Monday, September 16, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Y Mañana Será Otro Día…Mejor y Mas - Week of Sept. 16, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 for the week! Currently, recaplets are being provided for “Y Mañana Será Otro Dí” by some very kind and generous recappers. Join us at our nice patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thought s. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         3 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 8-10

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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I can do a mini recap of the Wednesday episode this week.

Great. So happy you will do that Doris. Thank you.

Lookin forward to it ladies!

9/16 Epi #8, Part 1 of 3 – Everybody Knows It’s Cancer, Now What? (Subtitle: Another Orange Day in the Neighborhood)

First things first—1) Coffee Boy is named Luis and 2) Pablo is the cute guy, head of focus groups. Then comes 1) It’s another downer episode; I’m not sure how much more of this I can take and 2) Nico stole the show in this episode.

Poor Camilo, he’s dancing cheek to cheek with the love of his life and she is whispering non-sweet somethings in his ear. The kids applaud. Cam flees the scene.

Dinner at Grammy’s is almost ruined by Laura mentioning Diana and the “Big C” word in front of Regina. Eugenia changes the subject. Her family then begs her to please ask Chabela to forgive her and end this stand-off so things can get back to the way they used to be. Eugie thinks Chabela owes her an apology. As far as Chabela is concerned, nothing doing. Eugie finally gives in, but it doesn’t sound too sincere. Chabela accepts whatever and at least it lifts the gloom from the dinner table.

Diana finds Camilo sitting on the floor of their bedroom, crying. She says she’s going to die and needs a hug. He enfolds her in his arms and comforts her.

Manuel and Margarita worry that this baby-adoption thing isn’t going to work out. Manny has an idea he shares with Maggie, but not with the Patio—we have to wait. A montage follows of everybody sleeping [so some singer can sing a mournful tune]. Cam, though, isn’t sleeping. He’s researching breast cancer, treatments, piling up statistics and cure rates. He’s exhausted by next morning. He has Monica cancel all his appointments; he gets Barbie to take the kids to school, and goes to get Di to come and look at his postings. She melts into his arms, they kiss, she tells him how much she loves him and she’s very afraid.

Mauricio learns from Coffee Boy/Luis that Rafael is a straight arrow, nothing odd or sinister in his past—although he has a lot of female admirers. His mother, on the other hand...she’s a knock-out, gorgeous, dame. Mau scrutinizes the images on the screen and privately agrees.

Manuel is carrying out his part of the plan to ensure they get the baby. It has something to do with their savings and investments. All the bank officers he sees ask him if he’s sure about this. He says yes, collecting documents along the way. He leaves all smiles.

Monica worries about Cam. She tries to get in touch with Diana, but she and Cam are [finally] talking to Dr. Juan, so she doesn’t answer. Cam gets ahead of himself and delivers a short PSA on what he discovered last night. Dr. J says he can’t give a prognosis until all the tests are in, especially since Di hasn’t had a mammogram in years. He gives them a list of tests. After they leave, Cam says no one dies of cancer anymore [wishful thinking on his part]. He does think they should get a 2d or 3d opinion. Di believes no one will say any different. He states they could even go to the U.S. where he says the survivorship is 70%. Then he looks at her tenderly and says she’s not alone in this. Then he’s off to the office and she goes home.

9/16 Epi #8, Part 2 of 3 – Everybody Knows It’s Cancer, Now What?

Eugenia hands over an envelope full of cash to Laura. She says that’s all there is, so she’d better make it last until she finds a job. She chides Laura for not keeping track of what Patricio was doing with their money. Laura says she trusted him—just like Eugie did with their father. Eugie says she absolutely trusted her husband, but she kept a very close eye on all their finances. [Now, there’s a PSA lesson for all of us to follow.]

Laura and Paloma show up at the office to see Camilo. Rafa greets them. Monica tries to be helpful, but Laura puts her down—she wasn’t speaking to her, she was in conversation with Rafa. Rafa turns and looks at Moni with a what’s up look on his face and Moni backs away. When Laura does need Moni, to point Paloma to s copier, Moni, with her snark barely hidden, says, after Laura calls her Linda (or linda) several times, “Oh, NOW you are speaking to me?”

Monica introduces Paloma to Pablo, head of focus groups. He’s instantly enchanted. [It was probably that saxophone playing in the background that let us know he’s fallen hard for her.] To keep her around a bit longer, he invites her to participate in a cosmetic focus group. They are trying out a new lipstick. Two who speak up hate it. Paloma loves it and tries it out lightly on Pablo’s lips—to his surprise. At first she indicates she’d use it but when she sees it was tested on animals, that’s a deal breaker.

