Monday, October 21, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Oct. 21, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 1 for the week! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thought s. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 32-34
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 6-8

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Hijas de la Luna #6
Monday Oct 21, 2019 Part 1 of 3

Apologies in advance for what I couldn’t catch. Please add any corrections and by all means, feel free to expand on the scenes. OROPEZA

1. Leo has been hospitalized after collapsing as she’s having a conniption fit in front of a family dinner. She tells the nurse that Seb is to be permitted to see her, but her husband is to stay out.
2. The three Juana roommates don’t like having to share the room. J-Barb has brought all her boxing things and is messing up the room. They argue. J-Sol tries to make peace between J-Barb and J-Inez.
3. Seb and Stefi have come to the hospital for the vigil. JuanO is told Leo will be OK and asked for Seb, but doesn’t want to see JuanO. He blames himself for Leo’s condition.
4. Uncle Xavi is visited by J-Vic. She says she doesn’t (or is it does?) want to go back to her waitressing job. She cries. Then she tells Xavi about the kiss. It wasn’t bad enough Seb is her half-brother, but that kiss took her to the moon on a magic carpet (well, actually she said it moved her tapete—or rug, a typically expression to indicate major emotional swellings). Then she realizes that here she is pouring out her heart to him and they barely know each other. He assures her she can trust him and whatever they talk about will—stay on the carpet.
5. Todoelmundo loves having everyone reading his chisme of the moment. Two young men are reading about the 4 muchachas recently arrived on their phones, with photos and that they are all daughters of Sr. Oropeza. One of the guys ID’s J-Sol. (Help! Where did they meet before—is he Octavio, the hotel handyman?). He notes she works in the hotel infirmary. So, the games begin. He shows up in the infirmary in agonizing pain. She recognizes him and gets out a great big needle. He jumps up and is “instantly” cured. She throws him out.
6. Dressed seductively, boobs gently swaying, Stefi scolds Seb about who is to blame for Leo’s state (him), then changes her modus operandi and tells him how much she loves, loves, loves him.
7. Dario is the last to arrive at the hospital for the vigil. He starts to ream out JuanO for putting Leo in the hospital. Seb interrupts with the news that Leo will be ok, but she had a pre-farto (it sure looks funny typing this up in Spanish and reading it in English). Everyone gets serious.
8. The four girls get together in their hotel room to talk about Leo. J-Vic and J-Inez try to be the peace-makers. J-Barb and J-Sol are not quite ready to give her a break—just because she learned her husband has four daughters. Besides, J-Barb remembers the snaky face she saw in her vision. J-Barb’s mother comes in to warn them that all four have been outted in the social media as the daughters of JuanO. Only J-Inez objects to the notoriety. The girls continue spatting, with J-Barb taking the lead. Then the alarm clock buzzes and J-Inez throws them out to pray. Later on there’s a pillow fight, all because J-Barb is making too much noise doing push-ups late at night.
9. JuanO slugs Dario when pushed too far.

Hijas de la Luna #6
Monday Oct 21, 2019 Part 2 of 3

10. Leo is transferred to a regular room. Seb tells her there will be no need for surgery. She will only be on meds. She needs to stay calm. They have given her a sedative. On hearing that, she gets quite agitated. She needs to be more alert than ever. Seb tells her everything will be OK.
11. Back home, Stefi tries to give Pappi Dario a pill to calm him down. He assures her there will still be a wedding. He starts ragging on Mauricio. Stefi doesn’t like Pappi putting him down and says so (Good for you, Stefi). Dario says Mau isn’t going to live up to his expectations, but Seb has the ambition, initiative and character to be his successor.
12. J-Vic talks to JuanO in the hospital waiting area. She’s happy Leo will be released the next day. JuanO is on a downer, remembering all the good times in their 25 year marriage, but now, it looks like they will be arguing and bitching for their anniversary. J-Vic says they should plan a big fiesta. He loves the idea. Seb comes back. JuanO wants the fiesta to take place at the beach, with all the trimmings and wants all four hijas to be involved in the planning. He tells Seb that this is to be a surprise for Leo and he’s not to tell his ma. Seb and J-Vic give each other “that look.”
13. Seb settles his ma back home. She says sadly that he and his dad were her whole world and now feels that half her body has been yanked out.
14. Todoelmundo reviews photos of the 4 muchachas then takes Mundito (how cute is that in his sailor outfit) to school in the side car of his motorcycle.
15. J-Inez runs across Seb in the lobby. She momentarily dreams of Seb blowing her a kiss, then recalls the priest telling her how to cure herself of the temptation of wanting to be kissed by a boy. She quickly makes several signs of the cross. J-Vic is doing the same thing, only she goes through the whole lip-coupling sequence in her head, spilling orange juice all over a gringo.
16. Seb is busy at work in his office. Stefi comes in to show him the wedding invitations. This leads to an amorous kiss, just as J-Vic enters and watches—her magic tapete just landed with a thud. She turns to leave but Stefi sees her. Seb introduces them to each other. Stefi is his novia and they are getting married.
Yes, she echoes, in three months. J-Vic is pleased for her and heads for the door. Seb makes a face and not the one with “that look.” After Stefi leaves, J-Vic is shown to be in tears, but recovers sufficiently to march back into Seb’s office and give him what-for about leaving out that small detail that he’s getting married. And NO, he had plenty of time on all their trips and time together to add that. Seb can only sputter and say that he was not sharing parts of his personal life at that time. J-Vic says she knows where to draw the line and live up to one’s promises. Then as she starts to leave, she says, by the way, “No vuelvas a sacarme de ti.” (Help! At least that is what I heard, but it doesn’t make any sense. To make sense she should have said, don’t come looking for me any more or I don’t want to have anything more to do with you or sth like that, no?.) Seb goes back to his desk to pick up the pieces of her heart.

Hijas de la Luna #6
Monday Oct 21, 2019 Part 3 of 3

17. JuanO tries to check in on Leo. He declares his love from the other side of the door. She rejects his presence.
18. Todoelmundo visits J-Sol to interview her for uploading to the social network. She can talk about anything she wants to. That’s a “go” for her.
19. Dario comes to visit Leo at home, armed with a bouquet of red roses and soothing platitudes. He explains his facial blot is thanks to her husband. Their conversation sounds more like courtship. Dario apparently is totally informed of Leo and JuanO’s fertility problems. He remembers all those trips. Leo states unequivocally that once she got pregnant it proved the diagnosis was wrong and Sr. Oropeza was NOT sterile. (NOTE to the Patio—HOLD THIS IN YOUR MEMORY BANKS UNTIL LATER, OK?) Worried that this all might affect the wedding of their two beloved children, Dario assures her it won’t. After the wedding, they will, gulp, be part of each others, wow, families, oh joy. This goes along with too much handholding (as Carayers acknowledge, is hand-porn).
20. A newspaper headline with photos of the four daughters further upsets JuanO.
21. J-Sol lets it all hang out, about the “pelado” that cheated on her. She shares that she had a vision when she was 4 that all the members of her family were going to die. Sure enough, her mother died in a car accident and she didn’t do anything to prevent it. Now, Tod-e-do asks, what about her dad? She doesn’t know, but she’s sure of her vocation of nursing to help people.
22. JuanO comes in to breakfast to find Leo sitting there, with the watermelon painting in view. He’s all upset about the newspaper article and finding that editor...when she calmly tells him she’s thought about it and wants a deeevorsio.


