Monday, September 30, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 11 - The Parent Trap!

During the blackout at the psychiatric clinic, Facundo gets to Paulina’s room to rescue her. He tells her he knows her true identity and will help. She begs him to not disclose anything, as her mother’s life is in danger. Master villain Terry also finally got to Paulina’s room with her gun, but she is spooked by Facundo and runs out, with him in pursuit. She manages to blend in with the nurses, and pretends to be engrossed in a conversation with a couple of them (who, curiously, pay no heed to the fact that they have never seen this woman in their lives, while working - we’ll note - in a highly secure facility…) Thus Facundo loses Terry and then is promptly asked to leave the premises, when the staff realizes he does not belong there (at least someone is paying attention). No rescue for Paulina for today. Instead she debriefs with the doctor and tells him all about the scare. They decide this blackout was orchestrated by Carlos’s enemies. 

Disappointed Terry is trudging back home, when she decides to check in on her explosion job to perk up her spirits. Instead she is greeted by the double whammy – not only is Paola not dead and is instead being taken to the hospital, but Manuel is in critical condition too! She panics and screams “It’s my brother!” to the medics, who are trying to load him in the back of the vehicle. (So at least we are confirming they are, in fact, siblings. I will try not to think too much about all their creepy non-sibling moments to date…) 

Back at the presidential residence, Carlos is beside himself that the security of the hospital was breached. The doctor promises there will be an investigation, but confesses that the First Lady may no longer be safe there and perhaps should be moved to Houston asap. Omnipresent Pascual, standing very straight, wants to know what Nava was doing at the hospital at those hours of the night. Nava invents that he got a tip from one of his informants on the upcoming assassination attempt on the First Lady, when he was already on the way to the hospital.

Nava also opines that perhaps moving her in the presidential airplane with all the medics would only attract more attention. (Incidentally we learn that keeping track of Carlos’s plane is another one of busy man Pascual’s responsibilities.) Nava thinks the First Lady should stay close by, where they can provide adequate security, but also somewhere in a calm place where she can recover. The doctor thinks it’s a great idea, and Nava quickly comes up with such a location – his ranch! Everyone accepts this idea and disperses. Nava, however, is asked to stay. It must be right after midnight and Carlos’s bank of smarts has just replenished for the day, as he notes that the coincidental call of Nava’s informant is highly suspicious. Nava makes up another excuse, and having just depleted his reserve of quick thinking, Carlos accepts this explanation. 

Carlos then goes back to the hospital and embraces tearful Paulina, asking for her forgiveness and promising that he will not send her to Houston. In fact he is preparing a much nicer place for her, he says. In the morning at breakfast, Lisette asks to see her mother, again. She is denied, again, and goes to call Arcadia. The latter is back at the casino, says she is busy, inquiries about her daughter very disinterestedly, and makes plans to see Lis later in the week. Even Lis seems surprised by Arcadia’s desire to see her. They do meet up, however. Arcadia is her usual self-centered self, but Lis actually wants to know if this mental instability runs in the family (smart girl!). Arcadia quickly changes the subject to something more appropriate for a dignified dessert! 

Bored with no alcohol, Emilio decides to play a matchmaker. Remembering the name of Juana’s former fiancé, he looks him up on social media. He scrolls past all the Demetrios that come up, and picks the only one without a last name (makes sense – if there was a last name, the maid would have said Demetrio Last Name, but she didn’t. So he must have none.) He ends up meeting up with him and, after a brief chat about Juana, Demetrio realizes Emilio has a problem. Demetrio is an AA veteran and seems to have been sober for a while. He offers to be Emilio’s sponsor, but Emilio is not ready and runs away. 