Rafa has invited Laura to a party for one of his neighbors. He takes her to Cam & Di’s house first, on his moto. She tells him to go slowly, she’s not accustomed to motos. Ha! She gets accustomed faster than Monica did.

Diana finally gets in touch with Monica. Moni is ready to tell Di her decision on the plan for her to replace Di “later.” Di speaks first. She’s told Cam. He didn’t take it well and asks Moni to take care of him and now she’s going to tell the kids (minus Nico). Nico went to a piñata party and asks a pregnant lady if she’s going to give away her baby, like his sister is going to do. The lady decides he and his family are too liberal for them to associate with her family.

Mau comes in while Pablo and Paloma are discussing her payment and attending another focus group. He probably heard the sax as well and stops to admire Paloma.

9/16 Epi #8, Part 2 of 3 – Everybody Knows It’s Cancer, Now What?

Laura is with Diana as she prepares her children for the news. She takes so long they get obstreperous, then concerned. She breaks down and finally comes out with it. She has breast cancer. They have the proper reactions to the news. Barbie cries. Cris asks if she’s going to die. Regie declares there are many types of cancers, which is hers? [I guess she wasn’t listening earlier.] Di says it’s only a little tumor and Dr. J will operate, then everything will be ok. Cris can’t stand it anymore and leaves to get some air. He runs into Paloma outside and makes her come with him. Regie finally catches the import of the news and cries. Barbie is just numb. After Laura and Di leave the room, the two sisters argue. Regie is convinced their mother will die, perhaps even before the wedding. Barbie is convinced she’ll beat the odds.

Nico gets back from the party and Regie, against Barbie’s advice takes him away to give him the blunt version of his mother’s diagnosis. He appears in Di’s bedroom very sad and she tells him a story with puppets about caterpillars and butterflies. Everyone, she says, starts out as caterpillars, but then it comes time to turn into a butterfly with wings. That’s how it will be. She will come back as a beautiful butterfly and a little bit of her will be in every butterfly he sees. He’s comforted with a hug, because it’s his mother telling him this, but I bet he’s a bit skeptical. We’ll see.

This tender moment is interrupted by Barbie who says she’s needed downstairs. It’s Maggie, delivering some bakery specialty. The meeting is awkward. Di manages to tell her she’s a very nice person and she’s sure she and Manuel will find a baby, but it’s not going to be her grandson.

Cam arrives at the office, but he’s very distracted. Moni tells him she knows about Diana. She brings him hot chocolate instead of coffee. Moni hovers and soothes. Manuel, meanwhile, arrives at MediaLink, clutching a portfolio, asking for Camilo. Nora lifts the phone to see if Cam is available. A tearful Cam sitting at his desk, turns and takes solace in a comforting hug from Monica, who is standing next to him. Then...wait for it...Rafa opens the door and surprise what does he see? Monica and Camilo breaking apart with G-U-I-L-T-Y written across their foreheads. [Who let him in, anyway? Shouldn’t it have been Manuel?]

Tomorrow—Must see TV.


Thanks so much Anita. Whoa...another episode in which there was very little humor. I assume we're supposed to find Chabela's routine with Eugenia amusing but I don't. And the rest, ugh. Well, and who needs saxophone music when you've got the guy staring at Paloma's tush in those itty bitty hot pants? The girl seems to be exuding heat no matter where she goes.

I really loved your subtitle, Another Orange Day in the Neighborhood. Diana definitely has her turquoise/blue and Screaming Orange going on big-time. Must mean something but I'm baffled.

The butterfly story reminded me of the Bernie Siegel tapes on cancer. Butterflies seemed to be some of the ways loved ones reappeared to those who mourned them. Anyway, hopefully it was a way of reassuring her little guy after that rather brutal sharing from Regina.

Well, so far it's not a madcap comedy. Just a madcap color palette. But we shall see. Thanks so much for keeping the conversation going and the Patio engaged, amiga mia.


Anita, I love your straightforward title.

Well written as always and with your wry insight fully in evidence.

I'm struggling with the premise and wasn't sure if my feelings would be intensified if I actually were watching.

"She melts into his arms, they kiss, she tells him how much she loves him and she’s very afraid" answered my question. Powerfully.

"Everyone, she says, starts out as caterpillars, but then it comes time to turn into a butterfly with wings. That’s how it will be. She will come back as a beautiful butterfly and a little bit of her will be in every butterfly he sees". Bitter medicine for a child to swallow, however well intended.

There were rays of sunshine strewn throughout including "Moni, with her snark barely hidden" and "obstreperous" (simply because it's a great word).

"At first she indicates she’d use it but when she sees it was tested on animals, that’s a deal breaker". As if there (likely) weren't enough PSAs here already, I was glad to see this. Animal testing must be eradicated. Period.