Thank you for your recap, Anita! You got it all.

#5 – yes, the guy faking stomach pain to Juana-Sol is the handyman who was fixing up the room when she arrived. I think he is the same guy with her in the entrada.

#6 – Stefi’s bra and fake boobs were hanging out of that top. Yikes. Between that, the short skirts/hot pants, and all her heavy make-up, the Telenovela Rules would indicate that she is a baddie. Time will tell! But nice eye candy for male viewers.

# 16 - “No vuelvas a sacarme de ti.” ---> I had the CCs on, because they talk too fast, and they said “no vuelvo acercarme de ti” which makes sense. “I’m not getting near you again”. No doubt this is the first of many 'breakups' between these two.

#19 – yes! We were definitely given clues to put that scene into our memory banks. Leo was faltering when they discussed JuanO’s sterility “non-problem.” For all the noise she is making over las Juanas, the old quote from Hamlet, “methinks the lady doth protest too much”, keeps coming to mind, from the get-go.

Dario, at the hospital, in that checked blazer (sounds like a game of CLUE. LOL) looked like a used car salesman. And more of the Mexican-Greek chorus in the background of his scenes. Or an episode of GOT. This guy is bad news.

Edmundito is the cutest! His sidecar helmet was almost as big is he is! Awwwww. When he twirled his hand in circles to indicate he thought Todoelmundo is loco had me giggling.



"This goes along with too much handholding (as Carayers acknowledge, is hand-porn)" had me laughing out loud Anita. Just stellar.

"(well, actually she said it moved her tapete—or rug, a typically expression to indicate major emotional swellings)" was also fantastic as was "Dressed seductively, boobs gently swaying".

Can't watch this but I so enjoy the recaps and this lightened my heart a bit. Ahhh, forbidden love. "Seb goes back to his desk to pick up the pieces of her heart". Deduct major, major points for his silence.

Gracias amiga.



Hi Patio. Great to visit Charlotte (although the airport is terrifyingly busy and crowded) but even better to be back in the CarayCaray watching these silly stories. Doris, Your Friday recap was a hoot. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

And wicked wicked Anita...I'd forgotten all about hand porn but that was definitely what was going on. And Dario did indeed look like a used car salesman. He was elegant looking at the "boss" in Juan Querendon, but he looks positively tacky in this role.

Loved this:
"[her] magic carpet just landed with a thud"

Regardless of the kiss and engagement, Sebastian definitely has the hots for Vicky, is lukewarm on Ms. Estefi, and rather tough on old Mom. Granted Dad's a dear. But four different affairs with four different daughters resulting--I can hardly fault Leonora for being hurt and angry. Although there is that little hint that she went to more fertile fields in order to conceive Sebastian.

Well, regardless, this is so much more fun than Mañana, so these characters can act as naughty as they like. I'd be hard put to criticize after some of the antics on that other wretched show.

Thanks, Anita. And thanks Doris as well. Much appreciated.

Anita,Thank you so much for,that detailed recap. This show is so much better than that frustrating downer we all just deserted. Yay.

I hope that someone gives Vicky a makeover soon. Michele is so pretty. She needs to get out of that awful wig.

Thanks Anita.

Ok, deeeevorcio.
Are they, or aren't they blood relation. Seb and jvic that is?
Dario is a piece of.....ok work. Use
Your imagination patio.
The maid that was standing behind Dario with the beautiful red roses was
Lookin suspicious. Like she was shakin
Her head No to whatever he was offering. I Don't think the maid likes Dario.

Is that cute little boy related them or what. He rockon those blue specks.
Ok more tomrrow, bed time.

Thank you Anita.



Anita, thank you for a recap fun and attention grabbing, as in "Dressed seductively, boobs gently swaying, ..." I am glad I'm not the only one to fix on that or quote it.


"Todoelmundo visits J-Sol to interview her for uploading to the social network. She can talk about anything she wants to. That’s a “go” for her." She was crying and so was Todoelmundo. Interesting.

I don't know about "hand porn" but it was definitely sleazy Dario who was pushing the issue.

I am very bushed. I had a hectic day, then I had to watch a couple of recorded TNs, and now "El Hotel de los Secretos". Life is hard.    8-)


BTW, Anita, thank you also for your recaps and comments for "El Hotel de los Secretos" from when it originally ran. Caray is even a resource for reruns!



Anita, thanks for a fun recap with all the necessary details. I wasn't able to watch the show, but I'm glad I'm up-to-date now.

"Hand porn"; "Dressed seductively, boobs gently swaying"; and "her magic tapete just landed with a thud" had me laughing. You are one wicked lady, but we all love it :-)

I wish I had seen Mundito in his sailor outfit. He is such a cutie; hoping he'll still be wearing it today. I really think kids are stealing the show in TNs nowadays. So much talent at such a young age!

Susanlynn, I agree. But that's not just an awful wig, that's a bad wig, I know cuz I wear wigs. I got a wig wardrobe. And thats a bad one. Micky
Is a pretty girl,but they really got her lookin wonky in this role. I'm glad they didn't give her a mole. with
That and those eyebrows she would look like the wicked witch.


Nina, "M(V)icky Is a pretty girl,but they really got her lookin wonky in this role. I'm glad they didn't give her a mole. with That and those eyebrows she would look like the wicked witch." Oh Nina, you crack me up. I can actually visualize that! LOL But, on second thought, it is close to Halloween, so maybe she would fit right in :-)

Thanks to our little Patio and raising your voices in favor of Hijas. It's a little risque, a little ewww, a little slapstick, but Leo sure has her moments, subdued somewhat by her pre-farto.

DORIS--Thank you for clarifying what Juana-Vic said when she kissed-off Seb. Of course what she really said makes sense--although she was devastated by the news of his impending "marriage," it still hurt to know he kinda left that detail out of their many opportunities to swap stories. His excuse doesn't hold water. That's what got her ire up.

