Friday, November 22, 2019

El Dragón #37, 11/21/19: Pig Makes His Bed, Victor Sticks In His Nose, Flaco Flakes, and Mig Machos Out

Epigmanio has been locked inside the restaurant's storeroom, acting more like a caged boar, squealing and roaring away, ready to gore the first big thing in sight.  When Miguel appears and tells Pighe's only alive right now because he wants Pig alive.  Pig screams insults at "the effiminate Japanese wanna-be" to fight him man to man.   Mig opens the cage and walks off further into the narrow hallway.  "--You want me, you got me."

Pig, who, like bullies evereywhere, wouldn't know a fair fight if it rose up and bit him in the nose, grabs a mop and unscrews the top off to use the handle as a weapon.  Mig, with a couple of Japanese fight moves makes minced meat of the pig.  He shoves Pig's snout onto the bar and nearly twists his arm off him to get him to listen to the proposal Mig offers: he can join his investment house/hedge fund group and put his money there to bury it like a pirate; he can have his own organization then to do with as he likes, but with nobody wanting to have anything to do with him; or he can stop being a savage and join humanity.  However, there are two (can he count that high?) conditions: 1) leave anything to do with Miguel and his personal doings the heck alone and 2) hands off his friend, Hector Bernal!  Pig wants time to consider.  (Yup, riiiiiiiight.)  Mig walks away reminding him this is his last chance.  (Viewerville gets a close up of Pig's sweaty, unshaven face and wonders why bad guys can never grow a decent beard.  Always splotchy as hell.)

Outside, meanwhile, Tacho is wakened from a bit of shut-eye by a knock on the car window.  It's Isho, aka, Lurch.  Tacho pulls a gun on him and asks who he is and what's he want.  Ishi/Isho/Lurch pulls up another gun, handle up and hands it off to Tacho.  "--Your boss is waiting for you inside there."  Just as quickly he disappears into the shadows and Tacho (this time in an even uglier pair of brick brown boots) races inside to tend to Pig.  "--They done tricked us, Tacho!  He set a trap!"  "--Jimena set it up, too!" Yup.

Across town, Pilar tries to stop Kenia from telling Jorge her secret.  Besides the danger, Pilar wanted to play her part for really reals.  Kenia is about as far away from considering a deal like that as ever. Kenia believes that Mig, being a most powerful person, can help her with her problem.  Pilar doubts it. "--After what you did?"

Mig is with Jime and sitting on the couch discussing the proposition he made to Pig while she bandages his hand.  Mig figures that if he has a chance to cool off and think straight, Pig will agree to the offer.  (Viewerville snickers at Mig's genuine naivete when it comes to the term 'rotten to the core.'  Jime wonders why he didn't just kill him when he had the chance.  (I understood the phrasing, but not exactly his philosophy.  The practicality? Sorry.)  He says something like simple act of killing and getting a taste of blood, can be scintillating --like illicit sex--but it's never as good the second time around.  So, why bother.  (If somebody understands what he was trying to relay in waxing orientally philosophical, go for it.)  She pretends she's a bit frightened and invites him to stay the night.  (I guess he can manage despite that bruised and cut hand of his.)

The next morning, a "disguised" Hector and Ana buy a couple of newspapers.  People in the barrio notice..

At Techie Towers, Chisca is spouting out foolish ideas and Flaco ain't in the mood to listen.  He tells her why spout when nobody in the room really wants her around.  Jorge answers that he does.  Flaco says, he's leaving to catch a breath of air since Chisca has just sucked the rest of it in the room completely out!  (So right.)  Kenia remembers today is Flaco's birthday and he hates birthdays.  No wonder he's out of sorts.  (Consider it a double whammy, with Chis there.)

Pig meets up with Carlos.  Carlos has other people searching for Hector Bernal since Carlos cannot seem to get a lead.  His people found that Hector's been visiting the bank and getting cash out at a particular location regularly.

Pig takes the picture and the lead.  Tacho goes into the barrio with copies and offers a bounty for information.

Victor and Adela join Jorge, Flaco and Kenia for a birthday lunch celebration at the local pizza joint.  Mig and Jime bow out.  Chis stays behind and tries sneaking into Mig's computer.  Ishimoto sees her through the exposed glass wall.  (Duh!)  She lies her way out of it with him.  He offers to give her a lift.  Shocked, she agrees.

One of the men in the barrio shows the picture to his mother--the woman hanging laundry that Hector greeted that morning.  She gets a shifty eye.

Miguel goes to Suceso looking for Hector.  Claudia lies that he's on vacation.  Mig says yeah?  When he gets back from "vacation" tell him his friend, Miguel, was looking for him.