Well all this and the possibility of a baby going up for adoption. I'm rather speechless.

"Then he looks at her tenderly and says she’s not alone in this". A small positive.

I'm not sure about this show but your recap was terrific Anita. Thank you...



Thank you for your recap, Anita.

I was working on a sewing project while watching, so missed a lot of the nuances...but not Rafa walking in on the Cam/Monica hug. Yikes! Major plot propeller.

I think today was the first t time we saw Diana cry over her diagnosis and begin a grief process. Then it struck me that perhaps she procrastinated telling Camilo because once she did, it would be REAL and she would have to confront it. Just a theory.


Amorcito Corazon has been cancelled. They will air only PESE on Galavision.


Thanks for the recap Anita.

IT WAS KINDA sad kind funny. Maybe. How do you laugh in the face of that
Horrid disease. I'm sorry but they need to change this plot. I don't like
It. But I will not be a Debbydowner.

Looks like rafa might like monica, but
He may think they(Cam and moni) look good together. I hope he dont think his dad is cheating. I suppose it has potential to be funny I just don't see it with One of the characters being cancer.

One of the daughters is worried that
Her wedding won't go over well because
Of the announcement mom just made bout
The big C elephant in the room.
Cam is so sweet but he's in denial.She
Isn't anymore. Now it's on. Maybe they
Will surprise us, and make her cancer
Free. And then when cam finds out what
She had in mind for him, there will be
A funny moment when she says, OOPS!
That would be the last episode.

That was sweet what she told the little one. I Wonder if he bought it.
When he gets old enough to understand
About butterflys he's gonna know "that
Ain't momma", but he'll understand what She was tryin to do.
Ok good recap.
The episode.......well done.

Thanks Anita you made it bearable.
Everybody knows it's cancer, now what!


I am hoping Viewerville will get the whole Bobby Ewing thing where Diana wakes up and it was all a bad dream.


Hey Patio, our bland boring Doc Bazán from Sin Tu Mirada is anything but! in la Usurpadora (9 pm) Our little weeny guy actually has muscles and is very hawt in his love scenes with the first lady. I take back everything snarky thing I said about our little RickyTickyTin. Guess that's why Marina had that luminous smile a few years later as she garnered her surgeon's diploma. Our boy's got game.

JudyB--You had almost the same reaction to mine, surprise! Except I could only see Dr. Ricky in those love scenes, with his wild hair and mama ready to knock on the door (tee hee).

Doris--It was also like the ending of the Bob Newhart Show.


Anita, thank you for your stellar recap!

Barbi's concern about her mother not being at her wedding didn't surprise me, but why are these people so pessimistic. My first instinct when I find out bad news about someone is to give as much hope and support as possible, These people are just making things worse for Diana; and it was not Regina's place to tell little Nico about his mother...that was very cold of Regina (IMO). Camilo, though in denial, is at least trying to look for alternatives.

Doris, "Then it struck me that perhaps she (Diana) procrastinated telling Camilo because once she did, it would be REAL and she would have to confront it." Very insightful and good theory!



Anita, thank you for your excellent recap.

Poor Monica, she has decided that her promise to Diana was ill-considered and hopeless, but now everything conspires to keep her from telling Diana and putting in a little distance between herself and Camilo, the ex-ex-smoker.

I am enjoying Paloma, it looks like she is opening the Mexican branch of her fan club.

I'm looking forward to today's episode.


Andy--thanks for mentioning the not-so-ex-smoker. Here I thought Monica had taken all his stash. I'm glad he's trying. It is so much better to see someone fighting an addiction, than having a drink in his/her hand at every twist or turn of their day.

Paloma was created just for you (and Kirby--if we only knew where he was right now). Dr. Carlos would have enjoyed her, too. She's not completely bad, but she does have a wild streak in her than annoys her grandmother and entices flirtateous men.

Anita - Yes. Newhart - that was a great series finale. I miss Larry, Darryl and Darryl.


