Thursday, September 12, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Y Mañana Ser Otro Día…Mejor y Mas - Week of Sept. 9, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Our new TN seems to be quite delightful and is attracting a very nice patio, including some recappers, but there is room for more! Everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         3 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 7 (Preempted on Thursday by "Como Dice El Dicho"...Whu-u-uh!)

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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I'm assuming Ana Layevska is one of the Antagonists ?

Waiting for novela and I have some thoughts

It seems too much time and plot development is being invested in Diana for her to just disappear. Add to that the budding relationship between Rafael and Monica

What was with head to toe plaid on Barbies fiancé? Also he is showing signs of weakness and untrustworthiness

Can you tell I am writing without my list of names?

The writers seem to be setting up typical novela tropes in order to stir things up later

The kids continue behaving as unpleasant characters. Who would want to live with them. Barbie screaming into the phone would normally elicit a “Run, run” reaction in a normal person


Mely - it would NOT surprise me at all, if it turns out Diana was accidentally given someone else's diagnosis and that she might not have cancer. This happens in real life, too.


Mely: The annoying spoiled BRATTY kids will get their anvil down the road. Mark my words!

I wouldn't want to live with those brats either!

Doris--Those were my thoughts too--a mis-diagnosis. This is supposed to be a comedy. Well, there have been deaths even in comedies (I assume, though I can't think of any right off--like Mely--without a list). However, this doctor seems to have it together, so I'm going with his diagnosis, advanced cancer. Still, that is not a death sentence, although it generally involves surgery AND chemo.

Even though Rafael stated he would not be interested in Monica romantically, the writers sure left the door wide open by having him describe to Laura how his former girlfriend was (IIRC), twice his age, but she left him. Oh the possibilities. I have a feeling Laura was listening carefully to that, too. OK, so along with the pink lips we now have seen Rafa in a pinkish sport jacket. What next?

Sure have missed Manana these two days. Glad to have El Hotel de los Secretos back on Unimas (11:30 pm--only good for insomniacs and DVRs). This is only the first episode, but now that I know the story, I'm actually enjoying it more. I have time to stop and take in all the details. Reading the Caray recaps ahead has been fun, too.



Greetings Patio. This was a another fast-paced,humdinger, man-the-lifeboats kind of episode. One crisis or emotional scene after another. And I sure don't remember laughing. But it's not just a story, it's a comedy right? So let's soldier on.

We start with Rafa arriving to take Monica on another hair-raising ride on his moto. She tries to persuade him to take a car (risk averse, Monica?) but he persuades her that he'll go slower this time and it will all be fine. Ximena, meanwhile, snags him and shares that she'd hop on his motorcycle anytime and he can go as fast as he wants!

Rafa, by the way, has a very interesting personality. Very firm, in a low-key kind of way. He told Monica to "get used to it" when she was dithering about the motorcycle. And dealing with Cristobal's aggressive rudeness later, he simply reminded him he was being courteous, not angling to be his new best friend. The young man seems to have a lot of natural dignity and self-confidence spite of those pink lips!

At the office, Mauricio catches an employee (don't know his name) using the computer on a weekend. Promises not to "out" him as long as he agrees to research everything he can possibly find out about Rafa.

At the Fantasy Family House, it's a disaster. Regina is standing firm on her decision to give away her child, and the family is horrified. Just at this moment Manuel and Maggie arrive with a present and to be introduced to everyone. Not a good time! Manny and Maggie beat a discreet retreat while the battle rages over adoption or keeping baby. When Regina hands out the family mantra "Never Talk About A Problem Until You Have the Solution" Diana cries out "A baby is not a problem!

Regina doesn't budge. It's her baby. Nobody else's. And no, she's not going to reveal the name of the father. And she's picked out the couple she wants to adopt, and that's it.

Objections ensue: Barbi doesn't want to lose her first nephew. Cristobal thinks it's a bad idea also. Mom and Dad promise to help raise it. "Don't want you as parents," snaps Regina. "You're too old! Either I give up baby for adoption or I abort."

