Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Cuna de Lobos, Capitulo 11 Lunes 11/4/19: My Cup Boileth Over

Secrets and lies are a poisonous stew that left simmering too long will boil over the top, leaving a gaseous pollution in the air. These are not the stuff of wolves, who work together and love their cubs, but of reptiles and venom. Reptiles do not care for their young and are barely conscious of them; they act only in their own self-interest. – D.D.

Luis went to the meeting arranged over the phone and it was with Ámbar.
So you have evidence that Doña Catalina is a murderer? Why call me instead of the police?” he asked.
You know who Catalina Creel is. It's a miracle that I'm alive. She tried to kill me when I discovered that she and my husband were lovers. I was kidnapped, taken to another house, put in the garage, fed an overdose of tranquilizers, and thrown into a car trunk. I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't managed to escape.”
Does anyone in your family know about this?”
No. They are all convinced that I abandoned my husband. But she is only concealing her crime. She thinks I'm dead, so that's why I asked you to come.”
I don't understand why you called me; remember that I'm only a journalist.”
But you interfered in what was happening. You were at the new line celebration. You know they are criminals. You know about the trafficking in illegal diamonds.”
Because at that moment I was in the middle of an investigation –”
He stopped as Dora entered with coffee.
Thank you, Dora.” She turned back to Luis. “You can talk; I trust her.”
Dora looked at Luis, then excused herself and left them to talk.
I don't have more to say,” Luis said. “I had to abandon the case because of my boss's lack of confidence and because I had no proof of anything.”
I can help with evidence. Catalina and my husband think I'm an idiot, an imbecile who knows nothing, but I know what I'm doing and how to do it. You and I, if you help me, can do this so Catalia pays for everything she's done.”

Leonora had been released from the hospital and was sitting in the library at the Larios mansion. She was wearing a neck brace.
Dear Leonora,” Catalina addressed her. “How good it is for you to be home.”
Thanks. I don't like hospitals.”
I made this for our difficult patient,” said Alejandro as he handed her a cold green tea.
Not so much difficult as bored,” she said, accepting it. “Lying in bed all day, not being able to do anything –”
I understand perfectly,” Catalina said. “I'm the same way. But you will follow doctor's orders –”
The doctor was perfect, I'm feeling very well. He's very good.”
Oscar is eminent, but I'm the grandmother and I said to take good care of my baby.”
Thanks for worrying about me,” Leonora said.
But you are like my daughter and Alejandro adores you,” Catalina said, touching her hair.
She knows,” Alejandro said, caressing Leonora's hair just as José Carlos arrived.
Leonora!” he called. “You don't know what a pleasure it is to see you. It's a great day.” He kissed her cheek. “How do you feel?”
Well, very well,” she answered. Alejandro touched her back.
My love, you're supposed to be resting,” he said.
Alright,” she said.
Besides, I have to go to work.”
You're going to work when your wife just got out of the hospital?” José Carlos couldn't quite believe this.
José Carlos, please,” said Catalina, cutting him off.
I won't say anymore.”
Alejandro helped Leonora up from the couch and escorted her upstairs.
Get better, rest,” said José Carlos as he watched them leave the room.

Immediately after this, Catalina paid her new captive a visit in her hotel room. She was at Vicky's bedside when she woke from a nap.
Good morning.”
What a pity,” Vicky said, sarcastically.
Don't worry. It would be better if you get used to it. I am an interfering mother-in-law.”
No, no; not at all.”
I will be going to the office,” Catalina said. “José Carlos will certainly be there.”
Can I go with you?”
No, wait here. Stay here and make yourself beautiful for him.” She took out a pill jar that did not look like it came from a pharmacy. “Last night I picked up some folic acid for you. You will need to take this every day.” She poured a glass of water.
Last night I felt faint. Is that normal?”
You do feel alright?”
Well, I was also a bit tired.”
Well, that is normal, especially in the beginning. You'll have to talk to the gynecologist about that.” She handed her a pill. “Take it. It's Vitamin B. I want my grandson to be born healthy.”
Vicky took the pill.
I'll draw a bath for you so you'll feel better. Prepare yourself. We'll see you in the afternoon.”

Dora went after Luis as he was leaving.
Wait a minute,” she said. “I have to tell you something very important. I don't know how much she's had to drink, but don't believe too much of what Señora Ámbar says. She is.. a little sick.”
Sick? In what way?”
Her nerves. She has to take a very strong medication or she becomes very violent. She gets very sick.” He started to react. “Excuse me. I have to get back. If she discovers me talking to you alone she will be very changed, and not for the better. Thanks, and thanks for hearing me out.”
She went back inside. Luis was both confused and a little annoyed.

