Wednesday, November 06, 2019

El Dragón #27, 11/5/19: Locked up Twice, is there an Escape?

We begin with Chisca’s arrest and getting her mugshots. She thinks she can just say she is a Garza and get off easily. But she gets thrown in the slammer anyway without a phone call. Her cellmate bullies her around and finally Chisca goes to sit down.

Miguel and Duarte are talking about Hector and discussing what to do about it. Miguel says he can’t help him.

At the Garza home, Dora and Rosario discuss dinner while the TV is on. Dora is horrified as she witnesses Chisca’s arrest on the news. She calls Miguel who is in the midst of talking to Duarte. Then he makes a deal with Duarte as Duarte “offers” to just say the word and get her out. Miguel is stuck. He is now indebted to Duarte, one favor for another.

Miguel goes to pick up Chisca from the slammer but Chisca is not grateful and tells Miguel she hates him. At home, the family tries to do an intervention, but Chisca is not having it. She is angry because the family wants to commit her to rehab, even Jorge.

Hector and Claudia go to see Arturo to discuss a protest march.

Dr. Lerner comes to the Garza home to speak to Miguel about committing Chisca. They come up with a plan for Dr. Lerner to come out and see Chisca and talk to her.

Out somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Pig and company are working on harvesting, well it looks like it’s supposed to be cocaine.

In the morning, Dora comes to see Chisca in her room who is all wrapped up in her hoodie and blanket. She agrees to talk with the doctor.

In Cuidad Jimenez, Zaragoza and “Blondie” (with he cowboy hat and colorful shirt) get together with a politician they are supporting. They conspire on how to garner up the vote for him. “Blondie” says he going to gather up more members for their “organization.” They shake hands and “Blondie” leaves. [What is that guy’s name?]

Miguel goes to see Hector and asks him to lay off of Duarte. But Hector refuses, then says that Miguel must be corrupt as well. He also tells Miguel if he does not fight against the political corruption, then he is part of the problem. Miguel advises Hector that in order to make all these accusations against whom he is reporting about, he’d better have a lot more evidence. Hector calls Miguel “delinquent” and Miguel tells him he just has no idea. As Miguel gets up to leave, Hector say, “Don’t even call me your friend.”

Miguel gets back to his offices with the plan in place of how to get into Han’s laboratories. Jorge is hacked into the security system and picks up the codes. Miguel tells Flaco that he’s coming with him on this assignment and Jorge will stay in the office with Kenia. Jimena’s assignment is to go have dinner with Hans and keep him distracted. She tells Miguel to be very careful because this is very dangerous. Adela appears and says, “Are you ready?” then Miguel and Flaco leave.
Pig, Tacho, and company are having a nice little outdoor picnic with some “girls” for entertainment. Tacho is relaxing with one of them giving him a nice massage. Pig says that he is waiting for a visitor. And who shows up to Pigpen’s picnic but good ol’ “Blondie” himself. They hug like old friends.  [Pig sure has a lot of moles everywhere to do his dirty work] They sit down to eat and Pig tells him that no one can know about their relationship. Tacho starts to speak up to say something, but Pig says, “Tacho, why don’t you just zip it for now?” Looks like he and “Blondie” are starting a new venture, calling themselves, “The Valley Organization.” They announce their new venture to everyone there.

Dr. Lerner shows up to the Garzas home and meets Chisca. She is not too happy when the orderlies show up to forcibly take her away. They have to sedate her and they drag her off. At the facility, Dr. Lerner explains the procedure and how Chisca will not be allowed visitors at first.

Miguel is alone doing his meditations and first thinks about his late wife, Asya. Then he flashes to Chisca telling him she hates him and the vision of her being dragged away by the orderlies. He gets up and approaches Adela who is seating reading her plans. He asks to sit down and she tells him, “Of course, this is your house.” He tells her he is feeling bad about doing this to Chisca, and Adela tells him he made the best decision. Then he says, “Can I ask you a question?” She says, “sure.” “Do you think I’m doing things right?” She responds, “Why are you asking that of me?” Miguel says, “Because you are my friend and you are sincere.” She begins to answer, but her phone rings. She says she has plans, but offers to cancel them. Miguel says that it’s okay, he has to go out too. As Adela leaves she says, “Miguel, I just think you are being very hard on yourself. Please be careful.” ‘

Peligros drives Miguel, Flaco and another guy up to Hans’s laboratories to put the plan into action. Someone distracts the guard at the gate by pretending to be drunk and asking for a light. Then Peligros grabs the guard from behind and knocks him out. Miguel and Flaco enter the laboratory.

Hans and Jimena are dining, and he shows her the app on his phone that shows his security system. He takes her hand, but she gives him the menu to order. It appears Jimena is very uncomfortable. They discuss business and he orders another bottle of wine.

Miguel and Flaco take to the facility doing their espionage. Flaco opens the security door.

Meanwhile, Adela and Victor are bowling. Victor’s ball hits nothing. But Adela throws a strike! He teases her and tells her she is a pro, but lucky. He tells her that he was lucky only twice in his life. The first time when he met Don Javier who gave him a chance working for him and paid for his education. His second time of being lucky was when he met Adela in the elevator.