Diana flies out of the house to confront her mother about the adoption, thinking it was her idea. Chabela overhears everything. Whew. And that was just the first segment folks!


Part 2

Back to Monica and Rafa. They've enjoyed the movie, and she confesses that normally she stays home on the weekend and watches movies or binge watches series on the TV. He reminds her it's better to be out and about--and while he's thinking about it, how about going out for a drink now? Smooth move Rafa.

Mientras tanto, Diana and Eugenia are clarifying why Mom didn't tell Diana about Regina's pregnancy. She was about to when Diana revealed her cancer diagnosis. After that, Mom just couldn't face adding to her cares and woes. But as for helping Regina, yes! even though she doesn't agree with Diana's way of raising her kids, if any of her grandchildren ask her for help, she's going to give it! So there!

Laura, in passing by the room, hears about the cancer diagnosis and rushes in to comfort and support, promising to go with Diana to all her appointments, chemo, radiation etc. Tender sisterly hugs. In fact a threesome with prickly Eugenia, and her two daughters. Diana then goes into the kitchen and gets another loving hug from Chabela, whose reassurances are a lot calmer and sustaining than Eugenia's were.

Meanwhile, a family battle is still raging at home. Cristobal has burst into Regina's room demanding to know the name of the father. Because he KNOWS how guys entangle [marear] girls. But why didn't you take precautions!? Barbi has her own imprecations: If you do this you will regret it all of your life! Regina, understandably, throws them both out. As the segment ends, we see the little guy (heck, I can't remember HIS name either) crawling in quietly to be with her.

Okay--anybody else wondering if there's no "novio" involved? That the pregnancy was the result of some random attack by one of Regina's classmates or acquaintances? Definitely a murky mystery here.


Part 3

Lots of "no puedo's" in this segment. But that comes later.

Laura wants to know if Camilo and the kids know. Nopis. There's more talk about the other grandmother who passed away from cancer and the weight of the genetic factor in assessing the seriousness of the disease.

Back at the family home, Camilo comes in to find Regina asleep. He tenderly covers her up, kisses her cheek and goes back out. I'm suddenly struck by how often we see this guy in pajamas. Every episode! Now if it were a different kind of story, there's be no shirt and we'd at least get a gander at his manly chest.'s not that kind of story. (No, Andy, I'm not complaining. Just comparing it with Destilando Amor where we get to respectfully admire that actor's manly chest multiple times.)

Back in the marital bedroom, Camilo and Diana are asking themselves the question all parents ask, alas. WERE WE REALLY SUCH BAD PARENTS? WHERE DID WE FAIL? If you're a parent, you know this question comes up with every family crisis. It's one job where you never feel up to the task, never feel ready for a "promotion". But the good thing is they don't criticize each other or give up. Camilo takes a stand: We will NOT give away this baby. And, as he hugs his wife, he adds "Promise me you'll always be there to help me raise it." The camera pans to her anguished face. But she says nothing.

Still reeling though, Camilo adds "No puedo con esto". [I just can't deal with this}

And we see Moncia saying the same thing. "No puedo." I can't accept Diana's proposal (to be her replacement).

And guess what? Next up is the Cicatricure ad where our lovely Diana is looking ageless and radiant, thanks to the powers of this absolutely marvelous "crema". So maybe we shouldn't worry about her long-term prognosis...right?


Part 4

Little guy (dang, what IS his name?) is wondering aloud how Regina can be having a baby if she has no boyfriend like Barbi does. Kind of sweet, really.

Regina, in the meantime, has gone to Maggie and Manuel's house and finds them all dressed up and ready to go to Mass. Which they attend every Sunday. Would she like to come along? Regina looks stunned. Evidently this is not part of her family's Sunday tradition. Maggie, of course, is worried about Regina's family's opposition to adoption but Reggie reminds them that she has six months to change their minds. And she will!

