Monday, October 28, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 6 Lunes 10/28/19: Pictures Tell Many Tales

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I've worked for magazines and television long enough to know how much power they have. They serve many purposes: They are plans, art, memories, flirtation fodder, evidence, bait, and they can also be deadly weapons. In the digital age they are even more powerful in all these capacities. Use your camera wisely. – D.D.

Catalina took Ámbar's cell phone out of the drawer and looked at the photos. She saw the very photos that had been sent to Carlos the night she murdered him and realized they had come from Ámbar. She flew into a rage and swept everything off her vanity table with a vicious scream.

Diego explained to Catalina and Francisco that the day before he had spoken to Commander Omar Vega of the federal police regarding public security camera recordings regarding the possible kidnapping of Ámbar.
Francisco was anxious to hear a report, but there was none so far. Catalina tried telling him that the police had all the information they needed to find Ámbar. She thanked Diego and told him to update her immediately when new information came in. Diego left the room and she turned to Francisco.
Francisco, I understand perfectly that you are worried and you will need to accept that she abandoned you. One way or another you are responsible for what's happened. In the same way you are responsible for the death of your brother.”
It's both of us, then. We are responsible for deceiving Carlos and Ámbar. You and I.”
You don't have to pretend with me.”
I can't go on like this, Catalina.”
Do what you want to. But if Ámbar doesn't want you to find her, you won't find her.”
Francisco left the conference room.

José Carlos was trying to dress when Gélica entered his room to bring in some fresh towels.
Just here to bring your clothes and to see that everything is in order,” she said as she took towels into his bathroom.
You don't need to clean anything, it's all in order. You're here to check up on me, aren't you?”
Also, and I see you're alright,” she said, definitely noticing his bare chest. “Are you going out?”
Yes; I'm going to work. You like that? Do you believe that?”
Well, all of us who love you worry about you, don't we? We want to see you recovered, well, happy.”
Well, that's nice. Thanks for saying so.”
What you need is a good woman. That is what you need. A woman who is intelligent, loving, affectionate. That would change your life, José Carlos.”
She had caught his attention. He did not refute this. He nodded without a word. She stroked his arm as she turned toward the door. “If you need anything, say so.”
He nodded as she left, then fell back down on the bed.

A large package was delivered to Leonora's apartment. Luis signed for it.

José Carlos went to the atelier's corporate office. The ground floor receptionist told him that Catalina was in a meeting. He was about to leave when she handed him a folder, telling him that it was an export registry. He saw client lists for Diego and Francisco, but said that there were documents missing. He walked away saying that he would talk to Diego.
He then entered an empty office and sat down at the desk with his eye on the computer screen.

Leonora opened the coutourier's box and found a red cocktail dress with a business card from Catalina saying “It would please me for you to wear this tonight.”
Luis understood the meaning of this.
Do you want me to say what I think or to shut up?” he asked.
I told Alejandro that I don't like these sorts of things.”
The only thing I want to know is whether Alejandro is sincere.”
But – “
But, who bought this for you? Think about it; this isn't rose-coloured.”
He was not actually referring to the color of the garment and Leonora knew that. She put it back in the box.”

José Carlos read some e-mails regarding problems in Sierra Leone. The question was about providing more money to pay workers. He printed what he read and logged out.

Leonora was at her office when Miguel called her. He told her he needed to have some photos taken and heard that she was a good photographer. She told him she didn't specialize in portraits, but he said “It's the same click, though, isn't it?” Nonetheless, she was flattered that he thought of her.
I have to warn you that I'm bad. I'm the worst at posing for you will have to be very patient with me.”
That's alright,” she laughed. “I hate posed pictures.”
Can we do this today, in the afternoon?”
Of course; thanks.”

Gélica cleaned up the mess that Catalina had made of the vanity, replacing the perfume bottles where she usually saw them. She tried on one of the many Diors, then held up the burnt orange dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She then got back to work folding clothes and putting them away. A maid came in to clear away the snack tray and Gélica noticed an unfamiliar prescription bottle.
She put it in the drawer and noticed a red scarf that normally would not have been there. She removed it and found Ámbar's cell phone.