José Carlos knocked on Leonora's door.
Can I come in?”
Yes, of course.” She smiled.
Just want to make sure you're alright. Do you need anything?”
I'm fine, thanks.”
When we heard about the accident you can't imagine what we thought.”
Now, don't exaggerate!”
No, I mean it. We were all very worried about you.”
The truth is that everyone in this house has been wonderful to me.”
Habits are etched in copper around here. But the truth is that it's easy to like you. You're someone very special.”
Leonora smiled and almost said something when Alejandro entered.
You need anything, dear brother?” he asked.
Nothing. I just wanted to say to both of you that I'm glad that Leonora is back and feeling well.”
Hmm. Well, it's just been a few minutes but thanks.”
José Carlos made a brief joke about the drugs affecting his memory, followed by a polite exit.
That was so nice of him,” Leonora said.
Yes, but he's a little bit common. Well, I have to go.”
Yes, me, too. I have to get over to the paper.”
Promise me you'll be careful?”
I promise.”
Alejandro turned to leave.
What, you're leaving without me saying goodbye?”
He returned and they kissed twice before he left the room.”
He walked out. She looked disappointed.

Catalina arrived at the atelier. She told her office manager to contact Doctor Najera and have him call her on her private line.
There is a gift that was delivered for you. It's on your desk.”
The package was largish, grey, and had an envelope addressed to her. She took out a card which said “With my fondest wishes, a friend you will receive with affection.”
She undid the black silk ribbon and removed the lid. The occupant of the box was a porcelain doll in a white Edwardian dress and hat. And with its right eye blacked out.

Leonora arrived at the newsroom and sensed that Luis was not quite himself.
You don't have to feel guilty. You aren't,” she told him.
No. Yes, it was my responsibility. I didn't let you on the motocycle in the past when you weren't pregnant.”
Good grief, it happens all over the world. I'm pregnant, not sick.”
But there are risks that could have been avoided with a little precaution.”
Yes, but accidents can happen --”
I only want or you and the baby to be well.”
But I am well. I promise you to be careful and I will be careful, okay?”
So what are you doing now?”
If we're to continue with the story --”
You're not continuing on this story. We're not working together anymore.”
Did Baldessari tell you that?”
If you want me to say yes, it's yes.”
So, it's Yes,” she said as she got up and left the newsroom.

Catalina stared at a photo of herself from before the accident. In the photo she was younger, had longer hair, and was wearing a red dress. It had probably been taken aroun the time she met Carlos.
A friend who remembers you with affection,” she said, sarcastically. “Get that obscenity out of my sight. Throw it in the garbage and find out who had it sent here. Start with the box.”
Yes; I intend to,” said Diego.
No 'intend'; do it.”
Will one need a disguise to do something like this?”
She turned her chair toward him, but did not come closer.
You're right. Only one person would send this to try to terrorize me.”
Whom are you thinking of?”
She got up and walked over to the desk.
Diego, are you sure she was in the trunk when you took the car to the scrapper?”
She was dead.”
But did you see her in the trunk?”
You and I both saw her dead.”
But we could have been mistaken and she could have escaped. Tell me you saw her in the trunk.”
Diego remembered that the scrapyard employee came right up to him as he got out of the car. He approached him as he was standing at the back of the car.
You haven't forgotten anything?” the man asked.
No,” he had replied.
It's a go, Daniel,” the man shouted to the crane operator.
I couldn't,” Diego told Catalina.
Take charge of this,” Catalina said.
He picked up the box and looked at her for a moment before leaving the office. He took one more look before closing the door.
Catalina took out her cell phone to call Dr Najera. She thought back about administering the pill.
Doctor, it is done. How long before it takes effect?”
She was satisfied with his answer.