DIANA--Knowing you stop in from time to time to read our recaps makes it all the more important to provide at least some visual details for your benefit. I'm so happy you are weighing in with your Wisdom.

NINA--We all know the two lead characters can't be sibs or half-sibs, but MIGHT be cousins (?) Xavier is not bad looking and he might have taken pity on Leo's struggles with infertility and donated some little swimmers. Anyway, that is the fun in watching--when will it be revealed they are not and who the bio-daddy is. I can't believe you picked up on the maid. You may be correct. I thought she was just annoyed she had to go get the flower vase, but she would have been used to Leo ordering the servidumbre around.

I heard Todoelmundo call Mundito "hijo." Could be. Otherwise, why would they always be dressed as would be a laugh to see To-do-do in a sailor suit, though.

JUDYB--JuanO doesn't describe them as "affairs," at least not ones that lasted more than a few days. It was more like successful encounters. I'm surprised that the women involved fell so easily for his charm. Can't wait to see what Seb does to get back in J-Vic's good graces. He definitely wants to acercarse to her.

SUSANLYNN--You and me both, J-Vic's hair needs to be tamed. Maybe there will be a ball in her future a la Marina in Mirada or Luciana in Refugio. At least it seemed a little more brushed yesterday. Maybe that's the beginning. She's the only sister with lighter colored hair than the others--the others definitely take hair color from their father. J-Vic's feistiness definitely comes from her dad.

RGV--Wicked? Hmmm, maybe. As long as I can remain shielded by the Patio, I can let loose my inner wicked. Don't know how far to take it, though--for fear of offending more delicate eyes. Mundito is far more entertaining than Nico.

ANDY--Oh yes, hand-porn, coined by one of Caray's better wordsmiths, hasn't been used of late. It would have been used on two leads who are being led inevitably toward each other, but not quite there yet. However, this seemed the perfect opportunity to slip it in. Is Dario on the up-and-up with genuine feelings for Leo that go back a long way or is he crassly using her to secure HIS position with Seb to make him do what he wants with regard to his bidnez.

ANDY--Ah, yes, eye candy--wait until we get to the beach, haha. No doubt all the girls' half-moons will be in evidence, while Seb won't have one (betcha). We'll have to wait and see if J-Inez will disrobe down to a bathing suit or not.

OT to you, Andy--So we are both watching EHDLS! It's amazing how much I'd forgotten since the first showing and how many details I'm picking up now--and understanding better. It must have been an expensive production to make, but the care is obvious. I'm re-reading the recaps and comments as we progress. I don't even recognize my own comments until I see my name! Love that Angela and oh, my, Andres. He can serve me tea anytime.

Oh, you two, Nina and RGV--While I was creating my recappers answers, you added some additional fun.


The "hand porn" is a new one for me and completely cracked me up because it describes so perfectly. Obvio I wasn't watching the telenovela that inspired it.

Edmundito has to be Todo's son. They're always together, live in the same house, Todo took Mundito to school. No doubt there is a story behind wherever Mundito's mom is.

I saw the cutest thing on the intertubes recently:
"Autocorrect, I'm tired of your shirt."

Doris...ha....thanks for sharing that cute quote. I , too, have a vendetta against autocorrupt and and tired of its shirt !!!

Does Todo work for Leo ?

Holding hands is lovely...a sweet yet intimate conection between two people.

A gray , dismal , drizzly day here.☔


To-do works for himself as a visual gossip columnist. He loves his job, thinks he's the best and happens to hang out at the hotel. I guess he thinks that's where the best chismes are. In this case, he's right.

I'm sure To-do would do anything Leo asks him to do.

I have no objections to hand-holding, between two people who want that connection, and it can go on as long as a whole evening or a walk in the park. Hand-porn is strictly relegated to telenovelas, where the hand-holding seems to attract the cameras for too long and we have to watch. Sometimes it's for the good, sometimes for the bad. Me thinks in Dario's case, he's up to something not good.

And yes, Shakespeare doesn't need any updating!

Anita, I like when you are wicked! Keep it up !

Nina...I don't wear wigs, but I have been thinking about getting some of that spray on hair color........maybe blue or pink.


I enjoy the beach setting of this tn. I love the sun, sand, and surf, and when I can't experience it in real !ife, at !east I can see and enjoy it on my tv screen.

Has anyone else noticed Seb's outfit?..a sportcoat and Bermuda shorts ???? No...just no.


Whoops..that was me above. ∆∆∆


"Has anyone else noticed Seb's outfit?..a sportcoat and Bermuda shorts ???? No...just no."

Susanlynn, thank you for that. I normally don't care too much what the men wear as long as it's not totally ridiculous.

Sebastian, meet Totally Ridiculous. Totally Ridiculous, this is Sebastian.


Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (thanks Doris :)

Monica finally does manage to leave on her vacation, more accurately she is pushed to go by Ximena, to some very beautiful resort area where she keeps "seeing" Camilo in every waiter, clerk, whatever, in the hotel. She takes a calming walk along a low grassy hill with a gorgeous view of the beach and the ocean, and she is lost in thought and never notices that someone overhead in a paraglider is having difficulty controlling his descent. Of course(!) he crashes into Monica but nobody is hurt. He apologizes and introduces himself as Iñaki (from Ignacio). Later they bump into each other again, not literally this time, have lunch, take a walk, etc.

Will this lead somewhere? Well, I wouldn't bet against it.




Part 1

Sebastien is between a rock and a hard place. He KNOWS he's hot for his half-sister, knows he doesn't want to marry Estefania, but also knows he doesn't have a reason in the world to break up with her. She doesn't pull jealous scenes, is nice to both his mom and dad, loves his newly found sisters and even defends them after they pull a stupid stunt and pretend Soledad is drowning in the ocean--just to find out if she's a spoiled, rich brat as they assumed. Apparently she's not. She doesn't even give him a hard time for wearing suit jackets with polka dot Bermuda shorts. We know Susanlynn sure would!

In fact she just seems too good to be true.

Well, time will tell. On with our story.

We begin with Vicky scrubbing the bejesus out of a table top. Javier pulls her away, knowing she's stressed and needs to talk. She confesses that she pulled a big jealousy scene with Sebastian. And that's soooo wrong. She's got to get him out of her mind and heart. (famous last telenovela words, eh Patio?)

Well, Lorena and Juan need to also. She wants him to understand how hurt she is that he blew her Javier paternity fib out of the water and let the whole town know that not only is Vicky his daughter, but there are three more also! He counters that surely she couldn't expect him to abandon his daughters now that he knows of their existence.

