Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cuna de lobos, Capítulo 23 Fri. 11/22/19: Catalina's Dilemma - Is it Claustrophobia or Are the Walls Really Closing in?

This is my last recap for "Cuna de lobos" and I would like to thank Urban and AnonFri for joining me on this recapping venture and making the coverage of this novela possible. It has been a pleasure working with you both.

On to the recap:

In Sierra Leone, Vega meets with Julius and informs him at gunpoint that Julius is now working ONLY for him.  He will not allow Gothier to get all of the benefits. Julius quickly agrees with a chortling Vega.   Suddenly, they are both cackling together but Julius realizes the danger of the situation.

An imbibing Catalina asks Francisco what he is doing coming to see her. He expresses his sympathies about Gélica.  He agrees that the "process" of finding  the killer will continue because the guilty person is still free.   Catalina agrees but without witnesses or evidence it will be difficult to trap her.  Francisco wonders about that since that person's good luck seems to be coming to an end. Catalina thinks that could end up being dangerous for others. He informs her that he gave José Carlos  all of the financial and operational records of Gothier. She does know what he is talking about, right?  Catalina asks him if he wants to commit suicide, too. He answers no but does want her to know that he is capable of turning her in. She asks if he hates her that much.  He wants to make a deal. He is going to turn himself into the authorities and will take the fall for all of the illegal business dealings they made together.  She wants to know in exchange for what. He makes it perfectly clear. If she does not go, he will turn her in.

Francisco plays the video recording of the nurse she hired to do her dirty work and informs Catalina that the nurse remembers her very well.  On the recording, Catalina hears the nurse say that she had paid the nurse to be alone with the patient. Catalina had injected her with something unknown. The next thing she knew Francisco's wife was unconscious.   Francisco urges Catalina to leave, get out of town. he has all of the evidence to bring her down. She wonders why he is doing this. As she circles him, she says she knows. It is because he needs her just as much as she needs him. They were made for each other. Francisco visibly starts to lose his resolve but rallies and  tells her there is no way out. She says there is always a way out.  Suddenly she pulls a gun on him and sticks it under his chin. She goes in for a kiss and soon hey are all over each other.  She repositions the gun under his chin and tells him goodbye. In the end, he was the only man who she really loved.

At Luis's, Leonora asks José Carlos if he is he is going to Las Vegas or Sierra Leone. He only says that he is leaving tomorrow. She remarks that the last time she thought he was going to get married. He approaches her and asks if she didn't think he was going to tell her he was in love with her. She explains how hard it was for her since she was still with his brother.  José Carlos sometimes asks himself what would have happened if he had told her in time.  She smiles and says they wouldn't be in this situation here and now. They kiss and end up making love.

At Gothier, Ambar turns up asking Francisco if he talked to the nurse to let her know what he would do. Francisco says he didn't because he couldn't find her.  She most likely went into hiding.  He tries to excuse himself  but Ambar stops him in his tracks when she tells him she knows he is back with Catalina. She could tell from his same old attitude. He won't even dare look her in the eye. She asks why he won't testify against Catalina. Francisco explains he gave José Carlos all of the information to bring her down. She directly asks why he won't do it himself. It is HIS responsibility.  Why does he always delegate everything to everyone else? Francisco is in no mood to argue with her.  He turns to go when Ambar asks in a very loud voice how many people have he and Catalina killed. Francisco quickly looks around. He asks her to quiet down so she asks in a normal voice the same question. Looking shocked, Francisco answers he has never killed anyone. Ambar reminds him that he kept quiet and that is the same thing. It makes him Catalina's  accomplice. Francisco's only response is that Ambar disgusts him. She advises him to do what he wants; whatever his conscience dictates. As Ambar turns to go she adds that she won't be thee anyway. Francisco wants to know what that means. She is leaving just like she told him before. She has nothing to stay for. He asks where she is going. Her only answer is that he is obsessed with Catalina and is pathetic. The worst part is that he doesn't understand the consequences. She finds that disgusting. Francisco is left looking confused.

José Carlos is telling a Gothier employee that he wants something special and different. He has never had to choose an engagement ring before.  Francisco overhears and suggest a diamond that symbolizes the eternity of love. When the employee leaves, José Carlos tells Francisco that he doesn't want a diamond because too many people die because of them. Francisco says the diamond business makes a lot of money.  José Carlos agrees but it is stained with blood. Surprisingly,  Francisco wants to talk to José Carlos in his own office. That is a surprise to José Carlos. Francisco wants to come back to Gothier.