José Carlos checked with Julio, another executive about the places from which they obtained their gems. He named the USA, Australia, and Brazil.
How about Africa, Sierra Leone?” José Carlos asked.
Before the man could answer, Catalina came down the stairs and asked “What is it you want to know, José Carlos?” She then dismissed Julio.
You can't resist the temptation to control me, can't you?” José Carlos said.
After everything I've done I can't risk that you will destroy the company.”
The information is incomplete.”
You won't find out anything by interrogating the employees. If you have any doubts, you ask me.”
You know what one of your biggest problems is, Catalina? It's that you can't control me like Alejandro. You never have, and that is what you're afraid of. Watch out for yourself. I'm going to knock up the first woman I can to get that inheritance.”
No one would have seen this, but she was afraid. She knew that José Carlos was likely to win this race if she did nothing about it.

Leonora took photos of Miguel in a studio with the standard white backdrop. He wore jeans, a standard white T-shirt, and a blue plaid shirt that he left open. They conversed during the session.
How are things going with Alejandro? With him, with his mother?”
Well, to start I have a family dinner with them tonight and I'm a little nervous.” She got closer and refocused.
He's presenting you to his mother?”
Well, that's good. It's everything. Things should be going well between you.”
Yes, we're getting to know each other... things seem to be going well. I'm happy.”
Good. I'm happy you. And for him because he's getting out of a long relationship and things were a bit difficult.” He noticed that she paused in the photo shoot. “I don't expect things to happen overnight, but good luck.”
Things will be alright, of course.” She got him to sit down and said not to talk. She started to take a photo of him laughing when the room lights suddenly went dark. She looked toward the door and it was Alejandro, who just entered. She laughed, realizing that he had just killed the lights. He embraced and kissed her. Miguel watched and said nothing.
How nice of you to come.”
How's the photo session going?” Alejandro asked.
Oh, very well. Miguel is very handsome.” She looked at Miguel. “I think you should consider becoming a model. Let me change the cards. I won't be long.” She left the studio room and Alejandro turned around.
What do you think you're doing?” he asked.
Just getting some photos taken.”
You don't need photos, Miguel. You're an architect.”
I don't know that I need them. I have to say I'm finding this entertaining.”
Entertaining? Leave this alone.”
Leonora returned to complete the session.

Catalina did some online research about Leonora as she spoke on the phone to a private investigator.
No family, her mother died of an overdose. How about the father? Unknown. Lovely family. Keep investigating. I want to know everything, absolutely everything about this little girl.” She ended the call and continued searching online.
I want to see what kind of a traitor is hiding behind a pretty face.”

José Carlos went back to the club and began remembering what had happened the night of his arrest. A woman with a short haircut had led him into a back room.
He noticed that he was being watched.
He then saw the woman again, looking at him from across the room.
He cut through the crowd and followed her down a flight of stairs.
Another crowd to get through and he was out on the street. But she had disappeared.

Catalina was texting on her cell phone when she entered her room. She was startled to see Gélica sitting on the bed.
Gélica, you gave me a fright. What happened?”
I just want to know if you have any news about Ámbar.”
You too? Ay, the whole world is asking about Ámbar. Ámbar is gone and I don't have the vaguest idea where –”
She cut off when Gélica held up the cell phone.
This was in your drawer. Is she alive?”
I don't know.”
Gélica handed the phone back to her.
I know you. Do you need help dressing?”
Catalina threw the phone on the bed.
We haven't finished talking.”
There is no need to talk. I've seen many things you've done and I've always been silent. Always. Why is it different this time?”
Gélica. My loyal Gélica. You know what? I have a crick in my neck. Will you massage it, please?”
She opened her blouse and pushed it down to make room for her request.

Leonora got out of the shower and dried herself. She picked up the red dress and held it in front of herself in front of the mirror. It still did not please her. She may have been thinking of Glauce, the princess poisoned by way of a tainted dress and coronet sent by Medea. Therefore, instead, she wore a dress she already owned when meeting Catalina in the restaurant.
Catalina was already at the table when she arrived, wearing a one-shouldered dress in an apricot colored silk.
You didn't like the dress I sent you?” Catalina asked.
Yes, I liked it, but it wasn't really for me. Please don't be offended but I like to choose my own clothes and... other things.”
I see you have your own personality,” Catalina said, then she suddenly smiled. “And it pleases me that you do. Please sit down. You're also very pretty.”
Leonora sat down with a little assistance from the waiter.

Francisco talked to his wife's maid, who told him that his wife had not told anyone where she was going. “The only things she took with her were her keys, her car, and a full bottle of her pills.”