Javier, who evidently is everybody's shoulder to cry on, is now listening to Seb's lament. He kissed Vicky. Estefi doesn't deserve this. Javier counters that it was "just a mistake". Seb: NO. IT WAS THE BEST KISS OF MY LIFE!!!!!

Houston, we've got a problem.

In the meantime, ever cheerful Juan is organizing a big party which he thinks will delight Lorena and make her forgive him. He's enlisting the girls' help and wants them all to call him Papa. He'll also have Estefi's help because she's a professional caliber chef (another good quality!).

The lovely Estefi is also sympathizing with Lorena, although the latter is a bit miffed when her future daughter-in-law says she met Vicky and thinks she's a lovely gal. Well, hmmm...anyway, I want you to get to know all the Juanas. Because I think they're up to something bad. And I want to know what it is.

Okay. Last scene of this segment is the supposed drowning or near-drowning of Soledad. Barbara and Inés, the latter frantically making the sign of the cross as she lies, float the story and Estefi responds like a champ. "I know the Admiral and the Coast Guard folks and I'll do everything in my power to find her," she declares.

Oh dear. Guess she's not the spoiled rich brat they assumed she was. Or is she just diabolically clever?


Part 2

Javier's shoulder to cry on is positively soaking at this point. Now Juan is in there, confessing that Lorena has asked him for a divorce. Of course he promised her he wouldn't say a thing about the "D" word until after Estefi and Seb get married-- but oh well, our Juan is a little weak in the Keeping Promises Department. And besides, she's my Life! I'd die without her. Javier notes mildly that Lorena is deeply hurt by all the infidelities. That pretty much falls on deaf ears. (Juan is adorable but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. And definitely a bit backward in the Empathy Department.

About the time the search helicopters and entire Coast Guard is about to descend on the beach, Soledad pops out from behind some large rocks and confesses it was all a ruse to put Estefi to the test. Our blue-eyed, boobalicious, short-skirted lass asks if she passed. No answer. But clearly she did. SHE'S PERFECT IN EVERY WAY.

After Estefi gets on her cellphone to call off the troops, the girls finally admit that Yeah, Estefi passed. With an A-plus even!

And Vicky (the only one who wasn't in on it, due to work) is being consoled in her romantic woes by Todoelmundo and little Mundito in an elevator hug. One up top, one down below.


Part 3

Elevator Hug over, Todoelmundo interviews our dejected Vicky who just wishes the last three weeks hadn't happened. Her mom died of cancer, she learned her real dad was Juan Oropeza, and now she has four siblings she feels responsible for. And it's a mess. As for her goals (remember, Soledad's is to continue her nursing career and provide health care for the poor), Vicky would like to study further and get her preparatoria degree.

Seb tries to talk his pop out of the party. Nothin' doing.

The girls squabble in their room. Barb has noticed that Inés makes the sign of the cross a lot, especially if Sebastian is in view.

Javier is running another therapy session, this time with Seb who's lamenting that Estefi is great--so she doesn't deserve to be cheated on. Javier agrees.

And our perfect Estefi? Well, she's having a perfectly wretched nightmare--Seb confesses that he has four little sons, and there they are like a wee pack of puppies. All dark-haired and looking just like their sweet daddy.

Todoelmundo, a bit of a pest in my opinion, is now stalking Inés to get an interview. He interrupts her blissful contemplation of the ocean. She has always lived in a convent, close to God but far away from His creation. Now she just wants to enjoy the immensity and power of this great sea in front of her. Todoelmundo persists, so she finally tells him her goal in life is to find her mother. Hug her. And discover why she abandoned her at the convent when she was only a few months old.

Last scene in this segment is a corker: Seb runs into Soledad who mentions the upcoming boda. "Who knows if there's even going to be a wedding?" sighs Seb.

Cara Impactada. Big-time.


Part 4

Sure enough, next scene is between Sebastian and Estefania and he's telling her he has something to confess. Thanks to the nightmare, she begs him to tell her it's NOT that he has a passel of little sons hidden away somewhere. Oooops. He loses his nerve, and shares instead that he's conflicted about the party. If he helps Dad, his mom will be hurt. He's caught between the two of them. Our perfect (and perfectly shaped) little fiancée is all tender and understanding and "How can I help?" Oh boy. Worse and worse. This little doll has no flaws. That we know of.

Barb, meanwhile, is getting interviewed. And launches into an impassioned story of her abuse, physical and sexual, by her stepfather. A thoroughly miserable childhood. But that's why she learned to box. And her goal? To teach women and girls self-defense so they can escape being abused and humiliated in life.

There's a brief scene where Vicky, waiting tables, is listening to a couple squabbling over his problem with rampant jealousy. He defends himself, saying that when you love somebody you fear losing them. And that leads to jealousy. It's inevitable. Vicky looks like a lightbulb just went off in her head.

Okay. We don't know if Estefi is as perfect as she appears. Telenovelas have just made us too cynical to trust Inconvenient Fiancées. But Papa Dario is definitely a villain, through and through. In addition to trying to make a move on Leonora, he's also pulling strings with his pal the bank president, to deny the loan Seb is seeking to buy the terrain next to the hotel. He wants to force Sebastian to borrow the money from him.

Meanwhile, happy party plans continue. Juan wants everybody to dress the way they did when he and Leo first met. And the music should be from that era also. Also, of course there'll be a famous singer to belt out Lorena and Juan's Courtship Song.

Another Aha! scene at the end of this segment. Seb's friend at the bank tells him in confidence that his loan was granted. But then orders came from "on high" to turn him down. Who's behind all this? Seb correctly guesses it must be his slimy future suegro.

Thank you for your recap, Judy!

Seb's polka dot Bermudas looked like boxer shorts. Eek.

The missing/drowning Soledad plot was just. so. lame.

Stefi seems to be the real deal. Basically a good person. Her only flaw - so far - is her evil wicked father.

"Javier, who evidently is everybody's shoulder to cry on," Javier might be this telenovela's Voice of Reason. We will stay tuned.

JuanO is an idiot. Buffoon. Space cadet. Naive. Completely clueless. Gah. Why he thinks this party will change Leo's mind *and* she will forgive him is sufficient proof. I rest my case. LOL


Final part

Soledad is going to ask Octavio to help her set up the stage for the great fiesta they're planning. Barb teases her about already having found a replacement for the guy who broke her heart. Inés will be in charge of the finances. When challenged by Barb, she displays her prodigious math skills and that's that. Vicky's job is to get Laureano Brizuela (a famous Argentine singer; also works in Mexico and US. Collaborated with composer who wrote The Wind Beneath My Wings. In other words, muy famoso!)to perform at the party.

Well, Seb has no trouble confronting his future father-in-law. And Dario has no trouble lying through his teeth and swearing I WOULD NEVER STAND IN YOUR WAY IN GETTING A LOAN. Riiiight.

