Thursday, September 12, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Final del Paraíso, Preso No. 1, y más: Week of September 9, 2019


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM - El Final del Paraíso
  • 10-11PM - Preso No. 1
  • 10-11PM - El Secreto de Selena (Sundays only)
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. 

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sin-senos4 #23

CataG and Valeria meet with Alfonso and his organized crime advisor, Lucrecia, after Val and Lucrecia do the I know you from where? dance, they sit and introduce themselves, Lucrecia surveying the room with her x-ray vision, Diabla not flinching, CataG takes the spotlight, and spills her whole life story from prepago, implants, narco, suicide, addicted daughter, on to her BFF in highschool was Diabla, Alfonso is looking around for a place to go, what was I thinking.

Val's turn, of course it's all lies.

Lucrecia, I too know Diabla, working undercover she was her cellmate, got a name of a politico that pulls the strings of the narcos, Alfonso steps in, this is what we need to prove. Alf wants them to be his guest speakers at the convention, CataG isn't sure if it's appropriate for government employees, Val suggests they get picked as panelists, Alf likes that idea. Val flirts with him as they leave.

the Hand puts Titi in charge of the bombing.

Shadow lets Daniel leave (the same way as he came) he will be paid nicely, Dan insists he will not be on the payroll, Shadow later tells Santi of Dan's first task, test Santi adds, he has 1 week to find out all on Zoraya.

Hilda is down because it's over with Sal.

the Coronel tells CataG that CataM and Hernan disappeared in the same instant (alien abduction I wonder), he has no leads.

Alberio and (Diabla's boy) Calvo get in a few rounds before Diabla shows and the mask is on, Diabla is being nice bringing a copy of the Hilda expose magazine for Al to see, and who in our story didn't get a copy, she even brought an extra copy for Calvo so he could take it to his room.

CataG arrives at Hilda's place which is swarmed with reporters, she gets on her soap box, Hilda was the perfect mom, taking care of my brother and me but we were "bad kids" (a sicario and a prepago), who here wasn't a bad kid (and not a good kid in the bunch) as Natalia gives the crowd her death stare (how could anyone think she wasn't loyal to Cata).

and who didn't get to see CataG's speech, stop clapping Jota, is Santi getting love sick as Shadow looks on.

Hand reassures Conde, but is there a change in plans.

a security guard objects to a guy parking to close to where the convention will be, the guy conks him rolling him into the trunk, Titi drops in the bomb for good measure, the guy starts the timer on a smartphone in the car.

the Hand and group toast to an explosive evening, with video, Titi texts frantically, get out of there, get out of there.




Thanks a bunch..GRAZIAS.... OKAY...lUCRAZIA has good instincts...hope so..Diabla flirts and turns MP on .. freaka zoid...

Santiago , CG has put a spell on you.. she hasn't given you a second thought.. are the man...he ain't going to kill his woman...

The media vultures..CG stopped them in their tracks.. she came clean and that helped..
She almost talked abt the theme of this series: CHILD SEX TRAFFIC..
….but she DIDNT mention all/ any of the NarcoCapo she slept with..and NEITHER DID THE PRINTED EXPOSE??!!!..that will get you killed!!

Diable was correct ,CG slept with half of the Capo cabinet...

...of course this exposure reflected on the Narco world.. they were watching!!

Regrets??..Salvadore .. can go back to biting an apple thru a picket fence..

...this BULLSH#$T with Calvo.Diabla and Al is driving me mad[ I am 'P-O'ed...!! use a child to torture someone..low mighty low..SAD..!!..Albiero will not survive this final series?!


Preso # 33 part 1

Carmelo is annoyed that Voyo knew Placido was his son and didn’t tell him. Really?

Eva gives a USB and a sim card to Father Aguirre. Make sure they get it.

Amalia and Clara get to know each other. They talk about their unrequited love for Carmelo and about his woman, Carolina.

Paco and Caro are in his office. Diana bursts in and lays a big smooch on Paco. Diana: Oh I didn't see you there. Caro is clearly annoyed/uncomfortable and gathers up her stuff and goes to the conference room. Is there going to be a show there, too? Diana senses Caro is jealous, asks about a Paco & Caro relationship. Then she plants another one on Paco.

Sara meets joe at the pool.

16 years ago: Young Crazy Joe is in HS. Bullies in the cafeteria try to start something with him. It looks like he goes to reach for a gun but a girl intercedes and diffuses the situation. She says we are in the same bio class and they shake hands.