So how did you become interested in photography? How did you become a photographer?” Catalina asked over wine.
It was kind of an accident. I was still at the university and one day a friend asked me to go with her to her interview at a magazine looking to hire photographers. When we got there she had nothing to present so she asked to borrow my photos. She showed them and they hired me.”
But I don't see the connexion,” said Catalina, who appeared amused.
Well my 'friend' presented my photos as though they were hers. But... my information was on the backs of them and they saw that.”
Catalina appeared impressed. Alejandro seemed so as well. Catalina drank a toast to this story
To good accidents.”

Francisco stared at his phone, then called Ámbar's. It rang loudly enough to be heard through the drawer and down the hall.
José Carlos recognized the ringtone and followed it to the source. He called out his stepmother's name and opened the door to her room. The phone had stopped ringing and Francisco went to voicemail. He left yet another request that she call him. José Carlos looked around the room and Gélica appeared.
José Carlos, Catalina doesn't like anyone in her room when she isn't here.”
I heard my aunt's cell phone. I recognized the ring tone.”
How could you hear a cell phone that isn't here?”
I'm sure I heard it.”
Have you been drinking?”
He looked at her for a moment, shook his head, and left the room. Gélica closed the door, took the cell phone out of the nightstand, and looked at its notifications.

I'm saving because I'm dying to go to Paris,” Leonora said.
It is a very beautiful city. You will love it,” Catalina said. She turned to her son. “Why don't you invite her to see the Paris Gothier location?”
That's lovely but I'd like to see the studio of Rudolfo Lazar. I want to be there.”
That's going to be a pain, my dear. Do you know how many requests he gets?”
Alejandro watched his mother critically. “Yes, but she wants to meet him.”
He's a genius.”
Don't be so impressed with the talent or fame of such people,” Catalina said. “What is important is what is inside, what they project.”
I know Rudolfo. I assure you it's not worth the trouble.”
It's that his opinion is very important to other photographers. If he likes my work I can go on to win national prizes –”
There are other directors more important than he. Tony Saxos in New York, for example. Andea Fellini in London. Listen, you don't want to meet him.”
Leonora, excuse my mother, who sometimes loses sight that not everyone is her child because she likes to control everything.”
Catalina paused for a moment before conceding that Alejandro was right. “At times I have a tendency to be controlling.”
No, it's nice that someone worries about me.”
If you're going to be part of this family, I have to take care of you.”
She put her hand on Leonora's. Both women were at least momentarily oblivious to Alejandro's expression. He was suspicious. And may have felt doomed.

I've never seen my mother so fascinated with anyone,” he said later when taking Leonora home.
It was incredible. I like your mother.”
I was a little jealous,” he joked. “I didn't know if that would please you.”
I'm in love with you,” she said.
After a pregnant pause he they kissed. He seemed to hesitate at first but then gave a good impression for his efforts.

Catalina then called the photographer to ask him to grant Leonora an audience, explaining that “she is dying to meet you.”

While making love Leonora looked down at Alejandro's face and said “Don't move.” She took a few closeups of him. He then gently took the camera out of her hands, put it back on the nightstand, and they continued.

Catalina heard notifications to Ámbar's phone and looked at them. There were multiple text messages from Francisco. He was truly desperate to be in contact. She called him. He was drinking when his cell rang. He answered.
Ámbar? I'm very worried.” Dead silence. “Hello, Ámbar? I need to hear your voice. I need to know you are alright. Ámbar, Catalina and I … it's in the past. It's over. It has no importance. Forgive me. You are the only woman I want in my life. I am begging your pardon. I need you at my side. I need you.”
Catalina ended the call and again swept her vanity bare.

The following morning Miguel visited Alejandro at the office to enquire about the dinner date. Alejandro gave him a blasé answer, saying “One of my mother's caprices. You know her well.”
No, I don't, my love,” he said. “You never presented me formally.”
Miguel, will there ever be a day we don't fight?”
Miguel didn't want to continue that, but got to the point. He explained that he had a project offer in Chile at the cultural center. He had not yet accepted because he was hoping Alejandro would go there with him. Alejandro's cell rang and he picked it up. Miguel told him that there was no halfway about this, then he left. Alejandro answered his phone.
It was Leonora, saying that his mother had come through for her and that Lazar would look at her work that very day. She was very excited about this and he told her he would come by to pick her up after work.

