Thursday, September 05, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#2): Amor Eterno, JElCorazonNSE, Sin MiedoALV- Week of Sept. 2, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. As of now, Jarifa is providing fabulous recaps of “Juntos” while AnonFri and Clara are providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE, JECNSE or SMALV, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. TNs/series covered by this page are:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 42
  • 9-10 PM Juntos, El Corazón Nunca Se Equivoca: Ep. 18
  • 10-11PM Sin Miedo a la Verdad
As with other discussion pages for more than one TN, PLEASE identify the TN you are commenting on to avoid confusion and so readers can easily find the conversations they are looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Reina” or “Juntos”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

Univisión Primetime TNs will be preempted due to Fútbol and Amor Eterno will be preempted by La Rosa de Guadalupe on Friday, Sept. 6th!

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FYI: The recap will be up tomorrow morning sometime. Tonight it is football: Chicago Bears against the Green Bay Packers.

JUNTOS, EL CORAZÓN NO SE EQUIVOCA Capítulo 18 Thursday 9/5/19 Part 1

Ari and Temo are busy making a bunch of sandwiches. They are having fun goofing around and are optimistic about their future professions and each other. Lupita, Julio and little Arqui arrive ready to eat and break the mood.

Oleg is on his way to deal with Ubaldo. His wife and daughter beg him to be careful. They all love each other.

Oleg meets with Pancho, Ari, Temo and Diego. Pancho thinks it is okay for him to meet with Dora but that his idea is very dangerous. Oleg needs justice and to face Ubaldo because of his son’s death. Pancho wants Oleg to promise him that no matter what happens, he will let the authorities deal with the matter.

Dora has made lemonade. She looks around to make sure nobody is coming into the kitchen and adds some white powder to a glass before filling it. Ubaldo is calling to her from another room telling her to hurry up. He doesn’t have all day. She looks concerned as she picks up both glasses and goes to the living room. Ubaldo tells her he is not thirsty. She tells him to drink it because what she has to tell him is going to be hard to swallow. He takes a sip and she tells him that she found her son. He drinks a little more before answering. He wants to meet his nephew. She asks why? so he can have him killed? Like he tried with her and Oleg? Ubaldo cannot believe the foolishness she is saying. He told her what a liar Oleg is. He attacks him all the time. She says she may be old but he is no saint. He refused to really look for her son and and committed adultery. Ubaldo insists she is the one who said he could be forgiven for his sins. Dora knows that he did what he did because he cannot stand that her son has the blood of the Gallego family. He hates the idea that her son is alive and that their sister Flora is dead. He has no idea who is his nephew. Ubaldo empties the glass.

Ubaldo’s body guard Valentín is smooching it up with a girl on the street as he waits for Ubaldo when Ari and Temo come running outside to get him because Ubaldo has fainted. They take Valentín to a bedroom where Diego and Pancho gag him and help tie him up.

Dora continues calling Ubaldo evil. How could he keep causing her and the family so much pain. Ubaldo reminds her that she owes him her life. Dora says he caused her so many years of pain and guilt thinking that her baby had died and she would never see him again. That is what she owes him for. Ubaldo pushes more blame on her adding that it all would have been so different if she hadn’t been so weak and desperate for love that she went off with the first guy who paid her any attention and just happened to hate their family. Besides all that, she killed their sister. Dora slaps him hard across the face. She reminds him it was an accident. She didn’t kill her. Dora despises him. She hates him. He tells Dora that she committed the worst mistake in her life. He calls her a damned idiot and goes to hit her when he loses consciousness and falls on the floor. Oleg and Pancho arrive to remove him.



Ubaldo regains consciousness. He is tied up in the back seat of a car. Oleg is driving the car through the same forest where Andrés died. He asks Oleg what in the hell is he doing. This is a crime. He is the head of the government. Oleg does not answer. The car stops and Oleg takes pulls out of the car. Ubaldo tells him he must be crazy. Oleg walks him into a clearing.and forces him to kneel in front of Oleg’s phone on a tripod. Oleg is making a recording. He takes out a gun as we hear the birds chirping. He tells Ubaldo that he is going to tell everything he has done. He is going to confess to killing his son or he will die. Ubaldo tries to barter saying if he lets him go now his sentence will be the minimum. Oleg is not interested. Ubaldo is in no position to demand things. Oleg knows his son was depressed but he never would have taken his own life. He was brave, honest, had honor and fought for justice. Ubaldo brought his son here to this very spot to die. Like a coward he tried to kill Carlota and Ari, so he is the one who has everything to lose. Ubaldo is going to answer for all of his crimes and tell the truth here on the very spot he killed his son. Ubaldo tells him the police will know where they are by tracking his cellphone. Oleg points his gun at Ubaldo, shaking his head and coming closer. He is a father avenging his son’s death. Ubaldo can confess or he will kill him.

