Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 2 Martes 10/22/19: Achilles' Heel

Everyone has their weaknesses, no matter who they are. The key to protecting yourself is never to trust anyone to know them. High society – or what passes for it these days – is just as much a minefield as the corporate world or a war one. In our tale no one knew this better than Catalina Creel. Yet eventually someone will know hers. Only her arrogance protects her from knowing this. – D.D.

Catalina returned to her office in the dark, the middle of the night. It was the perfect atmosphere for her to review her thoughts. When one kills for the first time, one is afraid. But when one learns to do it precisely, afterwords one feels nothing.

She sat at the desk, removed the pistol and silencer from her purse, and fondled it as she thought about the other murder.
She had intimidated Mora, which gave her much pleasure. Afterward she spotted little Matias Guzmán in the amusement park and lured him to the roller coaster.

Leonora arrived at the office the next day and looked into the perimeter office of her boss. Luis was inside. A colleague told her a confrontation was taking place.
Rafael did not want to hear anything Luis had to say. He told him he had no proof of his information, accusing him of inventing information. “I read the autopsy report. The cause of Carlos Larios' death was drowning.”
That was the 'official' report,” Luis protested. “But it is not the truth. Carlos Larios was murdered.”
No; it was an accident.”
The forensic expert called me. He told me there was a blow to the head and no water in the lungs. That means he was dead before he was in the water. If it happened that way this was not an accident.”
That was a mistake or a lie.”
I'm not lying.”
This reporter was supposed to cover a special event. It's a lie.”
I have evidence that the death of Carlos Larios was murder and you are calling me a liar?”
The one thing worse than a liar is one who believes his own lies.” Luis tried to protest but Rafael shouted him down. “No! You have created a major problem for me with the publisher of this newspaper. You can try to fool the public, but not here. Go and good luck.” He turned his back on Luis. He went to his secretary and said he was going to see the publisher.
Luis placed a call on his cell and told him “I don't lie” as he walked out. He left a message for Vasco Orozco to call or text him back.
Leonora sat down at her desk. Luis began cleaning his out. He left another message for Orozco and then explained the situation to Leonora. He did not consider it a coincidence that he got in trouble for both the question about the diamonds and for what he knew about Carlos Larios' death. Rafael looked at security videos in the meantime.
At the same moment Catalina, Francisco, and Alejandro were ushered into the conference room at the lawyer's office. He looked like the popular upper-crust cliché of a partner who had graduated Harvard or Princeton: tall and well-dressed with a full head of thick white hair.
Leonora called Alejandro to express her condolences. He thanked her but told her he had to hang up to go into a meeting. Carlos' lawyer asked if they would like some coffee but Catalina graciously said water would be alright. They sat at the small conference table and her cell phone rang twice. She looked at the screen both times but declined to answer. She looked at Francisco and said “Something happened.”
Francisco left the room to make a call just as José Carlos got off the elevator. He had clearly used cocaine or some other inhalent prior to his arrival and was very careless of his appearance. He exchanged greetings with Francisco on the way into the conference room. His first words were “Let's break up this circus.”

Many miles away in Sierra Leone a foreman fired a warning shot, ordering the workers to continue their digging. Whe he went back inside his cell phont rang
It was Diego, demanding an explanation of the shipment being delayed. The forman – Julius was his name – explained that they had a customs problem because all the workers had been replaced with ones that demanded more money. Diego said he would call him back, closed out his Skype, and took out his cell.

In the conference room the lawyer announced the reading of Carlos' will. As another pressed a key on a laptop,
Catalina looked at her cell phone for the message. We have problems it read. She looked up at the screen to see Carlos reading out his last will and testament. He spoke of his pride in the business and personal fortune he had built with pride and announced the codicil in his will.
It is my final wish that my sons, José Carlos and Alejandro, marry and establish stable lives and their places in society and continue my legacy in their own families. The only condition is that my estate will go to the first of them to marry and have my first grandson.
José Carlos rose from his seat and mock-applauded his father.
Bravo, old man! You're dead and you still try to control my life!”
In the interim, my beloved wife Catalina will be executrix of my entire fortune.
Good job,” José Carlos said to Catalina before leaving the room.
But if after two years neither of them has provided a grandson, my entire fortune will form a beneficlal foundation for the good of all.
Francisco looked at Catalina, who betrayed no emotion.