José Carlos arrived at the atelier and found Alejandro in the conference room.
I'm miffed you came in to work. Why don't you stay home to take care of Leonora?”
And what would you have done in my place?” he asked.
I don't want to argue with you.. I'm not your enemy. I don't want to get in between you –”
Therefore, don't interfere. Don't tell me what I should do with Leonora.”
No, just a little advice, nothing more.”
I don't need advice. I don't like you being in my room alone with my wife.”
You're an imbecile. What do you think I would do with your wife?”
What would you do? I don't doubt even a little bit.”
Hey, you're talking about your woman, your wife!
Hey, hey!” Francisco said as he approached. “You're fighting like children. What is going on?”
It pleases me to see all three of the Larios men together,” Catalina said as she came down the stairs. “I have a surprise for you. Mostly for you, José Carlos.”
He gave a subtly sarcastic reaction.
In view of your past traps this can't be good for me.”
Well, this time it isn't me who's trying to trap you. Come with me.”
They followed her to the hotel where she put Vicky. She opened the door and Vicky came out in a nice green dress.
Congratulations, José Carlos,” Catalina said. “You're going to be a father.”
What?” he asked, genuinely surprised.
I'm pregnant,” Vicky said.
Alejandro, aren't you happy?” Catalina asked. “Your brother will have a child.”
Alejandro looked as though he had lost his appetite for the next three days. Francisco looked incredulous.
This is crazy, isn't it?” he asked.
Yes; I thought the same. It's true madness.”
Are you really pregnant?” José Carlos asked.
Yes. It's yours.”
Catalina, whom are you playing?”
Ay, José Carlos, stop thinking that the whole world is against you. Cheer up; you're going to be a father.”
And you were the first to find out?”
Vicky came to the atelier because you weren't answering her calls. Forgive me, but I couldn't ignore her. Neither should you.” There was a brief silence. “Well, let's go,” she said to Francisco and Alejandro. She stroked Vicky's hair. “You and José Carlos have a lot to talk about.” She smiled briefly for Vicky's benefit before leading Alejandro and Francisco out.
Can you explain why I didn't know anything about this?” Alejandro whispered to his mother.
This is a competition and you are going to win.”

Later, José Carlos tried to explain to Vicky that he was suspicious of Catalina, who always had an ulterior motive for everything she did.
What did she propose? What did she offer you?”
Nothing. Nothing. Calm down. She didn't offer me anything. Only to surprise you but nothing else because your sister-in-law's accident had just happened. You know what? Despite everything you told me about her she was incredibly nice to me. Better than you by 100%. She didn't offer me anything or ask anything of me. So if you think I would sell myself for clothes, jewelry, cash, or whatever, you are evil. Very evil.” She got up.
Vicky, it's just that this is very strange. If the baby is mine, I will take care of it in whatever way possible for all time, but you... what is your plan?”
Plan? Do you think I did this to get you to love me so I could take your fortune?”
No, no. Let's be honest. We're good friends and we get on very well. We have great chemistry but we don't have anything in common, Vicky.”
She suddenly looked pained, as if he had hit a sore emotional point. However, her pain turned out to be physical. She clutched her abdomen.
What's wrong? Are you alright?”
She slid down the wall until she was almost balled into a foetal position, trying to suppress cries of pain. She then cried out in pain. He looked at her hand and saw blood. They looked at each other.

Catalina's cell phone rang. She looked at it and answered.
Señora Creel, this is the manager of the Hotel Ile de France. Lamentably, I have to give you bad news.”
She smiled at hearing the rest of what he related to her.

Vicky was being wheeled toward the emergency room. José Carlos was at her side. As they got near the door to the ER he was pulled aside by a hospital security employee just as Oscar arrived. José Carlos told him that his friend was pregnant but was now hemmorhaging. Oscar wasted no time to get inside to do what he could do. José Carlos then called Francisco to ask a favor.

Pedro visited Luis at home and they talked about Luis sending his son to live with his former in-laws. He did this for the child's safety. He did not believe that the motorcycle accident was really an accident. He wanted Leonora out of his case work for her own safety.
He admitted to Pedro that he loved Leonora.
It's too bad you came to this too late,” Pedro said.
I wasn't late. I always looked at her as a friend. It never occurred to me that she would fall in love with me.”
Pedro shook his head.

Oscar came out of the emergency room shaking his head.
This was a very severe haemmorhage,” he said. “There was no way to save the pregnancy. It isn't unusual early in gestation to have a spontaneous abortion. I'm sorry, José Carlos.”
Josés Carlos nodded silently as his uncle watched.

Vicky was still under sedation and attached to monitors making their usual noises to indicate status quo. Catalina was in Vicky's room at her bedside, staring down at her.
No ill-bred lowborn will have the name of Larios,” she said, quietly. “Caste is first. For mine and my son I am capable of anything. And everything.” [Somehow my research assistant missed this Catalina was also a racist.]