Soledad and Carlota are upset at home wondering what is happening.

Ubaldo insists that Isarnio Cervantes killed Oleg’s son just like he has told him a thousand times., We see that a swat team is on its way and infiltrating the forest as Oleg tells Ubaldo to talk. Oleg insists justice exists as he pulls back the hammer on the gun as he points it right in Ubaldo’s face. Ubaldo tells him he is crazy. Ubaldo will be a hero if he kills him . Oleg says no. Ubaldo is a killer. Ubaldo closes his eyes thinking he will be shot. Oleg closes his. We hear a shot and see the birds scatter through the trees just like when André was murdered. It must have been a warning shot because the swat team has arrived and Oleg is arrested. He thinks back on his family telling him they love him. Ubaldo is freed. Ubaldo tells Oleg that it is a pity but he is the “light” and the people need him. Oleg has never been brave enough to do what is necessary.. That is why he ended up shooting into the ground. He is a coward. Ubaldo tells the police
that this crazy sick man tried to kill him. They need to make sure he gets what he deserves.

Soledad and Professor Collins are at Dora’s. She called wanting to talk to them. Dora comes in with a tray apologizing for the delay but she wanted to put a plate together with some of the best cheese and salami. She chatters on saying Nora does this better than she. She uncovers her plate of cold cuts and fruit. She forces some cheese on Collins. Dora admits Nora does this better but she isn’t there and just about hates her. Soledad tells her that she and Nora need each other a lot. After everything that has happened with Ubaldo, they are the only family that they have. Dora stares at Collins who looks uncomfortable. Dora apologizes for having treated him as she did. She did wrong by judging him.(she doesn’t know if she should call him “tú” or “usted”) He accepts her apology but just doesn’t understand.


Dora asks Collins how things are with his mother. Soledad asures him it is okay to answer. He explains that he has an adoptive mother. To be honest she is the best mother he could have had. Dora looks sad. He goes on to explain that she loved him from the first day on, she gave him a career. She gave him everything. He loves her the most of anyone in the world. He is who he is due to her. He asks why Dora would want to know.

Ubaldo arrives at his offices. . He sees his bodyguard and calls him “a good for nothing.” Mateo texts Diego that it looks like the plan didn’t work. Elsa gets a call from Oleg. Yes, she will call the lawyer. They love him. She tells Carlota what happened with Ubaldo and that Oleg told her they have to get out because they are in danger.

Dora tells Collins that she knows it is all hard to understand. He doesn’t know what it has to do with him. Dora explains that she just got some information about the baby that was taken from her. She has such hope today. She could be his mother.

Nora is talking to B from her new place. She is happy she can be with and talk to B freely but is also concerned that her sister is going to be all alone. They are old and she also needs a little love.

Ubaldo is at his campaign offices on the phone telling somebody that he wants Oleg arrested and put straight away in jail. Mateo and Mirna the secretary come in. Mateo assures Ubaldo they are not his enemies. Ubaldo sarcastically comments that that is who his allies have come down to: a secretary and a kid on a scholarship. He tells Mirna that the dedication for Polita’s foundation will be held there and he tells Mateo to spread the news EVERYWHERE that Olegario kidnapped him and tried to kill him.

Dora explains it was her brother who tried to keep her from the information. Collins sees no reason why he would be her son. She suggests a DNA test. Smiling he says he has no connection to her.. She hated him. She ran him off her property. Dora is very sorry.. Soledad comments it is never too late to start over. Collins is sorry, too, but he won’t do it. Even if she did turn out to be the birth mother she says she is, he doesn’t need her. Collins leaves. Dora is in tears.

Eduardo consults with Pancho. Eduardo says they don’t have a lot of time. They both need to get to the jail to talk to Oleg. Pancho wants an adult to stay with the kids for security. Little Arqui suggests Sansón the security guard. He won’t do. Diego suggests Soledad.

