Thursday, September 19, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 4

Recap by Princess Juju 

Dude, that was intense:

We resume the episode where we left off last night, Emilio has made the poor choice of pulling a gun on a group of protestors, they are not violent, they are simply desperate for someone to listen to them, Paulina promises to intervene on their behalf, and manages to earn some good will with the public, something her husband has been unable to do. Emilio is surprised that Paulina came to his aid and makes it clear that he believes she helped him not because she cares about him but because she wants something from him.

Paulina tells Carlos that the protestors need help one of the families she met with are broke, with no job, no savings and no homes. Carlos turns the conversation around and asks her what she was doing outside, then accuses her of having a lover. Paulina tells him that's not the case and points out that Carlos should be more worried about his son and the fact that he had a gun and could have killed someone, she also tells him that Emilio has a drinking problem and if Carlos hasn't realized this before then he really is a dummy and I fear for the people of this fictional Mexico.

We also learn that Carlo's first wife committed suicide and that Emilio doesn't know this, raise your hands if you believe that Paola had something to do with her death.

Gema, Nava and Carlos have a super secret meeting to discuss what happened the night before, they all think that the First Lady was running off to meet with her lover, Carlos tells them that he asked her if she was having an affair and that she denied she was, Gema replied with "You can't trust her, she is the queen of lies"- lady, you are having an affair with a married man, so stuff it.

Nava's personal assistant whose name I have forgotten ( in my head I've named him torta guy because in last night's episode he offered Nava some of his torta) is on the hunt and locates the jewelry shop were Paola purchased the wedding bands, he flirts with the sales lady and finds out that Paola bought two bands and had them inscribed with the initials "P" and "G"- the P for Paola and the G for...Giovanni? He thinks that could be the name of the secret lover, his theory is that the name sounds sexy, you guys this guy is hilarious.

I need to charge my laptop, I'll be back soon with the rest of the recap.

And I'm back! 

I went back and learned torta mans name, he is Pedro, who I think was talking to someone on tonight's episode about bringing tuna for the cat and petting the cat, did I hear that right?

Anyhoo, Nava knows that the First Lady went away for two weeks at the end of August, they think she went to a spa to get plastic surgery, but Pedro's job now is to find out what "spa" she went to and with whom.

In other news, we learn that Paola's mom knows about her affair with Gonzalo, she also believes Paulina was running off to be with him and she is surprised when her daughter lets her keep a dress that she liked.

Carlos meets with Gema and he tells her he will meet with the protestors, and that Paola will also be there, Gema does not seem pleased but she says she will write Paolas speech, in another one of her meetings with Carlos she suggests that he send Emilio to a boarding school in the US.

Carlos takes Emilio out to lunch and tells him that he is worried about him, he is afraid that he is prone to depression like his late mother and that he is going to hurt himself, Emilio tells him he bought the gun for protection not because he's planning to blow his brains out. Carlos also expresses that he is worried about Emilios drinking and suggests that perhaps he should enter rehab, Emilio is not pleased with this suggestion and believes that Paola wants him sent away.

Lisett is online talking to a boy, they make plans to meet but the day of their date he cancels on her, this leads her to binge eat some Pringles, we've all been there girl!

Paola for her part is not having a good time and Gonzalo is really, really not having a good time. Paola is totally manic, she is upset because she believes that he sent his men to kill her and she will not listen to him when he says he had nothing to do with the attempted murder. Paola has restrained him and her mood gets worse when she watches the news and learns that her imposter is being credited with helping with the strike. Gonzalo makes the mistake of saying that maybe she should have taken some tips from her sister. Paola reacts by calling Manuel and screaming into his voice mail that not only did he fail to "finish the job" but now her rat imposter of a sister is looking like mother Teresa. Paola also shoots Gonzalo in the knee, this is after she almost bit his nipple off, true story.

Paola realizes she probably won't get away with shooting him so she tries to flee the island, but she can not find a plane or boat to make her getaway,so she returns to poor Gonzalo. Listen folks, when your significant other kidnaps their sibling and the plans their public execution that's when you run away. Just run, don't look back, learn from Gonzalos mistakes and save your nipples.

In Mexico Manuel is having a busy day, first he calls Teresa and tells her that the Colombian tried to escape, they have to teach her a lesson and he wants Teresa to take care of it, so she does, she has a doctor give Paulina's mother something that makes her ill. Now I have a question, did Wilson (Paulina's boyfriend) just let this strange man come into the house and start medicating Paulina's mom? Did he even ask for ID?