1. Suspicious hug twixt Monica and Camilo clarified. He tells Rafa about Diana's cancer.
2. Evidently Camilo and Pablo did a poor job on their "informe" and Camilo has a hissy fit. Rafa promises to fix it. Mauricio overhears and is not happy.
3. Barbi calls Mauricio in tears, begs him to see her. He refuses. Says he's too busy working. Then sets up a rendezvous with Perpetually in Heat Paloma.
4. Paloma is giving some New Age counsel to Cristobal, talking about how a friend of her mom's cured her cancer by aligning her chakras. And advises asking the Universe for what you want. Cris tells her if that worked, he'd be playing in a rock band in New York City already. They talk about running away to Brazil since he doesn't want to stick around and watch his mom die. [What a tool!]
5. Long-time housekeeper Tomasa quits. (More stress for Diana).
6.Monica has a fantasy about Camilo needing her by his side forever, but actually all he wants her to do is call Diana's doc and set up an appointment.
7. Maggie is frosting a cake at the bake shop and feeling frustrated at Diana's refusal to let them have baby. Manuel says he has a better plan. And reminds her what if Regina just agreed to a conditional adoption and changed her mind after 6 months or a year. Cara impactada de Maggie.
8. Camilo tells Mauricio if he has any questions to check with Rafa. He has Camilo's agenda for tomorrow. More worries for Mauricio. [Who is also a tool.]
9. Camilo tells Monica to not let Diana know he's seeing her doctor.
10. Diana calls Monica, laments that when Camilo has a problem, he buries himself in work. Moni says that's better than drinking. [Just wait, Monica!]
11. Camilo throws more hissy fits at the doctor's office. Doc again emphasizes the importance of tests before coming to any conclusions but Camilo won't calm down. Then reminds him that a serene emotional state is important for Diana's health as well. "How can I be serene when my wife is dying!?" asks Camilo.


Part 2

12. Regina is at Eugenia's house and both granny and Chabela are badgering her about the baby to come. Chabela says it's better to be a single teenage mom than never to have had children at all, like Chabela. Regina firm that she doesn't want to be a mother this young.
13. We find out Luis is a fan of Lucha Libre, and a number one fan of some female fighter.
14. Monica comes home exhausted but Ximena talks her into going out and seeing some action and cute guys. Have a drink, get something to eat.
15. Camilo is at a bar boozing it up. [what an idiot!]
16. Diana begs Cristobal to come with her tomorrow when she has her first tests. He adamantly refuses, saying he has to rehearse all day. Then when she gives up and leaves, he does the boo-hoo thing. [Jeez, I really think this guy is a complete waste]
17. Mauricio is leering at Paloma, pretending to be interested in helping her sell her homemade jewelry through some of his friends. She's scantily dressed as usual.
18. Ximena and Monica spot Mau chatting up Paloma. Caras impactadas.
19. Chabela and Eugenia playing cards. Evidently Eugenia is a card cheat. Laura is going out with Rafa. Mom disapproves of her dating such a young fellow. And says "Just wait until I tell Camilo about this."
20. Pablo [the other office guy hot for Paloma] shows up. Turns out Paloma called him. Mauricio not happy (is he ever?) and suggests they go elsewhere...quieter.
21. Diana brings Regina a piece of cake and milk. Regina sulky and withdrawn, but Mom eventually sweetens her up and gets her to promise that she won't abort. And Diana remains positive, saying all this drama will give her material for future stories. Regi can't believe how Mom can stay so positive.
22. Camilo totally loaded. Not answering his wife's calls. She calls Monica who finds him next door, collapsed on sidewalk. He refuses to go home so she and Ximena load him up and take him back to their place. He gushes that Monica fixes everything for him and "what would I do without you?"


Part 3

23. Laura and Rafa are dancing. I think they both look pretty awkward. She's definitely feeling awkward and out of place.
24. Ximena thinks Monica should take advantage of a drunk Camilo coming home with her. "He's served up to you on a silver platter," she insists. [Ximena definitely could use a little tinkering with her ethics.} Camilo lurches out of bathroom and falls asleep in Monica's bed.
25. Diana, all alone [No Camilo beside her in bed, nor has he answered any of her phone calls] makes the rounds of her children's rooms, tenderly covering them up. Nico is sleeping at the foot of Cristobal's bed. Then she returns to her room, still all alone, and opens up her computer.
26. Camilo wakes up next morning. Monica and Ximena are in kitchen drinking coffee while Ximena continues to urge Moni to move in on the man "whose wife is dying".
27. Diana shows up at Monica's because Camilo didn't come home last night. Cara impactada when she sees Camilo stumbling out of Monica's bedroom.


Is there any likable character in this story? Other than maybe Diana, Nico and Chabela? And is there ever going to be any humor, other than the lame interactions between Eugenia and Chabela?

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating, but I would hope that most women would find more support from their families than Diana has had. Alas, I have known a few sad cases where the husband decamped after learning of the diagnosis, saying "I didn't sign up for this". But I know other cases where at least the women in the family were supportive and helpful. Just right now, finding this story line at odds with the super bright color palette. Hope things pick up sooner rather than later.


Thank you for your recap, Judy. Gah! Doesn't look like I will have time to watch this, and maybe just as well,

That Cristobal is a waste. Good grief. Either a really selfish spoiled brat or a narcissist. All those kids are, in their own way, except Nico.