Present day: Sara and Crazy Joe are in the water. She's pissed--you tried to kill my dad, you’re a monster. He's only doing his job, he still loves her, needs her. She is not afraid of him anymore. Then he stabs her, kisses her then swims away. Blood blooms in the water, lots of it. It takes a while for anyone to notice but eventually they rescue Sara. Crazy Joe stays around to watch.

Paco & Caro in the conference room. Caro: I’m trying to find Sara, I'm worried. She won’t answer my calls. Paco thinks there’s nothing to worry about and wants to talk--if you’re jealous, you have some nerve! But Diana interrupts again. Caro leaves, Paco says remember we have to meet with Rivas Macin later.

Later, it seems Paco’s imagining having sex with Diana in his office. I can’t be 100% sure if it happened or not due to editing.

Carmelo, Amalia and Clara are looking over Carmelo’s press clippings. Amalia, you would have made a great press secretary. Hey, it’s not everyday someone from our town becomes president!

Sara arrives at the hospital. She’s in bad shape, her heart has stopped twice. In the OR, her heart stops again. Sara survives the operation but has lost a lot of blood and is sent to the ICU.

16 years ago Young Joe: back in the cafeteria, the bullies make fun of Joe’s girlfriend (I think one is her brother). You're with that freak? Then smoke bombs, gunshots, chaos. Joe rushes in just in time to see them shoot his girl. Joe shoots the baddies and rushes to the girl. Sara, Sara! No, no! i guess this is meant to explain things but in no way does this excuse!

Switch to present day, Crazy Joe's driving, screaming No, Sara! Crazy Joe going crazier by the moment.



Preso #33 part 2

Caro is drinking and looking at family pics. Caro calls Paco to apologize. The house phone rings Malena answers for Caro. A call comes in on Caro’s phone, too. What? Who is this?

Crazy Joe shows up at Juanito’s. Joe’s leaving, he wants money. Juanito says no, you are working for me now.

Caro’s at the hospital. How is she, doc? He shakes his head. Caro gathers the family around let’s be smart and keep this quiet for now. They suspect Crazy Joe but don't say it out loud. Caro wants to handle things her way.

Iturbe gets a call from Jaime about Sara. Iturbe’s on his way.

Adan and Eva are looking at the pool security footage.

At the Bautista campaign: We know Rivas Macin met with Caro, we know Carmelo’s alive. Adonis has a plan to use Mayorga to implicate Caro & Co. in Carmelo’s escape. Bautista’s not sure. Oh and don’t worry about Rui Palacios— Mayorga will be handling things.

Piña tells Mayorga that he’s being released, but not before Mayorga threatens to spill everything he knows.

At Rivas Macin’s office they are wondering where's Caro. They get word of Mayorga’s release. Then they get word about Sara.

Family is at the hospital. Caro’s a wreck. Tenchita is praying in the chapel. She calls Father Aguirre and tells him about Sara—please pray for us. This wasn’t mentioned in the call but she knows he will tell Carmelo because he should know.

Amalia and Carmelo are eating. I guess he told her about Caro’s rape because there is who’s the daddy talk. They are interrupted by Voyo—armed people have arrived. Stay here, bro! But Voyo gives Carmelo a gun.

Wolves! Wolves! Amalia issues a call to arms, others to hide. Israel (Isra) Peralta shows up. Don Catarino sent him. Seems he's seen some weird people around. Amalia says tell Don Catarino to mind his business. All we do is sell him merca. Well he’s worried and demands an explanation. Guns are drawn all around. The old Mexican Standoff trope?

Voyo speaks up, get out and tell Don Catarino everything’s fine. What he saw has nothing to do with business. Someone tells Isra that’s Tuerto Mateos! Let’s get out of here! And it’s adios, ma’am we’ll keep in touch. Very impressive, Voyo!



Preso #33 part 3

Bautista comes to see Rivas Macin. He says it’s clear you back Palacios. I want an equal playing field, some respect. Rivas lets him have it. Calls him out on his dirty deeds, his bosses, the Mayorga release and the attack on Sara! Uh, oh! Bautista is sorry, if he had known about Sara....what? Rivas says file a complaint if you want. But get out!

Adonis calls Lazcano, who is getting serviced under the desk by Pia. Yuck, did we need this? He has news about Sara.