Soledad consoles Dora. She will be talking to Collins. He needs time to assimilate everything she told him. Dora says even if the tests proved they were mother and son, Collins is right. He has a life that already exists and no reason to want her. She cannot force him to love her.

Pancho, Eduardo and all of the kids talk to Mateo who is at Ubaldo’s office. He says it will be very difficult to launch an attack against Ubaldo during the dedication of Polita’s foundation which was moved to his campaign offices. Security has been reinforced. They all want to give it a go even though it might be complicated. Ubaldo sees Mateo talking on the phone and wants to know what he is doing.,
He pretends to be talking to his girlfriend. Diego happily pretends to be the girlfriend on the other end by asking exactly how much does he love him, etc. Ubaldo is interested in knowing why Mateo wants to stick by him. Mateo says it is because he is ambitious. He wants to be and learn from the best. He wants to be like Ubaldo. Ubaldo says he better. Mateo smiles.


Pancho tells the group they are going with with their plan to confront Ubaldo in public tomorrow at the foundation dedication. Julio wants to know if he ca use his spy kit. Pancho says “of course!” Julio is lit! Pancho will give them more info tonight. Are they all united? Yes!!!! Soledad walks in and says they can count on her, too.

Later that night, Eduardo and Pancho talk to Oleg. He wants them to do all they can to get him out of there. Eduardo says sadly he is facing charges of extortion and attempted murder. Oleg admits that Ubaldo didn’t utter one word that would compromise him but Oleg is sure he is behind everything. Pancho says it is now his turn to try to get the truth out of Ubaldo. He wants them to tell Elsa and Car,ITA that he loves them and that all of the sacrifice is going to be worth the pain if they manage to destroy Ubaldo.

The fixer/killer/spy guy is on contact with Ubaldo telling him that Pancho and Eduardo visited Oleg. Ubaldo now knows that Pancho has betrayed him.

Carlota is nervous and upset. She chats with Thiago. He is sure her father will be out soon and that happy times are ahead for her family. She says that is wat they need.

Ari talks seriously with the group how tomorrow can change their lives again. It is hard for Diego to think that it will be a happy day when he sees his father fall.

Ubaldo has called Pancho to come to his office. A serious Pancho wants to know what is going on that he called him. Ubaldo asks Pancho if he is sure he is his friend. Pancho seeks clarification by asking if he means is he his friend, his bro, the “Ubaldo” or is he referring to them being brothers? Ubaldo grabs him by his shirt and in a rage accuses him of being a traitor and thinking he is stupid.

Nora tells Soledad and (poor) Collins that her sister can be unyielding, hard, rude, closed, etc., but deep down she is a good woman. When they took her baby away it was only months old. They both suggest he just do the DNA test.

Pancho will not be manhandled by the likes of Ubaldo and pushes him back across the office. With his finger in Ubaldo's face, he tells him the only traitor is Ubaldo. The guy who pretended to be his friend, protector who is so good for the people but he has just shown him his true face. Ubaldo agrees. Ubaldo says he really trusted him. Pancho says He really trusted him, too, to the point off entrusting his children to him but that is all over now. He is going to pay for everything he did. Ubaldo tells him like it or not that is it going to happen. He had better watch out for his family because if he is the man he thinks he is , he and his family are in grave danger. Pancho warns him he will have to go through him before he hurts any of his children. Ubaldo orders him to take his family and go back to Oaxaca after the event tomorrow. A defiant Pancho takes the long strut out with a smirk on his face.

The next day, Carlota, Ari, Temo and Diego are in the Burra sharing Trident gum on their way to Ubaldo’s offices.. Ari talks to Pancho who confirms he has arrived with Julio and Lupita at the dedication of Polita’s foundation. Pancho has a mic hidden in a pin that looks like La Burra on his lapel.( The kids do not know that they are being followed by the fixer/killer/spy guy.) Shortly, Ari lets Pancho know they have arrived. Pancho tells them he is also ready.

As they walk through the parking lot, they meet up with Mateo. He tells them they have to hurry up and leads them in. Thiago is at the dedication and touches base with Pancho. Ubaldo gets a call from the fixer/killer/spy guy who tells him they have a problem because the teenagers just got there. Ubaldo tells him to fix the problem and not talk to him about it. Ubaldo throws . . . that same little rubber ball at the wall in anger. Ubaldo pledges to himself that nobody is going to ruin his victory.