When Luis comes home after getting a phone call, he finds Leonora all upset and wanting to leave. He asks if it had something to do with a fight with José Carlos or something with Catalina. She says no but confesses to having had sex with José Carlos.  Luis looks disappointed and asks so? She adds it was wonderful and she has Alejandro's son and she is overwhelmed.  So, now she doesn't know if she did it for revenge or because she really wanted to or for some stupid need to feel protected . . . Luis cuts her of and asks her if she feels something for José Carlos. She asks how is she going to feel or even know what she is feeling after everything that has happened and is happening. She wants to get out of there because she cannot be alone or think clearly there. She has had it.  Luis suggests she wait to talk to José Carlos and that he will understand.

In Francisco's office, José Carlos tells him this isn't only about Gothier's financial situation. They are in the middle of a very serious legal problem and he is one of the people directly involved. The investigation into the diamond trafficking situation has not ended and he cannot risk having Francisco there. Francisco thinks he will be more useful at Gothier than just waiting to be arrested.  Francisco assumes responsibility and consequences  for what he did. José Carlos reminds him that he gave the police all of the information.  Francisco will wait there for whatever comes because he knows all about diamond trafficking and all of the players. He will be of greater use in his office.

Ambar shows Alejandro a face on a laptop and identifies the man as the  investigator she chose and who discovered that Francisco was really his father.  Alejandro informs her that he is now dead. He was found dead in his apartment and they said it was a suicide because he was being sued for several extortion plots. Commander Vega declared it a suicide.  Ambar doesn't think it was a suicide. Ambar has no proof that Catalina killed that man but at least she can make some noise. She knows that Catalina hates scandals. Ambar picks up her phone.

Luis sits down to talk with a much calmer Leonora and tells her that the worst has passed because she has had to go trough some very difficult situations and overcome them. Luis adds that José Carlos does love her. She admits to loving him, too, but everything tells her that now is not the time.  Luis' phone goes off. It is Ambar who is burning up the social networks talking about another Catalina Creel crime.  Leonora recognizes the investigator. She, too, wonders about his death being a suicide. He had gone to see Baldassari at the newspaper with some very important information.  This latest news drives Leonora over the edge. She says this is never going to end and here she is risking her son's life. She doesn't want to have anything else to do with that woman ever again.

At the same time, Figueroa has been arrested by the police. He is trying to explain that he did not do this on he own. He was paid and was ordered to do it. The police official asks if he is going to make a voluntary statement. Figueroa agrees to. The official asks that the information be given to him so he can take steps against the responsible party.

At Gothier, Ambar asks Alejandro what he is going to do after everything changes.  Catalina is going to end up in jail at any moment. He cannot believe what his mother has been involved in and all of the consequences she will have to face for her actions. Ambar knows and says the same thing is true with Francisco. Alejandro tells her they will both have to learn how to deal with all of this. She smiles. She suggests he go far away somewhere Catalina cannot touch him. He doesn't know if escaping is the best answer.  She just wants to see him far from Catalina's sphere of influence.  That is what she is doing with Francisco now that she has found out he is back with Catalina again.  Alejandro looks concerned saying he wants to help them with everything.  Ambar warns him and tells him it is not a good idea for Francisco to be at Gothier. He needs to talk to José Carlos.  He asks her if Francicso wants to come back to work at Gothier.  She tells him to take care care himself and says goodbye.

Julius gets a video call from Francisco. Julius has good news for him. Everything is just fine as always.  He asks if Commander Vega has given him his report. Francisco wants to hear the informations straight from Julius.  Julius tells him straight out that he does not like the way that Vega is handling things. Francisco says that is why he wants to talk to him directly. Julius doesn't know what is going on in Mexico and wants no problems. Francisco warns Juius about the  consequences if he does not remember who is behind the operation. He needs to spill the beans. Julius tells him to check the last accounts. Vega is a liar and cannot be trusted.

Francisco asks an administrator why he doesn't have access to the Gothier accounts on his computer.  She explains that José Carlos controls who has access or not.  He says that is a good move for security and tells her to give his computer access. She says José Carlos has to authorize it. He orders her to give him access. Shortly,  Francisco is in a office at an unattended  computer. He views Gothier account files  from last month titled "Catalina Creel",  deletes them,  unplugs the computer and leaves.