Did they threaten you or pay you?” Luis asked Orozco.
Clearly uncomfortable with this question and its true answer, he said “I don't know what you're talking about.” as he slid his latest subject back into the corpse file compartment.
Who changed the autopsy report on Carlos Larios?”
Nobody changed anything.” His tone indicated disbelief at the question. “The original report is published.”
You told me he didn't drown. That he died of a head trauma. When did you lie, before or now?”
I was mistaken,” he said with an expression that tried to make a joke of it. “It was an error.”
An error of this size? Tell me the truth. They threatened you.”
Orozco did not answer. Luis didn't need to hear it; his journalist's instinct knew the truth. He left the laboratory.

Catalina went to the elaborate corporate headquarters of Gothier Jewels and Diego met her in the lobby. He gave her the succinct description of the problem, which she told him to resolve. She depended on his for this or he would be useless. As she walked off to her office he looked as though he was fed up with her officious attitude.
As Catalina entered her office she received a call from Rafael Baldessari. What he told her did not please her one bit.

Luis went home to find his wife, Margarita, in a bad mood. She said she needed to get back to work because they needed money. He hesitated briefly but then told her that he had just lost his job. She became accusatory, demanding to know if he expected her to go to work while he stayed home with their son and then not allowing him to explain what happened. She was not in favor of this arrangement anyway.

When Alejandro got home from the meeting Miguel knew from the look on his face that he had received bad news.
Hey, wipe that look off your face. Your father can't make you get married,” he said.
Well, no. I can do whatever I want with my life.”
But... if you want the money you have to marry a woman and have a son.”
Yes, that's the point.”
Miguel got up from his seat and walked over to Alejandro.
I've waited a long time for this to come up. Your alleged relationship with Mora is over. You nned to be with the man you love. I want your family to know about us.”
I think about that too, but what my family thinks is equal.”
No, that's not important. I'm tired of your family thinking we are just best friends. Please, we've had enough of this.”
He moved in to kiss Alejandro, but was interrupted by the inopportune arrival of the suegra de infierno.
Excuse me; I am interrupting something?” she asked. The two young men immediately pulled back.
Who gave you the keys?”
We'll talk about that.”
Do you know you have violated my privacy?”
I said we will talk about it. Now it's important we agree on what we have to do to complete your father's final wishes.” Miguel got up and started walking away. “Miguel, you also have to stay. What we are going to discuss affects all of us. Sit down, please.”
Alejandro did his best to withhold his temper as he sat down next to Miguel. “Alright, Mother, we'll work out an agreement. Let's agree first that my father is threatening and manipulating me.”
It's something you can't do anything about. Or forbid.”
I don't think you understand these things.”
I do understand. I know that you are bisexual, you've been in this relationship with Miguel for seven years, and this is why you don't want to get married.”
Miguel felt a little ill at ease.
I think it would be better if you continued talking about this alone with your mother. Excuse me.” He got up and left the room.
When did you get those keys?”
I've always had them. My love, I'm your mother and mothers don't have fools for accomplices.”
Therefore, my father knew?”
I think so. That was why he put that codicil in his will.”
I see. Therefore I don't have to think about marriage and I ended it with Mora.”
You also need to end your relationship with Miguel.”
Miguel was in the next room, listening to every word.
You don't understand, Mother. I will not do that. It's not fair. I will live my life the way I want to, period.”
Alejandro, I will put this in these terms: You will forget about Miguel and concentrate on giving me a grandson. You can't just do what you want with your life. Look at yourself. You are an attractive man, intelligent. Stop being selfish and grow up. I didn't do all this hard work to have it wasted.” She kissed his cheek and left.

In the car on her way home Catalina took a call from Diego, who said that the resolution of their shipment problem was in progress. There would be some coming in that night. He added that he had a solution to a local problem.
He had found their enemy's Achilles Heel. He then sent her the photo of Luis holding his son. Catalina was more than satisfied.