So what happened to Paola, you might ask? Well, in an unexpected turn of events, a phone rings back in Bogota at Olga’s house. It is a doctor from Mexico to inform her that her daughter was in an accident and is presently in intensive care (remember that Paola had Paulina’s passport on her for her “new life”). Olga is asked to come to Mexico immediately. Together with Wilson they do just that and she is mortified to see her “daughter” in such a state. Soon, however, the daughter wakes up (and by the look on her face thinks: “oh, $%#@!”), but doesn’t react at all, which really upsets Olga. They are allowed to take her home though, and soon Paola is on her way to Bogota with Wilson and Olga! (Wow, did not see that coming!) 

Juana, in the meantime, notices Manuel’s absence and calls his house. She gets Teresa, who informs her that a boiler exploded with Manuel nearby. He is ok, but will be absent for a few days. As she hangs up, we see that an unconscious Manuel is at their house with all of their dogs around him. We really hope that medical education is another one of Terry’s abilities.  

Over the next several days back in Colombia, Olga unsuccessfully tries to revive “Paulina” by trying to jolt her memory with her favorite foods and photos. She even brings all the adorable kids to visit with them, which must be equivalent to seeing a grizzly bear in the wild for Paola. Finally she sings her a song from Paulina’s childhood and something breaks in Paola, she calls her “mom” and cries. 

Manuel is also awake and demands to see Paola. Teresa softly tells him Paola is dead, and Manuel is hysterical that Teresa killed her. 

While all of this is going on, let’s not forget about the political intrigue. Fangul (Molina’s boss) is trying to get a green light on building his developments in Santa Fe, but no such luck. President is not giving them permission, but Fangul tells his associates he is “working on it”. 

Speaking of the President - he is planning a visit to Paulina at Nava’s ranch, which annoys Gema to no end. She advises him to be himself and not fake something he doesn’t feel for Paola. Lis again asks to come with, but is denied again (poor girl). The grandmother suggests she write a letter instead. Right there she writes a sweet note on the napkin, which Carlos later delivers to Paulina, and returns to Lisette with a sweet note back. Lisette is overjoyed at this display of affection. Also during his visit, Carlos tells “Paola” that he will give her the divorce, if she still wants it. 

Meanwhile at the makeshift ranch psychiatric facility, things are heating up. Paulina has been moved to Nava’s ranch and Nava quickly relocates his residence there. He also takes up shirtless horseback riding as a hobby. Paulina and Nava spend some time together, she ogles his shirtless self ride some horses, when he isn’t looking, he watches her make the toys for the children, she tells him the story of how she ended up in Paola’s place, they both discuss how the initial attempt was orchestrated by Paola to get away with Gonzalo. He lends her his phone to get in touch with her mother (but all she is able to do is get Andrea at the foundation, who still wants to talk about her guilty conscience, but does let her know Olga is ok). They have beers at a candle-lit table and talk about their lives, and by the end of the episode they meet in the dark kitchen in the middle of the night and make out. The make out session ends as abruptly as it began, and we wait till tomorrow to see what’s next. 


Ria, yet another sensational outing (loved the title).

"It must be right after midnight and Carlos’s bank of smarts has just replenished for the day", "She even brings all the adorable kids to visit with them, which must be equivalent to seeing a grizzly bear in the wild for Paola" and "makeshift ranch psychiatric facility".

I'm questioning so much this morning. Did Paola lose her memory (for at least a time) or did she go along with this unexpected side trip to silently ferret out information? My brain was in overdrive trying to figure it out. Yet: "Finally she sings her a song from Paulina’s childhood and something breaks in Paola, she calls her “mom” and cries". More than seeing, I actually felt this was the most honest emotion Paola has displayed to date. She felt something, whatever it was and her reaction seemed genuine.

"Lisette is overjoyed at this display of affection". How utterly sad.

Many of last night's events events were disturbing. "will try not to think too much about all their creepy non-sibling moments to date…)". Exactly Ria! Seeing Terry (once again in her underwear), cooling Manuel's forehead with a cool cloth made me wince. Telling Manuel Paola is dead caused another fizzure in her weakening façade. That was an outright lie she may not be able to "correct".