Collins, whose first name is Salvador, has come to see Dora. He explains it was Soledad and her sister who convinced him to come back and see her.

Mateo leads the group to a code protected video control room. Ari lets Pancho know they are there.Mateo turns on the system and they can see the dedication area from all sorts of angles on many screens. Ari says he has never seen a set up like that. Mateo tells him self to acquaint himself with it so they do not fail.

Eduardo tells Pancho that he doesn’t like how this looks at all. Pancho tells him to be calm and concentrate on doing his part and Pancho will do the same with his, the crowd starts chanting “Ubaldo”.

Dora brings out a box of baby items to show Salvador. She shoes him a pair of shoes she had bought the baby before they snatched him away from her.arms. She explains that she wanted to love him. Her life had a purpose back then. Loving a child was always one of her goals. She unpacks the baby ítems from the past. Her parents prohibited her from loving his father and gave him up for adoption. Her love for him just got stronger. She asks him not to reject her. He smiles at the little shoes.

Ari is having problems.the system won’t connect. It won’t work. There is a knock at the door. They all hide as Mateo goes to answer the door. It is Thiago. The fixer/killer/spy guy is wandering around the halls and putting on black leather gloves. He stops at a door.

Salvador shows Dora a baby photo of himself. It matches a photo in Dora’s photo album. It really is her son. They are both happy. He tells her that love is the eyes of the heart. If she wants to go ahead with a DNA test that is okay with him but just give him time to get used to the idea that he now has two mothers. Dora asks if she can just look at him.

Pancho tells Ari he has rato get the system working. Ubaldo is just finishing up the welcome. Ari cannot get the system to work. Ubaldo’s Secretary comes looking for Thiago. Mateo tells her they are all working, not playing. She sees all of the kids and wonders what is going on. Diego steps up and says his father probably would like to see him. She says yes and starts to leave with him and Thiago. Thiago says he will catch up with them and goes back to the control room. As he distractedly looks for his phone before knocking on the door. The fixer/killer/spy guy stabs him in the neck with a hypodermic needle and he immediately loses consciousness. He is dragged away.

Ubaldo starts the ceremony with Eduardo, little Arqui, Pancho and the twins. There is a large framed portrait of Amapola. Ubaldo puts little Arqui on the spot asking him how he felt when his mother died. Pancho and Eduardo exchange glances cannot believing they just heard what they heard. Little Arqui can only stare at the portrait. He has nothing to say as Ubaldo says to cry if he wants. His mother is taking care of him from heaven. Ari witnesses this scene in the control room and says he hates that wretch Ubaldo. Ubaldo sees the Polita Foundation as the solution to so many problems. He introduces Pancho as the founder who will share a few words. Pancho calls out to Soledad who has just arrived.

Nora has a visitor. It is Dora.

As the attention turns away from him, Pancho tells the twins it is slime to get phase two under way.

Temo tells Ari that time is passing. Ari is frustrated he cannot get the equipment to work.

As Ubaldo is walking around the room, he almost runs into a trip wire that has been placed among the chairs. His secretary does and screams in pain. The press wonders what is going on as Mirna keeps squealing in pain. Ubaldo is not pleased to see Diego and Soledad. She starts to confront him in public.




Typo “Pancho tells the twins it is TIME another SLIME” LOL

I will be commenting later.

Thank you , jarifa.

Lost baby found. I guess now Dora's hard shell will crack , and we will see her squishy inside. She will accept Nora,' s !over. The end.

Ubaldo just gets creepier and creepier. Pancho and the kids to the rescue. Will Ubaldo end up in prison ?....The end.

I am ready for the next show.


Susanlynn, you were the one who mentioned Sergio Sendel always throwing his cell phone in his roles, right? It seems like the writers are playing with us. He always has his cell phone in one hand but has been choosing to throw some little rubber ball (?) instead.I wonder if they will give us a real cellphone throw before this is all over.

Another good episode.

What I really found disgusting was Ubaldo asking little Arqui how he felt when his mother died and encouraging to cry if he needed to. There needs to be is a special place in hell being warmed up just for him.

I really enjoy the character of “Papancho” López so able to fit in and operate in any social situation mainstream or not. You knew he was really in, when he showed up in his red sneakers.