And speaking of changing minds! Mauricio seems to be trying to wiggle out of his engagement. Barbi wants to move up the wedding date, as a way of cementing Mauricio as "another son" in addition to Rafa. He, on the other hand, thinks Rafa's appearance on the scene is a good reason to postpone the wedding. After all, he wants to be able to support her "in the manner in which she is accustomed" and there's no guarantee of that now that Rafa's here. Immediate hysteria from Barbi who has planned the perfect wedding and wants nothing to interfere. (Soooo much a first-born! at least in Camilo and Diana's family)

And at the apartment, Monica continues to express her own doubts about Diana's plan, even while Ximena frantically tries to override them. You're not thinking straight!--let's go running, break a sweat, then you'll see your way clearer! Nopis. Monica is done with this dressing seductively and trying to get Camilo to see her as other than his loyal assistant. Ximena then leaps to another conclusion--Soooo, is this because you're interested in Rafa instead?

Off to another scene: this one with Camilo and Rafa, strolling around the family home grounds and chatting about Rafa's love life. As in....How long have you been with a woman? (Seems intrusive, given their short acquaintance, but that's just me.) Anyway, Rafa answers...Six months. (and that seems short doesn't it? Given his age?) Well, anyway, Camilo goes on to say that he and Diana have been married for 25 years, and since meeting her, he's never looked or thought of another woman. Even though Rafa's mom was a fascinating and very attractive gal.

But he has another question for Rafa: What's up with you and Monica?


Part 5

Camilo goes on to add, "Monica is a key piece in MediaLink. And combining work relationships with personal relationships never works. I know "guapos" like you and...." Rafa quickly reassures him that he and Monica are just friends. He's not on the make. But he knows no one in the city and it's nice to be able to go around with someone. Really...nothing to worry about.

Barbi is still raging at Mauricio for daring to even think of canceling their wedding after all she's done to make it PERFECT! Still on a roll, she turns on Camilo and Rafa for being the reason she and Mau are having a fight. Camilo doesn't take it seriously. "Hey, nobody is going to lose a job. And of course the wedding will take place. You've gotta see me in a tux, right! And making my moves!" (does some weird, wiggly little dance move designed to totally embarrass any kid of his.)

Okay, that kerfuffle seems to have calmed down. Now on to Cristobal, who continues to be an absolute jerk and rails at Rafa when he asks him how he's doing. Evidently Cris also considers Rafa to be the cause of every bad happening, including the fact that Cris got drunk and had a car accident. Rafa quietly reminds him he was simply taking the simple courtesy of asking him how he was. (Well played, Rafa. Somebody taught you manners. Which Cristobal clearly hasn't learned.)

Monica arrives and is lurking behind some bushes.

Diana looks around at her gathered family (minus Regina) and smiles tenderly, treasuring each moment and each child as she gazes at them. "This is happiness," she muses quietly.

Monica, deflated, whispers to herself the same words..."Esta es la felicidad."

When Camilo takes Cristobal's headphones to see what music he's listening to, he's delighted to learn it's from "his" era. And asks Cris to put it on loudspeaker. As "Somos Novios" plays, he invites Diana to dance. And they do. Cheek to cheek. Because it's "their song". And because they love each other.

A beautiful moment. But suddenly frozen in time, as Diana whispers in her husband's ear "Tengo cancer."

The camera whirls as Camilo, stunned, has his own thoughts surely whirling.


Well Patio, now we know why Univision saved this episode for a Friday. They want us to twist in the wind all weekend worrying about how this latest bombshell will play out. No fair buddies! I intend to worry about other OSU football and stupid stuff like that. Just call me shallow sports fan. I don't care.

But I DO care about your opinions Patio. So jump in and start talking.

Judyb...thanks for that detailed recap .

I missed the beginning , and I had trouble figuring out who was who. However, the galan is handsome and in love with his wife, and I appreciate the dedication of a long , happy marriage which we don't see much in today's shows. This cancer Storyline is sad and disturbing, so I don't know if I will be able to stick with this show. Is Monica the woman with long dark hair ? Is Diana trying to set her up as her husband's next wife when she is gone ? Very creepy.


JudyB, thank you for this full on recap!

I have been running around today and haven't yet been able to watch, but later I hope to enjoy both watching and reading your recap.

more later...