Later Francisco went to the Larios mansion to look for Catalina. Gélica told him she was in her room changing clothes. José Carlos asked if he had heard from Ámbar. He showed him the latest message on his cell. A message stating that he should never expect to see her again. Catalina came out of her room in a red dress and Francisco showed her his phone. She gave a slight “I told you so” comment and asked whether she should tell Diego to stop looking for her. Both Francisco and José Carlos looked at her in shock.

Leonora was talking with Luis when Alejandro came to the office to pick her up for her meeting. As soon as they left Dr Vasco's widow came in to talk to Luis regarding the latest news story about her husband's murder. It was an example of libel, as it was full of untruths, claiming that he had died in serious debt. Luis had not written the article nor would he have authorized it had it been his decision. He told her to wait for him because he wanted to address this with a higher-up.
He dropped the paper on Badessari's desk and told him that the story was full of lies. He knew Vasco well and that he didn't die because of debts. Baldessari asked if he knew the manner of death and said “If you know something you're not telling that's a crime. You would be regarded as an accomplice.”
The only thing I have to say is he was a good man. He would not have died over unpaid debts. I forgot that my word isn't good enough for you.”
He left the office.

Alejandro and Leonora arrived at the photographer's studio and she went inside alone. She was too excited to notice how he was looking at her.
They walked over to the table so she could display her work. As she began talking he said “You enchant me.” She began to feel ill at ease.

After all this was the best possible thing that could have happened,” Catalina said to Francisco. “At least we know she didn't do anything stupid.”
That is no good consolation.”
What can you have your whole life, sweetheart? We're all worried about Ámbar and she disappeared. She can go to the devil after all the pain she's caused.”
Carlos' death is a pain that hasn't ended.”
Carlos was very ill. He could have died at any moment. And stop feeling guilty. It's a luxury you can't afford. Please.”
Gélica came in with coffee. She placed the cups silently on the table with an impassive face.
Learn from Gélica. She always looks the same. Nothing bothers her.”
How enviable,” Francisco said, not meaning it.
Don't be mistaken,” Gélica said. “I worry about everybody. Including last night José Carlos thought he heard Ámbar's cell phone in the mistress' bedroom.”
She watched Catalina as she said this. “Poor fellow; he's starting to imagine things.”
Thank you, Gélica. You may go.”
When Gélica left the deck Francisco watched her as he sat next to Catalina.
I've never liked that woman. She is too strange.”
No, she isn't strange. A bit limited, nothing more.”

Alejandro sat in his car outside the photographer's studio waiting for Leonora. He took out the tablet with Miguel's ideas for Gothier and tried talking to him on the phone. He rolled up the window to eliminate the street noise.
Leonora explained that she currently worked for a newspaper and hadn't had a chance to really express herself in her work. He asked whether she had ever had an offer to study or work in another country. She shook her head.
“It's only the second time I've made this offer,” he said, putting his arm around her and caressing her shoulder. “Would you like to go to Paris? You could get a scholarship or a job with good pay. I suppose that would be very good for your career.”
This isn't a joke?”
No. I never joke about such things. I never joke with anyone who interests me.”
Leonora was beginning to understand what this meeting was really about.
I don't know what to say. Nobody has ever made me an offer so --”
Attractive? We could say this offer is as attractive as you.”
He tried to kiss her, but she pulled away.
Thank you. I will consider this and accept your opinion of my work.”
She picked up her portfolio but he followed her and stopped her. She turned around quickly and he released her.
Wait! Everyone says I'm too impulsive; I can't help it. Let me look at those photos.” He took the book and tossed it on the table on his other side, then grabbed Leonora again.
He had an Exacto blade in his right hand and held it up to her face. She struggled and began screaming.
After leaving a second voicemail for Miguel Alejandro rolled the window of his car back down. There must have been an open window in the loft-style space of the studio because he heard Leonora's screams as the photographer tackled her on the leather couch.
He took the stairs two at a time and came to her rescue, pulling the dirty old man off her and throwing him halfway across the room. However, he did not drop the Exacto blade and slashed Alejandro with it. Three blows later Alejandro threw him to the floor and ran out with Leonora in front of him.
However, the look on Lazar's face was not that of a man defeated and humiliated by a younger man.

