Monday, October 07, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Amor Eterno - Week of Oct. 7, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TN covered by this page is:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 62-64
Only one TN is being covered by this page for now. Although there is really no need to identify it in your comment, you may continue to do so to avoid confusion in the future. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Last night, seeing the promo for “Cuna de lobos” (with Catalina Creel w/ her eye patch, the familiar soundtrack and howling wolf) has led me to ask this question: is there engine interested in recapping “Cuna de lobos”? I sure am. Please let me know if YOU are : ) It starts on 10/21 following “La usurpadora” and has only 25 episodes.

Zeynep and Osan present themselves for the wedding reception. Zeynep has the pompous smug look as she overlooks her invitees. She looks for her parents, but finds no one there for her.

Kemal was urged by his father to go to the wedding. He takes Asu with him.

Nihan and Emir are dancing while Kemal watches and Asu begs him to take her out to the dance floor. He obliges, but continues to watch Nihan be unhappy. Emir asks his wife to smile, and she tries.

Osan hands over Zeynep to Kemal for the dance. Emir watches from afar.

Asu condemns Emir for continuing to use Zeynep in his revenge against Kemal.

As the brother sister dance ends, Kemal goes to speak to Tufan outside of the reception area. He asks him if he’s evading him. Tufan says no. Kemal tells him he knows he’s the extortioner. Kemal has a flashback of his instructions to Zehir. Tufan pretends he’s innocent. Kemal demands to know who killed Karen, in exchange for his silence. Emir shows up right at that moment, suspecting something is up. Tufan puts him at ease, telling him Kemal was only trying to get information out from him regarding Karen. Emir gets exasperated wondering why Kemal doesn’t know when to stop.

Nihan lets Kemal know that she’s jealous he brought Asu to the party. He clarified that Zeynep invited her. Nihan tells him she can’t take it anymore and that she loves him, but Kemal leaves her alone, with her words full in her mouth.

Galip asks Kemal about Leyla and tells him that if she had accepted his help, Leyla would have kept her house. Nihan watches Asu put her hand over Kemal.

Nihan requests the band to change he music completely. She starts to dance and takes Asu onto the dance floor, who’s uncomfortable because she doesn’t know the steps. The bride and others form a circle to join the dance, and though Asu tries to keep up, she gets fed up and tells Nihan to stop. Yasemin joins Nihan at that moment. Onder smiles, but looks a little uncomfortable. As soon as the music ends, Emir pulls Nihan and lets her know she won’t leave his side anymore. He wants her to stop her shenanigans.

Vildan accuses Zeynep of ruining the wedding for allowing the traditional music. Zeynep claims it was Nihan’s idea. Kemal butts in and tells Vildan there’s nothing wrong with the traditional music. He then goes to ask the musicians to play a song. He starts to dance before Zeynep, who joins. Nihan watches critically at first, then seems to soften. She imagines herself replacing Zeynep on the dance floor. When she snaps back to reality, we see Emir looking at her, traumatized.

At the end of the night, Kemal asks Zeynep if she really wants to stay with the Sezins. She confirms, and he wishes her a happy marriage and life. She lets him know that’s the way it will be. Nihan watches him and Asu leave. She takes a drink, tears welling up.

Kemal gives Tufan one last look before he leaves. He walks Asu to her green car. Kemal goes towards his car and gets intercepted by Tufan, who hands him something.

Kemal is soon knocking on Banu’s door. Tariq opens the door and both are shocked to see the other. Tariq asks if something is wrong with his father. Banu appears at the door and welcomes Kemal, but he refuses to walk in. He asks Tariq if Tufan knows he lives with Banu, and whether he was in the area of Karen’s murder last week. Tariq immediately gets nervous, and Kemal continues pressuring him to get some information, “did Emir make you do something stupid? Where were you last week?” Banu covers for Tariq, claiming they were both together. Kemal leaves, unconvinced.

Behind closed doors, Tariq asks Banu why she lied for him. Banu lets him know that he may be in trouble. Tariq appreciates her help.