Chisca lies in her bed in her room while the doctor finishes his examination. The orderly gives her the medication and leaves. She gets up out of bed, holding on to the wall for support. She finds a padlocked door.

Miguel and Flaco, still investigating are almost caught but duck into a room.

Jimena tries to make small talk with Hans, but he is coming on to her strong because he is interested in only one thing. She tries to put him off telling him that she came to talk business. Then he says he is going back to the laboratory if she doesn’t want to extend their evening. At first he suggests going to her house, but then she suggests going to his house. However, Hans says his wife would not like that. So they decide they are going to the laboratory. Then Jimena excuses herself to go to the ladies’ room. She calls Kenia and warns her that Hans has cut the evening short and is returning to the lab.

Still investigating, Miguel and Flaco find a secret room with infrared motion detectors. Flaco gets on his back and shimmies across on the floor. They don’t have much time to get what they want from the system.

Jimena returns from the ladies room and asks Hans if they can stay and have another drink. She tells him that whiskey makes her very horny. However, Hans has other ideas, he says he has some very good whiskey at the lab and they can enjoy some there.

At Victor’s place, Adela and Victor enjoy a very passionate time together.

Okay, who let the (female) dog out? Chisca seems to have been able to unlock a padlocked door and is now in the garden trying to make an escape.

Hans and Jimena approach the gate at the lab and she says she suddenly doesn’t feel well from her stomach. But he says it’s okay he has plenty of stuff to make her feel better inside. Flaco and Miguel though, are still inside and are now in danger.


I forgot to ask yesterday, did Miguel insinuate that he had info on what Ulises' wife did during her time away from him?

Haha, Victor's ball hits nothing! If his ball is in the vicinity of something more important, he is a loser tonight.

Victor is definitely a spy. And I'm getting sick of seeing his face and plastered on smile.

Now we have bleached blonde cowboy impersonator as a traitor. Miguel should just open the water main and let everything he does flow straight to Epi, because it's doing that anyway.

His Japanese training isn't doing sh*t.

Chisca as an escaped looney tune. Too bad the crazy house doesn't have security half as good as Hans. I mean do they really expect their patients to behave properly and love their time locked up??

Jorge has more sense than most of them, oh I forgot to add Kenia and Flaco.

Miguel must think everyone is stupid and not on the uptake, otherwise, he'd let his nose think for him, because his brain sure isn't.

Bring back Dora. Give us more backstory on Rosario, give us more Hector (without his whining wife), let's see more about how Miguel is planning on laundering the dirty money. Ha, we might learn something, and the IRS also.

Is he really going to buy "bad" merchandise (medication, etc) from Hans and pass it along to Jin? I thought Jimena said they'd just pay him for it, at triple the price, but they wouldn't take possession??? Imagine the scandal it will cause if it's known that Miguel has been passing bad stuff to the needy.

This novela needs to pick up the action. It started out good, now we just get 30 minutes of dum-dee-dum; and, at most, 10 minutes of something mildly interesting (usually Flaco, Kenia, and Jorge).

The recaps are 100 times more interesting than the episodes.

Victor = Míster Goody Two Shoes.

I bet he was a great brown noser in school. Hopefully, he's wanted for some evil crime and will be locked up soon because I can't stomach him. WOW that was harsh, sorry.

Thank You Cynthia. The padlock was on what appeared to be a medicine cabinet on the wall. BUT the door to the room, as well as any other door Chisc for Brains was interested in were UNLOCKED. So will she walk home? She is heading out wearing only a gown and a frown. Good Luck

He gave Chisca a pill, but no water to wash it down. Nor did he check her mouth afterwards. Hrmpf... Never had a dog or owned livestock I assume.

Victoria, I too, am sick of this stooopid Victor Adela merry go round. At first she was sooo attractive, now, just another brainless bimbo. Blech. But after the ice is broken she does seem rather enthusiastic about bedwork.

Speaking of, if Jimena is really on the team, she had a number of alternatives if she was prepared to take one for the team anyway. Hands (allovertheplace)wanted to go to her house. Great, then you can keep him occupied for a long time. But she blew that. OK, then plan B, lure him into the restroom there at the restaurant. Would not be the first time something like that happened. Otherwise, plan C, lose the dress right there in the car and sexually assault him on the way to bust Miggy and his posse. No horndog can say no to that after two bottles of wine.

Cowboy Blondie? What's his name? Fagshirt. Final answer.

Wow things sure went South with Aw Heck and Migster quickly. How tall is Hector? He sure acts short.

I believe Jimena picked up the money laundering scheme watching Saturday morning cartoons with her 5 year old daughter. Good luck squaring that with Adela, the head of Jin, who initially had some brains, but she is happily screwing them out. So maybe wait a little while.

So how did Peli get INSIDE to grab the guard from behind? Just cover himself with Crisco and squeeeeeeze between the bars? Crisco makes your clothes stick to you when you get redressed.