Alejandro brought Leonora home with him, to Catalina's house. She told José Carlos about what happened, blaming herself for this by enterting the studio alone. He took her hand. Francisco was with them.
Be calm,” he said. “The important thing is you're alright and the police will arrest this jerk.”
Catalina and the doctor came out onto the deck.
How is Alejandro?”
Be calm; he's alright,” Catalina said. “Fortunately his life wasn't in danger. Right, Oscar?”
Yes. Fortunately, the wound was superficial. I disinfected it, stitched it. That was all that was needed.”
See what I told you?” Catalina said.
I'm sorry. I insisted on going in alone –”
Alright. Come on inside.”
José Carlos watched Catalina carefully through this. Leonora went inside. Catalina went over to Francisco and spoke sotto voce.
See to it that this wretch suffers for hurting my son.”
Leonora went to Alejandro's room. He saw she was still upset.
Are you alright?” she asked him.
Yes; I'm fine. How are you?”
Still afraid; I'm still trembling. I feel so guilty.”
Why guilty?”
Your mother warned me and I didn't listen.”
Don't think about it. Calm down. Breathe and relax.”
She nodded and kissed him. She pulled back, afraid she had hurt him, but he told her he was alright.

Leonora told Luis the whole story over the phone that night. He was angry on her behalf and asked why Alejandro let her go into the building alone.
Because things like this shouldn't happen. A woman has the right to go wherever she wants without a man attacking her with a blade with intent to rape, don't you think?”
Yes; I'm sorry. It's just that I feel so impotent in this. Do you want me to pick you up?”
No, thanks. I'm staying at Alejandro's house.”
If you need anything, call me.”
Get some rest. Kisses.”

That jerk was an idiot,” Alejandro told his mother. “It was lucky I got there in time.”
Lucky,” she said, not looking at him.
I tell you, Mother, it was my fault,” he said. “I should have known better.”
But you could not have known he would react with that object.”
She looked out the window and saw Leonora barefoot on the grass.
“But something good has come out of this. Now Leonora knows she can count on us because we are now her family.”
He shook his head slightly, but she did not see.
All for this stupidity.”
He left his mother's room.

José Carlos swam in the heated pool, sat briefly on its floor, then went back to his own room where he laid on the bed and shivered.
He could not fall asleep.
Leonora rose up from Alejandro's bed, also unable to sleep. She looked outside and saw José Carlos in the garden pacing around. By the time she was there with him he was on his phone calling a drug dealer for five grams of his favorite poison.
Can I help you with anything?”
No. You can't help me. Nobody can.”
I understand. I know abstinence is very difficult. I lived with my mother's addiction for many years.”
Thanks but Alejandro needs a nurse. Not me.” He turned away.
If you can get through tonight tomorrow will be easier. Each day after will be a little easier.”
Thanks for the advice, but I don't need it.”
Why are you like this? Why are you so cowardly? Why aren't you capable of living your life alone without anyone's help?”
Alone? Because people like you stay away from toxic people like me. That's why I'm alone.”
So kill yourself. Once and for all, kill yourself.”
She turned to go back inside.
I intended to. I tried.”
He began crying. She walked back toward him.
Yes, you did. But you can't. Everything can be alright.”
She embraced him as he cried.

Catalina's cell phone signaled a message. She picked up the phone and saw the photos of herself and Francisco. Then it rang. The number was not familiar but she answered.
I hope I haven't disturbed your sleep, Señora Creel,” said the male voice at the other end.
Who are you?”
I'm so sorry about the death of your husband,” he said. “And I asked myself what would Alejandro think to find out that Carlos Larios was not his father?”
What do you want?”
Twenty million dollars cash in twenty-four hours or the whole country will know who Catalina Creel really is.”
She began hyperventilating, then screamed like a banshee.


Thanks, Urban. Great recap of a great episode! Loved your first image.

A few thoughts on this over-the-top episode:

Now we know that Luis uses La Costeña mayonnaise.

Catalina had a new eyepatch: goldfish filigree with fabric to match her dress.

Pretty racy sex scene with Leonora and Alejandro for Univision promo time. Good thing they left it in.

Catalina now knows she meant nothing to that weasel Francisco.

Catalina knew how to keep Gélica in line with a little “massage”.

In spite of Leonora’s initial show of independence, Catalina knew exactly how to draw her in.

Miguel is starting to play hardball thinking about moving to Chile for a job.

So who is the mystery man a threatening Catalina with telling Alejandro the truth about his father? I cannot wait to find out.

“GOLDISH” not “goldfish” filigree.