Manuel also tells Paulina that for every action there's a reaction, they have already started to make her mother ill and if she doesn't stay in line they will finish her, Juana comes in and notices how nervous Paulina is after taking to Manuel.

Manuel and Teresa also disposed of the snippers body, at first I thought they were going to feed the body to the dogs but I was wrong. Manuel is dumb, he wanted to dump the body in the canal but Teresa has brains and instead she makes him bury the body, she says that the body is their insurance policy for when Paola turns on them. She is evil but she knows what's up.

Also, I don't feel like the snipper was a real professional cause what kind of snipper still lives at home with his mom?

Nava stumbles on the restaurant where the money to pay off the snipper was dropped, don't ask me how or why he was there cause I don't know.

Paulina goes to give the speech and starts to read what Gema wrote for her but it sounds forced and she decides to speak from the heart, the result is that her activist roots show and she seems to be winning the public and the protestors over.

In Colombia Wilson and Co begin to really worry about Paulina, not only have they not heard from her but the foundation that contacted her is not real.

In Bora Bora Gonzalo remains tied up, Paola keeps drinking and she calls Gonzalos private pilot, she leaves a voice mail telling him she needs to fly to Mexico. She continues to drink and realizes she's out of pills, Gonzalo again tries to explain that he did not try to have her killed, he tells her it is not to late to stop what she is doing and admits that his partner wanted to kill her but that he would never hurt her because he loves her. Paola asks why he didn't tell her this sooner and he says he did not want to worry her, after all he had a plan to take them somewhere safe.

Paola leaves the room and when she returns she finds that Gonzalo has escaped, she finds him dragging his body on the floor and says "see that's why I can't trust you, I can't trust anyone. I'm alone, I've aways been alone" and then she shoots him straight in the chest, a second later Gonzalos pilot calls and says the trip Gonzalo planned was for Tuscany not Mexico, Paola breaks down when she realizes that she made a terrible mistake, Gonzalo did love her and meant to whisk her away to safety.

Mistakes were made y'all.

See you next week!


Thanks so much Ria for your wonderful recaps! I haven't read today's as I have been catching up and I'm on the west coast so the episode hasn't aired yet. You have an excellent sense of humor and I look forward to reading more tonight. Thanks again!


Thanks, Karen and good to see/meet you here at Caray! I won't spoil anything for you then, but it's another good episode.

Princess, Juju, thank you for the excellent recap and especially your funny commentary, observations, and advice which are giving me more than a few good laughs this morning.


Without Gonzalo to keep her occupied, will Paola be headed straight back to CDMX to finish off Paulina herself?

Now Gonzalo looks dead and he should be dead, but is he really dead?

More later.

Good Morning Princess Juju....I've missed your frank, tell it like it is recaps m'dear. Very enjoyable as is this fascinating telenovela so far. You really made me laugh with this:

Carlos tells them that he asked her if she was having an affair and that she denied she was, Gema replied with "You can't trust her, she is the queen of lies"- lady, you are having an affair with a married man, so stuff it.

Yeah, I liked Gema at first, but now that she's giving our good girl the stink eye not so much. I'm a sucker for romance and I want a real love affair to bloom between our Presidente with those eyes of "borrego medio muerto" and our sweet, pseudo First Lady.

This is quite a fascinating romp so far. And I hope Gonzalo isn't dead although I can't imagine how he would have survived that shot directly to the chest. The actor played such a wimp in Sin Tu Mirada but he's been great in this one. I'll miss those well-defined muscles! As will Paola evidently.

Thanks again Princess....great to have you back and helping with this one.

Thank you so much for this, Princess Juju! What a wonderful recap and a mind-blowing episode!

Whoa, I did not expect Paola to kill Gonzalo, even after the first bullet to the leg. She seemed remorseful, I fully expected them to make up.
Jarifa - very good question, what will she do now??

Princess Juju, I especially liked these:

"she also tells him that Emilio has a drinking problem and if Carlos hasn't realized this before then he really is a dummy and I fear for the people of this fictional Mexico."

"Listen folks, when your significant other kidnaps their sibling and the plans their public execution that's when you run away. Just run, don't look back, learn from Gonzalos mistakes and save your nipples."

This last one is hilarious. And true!

Also interesting question about Wilson and Colombians being so naive and trusting. It does appear that he just let a kind doctor in, who is probably also collecting no money from them, but is dispensing some mysterious medication.