Later in her room Catalina was studying something on a tablet when Francisco entered. He had tried finding her at the atelier but was told she had left early. She explained where she had been and he said “Well, now Alejandro will marry Mora.”
No; he broke up with her. I didn't like her, anyway.”
How do you feel?”
Betrayed. That imbecile – your brother – took credit for what I did in building up the business. His empire. He barely mentioned me.”
Don't think about that. Don't say such things. Carlos did it for...all of us.:”
Don't tell me you're feeling guilty now.”
He was my brother.”
I don't believe in thinking this way. I don't want you with me in this bed. If you feel guilt the best thing is to confront it with courage and answer for your actions. You could start by telling your dear little wifie about us.” She picked up her cell phone.
He got up and refused.
Do you love her?” She taunted. He did not reply. “We could both tell her the news. That would be the most appropriate way. Just the three of us.” Her call was answered. “Ámbar, where are you?”
I'm here and I'm on the way to your room.” She took off her jacket and went to the stairs. Francisco took the phone away from Catalina.
Are you crazy?”
No. The crazy one is your wife.” She caressed the lapels of his jacket, approached him. “You can't hide from me. If you love me you will seek me out.” She bit his ear lightly just as Gélica opened the door to announce Ámbar. Catalina jumped back just in time to go to Ámbar and embrace her. Gélica looked as though she anticipated an explosion as Catalina and Francisco spouted the usual platitudes about grieving.
Yes. Francisco and I are here to help with all you need,” said Ámbar, without looking her in the eye. She looked at Francisco, who must have recognized what that meant.
José Carlos was at a club, drunk on alcohol and sex and probably looking for the third intoxicant of the night. He was holding onto two women as he announced they would drink to his father. He entered a discreet corner with a drug dealer who gave him whatever he was looking for.

Ámbar commented on how the will was ridiculous and how easy it should be for José Carlos to get a woman. Catalina watched her and said “José Carlos? Do what? Establish a life with a prostitute?”
Catalina, you're too hard on him.”
Ámbar, you know how much I love him. He's a lost cause; there is nothing to be done.”
It doesn't look that way to me. I think he is perfectly capable of putting his feet on the ground.”
I'd love to be as optimistic as you but we're talking about an incurable addict.”
His childhood was difficult. He suffered a great deal. His mother's death, your accident, Carlos saying that – ”
Stop with José Carlos' biography. I know that he's suffered a lot. Do you think I don't love him as if he were my son? Yes, he suffered for all he did. Just as Carlos suffered all these years watching his son falling lower and lower. Drugs, alcohol, women, gambling, everything. It's sad, yes. But it's reality.”
Or a desperate bid for attention.”
You know what? It's a good thing you couldn't have children. You would have been a disaster as a mother. How is your latest treatment going?”
Francisco got up and said “Let's go.”
Yes, it's true. Work doesn't know about duels.” [???]
Ámbar sat dumbly, unable to respond. Catalina left the room with Francisco following her.

Luis and Leonora talked on the phone. She tried to talk him into giving up on the Larios situation, saying that his wife was probably right and he should not put their child at risk over this.
She suggested he call Alejandro or his mother, but Luis told her he didn't want to ask favors of this woman. He ended the call. Leonora called Alejandro.

José Carlos was still high when driving back from the club. He looked to the passenger seat and saw his father, who chastised him.
You are useless. You've had everything in life to get ahead and you are a loser. You are a curse because everything you touch you destroy.”
Leave me alone!” José Carlos said while trying to keep his eyes on the highway.
Catalina was the most beautiful woman, the most beautiful I had ever seen and you disfigured her! You made her into a monster!”
Stop torturing me!”
A true monster!”
Leave me alone!” José Carlos shouted, his attention diverted from driving.
The car swerved and José Carlos recovered just in time to turn the wheel and avoid crashing into two massive trucks. He finally slammed on the breaks and stopped. When he looked toward the passenger seat it was empty.
He got out of the car and staggered for a few minutes, shouting “Leave me alone!” as he looked up at the night sky.