If Carlos could change his one-dimensional stare and emote a bit more, I might be smitten. Sorry, but shirtless Nava just does not do it for me.

There were a few nice touches including the dance of the paper clip people and Emilio trying to help Juana.

When Andrea "sees" Paola will alarm bells ring? Or will she spirit herself away somehow?

Ria, this was wonderful. Thank you for your continuing time and attention It is greatly appreciated!


My second paragraph above were my favorites which I neglected to write.


Thank you, Ria, for all of the details in this action packed episode. The recap is outstanding. You and me both: “I will try to not think too much all about their creepy non-sibling moments to date . . . “ Teresa had referred to Manuel as “hermanito” in a recent episode and I had thought I had misheard, guess not. Yuck!

“Sorry, but shirtless Nava just does not do it for me.” Diana, I totally agree but Carlos could if they gave him more dimensions. : ) I, too, wonder about Paola’s reactions in Colombia.

I think Teresa told Manuel that Paola was dead just to see him suffer.

Two visually funny scenes: the plane flying to Mexico and Manuel in bed with the dogs crawling all over him.


RIA...Thanks so much. Another fast-moving episode and I must say the actress playing Creepy Teresa is doing an excellent job portraying a woman capable of violence, cruelty and murky sibling attachments. The scene in bed, coiled around Manuel, stroking his shoulder, arm and forehead with a damp cloth just made my hairs stand on end. No problem wondering why she wants Paola dead. She's eliminating her rival!

Jarifa...I too loved those mangy dogs scrambling all over the bed. Sure hope it's all "friendly bacteria" given Manuel's fragile health condition at the moment.

Like everyone else, loved RIA;S:"Carlos' bank of smarts has just replenished for the day."

And was rather touched by the change in Emilio: Instead of sneering at his half-sister as he usually does, he instead whipped out a pen and pulled a napkin aside for her to write a note to "mom". The beginnings of a character transformation? That would be nice. As was his thinking about someone other than himself and his woes (as in tracking down Juana's erstwhile fiancé.)

Finally...okay...have to say it...Shirtless Nava DOES do it for me. I enjoyed every last second of that scene. Wouldn't have minded being the nag that was getting all that nice brushing either.

There ya go...Different tastes. Thank goodness. That way there's something for everybody.

Thanks Ria. Deftly written and humorous. As always. And as Hugo noted once, "not too long and not too short". "Just right". You win in the Goldilocks department.

Oh and also, great title RIA! You seem to have a special genius for that.

Ria, another outstanding recap, thank you! And your title was puurfect!

Regarding Terri-ble and Mano, I think all of us "will try not to think too much about all their creepy non-sibling moments to date…" That is just creepy and WRONG! EWWWW!

Diana, "I'm questioning so much this morning. Did Paola lose her memory (for at least a time) or did she go along with this unexpected side trip to silently ferret out information?" Me too! I'm swaying more toward PTSD since she had no reaction whatsoever to the attempts to help her talk and the children. It would be virtually impossible to not display some time of (minor) reaction...but then, this is a TN, where anything is possible.

I have always questioned Paola's obsession with killing Paulina; will that nefarious obsession now be directed toward her mother?

Jarifa, I'm with you and Diana, Nava just doesn't do it for me.

JudyB, "And was rather touched by the change in Emilio: Instead of sneering at his half-sister as he usually does, he instead whipped out a pen and pulled a napkin aside for her to write a note to "mom". The beginnings of a character transformation?" That would indeed be nice...we know that he is really trying to quit his drinking and that is always a good sign.

Diana - oh so true!! I am not sure either what is up with Paola! I am tempted to think she is faking, if for nothing else then for her facial expressions during all of this. And also agree that her tears at the end seemed genuine. It was actually even moving, despite what we’ve seen from this character so far. Everyone wants to be loved by their parents, as we also saw in Lisette this episode.