At the house later Catalina talked to Leonora about her work. She was concerned about the risks and told her that she needed to take better care of herself because of the baby and reminded her again of her maternal concern. Alejandro came home at that point and Catalina got him to tell Leonora about José Carlos having a paternal event in the near future. Catalina made light of this and suggested they sit down to dinner. José Carlos then came home.
Look who's here; the future father,” Catalina said. “We were just talking about you. Why don't we open some champagne? We should drink to the future of the two Larios grandchildren.” José Carlos looked serious.
José Carlos, is this true?” Leonora asked, with genuine concern.
No. Vicky lost the baby,” he replied.
How?” Catalina asked.
She had a miscarriage.”
I'm so sorry,” Catalina said. “Really.”
What do you want, Catalina?” he asked. “What is this with gifts and celebrations? You didn't tell me Vicky came to the atelier. Why didn't you tell me right away?”
First I thought she was just some girl, after the incident with that prostitute. You went to jail for that or don't you remember? I'm sorry, but I wanted to make sure that it wasn't another prostitute or opportunist looking to extort money out of you. I'm sorry.”
How well you manage such things,” he said. “Now I'm supposed to be grateful to you? Vicky is neither a prostitute nor an opportunist but you tried to buy her,.”
I just did what any decent person would have done. I didn't advertise your responsibility.”
My responsibility?” he shouted back.
Your responsibility,” said Alejandro, sarcastically “is avoiding guilt and avoid accepting your responsibilities.”
Stop, stop!” Leonora said.
Excuse me, Leonora,” Catalina said, “but you will have to get used to these family arguments.” Her tone suggested that she was ashamed to admit these happened. “I don't know what I'm supposed to do for you. Tell me, José Carlos, what was I supposed to do? What do you want me to do?”
You are incredible, Catalina. Incredible.”
Since your mother died I'm the only one who worries about you in this house. If you hadn't left the rehabilitation clinic every time this wouldn't have been necessary. Tell me. If your father didn't want to be bothered --”
This is your fault! Your fault, Catalina!” José Carlos shouted.
Don't blame her!” Alejandro shouted as his brother left the room.
Leonora calmly said she was going to deal with José Carlos and followed him.
Leonora...” Alejandro wasn't pleased with this turn of events.
Where is that bottle of champagne?” Catalina asked. “We have an heir; why not drink?”
Alejandro seemed a little perturbed by this.
Leonora went into the next room.
Did my brother give you permission to come?” José Carlos asked. “I don't want to cause you any problems.”
Why are you always on the defensive?”
I'm being serious. Your husband doesn't like to see us together.”
Well, he'll have to get used to it. You're his brother and we all live in the same house. I don't care who talks to who and who doesn't like it.”
Ah, but here you have to get used to the fact that everything that gets done or said in this house is controlled by Catalina Creel.”
Why did you never talk to me about your girlfriend Vicky?”
Vicky. Vicky wasn't my girlfriend. She was a friend with benefits. She became pregnant and lost the baby. End of story. Why are you looking at me that way? You're talking to a drug addict, and alcoholic, a womanizer, the worst of everything. Catalina hasn't told you this but I was responsible for Catalina losing her eye.”
Let's begin with some self-compassion.”
No. I don't need your compassion. This is my life, my reality.”
Well now I exist in your reality and I want to help.”
You can go. With the other Larios, your happy pregnancy, and your marvelous life. That's what you can do.”
As you wish,” she said, leaving the room.

Francisco sat in his kitchen, staring at his cell phone.
You didn't like the dinner, sir?” asked Dora.
No, it wasn't that.”
Excuse me for saying so, but you look very sad.”
I am sad. And very worried. I haven't seen Ámbar.”
She hasn't communicated with you?”
She's called but didn't say anything.”
Poor thing must be very anxious.”
It's my fault. That's why I'm worried. Have you heard from her?”
No. Nothing.”
If you hear from her, Dora, tell me. It's not for me; it's for her. Her health. The anxiety makes her crazy. I couldn't forgive myself.”
Dora nodded. She truly seemed to think Francisco was sincere in his worry.