Kemal is driving while speaking to Zehir on the phone. He can’t believe Tufan on this one. Zehir says that Kemal should know who his brother is and what he is capable of.

Tariq demands to know if Tufan told Kemal anything. Tufan lets him know he gave him the address. Tariq starts to freak out a bit, asks Tufan why is he giving Kemal incriminating information, but Tufan tells him to relax because his brother cannot prove anything.

Nihan continues to drink in the reception area. Emir tries to stop her but she fights him off. In the privacy of their room, Nihan tells Emir off, that she’ll never love him. He forces her into a cold shower, and tells that she won’t get the better of him.

In their room, Zeynep is wondering out loud to Osan why Nihan continues with her fake marriage. Osan doesn’t want to talk about it. After a little further talking, Zeynep is ready to sleep under the covers. Osan looks dissatisfied at her.

Nihan calls Kemal while he’s driving. She asks him to save her. He gets worried and wants to know what’s wrong. She tells him she loves him, wants to be with him and can’t stand her life any further. He tries to push off her concerns, tells her to take a shower to think it off. She laughs because Emir has subjected her to one moments before. She continues to open her heart to Kemal, but he gets uncomfortable and doesn’t want to hear it. He asks her that if she’s joking around right now, that means that she’s feeling better? He asks if he can speak to her later. She gets the point and lets him go.

Banu wants to know what’s happening to Tariq. He asks her what kind of man is Tufan, can he keep a secret? Banu asks if Tufan knows something about him, but Tariq just tells her he knows something is happening.

Kemal goes to see Tufan, but he sees Emir appear as well. He tells Kemal to back off, forget about Karen or else Tariq will be revealed to everyone as the murderer. Kemal gets closer to physically threaten Emir, but Tufan stops the aggression by holding a gun to his head. Kemal is unafraid regardless; he tells Tufan to lower the gun, and warns Emir that he will not harm Tariq. Emir foreshadows that it will be Kemal himself who will do the damage to his brother. He calls himself the devil, he does as he pleases with everyone. The episode ends with Kemal warning Emir that he will find all of the evidence and watch him fall soon.


Thank you Clara and Nina for your recaps. And thanks RGV chick for the pages. Do they post automatically two or three time a week?

Jarifa, I will be watching Cuna de lobos and wouldn’t mind posting a summary once a week if you cannot fill the slots.


I meant a summary for one of the days (likely Wed or Thursday). I definitely can not summarize an entire week.



Thanks Rgv Chick for your kind comments on Page 2 for last week. I find it surprisingly hard to decide what to include and what to let go! And thanks for posting the pages, of course, for our little Patio. I think AE deserves a larger Patio, but I get that dubbing is an issue for some. Me, I love to look at it.

AnonFri, I think Rgv Chick posts the pages two times a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 9 p.m.

Nina, the fake-killed woman is named Linda [we think fake killed, anyway.]


AnonFri, great complete recap as usual! Thanks a lot! You filled in some of my blanks.

I missed Monday night, and what? Missed the wedding, Zeynep's charm school if any, and I guess Kemal decided to come to the wedding after all to be in the same room with Nihan.

The dancing scenes were delightful! The social divide on display with the folk dancing. Nihan gets all the ladies into it as Vildan curls her lip. Then Kemal lookin' good, strutting like a proud peacock to "Harman Dali." This is what CCs said the music was. According to Google, this type of traditional dancing is a trend among the well-heeled. Vildan is not on board.

Arrogant Galip: "Leyla learned nobody rejects Galip Kozcouglu." Losing her house is major payback for being cold to him.

Emir to Nihan before he threw her in the shower: "We're still not man and wife, you're drunk, maybe tonight's the night?"

And Ozan gets nothing on his wedding night.

Much to be resolved, and I think only about two weeks left to go. I hope we get some info about Emir's comatose ma. And Kemal still doesn't know how Emir used and abused Zeynep and made Tariq into a murderer.


Thank again, AnonFri!