Also it is strange to me it has taken them so long to start really worrying about Paulina. They barely heard from her (and mind you, we are filming this TN in the century of cell phones, texts, Skype... meaning she ideally should be getting in touch more often than she does). She called once to tell she has issues and has to stay in Mexico and hung up, so they just canceled the party and went about their lives.

Interesting bit of info about Susana's suicide! Wonder indeed how that happened.


Ria, “Whoa, I did not expect Paola to kill Gonzalo, even after the first bullet to the leg.” So true. This is sidebar worthy!


Gracias, Princess Juju, for this excellent recap. I finally caught up.

We had to know that not only are these twin sisters polar opposites in temperament but that Paulina would change things just by being herself. The big questions in my mind now are:

-- Will Emilio make it to the end of the series?
-- Will his father and grandmothers find out about the imposture?
-- Will Gema try to off Paulina?
-- Will Paola make it to the end? (My money is on "No")

I'm getting used to the faster speech and I'm liking this cast in this story. Totally agree about the wardrobe.

More later,

Interesting. I have Comcast and even though I have captions turned on, they haven’t worked on the Univision network for years. Suddenly with this novela, I am getting captions in English and the translations are pretty good. Anybody else getting English captions?

Thanks, Princess Juju. I like your sense of humor. Paola has now gone full out BScrazy. This is why she can't have nice things. i thought that running off with Gonzo was her endgame , so now what? Back to Mexico to stir the pot and cause more havoc just because she is completely unhinged and enjoys spreading the crazy they do .

And then we have Manuel and scary Theresa digging up someone's nice backyard burying a body. And drunk , wimpy Emilio waving a gun around a crowd of poor folks. Grasping, vapid stepmom coveting her daughter's jewelry and dresses. Clueless President. Strong woman amante. Lovely, lovely family.

Regarding the first lady dresses, they are all basically the same cut in different fabrics, colors, and doodads...that sleeveless sheath dress that was so popular in the 60s ala Jackie Kennedy. Everyone back in the day was buying or making them from a very simple Simplicity pattern. Timeless classic that women are still wearing.


Welcome back. You roared in with "Listen folks, when your significant other kidnaps their sibling and the plans their public execution that's when you run away".

As great as last night's episode was, your recap was just as stellar.

"Gema replied with "You can't trust her, she is the queen of lies"- lady, you are having an affair with a married man, so stuff it". Agree with you and Judy. Gema descended a few notches for me.

"Lisett is online talking to a boy, they make plans to meet but the day of their date he cancels on her, this leads her to binge eat some Pringles, we've all been there girl!" Yup. So we have! I'm sort of hoping Pau develops a good relationship with Lisett but I'm thinking she is meant for Nava who hasn't impressed me thus far.

I think Gonzalo is gonzo but I'm always wrong so...

Theresa and Manuel scare the hell out of me.

Susanlynn, enjoyed your fashion comments - all spot on.

Karen, welcome!

Fantastic story, recappers and patio... Gracias, Princess.


Princess JuJu,

What a royal treat you gave us, thank you! I missed the first twenty minutes of the episode, so I am especially grateful for the details.

I had a feeling Paulina would step in to help Emi, but I certainly didn't expect her to talk the protesters down. Now, more than ever, Carlos should be questioning the change in her golly, he's the president! He should have a brain!

INteresting thought that Paola may have had a hand in Emi's mother's suicide. I had not considered that.

JudyB and Diana, I with you all regarding Gema; she is slowly sliding down the totem pole..and Carlos along with her. He'd better do some fancy dancing to come back up to the top.

Paola has really gone off the deep end. I can't believe she shot Gonzo..and she didn't even flinch. If he doesn't die, I will be really surprised and wearing my super strength, double strapped beanie.

Diana, I agree about Teresa and Manuel; though Teresa is so much more scarier.

Susanlynn, "Grasping, vapid stepmom coveting her daughter's jewelry and dresses." And Paulina gave her that dress she was admiring! How the heck is sh going to get into that! The other shocker for me was that stepmom knew about Gonzo. It's hard to grasp how Paola would confide in her mother about something like that...okay, okay, I'm putting on my bean.

Thanks again, Princess JuJu!

Emilio is an all around entitled jerk. He should have been Paola's son instead. This actor is irritating to look at, no matter what his role is.

