Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capítulo 8 Wed. 10/30/19: Never Say Never--OR--Ámbar Returns

It is evening and Leonora is visited by a driver with a car. He gives her a card with a message: "I need to see you."  She asks if Alejandro is okay. The driver's only response is that he is there to drive her. He suggests she put something else on because it is cold outside.  She looks at the card and wonders what is going on.

Evidently Alejandro isn't waiting for her yet because he is  clothed and  drunk sitting on the floor of a shower getting soaked.  Catalina  appears, pulls him out and asks him what he is doing.  He admits to being drunk and angry because he feels like he is being suffocated.  Catalina thinks it is all because of Miguel.  Alejandro doesn't agree.  It is all about him and feeling that he is just another piece on her chess board.  She tries to take his wet shirt off which just enrages him more. She cuts that off quickly with a slap across his face telling him to shut up and to get dressed.

Leonora is leaving her place with a coat across her arm. She tries calling Alejandro but she gets the "out of service area" message. She gets in the car.

Alejandro is still raving on again. Now it is about Catalina not really knowing what love is because she doesn't love anyone.  She tells him she loves him and one more time she explains she is doing all of this for him so he can get what is due him.  He answers that he just wants to live his own life, make his own mistakes, seek his own happiness. She explains that happiness is bought with money and he will have all the money he wants. Would he allow José Carlos to take it all away. Alejandro has to admit that his brother is an idiot.  Catalina reminds him that José Carlos could get anyone pregnant and ruin it all for him.  When this is all over, Alejandro can do whatever he wants with his life but right now he needs to do what needs to be done. Catalina will get him some strong coffee. Leonora is waiting for him. 

José Carlos is in his brother's office on his computer  following a lead on some diamonds he thinks are being imported from Sierra Leone.  He calls a number to ask about some pending exports but because he doesn't have the number of those shipments,  the voice on the other end of the phone cannot help him. José Carlos stays there doing more thinking.

Leonora arrives at the Gothier office building where she is escorted to the helicopter pad on the roof.  Alejandro all dry and in a suit is waiting for her with a bottle of  champagne and two glasses.  He has them both toast first because  they are together. Alejandro explains this is one of his favorite places.(In a scene reminiscent of "The Bachelor",) A string quartet comes out and starts to play classical music.  

Catalina complains to Francisco that Alejandro is still like a little kid since he is afraid to make decisions. It seems that Francisco is still upset because he doesn't know if he has the legal means to trace Ambar's calls.  Catalina thinks not because Ambar did inform him she wants to be left alone.  He is worried because she took nothing with her.  Catalina doesn't see that as strange since she seems to have acted on the spur of the moment.  Ambar has always been like that. She will have Diego look into tracing the calls legal or not. He has a connection at the phone company. Catalina announces she needs to change and take a shower. She and Alejandro change some lingering looks. He looks her up and down. She invites him to dinner and he follows her  . . .  

Back on the roof top, Alejandro proposes to Leonora and embellishes the lie telling her how he wants to make her happy, be with her and fulfill all of her dreams.  Leonor accepts.  He  then takes her on a helicopter ride. Yes! he is the pilot.

Back at Catalina's Gélica comes in with some tea for Catalina but she quickly notices that Catalina is not there.   She leaves. Catalina  is in another more private space in her suite having a fine old time  with Francisco. 

At work, Leonora shows her ring to Luis and tells him about the proposal and that she accepted. Luis is not a happy camper hearing the news.  He suggests that she is just taking advantage of being able to marry into a rich family. She has a problem with that. Finally with teary eyes, Luis admits he is jealous.

At Francisco's, Dora the maid goes into Ambar's drawers and takes out some money and other items.  She hides them in some clothes she is taking out of Francisco's room when he comes in.  She tells him there has been no news about Ambar. She also was worried about him since he didn't come home to sleep last night. He explains that he stayed at his nephew's place. 