AnonFri, could you do Thursdays? That would really be great.

Can someone please tell me how many episodes are left for Amor Eterno? Also Cuna de Lobos looks sooooo dark and violent. I know theres violence in most of the TNs but Cuna looks more dark than most.

Hi all. Your welcome AnonFri. And thank you Rgv Chick.

I really like this show, love the Galan. That is a pretty man. In a manly way.

Vildan is a first class snob. I can't wait to see her get her extra heavey anvil. She couldn't wait to rub it in leyla's face that she took her home. Onder will Never love her & she hates it. A few Episode back she said Leyla had stole her daughter nihan, well she stole leyla's almost husband, on her wedding Day, at the church, and In front of everybody. What a lovely family They are.

I loved seeing kemal show the upper crust how they dance in the hood. The
Mother inlaw from hell seems to think
The old ways are embarrassing. Kemal
Did a good thing. Even tho his sister
Has gotten herself into a mess,And his brother has allowed himself to be turned into a murderer. Kemal Has a full plate.

Emir spoke the truth. That's why he can get all those people to do what ever he wants. Cuz he's the devil. He
Should read his bible the devil looses
In the end. O that's right he don't got one.

1 week left you say? good. I just want to see emir get that ETERNO pucker slapped off His face. Leyla get's her house back and her and onder can get back together.I dont care what happens
Vildan. She can get with galip, they
Deserve each other.

Thanks for the recap. Rgv Chick


There’s a flashback to last night’s wedding reception, when Kemal confronted Tufan about being Emir’s extortioner. Emir appears to join the conversation but Kemal leaves soon after, and Tufan lets Emir know that Kemal accuses him of disloyalty. Right there he takes the opportunity to use reverse psychology with his boss; he proposed Emir a plan where he pretends to be his extortioner to gain Kemal’s trust. He will give Kemal leads that will give away Tariq as Karen’s murderer. Emir concedes, but doesn’t necessarily take the bait. He suspects Tufan to be the traitor.

Kemal calls Tariq the next morning and tells him to be careful with Emir. Tariq isn’t going to be bossed around and tells Kemal to leave him alone. After he hung up, Banu asks what’s wrong with his relationship with his brother, to which Tariq responds that Kemal is simply upset because he can no longer boss him around as he used to. Tariq asserts his independence.

Osan brings Zeynep breakfast. He tells her that everyone is out and that Emir didn’t sleep at home last night, so they are all alone in the house. Zeynep is intrigued that Emir and Nihan are obviously having a bad marriage and tries to pull more info out of Osan, but he gets uncomfortable and abruptly ends that conversation (seems like Osan subconsciously suspects Zeynep has a particular interest with Emir). He tries to get a little physical with his wife, but she rejects his advances by starting to eat the meal.

Nihan helps Leyla pack up her things. Kemal shows up at the door and Nihan angrily greets him. They get into a petty argument in the living room, with Leyla as witness. Asu’s phone call upsets Nihan further and she chooses to leave. Leyla asks why Kemal had to anger Nihan, to which he responds that while she is married, they cannot be together.

Nihan drives away and is being followed by a black car with three men.

Emir calls Tariq with instructions: he must spy on Tufan and report everything he sees.

Vildan is with a contractor outside Leyla’s house, making plans for renovations. Kemal and Leyla ask what is she doing there. Vildan gloats but Leyla assures her she will regain her home. Vildan asserts her power and tells Leyla she will have to vacate the premises that same day, or the police will come for her. Knowing that she has nowhere to go on an even shorter notice, Kemal decides he will take her with him. Asu calls Kemal again, and she requests his presence for an urgent matter. Kemal agrees to go see her and tells Leyla he will hire a moving company for her. She will take some of her most important belongings to his house. She half-heartedly agrees.


Zeynep is in Emir’s study. She sees a photo of Emir and remembers one of his snubs. Zeynep speaks to herself (that Kemal will never know what happened between her and Emir?)