Lic. Edna is pissed at Gary because he's not gotten any really juicy pictures off the drones (?) he's sent around Techie Tower and his fortress of a home.  The guy is a wealthy multimillionaire who knows how to keep tight security.  It ain't that easy.  Well, she doesn't care about his millions, she wants meetings with the underworld to force a meeting between him and her, face to face.

Victor seems to be keeping a more than watchful eye-- and ears-- open at this birthday party.  Suddenly in walks Jime and Mig.  They wouldn't miss this celebration!

In the barrio, Hector says he's got to go to the computer cafe to publish his next article.  (Ruh-rohhhhh!)  Tacho, meanwhile, and the gang are going around the area kidnapping at gunpoint various of the journalists and photographers that hang with Hector.  Finally, even Hector is snatched off the street and thrown in with the group.

Back at the pizza party, Jime starts flirting with Victor.  She says she understands he's supposed to be a banker.  Victor says he doesn't like talking business when away from the office.  Mig comes back to the table as Vic and Ade play the lyrics game and kiss and then laugh at themselves.  (We do too, because Ade does NOT do melody.)  Jime chuckles and points out to Mig that those two are made for each other.  He stiffly agrees and smiles.  Victor asks about the strange name of the place.  Miggy replies that he didn't choose the name, he just bought the place.  Victor slyly states he didn't buy it for the clientele, obviously.  There's never a single person in it.  Mig looks at Jime and saws at his pizza.

Ana walks outside and tries calling Hector but gets no answer and the afternoon sun looks like its' really late.

Victor talks business with Miguel.  Miguel asks why he trusts him if he doesn't know him.  Victor states simply that Ade trusts him so he can trust him.

Pig arrives at the pigpen where the prisoners of the press are oppressed.  Pig says keep all eyes closed or the first to open gets a free ticket to the other world.

Ana still cannot get an answer.  She has an idea to go wiggy into the barrio on a search.

Pig and posse play bully games with their captives.

Chis flirts with Ishimoto trying to get information about the new product and Mig's plans with it.  Ishimoto must suspect something's up.  (Viewerville fears yes, and it ain't Ishimoto's mental acuity).

Ms. Receptionist strikes up a conversation with Flaco who's watching Kenia's every move with Jorge.  Ms. Receptionist apologizes for not bringing a gift, but all her loose coin went to the family in another country.  He suggests she asks Mig for a loan.  He's got more cash than Carter's got Mexican liver pills.  She says she'd rather not get involved witht he rest of his dealings, thanks much.  Why not, asks Flaco, cuz everybody on this boat will sink right along with it.  Oh???

Ana races into Suceso's offices to talk to Claudia and tell her her suspicions.

Meanwhile, Hector tries to get the others in the room to identify themselves in case one of them survives this kidnapping there'll be proof for the families of those that don't.  Tacho hears him speaking and has him taken out for a "lesson."

Trejo takes Ishimoto into the back areas of the kitchen and shows him the safe with the cash out in the open.  Suddenly Victor barges in, sees the safe, and excuses himself saying he was looking for the bathroom.  Ishimoto shows him the way and throws a suspecting scowl back at Trejo.

Claudia and Ana have gone to Claudia's detective friend.  He's made calls but Hector's a no show.  So, the only thing left to them is to search the hospitals and morgue.

Flaco lets his jealousy be known to Kenia who's been trying to cheer him up.  He rues the day he brought her into the Garza business, especially Jorge and Chisca.  They sing him happy birthday with the cake, etc.

At the manse, Dora cannot get good cellular and resorts to her old phone.  She calls Zaragoza and they discuss the need for a different route for transport.  She names Eagle pass or some such.  Then he asks if Mig took care of Pig.  "--Nope.  He offered him part of the bidnez."  Zaragoza has a near stroke.  "--The only thing to do with that vermin is one thing and you know it!"  Little do they know that the government spies are hot on their trail, bugging and listening in on their phone calls, having blocked out the secure satellite signals.

Gary knocks on Edna's door and hands her a USB with the tapped call and "mucho, mucho mas."  They found a land line that nobody bothered to hide/secure, he explains.

Hector has been stripped naked, beaten and thrown into a long abandoned shower room.  He's being tortured.  They throw cold water on him and tell him he needs to cool down.  In walks Pig.  He puts a gun to the shivering Hector's head and threatens him.

Back at Techie Tower, Mig approaches Ade.  He makes small talk about Victor trusting him.  She gets up tight and tells him that if he isn't about talking business then don't talk at all.  Victor knows enough to keep his mouth shut.  He backs off a bit and says yeah, she's right and they do make a nice couple.  "--He seems ideal for you."  "--The only ideal man for me is you and you know it!"  He smiles just a hint and exits her office.


Thank You Thank You thank you Jardinera.

