Paulino wants to take Anita to the ob/gyn to see how THEIR baby is coming along. After all, there are probably things she needs to eat. And not eat. And pre-natal vitamins. And ultrasounds. And guess what, there's even an ob.gyn office just around the corner! Let's go now!

Anita smiles mysteriously and stalls. How will she get out of this one, Patio?


Part 4

Marina and Prudencia are discussing the murky details of Luis' proposed financial arrangements for the divorce. The latter is still musing that she needs to consult with her lawyer before making any decision. Smart cookie.

And Smart Cookie Anita is successfully throwing Paulino off the chase. Well, no worries, she says smoothly to his concerns. I've been checking out what I should do on the internet. And the baby is so small yet. Just a little seed [semilla]. He wouldn't show up on an ultrasound.

Earth to Lino! Check this out dude. Something is fishy here.

Now our hapless crew is at the judge's chambers in Family Court. It's not going well. Marina is yelling about Sotero and his evil plans, and the judge is admonishing her to watch her tone of voice. Don Luis then strides in and takes full blame for the falsification of the birth registry. That doesn't help the case and within a few miserable minutes the pissy judge is not only threatening Luis with legal action but even raising the possibility of sending Marina to jail for fraud and acting in bad faith.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Sotero is enjoying his moment of expected victory with an outraged Alberto. "Hey, thank your Dad, Beto, for falsifying those documents. It's really helping my case."

-But Marina is innocent!

You don't need to convince me. Convince the judge. Chuckle chuckle.

Well, you have to admit, Sotero has a point.


Part 5 (but who knows if it's the last!)

Vanessa has evidently hit her stride at the Call Center. We hear her deftly handling a call, giving clear instructions, resolving the matter and thanking the caller graciously, while promising to be of further help if needed. Grumpy manager notices.

Meanwhile Marina is hysterical about the possibility of losing her son to Sotero. Ricardo is trying to comfort her and tell her he won't let that happen. But it doesn't look good. RATS!

Yola and Dr. Muñoz are having a chat about Erick's health. Now that he's in love, he's working day and night--literally--and Papa is afraid he's going to become ill. Yola has a solution for how he might help without offending his proud offspring. But she'll tell him next time.

Luis and Pru are haggling about the divorce/financial proceedings after the debacle of Family Court. He's enraged that she talked about it to Ricardo's lawyer and fears the news of his money laundering accusation will become common gossip.

Lino is writing a song.

Luis is meeting now with Ricardo/Prudencia's lawyer and still going over the details on how he plans to protect his money and property from the state. He's not about to hand over all his goods to Pru without a guarantee that she'll return HIS money afterwards. Otherwise "he's paying for a divorce he doesn't even want." Lawyer says no deal.

Beto's dark, depressing apartment:

Lucrecia is hanging around eating take-out sushi and lobbying for a sleepover. She can't face her own house and is planning to put it up for sale. Beto pleads a need to study--ALONE--but finally agrees to let her stay over. Sotero calls and she pretends it's a troubled patient. She'll talk to him tomorrow.

Marina is getting her blood tested to prove her DNA matches the baby.

Luis signs some papers and the lawyer shows them to Pru.

Beto meets with his mom the next day and when she queries him about a possible renewal of romance with Lucreepy, he assures her he'll never fall in love again. He's a one woman man.

Ricardo shows up in his pink shirt and bad attitude and flounces around in a snit because Alberto is in the vecindad again. Beto leaves.

Margarito arrives home, all smiles, with a new job at a horse-riding stable nearby. And the pay is great! Wants to whisk the gloomy Damiana away for "a day in the country".

Lucreepy and Sotero are celebrating his incipient custody of baby and her incipient custody of Alberto.

Day in the country arrives, with tablecloth, flowers and food provided by Erick. Margarito proposes. Damiana looks sour and annoyed. Gawd, what a catch! NOT.

Chole dashes down the stairs, jumps on Baldomero and gives him a passionate kiss. (Baldo you escaped a fate worse than death. Toolbelt is the lady for you.)

Luis and his lawyer are meeting with magistrate to discuss the baby registration fraud. Magistrate informs Luis that....

He's under arrest!

Oh my. Your turn Patio. I've got another job to do.



“Just another day in the bosom of the nuclear family. What can I say?” – yet another reason to why I love your recaps Judy.

"se pierde más en la guerra [fig. no big deal]” was wonderful of course as well. “Wee Ricky”, “bloody but unbowed, “Gawd, what a catch! NOT” and “Ricardo shows up in his pink shirt and bad attitude and flounces around in a snit” were other favorites.

Again, I marvel at your patience, tenacity and your uncanny ability to infuse light and laughter into the darkest places.

Oops, 3 minutes to Reina. We're up!

Gracias amiga!



Great work, JudyB! I actually liked this episode a little better than recent ones.