Leonora exited a cab near the Larios mansion. The gate opened and as she was about to walk in she saw the headlights of a car behind her. It was José Carlos' car and she got out of the way just as he was hitting the brakes. He finally got out, looking disoriented. It was impossible to tell whether he was under the influence, all shook up, or both. He threw his car keys to her, saying “Take care of it” before staggering away from her. She kept trying to get his attention, but he either ignored or did not hear her. Gélica came out of the house and asked whether she could help.
As Leonora handed José Carlos' car keys to her he removed his leather jacket and let his hair down. He then wandered to the pool. He stared up at the sky again, looking dazed, hypnotized, or drugged, then fell backwards into the pool.
Leonora and Gélica turned around just in time to see him hit the water. Leonora threw her purse aside, jumped into the pool, and swam down to its floor.
With some difficulty she got José Carlos to the surface and swam back to the edge.

Catalina watched from an upstairs window as José Carlos appeared to become aware of what happened.
Alejandro came out of the house and told his brother off for what looked like the bid for attention Ámbar talked about earlier. The two brothers began arguing; Alejandro almost shoved his brother back into the pool. Leonora yelled at them to stop. Catalina had come down and she stopped them.
How can you make such a scandalous display in front of a guest?” she demanded. José Carlos walked away. Gélica was carrying a towel that must have come from the master suite, as it was the same color as Catalina's robe.
Alejandro took it and draped it over Leonora. Catalina sent Gélica back to get some dry clothes for Leonora, who introduced herself. Alejandro said she had been at the event. “What my friend did was a mistake and and asked a question he shouldn't have but he needs work. I'm sorry it's come to this,” Leonora told Catalina.

The following morning Luis awakened to a ringing cell phone and a panicked wife, telling him that Matias was not in the house. She had not seen him leave and had no idea how he got out. He did not voice his suspicions.
Catalina had taken the boy. They were at the amusement park where she noticed that he was fascinated by the roller coaster.
Luis was with Margarita, who was panicking. He was about to leave the apartment when his cell rang. “Who is this?”
Hello, Luis. This is Catalina Creel. I want you to see something and think hard about how to take care of children.”
She hung up and sent him a video of Matias on the coaster. Margarita kept asking who was on the phone.
He rang Catalina right back, demanding to know where Matias was. Catalina enjoyed the panic in his voice and ended the call before saying a word.
Alejandro asked Gélica where his mother was. She replied that she had gone to the cemetary. She then began making coffee. Alejandro and José Carlos began talking about Leonora when Alejandro's phone rang.
Sorry for not calling about Carlos' death. I'm sorry. Really” She hardly looked it. She was having her hair done during the conversation. “I'm calling about something else.” She turned to the hairdresser to request that she leave.
When she was out of the room Mora said “I'm preparing for an interview on Vero's program. I'm going to tell the public why you and I split up. Of course, I will tell the truth. Enjoy the interview, my love. Enjoy it at your boyfriend's side.” She ended the call there.

Luis and Margarita ran to get Matias from outside the amusement park. He handed the child to Margarita and told her to get him out of there.
She looked for a moment at Catalina and then left.
Matias is a darling child. You are very lucky, Luis.”
Why did you do this?”
Excuse me? I didn't do anything. It was a lovely coincidence. I looked for you because my son Alejandro told me you had a problem at work and you think that was my fault. No. Well, I came because Matias and I took a walk. It was so nice.”
My son? No.”
You have the wrong idea about me. I love getting publicity about Gothier Jewels but you want to know about it. Be sure that to know something about you would give me great pleasure. She put out her hand for him to shake it. He clasped it perfunctorily, and with suspicion. She turned away. “About Matias... take good care of him.”
As she walked away from him toward her chauffeured car, he knew he had just met a golden lancehead viper.

José Carlos went to Leonora's office and waited for her. He presented her with a red flower as a small token of his gratitude. He said he had looked for her on the internet, but then admitted that Gélica told him where she worked. He had wanted to talk to her. She told him she had to get to work, but she would be available later. He followed her into the newsroom, trying to assure her that he had calmed down and was alright.
She told him he owed her no explanations; her mother had been an addict. He became curious and she told him her mother had died a while ago. She excused herself to get to work.