Catalina is consulting with Diego. She is not pleased with the situation in Africa. He explains that Julius is working with his people on the new deposits.  She wants Diego to take a trip to Africa since she doesn't like how Julius is handling things. Diego says no worries. he will take care of it. Catalina explains that Francisco wants to know where Ambar's "messages" are originating from.  She wants them to look like they are coming from far away. That is no problem for Diego. 

Alejandro gives his mother an update on the proposal.  Catalina is so happy. Alejandro is glad that she is happy because he feels like the worst person in the world.  He reminds her that marriage is not a trivial matter. Catalina thinks he is the best thing that ever could have happened to Leonora. Alejandro adds that he knows now he has to hurry up and get her pregnant because if he doesn't he will be useless as far as Catalina is concerned. Catalina doesn't know how he could say such a thing. He is her son, her pride, the heir to everything. 

As Luis looks terminally depressed at his desk, Leonora gets a phone call from Catalina at her desk. Catalina is so happy for the two of them getting engaged. She thanks Leonora for loving her son so much. Leonora is pleased.

At the offices, José is informing Francisco that he has discovered that Diego is trafficking in diamonds.  He was in his office a few days back checking some documents and he ran into an email where Diego was being asked to confirm some sort of shipment from Sierra Leone. They were requesting more money to get the shipment through.  Francisco finds that impossible  because there are international restricitons on importing diamonds from Sierra Leone.  Francisco tells him not to jump to conclusions. He will find out what is going on.  Catalina comes in and happily informs them that Alejandro is engaged to Leonora.  José Carlos congratulates her on having accomplished what she wanted.  

Leonora and Luis talk about the nature of their "friendship".  He doesn't want Alejandro and Catalina to hurt her. They argue about what they mean to each other. He cares for her and worries about her. If she is happy, he will be happy, too. 

Back at the offices, Francisco catches up with José Carlos telling him he has an explanation for the diamond matter. Little do they know that Diego is spying on them from above on the stairs.  Francisco says yes, they did receive diamonds from Sierra Leone but that they came through Tijuana and all of the documentation was in order. So, there is nothing to worry about.  As he leaves, José Carlos announces that he is going back into therapy. Francisco turns and sees Diego on the staircase. 

José Carlos goes for his therapy appointment and has a new therapist.  He explains his current state. Temptation is always there, the anxiety is unbearable and the physical pain indescribable.  She assures him it is all normal. 

Catalina brings Francisco the results of Diego's investigation into the origins or Ambar's messages. Her last message came from some highway up near Tijuana.  Catalina takes this as an opportunity to reinforce the idea that maybe Ambar wants to leave Mexico since she is so close to the border. Later at home while talking to Catalina on the phone, Francisco is checking through Ambar's things and notices that some money and her passport are missing.  Catalina sees that as proof that she planned to leave town. He starts to go on and Catalina cuts him off. She tells him he needs to forget about Ambar for his own good and for the good of everyone else. She will never be back.  Francisco looks stricken as he repeats "she will never be back". 

Dora walks into what looks to be an isolated house.  As she makes her way to a back room, a woman with black hair turns to look at her. It is Ambar with a black wig and a big smile.  They both like how she looks in the wig.  Dora has brought her everything she  requested. 

Catalina is sitting on her bed with Gélica who has brought her some tea. She thanks Angelica for always being there for he and taking care of her. Gélica says she will always be there for her no matter what. 

An hysterical Ambar describes to Dora how Catalina tortured her. She had one of her employees kidnap her and put her in the trunk of he car. They were going to throw her out somewhere. She tells Dora not to look at her as if she were crazy because this all really happened. It is true. We then see how Ambar managed to free herself from her vehicle out the back and how she managed to hide.  She will never know where her strength came from but she ran and just kept running.  She had no idea where she was until a woman came by and picked her up asking very few questions.  Ambar owes that woman her life. Ambar thanks, Dora, too. Dora tells her how worried Francisco is about her.  Ambar tells Dora he is two faced and not to believe him. Ambar begs Dora not to tell anyone that she has seen her. Dora assures her not to worry because she will be safe here. Dora starts to care for Ambar's wounds.