Word on Sara filters to Guido & Co. Gringo’s gone rogue? What should we do? Guido says let’s give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe we don’t need him anymore, Mayorga is out because Adonis and Bautista pulled strings. Should we blame Adonis & Bautista for Sara? Hey what if we blame Rui Palacios? No, but we can blame the poor victim, Sara Alvarado! PT Limantour is in the room hanging on every word of this.

Crazy Joe is in his car listening to the news report on Sara’s attack. He gets rid of his sim card and takes a drink.

Father Aguirre arrives at Amalia’s. He gives the goods to Voyo. Carmelo walks up. Father Aguirre gives the news--Carmelo, your daughter Sara is in serious condition.




Thanks SO much for the terrific recap, dondi 356. I love your writing style!

Wow, these people are annoying! I know it's kind of a good thing that things aren't black and white: heinous villains and saintly protagonists. But you can't count on anyone being sensible.

Diana drives me nuts. Thanks for mentioning that it was unclear if Paco had sex with her or not. She's certainly been available enough. It occurs to me that maybe this whole business of putting moves on Paco stems from jealousy over Carolina's eminence as a journalist. Or, as I said before, serious Daddy issues.

So Caro is right in trying to keep Sara's condition private. And she probably wants Adan and Eva to have the opportunity to figure out who dun it. But IIRC Isabel contacts Chinta who contacts Hortensia who then makes sure Carmelo knows. So I suppose he's going to move heaven and earth to get away from the drug den and into D.F. What a mess!

So Crazy Joe is supposed to be a gringo. But everyone in his high school speaks only Spanish. So I guess the CIA rescued him from whatever mess he got into for shooting the school nutcases.

They keep massively hinting and/or saying outright that Sara will die. I doubt this. We'll probably see her out running next week. Telenovela medicine is amazing!

I am up to my back teeth with these baddies. So Guido the mastermind who managed to snort cocaine into giving him a stroke has decided that Sara will be blamed for her own stabbing. They'll probably try to concoct some tale about her hanging out with the wrong crowd; i.e., asking for it.

I'm not liking Voyo as much as I did when he was in prison. You can see that the criminal life suits him. And, in my opinion, he should have told Carmelo about Plácido as soon as they reunited.

Rivas-Macin appears to be all about party loyalty lately, another disappointing character.

They've speeded up things to the point where it's hard to see how they'll have two more weeks of stuff to show us.


And I forgot to mention that Rivas-Macin tells Bautista so the cabal gets a chance to blacken Sara's reputation.


thanks so much dondi, I really enjoy your recaps!

don't tell anyone about Sara, a few holes in Caro's security net.

hmm, so Amalia's camp is about cooking meth.

Plácido is anything but placid, and Carmelo is still pondering Sara's lineage.

I think the doc said they need to reconstruct Sara's stomach but couldn't complete the operation because of her condition (is this serious enough?)

talking about Amalia's camp security, I think she told Clara that all her people are at risk, now that Carmelo is there.

after the face off with mr. Catarino's boys and the hand sign of Isra's shooting Tuertas, Amalia throws in, you haven't lost your touch scaring people, Tuertas says it's the eye patch.

I agree novelera, Diana has issues with Caro, including maybe helping her mom get Carmelo.

the stuff the Padre brought is supposed to enable a link with adan and eva, maybe Carmelo won't have to go home, (if they chain him down).

looks like the bad guys are splitting up now that Pedro is gone, with Adonis and Mayorga helping, how could Bautista ever go wrong.

haven't seen Miranda since they pegged her for the leak, at least maybe this will get her away from Joe.

with so many bad guys it's easy not see that everyone else in the world is backing Carmelo



El Final del Paraíso

Thank you, deb! Your recaps and asides are great! Nice observations, Halimacandy.

Welcome to the Catagrande reality show. She certainly was an open book (and magazine) this episode. If there’s anyone who didn’t know about her before… Didn’t it seem like the whole country was watching her on TV? They sure love fashion week in Colombia.

The brief energy debate (as Alfonso called it) between Lucrecia and Valeria was very interesting. Valeria asks is it good or bad energy? That handshake. Didn’t someone else shake Valeria’s hand and get a vibe? I can’t remember who it was. There was also some talk about wanting justice vs. wanting revenge. Valeria brought up betrayal. Clueless CataG gave Valeria a look. Cata’s too caught up in her own ish. There was a lot going on during this meeting. Anyway, I can’t wait for Lucrecia to meet Natalia and join her Valeria Project.