Brief scene where Seb and Vicky keep getting in each other's way so he finally takes her by the shoulders and SHAZAM! They're both feeling the magic. You know, that "icy tingle up and down the spine" and so forth. Yep, our star-crossed couple has it bad.

Juan and Seb are having a little pow-wow now and it gets contentious. Dad agrees that Dario probably axed Seb's loan but why expand the hotel anyway? It's risky to spend that much money. "Oh yeah, and yet you're willing to spend a wad on this little party you're planning to placate Mom!" snaps Sebastian. Anyway, Seb is not deterred. He's going to get that dinero somehow!

Final scene is between Vicky and Soledad. The latter is primping for her meeting with Octavio. Vicky teases her about having a thing for the hunky carpenter. "No andas de meter sillas y saca bancos" [literally, don't go putting chairs and turning them into benches...or fig. Stop exaggerating!]

But Soledad saves the best for last. Sebastian told me there might not even be a wedding with him and Estefi.

Cara Impactada de Juana Victoria. And there we end.

Okay frisky Patio. What do you think? Is the luscious Estefania as perfect as she appears? Inside and outside? I hate to be suspicious, but Lordy! this little gal is just too nice. Even defends her brother instead of capitalizing on Dad's obvious preference for her wee self. Maybe SHE should be in the convent?--'cause she appears to be a veritable saint.

Judyb...Thank you so much for all the details that you provided us with in that bouncy recap.

Xavier seems to have replaced the priest that was ever present in the old telenovelas...or the guy who is behind you in the grocery checkout line that you cant escape.

I enjoyed our time at the beach despite the girls' odd ploy to out Estefi. You take what you can get.

P.s. Rain all day here....I hope that we get some sun tomorrow.


I'm pretty sure I can promise you sunshine Susanlynn. Yesterday was cold, overcast and rainy here. Depression Special! But today the clouds cleared and we had sunshine and wind. Of course at 5:55 the light is already fading. Before you know it, we'll feel like heading to bed right after dinner!

Hmmmm...Xavier as "the guy who is behind you in the grocery checkout line that you can't escape". Sounds like you've got a story there.

DORIS...Glad you agree with me. Juan is a dunce, however sweetly that he's portrayed, and Estefi appears to be absolutely perfect. Just a very interesting and entertaining story so far.


Thanks Andy for watching that show so we don't have to. Love your precise and witty recaps. Fast read and all we need to know. Perfect. Sure hope Iñaki will replace Camilo in our ditzy heroine's dreams (and I use the term "heroine" ironically.)

Thank you JudyB. This was great and I haven't even watched the epi yet. There are parts I definitely want to see (more specifically, when SHAZAM happens).

Interesting to note the wide differences between JuanO and Dario. JuanO is just himself a basso buffo, bigger than life, up-beat, seems to not have a care in the world--his world is going great, except this one little nagging thing--Leo is not happy about his welcoming 4 illegitimate daughters into the family.

Dario, is self-contained, wound up like a coiled spring, too obvious in his preference for his daughter (who so far seems to be perfect), works behind the scenes for his own benefit and is oh so subtle when it comes to wooing the wife of his future SIL.

Manana--Andy, I'm still with you. Can't take my eyes off it since it's so bad, but still need to find out what happens to Camilo and Monica (forget Diana--who's she?).

A couple of additions from yesterday--Mau is up to no good making Camilo hurry-up and sign some "contract" of Rafa's. He leaves with a smug look on his face.

Barbara is a screaming banshee, not only at the office, but at home, too, at Camilo, when Cam finds out Reggie had some cramping and ended up in the hospital over night. Cris backs her up with the idea that her dad and Moni have a thing going, despite his protestations.

We're no nearer to finding out what Eugie and Chaba's secret is.

Nora turns out to be no substitute for Monica. She makes up with Luis, though, when he finally spills the beans that he is a recovering alcoholic and leads an AA type of group--that's the reason for some of his mysterious phone calls.

Manuel tries to persuade Maggie that they should adopt the baby that is waiting for them at the agency. She wants to hold out for Reggie's despite his pointing out she might not get Reggie's baby if her family manages to prevent it. Maggie remains firm. She only wants Reggie's baby.

Paloma finally comes clean with Cris that she dropped him and the idea of going to Brasil because she fell in love with Mau. Poor Cris, he's confused but will hold his tongue--for now.

I loved how Inaki made his acquaintance of Monica--parasailing into her and nearly plastering her to death, ending up on top of her.


NudyB, thank you for another of your great and fun recaps. But what's not to like about Estefania? She "doesn't pull jealous scenes, is nice to both his mom and dad, loves his newly found sisters and even defends them...", is a chef, dresses seductively and has boobs that sway gently.

Unless she starts killing babies and old ladies she's wonderful! But I'm pretty sure we'll have to find her someone other than Sebastián. It shouldn't be hard.

The one I'm concerned about is Juana Victoria. She's interested in someone who dresses like Sebastián? Obviously something wrong with her.

JuanO may be a nice guy at heart but he's a jerk too and he gets on my nerves sometimes.


Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (thanks Doris :)

Anita, thank you for adding a great number of details that I didn't cover, mostly because I didn't remember them. :-)

It doesn't surprise me at all that your regular recaps are so good.

Rgv Chickie, thank you for "from Guatemala (bad) to Guatepeor (worse)", I really like that one.

One more tidbit from today's show. Regina is home, recovering from an anxiety attack, and is visited by Pablo who shows her a video of the masked Eco protester with signs wishing her a speedy recovery. She is happy to spend some time with him and has that cute goofy look that says she is smitten. And she confirms her suspicion that he is the masked Eco protester.
Anyway, I think Regina is a cutie and I think these two could make a nice couple. I still wonder about Baby Daddy though.




Fantastic recap Judy! If only I were watching...

"She's got to get him out of her mind and heart. (famous last telenovela words, eh Patio?)" - so true!

"Javier's shoulder to cry on is positively soaking at this point" had me smiling. There's usually one staunch, supportive listener in every TN.

"No andas de meter sillas y saca bancos" [literally, don't go putting chairs and turning them into benches...or fig. Stop exaggerating!]" was my favorite.

I have to watch this one day I'm off - curious as to who Estefania is...

Andy, thank you for the info on MANANA. Something else I didn't watch but am thinking Monica must meet someone else (?)

Thank you Judy!


Diana, Estefania is a blonde seemingly perfect dolly. Maybe too perfect to be true. Very pretty and all over Seb all the time.