At the same time, Catalina is asleep in her bed and Gélica is perched  there watching her sleep and stroking her fingers, hand,  arm,  etc. and  and posing her as if she were some sort of doll.  She slips the shoulder strap of Catalina's nightgown down and kisses her on her cheek  and then lies down with her  head on Catalina's chest.   

José Carlos is being hypnotized as a part of his therapy session.  He sees himself as a child observing his baby brother crying in his crib. He doesn't like it when he cries. He is crying so much. As Alejandro recounts what he is seeing,  he is getting increasingly more upset. He wants to know where Catalina is. He has to find her. The therapist says to go find her. José Carlos says no. Alejandro is in pain. He is crying so hard. What could be wrong with him.  Since he has becomes so agitated, the therapist brings out of his hypnotic state and calms him down. 

It seems some time has passed. 

It is morning and Gélica is being interrogated by Catalina who wants to know why she didn't notify her right away. (they never tell us about what) Gélica says because she was sleeping.  Catalina is upset because she cannot contact Alejandro. His wedding is next week. He cannot just disappear.  Catalina now gets the "out of service area" message and is furious that he has turned his phone off. 

Alejandro has flown to Chile and tells Miguel he has come because of him. 

Leonora is feeling ill at work.  Luis checks on her. He blames it on nerves because of her upcoming wedding. A work friend tells her that her bachelorette party is tonight. Luis won't be there because e has to pick up his son. Leonora says eh won't miss anything.  Leonora tries calling Alejandro but has no luck. 

Alejandro and Miguel meet in a public place. Alejandro finds out that Miguel has been doing very well in Chile and in all the time they have been apart, he has met someone else.  Alejandro reminds him that he said he would be coming for him. Miguel wasn't expecting that to really happen since there were so many things that Alejandro never followed through on. Alejandro says he is there now. Miguel wonders why he came. Did he come for his bachelor party because he knows he is marrying Leonora?  Alejandro tells him he only has to ask him to stay and he will not get married.  Miguel says he already asked him, and he refused. Miguel explains: first it was his girlfriend Mora, then it was appearances, his father, his mother and now Leonora.  He calls Alejandro a coward. He is so sick of hearing him say that things are going to change and that they will end up together.  Alejandro fights back saying there hasn't been a single second that he hasn't thought of him. He loves Miguel. He begs him to ask him to stay. Miguel looks at him warily. They end up going back to Miguel's place. Alejandro loves the place. 

At her party, Leonor calls Catalina to ask if she has hard from Alejandro. She is worried. Catalina says Alejandro sent her a message. She was there. Well, sometimes things happen with messages. Anyway, Alejandro unexpectedly had to go to Buenos Aires on business. He called her to say he arrived without any problems but couldn't talk because of a meeting. José Carlos eavesdrops on the conversation. If he calls again, she will tell him to call Leonora right away. 

After some wine and some sex, Alejandro tells Miguel he doesn't know how much he misses all of this.  It had been 32 days since they had seen each other and he couldn't stop thinking about him.  Miguel loves hm, too. Miguel says if he is really planning on staying, he can talk to his company's director about finding Alejandro a job. With Alejandro's  experience in international business, he will most assuredly have a position for him.  Alejandro is quiet just thinking about all of the changes coming. Miguel tells him that sooner or later he is going to have to confront his mother and tells her he isn't coming back and that he doesn't care abut the inheritance.   Alejandro knows and it is no small thing. Miguel says she has to understand that this is HIS life.  The longer it takes her to get that, the worst it is going to be for her. Alejandro does really want to talk to Leonora. She is great person and she deserves at least that.  Miguel sighs, shakes his head and asks if they can at least skip talking about that for today. Alejandro says they can and they both smile. Miguel goes for more wine.

Luis makes it to Leonor's party.  He says he is late but he always is late. In her case, he was a late arrival in her life.  He never said anything but he should have. Leonora is confused at first but tells him that we cannot control our feelings.  Leonora tells him she really cares for him. Luis says he LOVES her. He apologizes for having brought it up at this time.  She asks if he wants to talk. No, he wants her to have fun tonight. She doesn't look happy as they join the party. 