Jackass Sal is feeling sorry for himself and doesn’t want to take Hilda’s calls. Jo is truly the evil step sister to Hilda’s Cinderella. She tells Sal you should try and understand how she feels, imagine her daughter is a call girl! Oh, and BTW I’ve tried reaching Mateo, he’s the one in charge of this circus. Sal does not blame Mateo, saying he did nothing! Jo’s loving it. Later, while Sal watches CataG’s speech he pulls out his phone but does not make the call. Really hating Sal right now.

Albeiro is deliberately messing with Calvo. Seems like he has a plan.

Albeiro and his son are so nice together. Can we get more of this?

Lucrecia shows Alfonso the fashion magazine. He’s not happy.

Dayana shows Mari the fashion magazine. Mari wonders why they’re picking on grandma. Titi barges in with the video of CataG’s speech. He’s so proud of his Cata. Well, OK then, it’s time to set the bomb! Titi slaps the two on the rear and makes his exit.

Lol, deb, alien abduction. Catamedia, phone home!




Thank you novelera and deb. Great additions, comments and insights.

novelera: I’ll second that emotion--these people are annoying! Characters in shades of grey are a welcomed change but boy are they dense.

The edits may be making Diana’s behavior seem worse than it is, but I agree she’s got issues.

Everyone speaking Spanish in a US school? In novela world, everyone speaks perfect Spanish in all US hospitals, courtrooms, police stations, etc.and almost all native English speakers have Spanish accents.

I guess the CIA was so impressed with Young Joe’s MAD skills….

I’m willing to give Voyo a pass on Placido—there were other pressing priorities and maybe he felt it wasn’t his business to tell.

I’m willing to give Rivas Macin a pass on the political stuff because he’s got the most experience among all those idiots, but, yes, why did he blab about Sara?!

deb, I'm wondering about Miranda, too. I get a feeling she will meet a bad end.



"La usurpadora" debuts Monday on Univision in this time slot, Telemundo is countering with some big events in Sin Senos, that will shake the plot.


Preso #34 Part 1

We get something interesting in the capitulos anterior: Carmelo asks Amalia if Placido is Ramses son. She says she wouldn’t lie about something like that.

Carmelo asks for details. What happened, who stabbed Sara? Padre says, un tal…. Joe? As we expect, Carmelo loses it. Mess with me but not with my family, my daughter Sara! Carmelo has to leave to be with his daughter. Voyo, Clara, Amalia, Padre, try to reason with him. Let’s wait, call, get details… Carmelo is determined. Clara asks Carmelo, if you are going, take me with you.

Lazcano shows the Crazy Joe/Sara video to Pia. She recognizes Joe and is horrified. He wants her to use this video in a report about Sara but they will blur Joe’s face! This is how they will smear Sara’s rep. Pia has a twinge of conscience and refuses to use the video, it’s like saying she was stabbed because she sleeps around. (Pia likely relates to that.) Basically, it’s do it or else, Pia!

Bautista speaks with Guido. I’m not understanding this: He wants to donate to the hospital treating Sara. A gesture of good will for Carmelo supporters. Something like that. Guido forbids it and hangs up on him. Bautista complains about Guido to Juanito saying, at least your father would listen.

Just then Mayorga blows in like an ill=wind. He’s thrilled to be back in business again. Congratulates Bautista on his candidacy, gives condolences to Juanito. OK, let’s get down to business—it was the f’ing gringo! He seduced her, slept with her, then stabbed her in the belly.

Adan is disguised as an orderly. He wheels a gurney over to Caro. Here, use this phone only to contact him and I hope Sara gets better soon.

Placido helps Carmelo plan an escape from Amalia’s. Carmelo wants to go alone but Placido and Clara insist on going too. Carmelo and Placido get into some father and abandoned son argument. Voyo interrupts with a call from Caro.

Caro tries to talk Carmelo out of coming. You will put yourself and everyone else in danger. He says hey, I’m finally free. (He’s not really free, he only busted out of prison,) At least tell me the truth about Sara. They argue some more.

Back to Bautista Campaign: Mayorga asks what’s to be done now? Kill Rui Palacios? Guido? Legarreta? Juanito makes a stupid joke at Mayorga’s expense. Mayorga pulls a gun on him. Hey, hey, calm down, man.