Catalina's cell phone rang as she entered her bedroom. She looked at the screen and paused for a moment before taking the call.
It's you,” she said. “What are you afraid of? I have a question. How did you get out of the trunk? You must have felt terrible, locked up in a trunk in the dark, with not much air to breathe. That would drive you crazy, more crazy.” She then realized that she had left the door open and went over to close it. In the distance the wind howled, almost like a wolf. “Certainly I received your gift. Horrible. You always had the worst taste in surprises. But you made a mistake. Diego is tracing you and you will be trapped very soon. Francisco remembers you very well, especially when we make love in your bed. He's very passionate. No wonder you are crazy for him.”
Ámbar, who had become increasingly anxious during this, finally broke.
Shut up, shut up, shut up!” she shouted as she ended the call.
Catalina managed to contain her frustration so she would not be heard.

The next morning Diego did not believe her.
That is impossible. She was still for too long. She is dead.”
It was Ámbar. I know her voice. She escaped. She is alive. She escaped, Diego!”
I was in the scrapyard when they crushed the car. If she had been alive she couldn't have gotten out of it. Somebody is playing you.”
Someone? Who? I don't like to think you are deceiving me. For some strange reason Ámbar is alive. You let her escape.”
If she had even the tiniest hint of life I would have taken her to a hospital. This is good news for you, isn't it? It was an overdose.”
There was a knock on the closed office door. Diego opened it to admit Francisco.
They told me that the deposit is on its way.” He walked in and Diego closed the door. “What happened?”
You were right,” Catalina said. “The mysterious calls are from Ámbar. She called again last night. I recognized her.”
What did she say?”
The same as ever. Call, then silence, then waiting, then ending the call.”
How did you know it was her?”
I know her. She was crying. I'm afraid she will do something insane.”
No, no, no.” Francisco was getting nervous.
We have to find her, that much is certain.”
Diego nodded at Francisco and left the room. He took his time closing the door.
I don't understand. I reviewed her bank records. She didn't take out any money. Where is she?”
You still love her? After everything you are hoping she will return? For what? To ask her forgiveness?”
Ámbar will never forgive me. Never. She won't ever forgive us. She might try to kill us.”

Leonora went into her boss's office to demand an explanation of her assignment. He told her he didn't know what had happened between her and Luis but he didn't want to be in the middle of their differences. Leonora protested that she had never been a society photographer and that she had a degree in journalism. He walked out on the conversation.

Alejandro led a meeting at Gothier about the new campaign.
The new diamonds are coming in and the theme is going to be Classic Movies.” Before he could get out the next word his cell rang and when he checked it there was a photo of Miguel on the screen. He put up his lock screen and started giving instructions about getting photos and information on classic films and his message signal sounded.
The same photo appeared. He instructed Miriam to take over the meeting because he had to excuse himself. He went up the stairs two at a time to the executive offices where he found Alvaro with his own cell in hand.
Did you like the photos?” he asked.
Where did you get my private phone number?”
Okay, okay; I'm sorry. No need to take offense.”
You don't think. I'm not your friend, I'm your boss.”
This won't happen again.”
If you want to keep your job you will not do this again.”
Yes, Señor Larios.”
When Alejandro walked out he stared after him.

When Luis arrived in the newsroom Leonora confronted him about getting her taken off the story he was working on. He told her he didn't want to put her pregnancy at risk but she didn't accept that. He answered that her place was on the society section. She didn't accept this either, instead calling him out on his disapproval of her having married Alejandro. She then picked up her jacket and purse and left.

Francisco was looking at a photo of Ámbar on his computer when Catalina entered with a brochure about a photography exhibition.
Our foundation is sponsoring it; we have to go.”
No, no; I'm too lazy to go to that.”
No, no; we have to go there. I need distractions, a breath of air. Forget problems for a while.”
Well, let's go out to eat, or to the theatre, or something.”
I want to accompany you.”
Whenever we went to such things in the past you went with Carlos and I went with Ámbar. It would get more complicated.”
Well, now we should go as a couple. No hide as though we were... delinquents. What's wrong with that?”
You're right. It's at nine; I will pick you up.”
She kissed him before leaving his office.

Outside Alejandro was pulling out of the gate when he unexpectedly locked eyes with Alvaro. He told him to get into the car.
What were you thinking sending those photos to my personal phone?”
I had no bad intentions.”
No? So what was your intentions? In a good way?”
I want to work with you because you are the best. I want the opportunity to show you that I am the person you need.”
He looked like he was moving in for a kiss when a cab pulled up and Leonora got out. Both Alvaro and Alejandro got out of the car, Alejandro shoved Alvaro out of sight,and walked up to Leonora.
He greeted and kissed her aware that Alvaro was looking at them with much resentment as he got back into the car. He had been banking on Alejandro needing him.