Hi Susanlynn and Andy. Yes, Susanlynn, Monica is the woman with long dark hair. Did you watch La Fea Más Bella back in the day? She played the ugly duckling secretary in love with her boss in that one also. But her boss wasn't married. Only engaged. And she won him in the end.

Don't worry about Diana. I honestly don't think a terminal cancer storyline is in this one. I'm just not getting that vibe. Can't guarantee, of course, but I really don't think that's where it's going to go. There will be drama of some sort, there always is. But I don't think death is in Diana's future in this story.

Given Mauricio's dark side, I'm sure some of that drama will be with him and Barbi.

And I think we're all pleased to see such a happy and loving marriage for a change. We've seen tons of unhappy ones in these stories. And lots of enraptured infatuations that end with a wedding. But a long happily married couple with a bunch of children?...that's a first. And a refreshing change.

Stick with us! We love having you around.


Judy, I know only the basic premise of this but I thoroughly enjoyed your (always) excellent recap.

My favorite line was “(No, Andy, I'm not complaining. Just comparing it with Destilando Amor where we get to respectfully admire that actor's manly chest multiple times)” because of course I love anything and everything Eduardo Yanez 😊

“Still reeling though, Camilo adds "No puedo con esto". [I just can't deal with this}. And we see Moncia saying the same thing. "No puedo." I can't accept Diana's proposal (to be her replacement)” seems rather surreal, doesn’t it? I’ve read the comments and agree with doris, Anita and others that surely this must be an inaccurate diagnosis?

“But suddenly frozen in time, as Diana whispers in her husband's ear "Tengo cancer." The camera whirls as Camilo, stunned, has his own thoughts surely whirling”. Very powerful Judy.

This cast seems fantastic. I haven’t seen Ana Layevska since Querida Enemiga and of course Fabian Robles is fabulous in everything.

Thank you Judy! This was great.


You’re a trooper, JudyB. This was really taking one for the team!

I find these gloomy comedies unappealing. Love a comedy. A good drama is fun, with villains etc. this unremitting unpleasantness has to change. Right?

I think Regina is trying to find a good solution for herself and her child. Nothing wrong with input and advice. Just been my experience wisdom shouted is of no value

Had to look up Rafa, his accent is Venezuelan. Love his dry delivery. And he speaks so clearly!



Hi Diana and Mely. Hah, I had to laugh, Diana, because I think of you every time I re-watch Destilando (it's on at 2 am but I record it to watch later) and I settle in to enjoy that drop dead gorgeous hunk of man Eduardo Yañez. It's not just his muscular chest or his manly jaw, it's that thick, curly, luxuriant hair. Fella just has it all, goshdarnit. And a great set of teeth too. Well, stop me before I go too far with this analysis. He was the bomb in that one. His co-star, who played Gaviotaaaaaa! was also lovely. And had great hair. (Can you tell mine is thinning and I'm developing Hair Envy?) Also agree that this current show has an excellent cast. I think we'll enjoy it more as it spins along a bit.

Mely, I'm certainly hoping this "unremitting unpleasantness" has to change. But somehow, with the color, I thought "madcap comedy" was on the way, and I'm not so sure that's the case. We'll see. Don't know a thing about the original story on which it is based either. And, as we know from MIRADA, the writers might just pull a switch on us anyway.

But do so love this observation of yours..."Nothing wrong with input and advice. Just been my experience wisdom shouted is of no value."

I remember hearing an excellent comeback from a harried airline worker to an equally harried traveler who was shouting and complaining...."Sir, I can't concentrate on helping you if you continue yelling like that."

Well, have a lovely weekend dear Patio and don't yell at anybody, okay? (Unless it's at a football game of course.)

Thank you for your detailed recap, Judy!

I am surprised the Gonzalez just showed up at Regi/Cami/Diana's house, unannounced.

" I'm suddenly struck by how often we see this guy in pajamas. Every episode! Now if it were a different kind of story, there's be no shirt and we'd at least get a gander at his manly chest.'s not that kind of story."
Nope, unfortunately this is family viewing. Wah! I want shower scenes, and swimming hole scenes. (lol)

Well done cinematography of Camilo's world stopping when Diana said "I have cancer."
And .... at least she finally told him!