Catalina met with Diego to tell him they needed to find a way to get rid of José Carlos. She didn't want him in the house any longer. He asked about another rehab clinic but she said this would not do, as he would only escape again. He asked what she wanted and she told him “I don't know; use your imagination.” Alejandro arrived and told Catalina he needed to talk to her. She dismissed Diego and then Alejandro told him about Mora's intentions.

Diego followed José Carlos back to the same club.
He remained in the shadows, but appeared to have a connexion among the other people present.

Luis heard something at the door and turned around to see a manila envelope being slipped in under it. He shouted “Who is it?” but there was no answer. He opened the door, saw nothing, then went back inside to retrieve the envelope. It contained the original of the autopsy report on Carlos Larios and a note indicating that he was not to contact the sender, who was leaving the area with his family so as not to risk their lives.
Luis hid this envelope and its dangerous contents in a ceiling compartment above the shower in the bathroom.

Catalina returned to her office, thinking about what she had just done.
It wasn't as terrible as it looked. The sensation of holding a weapon in hand can't compare with anything.
She thought about how she had entered the forensic medical facility and Orozco's lab. He turned around as he heard her enter.
What do you want? Who are you looking for?”
You, Doctor.”
He reached for any sharp instrument behind him but she said it would be useless. She pulled out her weapon.
I have a wife, and children,” he said.
She had shown a sex video to Mora.
You have lots of talent. From your past as a porn star to hostess of a children's program. You are very versatile.”
What do you want from me, Catalina?”
Nothing. Only to tell you that even I like to be interviewed by magazines.”
In the laboratory she held the pistol on Orozco. “Let's make a deal,” she said. “Money for the report. I am not a woman to cross.”
Security!” he yelled.
Yell all you want to. We are alone here.”
I gave the autopsy results to a friend. If anything happens to me the whole world will know about you. You killed Carlos Larios.”
It only took one bullet at point-blank range.
It wasn't as terrible as it looked. The sensation of holding a weapon in hand can't compare with anything.

The following morning Gélica told Catalina that Diego desperately wanted to see her.
It's a very beautiful day,” Catalina said, not looking at her.
She went to meet Diego, who was at the breakfast table. He told her the plan was ready. She was pleased. His cell signaled a message.
They arrived for him.”
Gélica came out with a plate, which she put in front of Catalina. Without a word she turned to go back inside.
Gélica, has something happened?” Catalina asked.
José Carlos. He didn't come home to sleep.”

José Carlos had passed out the night before. He regained consciousness to the sound of pounding on the door and the police demanding entry. There was blood on the bed and on his hands. The apartment showed signs of a stuggle. A lamp was on the floor on one side of the bed. There was broken glass on the other side, which José Carlos stepped right into when he tried to get out of the bed. He got as far as the bathroom door where he stopped in horror.
A woman from the club was lying in the bathtub, bloody and dead. The police broke the door in, entered, and cuffed him.

Good work,” Catalina said to Diego.


I have serious doubts about the real-world validity of Carlos' will. There was an advice columnist years ago who received a letter from a woman who had a daughter to whom she wanted to leave her assets... on the condition that she never marry. The answer he gave her was that her will would be contrary to public policy and no lawyer would draft it. Inheritance law varies from state to state in the US and I suspect that it might be the same in Mexico, but... do any of you think that this would be legal in Mexico? If it is, it shouldn't be.

And if Francisco is Aleandro's sperm donor, I have the feeling he doesn't know it.

Thank you Urban for an extensive recap and screen shots. Great work again.

Have no idea about the validity of the terms of this will in Mexico. But I guess it's the writers that make the law in TN's.

Speaking of the 'the law', there seems to be an absence of police involvement with the death of Carlos. Catalina's fingerprints are on the fire extinguisher or did she throw the weapon overboard as well? Now the reporter has the original of the autopsy report. When they find the body of the coroner, the police -- assuming they show up --will have to open a criminal investigation. And the reporter will start to put the pieces of puzzle together and figure out that Catalina is the likely suspect who killed Carlos and the coroner -- unless she knocks the reporter off as well. Wonder how many victims she will claim before the finale.