Thanks, JudyB. I didn’t have time to watch again today. I was busy doing the Tango with my weed eater :-( Anyhoo, seems like nothing major happened, but I would have liked to see the SHAZAM scene. Someone mentioned that J-Inez makes numerous signs of the cross when she sees Sebas...that’s because she has “ bad thoughts” about him when she sees him. Silly girl’s hormones are making up for lost time :-)


Andy, you are tempting me to watch this pesadilla. Have they mentioned who Iñaki is? Rafa mentioned someone by that name once when he was talking to his friend in Miami. I remember the name because it is not very common. What a coinkidink if Monica met the same Iñaki that Rafa knows!



Lots of interesting commentary. Thanks Petite Patio. ANITA, loved your description of Dario as "self-contained" and "like a coiled spring". Which makes me think of a coiled serpent...about to strike. Yep, he's for sure our villain.

ANDY...You had me laughing with your analysis of Estefania and the strangely unobservant Juana Victoria. Yes, the latter is not troubled by Sebastian's wretched fashion faux-pas, but then he is not bothered by her wretched hair and eyebrows either. So...SHAZAM...made for each other.

DIANA...I always try to throw in some vocabulary for you. In this one, they use a lot of slang, especially Juana Bárbara. For instance, she always says "huercas" instead of "muchachas". Huercas is Mexican slang for girls. I don't think you hear it in other countries. But maybe you will after this show airs.

SUSANLYNN...Good description of Estefania--"blonde, seemingly perfect dolly". Indeed. Pretty much made to order for any lad with hormones, so ANDY is right, she should have no trouble finding a hot to trot replacement for the reluctant Sebastian.

Hi RGV CHICK....You have all my sympathy. I've put in my time with a weed-eater around our large yard and it used to be okay, but at nearly 80 now, I'm finding it exhausting. You are hereby excused from watching afternoon telenovelas.


I'm pretty sure that Iñaki the paraglider bomber is also the Iñaki that Rafa knows. That's classic telenovela practice, no? Horrified though that, thanks to Anita, we now know that Paloma has fallen for the perfidious Mauricio. Just goes to show that she's as dumb as she looks. Still, she has those great legs. Alas, nothing up top in the brain department. All the blessings went to below the waist. Hmmmm...that doesn't sound good. But it does sound like Paloma.

The paraglider made me think of a guy I tutored from Brazil a couple years ago who talked about paragliding down to the beach from that famous huge statue of Jesus. He said that I really had to experience it someday. I said no I didnt.

Chickie and judyb, I don't have a weed eater, but I have been fighting an endless battle with walnuts and leaves in my big yard.


Endless battles with walnuts and leaves in a big yard sound daunting indeed SUSANLYNN. For me, it used to be easier just chewing up the leaves with a mulching mower and letting the little bits re-fertilize the grass. Sure beats raking and dragging those tarps filled with heavy, soggy leaves to the curb. Ugh. A lot more fun back in the old days when we could make big piles, jump in them, and later burn them. I used to love the aroma of woodsmoke in the Fall.

I'm too wussy to paraglide as well. But I have stood near that famous huge statue of Jesus and looked down on the ocean and the beaches of Brazil. It is the most glorious view in the world. And, when I visited the site, there was a scent of jasmine and orange blossoms in the warm, night air that was absolutely intoxicating. Brazil is a beautiful country but the government there has been, and probably always will be, a mess.

Judyb....yes, the guy I was tutoring good me many tales of government corruption.


Part 1

Well, this is clearly an after-school special. Our engaged couple barely does more than hug and all the little spats between the girls are resolved quickly with hugs and happy tears. And even the priest tells Leonora she needs to get over herself and just forgive the whole lot of them--Juan and his bounteous offspring.

But here's how we start:

1. More crying on Javier's soggy shoulder: He wants to know where Juana Victoria heard that the wedding was off. And points out that even if it were, she and Seb are still half-siblings. She confesses that if they weren't, she'd just eat him up with kisses [me lo comeria de besos]. Can't blame her. The actor playing Seb has a dynamite smile. Gets me every time.
2. The other girls are in the bar where Soledad is looking for Octavio to help set up for the anniversary party. The bartender, Mauricio, spots Inés and immediately falls in love. She's spooked. And besides her heart belongs to Sebastian. And Soledad knows this because, with her intuitive powers, she saw a pink cloud swirling around Seb whenever Inés looks at him. Inés admits the truth but swears her to secrecy. After all, such feelings are a SIN!
3. Sebastian is fighting his own sinful thoughts about Juana Victoria. And runs to a very willing Estefania for lots of fervent hugs. He wants to feel CLOSE to her. And also wants her to know he got turned down for a loan. But will hit every bank in the area to try and get funded. But don't tell your Dad!
4. The whole town is listening to the "this is my life" videos uploaded by Todoelmundo. Public opinion is very favorable. They're captivated by these girls. Leonora, on the other hand, is totally miffed.
5. But Papa Juan is chagrined to realize that he never asked his daughters what their lives had been like. He was just thinking of himself. He asks their forgiveness. And now that he knows Juana Inés wants to find her long-lost mother, he's going to ask Seb and Vicky, his two super detectives, to try and hunt her down. Their eyes light up at the thought of another solo trip together. Yep, the chemistry is still flaming between those two.
6. Leonora has had enough of her rogue stepdaughters getting so much celebrity and approval. She goes to the priest to complain about her broken heart.
7. And another SHAZAM scene. Juana Victoria and Sebastien end up in the same elevator, dangerously close to each other. And then the elevator stops! They're stuck. Everybody's favorite sex fantasy. Or maybe not. Turns out Vicky has claustrophobia. As well as an annoying habit of punching every button on the control panel. Still, some flames shoot up when she touches Sebastian's chest. And some more flames sizzle when he asks her to breathe deep, close her eyes, and....ooooh boy, an almost kiss! But then the door opens, and they emerge, still chaste. But definitely burnin' hunks o' love have been ignited.