JUNTOS – The Highlights Reel

Well, I’m still behind. I have watched through Wednesday the snippets of this show which Univision in its great benevolence has deigned to allow us to see. And scratch our heads over.

I just don’t get it – here they hire all these big-name actors, and then they cut a big chunk of their work. I feel for the Televisa folks who wrote this and went to all that work to give us a fun and interesting show, and I feel for the actors.

Many many years ago the US networks used to cut movies to fit them into time slots and there was a frightening grumble from the viewers. As far as I know, they knocked that off. Anyway we have cable channels where we can see complete movies.

Why has there been no equivalent viewer protest for the chopped-up telenovelas? I read some time ago that Televisa had tried to bring some kind of suit against Univision about this, but it didn’t work.

Well, anyway, you are performing a public service, Jarifa, because I’m getting lost. I haven’t read the recaps and comments for this week, but I will as soon as I’ve seen last night’s and tonight’s shows. I’m looking forward to hearing what you all have to say!



Maggie, you are very welcome, Boy, do I agree with you. This was only 26 episodes long and it was cut from Episode 1. They cut seven episodes. To what end? To show double episodes of “La Rosa de Guadalupe”? That seems to be a solid ratings achiever and I don’t have anything against the show, but it isn’t as if they did not have anything else to available to fill in the slot. They had seven more episodes of “Juntos.” They don’t realize that no matter how skilled the editors, it gets to a point where the viewer doesn't know what is going on. Excessive editing that makes a show “hard “ to figure out or “hard” to watch is not exactly a ratings booster. Example: It took me two episodes to figure out that Dora and Oleg were at a lawyer’s office. Why? Because they had cut it to death.

All that being said, I look forward to your comments. Monday night should be another good one. : )



Marvelous Jarifa. You are as skilled as a surgeon - resuscitating and reconstructing this into something wonderful and coherent despite being rendered almost unrecognizable by the slicing and dicing.

"(poor) Collins" was my favorite. Simply stated yet it said everything.

Let's start with the few light, fun moments. "He pretends to be talking to his girlfriend. Diego happily pretends to be the girlfriend on the other end by asking exactly how much does he love him, etc." Just great. Love Diego.

"Pancho has a mic hidden in a pin that looks like La Burra on his lapel". What an inspired touch. Just loved that.

“Ubaldo throws . . . that same little rubber ball at the wall in anger”. Drat. Not one cell phone thrown yet! But it ain’t over til it’s over. 😊

Props to you Susanlynn who suggested Dora's long lost son might be Collins! Great deduction.

"Ubaldo puts little Arqui on the spot asking him how he felt when his mother died". I agree with you Jarifa. Inhuman.

"Even if she did turn out to be the birth mother she says she is, he doesn’t need her. Collins leaves. Dora is in tears." While I think I'm glad he changed his mind, Dora is unlikeable. Period. I'm very glad he has the mother that raised him. He grew up with love which is likely why he is open to accepting Dora as his mother.

I'm worried about Thiago. I hate any children getting hurt and this show has already gone way above and beyond any boundaries I'd choose.

Maggie, nice to see you here. If it weren't for Jarifa's recaps, I would not even bother to watch. A shame, such a wonderful cast as you've noted.

Jarifa, you are the best. Thank you so much!


What I really don’t get, Jarifa, is WHY cut these shows? What happens after a telenovela ends? Another one starts up. It’s like this big wide Mississippi of novelas, constantly flowing, never running dry. So what’s the big rush? I can see if they had to schedule around Copa de Oro or the Olympics, and yeah, sometimes there’s some huge disaster that needs covering. But otherwise, what’s the big jam-up?

So why wreck one with cutting just so another one can start? And then maybe wreck that one? And why go nuts with the cutting right near the big fat satisfying ending we’ve all been waiting for?



Thanks, Jarifa. I was very confused last night. I wouldn't be able to wade through this without your trusty recap.

Ah, Collin. Both he and his mom will have their hands full with Dora.

That sure was a huge SWAT rescuing Ubaldo.


Diana, you are so right with “ . . . Dora is unlikeable. Period.” I think I “sense” a massive character change in the air. LOL Dora reminds me of Imelda: it doesn’t matter how much the character might repent and be a better person, you cannot forget all of the hurt and heartbreak they caused. If Nora is smart, she will not move back in with her. The “La Burra” pin was the best! I just might have to see if I can dig up “Una familia con suerte” some where and get the whole Pancho López story from the start.