Dumb Camilo getting wasted. He will have a bad hangover and his wife will still have cancer. Argh!

Ot..I think that the Newhart finale was the best I have ever seen. It was so clever and so unexpected. I think I read somewhere that it was Newhart's real life wife's idea. I always liked Suzanne Pleshette.


“Just right now, finding this story line at odds with the super bright color palette. Hope things pick up sooner rather than later” seems to sum this up perfectly Judy.

Thank you for the time and effort to write this great summary. What a shame this sounds just dire and disturbing.

Still, “Perpetually in Heat Paloma” made me smile.

"How can I be serene when my wife is dying!?" asks Camilo”. Well, yeah. But how can you be absent when she needs you?? A prime example of taking the emphasis off those it should be on and deflecting it on yourself. The person who is DYING needs support and encouragement. Not the person who has to “live with it”. Ack.

“He gushes that Monica fixes everything for him and "what would I do without you?" does not a declaration of love make.



JudyB, thank you for your excellent recap.

I was unsure about Mauricio until now, but blowing off Barbi while she's in a bad state so he can try his luck with Paloma is really low.

And how old is Paloma again?

Pablo seems OK.

Rafa and Laura dancing, they both seemed clumsy but Laura may have had an excuse as it looked like she was getting hot and bothered :-)

What you guys said earlier about the ending to the Newhart show is so true. One of the best series finales of all time.





Diana, yeah, "Perpetually in Heat Paloma” made me smile.

and whatever it is Paloma has, it seems to be contagious as all the guys who have been in contact with her seem to come down with something similar.




Thanks JudyB.

How did cristobel become such a waste of space? He couldn't have gotten it from mom, or dad. It's like he's just spoiled.

It's kinda hard to see where this story will land. Everything is all over the place. After all this drama n
Mayhem is over there just has to be a happy ending. For somebody. Dead or alive.
Lookin forward to that explanation of
"Your husband is coming out of my bed room because......
She probly Wont even be mad. Much.

When she took the blanket from under lil Nico's head, my thought was "he's
Gonna have killer pain in the neck in
The morning". If anybody needs a break
Its this woman that is about to face the battle of her life. drunk husband
Selfish brat of a son, and a pregnant
Daughter, and another daughter that is complaining about her wedding, what the hell is wrong with these people?
This whole storyline? There has got to
Be a light at The end of this dark tunnel. For Diana.

JudyB good recap.
The episode sucked. You made it bearable. Thank you!

Great as always, JudyB. Muchas gracias!

Well, what can I say. Certainly not the novela I expected. Diana has been adjusting to her diagnosis for ever now and we don’t even have test results yet. CMilo is beyond graven. No wonder she put off telling him so long. I actually find his reaction hard to believe. Very at odds with the character we were introduced to

I am losing hope this will be fun. Not so far!


Sorry about the mess above. My screen froze. I even misspelled my name

Camilo is craven, not graven

Good Morning Saucy Patio! As always I enjoy your lively comments as I start off my day. Always fun to hang out with you all in the family room.

Doris: Good point. Camilo will have a bad hangover (richly deserved) and his wife will still have cancer. I really, really hate seeing people deal with emotional problems by basically poisoning themselves with an overload of alcohol. What's the point?

Susanlynn: Suzanne Pleshette had a great voice. I didn't see many of the shows, but I'm always a fan of deep, husky voices and she had a terrific one. A favorite singer of mine is Diane Krall. Again, her voice isn't terrific, but it IS just the right, smoky tone for those torch songs she does so well.

Diana: The perfect question for Camilo--"How can you be absent when she needs you?" I was appalled that the writers went with this option. I can't think of anything worse, when dealing with a serious diagnosis like this, than to have your husband disappear for a night, not answering any calls and not knowing if he was dead or alive or with someone else. If Cristobal is a Total Jerk, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Andy: Hah! Interesting analysis on why Laura was such an awkward dancer. Although I certainly agree she was hot and bothered. Even before they left the house! Fluttering around, all giggly like a schoolgirl. Not a good scene. And had to laugh too at your description of Paloma as "contagious". Yep, she is indeed.

Nina: Couldn't agree more--"What the hell is wrong with these people?" Our Diana certainly seems to be saddled with a useless, self-centered family. There's no comfort to be had from any of them, but at least Nico remains sweet and lovable as a little guy. And "drama and mayhem" does seem to be the order of the day so far. Time to let up on the gas, writers!