Urban, another masterful recap.

The screen shots and your exceptional dialogue translations were very much appreciated.

"officious attitude" and "suegra de infierno" were among my favorites.

"a good thing you couldn't have children. You would have been a disaster as a mother" cruel, vicious but not unexpected. I do not doubt for a moment she would hurt Luis' child if she needed to. I don't believe she even loves her own son.

I don't know about the legal aspect of Carlos' will, but the condition that the first son to have a son (daughters don't count) may have been more plausible in the original but now?

The more interesting characters to me are José Carlos and especially, Luis. I want to like Leonora but for some reason I can't quite figure out, I'm not quite there.

Cat is omnipresent and has a quick, effective solution for everything. I'd prefer to see villains struggling a bit and show some sort of emotion other than relentless, robotic reactions.

Thank you Urban.


Amazing. Haven't watched all of this, but with your recap, dialogue and screen shots, I really don't need to. Chilling story, especially watching Catalina with the reporter's son at the amusement park.

I am struck by the somber palette of this one. The lawyer's office especially seemed cold, dark and gray. But all of the scenes seem to take place in shadow. A nice parallel to the darkness of the characters, especially our serpent Catalina. Loved your link to information about the deadly Golden Lancehead Viper. I always learn something from your writing.

This struck me when I read your resumen:

. Gélica was carrying a towel that must have come from the master suite, as it was the same color as Catalina's robe.

Great powers of observation and intuition UA. Or do we think that these two women also have a relationship? If Catalina's son is bisexual, perhaps she is as well. The lady certainly seems to be able to operate ruthlessly on many different levels.

Anyway, a somber but intriguing treat first thing in the morning. Many thanks, gifted crime writer. Always enjoy your talent.

Oh, and the title, and the classical illustration--also a treat. Perfect from start to finish.

Urban, thanks for another wonderful recap. A lot happened and you covered it so well.

Anon, so true about telenovela law. Sometimes when they are in the PSA teaching mode it mis quite informational but this time I would chalk it up to the whim of the writers.

Diana, I agree about the will. The “male child” condition might have been more appropriate in an earlier time but it makes a grand story.

JudyB, interesting comment about Catalina and her sexuality.

As for me, I liked the will and the conditions with Carlos knowing it would be next to impossible for his sons to fulfill the conditions as well as both of the sons feeling that he was still interfering in their lives from behind the grave. Then there is Catalina herself feeling she was the one who worked so hard to establish their jewelry business and now was being left out in the cold.

Yikes! Catalina just appeared out of nowhere in Alejandro’s apartment. So she always had a key! I wonder what else she will always have. Catalina seems to be one of those bigger than life villains; waltzing in and shooting the coroner. Thinking of how easily she managed to take Matías. Now that was creepy.

Very enjoyable.


"The lady certainly seems to be able to operate ruthlessly on many different levels". You've given us food for thought Judy - thank you.

I was certain Gélica knew exactly what she walked in right before the kiss that didn't happen. She is astute and must be aware of some if not most of the horrific secrets.

"I liked the will and the conditions with Carlos knowing it would be next to impossible for his sons to fulfill the conditions". You're right of course Jarifa. That hadn't really occurred to me. I just assumed they would do whatever it took to inherit.



Thanks for your comments and for raising the questions.

We didn't see her throw the fire extinguisher overboard, so either the writers are holding that back for her Karmageddon or there will be a flashback in the future where we see her disposing of it. Which should raise the question as to why there wasn't a fire extinguisher on board.

I agree that Catalina probably doesn't even love her own son. I am guessing that she married Carlos for his money and social position and had Alejandro to hold onto him. I am sure that she was aware of the terms of his will, since lawyers recommend not keeping the contents secret and that Carlos was not aware of Alejandro's sexual orientation. Catalina is a facile liar and this could be on a long list of lies she has told throughout her life.