The maid greets Catalina with Gélica's ashes that Ambar brought over for her.   Catalina is enraged and tells her to get rid of them.

Ambar visits Leonora to update her on her plans.  She refuses to be Francisco's  accomplice. Ambar says the real problem is Catalina who cannot give up going after what she thinks belongs to her just like baby Edgar. Leonora states that  he is HER baby. If anyone wants her baby,  they will have to kill her first. Ambar tells her she can not let that happen and gives Leonora a gun.  She asks if she knows how to shoot. Leonora cannot believe she is serious.  Ambar assures her she is because Catalina will not stop until she gets what she wants.  If Leonora feels threatened, she needs to use the gun.

Back ni Sierra Leone, Julius talks with Vega telling him once polished each  the diamonds may be able to fetch one million dollars in the market. At 50/50% Vega considers it a good deal.  Julius agrees and asks how he plans to get them into Mexico. Vega says he has a good friend there. He tells Julius to go back to work as he answers a call from Catalina. She is aggravated because she has not been able to get in contact with him.  He explains that he disobeyed her and is in Sierra Leone at that very moment. He has good news and bad news for her.  The bad part is that Julius was skimming a portion fo the shipments. He wanted to come back today but couldn't until everything was under control. He wants to give her the good news in person.  Catalina is angry and wants him back in Mexico. He will get the shipments organized and be back on the first available flight.  She is worried because they have enough evidence to lock her away. They have videos,  witnesses, and statements.  He tells her she needs to leave the country.They could meet up in  Morocco or maybe Europe.  She needs him there to get everything prepared.

Leonora gets a huge bunch of roses from José Carlos. They were sent "with all his love." She is more upset than happy.

Back at Gothier, José Carlos gives Alejandro the news that he has a forensic file that says that his father was not drowned.  He was hit in the head before he entered the water. He ordered the body be exhumed and there is an autopsy underway.  He cannot put the blame on Catalina until he gets the results back. Alejandro gives José Carlos documents signing all of his Gothier company shares over to baby Edgar.  Alejandro explains he is now making an effort to not be like his mother and you never know when something could happen to him. José Carlos tells him not to talk that way. Nothng is going to happen to him. Alejandro says he loves his brother a lot. José Carlos admits to never hearing that before from him. The brothers hug.

Catalina meets with a young woman named Nadia Schutz in a restaurant. Catalina is interested in wha she does. Nadia is at her service. Catalina shows her a picture of baby Edgar.  Nadia correctly  guesses that the beautiful baby is two months old.  Catalina is requesting something artistic. When would she like it done?  Catalina says it is urgent. She wants to give it as a gift to her son. Nadia can have it for her tomorrow. She asks for the baby's photo as well as Catalina's. Catalina offers to come in.  Nadia tells her that is no necessary. She will do it all in her studio and wants to get busy on the project.

Alejandro and Francisco get into an argument at Gothier. Alejandro is in no mood to give Francisco the benefit of the doubt. Francisco emphasizes that he is not talking about Gothier and admits he has made many mistakes. Alejandro simply does not trust him. He will be watching him very closely. Francisco says he is there to do things the right way this time. Alejandro hopes his brother didn't make a mistake bringing Francisco back. He is also back for Alejandro's sake because he is his son. Alejandro walks away.

Luis goes to visit his wife and son.  Luis and his wife  decide to give their marriage another try. Matías is happy.

Alejandro is confronted by Alvaro's father outside of Gothier. He wants to know who killed his son.  His father thought that Alvaro and Alejandro were in love. Alejandro thought Alvaro was out of town. Alejandro has to tell him that was not true.  His father says Alvaro said he was his assistant and worked for him.  he also said they were going to live together. Alejandro has to tell him that none of that happened and that his son was obsessed with him. Alvaro's father knew his son was ga and he respected him. He let him live his life. Alejandro tries to explain that his son came to work at the jewelry company because he was obsessed with him. Alvaro stalked him, got involved in his private matters and wanted to blackmail him. That is hard for Alvar's father to hear since his son said he had a relationship with Alejandro. Alejandro tells him again that it never happened.  He thought Alvaro had gone to live with Alejandro. Alejandro asks how Alvaro died. Alvaro's father shows him the crime scene photo with his brutalized son. He tells Alejandro that his son was tortured. They tore out his tongue. Who commits that kind of atrocity? Alejandro does not know. Alvaro's father wants Alejandro to tell him who did it. Alejandro does not know but says he will find out. As soon as he finds out, Alvaro's father will  be the first to know.