Barbi needs to realize that Mauricio only wants to marry her for a job at Media Link. If he really loved her, he would not care where he works. But then I've got my telenovela beanie hat on and am waiting for unicorns to fly by. So is Barbi. ;-)

Good morning Doris. Always enjoying hearing your slant on things. And yes, the Gonzalez visit was certainly ill-timed. And added to the catastrophic atmosphere. Just wow!

Did you watch Ramon? Because the grandma in that one was the same kind of querulous, bitchy, self-pitying gal as Eugenia is in this one. As a granny myself, I'm beginning to feel a little offended that this particular "population" is always portrayed so negatively.

Anyway, ah for the good ol' days of those bakery boys. They were almost never fully clothed as I recall.

Good morning all.

Judyb..thanks for confirming who I thought was playing Monika. I have not seen this actress in a long time.

Theactor playing Camilo reminds me of another actor ..a tall, dark, and handsome guy who played a tall, dark, handsome, and conflicted priest a while ago.

I cannot believe that Diana decide that avoid time to tell her devoted, living husband the bad news was while they were slow dancing to their favorite song in their backyard with all their kids watching. Having shared many slow dances and many pieces of bad news with my sweet hub I think that it would have been kinder, wiser, better to share this tragic but if news when they were alone.

Your memory is right on target Susanlynn. Diego Olivera did play a tormented priest in one of our older telenovelas. Our historian Anita could give you the name. "Sweet William" Levy was in it also. And a weepy actress whose name I always forget because she annoys the heck out of me.

And yes, Diana had exceptionally bad timing with her cancer news. But, as portrayed, she is an impulsive, spontaneous character. And I think the sweet music and romantic dance broke down any barriers she'd tried to put in place to withhold the news.

And of course, these characters act the way the writers decide they want them to...for maximum dramatic impact.

Anyhow, we'll certainly be on the edge of our seats to see how this plays out on Monday.

Diana - I’m thinking it was Triumfo de Amor? Daniela Romo was in it, maybe played his mother? And Victoria Ruffo?


Hello, Patio!

JudyB, thank you for another stellar recap. I actually stayed up late reading it, but hadn't had time to comment. fast-paced is an understatement; I think whoever wrote/directed this must have been on steroids; everything is happening so fast and the characters' reactions to problems/events is so surreal.. I agree with Doris, though, the cinematography after Diana told Camilo about the cancer was exceptional--I also agree that it was bad timing on Diana's part. Judyb, I don't get the terminal cancer vibe either, but I don't think it was a probably is cancer, but treatable (Hopeoing cuz I just don't see Diana dying in the end).

I'm thinking Regina must take after her grandma rather than either of her parents; she is very strong-willed and outspoken. When she first saw the baby through the sonogram, she had this look that made me think that she will eventually change her mind--and she even took the picture with her. I'm surprised Marga didn't ask her for it. I still think Marga is going to go off the deep end at some point in time.

Barbi really needs to conjure up some self-confidence and kick Mauricio to the curb. He is so controlling and selfish. I'm wondering what he was doing at the office...could he be "working on the books?"

Still love to watch Ari Placera (Nicolas, the little boy); he is really doing a great job portraying his character and I bet he is having a grand ol' time doing it!

Wishing a great week-end to all!

To Susanlynn, JudyB & Doris--All bits and pieces you put together perfectly. It was indeed Triunfo de Amor. Diego Olivera played the tormented priest (who left Victoria Ruffo inseminated before he left for the seminary). Maite Peroni was the result and she grew up an orphan and met Sweet William Levy who was sort of promised to Dominika Paleta until he fell in love with Maite. Thereby hangs the tail.

Livia Brito made her debut in a full length tn here and went on to more important roles, including De Que Te Quiero, Muchacha and Piloto.

There were also all kinds of baddies (including the producer, Mejia--but what can I say). This is where we first elevated the Televisa Rats to star status. Can't believe this was done in 2010 and here we all are reminiscing.