Has it been addressed why Manuel is so faithful to Paola while his wife Teresa loathes her?

Technically Gonzalo could have made plans for Tuscany without the psycho. How is she going to get back to DF?

It seems Paulina figures she can make a small difference in the small amount she has left, and she did ask to be trained in political matters on Wednesday's episode. But what exactly makes her think she and her mother will make it out alive? They were way too trusting on strangers.

Facundo will probably be the first to discover the switch-up.

Anon: Emilio needs to be in a MENTAL INSTITUTION period.

Paulina is WAY over her head in making a difference. Girl, you have no damn clue.

RGV Chick: Gonzalo will probably survive the gunshot wounds he got when Crazy Whacky Paola shot him.

Princess Juju: Facundo is going to easily figure out about the switch-up. I'm still wondering how he got kicked out of law enforcement ?

Susanlynn: I recognized that mansion, which was used for "Pasion y Poder" 4 years ago.

Teresa is CRAZIER with her dark eyes staring at you.


Princess Juju: I believe Paola or Gema had something to do with Susana's so-called "suicide". I'll say it: Carlos' 1st wife was MURDERED to make it look like suicide.


Susanlynn and Steve - I think this is Gonzalo’s backyard they were burying the dude in. And yes, Steve, I too recognized it as PyP mansion! Very cool to have this blast from the past.

And everyone who mentioned it - Teresa is super scary! Even with Gonzalo shooting, she is still #1 on the villainess list!

Are Theresa and Manuel married ?

I did not recognize the mansion as the one from P y P.

Susanlynn, I think they are siblings. Not 100% sure though. But don’t think they are married...

The mansion was Eladio and Julia’s I think?

Ria--Before I get started on comments, I'm going to delete PJJ's recap from the comments section, since you got it posted on the front page. In the future, if you see a trash can next to a comment you wish to delete, you are authorized to do it (Author's privilege).

Manuel is between the devil and the deep blue sea with those two crazed, violent women. This guy is way over his silver gray head with these two. I shuddered at the scene of Manuel wiping the blood off his face after Terrifying Terry shot the sniper right in front of him. I had no idea this show was going to be so gory.

What a thrilling ride back through the episode. Thank you Princess JuJu. It's been awhile since I read one of your recaps. It'll be twice as much fun to have you on board.

This was definitely a "dude, that was intense" episode. You did it justice in every way. I'm loving this tn from the first episode. This is what a good tn should be (IMHO). I hate that it's only one hour (but that would make it an undue burden on recappers. So, I went back and watched Wednesday's over again before last night's, just to make sure I hadn't missed anything.

About Gonzo being gone-zo, Carayer have always maintained, if we don't see the body (or an official declaring the character dead), the character might not be dead. But almost out of the gate, we have the First Lady shot in the shoulder (pretty close to the heart) and survive, another major character shot in the leg and then in the chest, but we won't know until tonight whether he's off the set for good.

I don't know why it took Gonzo so long to get himself loose while Paola came and went. Our heros can get loose from cords and rope. These were bandanas.

I'm not for someone dying for the other to get their just desserts (so early, too), but Paola realizing that Gonzo was sincere in his feeling for her and WAS going to take her to Tuscany was priceless.

If Paola did have something to do with Carlos' first wife's death, then she is a sociopath/psychopath with a lot of notches in her belt and at such a young age.

RGV--As for Carlos not noticing the change in personality in "Paola" yet. I think they deliberately made the real Paola bi-polar, so he may assume she's in one of her more pacific moments.

I'm liking Carlos as a man, but he's letting Gema manipulate him as President, father and husband. Somebody said Paulina is destined for Nava. Where did that idea come from? Since she can't have children, it seems to me that Carlos would be a better match. He's been there, done that. Nava may want not want to be married or have children, but so far, Carlos and Paulina are better matched temperamentally. Nava is too much of a rebel, focused on his job. Well, too early to tell, no?

Manuel and Teresa are the terrible duo, but he has already proved the weaker of the two (he doesn't work out on a punching bag). Tere is cold-blooded and definitely in whatever she's in for the money.

The mystery of the role of the Chinese restaurant still needs to be cleared up.

Susanlynn--I just saw your moniker for Teresa: Terrifying Terry. Good one.

Terrible Teresa with ciggie dangling from her lips ...kicking it and taking orders, punching bags, digging graves,wearing disguises, and shooting people without a second thought. She and Paola are cut from the same awful cloth. Yikes.