Jarifa - yes, dogs crawling all over Manuel was amusing. I kept thinking about general medical attention required (that he wasn’t getting), and also the hygiene aspect :)

JudyB - I, too, was touched by Emilio’s behavior - both with the napkin note, and early in the episode when he calmed Lis as she was denied access to her mom for the nth time. And I wasn’t complaining either at the sight of shirtless Nava! ;-)

Rgv Chick - oh, I too now worry about Olga! What will Paola do??


Judy, your "No problem wondering why she wants Paola dead. She's eliminating her rival!" was chillingly true and said it all succinctly and to the point. I agree with you as well Jarifa in that Terry wanted him to suffer by telling him Paola is dead. Twisted. Both are mentally ill yet evil does coarse through their icy veins. I don't want to wonder what hellish home they came from.

Rgv Chick, I thought Paola might have slipped out of character a bit when the children were crawling over her. Sometimes, distaste is hard to hide. Yet, her tears for her mother seemed real.

Are we born evil? I have no idea but we could have a field day with the discussion. Granted Paola did not have an exemplary mother, but you can't blame her mother(entirely) for what she became. There is usually some good in even the most demonic person. For Terry, it's her dogs. For Paola...??

"Everyone wants to be loved by their parents, as we also saw in Lisette this episode". Wise words Ria...


Thanks, Ria. Terrific recap of a terrific episode. My fave: Disappointed Terry is trudging back home, when she decides to check in on her explosion job to perk up her spirits.

She manages to blend in with the nurses, and pretends to be engrossed in a conversation with a couple of them (who, curiously, pay no heed to the fact that they have never seen this woman in their lives, while working - we’ll note - in a highly secure facility…)

Absolutely! Honestly, women are just too polite.

I'm feeling it between Nava and Paulina. Too cute when Carlos was chatting with Paulina but she was distracted looking through the window at shirtless Nava with the horse. I think we're at a tie between the yays and nays on shirtless Nava. He is a bit wiry for me, but I was distracted by him with the horse too.

Paola is now living in squalor by her standards. Because she hasn't freaked out about it, I'm thinking she's not faking. Could a mother's soothing, unconditional love turn her around?

I figured Terry would be devastated by Manuel getting hurt, but not that she'd try to nurse him back to health all by herself. She loves feeling superior to him and controlling him. He on the other hand, only has eyes for Paola.

Wonderful, Ria, from Title down to the last words--"we wait till tomorrow to see what’s next." I'm so glad you and the Pricess are covering this.

I have a few takes different from the ones already expressed. Here goes--Terry and Manny. (Glad to see their relationship cleared up, but it doesn't make it any more likable.) Terry was aware that Paola rejected Manny in a most despicable way (and Terry punched him for it). She may be trying to save him from additional pain and sorrow--and to get Paola out of his system so he can concentrate on being her fourth doggie. She knows Paola was released from the hospital as Paulina. She had time to check the computer at the nurse's station, but I couldn't read what she saw. She probably figures that Paola/Paulina got what she wanted--freedom from Carlos, politics AND Manny. Let sleeping doggies lie (and lie and lie). Terry figures Paola will never show up in MCDF again--at least not for a long while.

Paulina was never a rival for Paola man-wise, or position-wise. She only learned there was someone who looked just like her recently. When Paola learned she was a twin and was given away to be adopted, Paulina became a useful instrument to achieve her own wicked desires. She just missed the mark, 3 times, and is left with 1) a live Paulina--who is a danger to her if she talks, 2) survived an attempt on her own life, and 3) nowhere to go with Paulina alive (though sequestered by the Doc, Carlos, Gema and now Nava) and Gonzalo dead by her own hand.

Paola was fortunate that Olga showed up before she could be unmasked. Olga was desperate to have her daughter back and may for awhile overlook inconsistencies. I think Paola knew exactly what she was doing--keeping her mouth shut. ITA that her true feelings came out at the end in the scene where Olga sings her a lullabye--something Arcadia probably never did.