Mely: Or "Rly" as the case may be. No fears. I knew that was you. Each of you on the Patio has a distinctive writing style so I know who's commenting even without your tags. And I totally agree, "his [Camilo's] reaction is hard to believe--at odds with the character we were introduced to". I'm trying to figure out the endgame of the writers but so far am baffled. Camilo's supposedly great love for Diana, sure collapsed at the first prick. And I suppose he will rebound and be a better mate after this lapse, but still....Just a rather unpleasant story so far, peopled with unpleasant, unlikable people. Hell, I can get that in my real life. I don't have to watch TV for this! (But it's all about the Spanish, all about the Spanish.)

Good almost noon everyone
Can't add anything to the comments except a big thanks to JudyB for another round (or rather, list) of key points in this not so much fun telenovela. The introductory music sure belies the story within. It's so bouncy and upbeat.

None of the characters are rising to the occasion, each concerned with their own little worlds--except Nico, thank goodness! You have all pointed them out so succinctly. Thank includes a very conflicted Monica--and she should be.

All I could think of after I saw the recap last evening and THEN heard of the passing of Cokie Roberts, well known and beloved journalist/news broadcast contributor, from complications of breast cancer, was that Camilo is wrong, women still die of breast cancer, even with the best care in the world. It was just such a horrible coincidence. RIP Cokie, we loved you dearly and I will miss you.

That was a very sad confluence of events, Anita, with the news of Cokie Roberts coming that evening on the news after our episode. Sadly, through my teaching and my church I have had six friends now who have died, not of breast cancer itself, but of the effects of chemo and radiation which, in the long run, damages the heart. And then the cancer continues to spread anyway, after the so-called golden remission period of 5 or 10 years. Whatever the "cure" for cancer is, it is still to be discovered. In the meantime though, the pharmaceutical companies are making a lot of money. And the cancer and heart divisions of the hospitals make enough to fund the other services, such as mental health, that are not as lucrative.

Anita and Judy, thank you for bringing up Cokie Roberts. She was a remarkable woman. Her passing was indeed very sad.

Losing family and friends to breast cancer, such an insidious disease, is truly tragic. So many wage such a valiant battle! And not all successfully. And Judy, you are so right, sometimes the treatment (and side effects) are almost as hideous as the disease. I think the companies that overly profit from so much pain and suffering are reprehensible. And beyond greedy.


All...hub and I have a younger friend and his wife ( about 44) had a double mastectomy and reconstruction about a year ago. A few months ago, he told me that she was scheduled for a complete hysterectomy.

I don't know if I will be able to stay with this show. Too depressing while dealing with depressing reality .


I was sad to learn about Cokie Roberts on the morning news. I always enjoyed her reporting.

I'm at an age where I look at the obituaries every day to see if there is anyone I know, and if I need to attend a visitation or funeral. It is amazing and scary to me to see how many people only ten years older than I, who are passing away. I need to stop looking at their ages. Depressing!

"Diana: The perfect question for Camilo--"How can you be absent when she needs you?" "
This gets addressed in an unsatisfactory way at the end of today's episode. Recap following.

I'm not sure if there is enough comedy in Mañana to hold my interest, but I'll hang in there with it for now. I hate the depressing main plot but it is a reality of life for us, as are all the other telenovela plots. This one is just depressing because we all know women who have suffered and some who have died from breast cancer. My list gets longer every year.
All the other basic telenovela plots "happen to other people" so it stays in make-believe-land and isn't as painful to watch.

MAÑANA - Wednesday episode - Lather, Rinse, Repeat

More of the same today. This is brief. Names are abbreviated because I'm too tired to type them out. Gah. Some things are lumped together and not in order of the show.

- We open with replay of Diana at Moni’s door, telling her Cam did not come home last night while, at that very moment, Cam comes out of Moni’s bedroom nursing a hangover. Caras de impactadas!

-Di says to Moni --- you’re doing what I asked but couldn’t you have called me last night to tell me where Cam was and that he was okay and not in a ditch? Moni said she had her hands full making sure nothing happened to Camilo. Diana thinks they did more than just sleep in her bed.

- Mr. Gonzalez is at a lawyer or adoption agency about adopting Regis’s baby and he hits a wall (figuratively) again, when the lady tells him there are laws, rules, regulations, do it our way or the highway (but she was nice about it).

- Di asks and Chabe accepts to accompany Di to her tests. Tita finds out from Cristobal and shows up at the hospital, with Cris in tow, upset at Diana for not asking HER. Di says she didn’t want to worry her. (Chabe at least was praying a rosary for Di, who knows what Tita would have done)

At the office:
- Cam apologizes for last night to Moni and wants them to forget it ever happened. She assures him that *nothing* happened.
- Nora watches Cam & Moni talking at the end of the day and is convinced there is something going on between those two.

- Cam’s younger brother, Adrián, shows up and wants to stay with Cam & Di for a while. Camilo tells him the list of drama at their home right now, and welcomes him to stay.