Ambar is out and about on the streets.  She has a rendezvous with a man in a car. He sells her a loaded gun for cash.  She says not a word.

Alejandro calls Catalina. She is furious with him. He informs her he is in Chile. He apologizes for not being the wonderful son she always wished for. He is with Miguel.  She tells him that now that he has seen Miguel and has had his fling, he is to take the next plane home. Alejandro says it is not that easy because he is breaking up with Leonora. He will not have the child that his father always dreamed of. He has already made his decision. Does she understand?  There is silence as the expression on Catalina's face goes from anger to terror. 


Yay! Ámbar is back with revenge on her mind!

I don’t like seeing Leonora feeling sick, if you know what I mean . . .

Luis is proving to be just a waste of skin. What a way to spoil Leonora’s day! Life?

How will Catalina deal with Alejandro’s revolt?

More mañana.

Perfect title Jarifa.

Jarifa, your recaps are always the highlight of my day. This was no exception. Pure joy.

“Alejandro proposes to Leonora and embellishes the lie telling her how he wants to make her happy, be with her and fulfill all of her dreams”. Beautifully expressed. "As Luis looks terminally depressed at his desk" conveyed everything.

“Finally with teary eyes, Luis admits he is jealous”. That came a bit out of the blue for me. I really did believe they were just friends. And I still feel that on Leonora’s part. I wonder if he is feeling genuine love or regret and fear in losing his best friend mixed with guilt that he never told Leonora what he suspected about Alejandro? I suspect she will try and gently bring him back to the friend zone. And of course with catastrophe looming, things can and will change quickly.

Alejandro is being utterly selfish. Miguel has picked himself up and started a new life. Instead of letting him go to try and be happy, Ale puts his own interests first. He is destroying two (perhaps three) lives.

I suspect we all realized Ambar was alive as soon as the money was taken. It looked like there was no connection of any personal nature between Francisco and Dora. He clearly seemed suspicious. We all made much about Carlos’ one dimensional personality in LU but I think Francisco is even more non-expressive. Come to think of it, I can’t recall ever seeing a genuine smile or real emotion from him. “Francisco looks stricken as he repeats "she will never be back". Ack. He always seems on the fringes of understanding yet lost and alone in his own little world. I’m not sure yet if he is evil but he is definitely a dolt. Again, his appeal is way beyond my comprehension.

Ambar really has suffered terribly. While she is clearly a resourceful survivor, she is no match for Catalina. I wish she would just leave and start a new life elsewhere.

José is intense. And fascinating (gorgeous to boot but I digress). I fear for him as much as I do Ambar. He is the one person here who is constantly thinking and analyzing. I hope he lives long enough to find the proof he seeks.

Does anyone think things are being cut? The scene where Ale was fighting with his mother was followed so quickly by the helicopter/proposal scene, things seemed out of synch.

Jarifa, just wonderful. Gracias amiga.


Gracias, Jarifa. This is a pivotal episode.

We all know why Leonora is sick; this is on the TN Bingo Card. It really irks me that nobody in these stories ever even talks about contraception.

I don't think Luis was buying Alejandro's story about why he was in a gay bar. I also think that his feelings for Leonora are genuine and he could not honorably act on them before his marriage went to hell. As for whether it is honorable now to do so, his hinky meter is really coming after him about the Larios family. The rumors about the diamonds, the discrepant autopsy reports, and the murder of the medical examiner are adding up. Add the kidnapping of Matias and his last encounter with Catalina and he has to know that Leonora is about to enter a snake pit that Indiana Jones couldn't get her out of.

More after caffeine.

UA, your points about Luis are very well taken.

But after processing the imminent danger you explained so well, I'm even more perplexed as to why Luis hasn't spoken up. Leonora's safety should be paramount. Romance is secondary.


Carlos' cell phone doesn't seem to have been accounted for. Armenta was the caller about Alejandro's paternity while he was in Ambar's employ. They certainly could be connected to his death, but the problem still is that there was no eyewitness.

Considering Ambar's mental issues she would not make a good witness to any element of this crime.