Caro, Paco and Emanuel are in the hospital cafeteria (?) when they see Pia’s report. Caro is furious! Why are they showing this, why is his face blocked out, they know who did this! He has a name and bosses! I’m going to kill you, Pia. Our group takes off. Paco tells Caro others nearby heard your threat to Pia.



Preso #34 part 2

Isra Peralta has returned. Amalia’s people are rounded up at gunpoint. Isra starts executing some of them. Carmelo watches from afar; he has his gun. Isra is here to take the merca. Amalia and Voyo make the case. Don Catalino won’t like this. Clara steps forward! Just take the merca don’t mess things up for yourself. Voyo objects and is knocked out. Isra is impressed. Clara continues, take the merca and I’ll go with you! Ok, but first he wants to “try her out.” He takes her to a nearby tent. Carmelo follows, unseen.

Carmelo rescues Clara and captures Isra. He marches Isra out to the group. Lower your weapons or I’ll kill him. The tables have turned and Amalia’s people take over. OK, just let us go. Voyo steps up and kills Isra. The invaders take off.

Reporters show up just as Caro & Co. are leaving. What do you have to say about Pia’s report? Who is the man with your daughter? Is he the attacker? Caro says does no one care about my daughter? She gives Sara’s medical report. She says this was done because Sara is Carmelo Alvarado’s daughter. She’s a victim of those in power who fear the changes Carmelo made. She gets on her soapbox.

We get a montage of bad and confusing edits during Caro’s speech: Carmelo & Co watching; Sara in the OR; Malena praying; Lazcano and Co. watching. Then a cut to Paco and Diana watching… huh? Cut to Caro walking around looking at her phone. Cut to Bautista campaign watching. Cut to Guido, Joe, PT Limantour watching. There are more cuts, but you get the idea. I hope I didn’t confuse you too much.

Ricardo visits Caro at the hospital. He’s there as a friend not a journalist. How’s Sara? She has survived but the damage to her uterus will likely leave her unable to have children.

Voyo and Clara are together in a tent. It’s late but they can’t sleep. He’s gets up to go but Clara asks him to stay. She says I’m here for your bro, understand that, but tonight… They get busy. Next morning, Voyo brings Clara tea and declares his love for her! Only one eye, but he fell at first sight…

Pia blows off a call from Adonis. She has set her sights on Bautista. Guido tells Bautista to see what that slut wants.

Legarreta is angry at Guido because he still has no answers about his son. And he also mentions what you did, what we did, to Sara and walks out.

Limantour is putting Guido to bed. He grabs her. I like you but you know too much, a line has been crossed. Fellas, take care of her. She says you don’t know who I am. Don’t you see the resemblance to someone you claimed to love? I am Artemisa Limantour, Adela’s daughter and God knows who’s the father! It could be you! What!?! I guess there were three in that marriage bed.

Pia opens her door for someone but we don’t see who.

Sara wakes up and reunites with mom.


Preso #34 part 3

Carmelo, Placido, Voyo and Clara leave Amalia's. While on the road, Carmelo talks to Adan, who is pissed off. Seems that Carmelo used his phone when he shouldn’t have and the call could have been intercepted. This is dangerous. Carmelo has no clue about the technology and Adan tries to explain. Eva says something about Mayorga. Did his people intercept Carmelo’s call?

I guess Mayorga has been fully restored to his post. He shows up at base, makes a call, the units will be there soon and I’m on my way.

Miranda has the nerve to show up at the hospital. Caro stays calm but she’s not in the mood. Miranda begs to hear her out. She’s putting the blame on Crazy Joe who threatened her, her baby, Caro. Caro’s not buying it. Miranda felt so alone and scared she didn’t know what to do but now Caro’s speech inspired her to come forward. Good grief, this woman is pitiful!

Placido argues with Carmelo. You put my mom in danger by making that call! I think Amalia was planning to move her camp, but it might not be in time if there is an attack. So they will return to Amalia’s.

Maria arrives at Pia’s in the morning to find her on the floor in a pool of blood.

Mayorga’s troops attack Amalia’s camp. A drone focuses on Amalia. Mayorga wants her alive. Amalia is captured and tied to a tree. Mayorga shows up. Answer three questions before I kill you. How did Carmelo get here? How are you involved with him? He smacks her. Where is Carmelo? She smiles and we’re out.