Maggie, always about 3/4 of a way into these novelas, they seem to get bored with their own offering and cannot wait to hurry you through to the next “new thing”, “big thing”, “shiny object”. It makes no sense.

Niecie, Oleg hasn’t watched enough narco novelas, he should have taken Ubaldo’s phone and thrown it from the car. : ) Then he would have had the time necessary to terrorize Ubaldo a bit more.

I have been having so much fun recapping this one and being able to watch it with all of you on the patio.



Bits from Thurs. episode, from dim memory and out of order. Please chime in to add or if I got anything wrong.

Main development was the secret sisters were exposed. Crafty Emir figured out from public records that Leyla and Vildan are sisters. At home, Emir toys with Onder and Vildan a bit, then threatens going to the press and telling Nihan. Onder has an interesting reaction: if Emir doesn't keep quiet, Onder will tell what he knows about Emir's mother! [whatever this is, Onder's kept it secret from Nihan].

As Emir, Onder and Vildan are talking, Nihan and her twin bro Ozan approach the room, overhearing enough. "What are you talking about?"

We don't see much of Ozan's reaction. A stunned Nihan goes to Leyla. "Is it true? are you really my aunt?" A long, pregnant pause here. Leyla stays silent, just looks at Nihan with her big eyes [so Nett, Nina, you guys must be right there is something more here? I'm confused]

Leyla tells Nihan that she and Onder were engaged, but on the day of the wedding [?] Leyla learned Vildan was "pregnant with you."

Nihan's head is spinning. "I feel like my world is collapsing, and I don't know who to be mad at." She asks Leyla how long she has known. Not until the first day Kemal brought Nihan to visit, based on her looks and her last name.

This not very happy familial encounter ends with Leyla saying secrets are poisonous, urging Nihan to tell Kemal everything.

Meanwhile, Kemal's wound is still bleeding. But Kemal cleverly gets the tied-up guy to escape and lead Kemal to a second guy. Kemal subdues them and marches them into the local police station: "these guys are here to confess they stabbed me." [guessing Emir officially implicated soon]

Zeynep [Kemal's sister] is shamelessly throwing herself at Emir on a snowy pier. Emir says it's over, he promised Nihan he wouldn't see her, and she's too young/immature for him anyway. Zeynep won't accept it, she loves him too much "te amo demasiado." Emir looks really disgusted.

Again, Asu got the better of a jealous Nihan outside Kemal's glassy windows. And there was a rehaswh of getting the USBs back into Emir's father's safe.

Anon Fri, thanks much for your last recap!



Amor Eterno

Thank you for the recaplet Clara.

So I guess we get the answer about
Nihan and Leyla. She says vildan was
Preggers with nihan. But she looks more like auntie Leyla than She does her blond momma. Those big beautiful
Eyes. Vildan probly hated that. Even now when she looks at the child she used to stop the wedding it's thrown back in her face "you stole your lovin
Sister's fiance on Her wedding day"and Nihan reminds her of that everytime she looks at her. Carma's a bitch! And
Nihan and her dad seem closer than she
And her momma. He Still loves Leyla &
Vildan knows it. Ouch!

Zeynep, stupid girl that she is. That
Could end badly for emir if he's not
Careful. Now shes claiming to lurve him.
Stupid nep! Hes created a monster. And
He brought it on himself. Stupid emir.

Kemal needs to go and sit before he
Bleeds to death. I don't like asu.She
Pushy. The man don't want her. I hope they don't do the baby thing, I am so over That. I think nihan knew she wasn't talkin to him after he hung up. Asu was pretending he was still on the phone.

Nihan better listen to auntie leyla and tell kemal why she hitched her wagon to Herman monster's weird nephew

Ok that's good. Thank you Clara.


Clara, thank you for the recap. I get a kick out of all the long stares we get in every episode , and Emir's evil, stone face now just makes me giggle.


Just a reminder: tonight is the gran final of Juntos! Hope to “see” you on the patio! Should be a good one! !!! : )


Thanks Jarifa. I am planning to watch but am sure I will need your sure to be excellent recap to explain what occurred.



Yay! I am so glad you will be on the Patio. Save me a seat! Here is hoping we have an upbeat ending and a happy future for our favorite characters. I cannot wait to see what happens to Ubaldo.

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