Francisco does seem to care about her, but I can't see that he ever did anything to help her. He has not been an accomplice to Catalina in any of her murders. I'm not sure yet whether he has had anything to do with the diamond importation. My feeling is that Diego does this because Catalina is hedging her bets. She might believe that if he's caught red-handed she can disavow any knowledge of this and nobody with the Larios name would be tainted. So Diego is her fall guy and he seems very unaware of this.

She might be looking at this also as a way of getting rid of Jose Carlos, who is getting close to the truth.

Ambar doesn't appear to care about the consequences of murdering either Catalina or Francisco. If she's caught she will end up in a facility for the criminally insane.

Diana, you are right. That is one reason he doesn't want her to marry Alejandro. He knows that Catalina is a golden lancehead viper. However, he doesn't know the contents of Carlos' will or any of the rest of what we know and at this stage would have no reason to.

Considering what we have seen of their wealth, I would think that a normal bequest would have been to leave equal shares to Catalina and the sons and possibly something to Francisco. The codicil is clearly meant to force JC to clean up his act. Carlos may not have known Catalina's true feelings about JC and I really don't think he knew that Alejandro is bisexual. I think Catalina concealed that from him because of his attitudes about such things and/or guaranteeing that Alejandro would inherit everything.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday: The photo Catalina didn't notice.

I suspect that Vega is not only not on her payroll but that what he gave her was a copy. He would have given her that as bait. She could become rattled by this revelation and make more mistakes. Right now she thinks she is in the clear, but that won't last long because Ambar survived the murder attempt and will likely go after her very soon, like tonight.

I am still wondering how and when that DNA test happened. Ambar probably suspected the adultery a long time ago. Alejandro is probably meant to be about 25, which means he would have been born in 1994, before it was routine for hospitals to take the DNA of babies and mothers to insure that babies are released to the right parents. Bucal swabs are adequate samples, so she might have saved wine glasses when Alejandro visited them. She would not have sat on this information for long.

This was such a fun episode. I couldn’t believe all that happened.

Diana, you made my day! Anyway, “dolt” is a perfect descriptor for Francisco. Every time I think he “gets it” , he runs back for sex with Catalina.

I do not think anything has been cut but “time” seemed clumsily handled and it could have been edited better between a couple of scenes last night.

I think that Luis has it bad for Leonora but has been a coward in expressing how he felt. It looks like he has been out of his family’s home for a while so I don’t know what he was waiting for. As for Leonora, I honestly think she was vulnerable to “whoever” could fulfill her needs for love and belonging. By accident, it has turned out to be a conniver. Is she really in live? I have my doubts.

Urban, “hinky meter” is perfection! Yep, the “unexpected” pregnancy seems to be on the horizon. Yes, contraception is something that could have been easily included and should be included in any novela plot when sex is imminent. We always end up with the pregnant single woman who never ever gets an abortion because of societal norms. Really? I hadn’t thought about Carlos’s cellphone. Good point.


I'm starting to wonder if Francisco isn't the only one with his head in the sand.


Thank you Jarifa and Urban for opening my eyes so to speak. I never "saw" Luis was in love with Leonora!!! You clearly saw it. I did not. So happy to be here at Caray with so many intelligent, perceptive folks.

Urban, I am SO afraid for Ambar. You're right - she doesn't care about any consequences of what she intends to do. But she should. She should.

"I honestly think she was vulnerable to “whoever” could fulfill her needs for love and belonging". Wow. You nailed it about Leonora Jarifa. I think she was swept up in Ale's white horse courtship and proposal. There has been heat in her few meetings with Jose Carlos. I'm definitely staying tuned :)


As far as censoring sex scenes, they have mostly left those alone. The one in episode 6 with Leonora and Alejandro was cut by about two seconds at the beginning when she was moving on top of him. I heard a music edit in last night's scene of Catalina and Francisco in the dark, so that was shortened by a second or two, but hardly noticeable visually.

The whole lesbian thing with Catalina and Gelica is mostly gratuitous. I wonder whether that hurt the ratings in Mexico.