The secretary was strapped as a suicide bomber.. and when BH and black-tie guest watched the ceremony on live stream, diablo was home waiting for the count down,

So, the BH second planB.. was to have a wired/ self immolation devote .. between,the outside car bomb and the inside interior bomb almost wipe the place off the map

Shadows and Daniel reach out to each other while the media goes wild with speculation...
Poor dr. Santiago is fanatic and tries to leave in order to reach Casagrande..

Meanwhile on the floor, CG,reoriented herself among the ceiling and chairs and attempts to assist wounded NATALIA..

VANESSA.... CHASES a fast running ,B-H accomplice... in heels and when she captures him …he tells her ABT …'THE-HAND-THAT- MOVES- EVERYTHING..

Calvo taunts Al , and digs the knife in deeper and tells about CG's possible her death. While Diabla listens from the stairwell
The décor in that house is brimstone red.. apt COLOR SCEME for the bowels of hell...

Calvo tries to set Al's mind and emotions towards Valeria the suppose another victim and pal of CG.

Al reminds Calvo ……one day we goona have to work this out for real..
He leaves Al devastated and they repeat the axiom. THAT BITCH GOTS MORE LIVES THAN A CAT.. they plan to have her killed by Al, that’s never going to happen


Sin S#4 final/24 pt. 2

CG is lucid and alert enough To assist the first responders, she is holding / applying pressure Natalia's wounds...
Hilda and friends are in shock and disbelief and they watch the tv coverage...

BH and gang are jubilant,abt the chaos they have created and expecting great results like CG death…

CAT-woman is still with us …Natalia threw herself in front of the scalpel and incendiary flames to protect CG!!

BH and the gang are toasting with Champagne and patting themselves on the back..While they watch their patsy ,Conde save his rival and assist in rescue operation

Cyclops Moncho is ecstatic that CG is dead.. but they make... Bad penny cracks .. because of the possibility she may have survived..

In the cloud of fume and carnage.. diabla doesn’t see CG, but we get to see people with their legs blown off and other body parts strewed around?!!Yuck!!

Moncho is talking trash over the cries of victims, these people are psychopaths

However, Dayana tells Marianna ..pull in your blood soak fangs and back off of Titi, take it down a notch and don’t [play yourself… if you care abt that man at all. He is ticking time bomb!!

Dayana tries her charms with a capo and get shot down..
Bad move dude..

PT 3


TITI retreats to the bathroom ,he is distraught / a ‘ F-IN’…. wreak. Cause his heart has been ripped out of his body.


The man is holding on to the side of the sink in order to maintain composure...

TITI recalls his face to lovers' face during the exchange when he asked for FORGIVENESS ..CAN YOU FORGIVE ME!!

Titi leaves the room to gather his emotions ,as he steadied himself in front of the mirror, he can see the ENCOUNTER/RECONCILIATION with CG behind the trailer

TELL ME !!!..TIME WILL TELL.. AND SHE LAYS A SWEET WET ONE ON HIM!! And made him a very happy man..That kiss sealed his devotion…

And of course, Mari walks in to dig the knife deeper into his heart with her delight that CG is dead..

Titi tells her straight us. I LOVE YOUR MOMMA LIKE NO OTHER MAN EVER WILL. However, you are the [manifestation of psychotic recessive genes ] devils spawn..!!

He is crying and his heart is crushed by the weight of CG death… and in walks Mari with her, psycho cynical BS.. and she just cant stop F##KIng with him…is she leaving with Munch??.... Over Titi dead body…
She is cray cray..

Back at Shadow’s,Jota is getting riled up when he cant support vanessa, east she is fine.. Santiago had to put jota in check…

How did Natalia survive that blast.? will she ever walk again..??
Now Diablo as Valeria and digs for information..

running game she cries... I should have been there Natalia death is all my fault.. SHOOT!/ SHUCKS!!!....


SHE CALLS BH....of course!!! the plan to have Al kill CG is on..



Shadow ‘s place:

Jota and Santiago is reminded by gun point to chillax!! Shadow plays Russian roulette with jota is test his determination to leave..

Blk Hand gets the news of Cat women’s nine lives….CG may be a curse to others, because she sucks others good luck ..and applies that energy to herself..

The gang loses it.. and the accusations are flying but Titi’s bomb had nothing to do with the Taliban move on B-H's,M-K-Ultra-mind-control- patsy.. his has control over his minions ,who blow themselves up in order to please their boss..!!?? that chick was a handler all along.