Luis tells his wife he is now doing freelance work from  home and will have more time for his son. Luis gets a call from Alejandro. Alejandro asks if he knew about Alvaro's death. Luis thought that Jose Carlos would have told him. Alejandro says that his mother killed Alvaro, right? Luis says they have no proof but she was the only one with a motive.

Catalina gets a call from Alejandro informing her that José Carlos will be making a trip to Sierra Leone just in case she didn't know. That is the last straw for Catalina. She mentions he will be using the Gothier plane that was paid for by the very business he is trying to put an end to.   He also tells her that Vega is still at the mine. Catalina tells him no worries the two of them will never meet. Francisco says they need to talk. She tells him to calm down and not exaggerate.  He tells her that her  time is almost up and that Alejandro and José Carlos are waiting for an arrest warrant to be issued for her. Catalina ells him that she is thinking about wha they discussed. . . . about escaping together.

Alejandro fills in Luis what he told Alvaro's father. he thought he was out of town. Luis reminds him that this all went down when José Carlos was trying to get Leonora out of jail. That was when Alejandro still thought that Leonora had killed Miguel and Luis found out in the press. Luis asks if he should talk to Alvaro's father. Alejandro says no. he told Alvaro's father he would find out who killed his son and he would be the first to know.

Francisco is  examining some diamonds and remembers what Julius told him. He (Vega) told Julius  to pick he best stones for him and send the low quality ones on to Gothier. Francisco calls Catalina who was expecting his call. He is sending her something that will make her sleep well. He sends her a photo of a diamond that has been magnified. She looks at the photo and is not pleased.

José Carlos comes home and finds the roses in a vase and Leonora asleep. The truth is she was pretending to be asleep.

Francisco walks in on Ambar packing. He asks why she is leaving her house. She answers that he has understood nothing. She does not want to be near him nor anything that belongs to him. She tells him to live with his memories. He can keep the house. She is not interested.

It is a new day and Catalina calls Vega and asks if he is back. He says he is on his way to the airport but he has a later flight. He also has found out that José Carlos is on his way to the Gothier hangar. That is the best news Catalina has heard in a long time. Vega did exactly what she asked.  Yes is the answer. The explosive will detonate when it reaches 10,000 feet.  We see a technician placing the explosive device in the  plane's motor.  Catalina smiles saying that is perfect!!


"Cuna de lobos" trivia. The soundtrack was composed by Pedro Plascencia Salinas the late son of actress Carmen Salinas. It was used in the 1986 and this version but was sadly missing in the DVD version that I bought. It was replaced by a rather unremarkable score and lots of wolf howling. From what I could find out, Ms. Salinas, who holds the copyright, did not allowed it to be use for the DVD set.

Well, all I can say is that my head was spinning after watching this latest epsidoe with all of the crosses and double crosses.

Will José Carlos end up on that plane? Will he be travelling alone? Will he cancel his trip? Will someone else end up going instead of him? So many possibilities. . .

I liked Ambar giving Leonora the gun.

More later .


Jarifa thanks. Wow.
What is really satisfying about these last few episodes is seeing Cata with the inevitable end staring her in her one eyed face. Reminiscent of when a rat nibbles the cheese on a trap, and how it's eyes bug out when the bar snaps down on it's neck.

Give her credit though, she is a skilled assassin. Ya can't take it with you Missy.

Just finished plowing through this heavy duty episode. It's obvious the action has all been speeded up to tie up loose ends promptly on Tuesday. Thank you so much for keeping up with all the breakneck speed of this episode and providing a coherent narrative.

Yeah, Ambar's long speeches of despedida felt odd, too. All except her last words to Francisco. Well deserved. Frankly I don't see what Catalina ever saw in Francisco that their "love affair" would have lasted this long and she actually declared her everlasting love for him. Put him up next to Vega and I'd take Vega in a hot minute. Francisco just comes across as her lap dog that she can make happy with a few doggie treats.

I felt sorry for Alvaro's father. He didn't deserve his son's fate. I wonder if he was introduced so late for any specific reason, like killing Catalina maybe. That way, nobody in the Larios family gets their hands dirty and have to suffer legal or moral consequences. I also wonder how important Ambar's giving the gun to Leonora will be. I hope it's only a red herring.