Thanks, Urban, for the info. Censorship, including edited sex scenes, is something I always wonder/complain about. Looks like Univision is doing pretty well in showing the original content.


Thanks Jarifa for that very complete, detailed recap of a dynamite episode.

I have to admit I never believed for a second that Ambar could have survived. But there she is. It's pretty hard to get out of a trunk. You can kick out the taillights and call for help but to actually exit, don't think so. And even harder to believe that Diego would not have completely latched the trunk. But ah heck, who cares? She's out and as resourceful as a Green Beret at getting back to town, in touch with a complicit maid and contacting the underworld for an untraceable gun. Pretty good for a neurotic, codependent society lady.

Don't care how implausible this is. It's fascinating. Although I would not have wanted to fly in a helicopter with a fella who was dead drunk only a few moments before.

Oh well. Fun and dangerous games. Thanks Jarifa.

JudyB, “Don’t care how implausible this is. It’s fascinating.” I share those feelings. : )

I think Leonora is out of her mind. A fast proposal and Alejandro tries to swoon her every opportunity that he gets? Too good to be true. They moved way too fast in the intimacy department too. Someone commented yesterday that Leonora's flaky. She does portray herself that way.

Is Alejandro really bisexual?

Luis should have said something by now. Anything. Jose Carlos could have also revealed the clause in the inheritance, but I guess no one would believe him. They're both watching her go to the stake.


Jarifa: Good to see Ambar with revenge on her mind.

Thanks, Jarifa, excellent recap.

Yay! Ambar is back! So now she has 4 of her 7 lives left. I hope she does alot of preplanning for her revenge or she may run out of lives.

I was wondering if Alejandro had any part in planning for the proposal...OR did Catalina set the whole thing up without his knowledge and told him about it as he was getting sobered up.

Diana, "Alejandro is being utterly selfish. He is destroying two (perhaps three) lives." ITA, it's all about his wants and needs regardless of who gets hurt. I'm just wondering if he is one who will perish in the end.

Jarifa, "I think that Luis has it bad for Leonora but has been a coward in expressing how he felt. ". Luis should have spoken up some time back...he has been jealous ever since he realized that Leonora was falling for Ale. It could be that Leonora may have been waiting for Luis to make a move; and he may have not made a move because he thought she was not interested in a serious relationship...didn't he say something to that effect?

That scene with Gelica stroking Cat was just c-r-e-e-p-y! Ewwwww

Judy, great point about Alejandro having been drunk shortly before. This perpetuates the idea that all it takes is some strong java to wake up the brain cells.

Yes, this is moving way too fast, but Leonora has been lonely too long. I think her best match would be Luis. He understands her and shares her ambition and her values. JC is gorgeous but has too much baggage.

Forgot to mention this before but I get lots of house envy when I watch these and Miguel's apartment was gorgeous! That place would cost a king's ransome here.

UA...I get lots of “ house envy” also. That apartment would cost a King’s Ransom anywhere! And I thought the staging of Alejandro and Miguel’s conversation was very tasteful and artistic. Really all these episodes have been superbly done.

"It could be that Leonora may have been waiting for Luis to make a move; and he may have not made a move because he thought she was not interested in a serious relationship".

OK. Our more observant than I patio peeps have realized all along that Luis had real feelings for Leonora. Rgv Chick, are you saying that Leonora might have been interested in Luis all along too??? Oh dear. If so, I am losing whatever mojo I had. But if so, then perhaps that's a good thing. She and Luis are more suited as you point out Urban.

Jarifa, thanks to you and others for noting UNI does not have its shears out. At least for now.

Anon, Leonora going to the stake seems apparent, doesn't it?

And yes Urban, Miguel landed on a cloud. What a beautiful space. And Judy, Ale and Miguel's reunion was just as you described it!

Well, if JC is going to be out in the cold, I guess I will be forced to claim him myself. The selfless sacrifices we must make at times are daunting, aren't they? :)


Jarifa, thanks for that wonderful recap of all the darkness.

Wow...Ambar is indestructible. Quite unbelievable . Where did I put beanie?I'm

And Despicable Me Catalina keeps on spinning her web.