Catalina dressed for the exhibition, choosing a modest neclace to accompany a most immodest dress. As Gélica fastened it for her she said she was worried about José Carlos. Catalina said that he would have been a disastrous father. Gélica agreed that perhaps it was best that this baby not be born.
Remember that the only baby that matters is Alejandro's,” Catalina said in reaction. She had the final word because the doorbell heralded Francisco's arrival.
A maid let him into the house and he came up to Catalina's bedroom to escort her out.

José Carlos went to see Vicky.
Are you sure you didn't take any pills or medications?”
Folic acid,” she answered.
I was referring to any medicine that –”
“ – could have caused an abortion? I didn't take anything.”
Calm down. I'm not accusing you of anything.”
Since getting out of the hospital that's the only thing I took. Are you accused me of killing my baby? I wanted to have a baby. As for you? I wouldn't have made you pay anything.” She began to cry. José Carlos looked like he was thinking about every word.

The limosine pulled up at the location and Catalina got out of the car. The dress could have come from Julie Andrews' wardrobe from Victor Victoria. She looked at Francisco and said “The press is waiting.” She took his arm and they descended the steps. Cameras began flashing one after the other as they got closer with Catalina showing more than the usual amount of leg.
As they ascended the carpeted steps the press caught their attention and Catalina made a little speech about the event being very special and also being the first event since her husband's death and the disappearance of Francisco's wife.
Who at that very moment was watching the news coverage on her cell phone.
As Catalina concluded her gracious speech Ámbar got up and took her pistol out of the nightstand drawer. She stared at her reflection in the mirror before leaving. She looked more haggard than was usual for her age.

Leonora was telling Alejandro that Catalina offered her a job in Gothier's publicity department.
Are you sure? It doesn't sound like a good idea.”
You don't want us to work together?”
No, my love, it's not that. Your job was exciting, full of adrenaline and adventure. Working here might be very boring.”
No, but I might need it.”
A change of scene. Besides, I'd be close to you and if you want --”
José Carlos came home.
Good evening.”
Are you alright?” Leonora asked.
I'm fed up... and tired.”
Leonora's phone rang.
Who is calling at this hour?”
Why is he calling you and at this hour?” It rang again. “Give it to me.”
No.” She shut off the ring and pocketed the phone. “I love you.”
He embraced her but was clearly afraid of something.
Luis put the phone down when he heard the standard voice mail message.

Later as Francisco and Catalina were returning from the event Ámbar followed them.
She wore the black wig as she followed them in her car, but removed it when she sneaked into the gate.. She pulled out the pistol and left everything else behind.
Catalina and Francisco were still sitting in the front seat of his car, talking about whether people were talking. She reminded him that only they knew what was really going on. He reminded her that Ámbar also did.
They removed their seat belts and kissed, not seeing Ámbar, who was watching them through the rear window.
Both stood in shock at the sight of her. They were on either side of the car. She raised the pistol and fired three times at Catalina.


Sorry this was so late. Tonight's might be late also but I want to do it justice based on the cliffhanger of this episode. Things are really heating up.

I really wish we would do away with Daylight Savings Time.

Urban, anytime is a good time. Any recap is a good recap. No apologies ever needed. Thank you for the very entertaining read. I especially liked D.D.’s intro.

Hate to say it but José Carlos set himself up by blowing Vicky off. In spite of him being victimized to no end by Catalina, I do not really like him. Having said all that, the reminder of the loss of her eye and that José Carlos’s very father couldn’t be bothered by him, were particularly cruel comments. Leonora finally is getting a full look at the family she married in to. I feel like adding a “duh!” Leonora isn’t too swift. She had to go running after José Carlos. Really?

The “spontaneous” abortion set-up was pure genius on Catalina’s part delivering José Carlos right to Vicky’s door at the appropriate time. . Did Dr. Óscar, the good old family doc that he is, provide the pills?

I sure hope that a bullet hit, but then again who knows with Ámbar at the trigger of a black market purchase.

Catalina’s dress showed WAY too much thigh and was more vulgar than classy. The whiteness of her thighs hit the viewer in the face. That is all you could see. Whoever filmed/edited that scene should have toned them down.

Luis did the smart thing returning Leonora to her society coverage. Alejandro will really have his hands full if she actually ends up at the family business. I wonder if we will see Miguel again.