Who, by the way, is the galan supposed to be meh Carlos or rebel swinger Nava ? I can't help thinking that Nava has the brains and Braun usually give to the galan ( not you, Juanjo of Yo Soy Reina) and may be more likely to be the one to save the lady in distress.


A tn love triangle, what could be more tn trope than that! Two guys, one gal. May the best man win (or live to the end).

Anita - thank you for clearing up the comments! Will remember to do that next time. It did not even occur to me this morning, but makes total sense :)

You also reminded me: as far as Paulina not being able to have children - do we think this is another myth to be disproven later? Maybe it’s even Wilson who cannot have children? I am not sure which one of the two (Carlos or Nava) they are positioning as galan, but so far not terribly impressed with Carlos’s character. We haven’t seen too much of Nava yet for a strong opinion. Still need to find out why he got booted from policia.

Susanlynn - Terrifying Terry - that is priceless!!! I think this is our official new name for her!

Looking forward to finding out what happens tonight!


Great job, Princess Juju! Wow! Powerful episode! Paulina: Social Services is what she does. I knew she'd fix things. That's what she's trained for. Transport workers' strike settled: Check. A start made on Emilio's alcoholism and father-son relationship: Check. Left to do: Improve Lisett's self-esteem and tackle her binge eating. Then she can go back to Colombia knowing she has improved Mexico and its first family's life--that is, if she doesn't fall in love with Carlos. Btw, Marce is a treasure. And are there no police on Bora Bora?

Is that where they are, Bora Bora? I was wondering last night when she was asking for tickets in English. That seems like a long way to go when there are do many closer and more convenient islands from which to create a lair. (I am still catching up on this one- missed having a story to watch and this one looked appealing).

Why does Emilio need a gun for security when he has Mexican Secret Service? The drunk boy doesn't need to be armed and I was glad to see someone take the gun from him. Hopefully his father is paying enough attention to not let him have it back. Once Paulina is done fixing him and the workers, she needs to focus on Lisset who fear will be headed down a bad path. Not just the Pringles, because those are delicious, but with trusting dumb boys. There must be a middle ground between her "full trust in whatever they say" and her mother's "tie them up and shoot them".


Ms Ria you know how to box it, wrap it
Tape it And put a bow on it. This was a really Good snarkity recap.

" listen folks when your significant other kidnaps their sibling and then plans their public execution, that's when you run away, just run. Don't Look Back learn from Gonzales mistakes and save your nipples". He obvious did
Not get that clue when she started the
Salute to her freedom, while watching
Her sister go down. This Chick is sick
And he now knows it, but its to late for him and his nipple. He gone.

I agree, gema needs to shut it. She
Thinks shes better than paola, now no
She didn't try to kill her relatives
Or nothing like that, but she is doin El presidente, who is married. So yeah
She needs to shut it.

I cant stand Manuel. He's an old ass wuss. They can go ahead and let Paola
Kill him. Slithering around the peeps
House threatening paulina. His butt need to be dumped in the river. He is
So annoying.

I'm not likin the president much. He's
A bit pompus. Didn't they show one of the previews of him kissing paulina?He
Probly thought he was kissing Paola.
That'll probly piss off Ms "I get laid
By the president after work every nite". I don't like her either. That
Sorry speech she wrote for her probly
Was something she threw together with no feeling at all. I would love to see
Carlos dump her for Pauline. The Best first lady mexico ever had.

Thank you Ria. Enjoy your week darlin.

Ok princess juju did the recap. Ok my
Mistake. Well, thank you both. I can
Usually tell who Did The recap at the
End, I didn't see the beginning of it
Thats why I thought Ria did it. You both are great recappers and I enjoyed
This one immensely.

Thank you princess.

Thank you for the kind welcome Ria and Diana. Diana I used to visit this blog but have been away for some time. I hope you are well. Greetings also to JudyB and Susanlynn.

Thank you Princess Juju! You had so many hilarious comments that others have mentioned; always run away when your "Lover" demonstrates crazy on multiple levels.

I was surprised Gonzalo was alive this episode and completely shocked that crazy, foolish woman killed him (but we still don't if he's dead).

Ria, ITA regarding our Colombian friends. They don't seem that concerned about Paulina in this day and age. I hope her poor mother isn't killed.

ITA w/Princess Juju, JudyB, Diana - regarding Gema. I wanted to like her but now that she is after our Paulina, NOPE.