Let me see now, eMig mentioned two things to ePig in order for him not to become eBar B Que Pork.
1. Something stuff
2. Stay the hell away from Hector B.
3. (Optional) this is an IQ test McPig.

Now it remains to be seen what eMig will do, as he is as unpredictable as Adela, but ePig went off the rails on number two.
It just behooves me to see these guys in a beat up van all over town kidnapping reporters at gunpoint in broad daylight. Around here you can't poop Fido in someones yard without it being on FarceBoink, Instaspam and everywhere. Not to mention having the thing you lost graciously hand delivered back to you. Ah, South of the border living.

So mysterious Mr. V does not talk about work away from work. So we have known him how many years and still have yet to actually see him AT WORK? Has Adela?
Did anyone (Trejo or Lurch) wonder why Vic followed them to the kitchen looking to pee? How many men's rooms have double swinging doors with portholes? Adela is turning into a spiteful little turd. Ya know, maybe Migster is actually doing you a favor Ms. Hot to Trot.

Yes Mig did give an altruistic speech to Whatsherpants about not believing in killing.

Dead giveaway the cellular service not working. Technically quite clever for Edna, who does not know her own bedmate is in league with the devil. Yikes... It goes without saying Mexicans don't talk in their sleep? I could never slip a new electric drill past my wife.

Two back to back thrilling episodes..Wow, and some freedom from Chisca for a good bite.

Why knows where this story is going next.

Moore later

Trejo is played. by actor Jean Paul Leroux,from Argentina. I’m considering him a real handsome . I looked up his puctures. Anyone else think he is sexy?

Thanks, Jardinera.

Viewerville snickers at Mig's genuine naivete when it comes to the term 'rotten to the core.' Jime wonders why he didn't just kill him when he had the chance.

Sure, can’t argue with Jimena on this one. Since Mig let him go, Pig has gone from depraved on dirty narcos to depraved on honest journalists. Sure hope Mig and his superpowers come to the rescue tonight.

Pig arrives at the pigpen where the prisoners of the press are oppressed. Love Jardinera style. :>

Nice when Ishi handed Tacho Pig’s gun. Yep, lackey. Your big bad boss man had been had.

The wigs in TN Land must be very uncomfortable. A wig wearer disguised to save her life is always carelessly yanking off the wig, like while standing in an open doorway onto the street. I never see this in real life.

Crackpot Theory on Vic: We know by now he’s not working for Pig, Howard Toledo, or the Mexican IRS. Maybe he’s working for one of the businesses Mig screwed over. The lady who committed suicide after that racetrack test failed due to Mig was played by a well-known actress, Ximena Herrera, and I was surprised to see her storyline end so soon. Maybe Vic was her brother and is out for revenge. I thought at first that Vic might be an illegitimate half-brother to the Garzas, but Vic showed no interest in Jorge or Chisca at the pitiful party for Flaco. Anyhoo, the writers are making a mistake not letting Viewerville in on this.

After all the assorted crimes we've seen on this TN, Kenia being scared to tell her criminal friends and employer what awful thing she did in the past is just so silly.

Anon@1:45, nothing wrong with Trejo. His highlight for me was when he helped save the girl forced into prostitution. But not they've got him back on the back burner.

Great recap, Jar. Always look for your alliteration and word illustrations. Such a pleasure. It makes up for the awful parts in this episode.

And Hector thought he was unobserved withdrawing cash from an ATM? Surely he believes Carlos Duarte has his fingers in all surveillance apparati in the city. (Although I thought the almost full frame shot was odd--most of the ATM photos are fuzzier and just the head.) Ah well, we must make sure our beanies are strapped on tight.

Niecie--You definitely are in a creative back-story mode for Vic. He's after Miggy, we can no longer deny it. He's so clean-cut, suave and intelligent I hate to think of him as one of Duarte's plants. He's just the sort of guy Miggy would take to, if it weren't for Adela's relationship with him.

I like the idea of his being sent to dig into Mig's business after the Novotec disaster and Paula's suicide (and thank you for naming Ximena--I thought she looked like Cristina in EHDLS). Maybe a brother? More likely he's the law--and no, we've never seen him at "work" until the Pizza Pizzeria fiesta. OTOH, how was he to know ahead of time that it was Flaco's birthday and that he and Adela would be going to it--she tried several times to turn down the invitation. He may be the ultimate patient plant, taking his time to worm his way into the business.

Anon@1:45 - I've been sweet on Jean Paul Leroux ever since he walked onto the scene in Quiero Amarte (2014). Everyone liked him. Not only is he in this tn in a more prominent role, but in Manana Sera Otro Dia. There he plays the two-timing husband of two-timing wife Laura. It was a short stay, though. He's going back to Brazil. He'll give her the divorce, but no money.

I hate auto correct.
Sorry for the typos.

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