Jarifa, I don't know if the contrast is the same on most screens these days. I have a tablet that gives better video resolution but doesn't permit me to do what I can do with the laptop.

That is our first Slutwear sighting on this series. Even Vicky didn't dress like that. However I don't like the neckline of that dress, either.

That Catalina is racist comes as no surprise.

Jose Carlos is like so many men who don't take care of themselves. They are not good at preventive medicine even when they work out. I know from celebrity gossip and family crap of my own that drug rehab usually doesn't work the first time. It typically takes three times to stick. That's probably more episodes than this format would allow for.

Whatever else we think of JC, he has a valid point about Alejandro staying home with Leonora after her release from hospital. It would be the normal thing for a new husband to do in this situation and being the boss's son would enable this.

I am trying to remember Dr Oscar's last name to see if he provided that pill but my gut is saying that Catalina got it from someone else.

More later; I'm out and posting from my phone.

How is Vicky not smart enough to associate that folic acid pill with the loss of her baby? And somehow the clinic didn't pick up that she took a pill to abort? Catalina should be in the mira right now.

Leonora should mind her business at times. She's not a very sympathetic character. Sometimes her eyes show disdain.

No worries, UA! DST certainly takes a little time getting used to. This full, detailed recap is much appreciated.

I kinda doubt Ambar’s skills with a gun so the least she could do is scare Catalina. So far not much seems to intimidate Cat so whatever the result is I’ll be curious to see her reaction. If Ámbar fails, hopefully the consequences won’t be worse than what she’s already been through.

Catalina definitely didn’t give JC time to react to the pregnancy bombshell. She just dropped it right then and there. Vicky AND Leonora fell right into her trap. I still don’t think there’s a guarantee that Leonora is safe even though she’s pregnant.

Alvaro is creepy. I don’t know what else to think of him yet. I too agree that Alejandro should’ve made Leonora his priority. She may soon recover physically but she needs the emotional support and from her husband especially since she’s pregnant. She thinks she can handle everything but I think Luis was right to get her off the assignment. Yeah he’s jealous but he also cares about her well being.

Why did Dora tell Luis that about Ambar?


Urban, I watched it on my tv. Never have other issues. It was the way it was imaged/filmed.

Yes, sobriety is is a long process that isn’t necessarily successful. Have seen more of the latter than it being successful.

Yes, José Carlos was right about Alejandro staying home but he seems more like a busybody or meddler at this point.

I looked for Óscar’s last name in my character lists but his role isn’t even there.

Anon, people can be incredibly trusting and stupid when they are in crisis.

First things first.

Urban, your recap, dialogue translations and screen shots were beyond. Thank you for your astute observations and comments.

No character is written as perfect here. Indeed, it is just a question of how flawed they are. Until now, Juan Carlos was my favorite character but like you Jarifa, I was extremely dismayed at his behavior. I do think he feels alone and cornered. As well he should. It appears the only 2 who have ever shown him kindness were Ambar and Francisco. Ambar seemed to truly care about him and he is dealing with her loss. He knows what Catalina is capable of but I do not think he is fully aware of Alejandro's desperation and unhappiness. None of this however excuses his actions.

It was truly heartbreaking to see Catalina feeding Vicky that pill. And what was almost as frightening was her evil ability to make Ambar react to her taunts on the phone. But she could not remain silent in the face of such maliciousness.

There is nothing particularly endearing about anyone here (except the absent Matias). Brooding, feeling sorry for himself Luis is no exception. I really want to like Leonora, but...And her even considering working at the firm is unfathomable. She will drive Alejandro away. if it is to Alvaro, he is making a grave mistake. I don't know what his story is, but he is dangerous. Why on earth would he send him pictures of Miguel?

Sadly, I'm sure Catalina lives. I'm sure Ambar shot to frighten. Perhaps her only hope is that Francisco is there so Cat might not dispose of Ambar so easily this time.

Urban, thank you so much.


I think Oscar's surname is in the opening episode but even if I'm mistaken I still don't think he provided the abortion pill because Catalina's manner during that call wasn't the familiar one she uses with him.

Leonora had a drug addict mother so her concern about JC is understandable. Alejandro's possessive manner is probably paranoia that JC will out him to her because he is interested in her. If Alejandro were hetero he would probably be in love with her as he appears to appreciate her intelligence and professional ambition. However if he had done what my hypothetical lawyer would have suggested he would have been up front with the Indecent Proposal that could have made his life at least a little less stressful but would not have made for an exciting story unless Catalina would have objected to it.