The “mystery man” is played by Adalberto Parra. Saw him last in “Caer en tentación” and “La candidata

Since this is only 25 episodes we will find out soon. If they arrest that rapist I wonder what he will tell the police.

Urban, another truly amazing summary, complete with excellent screen shots.

Loved your title - you write so very well.

I think the heat between Leonora and José Carlos would be combustible. I hope I'm wrong but he does not seem destined to be among the living very long. While the cast is too small for anyone to be expendable (cept Cat of course), he is getting a bit too close to the truth.

Luis is virtually sitting around and doing nothing. He is afraid for his son which explains his reluctance to find out who/what was behind the murder. But, I suspect something will spark his fire.

"Catalina now knows she meant nothing to that weasel Francisco". Indeed Jarifa! Wasn't that rich! Enjoyed every second...

Yes, Mr. Parra is famous for playing villains. He also was a witch doctor in Fuego en la Sangre.

What a loser Francisco is. Not even worthy of tying his brother's shoes.

Thanks UA!

Diana you for that excellent recap and all those screencaos.

Thank you, UA, excellent recap! And I too especially like that first image; if Cat would turn ghoulish, that would be perfect for her!

Jarifa, "Now we know that Luis uses La Costeña mayonnaise." LOL I noticed that too and wished I had my BIngo card :-)

Diana, that scene with Leonora and JuanC was really steamy. If they end up together, Leo can make her own "While You Were Sleeping" movie.

I wanted to do a cartwheel after Cat read those text messages Juan sent to Ambar (BTW I'm still hoping to see Ambar lurking in the shadows.)

This show sure is full of creepiness. I got shivers watching Cat manipulate Gélica who seems to be a sharp woman...though she may be too smart for her own good.

Diana, "Luis is virtually sitting around and doing nothing." I'm wondering why he is even in this show...I do hope someone or something "sparks his fire" really soon. I'm starting to yawn during his scenes.

Luis needs an ally. His boss is in Catalina's pockets so I suspect that when Leonora gets too close to a truth he will take action.
What happened to her in the studio is obviously a demonstration of many women's experiences of men with power and a sense of entitlement. Who else thinks that Catalina put him up to it? Of course she did not forsee that Alejandro would get hurt in the process.


UA: Catalina seems to control EVERYTHING in Mexico. Let's see: she's got the judge in her pocket & likely some members of law enforcement.


This is just to let you all know that I plan to binge watch the last few episodes and get through the recaps and comments so I can join in the fun.

Anita, trying to catch up.

Yet another superb recap, UA. Love the pictures and dialogue. So Catalina wanted Leonora to dress practically as her twin? It seemed to me that there was just a slight difference in color shade between those 2 dresses, 1 redder than the other. After his text messages to Ambar which Catalina read, I almost thought that Francisco might be the next victim. Also: That Diego is such a slick liar! As if he didn't "know" very well what happened to Ambar. I also thought it yucky how Catalina was trying to shift the entire blame for Carlos' death and Ambar's disappearance to Francisco.

Francisco had better watch his back. He definitely doesn't know everything that's going on. Gelica is also skating on thin ice. We know nothing personal about her or Diego, but he at least has no conscience. Francisco seems to have vestiges of one a d I think Gelica does, too


Wow UA...what a tour de force! You are so talented. Fascinated by Catalina's skills at manipulating people. Although I had a hard time believing that she would be so careless as to "hide" Ambar's phone in a bedside drawer, and especially not mute it! But oh well, plot propeller. Only 25 episodes after all.

Anyway, Catalina effectively brought Gélica to heel, and made an impressive switch from coldly furious (Leonora failing to wear the requisite dress) to warm, welcoming and protective.

Also, you can put me on record as not being bothered by that "man bun" at all. Lord, the actor playing Juan Carlos is gorgeous! He can wear his hair anyway he wants.

Enjoyed this twice. Once viewing. And then reading and viewing your marvelous recap. Thanks.

I haven't seen any fashion felonies in this series yet. Catalina's wardrobe is flawless and she has eye patches to match everything. That one-shouldered dress in this episode was perfect on her and not everyone can wear that color.

The color red is seriously important in this series. Leonora's rejection of that dress probably means she will not shed any blood.

I also thought about the cell phone and wondered why Catalina hasn't muted it. She had to make mistakes eventually and this is probably the beginning. She had three private freakouts in this episode alone, so she may start to crack next week.

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