I was thinking after watching this episode, has Ric ever been shown being affectionate with Rafa? If he really ends up being Marina’s husband that also makes him Rafa’s stepfather. I don’t recall ever seeing him holding Rafa etc. Marina obviously has no problem letting Beto be close to Rafa. And Beto knows that he feels a connection to Rafa despite the DNA switch. I kinda liked how, I believe, the second time Beto was in the vecindad visiting Rafa that when he was going to leave he was about to hand Rafa to Pru but Pru told him to give Rafa to Marina...and all this unfolded in front of Ric.

I actually thought that Lucrecia seemed uninterested in the scene near the end of the episode when Sotero was telling her all about the legal situation. She was still adamant about wanting to keep Beto away from Marina but she seemed emotionless. I guess while her fathers death benefits her in a way, he was still her father and she’s affected by that.

I don’t think what Vanessa is doing will make her forget Lino. It was about time Lino inquired about how Anita is taking care of herself during her “pregnancy”. I’m surprised she weaseled her way out of that.

Seeing Luis get arrested is satisfying. Hopefully Chucha and Zack will be caught soon. Glad Lino told Pru about Chucha’s involvement in the fraud.


Thank you for your recap, Judy! And great snark, too.

I have a friend who has a dish towel (available on that says:
Family drama ..... the gift that keeps on giving.

The recap reminded me of that dish towel.

Hopefully Looneyvision will work out their technical difficulties and broadcast tomorrow.


I enjoyed Sin tu Mirada when I was watching it. But I can't manage to watch two of them in an evening, so I jumped ship when La Reina del Sur 2 started on Telemundo.

I have glanced at some of the excellent recaps. Just a couple of questions.

Marina had a baby. Is the child's name Rafael? I've read that name in a recap.

There are mentions of Isauro, the evil doctor, somehow claiming to be the child's father. Did he have sex with Marina? If

And is Marina's child Beto's?

Sorry. This is sort of like my father's irritation when my mother would come into the room and ask for what happened on TV before she got there. And, this was way before you could pause TV's and answer without missing the next 5 minutes to give that explanation.


Diana, thanks. You always make me feel like writing these recaps is worth the effort. You highlight the hopefully witty remarks and appreciate the translations. Very grateful amiga.

TF Glad you enjoyed the recap and the episode. Certainly don Luis is beginning to reap the whirlwind of all his years of bad treatment of others. As for Ricardo, I think you're right. He's so busy laying claim to Marina that he hasn't focused on Rafa at all. On the other hand, there's a lot of competition in the vecindad for holding that baby. He wouldn't stand a chance....

Doris...Thanks. Love your dish towel story. We've got a lot of family drama going on right now. Worthy of a telenovela. Lot easier when it's just happening on screen. Hopefully, if your local station fixes their broadcast, you can record the 2 am episode which is the same as the one shown at 3 pm. Always fun seeing Luis get walloped by Prudencia.

Novelera...Sorry you jumped ship. We would have loved your participation on the Patio. Yes, the baby's name.
No, Sotero did not have sex with Marina. But once the DNA fake results showed up, she assumed that he did while she was unconscious. Even though doctor examining her found no evidence of rape. Sotero was unable to perform. But she doesn't know that.
And yes, the child is actually Beto's. But he doesn't know that.
It's a hot mess!

Andy, I don't have any more news on Oreo. But since Rgv Chick isn't commenting, I know things must still be pretty grim. It's so terrible to see our animals suffer and not be able to help. So we need to keep sending good thoughts, if only to keep Rgv Chick's spirits up. And hopefully Oreo's as well.

Thank you JudyB. As long as you soldier ahead, I am with you. This was grim and I felt like I was plowing the same ground over and over and over.
How many times do we need to see Marina yell at Luis? Although they really show the family resemblance when they do. I did not enjoy the vecinidad taking turns yelling at Luis. I felt like I had stumbled on a communist re-education camp

Did have to laugh at Luis insisting he wasn’t ranting at Pru, only chatting

Margo seemed to have recovered completely from his surgeries as he charged at Luis to take his turn in the re-education barrel

No fun today. Hopefully some rays of sunshine tomorrow



JudyB, thank you for another excellent recap, especially as the episode was yet another downer. I know you were hoping for a little distraction with your recapping, let's hope you don't end up on antidepressants. :-p

"Hold on Team Vanessa. I think things could change." Oh, yeah, I'm sure I'm not the only one hoping so. I feel for poor Anita, but she's gotta go.
Vanesa is doing a great job and impressing her boss with her people skills, much like she impressed Luis with her computer skills. All this talent has been wasted for so long.

I was happy to see Lino and Margarito both stand up to Luis. It is true that Luis paid Margo's hospital bills, but he had also treated him pretty badly after long years of service. Actually I find it a bit depressing to see hard working people brought low by medical issues in these TNs... or in real life. But in Mexican TNs employment often seems like serfdom with employees dependent on the "generosity" of the boss.