She managed to deceive Carlos for all the years of their marriage, until he got the compromising photos. When she saw those that was the only genuine facial expression she has given so far. She is a psychopath.

As to inheritance law, I'm sure that there are places in Mexico that don't permit you to impose lifestyle conditions on your heirs. If you can't prevent your children from marrying you should not be allowed to force them to marry in order to inherit. I did a search and found this:

Persons Who Cannot Receive By Will

Persons not conceived at the time of death of the deceased of the testator; persons found guilty of certain crimes or dishonorable acts against the testator, guardians of the testator where the will was made while the testator was under the tutelage and/or the accounting of the tutelage was not yet approved, the doctor (and his close relatives, unless legal heirs) who treated the testator during his prior to death illness, the notary and witnesses (and their close relatives, unless legal heirs) who attested to the will, ministers with respect to other ministers (to the fourth degree) or the testators they attended during their last illness (unless legal heirs), foreigners to Mexico and corporations to the extent limited by laws of Mexico (example farmland for certain corporations, beachfront property in direct title for foreigners), churches and religious sects and organizations, persons appointed as executors or guardians that did not accept the post (without just cause) or where dismissed.


Legacies are permitted but a condition to not give or not do something is not valid, as is the condition to not attack the will.

If I have time later I'll try to find more.

A few more thoughts among so many.

I wonder about Ámbar and her future. She doesn’t seem like a fool.

It looks like Luis’s marriage is on the rocks.

Diego’s set-up of José Carlos was masterful.


Ah, more comments to catch up to. Love it.

Gelica is the closest thing to a confidante Catalina has, but she lies even to her. She has lied all along about loving Jose Carlos; I think she hated him from the get-go and had Alejandro on purpose to divert the inheritance to him. Gelica loves the two sons but I have to wonder what she witnessed in that house. I also have to wonder whether she is a poor relation, a situation we've seen before. Knowing how writers there often hedge their bets we can expect them to tease us about all the possibilities.

The darkness and the color red are important to this series. Red = blood and blood is a theme here. Family blood and blood shed in the name of future wealth and power. Catalina was Livia to Carlos' Augustus. She must have taken this advice.

"Ámbar"... what a stupid name that is. I definitely think she suspects something is not kosher between Francisco and Catalina.

Luis' marriage does seem to be on the rocks. And I was completely creeped out by Catalina's ability to get to that child because she would not have hesitated to kill him. She is a golden lancehead, which could be the deadliest snake species on the planet.

I always learn new things everyday and today even about herpetology! A couple of weeks ago I read about a relative of the golden lance head called the fer-de-lance native to Honduras which is a nightmare in terms of the toxicity of its venom. Today I have learned about the golden lance head which is even worse but luckily only found on the uninhabited Ihla da Queimada Grande off the coast of Brazil. : )


UA...wow..thank you so much for the time and talent that you put into that wonderful recap and all those great photos . Amazing Work.

What a toxic tale . Catalina is a textbook villain trying to control everyone around her.

Where have I seen the actor playing Francisco?.

Loved watching Luis play with his son. I am a fan of Osvaldo.

Flavio Medina has been in other Televisa productions including (but not limited to) Amor Bravio, Yo No Creo en los Hombres, Yago, El Recluso, La Reina del Sur 2. He plays creepy very well.

Great recap, UA. Love all the screen caps.

The terms of the will definitely seem far fetched, fictional story or not. Two years is literally no time. A pregnancy is 9 months so there’s no guarantee a woman will get pregnant that fast and there’s also no guarantee that the child will be male. So, JC had a point in saying that Carlos is still controlling them from the grave and even Catalina gets the short end of the stick if JC and/or Alejandro can’t fulfill the terms.

I agree that so far Ámbar doesn’t seem stupid like what could be a certain stereotype of oblivious women who get cheated on. I hope she doesn’t suffer from Catalina’s wrath in other ways as we are seeing with Luis and the coroner. Catalina is cunning. The fact that she can move around like a ghost is fascinating and creepy.

I’d like to see a flashback or something that reveals exactly what Diego did to frame JC. Scary that he actually did his job well.