Diana, you are so right about Matías being the only character left to like. I think you are right that Francisco could be Ámbar’s only hope. I hated to see Ámbar crack and expose herself so soon.

Urban, wasn’t it you who warned us up front about Giselle González’s character portrayal way back at the beginning of this? I remember feeling the same about most of the characters in “La candidata”.

Incredibly complete and professional recap, Urban! Catalina is both racist and classicist. And yep, Diana, there is no way Catalina could be dead this early in the novela--at most "a flesh wound." Too bad.

Well, color me shameless, because I thought Catalina's dress was stunning--and loved the contrast of the scarlet jacket, black sweeping gown and bone-white, long legs. Quite a picture. And worthy of our deadly beautiful anti-heroine who dares to flaunt and disrespect every rule of civilized, decent behavior.

Wonderful recap, UA and I always love D.D.'s wry observations on the lamentable vagaries of the human race. He's seen it all--and yet is still wearily..and warily... amused.

Thanks for the recap Urban. As Jarifa said, don't apologize when you post the recap. It is delightful. Not at all shocked that Catalina is racist.

Question - Did Alvaro send a pic of Miguel or himself? I thought it was the latter. If we believe he's a plant from Catalina, he could have pics of Miguel but that won't help Alvaro seduce Alex.

TF - I think Dora told Luis her thought about Ámbar because of her concern and, for the larger plot, he'll be leery of Ámbar's information and won't act on it in a timely fashion which will get someone harmed or killed (speculation on my part).

Diana - I'm so with you on Leonora. The way the character is written its hard for me to like her let alone understand how she has 3 (extremely handsome) men wanting her.


The photo Alvaro sent was of Miguel. The only meaning that has in my book is that Miguel might have sent it to him to make Alejandro jealous. For Catalina to do this would be foolish because it could potentially sabotage her plan unless.... I better not say more about this.

Leonora will be safe until the baby is born. If it's a girl they're back to Square One with almost no time to do anything about it and if it's a boy I think Catalina will put her on her Hit List.

What just occurred to me is why Catalina didn't suggest to Alejandro that he hire a surrogate and do the IVF thing to near-guarantee a boy (73% success rate) just in case. Or if Leonora is carrying a girl would she force her to get an abortion?

I still think the will is contestable. Q. Why didn't JC or Francisco do some homework on this? A. Because that is where the story would end.

Classist, that is. I'm a classicist. (among other things).:)

Thank you Urban for a witty, stylish recap! Loved it!

Am I weird? Diego is my favorite character. Love the actors nuances, his facial expressions, body language. Never FF that guy

On the other hand Ambar seems choppily portrayed. And I usually love the actress. I would like a little more self preservation and clarity of mental condition. One minute she is crazy then foolish then crafty

I don’t think we are done with Vicki

Catalina was not flattered by her hair style at the dinner. She looked drawn and tired. On purpose?


I agree, Mely. That coiffure was not her best look. Considering that she was a model when she met her husband I am surprised.

I am wondering whether Diego will turn on her before this is over. He is doing most of her dirty work and is too intelligent to be the usual Sleazebag villain.

We have no backstory information on him, Miguel, or Ambar (I still think that is a stupid name). None have ever mentioned any relative. I have assumed that Miguel came from a family of some means and Ambar possibly as well, but Diego probably did not. Can't think of anything else.

Karen - That makes sense. Ambar is likely still on
Catalina’s hit list but she’s not the only one.

Mely - I had the same thought about Vicky. I would hope Catalina doesn’t kill her even though she already lost her baby. Knowing Catalina, her next logical target is likely Miguel.

Not shocked about Catalina's hardcore racism.

Keeping fingers crossed for Karma to hit this racist.

As soon as I saw Vicky I had the feeling that race would factor into this. That may also be the reason that they cast Paz Vega because Spaniards are counted as White.

Recap for #12 still in progress. I hope to have it up by noon.

Sorry UA, I was so distracted by the Catalina ramerawear discussion yesterday, I neglected to mention your fabulous title. "My cup runneth over" changed to "boileth over". Perfect. And what a wicked contrast, putting our dear Catalina into an altered version of that quintessential psalm, read at almost every funeral service ever conducted.

A foreshadowing?...or a nod to her murderous past? Anyway, nicely done.

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