I think that Leo will end up with Do-little Luis. However, I am hoping for a happy ending for Jose Carlos.

Another excellent complete recap, Jarifa! I figured Ambar was still alive from the cagy way the writers handled her body "disposal." Diego didn't think to check the back of the van before it was crushed? Beanie hat--but everyone is right that Ambar's survival is so dramatic etc. that the plot flaws don't matter all that much. Does her gun purchase mean that Francisco's dream was prophetic? I too thought there was an awkward gap between the proposal and Alejandro's trip to Chile. Btw, a string quartet--so much less cursi than mariachis. About that helicopter: One of my brothers is a retired airline pilot. He thinks helicopters are so dangerous that he would never even ride in one to get from one airport to another in the same city--no matter how bad street traffic was. :) And of course, all, "feeling ill at work" means pregnancy in tn-land.

Thanks Jarifa!

Things are moving along quickly. Alejandro will have to return to fulfill the terms. He can't exactly just propose to a woman and then say "Whoops, I'm actually gay." Although, he may not be able to keep the secret for long. Almost sounds to me like he will "cheat" on Leonora with Miguel and try to balance both relationships at the same time. He is determined not to lose Miguel. I think we all know what Leonora's "illness" is. How will Alejandro react?

Luis is a good guy but hasn't stepped up and fought for his own happiness, it seems. He, Leonora, and Alejandro all have their faults. They are all very interesting characters. I don't know what their fates will be as far as romance goes but I'm excited to see it all unfold.

Another interesting and kinda weird character is Gélica. Have there been any signs that Cat is aware of Gélica's feelings towards her? I wonder if that will go anywhere or will we just be getting Gélica being secretive about it and showing affection when Cat is unaware.

I will be surprised if Ámbar succeeds in whatever plan she has to get revenge on Cat and/or Francisco. Her grand entrance in this episode was awesome but no doubt she has been through hell and back. It doesn't seem to be in her nature to be villain-esque. We'll see, I guess.

JC's hypnosis therapy session was interesting. Not surprised that the therapist had him stop after a certain point but eventually he's gonna have to face it and give viewerville the full picture.

Are we sure Miguel isn't next on the hitlist?

Hi TF.

Yes, Catalina is very well aware of Gélica's feelings. We've been led to believe that her affections have been returned. In whatever twisted way Catalina is able to respond to anyone of course. Catalina has done whatever it has taken to secure Gélica's loyalty. Gélica alluded to it the other night when she told Catalina she wouldn't betray her.


Anon, I've also wondered if Miguel is in danger.

I think the only thing that might be stopping her from killing him is that Alejandro would never forgive her. Unless of course there was a terrible "accident" that left no trace...


I would say we are a pretty good group of detectives putting our collective noggins together and comparing notes. Kudos to us!

RgvChick, I am betting on Catalina having set up the whole engagement adventure so her reluctant son only had to appear and act the part. Gélica with Cata as she was sleeping was disturbing to say the least.

AnonFri, yes Alejandro is supposedly bisexual having had a girlfriend and then going for Miguel. It was I who labeled Leonora as a flake.

Susanlynn, yes, we need to keep our beanies close at hand. “Despicable Me Catalina” is a good one. This is so over the top, you can just sit back and let it roll.

SpanProf, thanks for the helicopter info. Never have been a fan but now will even stay farther away.

TF, yes, it looks like JC’s therapy/hypnosis sessions might yield some important info.

Diana, I sure hope they don’t kill Miguel off but it wouldn’t surprise me if Cara sees him as permanent impediment to her plan. Yikes! The poor actor would have been killed off two novelas in a row!

And the actor playing Miguel is so simpatico, both here and in Mi marido tiene mas familia. I hope we see him again in future novelas.

He also played the long-abused son of Eladio in Pasion y Poder. I think he's here to stay.

And his name is . . . José Pablo Minor.

I'm sure Catalina can also forge signatures. They haven't shown us that yet but it would not surprise me.

Me either, she is a woman of so many “talents” already that forgery would seem to be a rather good one for her “tool box”.

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