Thanks, Cynthia. My fave: And who shows up to Pigpen’s picnic but good ol’ “Blondie” himself. These narcs are all the same to me. Mig should expect to be double-crossed in this business.

I actually felt sorry for Jimena having to put up with Hans. She was on point not to take him to her home but, what, he wants to get it on at his office, really? No siree Bob, Jimena has no intentions of taking one for the team. Villain or not, a girl’s got to have standards.

Vic sure is putting a lot of time into Adela to get to Mig. Maybe along the way, he’s really falling in like with her? Anybody think he intentionally threw a gutter ball just to make her look good?

Don’t know why Mig chose this particular rehab for Chisca. I was thinking of something a little more Betty Ford, less One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

I myself was grossed out by Hans. As much as I dislike Jimena, I felt her distaste of him and loathed the idea of any kind of physical intimacy with him. He is just so slimy and gross. In Spanish I would say, “Me da asco” at the thought of his hands being on me. Blehhhhhh!

I’m still not sure what Miguel and Flaco are supposed to be looking for, so that is why I did not explain that part.

As for “Blondie,” the old saying, “there is no honor among thieves.” Did you all notice that when Pig made his announcement of this alliance, that Tacho did not seem excited about this? Who thinks that Tacho will betray Pig now? It looked like Tacho was not happy when Pig told him to shut right up and didn’t want to hear what he said. Pig uses Tacho to do all his dirty work, but Pig gives him no special recognition for his “deeds.” Maybe Tacho will leak the info to Zargosa at some point, or better yet, to Peligros.

Kirby, thanks for clarifying on the padlock situation. I wasn’t thinking and was just typing. Yes, the padlock couldn’t have been on the inside of Chisca’s room to lock her in. So she was able to walk right out then with no problem. Now I’m wondering how she will escape wearing only the hospital gown. Seems to me there should be more security there and guards outside the patients rooms to monitor a wandering patient just for safety’s sake. Yeah giving someone pills without water means they aren’t going to swallow it. I know I can’t swallow any pills without water myself. I’d be choking.


Thank you, Cynthia, for an outstanding recap which is so much more entertaining than the real thing.

The commentary today is exceptional and pretty much is in line with my own thoughts and perceptions...and questions about how easily people can come in and out of these places that supposedly have high-security (rolling eyes)

Security. Um even a motion detector near the main entrances would have caught Dopey. The average modern home has far better security. She didn't have to crawl out through a rat infested sewer or scale a rock wall with barbed wire on top.

I am waiting for that little shrew to get what she has been earning this whole show. Like get her foot caught in a bear trap attached to a fire ant mound while the bear which the trap was set for mistakes her for his lost mate.

Cynthia you are right about Hans, I'm not a chick and he makes MY skin crawl.

Thanks recapper. You captured the essence of the episode.. Loved Flaco in his stylish torn jeans with lab coat! Love him and Rosario....


Cynthia--Thank goodness you were able to follow everything faithfully. Great job. Wish me luck tonight.

Victoria: "I thought Jimena said they'd just pay him for it, at triple the price, but they wouldn't take possession???" That was the original deal, still in play. Then Hans mentioned he had a warehouse full of expired or damaged (water, mold, insect or mice invasions etc.) drugs. These are the ones Jimena agreed to take off their hands and distribute through Jin. I can see immediately who's going to get the blame for this and it ain't Jimie.

Cynthia: I think the bloke that pretended to be drunk at the entrance to the lab was Trejo. He and Peligro switched clothes with the guards, so now they are in uniform in the "toll" booth. I wonder if Hansie knows everyone of his employees. If he does, these two are toast.

Never considered how Peligros got in. Magical reality? Miggy and El Flaco are just casing the joint. Earlier, they zeroed in on the guy photographed inside the restricted area and id' him as a famous scientist. They wondered why he was there and decided to find out. It's an expedition of discovery....

Also, I think colorful shirt guy was one of Miguel's original (of two) allies. Is he Hernandez? The other one who speaks Gringolandish is Zaragoza (the one that lost all his men in the boat fiasco, but is sticking to Miggy.

I kinda hope Hernandez is a double agent. Otherwise, the number of Miggy's allies is shrinking. He can't count on Hector. He certainly can't count on Duarte.

Whatever happened to Tata or Tati. He seemed like a likely character to keep around.

Thanks for the great recap Cynthia.

Rgv Chick - I too was rolling my eyes at all of this security.

I'm hoping tonight will be more eventful.


Yes Miguel will definitely be double crossed. And even with all his Japanese smarts he isn't even planning for the inevitable.

I guess he lacks street smarts.

Couldn't the writers treat him like one of Dorothy's friends on the Wizard of Oz? Need a heart, need a brain, or need courage......

Thank you, Cynthia.

Add me to the list of people who don't want Hans' hands all over them. Blech. Why do guys like Hans think they are chick magnets ?


Anita: Is the "blondie" guy Hernandez? I just can't keep all the names straight for this show.

Cynthia--Yes, Hernandez is the skinny colorful one. I think he's nicknamed El Coyote. But then, who is the bald guy that Pig hauls around when they are up to no good. The one who speaks Gringospanglish is Zaragoza.

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