Emir enters the Sezin home and asks for everyone’s whereabouts. He goes towards his study, and Zeynep leaves, sensing his presence. She successfully sneaks back to her room. Emir was busy calling Nihan, who immediately rejects the call. He noticed that his photo is misplaced and accuses Zeynep. He goes to confront the intruder. He tries to blackmail her, but she tries the same, with telling Nihan the truth. Emir leaves but lets her know she’s very dumb on his way out.

Kemal visits Asu and she runs for a hug while Nihan calls him at that moment. He chooses not to answer her call. Asu tells him that her uncle is not responding to treatment. Meanwhile Nihan is leaving Kemal an angry message and armed men enter her workshop area. They get Nihan unconscious and take her into their car.

Tariq shows up at the Sezin’s red doors. Zeynep tries to greet her brother, but he ignores her at first and then lets her know he’s upset with her choice. He tells her she’s not important to him anymore and he wants her far away from him. Emir is overhearing. Tariq hands him some documents once Zeynep leaves.

The kidnappers have made it to their destination. Nihan is calling out unconsciously for Kemal. She’s in a dream where both of them are on a picnic blanket. He’s sleeping and she caresses his face until he wakes up. She enjoys her dream until Kemal repeatedly tells her to wake up and disappears as he backs away from her. Nihan wakes up and demands to know what is going on and that they keep their distance.

Kemal speaks to Asu’s uncle and tries to give him hope that perhaps foreign hospitals can help him. But Hakim claims that he has accepted his fate and wants to speak to him about other matters. He tells Kemal that he would like him to marry Asu; it would be good for the business and Asu has been in love him forever. Kemal gently puts the idea down. He can’t marry Asu while he’s in love with someone else. Hakim lets him know that he’s aware the woman is Nihan Kozcouglu. He doesn’t believe Kemal would ever be able to have her, but Kemal is firm that he will not marry Asu knowing that his heart belongs to Nihan. Hakim and Kemal stare at each other before he leaves. Asu is listening behind the closed door, tearing up. When he leaves she looks at him and walks away, disappointed but perhaps slightly ashamed as well.

Leyla was on the phone with Kemal but he couldn’t be bothered long enough and hangs up on her fast. She looks at her home for one last time as she’s preparing to exit with her luggage.

Emir appears at Nihan’s workshop, looking for her. He’s aggravated that she doesn’t pick up her phone. Yasemin appears and he immediately demands to know where his wife is. Yasemin can’t believe Emir is so overcontrolling. She suggests it’s possible Nihan may have forgotten her phone for a few hours, but Emir says that she doesn’t have that luxury. Emir receives a phone call right there (the kidnappers? I just missed the ending).


Thanks for the info, Clara. Sometimes I feel like a third page shows up. Maybe it’s just the week racing by so fast.

I also believe this novela deserves a bigger patio. There’s a lot of secrets and intrigue and mystery to it. It all seems to run in a circle though.

Lol at Emir’s ETERNO look.

Jarifa, Thursdays will be fine.



Nina, there’s two seasons, each with 74 episodes. It seems we’re nearing the end of season 1. I wonder if Univision will run the seasons back to back or if there will be a cut inbetween.




Thanks, AnonFri, I will be in touch.

Thanks AnonFri.

Two seasons? You mean We gotta endure pucker puss(emir) 74 More episodes? And why so many episodes?

Hakim is a bit nervy, tellin kemal to forget his feelings for nihan and get
Hitched to his needy daughter or grand
Daughter? And she actually thought her
Daddy was gonna guilt him into doing it too. No Wonder she ran into the room and shut the door. I would too.
That was embarrassing.

Now he's gotta go and rescue nihan.And
He'sGonna be so upset with himself.

Tariq is such a jackass. Nough said.

Did I mention how much I can't stand vildan?
I'm gonna so enjoy seein her eat crap.
With galip.

When are the bad guys gonna get theirs
? Gonna be fun watchin them endure the
Humiliation they put on other peoplle.

Thank you AnonFri. It does deserve a bigger patio


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