I don't want it to happen, but for Catalina's greatest punishment, it should be Alejandro who takes the plane, not Jose Carlos.

Jarifa--I haven't had the pleasure of reading recaps for prior tns you did in a long time. This has all been great reading (and visualizing). Thanks again.

Not a spoiler, but twin engine airplanes can fly and land safely on one engine, though it takes some skillful piloting. Commercial airliners do it when an engine fails. Though it is an emergency, it hardly ever results in a crash.

It takes so much more power to GET OFF of the ground than it does to STAY off the ground. After that, more than one engine is more insurance than anything else.


Anita, i, too, was wondering why we were introduced to Alvaro's father. Why bring him in so late in the show? Perhaps he is going to be the one to kill Catalina to avenge his son. Then, Ambar gives Leo the gun so the writers want us to think that she might be the one to end Catalina's reign of terror. Who knows ? Someone just stop her already.

I agree that Vega is much more attractive than Fran.

"Catalina's Dilemma: Is it Claustrophobia or Are the Walls Really Closing in?" Perfect as was "crosses and double crosses".

Endless appreciation for your always stellar narrative Jarifa. Your carefully chosen words always enhanced even the most well written scene. You echoed the gamut of emotions from love and devotion to much malicious, murderous intent.

"Leonora states that he is HER baby. If anyone wants her baby, they will have to kill her first". Those words were chilling and my fear has always been that it would come down to this. Still, Catalina knows she is being boxed into a corner and surely she, at least somewhat savvy unlike emotionless, clueless Francisco, must realize she will not have time to enjoy any luxury here murdered husband's fortune might afford her.

"I don't want it to happen, but for Catalina's greatest punishment, it should be Alejandro who takes the plane, not Jose Carlos", reflected my thoughts exactly Anita. Based on what you said Kirby, let's hope there might not be any casualties regardless of who is on board.

So Luis and his wife are going to reconcile. He gave a lovely smile but somehow it rang false to me. His true love has (again) chosen someone else. But at least they will reunite for Matias.

And Alvaro's father. So very sad.

So many possibilities. So much uncertainty.

Jarifa, it's been a joy. I hope you will be recapping something soon again!!!

Thank you...


Thanks Jarifa!

I don’t know if Francisco is playing his cards right. If he doesn’t turn himself in he will probably get caught anyway but Catalina has gotten away with so much and others have taken the fall for everything she’s done so far. The only chance anyone has right now MIGHT be when the second autopsy is performed on Carlos.

Like I said previously, although I would want Leonora and Jose Carlos to be together it’s not the right time. To me it’s not so much the guilt Leonora feels with Alejandro but more about what Catalina is capable of. I felt bad for Luis having to hear Leonora say that she and JC had sex. He got totally friend zoned and Leonora doesn’t have anyone else (a female friend) to vent to. At least he and his wife are back together. I think that’s the best thing for him. Matias’ reaction to them kissing was cute.

I agree that no matter what happens, Catalina’s worst punishment would be losing Alejandro. She could potentially still get caught and go to jail but that’s only a fraction of what she’s deserves for everything she’s done.

I’ve liked Ámbar throughout this story. She’s certainly not the same person she was at the beginning. She’s much tougher now.

Thanks for the heads up, Kirby, on the fate of a damaged engine. (For my future flying peace of mind.) I wonder if the writers know that.

Gracias, Jarifa. I just got back from dinner after seeing the Phillip Glass opera Akhnaten. I need caffeine in all forms after that one.

I think Catalina got off on the fact that she got away with cheating on her husband with his own brother for her entire marriage. The other thing was that since Francisco had sex with her at gunpoint there must have been a lot of other kinky action we didn't get to see. He liked being dominated.

I'll bet Vega doesn't.

I feel truly bad for Alvaro's father and hope that the final disclosure will give him some peace.

More later.

Thanks so much for this delightful recap Jarifa. Another action packed episode. So many plot lines to tie up and I want JC to live to the end.

Anita - ITA on both Vega, he's much better looking than Fran, and Alvaro's father. I'm also thinking he was introduced as possibly the one who literally takes down Catalina (my guess). Ambar's speeches were a bit long but I enjoy how she is coming into her own and definitely not the frightened woman she was at the beginning of this tn. Finally yes the worst blow for Catalina would be losing Alejandro. I'm happy his eyes are open now. And his scene with JC was very moving. I want both alive at the end but if I have to choose its JC.