I just knew that Ricky's shirt would get some attention. Was it really pink? It looked like a darker reddish color on my screen. Either way, Judy, stop picking on the poor guy. "flounces around in a snit" Oh, please, this is just rank Beto favoritism. Beto should just go ahead and mate with the Spider Queen and take his chances. I was recently reading about some species of spiders where the kinky males tie up the female before mating and then usually manage to survive the deed. Beto could try that.

Damiana with makeup and lip stick! Wow! (But it didn't help much, if at all.)

Sra Toolbelt must have taken lessons from Vanesa, she all but swallowed Baldo. I'm looking forward to seeing a smile on Baldo's face now and not his usual half-smile.



sin tu mirada

Thanks so much, JudyB. Wow, the classic! Usually it's the drugged galán who thinks he's had sex with the villain woman and accepts responsibility for a pregnancy he had nothing to do with. So this is the reverse!

, t
Judy - well RATS! It was an early night so I did not see your post about the early a.m. rerun. Ah, well, it is what it is. No doubt today's episode will be more of the same. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Marina has a LOT of reasons to keep yelling at Luis, the birth certificate being her latest fuel added to the fire.


Judy: LuCrazy & Creepy Doc still winning ? When is their reign of terror ending ?

Doris: Anita needs her anvil soon. It's obvious she's faking the pregnancy in order to keep her clingy hands on Lino.

Always enjoy "hearing" your feedback Patio. Our virtual family room is never without opinions!

Mely...Angry vecindad mob looking like a Communist re-education camp. Yes, that was a sobering scene. Mob psychology is never pretty. Even if Luis deserved the anger. And you're quite right that we see a family resemblance in the way Marina yells at her Dad. They clearly bring out the worst in each other. Just a "chat" really. A mere difference of opinion. Hah!

Andy, Andy, Andy...Have you been reading your dog-eared copy of Sex Lives of Spiders again? I warned you son. Although I did find your arachnid romance information very interesting. Even if it's completely made up. Now I'll have that old phrase "tie me up, tie me down" going through my head all day. Loved your description of that exuberant Toolbelt kiss though. Yes, Baldo may be really smiling from now on. Or depleted and totally exhausted. Could go either way.

Doris...So sorry you didn't get my note in time. Our DVR automatically records both the 3 pm and 2 am times, so it's never a problem for me. However, as Mely noted, it wasn't that cheery of an episode. Hopefully today's has a few bright spots. But who knows?

Novelera...Very interesting switch on the "did he or didn't he" trope of telenovelas. Have to give the writers credit for a new take on things. Alas, the switched DNA samples have muddied the waters further. We'll just have to keep gnashing our teeth until the bitter end, I suspect.

Steve...Good question. When is their "reign of terror" ending. Well, definitely by next Wednesday which is the final episode. So hang in there.

MIRADA and/or OT

Judy, Judy, Judy! "I did find your arachnid romance information very interesting. Even if it's completely made up."

Not in the least, muchacha. It was an interesting article I stumbled across but can no longer find. I did, or so I thought, make up the "kinky" part as the males were just attempting to survive the mating. I just now did a search, and no less than National Geographic calls them "kinky" too!

for a cool video. They also claim that up to 30 species of spiders practice "bondage" (their word). Who knew Nat Geographic had a sense of humor?

A quick search will yield lots of articles.

Beto should pay attention. Perhaps buy a four poster bed and some silk rope. Just sayin'



Andy...Thank you for making me laugh...because I have some sad news. Oreo struggled but eventually the fight and the life went out of her eyes, and Rgv Chick knew that she had to be put down. Those of you with beloved animals know what a wrenching decision this is. And a second goat, Jackie, also stopped eating and then died during the night.

Even though I didn't know these two little creatures, my heart just aches knowing they are gone. So how much deeper must go the hurt to our incredible blog mom. I know you care and I know you grieve as well.

Keep on sending good thoughts because those are always needed, in good times or in bad. She will be back writing recaps for Reina next week.

Ok this was a true rant episode.Thanks

Now we know fer sher that lousey is an ass. He thought he was getting away with stealing his daughters child, he just fixed it so they a would loose the sweetest smartest person in the show. Jackass that he is. What goes around comes around. Now he's about to loose his money to the one he flaunted
It in front of. Pru gets her money and
His. Ain't Carma a bitch? when she's
Suppose to be. Hah! Just like he about to get his anvil, Ol wrinkle face and
Creepy lulu is about to get theirs to.

Ricardo is startin to annoy me. And you Know why? Cuz he knows Marina is still in love with the sexy nose guy himself.
Damiana is startin to annoy me too. I
Don't like her attitude towards baldo
And the toolbelt lady.I like the tool
Belt Lady. She really turns baldo on.
They will probly have a very active sex life, damiana will probly give Margo the look when she don't want to be bothered. Ya know....the look }:|
Well, they wanted each other, maybe she wasn't always that way. They're
Happy together.

Baldo is gonna be a very very happy satisfied graveyard keeper. Good for him.
Yeah soon there will be joy all Around
For the good guy team. Ok then, I will
Read today's recap later.

One More thing, so glad louy is gonna
Get a hold of the moocher.

Thank you


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