Part 2

8. More squabbling in the sisters' room. Bárbara has noticed the constant signing of the cross whenever Seb is around and decides that Inés thinks he's a saint. After all, he saved her when she was up on the spire of the church. (for reasons that have never been explained) So she puts up a picture of Saint Sebastian over her bed. Inés thinks Soledad ratted her out and runs from the room. Vicky, meanwhile, has to break up the fight between Soledad and Barb. But where's little Inés? They can't find her anywhere.
9. Seb, who's a busy butt, drops in to see Vicky's madrina, who's gently chewing out a maid for not changing the towels in a room. She's amazed how big a job being Head Housekeeper is, but she likes it. He asks her to put a big box on Juana Victoria's bed.
10. The frantic girls finally find Inés at the beach sitting on a rock. She's chilled and tired. They've been looking for her all night! They hustle her back to the room, promising a warm bath etc.
11. The resourceful Leonora has uploaded her own video blog, explaining her loneliness and distress. Her hospitalization with heart problems. Her shabby treatment by an unfaithful husband and those celebrity Juana girls!
12. Meanwhile, more fights in the room. Barb is threatening to beat Soledad to a pulp for stealing her boxing gear. But turns out it was Vicky, who also left a note in the gear bag telling Barb how her bitterness and anger was affecting all of them. Hugs, tears, and everything is all good twixt the feuding sisters. This calls for a celebration!
13. A party immediately ensues at the local bar. Juana Victoria is on the stage singing and dancing. Soledad and Barb join her. The irreproachable Estefania is there with Seb smiling and applauding.
14. A new fella arrives with a small suitcase. Is immediately entranced by Vicky's singing and all 'round performance skills. Turns out he's Seb's cousin, Juan's "sobrino politico" (Leonora's nephew, presumably) so all good. Except that Seb doesn't like the way he seems to be moving in on Vicky.
15. The one person not at the party is the bereft Leonora. Who's having to listen to a bunch of phone calls from her buddies telling her the same thing as the priest. Lighten up! The girls are enchanting. Forgive Juan and get with the program!
16. Knock on the door. It's Mundito with a message for her. Which he forgot. But then remembers. Only problem: We can't understand what he told her.

Stay tuned. I'm sure we'll find out tomorrow. Secrets don't last long on this show.
And evidently we're not supposed to take anything seriously. Leonora is still a hoot, Dario is still a villain, Juana Victoria and Sebastien are still feeling the earth tremble under their feet whenever they're near--but all good!


By the way, does any good soul want to volunteer to do Thursday or Friday?


Judy - I can do a recap for Friday's episode. Tomorrow will be impossible for me. And thank you for your Cliffnotes! I finally have time to sit down today, and it's unlikely I will have a chance to watch this episode. I'm so glad I did not miss much.

It's a good thing the priest and Leo's friends are telling her to get over it and chill. Keeping her in the mix might add to the fun.


Great Doris! Thank you. A Friday recap will be terrific. And I agree that Leo, while ostensibly a Juana enemy, is great fun. Every thing in this story so far seems to be done with a wink and a shrug.


Judy, loved your recap masquerading as cliffnotes! :)

"bounteous offspring" and "burnin' hunks o' love" made me smile. Thank you for "she'd just eat him up with kisses [me lo comeria de besos".

Even not seeing this, I know Danilo (Sebas) is a pretty perfect male.

Frankly, I'd love to be watching anything "done with a wink and a shrug". I'm only watching Cuna and upbeat, it ain't.

Thank you for all you do to keep these recaps fresh, lively and fun...


Thank you,judyb. You explained everything I needed to understand.

I loved seeing Michelle sing and dance again, and it was a fun song that her sisters could dance to.

I also enjoy any scene at the beach.

I am getting a little tired of Ines. Is she going to eventually going to drop her demure innocence and go wild?


Hola Chicas. Or should I say "huercas" a la Juana Bárbara?

DIANA, I know just what you mean about Cuna de Lobos. The colors, the characters, and the plot are all gray, grim, black and even blacker. It's well done. Fascinating even. But depressing for sure.

This one is silly, lots of hunky guys and gals in revealing clothes and a light-hearted plot, now that the creepy abuser story is past. Of course, there's still Estefi's bad dad lurking, but he has yet to strike any blows.

SUSANLYNN...Yep, Juana Inés and her convent guilt is getting old; and I was certainly tired of Juana Bárbara's rudeness, but that hopefully is now past. Maybe the wooing and winning by Mauricio the barman will thaw out Inés. The poor fella at the meat market in Puebla certainly struck out.

Don't blame her for taking a shine to Sebastian though. His smile really is radiant. And he really really really lights up when he looks at Juana Victoria. Hard to resist that. No wonder the latter wants to eat him up with kisses. And Juana Inés as well.


Judy, thank you for these great CliffNotes, but no way should Juana Vic go after Sebastián. I don't care if he does have a great smile. Those shorts! No, just no.

I admit I was a bit exasperated with the elevator scene. I couldn't help but think, "Oh, no! Not another stuck-in-the-elevator-together bit!" But it was mercifully short.

It seems there are a few guys interested in Juana Vic, the latest being Señor Trivago.

(BTW, if I ever open a hotel in Mexico I will name it Hotel Trivago. Think of all the free publicity!)

OK, I'm sorry. The Devil made me say it.



Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (thanks Doris :)

No update on Iñaki and Monica. I haven't had time to watch it yet. Maybe Anita has?


Andy - thank you for watching so that I don't have to. For realz.

Sebastian's smile is the type that I expect to see dental sparkle graphics on the screen, like some cheesy old teenybopper movie I've seen and can't recall anything else about. He is a very nice looking guy with a very preppy look, and his wardrobe in this telenovela supports that preppy look.

Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (just for you Doris ;-)

Pregnant jailbait cutie Regina, who suffered severe abdominal pains after an anxiety attack provoked by all the hullabaloo at home, is being attended to by Dr Juan, the oncologist. Telenovela medicine is a wonderful thing. And I suppose it saves having to pay two different doctor-looking actors.
Pablo visits Regina in the hospital and they are all goofy smiles and so on, young hearts beating in unison...
Hi, my name is Andy and I find such nonsense enjoyable. I've been sober for about 30 minutes since I finished watching this silly telenovela.

Slimy Mauricio sends multiple beautiful bouquets of red roses to Barbi, professing his undying love; then tells Paloma he intends to marry Barbi, but he and she (Paloma) can be lovers. Heartbroken Paloma calls him a cynic...

Luis and Nora do a little hugging and smooching after hours at MediaLink, Pablo discovers them at it.

I didn't understand yesterday where Iñaki is from, but he's in Mexico because he has some business with friends here in Mexico. He has an accent that sounds maybe Spanish. Or maybe Chinese, what do I know about these accents?
Iñaki keeps an eye on Monica when she goes outside the hotel and, unseen and talking to himself aloud as these TN folks are wont to do, he comments on Monica's great beauty.

Later Camilo arrives at Monica's hotel door, he needs to talk to her urgently about matters both personal, Monica's hopes rise... and business, and Monica's hopes fall. Monica doesn't want him in her room, she insists they talk downstairs in the bar. She dolls herself up a little bit before going down to the bar.
They talk. She doesn't intend to return to MediaLink but Camilo wants to promote her to gerente ejecutiva, no more assistant or secretary. She is sorely tempted but undecided.

Lots of other silly stuff happened, but I had no great interest and my buddy, Señor FFWD, said to not worry about it, so I didn't.