Susanlynn, it does seem that Alvaro's dad has been brought in for a reason and I hope its to take down Cat. Though in order to defend her son, Leonora would rise to the occasion but I'm not sure. And yes Vega is the only choice. As Ambar said about Fran, he's pathetic.

Diana - perhaps because I want Luis to be happy I believed his interaction with his ex. One of the last times they were together (an episode or two back), he looked at her with such longing and kindness that I believed they could get back together. And with Leonora's admission, he's better with his family. Thankfully it does seem that he is a long way down Cat's list of those she wants dead.

TF - ITA that Cat's worst nightmare would be to lose Ale. This is hard because she needs to suffer but I don't want him to die. He was horrible with Leonora but has sincerely repented from his wickedness (unlike his mom). And I too am loving Ambar. I need her to live as well.

UA - you are always so insightful about the psychology of the various characters from tns. Fran having sex at gun point was crazy but that seems to be his relationship with Cat. And no Vega would not have been down with that. Finally, another great call with Cat got off on having an affair with her husband's brother through their entire marriage.


Catalina is a malignant narcissist. My mother was a narcissist so I read at least a halfa-dozen books on this. I can spot one in real life faster than most people I know.

At this stage I doubt we will find out what made Catalina that way, but I suspect some kind of sexual abuse in youth and a mother who didn't care. She was an evil stepmother to JC and a bad mother to Alejandro, but if she had had daughters instead she would have been a bigger nightmare than she was (if such is possible).

Jarifa, thanks you so much for the wonderful retelling of this and all the other dark episodes this tale has brought us. A heartfelt thanks also for heading the recapping team; all of you are such gifted writers and we are very lucky that you all so graciously volunteered to recap Cuna.

TF, ITA that Ambar is not the same person she was at the beginning of this Tn. She went from being a nervous wreck to a force to be dealt with. Being in the face of death FOUR times really must have knocked some fearlessness and confidence into her.

Diana, (regarding Luis) "He gave a lovely smile but somehow it rang false to me. " Luis's smile did not seem truly genuine, but I think it was one of final acceptance that his life is with his son and wife and not Leonora. I'm satisfied with his decision and I am still hopeoing that he is one who will survive be saved from the serpent's venom.

I really can't think of any reason why Alvaro's father was brought into the story other than to show Alejandro what his mother is capable of. I would really like to see Alejandro be the one to take the ultimate step in taking Catalina down.

RGVChick, I think Alvaro's father was added to grow the list of people with motives to eliminate Catalina. This producer always makes sure that the writers keep us guessing until the end.

We have a Karmageddon. Discussion for the evil-doers where we try to guess how they get finished off. It's a Caray custom.

BTW, if anyone is put off by the photo of the golden lance head, I could change it when I get home.

A deep and profound thank you you, Urban Anthropologist and Anonymous Friday for doing these recaps. I have been so disturbed by recent episodes that I didn't even feel like commenting but I appreciate the wonderful work you all have done on this intriguing but dreadful story.

Urban, I am certainly not put off by the photo of the golden lance head. Like all your photos, it is dramatic, effective and well chosen.

Congratulations, Jarifa (and Urban and AnonFri) on another novela superbly recapped! Oh man! Only in a tn like this one could a positive protagonist like Jose Carlos really be killed. The darkness of Cuna at least makes the suspense very strong and genuine. On a lighter note, it's obvious that Leonora isn't breast feeding Edgar, because she wasn't wearing a bra (as we see in her encounter with Jose Luis). As I remember from my own children's infancies, that would have been rather uncomfortable.

What I love about our group is that we see the same thing yet sometimes interpret it differently.

We have slightly different perceptions on Luis but all are valid and borne from a careful consideration of what we saw.

Karen, thank you so much for your insight: "perhaps because I want Luis to be happy I believed his interaction with his ex. One of the last times they were together (an episode or two back), he looked at her with such longing and kindness that I believed they could get back together". You saw love which gave me hope and buoyed my spirits.

And Rgv Chick: "Luis's smile did not seem truly genuine, but I think it was one of final acceptance that his life is with his son and wife and not Leonora". I don't want to speak for you but I think we both saw his acceptance of what was meant to be, tinged with regret.

I know that I often am not totally objective and see things as I want them to be, not as they are. But, borne of hope. Always of hope. Sometimes that is all we have.

Urban, I agree with Judy, the visual was just perfect...

Thank you everyone!