Somewhere in one of the last few episodes, it was revealed that Wilson is Paulina's EX-boyfriend, so the angst Andrea was showing was a bit overdone to keep bringing it up. But it makes for a plot propeller that she didn't really have a conversation with Paulina.

Now to Carlos vs. Nava (having to say Facundo for me is like Cora Munro having to call Nathaniel Natty Bumppo in the Last of the Mohicans - which she didn't in the movie). Carlos is yes, a cardboard character, little personality, no emotion--even when Paulina enthusiastically kissed him all over his face and hugged him when he told her she wouldn't be sent to Houston--cares for social and political appearances over everything. He did look a little sad when he told Pao/Pau he'd give her the divorce. Nava is exciting, unpredictable, a risk taker and has wanderlust. So far, both men have some "side dishes." Nava looks good shirtless on a horse, probably better than Carlos would. Nava also has more operating brain cells.

Funny, though, this is Nava's finca, yet we haven't seen anybody working there. No house servants, no stable boys, etc. Not what we are used to in other tns. So he has 3 horses and takes care of them all by himself? IIRC, he's been in Mexico City and who knows where else for months.

Lastly--sexual lust vs. romantic attraction. Carlos and Nava have both exhibited sexual lust with their paramours. We know this because lips lock and then immediately start tearing off each other's clothes and end up on desks or (if they are fortunate) beds in wild abandon. Romantic attraction might very well lead to sex, but so far the story is making it pretty clear that between Paulina and Nava it's not sexual lust. It's something else, growing more slowly. They kissed. Then last night they had more time to kiss in an embrace. They both liked it but neither made a move to take it to another level. For her own reasons, though it seems as though Paulina is smitten, she backs off and ends the encounter. Good move. Sexual tension is building. Let's see how long before they give in to physical desire.

Another excellent recap, Ria! Thanks for clearing up the confusing first part for me--it was so dark I had a hard time keeping track of what was happening. Whoa! The real Paola is now in Bogota? I wonder how she'll treat the orphans when she's more recovered. Pretend to like them? Great "grizzly bear" comment, Ria! In addition to being a detective, Nava is also a hacendado? How convenient! Verges on beanie cap territory.

Diana, yes - that is a very interesting question: nature vs. nurture. Maybe both have some role to play, you are right.

Niecie - I was super surprised Terry blended in so easily! And you are so right, Paola is not protesting against new living arrangements! Maybe all she needs is some TLC.

Anita - I wonder too if Olga at least notices the differences. Although it is just as likely they will chalk it up to the hit on the head. And yes, very interesting dynamic for Paulina and Nava - we’ll see where this goes.

SpanProf - yes, a beanie cap needed for sure with our nuevo hacendado sin camisa. :) (new shirtless ranch owner)


Couldn't stay away.

"Paola is now living in squalor by her standards. Because she hasn't freaked out about it, I'm thinking she's not faking. Could a mother's soothing, unconditional love turn her around?" Excellent comment Niecie. I fear Pao is too far gone unfortunately for a miraculous redemption.

I still don't know if she is faking it. If Pao turns into the churlish, screaming mimi we all know and loathe, I would wager that after Olga's initial shock, she might well put two and two together (so to speak) and figure out this is not sweet Pau. :)

Anita, I laughed out loud here at work at " get Paola out of his system so he can concentrate on being her fourth doggie" and "Let sleeping doggies lie (and lie and lie). Thank you, thank you - that made my day! Also, I respect your points about Terry and Manuel. And, if it weren't for her going pantless in most of their scenes, I might indeed think she is being the protective (younger?) sister. If I am wrong (which I usually am), I will concede graciously.

SpanProf, tears aside, I don't expect much from Pao on the orphans except eye rolls and disdain (unless of course her personality is irreversibly altered), which I doubt! :)

"nuevo hacendado sin camisa. :) (new shirtless ranch owner)" - thank you Ria.