The Patio pretty much covered what I had been thinking and was going to share. This episode was not remotely comedic. At least Monica realized that, too. I'm glad she saw Di and Cam dancing cheek to cheek. It just reinforced her resolve not to pursue Cam romantically.

I was very upset with Cam and his discussion of Monica with Rafa. He had his nerve saying he didn't want Monica involved with anyone because it would upset the routine of the office. The NERVE of the guy. Well, maybe he senses that Monica's loyalty and devotion is to him, so is he selfish to deny her the opportunity to have a love-life?

RGV, you said, "Barbi really needs to conjure up some self-confidence and kick Mauricio to the curb. He is so controlling and selfish." Actually, I could say the exact same thing about Barbi. As the eldest child, she feels it is her role to tell all the younger siblings what to do--as evidence: her telling Regina she can't do this to her, then that she can't terminate the pregnancy. I think the appearance of Rafa has her rattled, as well as Mau.

Odd that none of us can name the coffee boy who was in on Saturday. The way he shut off the computer screen so quickly--I'd bet he was looking at porn. I don't think Mau has "working" or cooking the books. There was no need. Now, with Rafa so chummy with Cam, his fear of not getting the top manager's position and perhaps not being heir-apparent to the company might send him into the dark side. He did comment that without a fat promotion he would not be able to support Barbi as she was accustomed to. Didn't Cam promise Barbi he would give him a raise?

Ah, yes, Pajama Man. We should also include Pajama Gal. Have we seen Diana in a negligee yet? Is this what happens to couples married for 25 years? No longer looking sexy at bedtime?

I feel for Eugenia. She tried to be a good granny and be there to support her grandchildren, but she didn't live up to Diana's expectations. Could we say that somewhere along the way she "failed" with Diana in the first place? I guess Diana is supposed to remind us of tie-dyed, long-haired hippies, smoking weed (in their dorm rooms) of yore and are now trying to catch up to being part of the mainstream with only a little weed stashed in the spice cabinet? She sees her children through rose-colored glasses, faultless--but don't we all? Or at least don't we all wish?


JudyB, thank you for your stellar recap. I finally got a chance to read it in full and watch the TN. Wow! Lots and lots of stuff going on. I have also read the comments and I think they are all spot on and I pretty much agree with everything everyone has said.

Except for Judy, of course :-)

"Rafa, by the way, has a very interesting personality. Very firm, in a low-key kind of way. He told Monica to "get used to it" when..." I find Ol' Pink Lips to be arrogant and pushy, and pushy people, for me, are just inviting push back. I find him arrogant, aggressive, and discourteous. He has his moments, of course. He was right to challenge Cristobal when Cristobal said it was Rafa's fault he went off on his joy ride, for instance. But basically I don't like his pink lips, his haircut, his accent, his attitude, his motorcycle... Well, you get the idea. Maybe he'll mellow out a bit, or I'll get used to him. Maybe.

I do agree with Judy that we need to remind ourselves that it's just a story. I made the mistake of seriously considering that Monica has worked for Camilo for about 20 years and has been in love with him for most of that time. Even aside from the fact that Camilo was actually worried about Monica's finding romance because it would affect the office routine, and I agree with Anita that this is a bit lousy on his part and it demonstrates that while he may be an OK guy otherwise he is definitely not her principe azul and never will be. She has been missing opportunities for a happier life for years. She should have found another job 15 years ago.

I fear would-be mom Maggie is not playing with a full deck.

Oh, well, it's just a story.




Destilando Amor: Judy, I was recording this but I kept forgetting to watch it. The last time I looked Sr Beefcake was married to some blonde person, Gaviota and her mom were in CDMX seemingly penniless. I gave up and stopped recording. Next time :-)

El Hotel de los Secretos: Is this actually on? My TV said 11:30 on Unimás but what I got was an episode of Nosotros los Guapos.



Hi there Doris, Rgv Chick, Anita and Andy...I was off babysitting again and missed both the game and all these interesting comments. Yessssss...Triunfo de Amor, where Victoria Ruffo's faithless (but gorgeous) husband was changed mid-stream for another actor over some contract dispute. Good times.