ANDY, ANDY, ANDY...You are so good at this. Loved your shoutout to AA--Hi, my name is Andy....I've been sober for about 30 minutes....

Yes, this telenovela addiction is certainly hard to explain to others. When people ask what shows I'm watching for "the new season" they look at me like I'm nuts.

Also loved this:

[Iñaki] talking to himself aloud as these TN folks are wont to do...
"Wont"...what a great expression! Haven't heard it in a while

But my favorite by far was your final kiss-off

"Lots of other silly stuff happened, but I had no great interest and my buddy, Señor FFWD said to not worry about it, so I didn't.

Love me some Señor FFWD. For me, that dear Señor is perfect for the entire Mañana show, but I adore your recaps. Thanks. You are so good at this.

Andy...your funny, clever recap of " that show I can no longer tolerate watching "gave me some giggles this morning . However, I am curious as to what is happening to these despicable , weird people and their equally inane storylines. Thanks for watching so that I don't have to.


Andy - you have been hiding your recaplet talents!!! Millones de gracias!!! OMGah, you had me laughing out loud at:
--- "Hi, my name is Andy and I find such nonsense enjoyable. I've been sober for about 30 minutes since I finished watching this silly telenovela."
--- "Telenovela medicine is a wonderful thing. And I suppose it saves having to pay two different doctor-looking actors."
--- "... and they are all goofy smiles and so on, young hearts beating in unison..."

And put so succinctly, the best of all --- "Lots of other silly stuff happened, but I had no great interest and my buddy, Señor FFWD, said to not worry about it, so I didn't."
(I might steal this one!!! LOL)


Thank you JudyB, your cliffnotes were a delight this morning. Diana, I wish you could watch this. It's a little on the corny side, but such a relief from the gloom and doom at night. In addition to Cuna de Lobos, I've been tuning in to El Dragon and last night's episode was ghastly....DO NO WATCH IT if you have a weak stomach.

Danilo is such a pretty boy and that smile would even manyone weak in the knees. I really don't think Inez is in love with him. I think she is just mesmerized by his looks just as she is when she sees any handsome guy; she and Mauricio would make such a cute couple.


OMGoodness Andy, you little sneak. I knew you would be fantastic at recapping and I was NOT mistaken! You have the makings of a great recapper. You just have to remember that you don't have to include ALL the details...just enough to get people talkin' and, from what I see, you are already a MASTER!

For the sidebar, I'm nominating
-- "Hi, my name is Andy and I find such nonsense enjoyable. I've been sober for about 30 minutes since I finished watching this silly telenovela." AND
-- "Lots of other silly stuff happened, but I had no great interest and my buddy, Señor FFWD, said to not worry about it, so I didn't."

Have a wonderful day Patiomates! I'm off to do more yardwork...UGHH!


Chickie and Doris, I agree. Andy writes a great recap.I am not surprised because I always !lol forward to reading his comments. Thanms Andy , for bright spots in my day.

I am trying to stay with Cuna and Dragon , but they are both so dark that I don't know if I can keep watching. Maybe I will just read the excellent recaps.

Chickie, I read the Dragon recap, but I went to bed and did not watch. Now, I am glad that I didn't see those images.

Mañana Será Otra Pesadilla (thanks Doris :)

My thanks to everyone for the complimentary comments on the mini micro recraplet yesterday, but I am not actually recrapletting this, just providing the occasional update for those who watched the show before and now can't help but wonder what has happened and if the producers managed to salvage anything of this rather bad TN.
Well, I think they are trying to do just that, with some small success. Diana is out of danger now, Monica's feelings for Camilo are out in the open, Camilo admits that he made love to Monica and now thinks of her differently though he still loves his wife, and Monica is taking baby steps to get past Camilo... maybe.

Anyway, I will from time to time mention some significant, to me, developments, but no true recraps. For instance, I don't care much about Malicio. He's a snake and will in time face the usual telenovela fate of bad guys and be thoroughly trashed. I don't care and won't pay much attention to him.
OTOH, I find Regina to be extremely cute. I know I overuse the word "cute", but I very much like cute, from Regina to Monica's teddy bear to Ximena's upside down St Anthony. But I will later consult a thesaurus to see if I can find a synonym for "cute", and meanwhile will selectively cover any especially cute cuteness as well as, perhaps, the major items like the Monica/Camilo/Diana affair and Chabela and Eugenia's big "secret".

To put it much more succinctly, I'm just commenting, not recapletting.   :-)

Chabela gives Laura some good advice on job searching, and a happy Laura gives Chabela a great big hug and says "Too bad you weren't my mother." Chabela's cara muy guilty.
Secret, I think we are closing in on you.

Camilo fires Malicio because Malicio cheated on Barbi with Paloma. The downside of dating the boss' daughter; no separation of business and personal matters here.
Malicio is upset and nasty with anyone who wants to offer sympathy but on his way out he turns smarmy with Camilo. Definitely a snake, and he's sure to cause trouble later; don't expect details.   :-)

Pablo and Regina spend some quality time at the hospital planning to be masked Eco protesters together. He gives her a hood-mask and she looks very cute in it. (Whoops! Sorry!)
Camilo and Regina both return to the family home; Diana wants a reconciliation with Camilo, but he's a bit unsure, things have changed.

Monica is still enjoying herself at the resort and spending time with Iñaki, some of it discussing his career suggestions for her. Later he takes her on a ride in a dune buggy (or whatever it is) and teaches her how to drive it. She has a lot of fun driving while he sits behind her with his arms around her waist. All very close and friendly, but so far totally platonic.




Andy - well, whatever you want to call it, your "commentary" is a hoot and much appreciated.


Ditto to what Doris said. I don't need every jot and whittle (diddle? whatever). Just a highlight or two and your "commentaries" are hilarious. Glad Malicio's infidelities have come to light. Does Barbi have a Plan B?


Hello patio peeps.

I keep missing the episode because of work. But I Did see Some of it today. Could it Be that Leo is maybe protesting waaaaay to much? I think something went down all those years ago when momma was tryin to be a
Momma without Papa's spermidors. Some
One else's swam up stream. And out pop
Sebastian. Or not. I don't like incest
So if they are gonna put these two kids together they better come up with someThing better than brother and sister Stealin kisses. And then when trivago guy Met j-vick the look on seb's face was "Get Away from her she is mine". And not my sister "mine" either.

I would really like to see Inez loose
The nun getup. It looks hot and very
Uncomfortable. And stop it with the crucifixing everytime Sebastian comes
Around. Or any man for that matter. Ok
I didnt see the rest so I'll read the recap & Comments later.

Thanks JudyB.

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