Excellent, Ria.

Glad to read that I'm not the only one thinking that Paola was faking it. It's partly being out of her element and also not risking saying something that would out her as the twin Olga gave up. If she is really carrying resentment over that she will definitely harm Olga at the first sign of her catching on to the switch.

Which can easily happen if Paulina calls.

Nature vs. Nurture: It is likely to be both, but we are looking at a classic cliche of fiction with regard to identical twins. If it's only Nature, then no way could one be evil and the other good because their DNA is identical. For Nurture look at the two mothers in this situation; they are like night and day. We don't know a thing about the two fathers and their influence but I'll bet that they weren't exactly alike.

Now I have to start over cuz I touched
Something on the screen and it went to the web version. I'm on my phone doing
This comment. So I'll try and remember all I said. Cuz it was Gooooood! Lol.

Ria,this is a good recap.Fun & creepy.
Let me get the creepy outta the way.
Ewwwwwwww! Yuck! Sisters Should not dress provocative and lay Next to their comatose brother rubbing them
Down with what looks like a spung.
Just Yuck! Eewwwwww! Moving on>>>>>>>>

Now, nava is an attractive man, but he could use a few days in the gym. Buff
Up the muscles the biceps & the abs. Now if he had a body like the rock minus the tattoos.....mmmmmmmm.
But I do Like him with Paulina. He is certainly better than nonperforming wilson. And He is Better for her than carlos. Carlos is More of an image of a president than a real president, the character I mean.
Like I said before gema can have him.

JudgB,.... I must say,that actress playing creepy Teresa is doing an excellent job portraying a woman capable of violence cruelty and murky sibling attachments. How in the world
Did that even get started. It boggles
The mind.
Jarifa, two visually funny things, the plane flying to Mexico and Manuel in bed with the dogs crawling all over him,lol. That had me laughing outloud.
Those dogs looked Hungrey and they probly smelled.

It was hard to tell if Paola had a bad
Memorey loss or Was pretending. But I
Think something really touched her with that song that her mom sang. She
Never got this from that gambler that
Calls herself a mother. But striking out the way she did, blaming Paulina
For her woes and sorrows is not the way to solve the problem.

Ok Ria, this was good, now we gotta see how Paola reacts to Wilson. That
Should be funny. She ain't paulina.

Thanks Ria.


OT, but this deserves its own post:

When the new Cuna de Lobos begins on the 21st, we need to recap it! Giselle Gonzales is the producer and the cast includes Paz Vega, Flavio Medina, Naila Norvind, and Azela Robinson.

I looked at the Wikipedia page and Catalina seems to have three sons/stepsons in this version.

No word on how long it will be. It will also be a world premiere.

I'm ok with the half naked man on a horse.

But I am concerned with how Paola is going to explain her Mexican accent to her Colombian other. Unless she's as good with "faking accents" (they all sound Mexican) as Paulina, who has managed in Mexico under all kinds of stress without slipping a single momentico.

I do think she's faking the amnesia to see where this birth mother thing takes her. If she still thinks Paulina is in the manicomio, Colombia is a safe place to think about her next move. And she still gets to fake amnesia to explain away discrepancies, if not the sudden accent change.


Good point, Kelly. Not to mention vernacular.

Ria: Muchas Gracias! Your recaps are always amazing & interesting with a pack of WOW & OMG!

I like to see how Paola will slither her way out of this situation too.


UA - yes, I too thought Paola may have been laying low, studying the situation! We'll see how she behaves now.

Kelly -very true! Plus all that familiar "tu" versus very formal Colombian "usted". And you made me laugh with the comment about Paulina - indeed, she is switching flawlessly between Mexican with Paola's cohort and sounding very Colombian when talking to Andrea and her mother on the phone.

Steve - thanks! And yes, ready for tonight's episode!

Nina - laughed so much at "Nava could use a few days at the gym"! Too funny.

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