Another masterful recap, Urban! In the likely event that I may one day miss an episode, the recap + wonderful screen shots should help me stay up to date. Some remarks: So, is this going to be the structure for all the episodes? Catalina is shown about to commit a horrific crime, and then there is a flashback to the events that made her commit that crime. Doing the math, that would be 125 murders/other crimes for this tn. It seems to me that there's a work around of the will. Alejandro could marry Miguel (legal in Mexico), and they could have a baby via surrogate, using Alejandro's sperm. After all, it is the 21st century. (though I realize that would be a very different kind of novela.) If Catalina was an equal partner in the business Carlos probably could not get away with not mentioning her in the will. So many ways that will is invalid!

If Alejandro isn’t the son of Carlos Larios, he won’t be able to inherit anything or can lose the inheritance if it’s discovered.

Kind of weird Carlos essentially chose to leave them all without money and let it all go to charity.

Hello patio.

I haven't watched this one yet, work and other Stuff. But I've Glanced at it a little. Its like paola Has been reincarnated. And she is lots more evil than before. This one eyed
Bandit is evil. She has no,qualms of
Killing nobody. When I saw that preview of her going to see the guy in the lab, I didn't think he would be breathing much longer. And show nough
He gone. This will be fast moving also

I really hope this is not one of those
Where the guy tellin the story has been murdered, but is stiillin the story. Thats weird to me. But it makes
For a very interesting story. With the
Dead guy tellin the story.I Will catch
Up with this later.

Thank you Urban.

Urban, you've really gone all out with this one and it is amazing! Thank you!

I don't think I've ever seen such an evil antagonist in a TN. Most antagonists at least pretend to be nice and ethical, but Cat is cold and vicious. What surprised me was that she went after her prey herself...a creepy PSYCHOpath indeed! ...and robotic, as Diana pointed out perfectly.

RgvChick,ITA about Catalina. That is why Catalina Creel has been seen as the epitome of female villains for all these years.

I do miss Paola's nuances, though. Catalina just seems to be evil because she's evil.

We're in early episodes so there could be much to learn yet. My current thoughts (speculations; not spoilers):

We can't trust at least 90% of anything Catalina says. Some of us are prepared to believe she doesn't even love Alejandro, her own son. She has convinced many people that she loved Carlos, but even Francisco knows she didn't. We can't even trust how much credit she takes for the success of Gothier.

It is obvious that Carlos' murder was premeditated. She didn't kill him just because of the threat to change his will; she was planning this in advance. She may have even thought of a way to provoke a heart attack in case he didn't conveniently have one on the yacht.

We also need to wonder about who made the anonymous call to say that Alejandro wasn't his son. It was obviously someone Carlos didn't know because he could have recognized the voice. This could have been a set-up.

About Carlos' will...

TF brought up a very valid point about the timeline ahead of the two brothers. If I were on the writing team for this I would want to explore the possibility of the will getting challenged. What do you think of this:

Alejandro goes to a lawyer on his own, a lawyer who specializes in LGBTQ issues. S/he would request a copy of the video of Carlos reading his will and would probably determine that it would be extremely difficult to prove that Carlos was not of sound mind at the time he made out his will. Catalina told Alejandro that Carlos probably knew he was bi, but she can't prove he knew that. Carlos was very outspoken about Jose Carlos' issues, so why therefore did we never hear him vent about Alejandro's?

This leads to the lawyer making the following suggestion: Alejandro should approach a young woman who would be open to a business deal; this could even be a closet lesbian who didn't come out to her family. They get married with all the society and celebrity trimmings and go on a honeymoon. They have IVF done somewhere with a good amount of hush money going to the doctor. 13 months later (because this usually takes several attempts) they have their baby boy. They stay married for the sake of public image for the next four years, followed by an amicable divorce accompanied by a large cash settlement.

Catalina might even approve of this plan; to her it would be evidence of Alejandro being an apple falling at the foot of the tree.

Excellent plan, Urban! Too bad Alejandro isn't as smart as you are! Of course then there wouldn't be much of a novela.:)

This is not to say that this plan wouldn't have its issues...

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