Diana, I agree that I think Pauline will be paired with Nava. I'm hoping we're wrong though he's smart, I just feel meh about him. The president, while dumb (a very bad quality) seems a better match since he needs all the brain power he can get.

Anita - I hope you are right about Paulina and Carlos. ITA they are a better match than she and Nava.

Susanlynn, I totally agree with your observation about the fashion. Those timeless designs are classic and so elegant.

Rgv chick, yes, it seems like too much to ask (super beanie time) for us to believe Paola would have told her mother about her lover.

Anon and Steve - yes, Emilio needs to be institutionalized immediately!

Thanks again, Princess Juju!



Thanks, Princess Juju. Totally riveting recap. All the details and good laughs too.

Dang, I hope Gonzo survives somehow. A nogoodnik, but nice to watch.

I thought Gema was okay since she wanted to solve who shot the first lady. But urging Carlos to send Emilio to boarding school in the USA? And the gall to call her boyfriend's wife a liar? Nope.

Would like to know more about the early years of friendship between Carlos, Gema, and Nava.

Jarifa, how are you getting english translation on uni? I've got Comcast too. Every since they changed the channel numbers I haven't been able to get english translations. I'm in the southeast.

" it's too late for him and his nipple. " Now there's a sentence I never expected to read on caray.
Hi, nina.

Hi, Karen...I remember you from the way, say back !! How are you?

Ohmigosh Karen is that YOU!!!???? So glad you're back. Are you still teaching classes on media? I still remember meeting you and your lovely mom. Hope all is well with your family and with you. It has been a long time since I've connected with any CarayCaray folks in person. But those are all such good memories. Glad you have joined us for the fast romp of la Usurpadora. Sure is a great ride so far. Ditto for the recaps and Patio.

Miss the old gang of Emilia and Mike, Carlos, Schoolmarm, Sylvia and Vivi. But wonderful to see you back again.

Judyb..ah...those names from the past. And Elna June and Novelamaven, and Beckster and Connie and Cinderella and Madeline.
And Cheryl new Mexico and her Willa to name just a few voices from The past.

Yes, yes, Susanlynn...I know I'm getting nostalgic, but that was such a great crew. I still laugh over a lot of Becksterisms I remember. And while Nickster was short-lived, he was notable too. He's out on the West Coast now. That's all I know.

hi Kelly! Welcome! Yes, it does seem that they are in Bora Bora, or so we decided anyway based on their conversations. Very true on Lisette, she is caught between two extremes: her own low self-confidence and Arcadia's really not appropriate or smart advice. Hopefully someone helps her get out of those weeds!

Nina - yes, it's a bit confusing, but Pricess Juju will be giving us fantastic recaps such as this one on Thursdays and I will be posting them for her.

Karen - I hope her mother isn't killed either. I don't have a very good feeling about this and wouldn't put it past Paola now to even go that low. On Paulina and Nava: for me it's hard to tell yet which galan I am rooting for. Nava is a brooding type, which is a minus in my book. But Carlos so far is not impressing with anything. He needs help making every minute decision and doesn't see past his own nose. Very similar btw to the original main character in the novela from the 90s (his name was Carlos Daniel there). He annoyed me with this very same trait. Nava at least is figuring things out, or seems to. Will see how it continues to develop, maybe El Presidente will rally!


Hi SusyQ, how you doin Girl. There's some new people on the patio. Y'all we're gonna have some fun with this show.

Nina, I have no idea. I wish I could tell you. I am up in the Chicago area and they appeared out of nowhere with “La usurpadora”. Since I haven’t had ANY captions in years, it is quite a surprise that you had English captions until they did a channel number change in your region. Now for “ Sin miedo a la verdad” which follows LU, there are still no captions at all. It makes me wonder what else we are missing out on with good old Comcast. On my tv with just an antenna, I get captions in Spanish for all Uni shows. Go figure! Thanks for the info.

Susanlynn and JudyB - I'm well!! And hope you both are too. So happy to be back on the patio and chatting with folks about LU. My Mom is well and yes I'm still teaching classes in media studies. Those names from the past bring back memories. I had been revisiting the Destilando Amor blog and it's a hoot.

Ria - None of the men in Paulina's life, past or present, are cutting it for me. Thankfully there is so much going on I'm ok, for now, with no real galan here. Perhaps something miraculous will happen.


Nina girl...I am still here. How are you doing? Your comments always me a giggle. I appreciate it.

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