Glass breaks, Mariana cussing, B-H is flummoxed and incensed..TITI IS IN SHOCK!! BUT gets it together to offer a good explanation
BH is not concern ,he knows the suicide bomber was the backup that had more results and did exactly what was expected

The next day the response from the candidates come, but Conde has to explain why his personal assistant was a psycho!! Or what???!Daniel is at the conference and he smells fishy rat..

CG at the hospital..reads Titi's text… and tells Diablo… thank goodness,she is interrupted before she RUNS HER BIG MOUTH!!


However, Diablo will be able to tell Day-n-night-anna ,her mother is living with Hilda

The president guy is talking to Lucrezia abt the victims being airlifted to other trauma center

And the bodies for autopsy… but the suicide bomber ,who was she really??!! Police are on high alert???was this a terrorist act on the part on Narcos..Duh??!!!

Back at SHADOW’S … they found that Jota and Santiago have escaped!!To where??! And on foot??!!!

Hilda is relived to see CG is okay.. not a friggin bruise on her, Diabla hangs around passing out water.. and listening, so she can IDENTIFY... the person helping CG.

The Shadow bikers try to capture doctor and jota…



El Final del Paraíso

Halimacandy, thank you very much for your high definition, full color recap! And you capture the Titi/Catagrande (Adult Love) story like no one else can.

How did they get Conde’s campaign manager to sacrifice herself? And what’s the purpose of blowing up a car filled with cocaine outside the venue? In the end what did they accomplish?

I don’t know how Vanessa knew that guy was a perpetrator but she got him! She will make a great DEA agent someday….

Santi, the big dope, thinks he’s some kind of hero--he must get to CataG. He puts the Shadow Gang’s plans in jeopardy and stupid Jota goes along. Santi please, Titi will take good care of YOUR EX!

I hope Natalia lives long enough to find out the truth about Valeria.

Diabla goes to pray at Dani’s altar! Devil worship!

The only reason Titi hasn't dealt with Mari is that she is his beloved's daughter. Be thankful for mom, Mari.

I continue to be annoyed by the Sal storyline:

Sal is watching TV coverage. Finally, he has some sympathy for Hilda. But first he thinks back to their convo about the magazine. Jackass!

Wicked Jo calls Mateo to talk about the bombing, she’s enjoying Hilda’s pain. She’s upset at the thought of Sal comforting Hilda. Mateo thinks Jo’s gone too far with this. He’s a bit disgusted at Jo’s suggestion for another article, The Curse of Hilda Santana. Jo goes up to monitor Sal.

Sal calls Hilda but she won’t answer. She can’t deal with him right now. Hilda says if anything happens to CataG she will spend the rest of her life praying so those responsible will pay in the worst way. She prays the Our Father.

Keep praying, Hilda.




wow, such a nice recap Halimacandy! you really captured the details with lots of color.

and dondi, wonderful comments as well.

(my tv signal is fluctuating, fritzing the picture and captions, so much nicer to watch the show the next day from telemundo)

let's see what I can add,

that guy who helped Titi with the car bomb, and later jumped to his death (and wasn't even on xy4), chained the doors shut, so Vane couldn't get in, saving her.

CataG was going to tell her whole story again at the conference, may have been the selling point for the bomber.

after Vane and CataG hug, they conclude that the "hand that moves everything" (mentioned by the jumper and the bomber) is the same guy they were after in Las Vegas.

pure CataG that she didn't think to call home or tell anyone she was alive.



Dondi365, another gem! You are a terrific recapper. I'm very late to the party. Last night I had 6 friends over for dinner, and novelera drank too much good red wine! I managed to watch the novela after they went home, but it was late.

And today I've been preparing for our neighborhood association's big annual gathering - we call it the Ice Cream Social and it's tomorrow. I had lots of running around to do for that today and will need to pick up the ice cream around noon tomorrow from a local grocery store who've donated ice cream for more than 16 years.

I was very impressed with Caro's speech. Of course they had to show everyone watching, but I'm starting to think Caro may be the next President. I loved the way she shut down those TMZ type reporters who only wanted to talk about the sex tape.

It's very sad that Sara probably won't be able to have children, but it appears she's come out of the coma.

Can we have a really, really painful end for Guido. What a slimeball. And, yes, Artemisia managed to save herself. Not sure what she's been doing there all this time and why she told Pia.