I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here on Camilo. Although I understand Anita and Andy's reactions (I do! I really do!)I interpreted Camilo's response regarding an office romance as a fatherly, protective gesture. He does indeed know what young, handsome guys have on their minds and wanted to protect Monica from having her heart broken.

Just an alternative view, folks. Could go either way. That's why eye witness accounts sometimes differ so markedly.

Now Andy, stay with Desstilando. If only to see Aaron pitch his first cellphone. Can't quite remember when that started, but it was epic. In fact it became a drinking game on CarayCaray. Every time one got pitched, the patio opened up another brewski. Or whatever they were drinking. Now you can roll that back to maybe unwrapping another Snickers bar. Or a York Mint Pattie. That was the route I took. And in last night's episode, Gaviota had landed a job as a hotel receptionist. But Dr. Zamudio!!!!!, in a different role as a traveling lecher, tried to forcibly seduce her in his room and she whipped his butt big-time. Quite the feisty redhead before she married Mexico's most recent President.

I'm not going to argue with you about Rafa. Yes, he sometimes does seem arrogant. The line between arrogance and self-confidence is sometimes wobbly.

Anita...Glad you can sympathize with Eugenia. I just find her self-pitying whines about her badly raised grandchildren annoying in the extreme. But the diversity of opinions on this Patio is what makes it so much fun.

Rgv Chick...I had the same reaction, watching Regina's face during the sonogram. Plus, hormones are powerful, and everything in your body, absolutely everything, is working to protect and nourish that little baby as it grows inside you. I realize there are people who can abort or give up for adoption with nary a care, but for most women I think it's very very difficult. So we shall see how that plot line develops. Camilo being played by Diego Olivera ?

Also, how old is Monica supposed to be..around the age of Diana and Camilo ?

I want you to know that you are all be right spots in my day. Ths are right spots ...AND...bright spots !

Yes, Susanlynn...Diego is playing Camilo, and I think he and Diana are supposed to be around 45 (correct me Patio if I'm wrong). And Monica is about to be 40. So she's feeling the pressure of biology at this point.

Glad we all are bright spots in your day Susanlynn, because you certainly are in ours. You go all the way back to Melinama's first recaps of Alborada so you have all kinds of special privileges on CarayCaray as one of the "founding commenters".

Manana--Monica IS 40. That was her birthday they celebrated in the first couple of episodes. Yes, her biological clock is ticking, ticking, ticking. It must be the story of her enfatuation with her boss that is driving her, because, with a roommate like Xi, she would never have lacked blind dates. Of course, Xi's selectin in men is questionable.

I sincerely hope that Monica, with aforeknowledge, never acts on her feelings as long as Diana breathes. In my mind, the story would work better if Di were to die suddenly in a car crash and in his pain and sorrow, Cam turns to Monica--although that doesn't necessarily mean he will instantly fall in love with her, but little by little, realize she's the best to be his partner.

So far, the premise of the story is definitely in Lalaland. Anybody need a beanie? It had better be one that doesn't fly off in a motorcycle ride. I can understand drama with comedic interludes, but not the reverse. This isn't a madcap slapstick comedy with dramatic interludes. I'm not sure what it is supposed to be.

Ever since I saw Diego Olivera in the Azteca version of Montecristo with Silvia Navarro, I've pegged him as a romantic lead. (Check this out on YouTube-or find it yourself under Diego Olivera y Silvia Navarro: It was hard to watch him go through TdA as the celibate Padre Hottie and then into more light comedy as in Amorcito Corazon. Now he seems to be playing those roles pretty consistently--still trading on good looks, but a bit clueless with the women running circles around him.

So happy to be on a Patio with Susanlynn and Diana (sort of) again. Knowing their backstories through their participation on Caray has certainly made them very special.

Thanks Anita...and thanks for that clip of a muy sexy Diego and a gorgeous Sylvia Navarro. Plus there was a great song and the requisite rose petals. Classic and perfect.

On this story, all the usual expectations seem to be flipped. Is it a tragic drama, a bizarre comedy, a messed up blend of both--who knows? I'm flying blind here and I assume everybody else is also.