- Paloma and her hot pants come to the office to visit Mauricio and mack on him. They head to some office (not Mau’s) and start making out. Barbi comes to the office to see Mau about wedding or something , and walks right in on them but doesn’t catch them kissing. (I did not get how the guy at the office knew where to bring her). Paloma’s lipstick must have real staying power, because Barbi does not notice any on Mau, or smears on Paloma’s mouth.

- Magi takes Regi shopping for baby clothes. Regi is listening to her headphones and bored, but happy Magi is doing all this for the baby. Regi is so detached from this pregnancy that I wonder if she will do a 180 degree turnaround once it is born. And maybe Magi will go cray cray on her. Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.

- Helpful sister Laura tells Diana that Monica is wild for Rafa. Di looks a bit confused. Whatevs.

- Adrián gives Nico a toy bow and arrow. We can just guess the plot possibilities of that. Yikes.

- Adrián is charmed to meet Monica. Maybe they will be a couple by the Gran Fin/Por Fin? Adrian, the self proclaimed wandering soul, seems to need an anchor (in a good way) or home base in his life. Monica fits the bill, IMO.

- At home that night (yes, this whole episode happens in one day),
Cam: Why didn’t you answer your phone all day???
Diana: I was at the hospital/clinic, having all my tests done. I need to be alone, to distance myself. (from Camilo?) I want to go thru this alone.

IMO that is a tacky, terrible thing to say to one’s husband, the love of one’s life, the man who is wrecked over this diagnosis, but this is a telenovela, so I will leave it to the Patio for your comments.

P.S. Feel free to correct any plot errors in my mini-cap. CCs were cooperating today, so that helped!

Thank you, Doris. There are so many characters in this show, and most of them are so unlikable.

I have not seen Fabian Robles in a long time. When he lingered over kissing Monica's hand, I thought " presto bingo" ...there is Monica's beau.

Am I right that the guy playing Camilo had salt and pepper hair the last time I saw him?

All those kids and except Nick are awful people. Ugh

No sunny vibes in this show.

Doris--Thanking you in advance. TV time starts in about 30 min. Manana is always first on the list. I read the recap, which I usually try not to do, but at least I know what's ahead of me is,as Susanlynn said, no "sunny vibes." We sure do need some.

Can't wait to see what colors Diana is sporting today--you didn't mention it.

So Fabian Robles is going to play Camilo's brother? Not the same body type or height as I recall. Ni modo, it will be fun to see him again--after all the slimy characters he's played in the past.

Hi doris.

I thought your recap was just terrific...

"Paloma and her hot pants come to the office to visit Mauricio and mack on him" was wonderful. I also enjoyed "he hits a wall (figuratively)" and "Paloma’s lipstick must have real staying power" among other favorites.

Not watching this, I can only comment on what I am reading but I'm wondering if Diana's reaction in the last scene might be some small step toward self preservation. So to speak. She has been thinking of everyone, particularly her husband, even to the point of finding her replacement. It seems she is afraid. And alone, convinced she is going to a place to which she must journey on her own. I wish she hadn't said the words but I understand where they might be coming from.

And I am crazy about Fabian Robles. One of the best and most versatile TN actors around.

doris, thank you for doing this despite the grimness.


Oh Doris, I sooo loved this opener!

"More of the same today. This is brief. Names are abbreviated because I'm too tired to type them out. Gah. Some things are lumped together and not in order of the show."

Honey, I KNOW the mood. After watching one of these episodes, you just want to throw something at the wall. Not Manuel of course. But honestly, these characters are, most of them anyway, so shabby and exasperating.

Although I will give Diana a pass on her tough words to Camilo at the end. I think that is what he deserved after deserting her the previous night, leaving her with no idea where he was, going on a binge and ending up in his secretary's bed. As she pointed out, very accurately, his reaction was as immature and self-defeating as Cristobal's.

But oh my, what IS with this family? Paloma needs a leash. And muzzle. And yes, pretty incredible that her lipstick didn't smear and also leave tracks on Sleazy Mauricio. And good lord, after those power-packed smooches, I'm surprised Barbi couldn't smell Paloma on him? Yikes and double yikes.

Still baffled by the mixed messages in the presentation. The music, especially at the beginning, is frantic, upbeat, crazy crazy. And then the Uber Technicolor palette. And conversations that are mostly shouted. And rarely listened to. It's just giving me vertigo.

Glad you took this one for the team, Doris. And I'll join you in hoping that Fabian Robles will be Monica's new romance. There must be SOME reason he's reappeared at this moment. We'll just have to hope that Paloma doesn't include him in her hot and humid spider-web. Evidently, once entrapped there, the male of the species is incapable of exit.