So Isra was stealing the drugs from the guy Amalia processes for. I thought it was cocaine paste, but someone here said something about meth. IIRC Amalia became hooked on meth but recovered.

So Carmelo, in typical protagonist fashion, isn't able to shoot Isra, but Voyo realizes the guy has to go.

Please, please, no torturing of Amalia.

Pfft! I'm over Plácido. Maybe I'm shallow (probably am) but they could have picked someone better looking. And that mop of hair and constant sulky expression. Anyway, I'm repeating myself, but the little jackass blames Carmelo for not somehow intuiting through the ozone that he'd fathered him.

I can't figure out how they're going to come up with ghastly enough endings for the excessive number of baddies: Guido, Bautista, Mayorga, Rupert, Crazy Joe, Lazcano. Did I miss any? If you ask me, they let Islas and Segovia off too easily.


dondi, what a wonderful job you did with this recap! with the depth of the writing and the choppy editing, I really appreciate your effort.

on depth, I didn't know Israel meant "the man who has seen god", Carmelo was looking at the irony, of a man who was going to hell.

I think in the montage during Caro's speech, their was a glimpse of Pia and Juanito getting it on, for some reason she cracks me up, I'll miss her.

when they didn't show who was at her door, I thought back to her comments while watching the Joe/Sara video, she had seen him before and wanted some of that.

what spun me around was Carmelo leaving, he seems to have no idea the risk he puts people in, anyway they were talking jungle, crossing a river, going around checkpoints, but in the end they get in a car and drive down the road, what? and after his speech about only him going I thought that's what he was doing when he discovers the camp has been taken over, and then all the double talk about Amalia's camp being compromised, but she would know and move or something, and then it looks like they did move except Amalia was hanging out drinking a beer waiting for Conejo, eh?, and I think Mayorga's guys killed everyone.

while Carmelo's merry band are driving Voyo's back roads to return, this is even stupider than leaving, Voyo is probably the only one with a gun.

and Voyo has known Clara now for 2 days ??, I don't suppose anyone mentioned how she was using Segovia, she looked pleased that he brought her tea in the morning.



Thank you novelera and deb for your kind words, additions and observations.

novelera, thanks for taking time out of your very busy schedule to check in. Yes, Caro did sound presidential. Being a seasoned, professional journalist, she handled the reporters--she knows all the pitfalls and tricks! If she can get past a possible Pia scandal, she could definitely be the next prez. Rivas Macin & Palacios will join her team.

I really hope nothing happens to Amalia because of Carmelo. Imagine how Placido will react.

deb, I noticed Pia and Juanito, too, and it made no sense to me why that would be included in the montage. Glad you mentioned Pia’s comment about Joe. I wasn’t sure about that.

I liked what Carmelo said to Isra. Hmmm… Carmelo has biblical knowledge and used to give sermons on Sundays. Maybe he should retire to a monastery and do penance for his adulterous ways… nah, that could never happen.

I’m wondering, too, if they can come up with a satisfying end for all the baddies.

Just my opinion: this show has had it's moments, but it's not been "Super" and hope it doesn't become a "Series". I’m trusting they wrap it, no matter how badly, and we do not get another season.


Telemundo- El Señor de los Cielos 7

Forgot to mention I saw a brief promo for El Señor de los Cielos aka El Señor de los Depends*, Pronto, during Friday's Preso. They showed someone's head and face, presumably Aurelio, swathed in bandages.

*I wish the poster who made the depends comment would step forward for well deserved credit.



I'm envisioning a gran final where Carmelo is returned to Los Pinos, this time living with all of his extended families (and maybe some new ones), except Caro of course who can't handle it.



deb, are you thinking along the lines of Carmelo and his sister wives or a guys and gals commune where free love is the theme? We’ve had a hint of each during the novela. And of course Caro can’t handle either scenario.


Sin S#4

you are to keep up our board... this series just hit a crux??!!crucible..??
How many epsiodes??I hope they dont bum rush this...


thanks....I didnt get the car was filled with cocaine???!.. and the locked doors...okay.. !!

Yes the Satanic alter.. you best believe it!!! OMG!!

halimacandy ..on the ..Q.T......on the job



the daily dish is out with their recap, usually late the next business day.

on an earlier one they mentioned Lucrecia being in the cell with Diabla just before the accident that caused her to get a new face, I remember that now.


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