I smell a rat with Cata meeting Nadia about photographs of her and the baby Edgar. Passports somehow in it somewhere?

Diana, "I don't want to speak for you but I think we both saw his acceptance of what was meant to be, tinged with regret." Oh you can speak for me anytime you want :-) ITA that his smile was tinged with regret.

Kirby, I was wondering about that too; good theory!

Yep, especially a fake passport under new identities seems likely

Nadia is an artist, though. I can't see how painting images could be passport photos.

I would have expected her to have a passport under a fake identity by now, except that she is famous and would need plastic surgery to escape.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and for stopping by the patio. This was great fun to recap but challenging with the action/fact packed episodes.

Urban, the golden lance head is perfect!

Kirby, great rat in the trap analogy. I have seen that look more than once in my life. Thank you for he plane info. Passport photos is a very interesting guess. i hadn't thought of that. We never really did find out what kind of work Nadia did.

Anita, I fear that there is no hope for Francisco. A "lap dog" is what he is. Every time you think he is going to make a breaak from Catalina, he falls under her "spell" again. Alejandro on that plane would be karma.

Susanlynn, ITA that Vega is more attractive than Francisco. The actor paying Francisco looked more attractive playing a crazy drug lord in "La Reina del Sur 2".

Diana, I am glad you liked the title. I was just waiting for an episode where I could use it. Alvaro's father coming looking for any explanation of how his son ended up tortured and dead was heartbreaking. Here is hoping he sees justice done.

TF, I have become a big Ambar fan. She seems to be the only one who has been able to survive Catalina and still be smart enough to walk away while she is ahead. Nobody else seems able to do that.

Urban, I definitely get a kinky vibe with Catalina and Francisco. Why does he keep going back to her? One might say he has a "fatal attraction".

Karen, I also am happy that Luis seems to be "a long way down on Cat's list of those she wants dead." He should take this chance and put his effort into supporting his family and letting the Catalina matter go.

Steve,I sure hope Ambar isn't getting on that plane.

RgvChick, I hadn't realized that Ambar had faced death four times. Wow! She deserves a happy ending because of that and living with Francisco knowing he was cheating on her all of those years. It was gratifying seeing her to finally have the strength to get out.

JudyB, glad to see you stop by and touch base. I agree that this has been a very disturbing novela. I don't know if the original or this one was more disturbing. More talk about that after the last episode.

SpanProf, thanks for offering the "lighter note" We can always use one with these dramas, especially this one. ; )


Oh if Nadia is an artist that blows my theory up. Maybe.................
But Cata never does anything without some ulterior motive.

I don’t know . . . Maybe Nadia does an artistic job in creating false documents. . . It could be a side job.

Thanks for the Nadia discussion. I don't know why she slipped my mind. She's pretty but something about her made me shiver.

Kirby, Nadia specializes in something, but I dare say good works isn't one of them. I think your theory is a good one but I'm lost on the motive. With Alejandro and Leonora in tatters, is Catalina going to spirit the baby away out of revenge and try and do away with Leonora (again)? She seems obsessed with the idea of her grandson yet her being able to profit from the situation the way things are is very unlikely.

This is going to be another unsavory side plot. I don't know why I say that - intuition? :)


How many hours till showtime? Ughh, can someone twitch their nose and make time fly?

Rgv Chick, you "spoke" the truth. This has my full and undivided attention. I can't wait for tonight either.

I have to say, this TN has really made me think, analyze and of course, speculate wildly! :)

While I'm not naïve enough to think there will be (or even could be) any real sort of happy ending, it would be gratifying to see Leonora and her son safe, Ambar, continuing to heal with the real possibility of a life ahead and JC finding the love and support that have eluded him thus far.

Of course having Catalina in a place where she can no longer hurt anyone is essential. As much as I want to see her suffering here on earth, no one seems safe while she still breathes. She would need to no longer be in the land of the living.


ISince I working off my computer and don't have a laaaarge screen, if there are any cell phone messages or computer images I might not be able to identify, could someone look out for those and let me know what they are so I can add them to the recap? Gracias in advance.

Urban, I will see how they show up on my recording.


So Anita, they expect us to sit here with drool on our chins, and go straight from Rose of Guadelupe to Catalina Creel?

Kirby—Thank goodness my hands aren’t tied. I can flip to something else at 8. (See my comment in Karmageddon for what awaits Catalina—and thanks to Urban for the suggestion.)

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