Thank you Doris.

Ok, yall this ain't hitton the spot.
The telenovela spot. Is this running out of gas?
Maybe the cancer storyline is weighing
It down? I don't know. I'm trying to
Get into this. Maybe they're going to
Shock us....are something? They better
Do it soon. Like Before the last day of summer would be good.
Why on earth would she want to go
Through this alone? This is not just
Happening to her, the love of her life
Is about to loose her to this horrid disease. You don't just say outta the
Blue honey I want to suffer alone. And
Then expect him to just go with it. Of
Course that does happen at times, but
They should change that, this show is
Depressing enough without the person
Suffering causing more suffering. And
Where praytell is the funny in this comedy? So called?

Giving a child a bow n arrow to play..
Not good. Maybe he shoots somebody in the butt with it and hilarity all over
The place. Hey I'm just tryin to find
Some humor here.
They better pick up the pace.

So what's the brother inlaw's story?
Maybe he'll do something funny. Quit
Frankly I feel no Chemistry between
Monica and Camilo. At all. Bearly feel
Any between Diana and Camilo. What's
Up with that?

Thank you Doris. You didnt have much to work with, but you Made lemon meringue pie out of lemons. I wish They'd fire this up.


Thank you Doris. That was just right!

Why was Moni wearing such an ugly dress? Very unflattering

Loved Chabe tucking the hanky up her sleeve. My mother had allergies and always had a rescue hanky up her sleeve. I must admit I have used that handy spot as well

Has anyone seen the preview with Chavez’s a prison guard. Hard to even recognize her!

This is the 2nd time they have hit us with pitiful cancer patients being wheeled around. And then Diana joins the crowd. What’s with a wheelchair.? She can walk. My niece was walking around the block with her walker to build her strength a week before breast cancer took her. It was a battle royal but the cancer did prevail and Diana needs a wheelchair to go to a pet scan? Great PSA writers

From the outside it looks like their house has no windows.

Loved Adrian showing up. And his offer to “stay to support” his brother



Doris, thank you for an excellent recap of a maddening episode.

Ok, this business of Diana wanting Monica to be her replacement has run its course. It's not fun now, if it ever was, but Monica is still mooning over Camilo. Time to move on and lighten up a bit in this TN. I'm not sure that those in charge actually knew what they wanted to do with it.

Mauricio, not only is he a lowlife but he's a stupid lowlife. He took Paloma into the copier room to make out with her? And will she fool around with anybody whatsoever?

Doris, "Paloma’s lipstick must have real staying power, because Barbi does not notice any on Mau, or smears on Paloma’s mouth."

She must have used the lipstick from the focus group that she tested on Pablo.




Mely...I actually wasn't bothered by the wheelchair bit because a lot of clinics and hospitals have the rule that you must be transported by wheelchair while there. Liability rules and all that. It always seemed strange to me, when I had my babies, that I HAD to be transported by wheelchair to the exit, even though I was going home to no help where I would be caring for the baby by myself, making meals, getting up and down with the little one at all hours of the night etc.. But evidently was incapable of walking out to the door. RULES. And protection against lawsuits. Oh my, what a world.

JudyB - they probably escort moms out in a wheelchair to make sure we actually LEAVE the hospital with the new baby and face colic, diapers, sleepless nights at home.. . Some moms would just stay and let the nurses do it. LOL

Everything happened just as Doris said they did. I noticed that the flowers on Di's overblouse were orange--so that's 10 days straight. Way to go, Wardrobe.

Imagine my surprise when I saw Adrian walk in. He's not as lean as he used to be and the facial hair looks nice on him. Maybe he's not as tall as Cam, but they could be brothers.

Imagine my other surprise to hear Adrian met some Uruguayans while in Argentina and went to Punta del Este for a couple of months with them. That has always been one of the premier resort towns along the coast of Uruguay.

When I was groing up in Uruguay, we went to more modest places for vacations, namely Solis, Atlántida, and Piriapolis (where there was a wonderful YMCA camp for families). Of course, we only had to walk out the doors of our apartment building to see a beach and water. That one was Pocitos. Mother never permitted us to go in the water there. She said it was too close to the sewer outlet for the denser old part of the city. Wise woman. It did mean dragging towels, umbrellas and other beach gear on a bus to beaches further on--that or tagging along with someone we knew who owned a car, which was rare.

Oh, and speaking of the wheelchair scene. I think it was more for dramatic effect. In my close friend's case and her three year battle with breast cancer, she walked in and out of all her appointments, even for chemo. I know because I was with her a lot of the time. She would come home tired and go to bed, but she and probably 90% of the patients I saw there walked in and out.

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