Depending on who does mini-recaps and when, I'll be happy to add Cliffnotes on the action other days. And a full recap on Friday again. Just let me know your plans, Anita, Doris and anybody else who wants to step up this coming week.


That video was incredible Anita. I think the only thing I saw Diego in was Triunfo del Amor and while his storyline didn't sizzle as a priest, it seems obvious that wasn't the case in Montecristo. I really wanted to see En tierras salvajes (especially as Horacio Pancheri was in it too) but did not.

Although I'm not able to watch I do plan on stopping by. I have decided in my mind this is just a case of misdiagnosis and a happy ending will be had by all, including Diana.

I appreciate your kind words amiga. Caray has been a blessing and very important to me, especially the last few years. Kindness and camaraderie abound here.



JudyB--I already volunteered to do something for Monday, since I got the afternoon off on Thursday. I'll do something for Thursday as well.

ADVANCE NOTICE IN PLENTY OF TIME: I will be away from Oct. 1 - 14, up in those Western Canadian wilds where Univision don't shine, so definitely no more Thursday recaps until I get back and caught up.

Anita and judyb...there have been so many changes in my life in the last 10 months . Having the patio to drop into and see old friends from a happier time is a familiar and comforting ritual in my days.

We’re so glad you still drop by Susanlynn. You are very dear to so many of us The porch light will always be on, as they say.

Ok I was watchin"manana"but it wasn't on Thursday, that other show was on El dicho something.Its something like The Rose of Guadalupe. Ya know, the one they put on when they don't have nothing else to put on. I thought they
Moved it to primetime.

I guess you didn't get the memo. Manana wasn't on last Tuesday or Thursday. It'll be back on Monday. Come join us.

At 3pm,that is. We all wish it were on Prime time.


THis show is really moving fast.I like
That. And she finally told him she's got cancer.I hate that. JudyB I really do Hope this is a wrong diagnosis. Cuz she is So excepting of this prognosis. Like she's giving up. I don't like it when people do that.
I did say awhile back that I hope they
Let her stay in this show atleast to
The end. She is much to prominent an
Actress to kill off to soon. And why
Kill her off at all? Her and cam are so good together. Let Monica and rafa be together.

I'd like to know who the baby daddy is And has she told him or planning to tell him. Now it's not legal to adapt without consent from both parents in the US, Is it That way in Mexico too? Cuz she's just talkin about is giving the baby up for Adoption, not even mentioning daddy. He Should have a say too.

Is Mau jealous of rafa? Does he think he's goin after his job cuz he's The boss' long lost son?

And that bratty spoiled kid, what's he
Gonna do when he finds out mom has the cancer? Probly think of himself.

Maybe they will surprise us and let cam put on some sexy pjs in one of these episodes.

JudyB Im gonna try and stop in as much as possible. Work has got me goin busy
I so enjoy your recappin skills, you
Keep me laughing girl.

Thank you ever do much♡

No I did not get that memo Anita, but
Thank you for tellin me. Like I told
JudyB work has got me goin busy lately
If it was in prime I'd see it cuz That is when I catch my other favorite tn "Amor Eterno".

Thank you Anita

Good morning Nina. Happy to know you haven't "abandoned ship", just got busy working. We are blessed to have jobs that pay the bills and the work you do is especially important those who need your care.

Anita...Thanks for covering Monday and Thursday. Very very grateful!!!!!

Tuesday and Wednesday are up for grabs if anybody feels like taking a stab. Otherwise, as I said before, I'll do a Cliffnotes. And a recap Friday.

Talk of pajamas makes me think OF the matching pjs we all loved in MMTF. They were so cute . I looked forward to each New design. I thought that it was a clever and creative device to show the couple's closeness.

I can take Wednesday.

Doris, that would be wonderful if you take Wednesday. Thank you a million times over.


I thought an Anonymous poster asked about the music for this but I can't find it now. I'm not a great researcher but I imagine if you google Music for Mañana Será Un Dia Mejor you can find a number of the songs used.

It was a late posting last week. Perhaps the person will see your comment here.

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